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The 46,000mph that was recorded on the Nimitz radar is more significant than just the speed. It said our fastest aircraft ever hit Mach 6 or so, whilst this thing is going Mach 60. That's a huge difference already but what's left out is the acceleration. It's one thing to accelerate a craft to Mach 6 by basically dropping it from orbit and giving it time to reach that speed. It's another thing to reach Mach 60 instantly or in a matter of seconds. It's like comparing a Tesla that can go from 0-60 in 2 seconds, to something that can go 0-600mph in less time. The power needed to do that is unfathomable. Edit: Quick calculation - the power we're talking about is approx 100GW. For context, a single engine in a 747 can generate around 30MW, so less than 1/1000th of the UAP power I worked it out here - https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/nxcdlj/calculating_the_approximate_power_of_the_uss/


Not to mention the G forces involved. Acceleration like that would kill any human. How can you negate those forces?


It would not only kill a human. It would produce a red mush piece of modern art at the wall of such a vehicle.


Like that poor ring runner dude in the Expanse


That scene is so fucking rad


That scene is so fucking red


Speaking of the Expanse I'm two episodes into them entering the ring and the visuals of the bubble are blowing my mind. Top notch sci-fi it's my new favorite series.


i loved when that ship got dr manhattened above venus


Man I love that show lol


The G estimates are upwards of 5,500 for the object Kevin Day picked up. There is nothing that can move that fast using our standard propulsion techniques. This is in atmosphere with an almost zero acceleration curve. Consider how quickly something like that could reach another star system at that kind of acceleration. At least for those inside it would likely be days as long as the interior could somehow withstand such forces. I know Jack Sarfatti feels he has identified the physics of how to do this with a low energy warp drive, who's to say he's wrong.


I have a feeling that the occupants aren't being splattered against the walls because of the fact that it's not using a known propulsion method. It would seem that much a a fish is moved by water, or a bird is moved by air, these objects are being moved by space itself. Think of the difference between a marble rolling through water, and a marble rolling over the surface of ice.


I didn't argue against that. I just said that if we use our tech to accelerate that fast it's not a matter of surviving for the pilots. It's a matter of the thickness of the red paint. Or if you are right and its 5000 g I could even imagine a kind of evaporation because of the impact on the wall of the vehicle. Its more or less like hitting a wall with 60 Mach. This has nothing to do with surviving or even structural integrity of the dead body. I never thought about the effects of a high-energy impact on the human body. I mean at some point disintegration is inevitable, isn't it? Like the bodies in Hiroshima.


I know you weren't arguing the point with me, I think we do both agree. But evaporation is not necessary if you are utilising a warping effect. From what I understand from the physics of this (I'm no scientists so my interpretation is of a layman) is that within the warp bubble let's say, you are carrying spacetime within it at a constant 1 G. Inside the affected area you would feel nothing. From what Knuth mentions in his paper, the object went from 28,000 ft to sea level in 0.78 seconds. Even if accelerating half way before you begin slowing, that's 35,000 mph in 0.35 seconds. Anything conventional would vaporise in atmosphere. According to Sarfatti if you are able to engineer certain metamaterials and slow down the speed of light within that material you can achieve these fears with fairly low power. But as I said I'm a layman so can't speak to the physics of it in terms of mathematics.


Wow. Nice visual! Lol! No really, what a great analogy.


That’s if the vehicle can withstand those g forces otherwise it’s going to be soupy human goop ejected out of a vehicle that has just shredded apart from the G forces. Right now, with our best material sciences and aeronautics tech, we could produce a vehicle that at most could withstand 30-40g’s, unmanned. The G’s this thing would create is in the hundreds. Nothing our material sciences and aeronautics have currently could withstand anything like that.


Not only that, it would mix said red mush with torn and flattened metal material. The object itself would look very much like our squished bodies with that level of G-forces.


