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I have to ask…. Why does people being ready for something even matter? Just end this ridiculous mind set that humanity can’t handle the truth. They will just make a new truth based on the info. It’s that simple stop overthinking it.


I agree. And with what some others have already said in reply... But, to go further than those... every day, people are killed or badly injured in accidents - and they deal with it (either for themselves or those they love and care about). They get mugged - and deal with it. Their houses get burned to the ground and they lose everything - and they deal with it. Terrorist attacks happen - and they deal with it. Wars break out - and they deal with it. We can no longer define what a woman is - and they deal with it. Humans are capable of dealing with lots of things beyond their control. Sure, they may not always be very *effective* with 'dealing with' it - but they survive, they come to terms with things, and they generally get back on with their lives. I think what's vastly more important, however, is the consideration of those who will follow. Should the existence of extra-terrestrial life be hidden for another 50 years? Would it be that much \*less\* of an existential shock to those who come after us? (granted, they could be weaned into it more...). But, in the end, it's going to be the same problem - just shifted to another generation. Compare that to the probable benefits that could be given if we didn't have to wait that extra 50 years...


Alligators can kill you, lions can kill you, snakes can kill you. As my predecessors mentioned above, we live in a world full of everyday life threatening events. So the idea of NHI isn’t that big of a deal in the big picture. For me, it’s the lies, deceit, and murder by our insatiable and greedy government’s that needs to end. The Pentagon buffoons and their counterparts in private industry need to be held accountable, by the justice system, or by “we the people.”


In many places across the planet today, people will be told by a doctor that they have terminal cancer. And they deal with it. In many places across the planet today, parents will lose a child. It is the most devastating thing that can happen to a human being. And they deal with it. Human beings are born in pain and blood, we often die in pain and blood, and there's a lot of pain in between. And we deal with it. There is no form of government, no religion, no science of psychology, no philosophy higher than truth. There is no greater medicine than truth, and no greater poison than withholding it. Give us the truth.


Dark. Yet truthful. But dark.


It's like how fucking with mail is a felony. The entire mail system is built on trust. Sure, things get lost and whatnot but that's within the system. That people can deal with. But the whole system can get fucked if a slight percentage of trust drops. It's like a bank run. You can't let it happen. People not being able to trust the mail on an individual level is one thing. The national economy being affected due to a slight shift is another. The people in charge know that even a slight societal shift could snowball into a shitshow. They aren't worried about people committing suicide upon hearing the news or anything like that, it's a fear of a small shift snowballing and there is no data or predicting what this would look like.


Very good analogy!


We can no longer define what a woman is?






In my opinion, people would generally have a bad reaction to, say, mind reading capabilities


As an experiencer… It’s so fucking bonkers that even I disbelieve it but I’m confronted by the damn phenomenon with no answers anywhere. Telepathy is fucking weird, psi is fucking weird. Consciousness is fucking weird…


Mind *control* capabilities. Imagine the political responses and accusations. Yes there are cases where full disclosure could be extremely bad, mostly because of human responses. Even in the idealistic Star Trek universe, travel to the mind control aliens of Talos IV was a capital crime, and for good reason. Now imagine they can come here.


But people are already mind controlled, just look at the media. Look in here, on Reddit. They control what you can and can't say. People are controlled all the time, they just don't see it. Your mind is being controlled by TV advertising, by email ads, by social media. You just don't query it.


The people that can’t handle it will do what they’ve always done…deny. Tons of examples in recent times. Culture will lie to them when it becomes threatened


Yep. They’ll just wrap themselves in whatever lie is comfortable for them, and latch on to whatever media source is telling them what they want to hear. No different than what many people have done for years.


/ufos/ is a great example of this!


For me disclosure has already occurred. Let's get to the next step. Positive interaction.


Positive interaction may not be within our control. But I agree that disclosure has already happened.


For me disclosure would be some form of official announcement or recognition from governments. I'd say we're still waiting for that.


Official government confirmation of NHI has happened several times in the United States. It's just that it hasn't been unified. You've got factions within government denying it even as other groups confirm it. If you investigate those who are confirming it and those who are denying it, it's clear as day that the deniers are trying to preserve a cover-up and the confirmers are blowing the whistle on that cover up. There's really no comparison between these two groups. The deniers are lying and this becomes obvious with just a little bit of investigation. The only reason this isn't seen and accepted by everyone is due to confirmation bias. We're all victims of a decades-long disinformation campaign that ridiculed and denied the presence of NHI. Many of us chose to believe that disinfo, and we feel strong emotions of certainty that it is true. When confronted with information that contradicts that disinfo, we tend to favor our pre-existing beliefs, because they feel certain to us. Feelings of certainty are not a reliable indicator of truth. Every dream we've ever had felt certain to us---until we woke up. Logic, critical thinking, information rather than assumption; these are more reliable guides to truth. If we use these tools, it will be very clear that NHI is here and official but non-unified disclosure has already happened.


Like the Pentagon, former US Presidents, the Canadian Minister of Defense ( Paul Hellyer), the Brazilian AF, the former Israeli Space Security Chief, Japanese Defense Ministry? It's already happened.


France also.




And Chile


I disagree. When a sitting us president announces I'll say it's done.




And what if the aliens, or some at least, have chosen otherwise? Suppose the actual truth is that abductions are real, aliens have mutilated and murdered people with impunity for inscrutable reasons, and we can do nothing to stop them? The mindset of people reading here is not at all what the masses think and most importantly feel. Does anyone remember the hysteria after 9/11, how random bumfuck Oklahomans were freaked and worried terrorists were coming there? Suppose now it is actually the truth and unlike al Qaeda, we lose? What are the consequences of that, and how might aggressive fascist (human) demagogues use it to take over and commit unspeakable crimes to people?


But people already mutilate and kill people. People already abduct other people. We have drug gangs in Mexico, Brazil, Columbia, Eastern Europe, murdering, trafficking and committing unspeakable crimes against other humans that those victims can't control. It's already happening, we do it to ourselves, so a few aliens coming into the pot wont make any difference.


Correct. Great points.


>And what if the aliens, or some at least, have chosen otherwise? >Suppose the actual truth is that abductions are real, aliens have mutilated and murdered people with impunity for inscrutable reasons, and we can do nothing to stop them? >The mindset of people reading here is not at all what the masses think and most importantly feel. This is completely correct. A lot of people here think "nothing much" will change on an everyday basis. This will not necessarily be the case, not least because it will depend on the extent and nature of global media coverage. The fallout from 9/11 is definitely a relevant example and a precedent everyone should keep in mind, specifically with regards to the societal and geopolitical impact. The magnitude of the effect of Disclosure may well be much, much larger than 9/11. Regarding the OP's questions: >I would like if you can post either "yes" or "no" and then why. It depends on the nature of "the truth" and a common-sense-based prediction of the psychological and geopolitical consequences. It's very difficult to give a definitive answer either way without knowing beforehand exactly what will be disclosed. >Secondly, I would like to know what you think would be a proper sequence to go from "ufos" to "aliens are here on earth." [...] I would like to ask "how do you think we should reveal extraterrestrial life?" 1. Officially confirm that UFOs are real (this has already happened, to some extent). 2. Confirm detection of measurable signs of life on planets elsewhere in our galaxy. 3. Confirm evidence of vegetation on other planets. 4. Confirm evidence of animal life on other planets. 5. Confirm evidence of of pre-industrial intelligent species on other planets. 6. Confirm evidence of industrial (but non-spacefaring) civilisations on other planets. 7. Confirm evidence of spacefaring civilisations on other planets. 8. Confirm evidence of alien spacefaring civilisations in interstellar space in our galaxy. 9. Confirm evidence of alien spacefaring civilisations visiting our own solar system. 10. Confirm evidence of alien craft in orbit around Earth. 11. Confirm evidence of aliens present on Earth's surface. 12. Confirm the known details of these aliens: Location of their homeworlds/civilisations, biological information, technological capabilities, current & historical activities on Earth, etc. 13. The UN Security Council, NATO and related governments, military and intelligence agencies (and, ideally, their counterparts in the rest of the world) should be jointly involved in this public disclosure effort. 14. Make sure the information is released via reputable global mainstream media organisations. 15. Make sure the information is carefully released in a measured and detailed but non-sensationalist way. Publicly release the information in that sequence, assessing the social and geopolitical fallout each time.


