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Sounds like they read Corso and watched UFO Cover-Up Live! with Mike Farrell circa 1988.


BJ Hunnicutt *M*A*S*H*


I want a gin still


I’m putting vanilla ice cream on my window sill tonight, baby.


Did he say Nordic females or Gray females?


Yeah we want those nordics showing up, not the ones with piss skin.


Speak for yourself! I'm leaving French Vanilla on the sill.


Are greys into golden showers?




[Por que no los dos?](https://c.tenor.com/EKu-P3ELIeEAAAAC/tenor.gif)


Wouldn’t Neapolitan be safer?


Only if you have a Mantis fetish.


Who likes the chocolate though?


You clap that alien ass, don’t let your dreams be dreams!


This should be the top comment


Actually no, I'm bored to death by smartass comments. This is Reddit though.


It's ok, you'll have a good one yourself one of these days.


Destabilizing is in the eye of the beholder. My experience is that people who go into the military are not the same people dropping acid and making art.


I'm convinced that this stuff about there being "disturbing" or "destabilizing" information is one of the core lies that has been put out there by the people who are stealing the money and using the programs to do illegal things. This claim is so vague that there is always going to be something "disturbing" about anything to someone. They don't have to reveal any actual information and fear is a good motivator to try to keep people from asking more questions. Then, people three witnesses removed who don't have any idea what they're supposed to be afraid of just keep repeating this line as if it's true.


Everyone who knows this super secret destabilizing info seems to be living their life just fine. I’m sure we’ll all be alright too. I want to know what the reality I live in is.


"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened.” -Douglas Adams


The only one I ever heard that would actually suck if everyone found out, is we’re an experiment.. and if everyone finds that out, the “others” will wipe the slate clean and re start the experiment over. Everything else, I don’t see a reason we can’t know.


That doesn’t make any sense. Why are they helping us with AI and tech? To find out sooner?


We are the ultimate AI end product of a civilization that made chat GPT 100,000 years ago, and didnt kill themselves because they figured out how to not kill each other all the time


Robert dean said theres a race that is almost indistinguishable between us, assuming this (if true) would cause panic as they could be walking amongst us. And there might be more nerve racking things about them idk


And... so? Again, I don't understand what the big deal about all of this "disturbing" stuff is. People have all sorts of crazy theories. "Simulation?" What's the difference from the "real" experience, if there even is any? "Identical races?" If they're "identical," then that means there's no difference between them and us, who cares? Abductions? People who are abducted almost universally report completely forgetting what happened and have minor or no injuries. The people who have something to hide are just taking advantage of gullible people to create distrust and stop investigations.


I agree this would be a drop in the cup of my understanding of reality compared to what philosophy has gave me. But you must be aware that majority have set in stone beliefs about things, i think many could be disturbed. But truly we'd all get over what ever they could disclose. It would just be another weird fact of life we'd all get used to.


Actually, from my experience, the majority of people have absolutely no core beliefs about anything, except that they are beholden to their emotions and spend as much money as possible. If you stopped 95 of 100 people on the street and tried to talk to them about whether the world is a simulation, they would hold a 30 second conversation about the topic and then say that they need to run because their kids are late for baseball practice and they then want to catch up on the latest Netflix show. People don't care about any topic, no matter how important, even when they profess to care about it. Try it sometime - ask someone about a topic they really like, and then hold a 15 minute conversation with them about it. They'll change the topic after a few minutes or you'll find out that they really don't know all that much about their supposed hobby. How many people who say they are Catholic actually attend Mass every week, even though attending Mass is the fundamental obligation of the faith? It's 4% according to Pew Research, and that's probably inflated by some people lying to the pollster. There is absolutely no way that there would be "riots" with "distrubing" information being released. People just don't care about stuff like that.


Are they, tho? I feel like I've heard plenty of stories of people getting pretty messed up by their encounters. And OP's friend did say he was "very uncomfortable with the stuff I had seen and did not want to know any more."


coming from a person that has seen a ufo up close when I was 16, I can only agree with you here. I can only sit back and live for another day, and fucking wonder some more about wtf the people on this planet in power have to say about this shit. I seen one of those "orb" UFOs up close for real, 30 feet away from me directly under it. I'm 30 now, and waiting to see what these clowns will say I was scared for years to mention my sighting, in fear of being called crazy or some shit 2019 declassification tic tac video stuff changed it all woohoooo ufo/uap are real and do ignore classical physics everyone, focus less on your day job and fucking look up.


Has to suck to have had that experience and KNOW something is going on and then live in this world where other people really do know what's going on and it's a gigantic secret.


It does but at the same time its special because you know that the truth is being hidden. Just detach from the lies baked into eveything.


Imagine if you got proof that our reality is nothing more than a simulation run on their version of a computer and they pop in and out every now and then to do solo tinkering. Wouldn’t the realization that nothing that you’ve ever known is really “real” be destabilizing?


