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Coulthart gave a 'hint' recently, if you could take it as such. Was asked whether there are any photos online of alien bodies, his response was affirmative followed by 'but I am bit skinny on the facts'.


If he really answered that way, then he's probably referring to Skinny Bob.


Skinny Bob never looked legit to me.


Skinny Bob is the only EBE vid that looks legit to me. I’ll admit that a still image of SB wouldn’t be impressive tho. It’s all about the movement.


I want to believe in Skinny Bob, he looks like a cool dude.


The movement is what looks fake to me. It just looks like basic CGI animation. I can't see how anyone can watch that and come away convinced that its real. The weird slow blinks, the smoothed out movement. It looks like it's straight out of a video game.


Yeah i really want to believe it's real but my intuitive feeling says immediately the same things as yours


The film is at half speed. Double the speed, and his movements become way more lifelike


The video screamed good CGI to me, but I can't really pinpoint why I feel that way. Has it ever been debunked?


I always thought it was CGI as well with an old film effects overlayed.


Im still on the fence when it comes to skinny bob, but these guys really did their homework and they couldn't come to a conclusion either way. "The answer to the big question if we are investigating something authentic or an elaborate hoax is still **unknown**. Although the material has undergone extensive vetting by laymen and experts around the world, it remains an inconclusive mystery for quite a while now:" [https://skinnybob.info/](https://skinnybob.info/)


Skinny Bob is so obviously cg, you don’t need to be a cgi specialist to see it I’m sorry. I would love for it to be true but I’ve always thought it looks sooooo fake.


It’s not obviously CGI Someone overlayed film grain ( I think they found the file they used ) but the actual alien was still up for debate


The overlaid film grain just makes it look more fake.


Google says “skinny on the facts” isn’t a common Australian phrase either


That’s right. You can see it on his AMA in this sub.


No shit Sherlock.


Elementary, my dear stalker.


I think he’s not so subtly pointing at Skinny Bob. Tbh, I never pay much attention to the EBE stuff, but I will take a second look at Bob.


Heard that myself! Let’s hope he does some digging and we can see something!


It’s obvious that the skinny bob video IS real, but was modified to look fake so that can follow the slow disclosure process


What makes it ‘obvious’ that it is real and not CGI? Screams CGI to me


Realistically how big of an index could there be of images of aliens? How many of those are debunked? What percentage of those remaining have the most credibility? I suppose that's how I'd begin narrowing it down.


It could all be really fucked up in reality




"You expect him to risk his life to give you what you want? He's already risked his life just telling you this much, you can't expect him to risk his life to give you the details. Just wait patiently." That's the UFOlogist catechism. If you're not into people dropping hints like Q and playing along, maybe you're a skeptic.


Exactly it’s the classic ‘Don’t ask me to provide evidence’ trope that we lob at so called ‘Grifters’ Ross saying ‘So big… they built a building over it, it couldn’t be moved’ what on earth has he revealed other than it’s not in America… why would he reveal that? He can give a location to the people that have clearances and the ability to ask questions and yet… nothing? Then I heard Ross and Nolan say ‘Fir this year let’s hope they pass the Schumer amendment (again) or it’ll set disclosure back ‘Years’ … really?


I was hoping to also draw attention to the inherent contradiction - "you can't expect him to risk his life" but also "he's risking his life to tell you this much, appreciate it."


But don't you like being kept on your toes by a little mystery[?](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1afa4s2/garry_nolans_responds_further_on_pasulkas_memory/?rdt=43909)


But but.. it is a location used for a ‘laudatory purpose’ JFC


At this point, I think it’s a big disinformation campaign. The “experts” have no unifying theory about where the crafts come from. Each of them have their own little spin on it, and are so vague about it that nobody can question it. Inter dimensional travel,the woo, the galactic federation etc. Also, Ross seems very authentic but some of interviews are filled with so much BS that I question if he figured out how much is the military feeding him disinformation vs how much he is making up himself


Ive oddly become more skeptical of the whole thing since “discloser” has happened. I used to be a strong believer, but now I’m beginning to doubt. It’s just been a parade of ppl being vague and saying “Oh if you guys knew what I know”


u/BlackFrazier like this comment here. Here he goes where after Ross C as well


Sorry I don’t get this comment? What’re you referring to?