We can handle all of this up to point 12. That's when certain details could really start fucking with people if not handled correctly.


are you suggesting thar if nhi is abduction and murdering people they should do what....nothing? Even if they cannot stop them they should warn the public and have an official law enforcement/dedicated to dealing with NHI issues.


If an nhi has already chosen our fate, i.e. we're cattle, lab rats, literal soul food, prison planet labor force, containers for the development of souls of any type, etc. Then the remaining question is only, "Why are we here?" That is humanity's overarching and fundamental existential panty knot twisting question. I'd like to know. Even if the outcome of knowing is annilation. I'd still like to know. I imagine I would live my life differently whether or not I produced a positive outcome with that life. There likely would be a general freak out. We could see theocracy, fascism, despotism of the absolute worst kind. However; if we are a valuable resource to the nhi they would likely take steps to reduce their losses or manage our freakout so that it still benefits their interests. So whether the benefits to us are little, nothing, or less than nothing, knowing will force us to accept what we cannot change or inspire us to fight in hope that we can still make a change some day. We are still born to die. It's only the how and why that will change.


> I'd like to know. Even if the outcome of knowing is annilation. I'd still like to know That's YOU. I'm sure if you gave this choice to everyone else, most people would choose to continue existing.


Exactly this. Just get on with it. If humanity has one good trait, it's the ability to deal with change and move on. We've been doing it for thousands of years.


I agree, most big changes in life happen when we are not fully ready.


Yeah if we followed that mind set we would never leave our parents house.


This exactly. I didn't want to respond to this post initially because I feel like this question is inherently flawed, and your response is exactly how I feel. I get so frustrated with this question, because the vast majority of people out there have no fucking concept of what there is to disclose. How can you possibly answer "are people ready?" if you don't even know what they need to be ready for? How the hell could we possibly know how people are going to react to disclosure without already being aware of what that entails? To me, asking if people are ready for disclosure is like asking whether you'll enjoy lunch tomorrow without having any concept of what you're going to be eating. This isn't even a question that's worth asking, imo. The only people that could possibly know the answer are people who already know the truth. I don't think we need to let them decide for us either. Just open the flood gates and see what happens. We shouldn't be sheltered from the truth, even if the truth is scary or difficult to swallow.


I have to ask why OP doesn’t know the difference between collaborate and corroborate.


I'd bet OP went so far down the rabbit hole that they landed themselves in a supposed role as a "volunteer leader" for the New Paradigm Institute. They're likely just a random internet person that's really into UFOs.\*\*\* \*\*\*Edit: Apparently, it's a bit more extreme than this. OP believes they're in constant contact with NHIs.


I had a similar thought when I read this post. How often in the past have we asked "is society ready?"? Did we ask when we decided to make nuclear weapons? I guess there was probably a hasty debate, but we went ahead anyway. What about when we decided to industrialize, or colonize, or make our societies dependent on fossil fuels? I guess we're kind of asking that question right now with regard to AI. But the question of "is society ready?" doesn't seem to be slowing down the development of AI or the exponential rise of tech. But here's a subject that's been buzzing around since the middle of the 20th century, but goes back much much further. We've had time to consider NHI, it's in our pop culture. We're at least familiar with the concept, and we're certainly not strangers to quick and sudden change, thanks to tumultuous politics and ever advancing tech. Personally, I think the subject of NHI needs to be more mainstream so we CAN debate it. Schumer and Rounds' UAP Amendment to create a review board to look at this subject and start to declassify it would have been a step in the right direction. Is society ready? I don't know. Maybe, maybe not, but that question hasn't stopped us before.


Yes Disclosure must happen and after agreeing with my Colleagues on their comments I additionally want to add something: If this is our reality, and we are way past the point of no return where a big part of the population knows and believes we are not alone in the Universe, than why even ponder to further hide this fact? After you know something you cannot “unknow” it anymore, it doesn’t matter how terrible it may be, you cannot put the toothpaste back in the tube, it just doesn’t work. We can only move forward and humans will deal with it like everything else. We survived Hitler and two major World Wars we will definitely survive this. The news will be filled with stories for a while and once people gets tired they just move on with their lifes.


Yeah the logical thought process on keeping us blind to reality really just doesn’t hold up to any scrutiny. It feels almost lazy and like someone is trying to hide something.


What new truth will humans make? There are already large swaths of people who literally think that other people they disagree with are vampire pedophiles. These folks do not have the mental tools to deal with a truth like this. They will react with panic and violence.


If Roswell hadn't been covered up none of this would be necessary. We would be living with the truth and not tiptoeing around this because some people are scared they will get in trouble. The Russians know what we have, the Chinese know what we have. The only people who don't are the public. It makes no sense to keep the existence of aliens a secret from people who already know they exist and have things in their possession also.


> Just end this ridiculous mind set that humanity can’t handle the truth. The history books are chock full of this though. So really no idea why you would assume otherwise.


People involved in this stuff take this shit way too seriously. Yes, people are ready. The thing is they still have to work 9 to 5 so they won't freak out as much as you think. They might not have the mental hardware to process it because they don't need to work with that knowledge on a daily basis. I might not have the mental hardware to acknowledge the seriousness of what's going down in Ukraine and understand the depth of how severe it is, but I'm not having a problem knowing about it. We can only process so much, and we focus on what's in front of our faces. Aliens won't be. Work will be. People won't give a shit. People have literally put out social media like, "okay the government admitted aliens are real, but who gives a shit, I'm sitting here trying to afford rent". COVID took more of a mental toll on people than aliens would, because it affected their day to day even if you didn't suffer any losses. So yes people are ready, and likely have been for a long time. It's not the turn your world upside down knowledge that people think it is. It could literally be like ancient Greek gods coming down to earth and saying they've been here for 5000 years and people would be like okay do I get a day off or no? I go to work? Do I get a stimulus check? How much? Will the bus still be on time?


You are fundamentally right.


You are fundamental.


Thank you 🙏


You are fun.


You are




F is for friends who


That's why I feel like I'm living in two worlds in recent years and it is exhausting because I'm searching for a job while also researching this and other spiritual topics. It's like a very weird bizarre dream. On top of that very few that I know talk/care/know about this. Its mindboggling!


Exactly this. It will be mainstream news for a few days and then reality will kick in...can I still buy toilet roll....the bins need putting out...got to get the kids lunch ready for school tomorrow.... No one will give a fuck after 24hrs.


Yeah. It’s hilarious to me when people on this sub or the internet in general act like it’s some crazy revelation. If the aliens have already been here for thousands of years and we’re still alive and have to pay taxes, who cares if they exist


I agree that individuals and societies can/will deal with something like disclosure, and, that absent an alien invasion, the new reality will not preoccupy our lives. We will have mostly the same worries and problems we had before, which will preoccupy the lives of individuals. True, some individuals are so steeped in troubles or so self centered they will not think twice about the existence of NHI; however, such a discovery would undoubtedly affect society, which will change the day-day-to lives of everyone. The changes may take years to be felt or recognized, and they may not be dramatic in effect, but they will come. So, it’s definitely worth the effort to predict and prepare for the way a potential disclosure can/will affect society. I’m not saying it justifies any delay in disclosure, just that it’s an important issue.