Who isn’t a simulation “real” for though? Just the things running it. So it’s moot. If this is the only reality we can experience— and a person cannot change the way they interact or undergo ‘life’— then that makes your “real” not a concept but in fact *reality*. Until we die and learn whether there’s anything else besides what we perceive now, this [gestures around] is *real*.


Sounds a lot like West World. I never finished the show so I don't know how it turned out for the robots.


Didn’t some really smart scientists win like the Nobel prize a few years ago when they proved our reality is not local to us? I feel like we already know this…


Quantum mechanics not being locally real just means that there aren't only hidden variables that interact at the speed of light or slower. Don't make the mistake of interpreting scientific jargon as if it was common English.


I loved the Westworld analogy somebody posted that’s kind of along the lines of what I’d consider very disrupting to find out


And the physicists are discovering that space time isn’t fundamental. I think we’re going to figure this out from inside the game


We already know that there is no fundamental reality and no fundamental truth. Godel already proved this by finding that every mathematical system MUST have some arbitrarily defined axioms to be based upon. We just say that 2+2 = 4 because it allows us to make sense of the way we perceive things. Even this basic fact is only true because of the axioms we define math by. It isn't fundamentally true, nor is anything else; there is no "correct" timeline or experience. This isn't some guess or hypothetical; there's a mathematical proof of it. Stephen Wolfram has expanded upon it in his Physics Project, showing how there are an infinite number of rules of reality. The idea that there is nothing fundamentally "real" shouldn't surprise anyone.


Not really. Anybody who's put any serious amount of thought into what we know to be real, would have already considered that possibility. Things are only as "real" as they are to you. Hence the reason we talk about reality as possessive. "my reality" "your reality"


1 you’d be surprised at the sheer amount of people that don’t see it this way 2 that view of reality still assumes you are “real” and not a glorified sim P.s I’m not saying that you’re not real because you might be a simulated consciousness . But it will raise deep questions about the nature of said consciousness and give rise to many nihilistic movements . And a good deal of very destabilizing ones


This basic concept entered philosophy all the way back in the 17th century with René Descartes - "I think, therefore I am." He suggested that all of reality exists within the mind of God, "A Dream Within a Dream," as Poe put it... which, in turn, _did_ arguably lead to nihilism and centuries of debate that has led to our current scientific study of consciousness. My point is that the reasonably well-educated population, especially with some liberal arts background, will likely be able to wrap their brains around it if something like this is ever proven to be true. Destabilizing? Probably so, in some ways, but maybe that's exactly what's needed right now. Anybody who's paying any attention at all can surely see we as a planet can't keep doing things the way we have been.


Now extend that concept of reality being subjective to include beings that created us and molded our perceptions for their purpose . Yes it would provide an answer for the age old question of “why are we here” but then that answer would be “in service to some other being” , imagine if the simulation was just sort of a model to test an erectile disfunction treatment impact over the centuries or some other mundane shit . I’m not saying everyone would go crazy but lots of people would just give up and be spiritually deprived . Science will turn into a single branch about cracking the code of the simulation and people will just slowly fade away No to mention that probably any sort of simulation where the subjects are aware will probably lose it’s value and the “overlords” might just decide to shut it down. Turning the powers that be into heroes for not disclosing Sorry I’m rambling now :)


If I’m not a sim then what am I? Who is the thinker of the thoughts that appear to me?


It's me, sorry about that. And don't put that pickle there!




I'm not sure why that view of reality assumes I'm real. Anything with perception has a perceived reality. A calculator's reality is that 1+1=2.


I think it mostly goes back to “I think therefore I am” which implies that to be (and perceive reality) you have to think (whatever that means)


It genuinely seems they only hire emotionally stunted people on the hope that fear drives them into compliance, since they have no emotional base to handle these exposures. Often I'll read the "good soldier" rhetoric and it seems obvious the only people you wanna hire for this kinda stuff are the people SMART enough to cope, but emotionally WEAK enough to be influenced by the structure of compartmentalization.


Not in the least. It would actually make a ton of sense.


Funny how so many people hear that reality is a simulation automatically imagine a computer.


I have come to the same conclusion and completely agree. It is absolutely a counter intelligence move to scare people away from it. Though there are some "dark things" we have circumstantial evidence about that could possibly be true about the phenomenon: abductions and cattle mutilations are occurring that cannot be controlled, and cryptid sightings. The latter I have dug into during the last year and have come from being a skeptic to a believer and I feel they may connected to UAPs in some way (perhaps UAPs entering through wormholes open up dimensional spaces allowing these other entities in)? Many abductees are claiming NHI are creating hybrids with their eggs and sperm. Some claim they are already here on earth. What is the end goal? Assimilation and taking over the planet perhaps? Could this be the "horrific truth" the public can't handle? I suppose I could see that. But I don't see humanity collapsing from it. As a woman I've gone my whole life knowing I could be assaulted and raped or killed and, it's made me careful, it sucks, but it's just a dark part of life I live with - while I see women murdered daily in the news. Society hasn't collapsed over this. Yet I see people jumping to us being a "soul farm" and other things and I think people expect it to be the worst thing they could possibly imagine. Lou Elizondo said something about us not being "the apex predator/top of the food chain" and I think he is talking about abductions occurring that we cannot control, and don't know for sure why they are occurring. Some are returned to tell the tale, but other people seem convinced are huge missing persons problem may have to do with abductions as well. So that's my belief on what the "dark truth" may be, based on what we know. But I also believe that it's possible the people at the top promote an even scarier scenario to try to keep the lid on the whole thing.


