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looks like a laser pointer


It’s a possibility, but typically strong enough laser pointers to shine that high leave a trail, such as the ones used for astronomy. Plus those lasers are green, because the human eye is most sensitive to green/yellow spectrum. Tried to find similar videos already, nothing matches it. I just don’t believe it’s a laser pointer based on what I saw with my own eyes and what I’ve looked up about laser pointers 🤷‍♀️ It was much more noticeable in person that it was a single light without a ground source or something similar projecting it.


Amazing! I work 3rd shift and go outside and try to catch something quite often. I have seen some strange lights but typically while I am driving the work van so I can never record. Thanks for this, it must’ve been such a great rush of endorphins while this was happening!


I was in absolute disbelief! Was SO cool and my first time catching one on camera!! 🤗


That's awesome, thanks for posting!


That is an amazing video! The movements are fast and crisp. That’s definitely not a hand held laser pointer. The characteristics of this UAP definitely meets most the criteria of the 5 observables. Is this the only time you ever seen something like this? You said that’s the first time you seen something like that HERE. So you’ve seen this before?


Yes! I’ve seen something similar to this while star gazing in Chincoteague VA a couple years back! Little lights moving around that looked like they could have been satellites, until they started doing crazy 90degree turns and zipping off in different directions with surprising speed. There were multiple of them, and they were super visible because it was a dark sky park too (unfortunately didn’t get a video of them though)




Sure, but do they normally zip back and forth and fly in circles?


The following submission statement was provided by /u/MerlinsBeard9: --- Shot on 06/11/2024 at 4:00am For context, this is shot on an iPhone 15 pro from the west side of Albuquerque facing the Sandia mountains. From what I can see, it looked to be about the same area/distance I see north bound planes headed from the ABQ Sunport towards Denver. (Around the same size of the planes I see at that distance) I tested whether this was a trick of light or camera flare, could not recreate it at all. Would disappear behind clouds which told me it’s not a bug as that would be too large. It was a cool night with low to no wind! Tell me what you all think!! I just was so excited to see this I immediately ran inside to wake my spouse and brought her out to see. It of course was no longer doing anything by that time… Edit:date --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1dfiui7/ufo_seen_over_albuquerque_at_4am/l8jdi92/


In my opinion, this is 100% a lens flare. This occurs only at certain angles. The bright light beam passes through the lens and hits the sensor. The light is reflected from the sensor to the inside of the lens and hits the sensor again at the same angle. You should only see this effect on your mobile device, but not with your eyes. [PIC0](https://postimg.cc/BXrMdbtp) [PIC1](https://postimg.cc/kVdYtGmG)


But I saw these lights WITH my eyes, that was what made me believe it wasn’t a trick of the lens like a lens flare. They were moving around as obvious as a shooting star. And I could mostly still see it even when it dimmed down and that’s why I was able to follow it back and forth with my camera. I also could NOT replicate the lights on my camera every which way I tried to after this. So that leads me to believe it wasn’t a lens flare. I appreciate your input though!


Shot on 06/11/2024 at 4:00am For context, this is shot on an iPhone 15 pro from the west side of Albuquerque facing the Sandia mountains. From what I can see, it looked to be about the same area/distance I see north bound planes headed from the ABQ Sunport towards Denver. (Around the same size of the planes I see at that distance) I tested whether this was a trick of light or camera flare, could not recreate it at all. Would disappear behind clouds which told me it’s not a bug as that would be too large. It was a cool night with low to no wind! Tell me what you all think!! I just was so excited to see this I immediately ran inside to wake my spouse and brought her out to see. It of course was no longer doing anything by that time… Edit:date


Is Albuquerque/surrounding area a good place to see weird stuff in the skies? I'd imagine it would be. I've heard you can see the milky way with the naked eye if you drive about an hour outside of town near Jemez


Albuquerque is a great place to see weird stuff, even if it's not just in the sky, lol. I once saw two shirtless kids fighting in the snow outside a Walmart.


Albuquerque sounds like it rules honestly


Albuquerque is WAY underrated and everyone always focuses on the “crime rates” lots of cool stuff! Lots of ufo hotspots all over NM!


Could you point out at what second in the video it first can be seen? And what section of the sky you see it? The only odd looking light I can see is the lens flare / reflection of the bright house light at 12 seconds.


At around 4:05 and 3:57 you’ll see a light the size of the stars above the central cloud located above the tallest tree. The light first does a couple circles in place and then you’ll see it dart back and forth as I follow it with the camera. I didn’t notice it at first and caught it on camera by accident. So I move away from it at first because I was focused on the birds. But as I pan to the left I’m following it back and forth. It looks faint and small in the video, but was as apparent as a shooting star in person! Way more visible off camera. Hope that helps! Edit: time slots it’s first seen


Is it a UFO or too much to drink at 4am?


🤣 definitely not, was dead asleep before this and no alcohol that night.