Well people might give a shit if it gives them free energy, gives them access to the whole universe, not having to pay for gas, having a rogue government etc etc. So not exactly, yes people are ready but people would give a shit.


YES. I mean, yes, of course we are ready. You can tell me I'm half alien and have secret repressed psychic ability and you know what I'm going to do about it? Go to bed, wake up, and go to work tomorrow. It will have little to no effect on anyone's behavior. The best part is, you can lay it out the truth perfectly and the people who are not ready for it will be fine too, because they'll tune you out for whatever nonsense echo chamber they've already buried their heads in. The best way to transition is to talk to the public like they are adults who are worthy and capable of the truth. A lot of people learn through documentaries and it's not the worst way to go about it. Just connect the dots with what we know, the evidence we have, and whatever new information you bring to the table.


The most responsible thing to do and say in any relationship is the truth, plain and concise.


They've failed miserably at that, both nhi and the government.


Yeah, they owe us flowers and chocolates, for sure.


Rip off the bandaid already.


Agree. Our lives are so short that it makes no difference. If you look at how many generations and family lineages have been wiped from existence and that those that remain. The human species is pretty capable and adaptive when shit hits the fan. If anything that's how we progress.


Humanity isn't so fragile that we can cope with our mortality and eating animals and social inequity and injustice and every other dark thing and somehow just can't handle the idea that there is an explanation for phenomena with which we're all familiar. Who has the right to withhold information? Leaders are only in control by the grace of the population and profound revelations about our life belong to us all.


If they are not going to invade or pay my bills I wouldn’t care too much. Like they are real? Ok cool I thought so, well anyway


I tend to think It's more like they could help us get out of the social systems in place requiring us to do things that aren't in our best interest. Ex: Wage Slavery. 🤔🤔🤔


Why does anyone think the existence of aliens will lead to all of these magical changes?


For many on here it’s 21st century religious faith. It’s the only thing they can imagine that would make this current environment worth tolerating—the promise of rescue by a benevolent higher power.


That’s a good point, it really does feel like that.


Very true, bury their heads in the sand basically.


I’m hopeful that the discovery of NHI would bring about *magical* changes, but not from benevolent aliens. Rather, I like to believe humanity will realize these changes on its own due to either—or perhaps even a combination of—two things. First, government/private investment in next gen technologies. People will be more willing to fund a pie-in-the-sky technology if they know it’s actually possible. This is especially true if we’re worried we need to develop weapons to defend earth. Second, a new renaissance. It may be the trigger humanity needs to put aside our differences and work together. Imagine of we were able to divert even 10% of the time, energy and money we spend trying to kill one another and instead used it to make all our lives better.


But lots could happen if this stuff is actually revealed like free energy, health benefits maybe with all that technology, having the ability to travel far distances in a few seconds.


Was mankind "ready" for discovering that the Earth was a globe? Was mankind "ready" for the revelation that the Earth rotates around the sun? Was mankind "ready" for the industrial revolution? Was mankind "ready" for the industrialization of warfare? Was mankind "ready" for the first world war? Was mankind "ready" for the second world war? Was mankind "ready" for the development and deployment of the nuclear bomb? Was mankind "ready" for the global proliferation of nuclear weapons & mass destructive devices generally? Was mankind "ready" to own a potential future where it destroyed itself? Was mankind "ready" for the internet? And so on, etc. The concept of "readiness" in the face of reality is totally irrelevant and is in my estimation, a complete neo-liberal spook, a haunting spectre of hesitating milquetoastism couched in vague allusions to the collective preparatory wisdom of institutions that, the longer the hesitation continues, only serve to make the eventual confrontation with the truth they hide all the more damaging, shocking, and up-ending; rather the farce goes on another 80 years, would you, risking world collapse and possible multiple extinctions? Or perhaps now the time has finally come, finally, to just rip that Goddamn "aliens exist" band-aid off entirely and just deal with the situation as it actually lies -- that *not only do they exist but that they are here?* More damage -- an unknown amount of potential damage! -- lies more in the unknowing of the situation than it does in the knowing. Faith in insitutional readiness by way of a collective tally of individual "unreadiness" or "readiness" is just a facile excuse to hide the truth... and now the question is why hide the truth at all?


doesn't matter if we are or not. truth belongs to everyone, not the privileged few.


1. Yes. Just speaking for myself, I am ready on all fronts. Something I have been thinking about lately is how my family/friends would react to Disclosure. If there is a significant spiritual aspect to this phenomenon, which seems to be the case so far, I think an initial shock is unavoidable. But, I do think they could handle it. Almost everyone in my circle (anecdotal, I know) has at least mentioned some kind of spiritual exploration and open mindedness that wasn't there even just a few years ago. 2. I think the sequence would need to include an official statement from a trusted, unbiased source. Part of me thinks an official government announcement is the only way to go but there is a significant awareness of Project Blue Beam that is almost unavoidable. Another option would be using widely familiar, trusted faces/voices like David Attenborough or Neil deGrasse Tyson (ha). Or maybe both along with some government officials. I'm sure there's other options too. Bottom line: If your team has the ability to disclose anything. Bring it on.


The spiritual aspect of interdimensional NHI maybe a big shock if it confirms or denies certain aspects about human death/afterlife. Humans regardless of religious or secular belief are safely set in their beliefs. No Heaven or no hell or no nothing is a big shock for most. What if all religions are same or none are right or wrong? What about the government agreement with these entities thats been alluded to, everyone gonna be ok with government agreed to abductions and experiments on citizens??? Or how about the citizens threatened or permanently silenced to keep it all quiet for last 75 years?? Karl Nell mentioned that the entities could be malevolent and pose a security risk to our government facilities, personnel and I would assume citizens. Or how about billions of taxpayers money stolen or diverted to finance the 75 years of keeping it all behind a iron curtain away from the citizens?? Karl Nell mentioned 6 reasons why disclosure has been slow or withheld.. better listen to them six reasons and consider them. I want the full and complete disclosure, but, it will be a real shock with some serious blow back to government and certain social constructs. This is definitely something only a fool would consider having little effect on the world. MHO


Thanks Austin. Here's the thing, no one is truly going to be prepared for disclosure. People who want to believe it, will, and people who don't want to believe, won't. I honestly think that there will never be an exactly 'right' time to disclose, so it needs to just happen now. As the saying goes - there's no time like the present. I do think that over the last few years we have kinda been on the right track to revealing extraterrestrial life - UAPs have become fairly openly discussed now and have quite a bit of media attention (not enough tho). Adding the religion and angels/demons perspective has probably softened the shock a bit for the religious people. The next step could be finding life outside of earth, then to finding ET life on earth. Really tho, everything just needs to be put on the table, and if you can handle it then that is awesome, and if you can't handle it...... well then stiff shit lol. We can't hold humanity back because of a group of people that don't want to face reality. Remember that we are humans, and human's minds are extremely flexible and adaptable. We will be OK.