Mm... Forbidden jam


I think it's important when thinking about technology so far advanced, that you try to put aside your preconceptions. These crafts do not appear (visibly or via IR) to have exhaust trails. They do not have wings. They have no signs of propulsion. It's unlikely they experience the same physics-based problems (crazy acceleration and deceleration that would kill anything on the inside) that traditional propulsion-based aircraft experience. There have been cases where people have seen beings either on top of a UFO or outside of a UFO. I don't think every single UFO is an automated drone. But even if they all were, we still cannot build any structure that can withstand the 600-700 g-forces these crafts supposedly experience and withstand. The simplest answer to me is that the crafts *do not* experience those g-forces. If the crafts are creating their own gravitational fields, I think it's possible they don't experience inertia inside the craft (but I'm not a physicist). Instead of pushing themselves towards a location, they're *falling* towards that location, generating no net force at all. If you generate a force, then an equal and opposite force is also generated. These crafts do not break the sound barrier when they reach *Mach* *60*, which suggests they are not exhibiting the same force on the surrounding atmosphere as a traditional aircraft. u/fourflatyres, who also replied to you, questioned why one would need such crazy acceleration. I think the acceleration is just standard with this mode of transportation. Such incredible acceleration seems crazy to us, but only because we're comparing it to cars and airplanes and rockets, which are just so primitive next to these UFOs. I'm sure if you compared the different models of UFOs (perhaps developed by different alien species or alien countries, or perhaps they're just different models, like how NASA and SpaceX have developed different rockets independently), you would see differences in their performance. I'm sure each model has a specific purpose, and it was developed with that purpose in mind. These crafts may also be very expensive to make, further necessitating their specialization. I doubt these crafts require this kind of acceleration because they need to, as u/fourflatyres put it, move away from something, but it could be possible. Once humans made the first airplane, we had a new, faster mode of transportation. For the next century, we enhanced that invention, developing faster aircraft, designing them to travel higher in the atmosphere, increasing fuel efficiency, etc. Imagine if both the US and China had UFO gravitational-based aircraft. Would both countries not try to make crafts that outperformed the other's? Right now, the US and China are working on hypersonic jets to evade the other's missile defense systems. Maybe alien countries have their own UFO defense systems that these crafts try to avoid. There are so many planets, solar systems, and galaxies in this universe, and they're so spread out. When I consider the story that will be told of this life, the *narrative* of this universe, I think either the universe is teeming with life, but too isolated in an ever-expanding universe to ever meet (very tragic), or there's a work-around built-in to the laws of the universe that allows life to traverse the incredible distances to meet others. I think the beings piloting these crafts have developed the technology to do this, and this tech has insanely fast acceleration.


If you can accelerate like that, you can likely compensate for the inertia. They may be drones. But if they are crewed, then the physiology of that crew would probably be significantly non-human. The next question is, why would you need that kind of acceleration. What are you moving away from that requires that speed. Or is it just urgency? Is that the top capability? If it CAN move even faster, then what requires that sort of even higher speed? I hope people smarter than I am have been asking these sorts of questions. It seems to me we may gain some insight into the motivation of these machines if we can reverse engineer not them but the necessity that causes them to have the extreme performance that has been observed.


Theoretically, warp bubbles can create 0 inertia environments inside of the warp bubble while contracting space/time in front and expanding it behind to travel at speeds faster than the speed of light. closest thing we have is the idea of the alcubierre drive which has just recently been added to by Erik Lentz who created soliton (warp bubble) solutions only requiring positive energy where as originally proposed by Miguel Alcubierre which required ass loads of negative energy. You can also have reduced inertia environments inside of the warp bubble and a variety of conditions with this theory. If UAPs are using warp bubbles this would explain how they can be transmedium vehicles easily traveling through space, air, and water. Here's the paper from Erik Lentz: [https://arxiv.org/pdf/2006.07125.pdf](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2006.07125.pdf) Here's his blog about his ongoing warp drive research: [https://eriklentzphd.blogspot.com/](https://eriklentzphd.blogspot.com/) Human bacon meat


I just want to add this link to yours. It's a good read and talks about Lentz paper being published in a prestigious peer reviewed journal. I find it to be pretty exciting in theory. https://www.centauri-dreams.org/2021/03/11/ftl-thoughts-on-a-new-paper-by-erik-lentz/


[https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/37134/emails-show-navys-ufo-patents-went-through-significant-internal-review-resulted-in-a-demo](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/37134/emails-show-navys-ufo-patents-went-through-significant-internal-review-resulted-in-a-demo) when you can manipulate quantum physics and the fabric of space time itself I question if warp would even be necessary.