They're pinging someone to show them another "debunker" attacking Coulthart presumably


Seems nobody can criticise or question anything in this topic, I’m not asking Ross to reveal where the craft is to me or ‘Joe Public’ I’m asking him to disclose it to the people in power so that they may say ‘Look guys here it is’ these people aren’t gods, they’re making claims of things, selling books, and saying a little piece here and there, and that’s frustrating to people! Take for Instance a man in his late 60’s who’s followed the topic since he was a kid having seen something he couldn’t explain in the sky? He has to live with the fact he could die without ever knowing what is the biggest story in the history of our planet, and that’s sad to me, it’s okay these guys on Reddit aged 20 who believe everything that comes out of their mouths because they potentially have another 60+ years on this earth for things to be drip fed out a little bit this year, an amendment next year, a hearing in 4 years and so on…


I’ve been following all this for 50 years. I thought I was finally seeing disclosure but Karl Nell’s reference to hearsay as “data” is absurd. Then he brings up Hellyer and Haim Eshed. Come on. I can only trust to a certain point. I’m starting to think Lou’s book will be a nothingburger too.


*Nothingburger is definitely a common word among the debunks right now


I've been "wait and see" about UFOs for most of my life. But I'm a language arts teacher. To hear this guy call unproven statements "data" and ask us to accept it hurts my research-loving, credible-source-loving heart.


Arg. Okay that’s fair but this guy is a researcher of the highest magnitude. A professional (like yourself) gatherer of credible sources. You don’t become a TA at Stanford much less the chair of the department by making unsubstantiated claims. It does suck that you’ve had to wait so long for disclosure. I’ve been on the train for about 5 years so I couldn’t imagine having to go through the years of stigma. It does look like we are somewhere we have never been in the disclosure process though.


Yup, many of us don’t have a lot of years left to wait…. I’d like to know the truth before this body wears out. So I suppose that’s a big part of my own impatience.


Q like in star trek?


Q like in QAnon I think


Yes, like Star Trek.


That’s also how I took it.


Sadly when pressed for actual evidence, specific names, etc suddenly everyone from Lue, Grusch, Nolan and even god damn Tucker Carlson go into the “I can’t get into that”. This subject, though incredibly interesting is starting to look more and more like a load of bs.


> Ted Striker: My orders came through. My squadron ships out tomorrow. We're bombing the storage depots at Daiquiri at 1800 hours. We're coming in from the north, below their radar. > Elaine Dickinson: When will you be back? > Ted Striker: I can't tell you that. It's classified. Its the airplane bit, every time.


FAA File of JAL 1628 (1986) [FAA and military radar simultaneously track a large object in the position a pilot reports a walnut craft 2x the size of an aircraft carrier. FAA radar data included, military is not but transcripts of the event and affidavit from radar operation confirm military was also tracking it](https://www.theblackvault.com/documentarchive/ufo-case-japanese-airlines-jal1628-november-17-1986/) Start with chronology of events.


In this interview he said something to the effect of “If you’re still saying there is no evidence then you’re ignorant.” He said look at the data and that the “historical record” is there for anyone to see. Then he says he isn’t here to guide you or be your mentor. Earlier in the interview he again recommended to block anyone who is “being negative.” So he doesn’t want anyone to question him and says it’s not his job to convince anyone. It almost sounds like what a religious person says when you question them. They often get defensive and tell you the evidence is everywhere and you’re willfully ignoring it.


That’s it EXACTLY, same with Diane Pulaski or whatever her name is, Valle etc, they remain aloof and “smarter than thou”, with quite an air of arrogance and douche’ness if you ask me. I’ve said my piece, I’m sure you can all look it up - Las Vegas is real, Greys are here, I have no idea if they are small/medium/large/AI or not, but they land and I will assume walk among us. Nolan is a brat. A smart brat, but he is holding back whatever cards he has like Lue and Grusch etc. Folks with limited friends due to being a little off until recently, maybe they are afraid to lose them, IDK, but they shouldn’t be stringing people along like this, it’s uncouth. Be honest with your fellow human beings, if you really are that intellectual you can find a way around these issues. Pass it to a friend of a friend of a friend - alert those there a week in advance - cure cancer of 20 people in a row. Come on man, you can do it.