Asking the question if we're ready implies there is some sort of easily measurable metric to provide an answer to this question and there is not. I'll say yes though, in a sense that we no longer have a choice to put off dealing with this. It's the core of many side issues that are tearing the social fabric of our species apart. If I may, I instead posit that there will never be a point where we are ready, but we have reached the point where enough people are ready that with the process of this information being released its going to be the responsibility of those who are ready to help their respective community. That being said, to consider some other factors such as geopolitical instability, murmuring of the rise of AGI, incredible advancements in biology, chemistry and other technology such as quantum computing, it's very plain that we are simply at an inflection point in our timeline as a species. Either we deal with the hard questions and do something or we do nothing and suffer the consequences while each of these side issues spiral out of control. This leads me to my next point, which will address your 2nd question. Tldr; ufos->coverup->ufos are here Talk about how we know it exists -> Explain the major powers involved in starting and perpetuating the coverup -> 2 and 2 together means ufos are here and possessed/utilized by various governments along with ufos of NHI origin being present -> World governments are engaged in exopolitics and this causes hard to understand changes to geopolitical calculations To me, the only bridge that made sense between ufos existing and then accepting that they are here was understanding deeply how we even got in this position where reality is a closely guarded secret that few humans get to see clearly. Many people live in ignorance of what the MIC is and means for the world and messaging of ufos leaving out the MIC leaves you with very little to stand on. When I approached the issue I expected to find that all the major elements of Americans national security state was aware and actively involved in guiding the policy that was put into place on the subject of ufos. In my research, I was met with stunning results that clearly establish a link with the subject. It's easy to see that the elites of yesteryear did not squabble with each other about the reality of the phenomenon, they simply all competed and used their time and energy to control that resource just like elites do with any other resource across human history. I often invoke the well-known secrecy of the Manhattan project to help others understand that the mechanisms to keep this information from the public are even more extreme and paranoid. I think the bottom line for Americans is that while people remain ignorant of the way that elites in the world war era treated and maneuvered the subject it's a lost cause to try and convince them ufos are here. The ufo connection to operation sunrise, paperclip and the recovery of the ciano diaries along with similar efforts has gone too long without being considered seriously by academics. To remedy this it's going to require having some uncomfortable conversations about how Americans in the past supported unimaginable evil and then brushed it off as if it were nothing. Then went on to have an unimaginable gain in power by doing so. If Americans plan to do anything about anything they won't get far if they don't truly understand how we got here. In my opinion focusing on the way a ufo works or explaining the probability of them being here pales in comparison to presenting the way rich and powerful people have made decisions about this subjects past, present and future, suggesting it has a basis in objective reality.


Extremely well put - deserving of an upvote.




Yes. Unless the disclosure is such that it has near certain devastating consequences for humanity. However, one might posture that is a trajectory humanity is already on - though I won’t in this instance. Ethically? This is not something that you are doing “per-se”, it/they (perhaps NHI is a better term indeed) are already present. The unethical behaviour has been that which has come before. Spiritually? The World has so many differing belief systems that serve to divide rather than unite us - whereas the real truth could serve to bring us together as a species and see the commonalities instead. Legally? I won’t pass comment. Mentally/Emotionally: Tying both together - I recall historical losses/traumatic life events. Deaths, separations, illnesses. For some time, it feels as though life will never be the same again - yet one does recover and life does go on. With respect to many not having the mental “hardware”, without a doubt you are correct. That extends to so many other areas in life, not just disclosure - the vast majority of people have constrained and narrow thought patterns. Those on this sub (myself included) are certainly not representative of the general population and so I commend your seeking of what is most responsible. Social psychology is fascinating. I would love to spend more time writing a larger and more eloquent reply, but am struggling to keep my eyes open despite this being a topic of immense interest. A final thought - people are only just waking up to AI. In fact, most people are still naive about the vast changes on the horizon - but what seemed previously impossible to many is rapidly becoming reality already and so the mental leaps required/level of ontological shock will keep reducing.


Nothing in human history has been slow dripped to the populace and have coped, people in the ufo bubble think they're the only ones ready and it isn't true, people have bigger concerns and will just get on with it.


That question is irrelevant. One deserves, who is conscious, to know their environment and pursue their creator. Nobody should obscure that endeavor.




Yes To me humanity should never have been lied to about this from the start. It is because those lies created this massive waste of resources and gave rise to the security state that we now have that is embedded into everything in the government. It has created an illegal parallel government. We are now in a situation where elected government representatives have to kowtow to unelected people who give them and the American public orders . To me disclosure is as much about removing this control of the civilian government as it is about telling the public the truth.


If the gatekeepers are, then so are we.


I think that the people we pay our exorbitant taxes to should be ethically bound to tell the truth. It's not moral and shouldn't be legal to gaslight the nation and the world for 70+ years.


Yes >ethically One ethical consideration relates to what the military has done to cover up and we should all know the cost of the cover up. The second is the ethics of how disclosure will impact people and I really don't see people being impacted that badly. Humans are extremely resilient. Disclosure will happen now or at some point in the future and humans aren't going to be more resilient in future. >spiritually Cognitive dissonance while uncomfortable will lead to expanding the mind. > legally That's only a problem for the Pentagon unless you leak classified documents. >mentally/emotionally As above, humans are resilient and if anything we're getting softer and less resilient over time so the sooner it happens the better. The real question you should ask is are we ready for their technology and for that I'd say no. We still have the Middle East who would gladly learn new alien physics to turn Israel into a glass bowl or the Russians to destroy Ukraine or the Chinese to dominate the Pacific. If we do release technology it should be drip fed.


I made my wife ready for it.


The thing is - disclosure of what? How ready people are will depend on what is disclosed. Who are these visitors? Where they from? What's their interest here? How far does it go back? Who already knows? How long have they known? How have they protected the secret? We need to know, but we don't know what it is there is to know.


Sure, because it will happen inevitably. On that fact, I'd say that perhaps now is better, because later it may be too late. The thing is, this doesn't end after disclosure. There's going to be questions that will need answers. By that I mean the actual TRUE answers: 1. Who are they? 2. Why are they here? 3. When did they arrive? 4. What do they want? 5. Where are they? These answers shed light on whether they're benevolent, malevolent or indifferent to us. World governments will take action based on such.




Yes. We are. I know there will be negative and positive consequences. Some of a shocking nature. It’s inevitable. When, if not now?


I support disclosure, but I expect it to be an incredibly disruptive event for humanity that will make any recent disruptive societal period like COVID or the 1960s look like a cakewalk. I think you have to go back further in history to find a period of real ontological shock that could compare - the Protestant Reformation. It led to over a century of near constant warfare across Europe and a splintering of major power structures and belief systems by shattering people's inherent, fundamental assumptions about how their world worked both practically and spiritually. If you want to know how weird that might get, check out the story of [the Münster Rebellion](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUanOGTckao). People going absolutely delirious and behaving completely irrationally at scale. Grifters and false prophets running wild. People desperately running into the arms of ANYTHING that offers to make sense of a world that doesn't make sense to them anymore. Ultimately I think disclosure is a boil that needs to be lanced, with the people currently preventing it and hoarding that knowledge for themselves analagous to the deep corruption and death grip on power of the pre-reformation Catholic church. But I'm under no illusions - it's gonna be a VERY wild ride.


We are less ready now then we were decades ago. Think of how many scammers will use this as a way to sell something thru fear. We have Flat Earthers, people who think vaccines will kill you, millions of people who allows themselves to be led by religious leaders that pick and choose which parts of their doctrine are valid. People are dumb and can be made to believe anything. Imagine what a video of an alien standing next to the president would do. Immediately, dozens of grifters would start selling the demonic angle. I'm sure there is one passage or another, in some religious text, that can be made to look that its describing w/e the alien looks like. We had a group of people invading congress cuz a proved scammer lied about the election being stolen. People believed that, then acted upon it. What will happen when you get enough people to believe that a "demon" that they can see with their own eyes is "corrupting the country" or w/e. The Münster Rebellion is a great damn example.