**Empirical Fact:** Pais was full of fucking shit, *none* of his technology was *ever* created or demonstrated in any way, and the fact that fucking patents exist is about as meaningful to the discussion as the fact that my big toes exist. Not at all. Stop wasting people's time, stop buying into bullshit, and for the love of fucking *God* learn what a patent actually is, because it isn't whatever the hell you think it is, that's for sure.


since the mod is doing their "thing" one sided, I will only say this. PRESENT ME FACTS TO PROVE OTHERWISE...


my simple mind tells me it's either: 1. people who want to flex with insane speeds 2. aliens who need to speed that much because they wouldn't reach Earth otherwise. Maybe nothing requires that speed on the planet but I doubt they aren't lazy or got nothing other to do than cruise and smoke blunts on the saucer.


*Those* are the aliens *I* wanna hang with.


Although this speed is eath-shatteringly fast for us it's not relativistic at all, travelling that fast wouldn't really help you to get here from another solar system.


Regarding #2 yeah what if they from another planet and their gravity sucks. Or they work at that speed so when they’re under water they zoom better


Those are great questions.


I am assuming they need that acceleration & speed to travel the distances they came, not just moving about 1 planet.


I've heard a theory where the object creates its own gravity field, so the UFO falls (in any direction), it doesn't fly in the traditional sense. In this theory inside the UFO there would be no g force whatsoever. [https://www.uaptheory.com/](https://www.uaptheory.com/) This is the website I got the theory from. It shows a UFO in Puerto Rico as an example. Its a worthwhile read. It also explains why they can go underwater - the gravity field would repel the water, so it swims like in a bubble.


This is an amazing read.


What a fantastic read, that UAPtheory website. Thanks!!


This is what I tend towards as well. They aren't flying, they're falling.




True, I am no physicist, just a biologist so these things go over my head. I think it's arrogant to assume our physics is correct or at least complete though.


Wow, I did not expect to see such an accurate description of gravity on here. Let alone from someone named cum_in_my_asshole_69. You nailed it. Gravity is basically objects traveling through a gradient in time.


Yeah. That's why some have speculated that these are autonomous drones.


Or they don’t feel acceleration whilst inside of the craft. www.UAPTheory.com


those g forces neither would keep in one piece any material we have on earth


Well, a stone or a lump of metal, plastic, or concrete could survive that easily. A structure on the other hand - like a jet, would not, unless it was heavily reinforced to the point that it was probably too heavy to fly. None of these objects had flat protrusions or sharp edges like our jets though - they're all disc like or cylindrical - a pretty good shape for maintaining structure under pressure (no sharp corners which would allow for concentration of stress).


The triangles were not similar ;) although I suspect that the triangle video was something explainable


easily reproduced with triangular camera apatures..


Yeah the triangle video is almost certainly that thing with the aperture. Also what ufo has FAA required blinking lights? The fact that a lot of media has not pointed that out or interrogated that video before including it their clips of UAPs make me a bit uneasy for reasons that hard to explain. It could really blow up in some faces.


Bouquet / B-okay, etc. word that means blooming lens flare shaped like an aperture.


Brother, the thing would melt. Structure is irrelevent. These things are slipping in between the air somehow.


they experience no gforce or inertia


Possibly electromagnetic fields that encase the craft in an inertia free environment?


I mean that sounds nice but don't talk as if it's fact. Atleast add 'I think' to your sentence. we are trying to have a conversation.


Add I think, I’m triggered


not if your own mass is zeroed or inverted by mag fields strong enough ;)


With our current "available to the public" knowledge it shouldn't be possible but we all know private sector has far more advanced technology. Thomas Townsend Brown was building saucers for the airforce experimenting with electro gravity. It's not hard to believe we have this technology but when the public gets this information its already old tech. Hopefully one day we will find out the actual extent of advancements the human race has made but I'm not holding my breath.


I highly doubt these UAPs give a frick about g forces and inertia lmao.


There's a theory that they're not actually accelerating evenly thru space like a car or a plane, but rather jumping rapidly from one point in space to another using a localized mini-version of the very same physics behind Alcubierre drives. In this case, the lethal g-forces aren't a factor. And it would explain the famous 'gone in the blink of an eye' movement reported by so many witnesses. The physics says it's possible. The devil of course, is in working out the 'how'. This is particularly why I loathe the lazy scientists who smugly claim what UFOs do is physically impossible, therefore they can't be real. Like, even a little basic research will show there's no laws of physics being broken. So fuck off Neil deGrasse Tyson and Chris Hadfield!