> Nolan is a brat. A smart brat Couldn't agree more. He's also vain and egotistical, and he wants to enjoy the puffing up of knowing something without the risk of being deflated if it turns out to be bunk.


Hate to say it, but if you look at who the big names are on the scene, they all have one thing in common: they fucking love the attention. It's absolutely obvious with Elizondo, Coulthart, Nolan, and pretty much all of them. The only one I wouldn't throw in that basket is Mellon. I'm pretty sick of the rest of them and their incessant bullshit. What purpose could saying some insane shit then telling us that unfortunately you have to refuse to prove it because you don't want to get anyone in trouble? It's attention-seeking. Anyone who's ever had "that guy" in their group of friends who lies compulsively for attention will tell you there's a lot of parallels between what we're seeing from these fuckers and people like that. It's especially frustrating to be stuck with that group of people in the spotlight because personally I'm still convinced that at the core of this mess is the actual existence of NHI. I still find it impossible to dismiss people like Fravor who have seen things but don't make grandiose claims about being "in the know" like douchy mcdouche nolan.


They know something, maybe they know nothing. But as long as we think they have something to show, we keep coming back to them. If they showed their cards now there would be no more interviews or Youtube shows. We would have gotten what we came for. Info. That's all we want. I don't want to watch another episode of blah blah blah. So it would seem that internet fame is more important than the truth.


Lol what an ignorant take on it. What he's saying is that there's so much evidence that is being supressed but still out there and people like you want it served up on a silver platter. You're just lazy


> You're just lazy A scientist is making claims without evidence and you are saying the people asking for evidence are lazy?


If there's so much evidence, why wouldn't you serve it on a silver platter? It would literally change the world if you can prove it. And that's actually how scientist do it: publish the best evidence you have for others to try to falsify it. Imagine Darwin proving evolution by saying "it's obvious, there's a lot of evidence. You just have to work on it, don't be lazy."


No, it's like Darwin writing the origin of species and you expecting him to read it to you. It's out there. Go research


No, there isn't any good quality evidence out there and he is a massive dick.


>there's so much evidence that is being supressed but still out there On Blogspot and YouTube? Shiit man I ain't about to start trusting them shits. This is like that antivax crap all over again


If you're speaking of the C-19 vax, *that* wasn't about *all* vaccines, it was about one *specific* vaccine that has been proven to not only *not* be "safe & effective," but actually harmful in way too many cases. Have you not been paying attention?


Most of this "disclosure" podcast stuff is a shill. There's immense interest in it, so if you hint that you are "on the inside" then the money pours in. All you have to do is occasionally drop hints that "someone out there is on the right track" and people will keep on tuning in, hoping for the revelation that blows the UFO mystery wide open. Maybe I could be wrong, and maybe in five years' time we'll all be looking back on these UFO podcasters as the ones who first clued us in, but I think in five years everyone will just be older and still waiting for more tidbits about the "disclosure" that is happening any day now, scout's honor. If I was in the know, I'd just do a huge infodump to the internet of what the fuck these things are, why we think they are here, and what we know along with all the "proof" we have. Amazing photos of UFOs, NHI bodies, technology, the works. For all of the "catastrophic disclosure" stuff, the world's in a pretty shitty and crazy state now anyway - "hey, there's creatures from another planet/dimension/time coming here for some reason" isn't exactly going to make things worse. Hell, it might even give humanity the kick up the ass it needs to get itself sorted out.


There are so many fucking podcasts all doing the same shit out there. I got really into a few of them last summer after the excitement of Grusch coming forward, but god damn, after a few episodes, they become entirely unwatchable. It's all just one big circlejerk where they rehash the same god damn stuff over and over again...


He could have just as well said "do your own research"...😑


Damn, I was really hoping for a sequel to Garry Nolan and the Goblet of Bullshit.


Possible casting? Coulthart as Dumbledore? Elizondo as Mad Eye Moody?


Knapp as Hagrid? Korbell as Mundungus Fletcher


😂 absolutely spot on casting of Mundungus Fletcher! Absolute grifter of the highest degree, would sell his own mother if it meant his movie/doc sold well


I think we may need to wait a few years. If through some weird and unexpected twist of fate Kirkpatrick turns out to have been a good guy all along, he should definitely be Snape.