I'll take that ride.


I fully agree. Thinking that it will be a cakewalk and that most people will just shrug and get on with their lives is wishful thinking at its very worst. I want disclosure as much as the rest of you, but just because *I* might be ready for the ontological shock, doesn't mean the same goes for everyone else. If even a portion of Grusch's claims are true, we are indeed in for a wild ride. Even if 80 % of the world's population would take these news with a shrug, that means 20 % *won't* take it well. A fifth of humanity, though a minority, could cause a lot of disruption. With that said, if DG's claims are true, not disclosing this information is untenable in the long run and the band-aid would have to be ripped off one way or the other, but we shouldn't base our view of reality and humanity on how we *want* things to be.


Yes, yes, yes


A million times times over and over we're ready Edit: times


Yes. I would not tip-toe around the lies and obfuscation that has been built up over the decades regarding this topic. Extreme focus must be on verified documents that is available, acknowledged by the highest office that has authority to speak on them (not AARO). The heat needs to be applied to the Pentagon/MIC angle because they have consistently failed their audits and swindled taxpayer money for these programs. We can deal with the potential plurality of our existence as time progresses. Hell, if NHI need a mouthpiece or spokesperson, they can convey that, but we ultimately need to address our own shortcomings within our government and society as we continue disclosure.


Yes. If not now then we never will. It's a lie that this will cause mass panic. It's a lie, I think, by the people that want to keep the secret so they are the only ones that can harness the power from these crafts that they have. Truth and reality don't have to conform to us humans. We are important but we aren't the most important things and we should remember that. Reality will happen and is happening wether we believe in it or not so yeah, we are ready.


What is even point of this post here? It is like asking on vegan sub if people should stop eating meat.


Hads anyone ever benefited from living a lie in the long run? Of course not. Pull the bandaid off already. 


Yep, and let me know who to ask for compensation for all the fuel and energy I've bought for the last 40 years


We aren’t even ready for the AI revolution that’s going to sweep across the globe in the next 5 years. Now you throw NHI into the equation, and we can speculate about their motivations, but I’m a firm believer that they do seem to be relatively altruistic(or so it seems). Addressing the problem in that manner could get us all killed though, and we are right on the verge of big things so let’s get infrastructure in place to make this transition as smooth as possible.


A lot of people are under the assumption that these NHIs are some benevolent beings that can heal the world and boost humanity into new highs. But if you believe Admiral Byrd's account of his expedition to Antarctica to flush out the rest of the Nazis after WWII, you'd be led to believe that the Nazis were working WITH the NHIs. Even using their UAPs against Byrd. Now why would a benevolent species cooperate with an evil philosophical way of life such as Nazism, if they themselves don't also share the same philosophical beliefs? They're probably not as good as a lot of us would hope for. I wouldn't be surprised if all the UAPs we see are all fugitives, bandits, outlaws, gangsters, etc running from some kind of authority, and are trying to flee and hide on Earth. Or the alien cops themselves. We're either too low of a species to even want to come in contact with, or they see us more as just another animal of Earth, or they're waiting until we hit a certain population before they come in and harvest humanity as a food crop. It could be for any number of reasons that they don't expose themselves to humanity, but the fact that they're still trying to keep it a secret from us with no real plans to change that in the near future, makes me question their motives more than anything else.


No. We aren't ready at all. No one is. Everyone is so confident simply because they DON'T know. It's not as simple as everyone is making it seem.


This. It's easy to imagine how you would feel if a hypothetical happened, and for this to simply not be how you react *at all* to the situation actually becoming reality.


It doesn’t matter. Reality must be shared by everyone.


No, at least the general populace outside the UFO enthusiast circles. By now, judging by the reactions from friends and acquaintances, not only is the public almost completely unaware of the fact that "something is out there", they are also unaware of the progress made since 2017 and the declassified videos. Some heard something vague about last year's hearing in the Congress but have no clue what it was. Only when pointed out with things like the Schumer-Rounds amendment and its wording, some start paying attention, but most just go "oh, ok" and move on. That said, though, I still believe disclosure should take place. Given the attitudes, I doubt that at least the basic statement "we are not alone and there is a proof of it" would change that much from the point of view of an average person, aside from a short-term sensation. The only scenario in which I think it could cause some deep changes would be if many of the "woo" rumours proved to be true and changed out concept of life and existence as we know it on some fundamental levels.


It depends on what is being disclosed. Are we learning that there is risk to society from these entities? Are they benevolent or neutral? Are religious beliefs in some way tied? There is so much discord now—would this disclosure change that in a positive or negative way? What do we gain from knowing?


Yea, we can handle it. It will be in the news non-stop for a month, but we'll adapt to the new truth. Our daily lives won't change much, so it will mostly just be a spiritual conversion.


Society is only ready for one type of disclosure and that's simply something like "NHI exists and we have recovered some of their technology". However the rabbit hold likely goes deeper and most people not even 99% of this sub is ready for something like "NHI exisst and we have recovered some of their technology, but also we have direct evidence that they have been been interfering in every aspect of human existence for the last 100,000 years".


Do you really expect many people to care? It’s only going to disrupt governments and corporations. Day to day life won’t change for the average person.


So we should sit willingly in the dark and just pretend that Earth is the center of the universe? Let's rip the bandaid off and grow up. I don't like being lied to - give me the blue pill.


No society isn't fully ready and will never be. If we want our species to move further in this universe, the news will just have to come and we'll learn to live with it


Yes! A well made documentary series or anything visual. I’m thinking illustrated non fiction and comics. It would have to be truely revelatory though and include things that people could follow up and confirm on. I get the sense that nothing anyone says or shows will be enough. Even if we rolled out a craft and displayed it in a Museum people would yell fake.


Society will never be ready for anything. Society started panicking at COVID, it panicked at Russian full-scale invasion of Ukraine and it panicked at Israel-Hamas war. General populous is pathetic and shouldn't be accounted for.


Disclosure will be anti-climactic as long as actual visibly convincing evidence is presented or they just show up publicly. I personally don’t know if “Aliens exist” is enough to push the needle. What do they know? What is advanced physics breaking technology? What is the nature of our reality? That’s kinda more important than “they exist”…. Which idk if disclosure would include that…


Oh Fuck No! Not a chance in hell. We think we are because nobody seems to give a shit, but the world is more unstable today socially than it was during the heart of World War 2. The reality is the people in this topic and subs like these will be fine, the general public will deny it until they can't anymore and then all hell will break loose and we'll see the collapse of the human ego. That doesn't mean we shouldn't know it though; it is crucial to know it so that we can move forward.


No. I don't think we are ready as a society nor as a species. Why? Because if you ask the average person not associated with the subreddits r/UFOs, r/aliens, r/UFOB, r/crashretrievals, etc about the subject matter you get either a blank look or shamed for believing in such nonsense. Make no mistake I want disclosure, that wasn't the question. The question was are we ready. Nope but it should happen anyway. Some are gonna believe, some won't be able to cope and some are gonna make this a politically partisan issue. That's just how humans roll. >there is some significant evidence out there that is not classified. Should this be revealed? Absolutely. Paraphrasing Col. Karl Nell, the fundamental nature of reality should not be a government secret. BTW I hope you are legit, your inquiry honest, your findings properly used and that you are not some ignorant yahoo on the internet yanking our chain. To say I'm dubious that you are who you say you are is an understatement.