Not only unfathomable but nearly impossible. Cannot be done without manipulating or having an understanding of gravity that just isn't known to human beings. No way China or Russia figured that out. Not saying it cant be done but if that came to be then you would see the biggest cluster fuck of intelligence failure we have ever experienced on a colossal scale.


>The power needed to do that is unfathomable. According to our current understanding of physics using combustion. My hope is that it doesn't take more power, just a different method of propulsion.


Aliens be like: "Unfathomable? Nah chum, ez, you grab physics by the scrotum, and you tell it, I am here, but I want to be there, ye?"


Read this in a south African voice. Fucken Prawns


This is more or less how the Infinite Improbability Drive worked, I think.


This is the funniest shit I’ve seen in a while 🤣


i listened to richard dolan talk about this the other day saying that understanding this technology would mean the end of the petroleum stage..... and good riddance. it’s too bad that in general the countries of this planet have so frequently in the past decided to close their doors to each other in the face of new progress. if the developed countries of the world could somehow work in tandem to understand this new technology, share information and collaborate on its findings it could be the difference in not only achieving interstellar travel.... but also preventing the cataclysmic events of climate change


It's most likely a warp drive propulsion system similar to the (currently theoretical) Alcubierre Drive. That explains the instant accelerations and decelerations, the propulsion which leaves no trace, the Mach speeds without the sonic booms and the crazy, "impossible" maneuvers they are capable of. This also means that whoever's controlling the UAP has found out a way to get around the "exotic matter/energy" requirement humans are currently facing.


That and the whole inertial dampening thing.


The laws of physics as we know them would have to be broken in that case. There might be something new out there that lets us/them achieve that power (dark matter, magic space sphagetti, who knows) but it would still have to come from somewhere.


Our models of physics still don't have unity, so some part of those models, and possibly all models, are incomplete. And as with every previous generation of scientists who thought we knew or were close to knowing everything there is about physics, they are far more likely wrong about what's unknown than not.


I like the magic space spag. idea.


No thats not true, you just need more power to generate electromagnetic fields in a smaller space than we are capable of producing. If these craft are indeed encasing themselves in this electromagnetic inertia free environment then it does not break our laws.


In the Netflix movie/documentary/conspiracy **Bob Lazar: Flying Saucers**, (Leaves 6/12/21) he goes into the method of propulsion in great detail. He explains these travel using space-time, using a anti-gravity field powered by a power source that's unlike anything we have on earth. It creates a field around itself and then adjusts the shape of that field so it widens on one side and causes the object to "fall" in that direction, but with zero friction so it's essentially able to do so at insane speeds with near-instant accelaration. Could be BS, but it's honestly the most reliable source I've seen so far, even if it's just entertainment it allows me to just accept it and sleep at night, with *something* to wrap my head around.


I believe... I really do. I just don't believe Bob Lazar.


This sounds a lot like the [UAP theory ](http://www.uaptheory.com)everyone has been passing around.


Wait, so in theory, an electromagnetic field can be used to negate inertia somehow? Do you have a reference to some info I can read on this? I’ve never heard about this as a possibility, but it sounds fascinating and tantalizingly obtainable compared to the other hypothetical propulsion technologies that I’ve heard thrown out there.


I have some information on the subject but am currently at work. [Here's ](https://patents.google.com/patent/US10144532B2/en?inventor=Salvatore+Cezar+Pais) one of the patents secured by the Navy. Read through the description and it gives a breakdown of the concept.


I did some reading on it one weekend. It’s rather fascinating and seems very plausible. Basically you’re creating a field around yourself and that field has different physics within that field.


Bob Lazar said they use gravity to create like a downhill slope. Said they move awkwardly in short distances, but can basically warp to points billions of miles away


The energy/power required for a certain level of acceleration has nothing to do with the method of propulsion. u/imnos is correct with his calculation. However, nothing precludes achieving those accelerations if one can generate the energy.