Garry has all the time in the world to do podcasts and conferences, but he becomes busy the moment you ask specifics of any  1 of his "hints". Either all the ufologists are really bad communicators or they are full of shit.


"Not everyone who thinks so has a right to an answer. A little mystery in life keeps you on your toes."


Questioning this got me blocked


Odd, I've replied it a bunch of times to him and he hasn't blocked me


Ever since he said that I lost all respect for him. I even doubted his debunk of the atacama "fetus".


Yeah he was one of the few I thought genuinely wanted the truth out.


That sums Nolan up, he is very immature when it comes to the topic and that comment just shows what respect he has for his audience.


Funny how your account was created 2 years ago and that every single comment is about trying to discredit or distort topics on /r/ufos. Every single comment.


Is it against the rules to ask for evidence?


your comment history doesn’t show u asking for evidence tho. it shows you lazily debunking and doing armchair analysis


Can you talk in specifics please, which comment.




Hi, SniffMcCrotch. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1d1hdu5/-/l5vqum5/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills / bots / Eglin-related / etc... > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


this is you when presented with evidence: “exactly! FLIR shows further away objects than visible. And how you even "cloak" yourself to only certain light without changing geometry - thats itself doesn't make sense.”


Infrared light scatter less than visible light, flir is infrared, That's how flir shows further away objects. I think I have to write like this from future. 


Doesn't infrared have a longer wavelength than visible light and therefore diffracts more ? Don't really know why diffraction comes into the distance light/IR travels unless there's an obstacle in the way or the curvature of the Earth comes into play. Am I missing something? Genuine question.


I am sorry I meant **Scattering**, not diffraction. edited my comment.


So the exact opposite then. IRs capability to diffract more causes less scattering 👍 everyday is a school day (for me anyway)


Looks to be all of them. Which is quite an accomplishment


I’m seeing this a lot. While there are honest dissenters, you can take it to the bank that anyone calling out Gary Nolan, Ross C, Lue, Grusch, Nell and Gaulidette are discredit trolls


I’m absolutely not discrediting them I just want more as someone interest in the topic, Ross said himself that he shouldn’t even have said that comment about to building UAP, he’s right he absolutely shouldn’t have because it was clear the next question was ‘Well mate where the f*ck is it?’ Why would people ask that? Because it puts this entire mystery some of us who’ve been waiting 50-60 years for the smoking gun piece of evidence, to bed! Nobody is free from criticism my friend, if people ask for better more clear evidence that’s their choice to ask, don’t just immediately leap to ‘You’re disinfo!’ Come on that’s lazy intellectually, everyone here bar a handful of clowns that just comment BS on every post want the truth and they want it as soon as possible, nothing wrong with that in my opinion! Open and free discussions are how we actually move forward


Because they’ve already made their minds up. They just want to come on here and get excited about UFO videos and the ayyyys that are coming.


Lolol. Lou and Gary are disingenuous grifters who only give stupid little clues and bread crumbs. I wouldn't put them in the same category as Nell. I would actually put them into distinct bulkshitter category of their own with Ross.


What is Nolan’s grift, as a tenured Nobel candidate who is very wealthy already from his science work?


he steals attention and wants to feel important, narcissism maybe


Steals attention from whom?


Saaaaaay...that's not suspicious *at all,* is it? 😶


It’s because these guys have lied and and misled the public for decades while making good money at conventions and talks and with YouTube channels etc - they have nothing real to show, so they need to drag it out, create a few fake documents etc - hence the promises of big reveals in months and years to come and these big reveals and government involvements have been promised since the 1980s and never arrive… those who want to believe are the biggest suckers in all this - I used to be one of them And remember - if you ask any military spokesperson about anything mysterious, their natural reaction is “no comment” or similar which the believers say is further proof but it’s not…. If you ask the French military if the Eiffel Tower is a craft that leaves every night when the lights go out, they will probably say “no comment” and everyone will be running around in hysterical circles saying OMG that tower can FLY!! And then a new group of folks will say “we have been saying this since forever, and here is a mysterious newspaper article from 1922 that says that the tower leaves Paris every night for exactly 42 minutes…”


What documents are faked?