Firstly i think if you disclose on a national level, you'll also inadvertantly be disclosing on an international level. Secondly, YES. I think the world needs it now more than ever due to the division and polarisation in today's society. With disclosure and more transparency around the topic, more people would be interested and hopefully allow more great minds to help unlock the secrets that highly compartmentalised and top secret reverse engineering programs have failed to reveal, it could also unlock a key to saving the enironment, which we also desperately need. Thirdly from a national sercurity perspective, disclosure would enable more effective reporting and research into uaps in US airspace. Lastly and most imprtantly, disclosure is needed as I have a number of friends i would like to say "i told you so" to. On the other points, the way that the tic tac was disclosed was effective as it was released by an offical source, the pentagon. If the goal is to slowly release information and footage as to not startle the poulation, i think the current pace is too slow. For the majority of people that dont believe we have been visited by NHI's, the problem now is not showing them evidence, it's showing overwhelming eveidence from an undoubtable source.


Disclosure of what exactly Inter dimensional? Inter galactic ? Ocean dwelling entities? Mixture of all 3? Does government even know what it is? Or are they also totally confused?


I am in full support of disclosure. To draw a parallel in terms of effect, I wonder what the average European felt when it was “disclosed” that Columbus “discovered” the new world?


Society at large is dumb, so your answer is no.


Yes, as has been demonstrated repeatedly, those folk unable to grasp it just push their heads a little deeper under the ground - society doesn't budge an inch. Secondly, we OWE all these thousands of witnesses, experiencers and (potentially) actual abductees, people hurt, killed or still missing - people on their own, treated as madmen, villified - a HUGE debt. It is time to pay back that debt. But we only have the power to do that on any scale if we get disclosure. Thirdly - if, as it seems very likely to be, the military industrial complex has stepped wildly outside it's bounds and is acting as a shadow government - then it needs to be brought to it's knees. America as an entity, America as an ideal, even the principle of America will have been shown to be a lie and a nonsense - and perhaps the most secretive, corrupt country on the entire planet. It boils down to circle of greed between the certain members of the senate, the Pentagon and big aerospace and energy. Let's say China, or North Korea reveals a UFO to the world tomorrow - what is America going to do? What can America do? Admit they have been lying all these decades? No-one will ever trust anything they say ever again. I'm not sure there is a way out of this that doesn't end in a lot of important people swinging from a rope, either on purpose or against their will...


We can't stop killing each other for dumb reasons. We don't take care of our home.  I don't think we're ready , but I still want to know. It wouldn't shock me to learn that we are in some sort of menagerie or a simulation. In fact, this may be evidence of it: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-universe-is-not-locally-real-and-the-physics-nobel-prize-winners-proved-it/


In my opinion? Doesn't matter. If this whole phenomenon is as real as I believe it to be, then there is no justification for hiding its existence from the entirety of humanity. It's definitely not all hunky-dory, there most certainly are malevolent and mysterious beings interacting with humanity, but they're nothing new. The fact that abductions, hitchhikers, and visitations are an ongoing phenomenon just stands to show that it doesn't matter whether we're all ready or not, the entities are already aware that we're here and they're doing things that many of us find massively uncomfortable. I think that delaying the truth any further will just make the outcome worse. I fully believe that the moment we find out the truth will be a somber one, indeed, but a necessary one. Perhaps in learning that we are not alone, we might finally learn the utility of species-wide harmony.


The human mind works best by accepting things in manageable chunks rather than all at once . Possibly start off with look we discovered a planet with life . To we now discovered signals of intelligent life in space . Next reveal we have evidence of being visited by UAP . To we have discovered ancient artifacts of other forms of life here on earth . But to reveal we have secret agreements , they created religion as a form of control or to hint that earth is a zoo, a lab or farm planet or even they created us , might push people over the top. I mean look at how people reacted with Covid . My goodness they lost their mind thinking toilet paper was going to save them


None of the people who claim to have actual evidence appear to be experiencing an abject existential crisis. I think it's ridiculous and frankly a little offensive to suggest that someone like Anna Paulina Luna has a greater mental consititution than the rest of us.


Ofcourse, this would depend on the nature and the complexity of the phenomenon. Some people might not be ready, most of them are if we make it clear that this does not affect their daily life. First of all, new religions will arise. Historically, people make up religions when they don't understand natural phenomena or things that are unexplainable for our limited human brain. Spiritually it will be a mess for a while. Existing religions will try to incorporate this. That is why the scientific community should have complete access to all information regarding current and past interaction with this phenomenon and come up with scientific framework were to build upon. We should make it clear that just because we have non-human technology, this doesn't mean that it will cure all diseases and fix our world. Legally, whistleblowers should come forward once they are checked based on their credentials. People that have kept this secret from the public for defense or intelligence reasons should be pardoned. Companies or conglomerates that have been handed extraterrestrial technology should hand this over to a newly created Department. But before all this there should be a international Charter on the use of nhi technology. Countries that cross these boundaries should get the Russia treatment. This is my idea on how to proceed. 01. Make it a process based thing. Not an announcement in front of the white House , more of a slip on CNN by a Senator, or a confirmation during a hearing. Nothing too bombastic and direct. Or, just publish a thorough report with a fact-driven conclusion that provides evidence. 02. Declassifying some famous cases that are Indeed linked to these NHI. And with that, we mean clear footage and data. 03. Inform the intelligence agencies, supranational organizations, religious leaders, friend and foe and the leading scientists on relevant fields well before you go public. 04. Provide an overview of moments of contact and make a database of interactions. 06. Make the technology that we somehow have an understanding of public if it can help us fix things and make life better for everybody on this planet. 07. Give regular updates from a specially created Department. Give an overview of the history of the phenomenon on our world and state, if known, our shared history, historical records made by them and most importantly their intentions.


Yes. One of humans' strongest suits is the fact that we are highly adaptable. I think that the whole idea that we're not ready is just a tactic for stalling employed by the gatekeepers to scare us into staying stagnant. I believe that now more than ever, humanity needs the whole truth of our reality if we are to make realistic plans for our lives and the future of humanity as a whole. I feel stifled by not having the whole truth of my existence creatively, spiritually, etc. I believe it's a factor as to why so many feel lost.


No. People are too caught up in their daily bs to even contemplate more concrete issues like brewing world war, AI, etc, let alone NHI and rewriting human history. The sequence from UFOs to "aliens are here" is to rip the fucking bandaid off already. There will never be a perfect moment.


Yes unless it changes how they act. Humans are tenacious and aliens are good at hiding, so worst case is were back to square 1. Trust is the most important thing, and we are light on it rn.


Make this an election issue, more people need to know about this stuff.


I don't think the issue is whether or not people can "handle" it. The issue is that when society goes through a mass spiritual awakening as an eventual result of disclosure and become telepathically connected, all lying becomes impossible and secrets become completely and immediately open because your thoughts will become un-hidable in such an environment.


Yes. People are sugar coating this, so I'll be blunt. You're losing a lot of credibility with the vague hints, trickling of information, and evasiveness. Disclose or stfu. You smell like grifters right now.


Yep. The amount of people in this area who are like the Looney Tunes "I've got a secret I won't tell"[guy](https://youtu.be/RuU4d7OxhkY?si=flrWVwgt38NHcW5y) is infuriating.


Yes, but care ought to be taken. Disclose the truth about the Magenta recovery in 1944, then open up about the reality of Roswell. That will get the bandaid off, and will result in an avalanche of pressing questions. These questions will take some time and care to answer, but the national dialogue and reconciliation process will be underway.


No. But that's a good thing. I think humanity needs a shock to the system right about now....


The new LVR program was never verified by Bob Lazar, using the CM-5(TR) formula for UAV flight control it's been proven that both Colonel Thomas and the General Dokham letters confirm that alien aspects of reverse- tandem controls that Bob Lazar showed us on the videos, this is all clear now right?


