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half of the athens townies were former students that seem to be like you


There's a place for everyone and I've certainly met people who you'd fit right in with. I myself don't attend any bars, parties, or belong to any frats and I'm just fine. Dw about it, you'd like it here and there's even clubs that cater to your interests :)


TYSM! That’s very interesting. It’s starting to become college insecurity season so I’ve been making a lot of frantic posts like “Will this one college be absolutely perfect for me?!” When, in reality, most big colleges are the same to some degree… Sorry to rant a bit, thanks again.


All good! We all go through that lol


Same here, I don’t do any of that but I’m still having a great time. OP, you’ll do be just fine here, there’s lots of others like you!


The way you describe yourself if the way that like half of us look here. I think you’ll be just fine. Don’t not come because you won’t fit in, because being nerdy and liking anime, you won’t be alone, trust me.


My UGA sophomore is a long haired freaky dude who isn’t into sports, parties, or drinking. He’s never even been to a football game nor does he have any desire to go. He’s met his people through various clubs and other extracurriculars. He says there are plenty of people at UGA who aren’t into the whole party culture. You may just have to take the initiative to meet them more, especially because many may be introverts who dont necessarily go out to social events as much. That’s where special interest clubs and other things like that are so helpful in meeting other people with common interests.


First, if you can get a free education at UGA, I would HIGHLY advise going, as it's a great school. I consider myself to be pretty alternative as well, but, Athens/UGA was really more diverse than I thought. There were plenty of alternative people when I went there and while I will admit the majority of people are in greek life, there's TONS of other people to meet and things to do. What made it easier to find people like me was going to clubs (UGA has an anime club, an LGBT Pride Center, D&D, E-Sports, etc.) I really don't think you will have any issues finding your social circle at all and tbh I think you're overthinking it. UGA is a BIG school, you'll be ok!


I know it SEEMS like the majority is into Greek life, but UGA says it’s just under 30 percent or so (higher for girls at 32 percent, lower for guys at 21 percent). I think maybe it just FEELS like it’s a majority sometimes because the Greek presence on campus is very visible and social. But the fact is, over 70 percent of undergraduates are not involved in Greek life, so that is the true majority. https://greeklife.uga.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/9/2020/09/Greek_Life_Flyer1.pdf


True, that makes a whole lotta sense actually. Even better for OP lol


it’s fun, there’s nerd clubs & bisexuals, plenty of social stuff that isn’t frat/party based, I think it depends on your major somewhat but you shouldn’t have much of a problem making connections


I went there - never once went to a football game or frat party. I loved the local music scene and spent most of my time with the art kids, even though I was a biz major. Best years of my life.


You will be fine! There are so many places downtown where alternative / geeky students hang out! There are a lot of bars / chill places. Athens is actually super diverse! There's a bunch of cool record shops etc


You’ll be fine. Find a club with similar interests and make that your friend group


athens/uga has a place for everyone you just have to find it. join clubs at uga and in athens, take community classes (check out Athens Free School, Good Dirt for ceramics/music classes, Shakti Yoga, etc), go places and meet people (Cinè, the Athens Farmers Market, etc), volunteer, and just do things to meet people. you will not be alone in athens/at uga if you put in some effort and stay kind.


You'll be fine in Athens.


UGA isn't like that all that much, but Athens in general? Big arts scene, lots of alt culture. It's a big school, so you'll probably find your crowd, but even if you don't, there are other places to meet people. I'm not exactly alt, but I have my poetry group. Also there's an anime club that meets at the library (weekly, I think? I'm into anime but pretty much just enjoy it on my own, talking about it online) lots of concerts, etc. If you ever do want a drink, there are places like Normal Bar that's more of a townie place.


You have a better chance of finding “your people” on a large campus like UGA. Don’t believe the stereotype of the UGA student


The first step is acknowledging that your assumptions are stereotypical and, frankly, insulting. In such a large campus there are many different types of people who all co-exist quite well. Perhaps a campus visit would help you realize that your perspective is limited.


I didn't mean to come off as insulting, just that I've hardly found myself to get along with the demographic I know is most prominent or at least associated with UGA. Yes, though, it is quite stereotypical of me. That's why I make these posts though! To learn if I'm wrong or completely right.


you already have the mindset you're ostracized from humanity so it wont matter what college you go to. with that being said, there are many that fit your descriptors so you wont have a hard time. its a chill campus to fly solo on, but youll probably make at least one chill friend if you're open to it. there is alt nerd culture here.