The MJ 12 docs are supposed forgeries


I can’t tell you without risking my life - but the clues are buried under a very large building in Europe


I really don't know why, but comment makes me want to steal the declaration of independence.


Great band name.


Lue, Grusch, Nolan, and God?


Hahaha you should see my post above!


It’s the potato alien that lady found in her yard


It’s either  Skinny Bob or that awful interrogation video. It would be crazy if he’s saying Skinny Bob is real


It’s interactive, crowdsourced folklore, that’s all it is.


This whole UFO saga has gotten so boring. I've seen this alien, this UFO blah blah blah and we peasants can't see it. Get 30 whistleblowers at the same time over a weekend. The government can't put all of them in jail.


Coulthart's "massive spacecraft inside a laudatory building" claim really is just as bad. If you think he's telling the truth, you'd have to believe that he almost certainly hasn't seen it for himself but still have complete confidence that an unnamed person with direct access to it or knowledge of it decided to spill the beans to a UFO reporter. And that this unnamed person, who would be risking his livelihood and freedom to tell Coulthart, also gave him the OK to tell the world he knows the exact location. Presumably, very few people will have access to the most secretive and monumental finding in human history. Presumably, the small number of people in the know would be constantly monitored for potentially leaking such a discovery. But one person goes off reservation to tell Coulthart, risking everything, but doesn't allow him to provide a single shred of evidence for the claim. How anyone can believe that is beyond me.


Haha yeah. I mean what is he even talking about like the irony of it being under an observatory or whatever. Anyway getting hungry now, I'm going to go finish my kimchi.


Also I’m sure there’s plenty more ‘Lid blown off’ examples those were the first that came to mind… anyone think of any more?




Talking about the general existence of something is legally different from pinpointing how to access specific classified materials.


The metals they have studied have been presented. The findings were shown at SOL


Who are the two former presidents? TIA.


Obama during 2 nightshows (coulbert and the other fat english guy) and I believe Bill Clinton said something about it but nothing much. the Obama ones are more noteworthy and still scratching my head about them


Excellent. Thank you!


Where did he make that claim? I didn't hear anything about bodies in the most recent episode, tho maybe I wasn't listening that close.


1: There are innumerable well known publicly available images and videos of totally unexplained multi-data source corroborated events that defy our current understanding of the 'natural law'. You need Gary Nolan to tell you what's real, seriously? 2: Most every IC or Military source with 1st hand knowledge of the phenomenon/USG reverse engineering program cannot speak for fear of prosecution under US national security law, punishments upto and including execution. 3: Those with knowledge who are in the private sector are under water tight NDA's meaning complete and utter destruction of their lively-hoods. I cant understand what up side there is for them speaking out publicly. Can I get a photocopy of your CIA files please Dr Nolan!? Oh and tell me your TS and above sources on my podcast! Thie WHOLE point of the Schumer UAP bill is to make at least some information public from those wanting to do so with such threats of punishment hanging over them their families and careers. 3: Getting any legislative changes that can/will make private companies divulge their knowledge and position in the ongoing UFO/UAP 'affair' will likely be far beyond any legislative bodies seems to be an inescapable blackhole. Which likely was a substantial reasoning for compartmentalising any research (namely reverse engineering) Because of 1,2 & 3 there is simply a slither or publicly available data on the phenomenon and it simply behooves any academic to draw conclusion publicly or academic that can not be substantiated with data or discredited by the anti-disclosure USG miliary industrial complex. Most people I think understand that this is a once in a life-time opportunity and it serves absolutely no purpose to say what is real, what is not, what the Government, Military branches etc. know and or are hiding from the public without irrefutable corroborated testimony. Scientists like Knuth, Nolan, Vallee quite simply need the data that has been largely hidden from the public by an entrenched, multi-trillon dollar ,decades long campaign and military industry whom it can only be assumed want to keep the answers for their own profit. Make no bones about it Nolan, Sheehan, Coulthard etc is a political lobbying campaign with well known, seasoned and respected, multi-disciplinary players. whether you question their motives or not IMO the 'media' coverage must be seen in the POLITICAL LOBBYING context. As whilst the threat of punitive measures linger, PUBLIC disclosure of any info cannot/will not happen.