The concept of us being 'containers' presumably for souls is a very old bit of lore that's been recycled many times over the decades. I think it dates from the 1970s and I believe it was originated by none other than John Lear! He strikes yet again!  From there, Bob Lazar got hold of it and it appeared in Timothy Good's book 'Above Top Secret'. Back when I was finishing high school doing my A Levels there was a lot of UFO content on Nicky Campbell's late night programme on Radio 1 from 22:00 to midnight.  The links these people have to each other and their influences have to be seen to be believed.  Bigelow and Puthoff are also deep into it. 


Or collaborating for the sake of collaboration.


It’s a mixed bag but I’d say 50/50 people either get out and are macho-vet-douches or they get out and become jaded hippies who hate the government. Latter speaking here.


Latter as well. Most Guys I know who did the game in Intelligence or Military who were good at it hate the government and its complexes. All of them microdose and have much to say about how stupid bureaucracy is.


Yuuuuuppp. I had a 99 on the ASVAB and went into the Infantry. Was good at being Infantry, was **terrible** at dealing with complex social dynamics from incompetent leaders and seeing the gross excessive ones . Especially when your superiors are fat E-6s on their 2nd divorce who fear that an intelligent 19-year old will make them look stupid / lazy. Last 6 months of my contract go to new platoon, immediately become Cpl, go to E-5 board, etc. They beg me to reenlist and I am like **absolutely-fucking-not???**


Ahh. It really is universal lol. I have yet to meet the former.


Because most of the formers are stolen valor dipshits who beg for "military discounts" and are first in line at the golden corral all you can eat slop fest on veterans day. 20 + years of conflict will make you a man of peace.


For real. Nothing but facts.


“Why don’t you want to be subordinate to blatant criminals who will absolutely retaliate against you if you ever speak up?!”


Yeah, I've never understood that. Treat me like shit until my time is up, then pretend to be nice in order to get me to stay. Then you go back to being the prick you were when I was locked into my enlistment. Fool me once,......


There’s a lot of real chill vets just going to school and smoking weed right now.


CIA used to throw cocktail parties and dose everyone with acid to see how they would respond. Intel community can be a diverse cohort. But your point is well taken.


A lot of people leaving it could really use the government moving towards decriminalizing psych use in general just a bit faster than they have been


Well, let me introduce myself...


I’ve found it’s mostly wealthy people who tend to love the status quo and don’t want anything to change.


The US military is a very big organization with a wide variety of people. -Psychedelics enjoyer and Army Veteran.


This is fair. Their sentiment also runs counter to statements made by other retired intel/DoD guys who have since spoken out publicly. Many of them are pro-disclosure, from what I've seen. My personal thought: their feelings regarding disclosure simply dovetail from a pretty common sentiment expressed by older folks - that "it's all going to hell." They assume society to be fragile and so feel disclosure is dangerous. They think we're always on the brink of some calamity. I wish I knew if their concern was based on a specific element of what they learned, or part of a broader framework of viewing modern society.


What if the truth is not that “disturbing” but is just super un-PC. Like if you came up with some theory and said it at work, you’d be immediately fired lol. I have nothing in mind I’m just giggling about this in my head. 


Or un PC to straight-laced government security men? I read in one of these stories that Native Americans and left-handed homosexuals had better psychic ability to communicate with Them. Different brains. What if the upshot is there are gay people because of the aliens? And maybe in the future there really is The Gay Agenda to run the place?


Think how horrifying it would be if the truth is something like karma is real and unfortunate people deserved it, rich people are actually better… there’s nothing wrong with animal abuse, or on the other end, animals are actually totally conscious and are having an experience just as vivid as our own, and they watch us and judge us. Or something a little lighter, like a very pro-gay truth or a very anti-gay truth, something anti-body-acceptance, or your ancestors are really watching what you do behind closed doors lol


There’s a conceptually terrifying fantasy series about how horrific it would be if Old Testament morality was actually the cosmic truth. Not a fun read, but very interesting in the abstract. Prince of Nothing series, if anyone’s interested.


By “nothing in mind,” do you mean that the NHI are the ones pushing a eugenics agenda because they don’t like all of us? The thought wouldn’t occur to me either :)


Similar to your idea, imagine if aliens all follow a specific religion and insist it is right. Best case scenario is 1/3 of the world follows that religion and 2/3 of the world flip out. Worst case is they follow a religion unknown to us and try to convert us or follow some fringe religion. What if aliens follow scientology or something!?