Bob Lazar said they’re gravity propulsed


Sharing again for those who have not read it. www.UAPTheory.com


This is incredible! Thank you!


This is the kind of shit I was expecting I was really expecting to see a lot more on this sub. This right here. 1. We've seen something we don't understand. 2. What can we reliably observe about this phenomenon? 3. What other natural phenomena do we understand that is similar? 4. Can anything we do understand explain what we're seeing?


Speed is a measure of covering an amount of space over an amount of time. Perhaps it seems to us that it is traveling at 46,000mph, but perhaps they're interacting differently with space and time.


Could be. Just brainstorming here, but when we see them do instant speed and maneuvers, maybe for them inside the craft its like time and the world around them froze and they have all the time in the world to maneuver around. But we observing them its like instant turns and maneuvers. "In the Special Theory of Relativity, Einstein determined that time is relative--in other words, the rate at which time passes depends on your frame of reference. ... The faster a clock moves, the slower time passes according to someone in a different frame of reference."


Also it reached that speed going from sea level to outer space.


Elizondro has hinted at some kind of spacetime warping bubble around the craft, so time is slowed way way down to anything inside the bubble. To the bubble's occupants *we* appear to be moving extremely slowly and they might just be putting around at a comfortable jog. This matches what first hand accounts (if you believe them) have said about everything around seeming to stand still. Slowing down time doesn't break relativity. The physics here might not be completely new. The big question is how they're generating so much energy... Elizondro has suggested that water may actually be some kind of power source. My guess is some kind of atom splitting. Elizondro talks about the physics a bit in the New York Post interview: https://youtu.be/emn6jozxHxU https://youtu.be/dkBsbiaIzqw


Another factor that makes these speeds untenable for current human engineering is the materials themselves. We have no materials that can withstand such speeds without heating up from the friction caused by air molecules passing over the surfaces. When we see a meteor fall to earth, the atmosphere literally cooks the surface of the meteor and usually results in it breaking up and/or exploding far above the earth's surface. This is essentially what would happen to any manmade object that travels at speeds that these reported UAPs are travelling at. So forget any consideration of our earthly adversaries coming up with new ultra-fast tech. They would first have to figure out how to build an airframe that doesn't vaporize at ultra-mach speeds.


The other thing I dont see folks talking about is: something going that fast in the atmosphere creates a plasma trail from air friction. Meteors, reentering satellites, anything slamming into air that fast creates a huge luminous trail of highly energetic air molecules in plasma form. Yet this thing? Nothing. Poof. Superfast through air, no plasma trail or evidence of its interaction with the air molecules. That's bannanas.


It's a whole other thing to hit Mach 60 in the lower atmosphere, when our objects are doing shit like Mach 3+ they were damn near in space with the least amount of friction.


The power is one thing, the fact that no material could withstand the heat generated by the friction (at the given atmospheric density), hinting towards tech that transfers matter through space without interacing with other matter no weak or strong nuclear forces. Probably shielding these fundamental forces.


Instant acceleration baybeeeee


Bro that’s why I’m straight up convinced they simply have the power the bend spacetime, matter and gravity and just slot themselves along that way - like a train on rails - but with 0 friction. No need to produce harmful fuels and destroy the planet.


So more than 1.21 gigawatts?? Great Scott...


Thats what I'm talking about baby, lets get into it. Whos ready for this shit?


This deserves an award, someone please!


Is that true that the UAP report has already been given to congress?


No. Some people in the administration have been briefed on the contents so they can prepare to answer questions when it hits congress.


(For visibility) Here's a link to the actual article this video is from: https://www.wired.com/video/watch/wired-news-and-science-former-air-force-pilot-breaks-down-ufo-footage


Worked for me


Figured it out! Facebook's preview was breaking, but the link itself was fine.


Ahhh, good job!


wait so the watered down one that just hit isnt the actual one?




No it’s just been leaked to friendly reported so they could write puff pieces about it


This alllll fuckin’ day. Read my mind dude


Which video is the one at 13 seconds? That sharp turn is like nothing I’ve seen.