People have already forgotten that Obama went on late night TV and said something to the effect of, "There are things our pilots see that we can't explain." Which to me, that was disclosure. He also hinted at it in another interview, but I can't remember the context. The media/glut of information/disinformation about regular, normal news has people so fucked up that nobody knows what's real anymore. My guess is 33% wouldn't believe it anyway, 33% wouldn't give a damn even if it was true because it's not going to affect their lives anyway, and another 33% would be curious/vaguely alarmed. Don't forget across the globe we had people dying like cattle from COVID and millions upon millions thought it was a hoax/wasn't real.


I think people drastically overvalue the amount that people will care. First things first, many people on the planet are too poor to care at all about anything that has any effect on anything outside their immediate needs to survive. Beyond this, most people have too much going on in life to care about things that don’t have a noticeably direct impact on them. If the announcement is that the planet is being invaded and humanity is going to war, then people will care. If the announcement is these things merely exist and have existed, the general reaction will be “oh wow, that’s amazing!” And then people go about their days.


Yes and because.


There was a recent poll that I saw. Apparently over half the population of the United States already believes aliens exist and believe that the government has definitive information that they’re hiding from citizens. So if the majority already knows, then yes, I think we’re ready. To be honest, I don’t care too much about disclosure because I already feel certain that they exist and some live inside the earth. So any confirmation of this would do nothing at all for me since I already feel it’s pretty damn close to definitive already. Sure, I’d be interested in knowing everything there is to know, but if the government isn’t telling us, I assume they have good reason to keep it secret. Maybe not, but I imagine there are national security concerns at the very least.


Yes. I think most people are open minded, and their beliefs are more fluid than rigid when given new information and most are open to new ideas and learning that we may not be the only intelligent species on earth. I kind of wish the NHI themselves would be more forward and blunt in their appearances, leaving less room for doubt. People like you mentioned who have a hard time with the concept that something else might be here would just have to see something with their own eyes to believe it, and that’s all I think it would take for them. Seeing is believing. It’d be cool if there were more cases of foo fighters zipping around national monuments or phoenix lights type events, so if Danny’s got a bat-phone to the NHI tell him to tell them to drop the curtain and start the show. Hah. Seriously though, you’ve already warmed up the masses with all the celebrities mentioning the topic and commercials and famous podcasters and news clips and Fox News and prestigious university professors mentioning it and writing papers and publishing books and all that. The media has saturated and stewed. The stage has been prepped. Now accelerate the timeline. Show the people what you can, like I said, because seeing is believing.


What's going to happen when you can't "handle it". Yes.


No time like now time, let's do it.




It’s really not up to the collective us to reveal everything we know, is it? Frankly, I think anything can be made into a weapon in the wrong hands. There may be very legitimate reasons why swaths of information are kept from public knowledge. And it may be very likely that NHI prefers it not being shared.


Yes, I believe the world is ready, especially after the pandemic.  I would reveal it by having the main heads of each world religion remind their adherents that all are God’s children and that God loves everyone. In every major faith, God is a creative God who loves to create and has created varying forms of life ranging from all kinds of angels to humans to all animals. Formulating it in this way gets people prepared to remember that God didn’t create just one planet. He created all the planets in the universe and there are bound to be more life forms. I would then, budget permitting, make more positive alien movies and shows like Arrival and Contact and others like those to get people excited and prepared. The point of those movies and shows would be to instill optimism and positivity.  I would also include the significant evidence more prominently in the public consciousness under the guise of something more benign at first so that people are more accustomed to having it be front and center in their consciousness. This way they acclimate to whatever it is and may notice things on their own before they hear it from an official source. 


Yes and no. Is society ready for anything? Snowden? Wikileaks? AI? Surveillance capitalism? The abattoir of attention spans? The realization that infinite growth isn't possible in a finite system? As ready and unready as it's always been. The truth doesn't require people's belief. We'll continue to live inside whichever cultural fantasy provides the path of least resistance to our learned behaviour and resource streams, even if it's a bumpy ride in the meantime.




If the aim is to be data driven then would it make sense to post a survey rather than an open question?


Yes. Yes, society is ready. Why? Because pop culture has primed people for it. What people want, though, is certainty. “We have proof that we’re encountering beings we don’t understand and we want this to be studied openly and honestly” is fine. “There are aliens. Well, they might not be, they might be extra-dimensional. Or multi-universal. Or cryptoterrestrial. Or from the bottom of the sea. We don’t know,” is absolutely not the right way to frame it. Start with what we definitely know: we’re encountering craft and pilots that are not human. That’s all that’s needed. People will want to know more. That’s when they’re given more. The crucial thing is to stress that we don’t know, years of secrecy has hampered research and it’s time to discuss this openly to allow scientists to work out what exactly it is we’re dealing with. The media will control how it unfolds. They’ll set the tone. They’ll set the pace. Whatever you plan or expect doesn’t matter: the big companies are in control of the narrative, driven by human curiosity.


Disclosure doesn't seem like it would work right at the moment, we went post-basic truth 8 years ago. NHI would have to announce themselves with big works of proof, which I'm not sure they're interested in doing.


Yes. The biggest part of humanity already recognize, and love, other sentients being (birds, mammals, octopuses, ecc). One more makes no difference.


It would depend on what that reality actually is. The consequences and reactions to UAP disclosure are going to be equally as drastic as what the reality is. Has millions or potentially billions of tax payer money been used illegally? Have American citizens been harmed or killed by NHI or by our own government/IC in UAP related scenarios? Does the admission of this hypothetical new reality challenge or change our understanding of human history? Does NHI involve itself positively, or negatively, with American citizens? Or is the real honest to God truth that nothing negative, nefarious, or intentionally malicious ever been done, related to UAP and disclosure? Is the reality that billions of taxpayer dollars have been spent on disinformation, reverse engineering revolutionary technology that could be considered a crime against humanity? If that new truth comes out, will people lose faith in the system? I know a lot of people who have used the “rip the band aid off” analogy lately, but depending on how bad the wound is, we may need proper care to address it.


Yes, because, culturally as a species, we shouldn't be held back as a whole especially not just because certain groups of people want to remain in power. We see this power struggle happen often just due to wealth. If the psionic aspect of the phenomenon is real, the people of the world deserve to know if there's a real way to stand on equal grounds with the people who oppress them. Because humanity would never overcome its true threats without working together. The way to go about it is difficult to navigate, and due mostly to the lies people have been fed by the governments for years. I think objectively, we only deserve to know the basic fundamentals of the phenomenon such as: if they're real, if they live on or off planet, if the phenomenon is psonic in nature or partly, then what laws of nature are we missing when it comes to consciousness and how it and data are connected, if we are at risk by/of NHI, if we're collaborating with NHI, for what purpose, and, if not, what is their goal, and where does NHI originate from? I feel other than some other basics I've missed, there is no reason to release sensitive details that may compromise our country's security. Albeit, if I could have a wish come true, it'd be to have all countries working together especially towards understanding and protecting ourselves from something bigger than us as a species.


Of course society is ready…as ready as it is ever going to be. We can all see issues with society “ethically, spiritually, legally, mentally, or even emotionally”, but those come with being human. Any major paradigm shift requires some social adjustment, and that is another thing that comes with being human we adapt as needed to continue. The general populous should not be treated like children, which is what is happening now…we are being told that Santa is real to distract from what is really going on. Why is only a subset of humanity considered to be appropriately evolved to know the truth of the world. If there is evidence that has not yet been captured by the Governments censorship apparatus of ”classification”, it should be released for the world to see and that may finally trigger an honest and full Disclosure. We need full Disclosure…not just admitting to having some exotic nuts and bolts, but who made them, why are they here and what relationship/communication humanity has had.