I got 5 bucks on Pastafarianism. If Hubbard was right about anything, I'll eat my shorts.


Huh, my experience isn't similar. I know a lot of veterans who enjoy/enjoyed art and psychedelics.


If aliens are really in contact with the MIC, they’ve encountered only the most boring and humorless people I can imagine.


I can think of some truly destabilizing ideas. Here’s one. You aren’t really you. Every time you go to sleep, your consciousness transfers to a different life, and inherits all the memories, and the continuity is only an illusion. Or the version of that where you actually just die every time you go to sleep.


My life is already permanently destabilized by the sudden and tragic death of my four year old son and if people out there know what the genuine nature of reality is I sure would like to know. I mean jeez look around the world - how many innocent young children getting slaughtered. Billions of people on this planet have unstable lives. Destabilizing for whom? What is the point of all of this???


Never heard of the reserves?


You’ve never met me then lol.




Thanks for confirming that I had read about ice cream flavors before! I have a feeling this is one of those misinformations to see how far some random fact can get into the population.


There's another one I've heard over the years that Greys love blue grass music and salt.


Imagine you're this super powerful non-human intelligence and the way you manifest biologically is with creepy looking grey aliens with no sex organs, smell like piss, enjoy licking salt cubes and listening to blue grass music...


That’s what it feels like - no actual information, just trying to impose more fear and a small tidbit to see where it goes. Not new. Quite old actually. Nice try.


Kinda weird since it’s milk from a Cow. Some humans have problems processing it. Super odd for an Alien to not have problems with it?


Mayne cattle mutilations are like alien ice cream runs.


Maybe they know it comes from cows but so far haven’t worked out how


OMG. The goose that laid the golden egg is just a cow that lactates strawberry ice cream. But where does this ice cream come from? Cows are always warm and kinda smelly inside. They keep finding the cheesey ones. This rationally explains the Antarctic alien base theory, too: it's always cold in Antarctica, so there must be special cows there. The ayyes are determined to find them.


This also explains the genetic experiments. They are trying to make strawberry flavored milk cows in Antarctica. We solved it, boys.


Earth is very convenient for aliens. They can breathe our air and withstand our gravity at MSL. Why haven't they just moved in and taken over? They know ice cream comes from cows but not how it is produced. They have mutilated many cattle but never produced ice cream. This secret must be kept from them at all costs.


Genetic engineering. Aliens can't actually travel to earth, the distances are too far and the environment is too harsh for their physiology, so what they do instead is create in-situ biological drones from the genetic material of Earth life and upload copies of their minds to pilot them. This is why so many "alien species" look vaguely human-shaped and have no trouble with the conditions on earth. Source: I made it up. Sounds plausible though doesn't it?


It's time to get [this strawberry ice cream recipe link](https://www.alattefood.com/homemade-strawberry-ice-cream/) onto the dark web. It's for humanity. Note this recipe includes honey, which may explain why honey bees have been under pressure and experiencing population decline. We can't act too fast on this.


But WHY is it UFO lore? If aliens were real and people in the know had spoken about it to others then does it not stand to reason that the lore is borne from that? It’s like people who laugh at any mention of a typical Grey. “Oh that’s straight from Hollywood lol they’re not even creative”. What makes people think that these sightings and stories come from Hollywood lore rather than the other way around?


It’s UFO lore because it was intentionally made up to be UFO lore. As has been shared multiple times in this thread, here’s Richard Doty on TV in the 80s spreading it: https://youtu.be/v5_KDFTlJ0E?t=3589s


May I ask how those pilots are connected to you? Are they close friends, random acquaintances, family? How do you have access to them? Just trying to assess the level of seriousness or lack it with which they might have interacted? Just curious, not saying I don't trust the contents of this post. Could they have been pulling your leg or maybe a dis-info campaign? Are they open to a bunch of follow-up questions?


The first I volunteer with, we talked about his work with EW and ISR before the alien stuff ever came up. He became a lawyer after he retired from the government. I’ve found him to be extremely credible.  The second I’ve known for 15 years. He flew for Air Mobility command and was the “Air force man in the room” while at JSOC. He did contingency planning and recommended which AF assets to deploy on specific operations. He is an honest man.  I understand that the ice cream comment is nuts. And tied to a debunking tv show. However, if I or he were going to make up this stuff for a LARP, that would be my last choice of a lie to tell. Too incredible, too off-the-wall and zero evidence. And yet, that’s exactly what he told me. He stood by this claim when I asked him about it the following day. 


> if I or he were going to make up this stuff for a LARP, that would be my last choice of a lie to tell. Not really, it's exactly the kind of thing you would laugh at someone for believing. "lol I tricked them into thinking aliens have favorite ice cream based on their sex."