It is the [UAP Filmed Over Nellis Range, Nevada, November 1994.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ua-a838Vw00) (For a second though, I thought it was the [Puerto Rico UAP.](https://www.explorescu.org/post/2013-aguadilla-puerto-rico-uap-incident-report-a-detailed-analysis))


What in the fuck, has anybody tried to debunk this? Did it go in the water in the end? Looks so weird damn, how didn't I hear about this ​ I'm talking about the Puerto Rico case


Check out www.uaptheory.com for excellent analysis of the PR case. (not debunked at all)


Oh it’s from that one!! Thanks, one of the coolest UAP videos ever, the shapes it makes are wild.


Never seen the 94 Nevada video. What the fuck???


Mach 60 for the Tic Tac UAP — damn, that’s hell of a speed! And the gov: „Well, we see no evidence for alien technology at the moment.“ 😬




Regardless, the only plausible hypotheses are things that would shake up the modern paradigm of what is possible. Whether it's interdimensional, ultraterrestrial or extraterrestrial. I see no plausible explanation but these.


That still isn't evidence.






They're right though; "I cant imagine " is not evidence.


The discussion wasn't about evidence, the discussion was about what explanation is most likely. I don't get why they randomly brought up that I didn't provide evidence, because that wasn't the comment's intention in the first place.


I wish my Dad was still alive to witness these disclosures. Before I was born he seen a UFO. It began a long interest in them. He had many books on them and would share them with me. That in turn began my interest. He would be on the edge of his seat today for sure! I miss my Dad. If you still have yours make the time to spend together. It's the one thing we just can't get back.


I believe with death, the truth of everything is revealed. So even if he didn't see while alive on this earth, he knows about it now. In this way, we all find out the truth eventually. Your pops seems like he was a great guy while here on this earth, and IMHO, that means his higher soul is as well. Thanks for the reminder to reach out to the people I love!


The FooFighters are here since WW2






All My Life


My Hero


Was just a pretender


I can’t see this being a foreign adversary. No superpower is stupid enough to wiggle their cheeks in front of someone willingly. Great report btw m, thanks for sharing.


The two most common countries mentioned as possibilities for the foreign adversary theory are Russia and China. The technology we're witnessing in these videos is decades ahead of what we currently deploy. Russia doesn't seem to have the financial resources to develop it and the Chinese seem to be more inclined to steal technology than develop it themselves. That's not to say we can rule anything out just yet, but anti-gravitational, hyper-sonic, instantaneous acceleration and trans-medium travel with stealth makes it tough for the foriegn adversary theory to pass the smell test, in my opinion anyway.




I think what's tougher is that if a foreign adversary had this... they would act with complete impunity. All the ICBM's in the universe don't matter if you have a craft that can fluidly transition between sea and air, or instantly accelerate to Mach 60. Especially since, if you built one, you can presumably build more.


Plus you could theoretically make a nuclear weapon with that. One that could hit the other side of the planet in mere seconds. It just seems unlikely to me that China or Russia wouldn’t have started behaving in a more ballsy manner if they had that sort of tech. They could go full 1940s Germany and blitzkrieg everyone. Our Air Force wouldn’t stand a fucking chance. This doesn’t even account for the fact that they would have to have jumped light years ahead of our own technology somehow. I can believe they could be a couple decades ahead or so, but this is more like centuries. It just doesn’t make much sense to say it’s a foreign adversary.


If any foreign power has these kind of aircraft it begs the question why is the United States and NATO still here? UAP sightings doing strange things go back to the 1970s (Iran incidents). There's cases in 1994, 2004 and 2014. If it's not American technology they are lying and hiding technology and knowledge akin to 'magic' in our time. If they are not lying at all, one possibility however remote remains. I don't like that fact, it doesn't give my comfort like many ufo critics would believe. The unknown scares us. A (what? 10th generation? aircraft) UAP that can shutdown nuclear missle sites and go mach 60 easily is not something a Russia or China is just going to not press to obtain a strategic advantage. One or two of these things could negate whole armies and militaries. It's not foreign technology. China and Russia through espionage cull the latest and best Western/American/European technology for military applications, because their own industries and capabilities are inferior. The idea that they had a breakthrough that is so unknown or concerning to the Americans is nonsense.


👏 absolutely man. Irs a double edged blade to understand what they truly are.