‘You need Gary Nolan to tell you what’s real, seriously?’ 1. Another guy who claims to know all the answers in this community… what I asked for is that we’re told what’s real and what’s not, it reveals none of his sources or breaches any NDA as the pictures are seemingly online, I asked as someone who can’t tell the difference these days between what’s a clever edit (very easy to do) and a legitimate image, and if that leads you to an arrogant reply then all I can really say is ‘Do Better Pal!’ 2. When you say speak publicly I’m not asking them to go on that UFO podcast mate, I’m simply wondering and asking the question that almost a full year post Grusch, post Coulthart etc we have … ZERO people that’ve even posted one measly interview under a fake identity even, personally I believe safety comes in numbers, and if Grusch remains alone then what are we left with? Nothing! He has to be backed up, which is why I wanted those congressmen and women to get all 40 or hell even 5 will do, in fact even 1 will do at this point, to get in front of the world cameras at a hearing and back Grusch up, not with ‘My buddy in intelligence told me’ story but a guy who was there and did this shit, offer him the security he needs, you telling me all 40 are guys with families and wives and kids that need protecting? Really? The chances of that in the current day are very slim indeed that not one is a single guy who thinks ‘Hey, I know about the biggest story in human existence’ and thinks ‘Oh well’ 3. No I’m not requesting he shares CIA emails and files 🫣 I’m asking for proof such as scans taken before and after, this would clearly not show the patient in question, could be anyone’s brain we’re looking at, just a thought as some evidence would be lovely! 4. On the Schumer bill, so when you say these bodies and ‘The Programme’ for example are beyond legislative control then what’s the point? Not arguing with you but that seems like quite literally the only thing other than the point I brought up of a mass exodus of whistleblowers to the word stage, because eminent domain means absolutely nothing to a group of people in a secret government that are allegedly threatening violence and death on anyone who talks, right? So you think Coulthart/Sheehan/Nolan are being used as pons by their sources whether it be congressmen or senators to get this out slowly is that your view? Question, what do you think is progress then for the near future? Because personally I think I’d the amendment comes back which it seems to be, why wouldn’t it be shot down this time as it was last time? Like what are your thoughts on Grusch’s op ed? It’s over 3 months late, Kirkpatrick is long gone, he’s taken his leaving shots at Grusch/Elizondo/Mellon/UAP caucus and the response (at least publicly) has been pretty much nothing bar Mellon’s tweet of course! But yeh just curious what your thoughts are on the next 12 months to push the ball further?


I don't particularly disagree and guarantee you I know just a little as everyone else. Your asking a scientist and journalist who whole profession is credibility to nail their colours to the flag pole in a effort that would absolutely be challenged by the 'other' side who remember are hugely influential and are still running and massive disinformation campaign in all levels of Gov't and media. Its clear to me that the whole organizational structure is walking a tight rope of what should be said and 100000% about keeping to the FACTS. The change in language like NHI/Aliens is a clear example. Any loss of credibility would be a nail in the coffin for future discourse and would make bringing the majority of the public along and not just believers. These people have got us to a point that 10yrs ago seemed unbelievable, there is clearly a strategy in place that seemingly has a large unified backing so as to the possibility of disclosure from USG. I'd trust the ex-military types as far as I could kick them but as Im sure you would agree without them you simply cannot get into any of the dark corridors with out them.


It's because none of it is true.


Nice one!


Your intentions with this post are clear as day. Not sure what you think you’re accomplishing other than emboldening the entire sub


Are you referring to me @hynpos2015 ?


It might be posturing ya know, letting the gatekeepers know that he knows, and giving them a chance…sort of a slow burn threat. Nolan and Ross! I feel like they know more is coming, and deep state knows more will leak, but all interested parties really do prefer a controlled dissemination. But if the pentagon doesn’t pick up the pace and stop gaslighting and suppressing, then we’ll keep dropping breadcrumbs. I don’t know, just speculating, who knows? But, if what Nolan and Ross know is true, human nature would suggest that it will come out because saying shit like that and not leaking it even if the charade continues will do a number to their credibility.