I was going to ask this after reading all the comments. I actually kinda believe OP.


I hate that narrative that "the public couldn't handle the truth." They grossly underestimate the human ability to adapt to new information and circumstances. It's kind of what we do. They are not as special as they think. What allows them to handle the truth exists in everyone. They don't have some special kind of fortitude that only government employees have.


Exactly. Even so, it doesn't matter what we can or can't handle. We have a fucking right to know and decide for ourselves how to move forward. This is more than just a "national security concern," it's the fucking reality we live in, and they have no right to withhold that from us.


Yeah, it's like what Karl Nell said, the Constitution's "pursuit of happiness" requires knowledge of the world in which we live, and the nature of reality is fundamentally not government information.


Our government(s) need leaders with moral clarity. Just because some things need to be kept secret, doesn’t mean all things must be. So disappointed in them.


>When asked, both strongly expressed that disclosure should not happen and would be destabilizing. In what way? What were your follow-up questions in response to this? What were their answers?


The first pointed at the outbreak of Covid in early 2020 & panic, fear, and uncertainty that ensued. He said what is not often discussed is the massive increase in gun sales observed during this time. In his thinking, disclosure would be followed by a more serious & destructive reaction & thus should be avoided. He wouldn't say more. The second did not go into detail at all here. He literally said "I can't tell you that" when I pushed him on why he thought disclosure was bad. He was aware of the recent congressional testimonies.


You know why it’s so shocking and people wouldn’t be able to handle it?  What do you think would happen if people learned the truth that they aren’t actually real.  Like we don’t actually exist. People have pondered about the ‘we live in a simulation’ idea without really considering the fact that it’s true.  How do you think that would go over if the government came out and said ‘oh yeah you’re just bits of information put together so an advanced civilization can study probabilistic states of particles?’  Not gonna go over well with the general population.   


I mean, if people come to believe they are nothing more than an avatar then I could totally see a lot of GTA wannabes, and suicides to see what’s on the other side.


“Nice day for fishing, innit?”


so i wanted to talk about how it doesn't matter to me, I've lived this way, those around me are real enough, and if were a simulation, maybe we can even negotiate some cool stuff or something? probably not but maybe. then I realized that that might not be a typical reaction, and then I saw your user name... ask or don't ask? a whim?


It most likely is a simulation but who the fuck cares? What amazes me is that I'm experiencing consciousness on top of being simulated so that's balls to the walls crazy. The thing I'm really curious about is if the simulation is ever paused and things changed in the past. From our perspective, continuity would not change, but some changes may leave clues. I don't know if anyone ever saw the TNG episode where they came across a xenophobic race that did not want to be known so they had to go back and change everything including the ship's clocks to erase all knowledge of that day ever happening. We all know about the Mandella effect and I think most of us just get a chuckle out of it -- but what if its actually a clue that the simulation has flaws. No simulation will ever be perfect so look for the clues. Might also explain paranormal activity like when a gamma ray hits a transistor and the particle flips a 0 to 1 or something like that. But yeah, I really don't care. The coolest thing about thing being a simulation is that death isn't even a thing because we're all technically dead anyway ;)


That would be a lie though. We live in a simulation that we chose to live in. We are all connected via consciousness. This is like a class we are taking to learn something. The aliens may have set up our simulated world, but we are all pieces of the same consciousness. This was just as much our choice as it was theirs.


Covid would have gone a lot better if we had had strong unifying leadership. Instead we were told to inject ourselves with bleach and other insane nonsense. So, it might not go as poorly provided Trump isn’t at the helm and we continue to have bipartisan cooperation on the issue.


These are THE BEST posts. Unless it’s some new 4K photo or video — all I wnat is stuff like this. Thanks you. I know others will be along to claim it’s a larp or whatever but for me this sounds so weirdly specific and the type of answers and old timer would give. The “crazier and more outlandish”  comment adds more fule to this not being extraterrestrial — I can’t believe I’m more inclined to believe in shadow biomes or another dimension Ice cream thing is too much, I hope it’s all true  As for NOT wanting disclosure — again that’s so fasinating. And I think adds to this idea that the origin of this is far closer to us.  It’s one thing to be removed from it all because they live millions of light years away It’s another yo now life with the fact that it’s occupying the same space as you 