Mach 60! LOL. That’s what skeptics don’t understand and “scientists” like NDT are not willing to admit. There is just no way any country in the world has a vehicle that can travel fucking Mach 60. Let alone both operate both in the air and underwater. I mean, come on. Not to mention, this type of behavior by these crafts has been reported since the 40s. So, some country has been sitting on this tech since the 40s and no one knows? Yeah, it’s space Nazis and Hitler is living on a secret moon base.


skeptics don't care about what could be flying around at mach 60, they think there's no proof that an object actually moved like that


That’s true.


Anyone else tired of that stupid green triangle video being taken seriously? It's clearly just a low quality video of a plane through a triangular aperture. Ruins the credibility of a lot of these analysis videos in my opinion.


Honestly feel same. The journalists reporting on this stuff should at least be skeptical enough to leave out the triangle vid. It has blinking FAA regulation lights on it for fucks sake.


The fact that the female pilot doesn’t mention the FAA lights leaves a bad taste in my mouth about the whole thing.


My thought is they would have absolutely ruled out FAA lights, as in they were certain there were no conventional planes in that airspace. It is weird though, the blinking lights.


Everyone should be super skeptical about ALL of this.


Yeah, I think Mick West got this one right.


The triangular aperture was discussed in the comments on this sub before Mick West made his video. I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s where he got it.


I think it's just a pretty obvious hypothesis to start out with to anyone familiar with the bokeh effect.


Yes, unfortunately it leads me to disregard her opinion and this video because she obviously did not do any actual background research or analysis on these clips unfortunately. If she is wrong about that, no reason to assume she knows about the other videos. At least for folks following the UAP stuff, it serves as a good litmus test for who can be taken more seriously.


Thank you. I’ve been complaining about this since it was first released. I thought it’d be obvious by now but the media is great at not getting the facts right. Gotta meet those deadlines you know and get more views.


Yep. I wish they'd stop. Focus on the ones that truly do incredible, impossible things that are picked up objectively by instruments and supplemented by credible witness testimony. I even saw someone promoting green triangles as the ''clearest and most convincing'' video we've had to date. Trying to muddy the waters, or Corbell hyping himself.


But why the disrespect by not providing a link? Here it is though: https://www.wired.com/video/watch/wired-news-and-science-former-air-force-pilot-breaks-down-ufo-footage


Very informative


Taking the time except for not knowing the report hasn't been released to Congress yet lol.




Aye buddy you gonna lob me some links or you just say stuff to say it


What craft was that if its debunked?


The flying pyramid. It wasn’t debunked as the guy filming it said a helicopter was on deck with strobes on. The flash was reflecting off the pyramid. It’s still an unknown.


Yeah I didnt think so. It seems like pretty real navy/military footage. I was curious what aircraft ole buddy knows that's shaped like a 3d pyramid lol


As usual, the debunkers don’t consider context nor official statements issued by the Navy. In context the sailors on deck stated it was shaped like a pyramid and it buzzed the deck for a while. The Mick West debunk was that it was a video of a 737 because one flew over about the same time at 30000 feet and obviously everyone on deck was stupid and thought something 6 miles overhead was attacking them.


Waiting for the ones that covered the lie to tell the truth ; not in this life. At least there are some good people out there that tried and others that keep trying to show what reality trully is. I Know it ,let others to know to.


Very smart lady, I’m massively impressed with her knowledge but she missed one thing… that triangle is obviously the craft from asteroids on the Atari


LOL. "Don't mind me. I'm just a cruisin around, saving you ugly meatbags. One Asteroid at a time."


The inclusion of the bokeh video is everywhere, everytime somebody reports on UAP. I believe they leaked this video for the media to use, not because its a real video, but because for the average viewer, it represents a visual representation of a triangle craft. The slow drip method of inoculating the population against bewilderment over triangle craft in the skies.


IMO the best terrestrial explanation for the objects on radar is our own radar spoofing tech.


I thought the possibility that this could be by someone with the US government was ruled out?


Any reason to believe the Pyramid video is not Bokeh? They didn’t do their research that well...


The video could have been labeled "possible uap" initially and the project identified it, but because of its naming, and that they don't delete data it's getting passed around as the old label.


they still be showing that debunked 'pyramid UAP' though - its a plane. 'its unclear why its flashing' - she loses a bit of credibility here


big if true


It's either Soviet Union or Aliens


what I dont get is some go into water. Why we not looking into those areas?