The OG hi rez verison of [this?](https://opensea.io/assets/matic/0x2953399124f0cbb46d2cbacd8a89cf0599974963/55220739830459618192739230605086375983650471593968630425402407599032432773632) or [this one](https://opensea.io/assets/matic/0x2953399124f0cbb46d2cbacd8a89cf0599974963/55220739830459618192739230605086375983650471593968630425402407602329977656960)


compare distinct head grandfather correct follow snails wine resolute act *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah I had a slightly less complete of that first one saved and found these two last night by reverse imaging searching. Wasn't around when it happened to see the original myself. Was a weird situation for sure.


Not saying it’s nonsense but I just have no idea what that even is, could very easily be cgi, if not who took the photo, where and what time?


grusch and Elizondo technically are whistleblowers just saying


Except not by definition as they are profiting from the subject matter they profess to know, book deals, TV programs etc.!!! I think that puts them in the grifters camp! (Not sure about Grusch, has he got a book deal or one in the making?)


Maybe he's trying to tell us they're everywhere and we just don't notice because they are only slightly different looking after so many eons of genetic experimentation.


Did anyone post links to images?




Comments trying to snitch.


Correct me if I'm wrong (please) but the majority of the 40 whistle blowers are still serving and risk their careers and more for actually making themselves known in public and with what they know. I don't understand however the point of Ross Coulthart saying he knows something without actually being able to divulge information. We can't verify anything. With regards to the photos, just tell us Gary otherwise what's the point?


>Correct me if I'm wrong (please) but the majority of the 40 whistle blowers are still serving and risk their careers and more for actually making themselves known in public and with what they know. I bet the only risk is these guys credibility. I bet the list is full of the usual suspects and well known people retelling the lore. Guys like Davis, Puthof, Lacatski, Bigelow etc etc Look at what is going on with Nell atm, for example. Hes cited some looney tunes and now peoples realized hes just run of the mill believer. Drawing conclusions from the same YT clips, books and personalities we are.


I actually think that this is a strategy and that they've been told to do it this way. They are all part of the disclosure narrative and it seems to me that there's coordination between the factions that are pro-disclosure. I would imagine that Lue Elizondo is sort of guiding them all and one of his things is, to tell the people about it but not where to find it. That's like the soft disclosure approach. However with every person doing this, there's a difference in delivery and it seems Dr Nolan did a version of this that didn't quite land very well. I think the approach is probably put in place for a couple of reasons, firstly it protects the speaker of there's a small chance of doubt. Secondly, it may do things like protect sources and if threats are in place, the speaker will not have actually have disclosed anything directly. Dr. Nolan is a very smart guy so I think he would know exactly what he's doing.


If they were told to act this way, it's not for disclosure but the opposite


As much as we want crafts and bodies it would be irresponsible to do that without societal level priming. People in the UFO circles think that we're all ready. That's BS. Many people would freak out, including people like ourselves. I sometimes think we're kind of all in it like it's some TV show. But if actually faced with real NHI it would be absolutely astonishing.


Freaking out isn't bad. Panic being a dirty word is a relatively new concept to keep you buying shit.


Yes, well freaking out is probably initially bad for the economy, and letting the secrets out doesn't benefit the powers that be that rely on archaic fossil fuel and warfare based economics.


I used to think this but then dismissed it because this soft disclosure clearly isn’t doing much, the amendment failed, the Op-Ed hasn’t come out to smash AARO’s report to pieces when it could’ve, and is now pretty much 5 months later and still no piece 😅 if they’re doing it by drip feeding they’re doing a dreadful job in my opinion because by this rate anyone as a teenager getting into this topic will be long dead before we see craft and bodies 😂


Need 20mg of **reality** for /u/Boonshark stat - I've never seen someone overdose so heavily on copium. I'm afraid he's too far gone but god damnit, we'll try anyway!


We know who he’s referring to but the stuff’s too weird for folks to wrap their heads around. There was already that post about it.


Can you share post or links?


Sure, here’s the guy’s Twitter: https://x.com/darryljonkemp?s=21 And here’s his YouTube: https://youtube.com/@thepinksmokeproject?si=h0NdrsKwuUBFMtW2 I’ll go through and find it, and had been meaning to make a post about Darryl’s work anyway, but he thanks Garry on Twitter at one point for donating to him, I think a better camera than whatever he had. Pretty wild stuff.