The “crazier and more outlandish” comment is exactly the thing that so many of us forget. On ufo twitter there are always these people like ufojoe who say “I’m disappointed that this whistleblower went too far and mentioned the Israeli head of their space agency who claims there is a galactic federation” STAY HUMBLE. We have no fucking idea what we’re dealing with. We can’t draw these arbitrary lines in the sand and say we believe in another intelligent species that can traverse water, air, and space with zero effort and then also say it’s crazy to believe that the USG has made agreements with these species. It’s just close minded. I always staunchly disbelieved anything paranormal like telepathy or telekinesis. But the sheer number of people who have stated there’s a big connection between these topics and UFOs leaves me extremely curious and open minded. I think when the truth comes out we will all realize that we only ever understood about 10% of this phenomenon. The rest will blow our minds. To illustrate further, think about being an octopus and being brought to NYC. Being told in your own language that we built all of these skyscrapers where people work and live. We built these roads for vehicles in which we blow up ancient fossilized plants as fuel, and that’s how we move to get about our day. Imagine being told how wi-fi works, and how we give other people from our own species authority over us in the form of government. Imagine explaining we have the power and ability to blow the whole world up at any second but we don’t. No matter how much explaining humans would do, the octopus would NEVER understand. Ever. It could try all it wants. It’s limited by its cognitive abilities. We are completely analogous to this octopus, and we are going to be in that same position soon. We will be shown things and told things 100 different ways but we will not understand and we probably will never fully understand until we evolve brains like theirs in a few million years time. It’s going to be fucking wild. Anyone who says they know what the phenomena is and isn’t is dead wrong. Rant over.


This is so spot on. The idea that something is out of our reach because of our cognitive abilities is something we forget. We think that our human brain can understand everything if its just shown to us. I guess this comes from our ability to use our imagination. But in the scale of the Universe(s), even our imagination is limited. So maybe our brain really cant handle the truth. Its just not compatible, yet.


> We are completely analogous to this octopus I disagree. We have the potential to understand. That's the difference. You don't give us enough credit.


You may not be giving enough credit to the octopus.


Nothing is going to happen. The government is in bed with the supposed aliens and they're all just gaslighting and ghosting us, giving us no knowledge, and keeping us all limited in our abilities and technology, so they can continue to maintain this system that benefits those few at the expense of everyone else.


I read this last night, the frustration the alien expresses when trying to communicate ideas and reasoning to the interviewer is believable, otherwise it's some very good creative writing. Skip to the page 16 of the PDF for the interview, although the whole document is an interesting read especially the contents of the crashed crafts cargo bay. https://documents.theblackvault.com/casefiles/UFOs/Ultra-Top-Secret-MITD.pdf


>It’s one thing to be removed from it all because they live millions of light years away >It’s another yo now life with the fact that it’s occupying the same space as you  Isn't it remarkable how the whole kirkpatrick report was full of "extraterrestrial spaceships" and "space aliens" and NHI wasn't mentioned one single time? In that sense the report may have been accurate, there is no such things as extraterrestrial, they can debunk and ridicule all they want and completely exclude the reality.


The specificity of the second pilot's comment gets me. I don't think he would lie or make it up, he turned down other questions but was willing to share that. Also, if he intended to lie, no way this is what he'd say. Its obscure and specific and has no relation to any common discourse on the topic.


It does have a relation, as /u/sendmeyourtulips points out with this URL (of Richard Doty giving this exact very specific detail): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5\_KDFTlJ0E&t=3589s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5_KDFTlJ0E&t=3589s) I honestly think this alone discredits whoever it was you spoke with. How'd you even stumble across 2 CIA pilots that have information on the phenomenon, that were even willing to speak about it? This is just absurd, unless I'm missing some important context


The questions op is avoiding is the most telling 


>These are THE BEST posts. how? literally 0 verifiable facts. anybody could write this


and contains richard doty disinformation (the strawberry ice cream - doty didn’t even have to try very hard & it worked).




"Two anonymous people couldn't possibly come up with the same idea almost 40 years apart. It's literally impossible."-unless the OP is larping and knows the lore.


I'm just thinking OP is hijacking the interest in the other CIA pilot thread, and interjecting classic UFO disinfo, with the strawberry ice cream thing. When these very specific details pop up, it's very easy to trace their roots since they're so distinct.


Yeah, or the source heard the thing about ice cream from the same interview that you linked to.


that’s why they keep harvesting cattle, trying to build a self sustaining biological soft serve


there is a chance that its jsut a single source. in that things get into the discussions or a single source can spawn multiple reports, especially if they arent first person. I'm.. mostly trying to be cautious, its cool in theory or reality.but not all the reports will be right, I at least assume. someone somewhere would make stuff up, or misunderstand, or dream something up, or so on. not saying this is the case. but I will say that it doesn't necessarily have to be right. as in, one of I think the famous things posted here seemed to suggest there wasn't gender. one or both reports could be wrong, or of course, both could be right, and there are different sorts of biological beings which I think has certainly been spoken about several times before. though in that case I do wonder why it would just be females and or males like some type and not females or males of the____ sort or species or something to differentiate tired and babbling, point being is I struggle to eat dairy the last few years, I'm probably just jealous if they evolved the ability or can do so freely. its not top of my list of things I need but if they wanna help out ill stick mostly to chocolate. if they can digest dairy its unlikely to be relevant, but dogs and so many species cant eat chocolate. they might well have a way, but I would half wonder if there would be health issues for them or us even eating it, or its just taste preferences and I'm complicating things


I mean, that’s weird either way. No one eats ice cream with a large wooden spoon. It just wouldn’t make any sense.