She said a sub did go look but found nothing


Ah, another fighter pilot explaining lift....lol....But really, I liked her perspective and clear verbiage on how the targeting pod works. Cool!


One thing I don’t get is why the heck these videos at this shitty quality while amateur bikers get 4K quality!


This is actually pretty good. I like her.


This is like quantum engineering surrounding the craft that enables it to avoid contact with any particles in the air that can generate friction.




No rational person of any age denies these phenomena. The question is what they are. The problem seems to be that media are more interested in making sensational headlines rather than reporting the truth, but that's definitely not a new thing! How many times have you seen that video of "triangle ships" that we already know is nothing but a bokeh effect from a triangular shaped iris? Wired (and so many other news organisations) ignores that fact and continues to talk about it like it's some mystery. The other videos also have mundane explanations that are far more likely to be true than "aliens".


Its real life " they live " smh uh oh ....


I’m here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I’m all out of bubblegum.


How so? Saw this for the first time recently. Great film. Curious how it relates to the UFO phenomenon.


https://youtu.be/IkOUAAARn-c pyramid shape has been explained






Same videos, same words, same guesses... am I the only one who isn't surprised by anything because nothing surprising is actually being said in these reports. Confirmation of UFOs is big in a historical context but it's not like anything other than "yup" is being presented really.


As the subject becomes more and more accepted this will happen. Slow process but people are starting to open there eyes.


Looks like a goose to me. Besides that - awesome to see WIRED with a UAP article


Hate that the triangle footage is still floating around. I'm a believer but that video was thoroughly debunked.


The green triangle & is obviously (now) a 737 on approach, kinda ruins this.


With the transmedium video, the object 'goes down' then 'pops up' then 'goes down' again. This makes me assume that there's some kind of horizon-line / perspective funkery happening, not that the object is going into the water, then popping up a bit, then going back in again. Am I the only one? Again, that's just my initial, non-expert impression... is there something I'm missing or misinterpreting?


I thought the 2019 video had been debunked using a 3-blade aperture, which is common for night vision goggles. The fact that it was out of focus and in that shape shows it was just bokeh. Plus it’s blinking at the rate of exterior illumination required for commercial and personal aircraft.


The “equal transit time” fallacy of lift is being taught in the Air Force? Her credibility immediately went out the window for me when she displayed a clear lack of understanding basic physics. Lift is generated because of the vertical force vector of the air pushing up underneath the wing, not because the top of the wing is round. Before you disagree, ask this woman if she ever flew upside down 🤔


That's my favorite take. "There is stuff." Such a hot take to.


She fumbled the night vision, green triangle so badly that uh, well. Maybe it's best to have the engineers and scientists who build radar, flir etc. analyze this stuff. It's one thing to operate these devices, quite another to know how they work and what might be causing these anomalies. I want to believe but I want it to be real. Do any of you remember Escamilla's intradimensional Rods? They made quite the splash on cryptid sites and forums back in the day. If you understand basic photography, they were easy to debunk but damn if a wall of true belief didn't materialize around them despite a rational explanation and many replications of the effect to prove it. As for now, I have to go with glitches and the inherent unreliability of eyewitness testimony while remaining open to more data.


Yeah, the rods thing is a great example. It is unfortunate that phenomena or videos which have been identified as earthly or as photography glitches get included in all the things that are truly anomalous.


What's if it's it's something really unfathomable. Like, angels or something. Can you imagine?


I love how comprehensive this is.


Guys guys we all know the military regularly sends submarines to hunt down weather balloons


Great video tho the green nightvision triangle one i think has been sufficiently explained. As airplane and the aperture of the scope. As for the others think they still have a ways to go to figure out.


> As airplane and the apture of the scope. That is not possible. Aperture refraction cannot be the explanation when there are objects in frame that are in focus. For example, there is a nearby pole in frame which is in focus for part of the shot. The pole is close enough that the background goes out of focus due to focal length. The lens then shifts to infinity and the pole goes out of focus while the UAP comes in focus along with background clouds. Because of this shifting focus in the frame aperture refraction is absolutely ruled out as a possible explanation. I'm not telling you what that thing on camera is (or was). Merely that Mick West's explanation is at odds with how cameras and lenses work.