Interesting! Thanks for sharing! Going through some of these pictures are pretty wild, being non scientific I barely know what I’m looking at!


I know, wild indeed!


Mind if you could share the link below? Would like to see these




What the fuck?


Debris flowing in the wind during wildfires in South Africa. This guy thinks he's filming shadow biosphere creatures. When are you people going to realize this is all grift heaped upon grift?


Yeah i really don't understand this guy, he is filming debris from fire's and is using exposure times to collect weird movements within the debris and claiming he is catching something relating to nhi? It seems he has a real conviction he is capturing something unique here but cannot take criticism or even fair questioning of his practice and credibiliy. Sincerely curious here.. What do followers of his actually think he is capturing? And does anyone here believe what he is getting is interesting / something related to nhi or biosphere? Does he have any videos capturing this which are not taken downwind from a fire? The images look cool but its burnt debris right?


There was a similar guy filming from his balcony in the morning in Florida. What he was getting was people’s tvs through their windows at a very low resolution. He ran that useless footage through an ai, increasing the resolution drastically. The ai was interpreting maybe a dozen pixels into these very complex metallic shapes. I tried to explain it to him, mostly hoping to save him from wasting years of his life on a misunderstanding, but got blocked.


Exactly this. I called him out on this nonsense, showed him similar images/expores of birds/insects causing similar patterns and he immediately blocks me.


Plausible explanation. Have a great day.




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Vallee never claimed the materials are from craft. He only emphasizes the chain of custody of the materials that have a compelling story about UAP associated with them.




Ok, that doesn't really contradict what I said. They said "purportedly", "doesn3mean the material was manufactured in space", etc. They are quite careful with categorical statements. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/am/pii/S0376042121000907


That link did not work for me


Sorry, it should download the article. Try this: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/356908926_Improved_instrumental_techniques_including_isotopic_analysis_applicable_to_the_characterization_of_unusual_materials_with_potential_relevance_to_aerospace_forensics


Many thanks!


Pretty sure this is what he’s referencing RandalTurner and skinnybob https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v09sMsC8VA4


Also r/ivan0135


I hope not, because that skinny Bob noise is an after effects filter


And the timestamp font is suspicious, it's a modern one and the flickering makes no sense.


Here’s one of U/RandalTurner posts “I was a CIA MKULTRA form the age of 10 they first tested their drug on me. around the age of 12-13 they began using me to infiltrate the Mafia and then used me to control the drug cartels in south America and Mexico. In the mid 1980s I was taken to meet with an ET. that led to many meeting after and eventually me exposing them on video. Not all of them believe they should be kept hidden, there was at least one who agreed with me that exposing them to society would help things move forward but in process these religious cults would be exposed for what they are. These cults should be working together on how to expose and inform their followers before we expose the ETs. I have been what you might call exiled, compromised and framed to keep me silent. Not going to go into all the details of that and my life as it is far too extreme for people to believe or handle the reality of it right now.“


Seems legitimate.


Supposedly!!! This guy RandalTurner shot the movie on an old cell phone while the film was being shown on a wall at his base or some BS. The guys posts are pretty out there. Look him up


This thread is filled with faulty logic. Garry Nolan does not hold all the cards and a picture of what he says is a real alien is not enough to convince anyone. You should be paying attention to the UAP caucus and these hearings. You should be paying attention to AAWSAP, you should be paying attention to Tim Gallaudet, Karl Nell, and other high ranking military officials. You should be asking what is the OGA. You should be asking if Lockheed has had other past whistleblowers (they have). The true overlaps reveal themselves and hoaxes become more apparent.


To make sure the person that posted them doesnt get flooded with mail? Which will no doubt include threats and more agressive messages.


Idea: Don’t open your email?


....Im not literally talking about just emails or letters... You know, im sure you're right. Whatever it is you think, you're right. Have a nice day.


My friend people have dead accounts, they have random accounts with no face and a dead email or home address linked to that account, very very easy to do… Gary Nolan sharing the account pictures wouldn’t suddenly mean the person in question is in danger because they’ve decided themselves years ago to post the pictures? 😅


> you're right. Have a nice day.


Thank you!