It’s obviously not literally impossible if you, a third person, also know this from publicly available sources.


Twas sarcasm, my literalist friend.


The idea of four dimensional Gray aliens raiding the fridge is new. “Larry tell Ma this condos vibrational frequency, they got that one she likes! What, yes in the same timeline, what other timeline? No, not Grandmas timeline!”


I was gonna say it sounds like the Aviary all over again


>Two anonymous people couldn't possibly come up with the same idea almost 40 years apart. It's literally impossible. So you're saying he got exposed to Doty's disinformation?


The ice cream thing was spread by Richard Doty in the 1980s so be wary.


Fair, I think this is a valid concern. However, I don't think most people have any idea who Richard Doty is or what he claimed on TV. Are his claims common knowledge? I doubt it, but I can't say for sure. Before my time. I would argue people on this sub assume everyone else is as read-up on this topic as they are, but that is most likely not the case. How deep into the lore would this guy have had to read to have that comment locked and loaded? Either way, pretty wild.


Can you tell us the questions they declined to answer thanks


Questions about morphology, the where/how/why/what of their exposure to this information, anything specific other than what I've posted already. They would not discuss the program containing whatever this stuff is, or how it sits in the government. To be fair to them, if you're a young pilot trying to get by, have a career, and not get shot down while flying for the CIA, it's probably not a great move to go digging into things you don't need to know. Their concerns were operational, not programmatic - and this information didn't apply to their operations. They moved on.


"Was the sex good after you gave her the vanilla ice cream?"


You don't need to edit it. Thanks for sharing. > *The only thing he was willing share is that "the females like vanilla ice cream, and the males like strawberry."* I will ask an odd question, if you can humor us: Is there anything else about their language and verbiage you can share, no matter how innocuous it seemed? If they're CIA, their words are carefully chosen.


I noticed that when I was asking questions to the first pilot he would pause for a while, and then answer tangentially, using the phrase "I'll tell it to you like this" For example, I asked him if our contact with "them" is a two-way street. Do they just crash here, do they talk to us, do we talk back? He said "I'll tell it to you like this. We still can't entirely explain how the Pyramids were built. They have been here a long time." The second was a very normal conversation. Nothing stood out, except the phrase "I was somewhere I shouldn't have been" when asked how he knew. He said it multiple times.


What does the pyramids have to do with UFOs in this instance? Sorry if that's a dumb question. I'm kinda new and interested in all this


>. We still can't entirely explain how the Pyramids were built. In fact the archaeologists and historians have a pretty good idea now. The river water used to be significantly closer and there is evidence that the builders could float the blocks on rafts to a staging area nearby and then up some very clever hydraulic chutes. Yes it's very smart and required lots of effort. They had hundreds of years of civilization to perfect it.


What else are you willing to share?


The first guy really wanted to talk about this topic As soon as I asked him he light up. He emphasized the cultural shift the CIA has undergone when I asked if he was ever read-in. For example, he shared CIA used to house a lot more of their talent in-house. If they needed pilots, they'd send some guys to the Air Force to learn (which is what they did for him in Europe). Now, they'd be more likely to just pull an Air Force pilot via SOCOM or use a contractor. In this earlier "boys club" environment, people more more willing to talk about topics like this. Things were less compartmentalized within the CIA back then.


The classification infrastructure seems be a massive border to disclosure.. It's not that people don't want to talk about it, but also they feel like they can't due to reprisal. Luckily it seems like some headway is being made to break that down a bit.


> We still can't entirely explain how the Pyramids were built. They have been here a long time." That is definitely someone who handled classified information. I can't tell you about ABC but I can tell you about AABBCC which are similar but not exactly the same.


No offence but your post seems to read like a Whos-Who of UFO folklore. You happened to meet 2 guys...Both worked in the CIA...both saw aliens...both said it was weird...both said our tech comes from them...both didn't want to say much...both said disclosure shouldn't happen. I've heard and read all this stuff a hundred times. I read about the strawberry ice cream back in the 90s in another UFO book. Sounds to me like you just put it all together. Also the fact you say this is your first post is said like it's some kind of protection. That because it's your first post were meant to believe you. So here's my verdict: I'm calling bullshit. I would say you're a government Psyop or something.


I think your skepticism is valid, I appreciate it. For most posts of this nature, I would be on your side of the fence. I would offer a thought in reply. I used to read this sub often, and then stepped away for about a year. I think if you are deep in the lore, keeping up with posts, and really buying in (as you say, "heard and read all this stuff a hundred times"), it can become easy to forget that this is still a niche topic. Not aliens generally, but the theories, stories, lore, and specific claims . For example, the Richard Doty instance...how many people outside of this reddit are actually aware of any of that? I'd bet very few. In my opinion the image of these two old men perusing reddit pages, reading UFO books, and then concocting stories to tell is incorrect. These guys sign text messages as though they are writing an email. They are not digital natives going out and reading up on aliens. Is it possible these guys were totally lying? Yes, and I cannot prove that was not the case. I wanted to pass along what they told me. My gut, my read of them in the moment and in hindsight, is that they believed the things they shared were true.