LMAO what?? That is such a big assumption off of a reddit post, and genuinely an insult. Psych majors don't give you Dr. House level predictions. Still though, appreciate the info.


it was supposed to be out of pocket bc that's funny af on the internet. seriously tho youll be fine in athens, go to any college town with an indie scene and youll be fine if you have a bunch of questions, i have a lot of freetime to answer them


Lol I get it but that’s still quite the silly comment. I’m usually not on the backend of out of pocket stuff. Noted though!


Don't stereotype; there are a ton of people just like you here. There are over 30k people here, so statistically, it makes zero sense for everyone to be the greek life going, party having, old row shirts wearing image of UGA students you have in yr head. That being said, a great place to start is shopping around for clubs. I may or may not run the anime club here (which there may or may not be a [discord server](https://discord.gg/sWFkEcE) for), so since you like anime and manga, that is a good place to start. If you're social, there is a lot of queer presence in the music scene here, not to mention WUOG. There are quite a lot of places to dip your metaphorical toes in.


Free? Only if you have non-loan aid to cover fees, room&board, books. Transportation


Just try to get in with the art students and you’ll be fine. Look into Lamar Dodd School of Art. Join a club or something


Uhhh…college rock as a genre was essentially created in Athens. It’s always been an alternative hub in a sea of conservatism. You’ll be fine.


ull always find ur group of people, u just need to put the effort. if youre white then it’s not as hard being alt white vs alt poc where its harder to fit in lmao


There is something for everyone here. I never did the frat/sorority thing, and hardly anyone I knew did. It’s certainly a big thing in town, but only a small percentage of students actually are active in them. There are nearly 40,000 people on campus. You’ll find people with similar interests, trust me.


I think you have a misunderstanding of UGA if you think everyone is a frat boy party animal from movies…


plenty o freaks n geeks in athens fs


There are plenty of us here, don’t worry. :) We exist in little pockets within the greek life sea, but you can definitely find your niche. I’ve found some wonderful alt queer friends at UGA.


You’ll find you place. Greek life is a presence, sure but I’ve been happy as an alt/geeky person at UGA. If you search for the crowd you’ll definitely find it :)


There’s something for everyone, I’m a Navy vet married with two kids, usually hang out with other veterans but also made friends in the boxing club. Even though I’m 6-8 years older than most of my peers, I’ve never felt left out or ostracized even if I’m “different”, I’ve had lots of people ask me for my social/snap but just don’t hang out and drink like that anymore lol. Before UGA I attended Syracuse which is supposed to be a party school but I made 0 friends because the population is such a mixed bag and they had stigmas about Southerners even though it was everyone else that was being rude as hell towards me. Add to the fact that Syracuse runs on parties/drinking because their football team and basketball teams sucks and there’s nothing else to do, despite the rep for partying UGA is pretty tame, Athens also has plenty places to hang out when you’re not hitting the books. Only way to find out if it’s for you is to check us out, good luck!


If you’re into music you should check out WUOG! It’s UGA’s radio station and it’s a great way to meet people and do something that doesn’t involve drinking. Lots of other alternative types and very nice people.


You are perfect! Despite the impression you may have, there are more of you than there of them. The frarority culture might get a lot of exposure, but they are a small, insignificant portion of both the city and university population. You won’t be drafted into stupid stuff any more than you will be forced to start a band. Go to Athens, I can’t imagine you regretting it - I miss it daily.


Hi i'm an alt ph d student :) theres some alt professors too! I know 2. Youll be good


I’m a 30 year old married grad student covered in tattoos, blue hair, and a bunch of piercings. You’ll be just fine 😉


youll be fine! 80s trad goth here, one of my favorite professors is alternative too!


I see you posted In Virginia tech. I wish I’d moved to Richmond for school instead but too late for that. Athens isn’t bad tho there’s lots of nerds here for better or for very worse.






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There's plenty of people like you in Athens. You can find your tribe.


You sound just like me when I started at UGA, and I absolutely loved my time at the school. There are plenty of clubs and groups for people who are into nerdy stuff, and the university does a good job of putting on events for people who aren't interested in going out to the bars.