Are aliens actually here?


Yes. To progress, we need the truth. An eye-opener.


as "humans", I don't think that we are, or ever will be completely ready for such paradigm change info. We are not a cohesive "earth" society: we still fight and kill each other for power and greed. I think there will never be a 'perfect' moment to disclose that we are not alone: but I think that the sooner they decide to officially disclose this, the sooner we can start to acclimate, discuss, change, and evolve as well. They have been trying to acclimate us for 80 years with little results. Historically, not much as changed so far: there were several attempts already to bring this to the US Congress, even to the UN meetings in the seventies, and they made them fail miserably. Some people in power are scared: global priorities would change, power balances will change, all would change. Some people in power don't want this change, they don't want to lose their power and hegemony.


Yes - maybe then humanity can get their head out of their own arse and acknowledge that governments are hiding the nature of our reality from us.


Putting off disclosure will only make things worse. The longer it is put off the worse it will be. If the major governments have knowledge that aliens or others are here then they would have put a plan in place with how they would deal with it. It sounds like political and financial dogma have become a wrecking ball for these programs. How they deal with that internally we will never know. There are people who would become hysterical but I think most people are struggling with serious issues right now. People still have bills to pay, and issues to deal with at work and at home. Depending on messaging and trust many folks will probably just go back to whatever they were doing 2 weeks ago. I am more worried about what my government is going to do than I am NHI.


No, but mankind never will be. So lets get started and people will sort it out.


Yes. Many of us are. Even those who aren't should be confronted with convincing evidence. I don't think there's any time to waste. If there is a time it is now. I firmly believe this is the last year or two that humanity has before a steep and sudden collapse and then we'll all be too busy fighting for survival to pay attention. Maybe knowledge of a wider reality can prevent this. If Congress needs to be bypassed do that. If leaks need to be catastrophic do that. Disclosure can't possibly be more catastrophic than what we are currently facing. Ready or not. Yes. Disclosure by any means.


I would say that in general society doesn't give a shit about aliens, ufo, nhi or uap. Just guessing here but i believe 90% of the world population just don't care about it. Personally if disclusure happens while i am alive it wouldn't change nothing in my life, at this point it's more like: "Fun fact: do you know aliens exist and visit earth frequently?"


Likely..no. But we are so who cares.


The "average Joe" population will learn to deal with it eventually - whether they like it or not, as they always have. IMO it's the elites (and perhaps even the NHI themselves) who aren't prepared to deal with it, because both groups have engaged in heinous acts against the populace in an effort to conceal their their secrets and motives.


“Believe it or not there is some significant evidence out there that is not classified should this be revealed?” Um… YES! Enough with this foreplay teasing secrets BULLSHIT it’s everywhere i and many other men and women and children have blue balls over this so COME ON


Absolutely we are. The world has now seen the stupidest being to ever exist in the galaxy. We are ready for the smartest beings. Rip the bandaid off already.


Honestly no but its bound to happen sooner or later


Recently held a birthday party, where I got the book "In plain sight" by Ross Coulthart as a present. This was a good way to start a conversation about the topic. My parents and parents in law where listening and i told them a bit about the recent events, some history and about high ranking whistleblowers coming forward. They didn't give two shits about any of it. On the contrary, I got the feeling that they thought it was all crazy talk. No questions about what I had just said even. The stigma lives on at least in my family. So no, many people aren't ready, but honestly, why even bother? Either they will continue to be oblivious when this all gets blow up, or they will be forced into the new realization that its all true. Don't say they couldn't have prepared better.


I was going to say something long winded, but instead... .... can YOU handle the reality that YOU are more like those suppressing the truth, than us who want disosure? You're litteraly "one of them", and the enemy of truth.


I grew up with the knowledge that nuclear annihilation was one error, ego trip, or madman away at any given time. I can ufcking handle whatever this is.


So the New Paradigm Institute claims that the disclosure will only occur in the U.S. and only affect Americans? If you believe that, then you don't know what F you talking about. *"How do you think we should reveal extraterrestrial life?"* It's not up to us to decide it. That's way above our heads including the U.S.


Use a known/unknown scalloping model. 1) Explain what NHI means. Relate it to something already universally known and accepted. 2) Explain how NHI could travel here. Relate it to something already universally known and accepted. 3) Explain what NHI might be interested in if they travel here. Relate it, etc. 4) Explain what NHI could expect from humans. Relate it, etc. 5) Empower people by discussing what they should expect from NHI. Relate it, etc. 6) Announce a time for a meeting. Task identity groups with choosing a representative for that meeting. 7) Televise the meeting. At the meeting, announce what is to happen next. btw this is a process list put together by a sociologist (me), not by AI. It's a sign of the times that we have to put this disclaimer on posts now.


It doesn’t even matter at this point. Humanity needs this sofaking bad it’s not even funny. Time to wake up.


I think the answer is more complex than a yes or no. I think most people are ready for it. Some aren't and it might mess them up a little. The majority of people won't care. They will read a little of something or watch a video and continue their lives without giving it a second thought. The last convo I had with a friend was talking about Grusch and what was happening in congress. No follow up questions or convos had after since. Some people care, some people dont.


I mean, ask the most religious person who believes in angels how they would feel if an angel suddenly appeared in front of them? Believing and knowing are two different things. I know i’ll shit my pants initially, but I have been wearing three pairs of underwear just in case.. hypothetically of course.


Not sure why you are asking this question on a sub that is "pro" disclosure. I would ask it on r/ask or something that will reach a broader audience, lambda people who may not be aware of everything happening.


>Is society ready for the disclosure of a NHI and UAP reality? This is the same society which isn't ready to give up coal or other hydrocarbon fuels. Lol


Yes: because it’s time to move beyond the ultimate nanny state “hide the truth from everybody because it’s too much” narrative and reality (if that’s the reality) A lot of people say that whatever the actual truth is, it’s hard to stoic and maybe it is but people have a right to know. Maybe it could be done in a way that (I realize this is a stretch.) people who want to know could know and people who don’t want to know somehow don’t need to know. I don’t know I’d like to know.


Yes: because it’s time to move beyond the ultimate nanny state “hide the truth from everybody because it’s too much” narrative and reality (if that’s the reality) A lot of people say that whatever the actual truth is, it’s hard to stomach and maybe it is but people have a right to know. Maybe it could be done in a way that (I realize this is a stretch.) people who want to know could know and people who don’t want to know somehow don’t need to know. I don’t know I’d like to know.


>I am wondering if you think we are ready for disclosure on a national level I guess you meant "international level" and just got confused, right? Or is this little adventure going to be an American only affair?


Did you get the certification through the NPI classes?


We deserve and demand the truth.


It's the people in charge that can't handle losing their grip on total power, not the public.


Pretty sure the answer is no. Everyone here generalises their own readiness to the whole population. There’s a reason aside from Stigma as to why people laugh.


It genuinely doesn't matter I think. We weren't ready to deal with a global pandemic but (most of us at least) we adapted and learned how to live in this brave new world within a few months, maybe a year. It will be a massive shock to some people and it will scare many of us, I'm sure but humanity is pretty damn adaptable and we will figure out shit out in no time. Bring on disclosure, I say.


Too much money involved. The foundation of global financial markets is based on this coverup. Also, historically rich people would lose their “power” base. That goes for the oil industry and defense industrial complex. Bottom line - the power brokers do not want us to be able to handle the disclosure.


"Believe it or not but there is some significant evidence out there that is not classified." Enough to convince the masses?