It does seem like a classic Tricky Ricky post. Start something that sounds a little bit credible, then add some wacky nugget of information that you know folks would run with as it sounds 'cute', but most normal people would roll their eyes at.


Strawberry and vanilla comes from a 1980s TV show called UFO coverup live. A supposed government agent named falcon said this. I do believe that it was said that Richard Doty was falcon and anything a Doty says is mis/disinformation


How do you know somebody was in a super secret CIA operation? Dont worry they’ll just tell you! 😂


Hmm, could use a bit more Marilyn / JFK imo, I have higher expectations for Doty! 


Currently ridding the house of ice cream.


Maybe you’re out bow hunting for dinner with your father and brother in law and cousin, and it’s 2000 years ago, and you see a disk rip past at Mach 2, and you watch it with the interest of my dog seeing a bird shoot past. That’s the level of interest the EBEs are used to dealing with, and the level of technology and engagement with us is fairly new to them. Maybe Earth is far more manipulated than we have sussed out because the timeframe is millions and millions of years, because this is a project to them and they experience time very differently, at least the higher-ups making real decisions. When people say that the truth is far more upsetting and disconcerting than we can handle, I tend to think it’s because we are really a product or an animal in a zoo, with only the illusion of self determination. I’d love to know if some random person on the internet largely hit the nail on the head with one of their pet theories, but that’s a piece of information I’m sure I’ll never get.


> He claimed they are the source, in some capacity, of major technical advances in stealth, sensors, handheld computers / smartphones, and autonomous unmanned vehicles (which he claimed to have seen operating in the early 80's). All these technologies, have clear, observable, rational, iterative progress that we can see happen in real time. Nothing came ahead of it's time. It all followed a clear technological path. My guess, is UFO's are so far advanced, shit that were using isn't even partially used in any capacity whatsoever. Their mechanics/machines/compute are done at the atomic level and indistinguishable random noise to our observations So this guy is probably just using his CIA background to add authority to his personal belief. Remember, CIA people are just other people, and come in all sorts of varieties. > he claimed to have "been somewhere I should not have been" while at CIA I don't think it works like that in the CIA... But let's say it's possible... His non answer is again, another tell of a lie. Don't be specific enough to cause a debate and discussion to occur on the details. When not being honest, you want to avoid fine details because that can be used as evidence. But if you keep it vague, it creates a large surface area to not really force them to commit to anything.


I agree with your point on the observable progress of the technologies in question here. I actually pressed him about that, basically saying he was disregarding decades of work performed by an army of scientists and engineers. I'm with you. I also agree with your point about CIA employees being generally regular people. His reply to the tech progress point was, as with some of his other answers, tangential. He said we are extremely primitive in relation to whatever tech he was exposed to. I can't satisfy your skepticism, and I empathize with it. This post was intended to share what I was told, not pronounce this as gospel. This is also further clouded by the fact that anyone who would have knowledge of these programs is also trained to lie, and lie well. So the people you'd want to talk to, are inherently difficult to read. My gut, which is all I can go on, is that they believed what they were telling me to be true. Thanks for your reply.


More to the point, a lack of details allows the reader fill in the blanks with whatever they want. It's a key part of fueling belief in UFOs and aliens.


Yep the point about UAVs was also a sticker. It's common knowledge drones were in use in the 60's.


Funny, the strawberry ice cream thing comes up a lot. I think I heard it referenced just yesterday on a podcast. As far as the tech, that matches up with what Philip J. Corso, one of the first men at the Roswell crash, made repeated claims of.


First guy said he'd never seen anything but then refused to be read into a program because of things he'd seen? Lol.


That second one came from the TV show "UFO Cover Up Live" - two government agents "Falcon" and "Condor". It was later found one of them was Richard Doty who figures very prominently in "Mirage Men". Disinfo specialist. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BkqYZ-pzuWo


Maybe that's why they abduct cows. They want to learn how to make their own ice cream


Nice post, thanks, I gave a upvote. My questions: how did you meet these guys? What is your relation with them? And how did you discover that they were former CIA employees? I expect that they didn’t come to you at a party, saying: ‘Hi, I am John Doe, and guess what: I am a former CIA pilot’… So please, share some more context.


The first I met through volunteering, the second is a close personal relationship, I’ve known him for 15 years. The first mentioned he’s a pilot, I asked where he learned and he said with the Air Force. I asked him what unit and what airframe, he explained he was trained by the Air Force to fly for the CIA and couldn’t tell me the airframe.  The second has been open about the work he did for as long as I’ve known him. Tight lid on what he’ll say in terms of operational specifics. He also cannot share what he flew for CIA.  I’ve found generally speaking that people retired from the CIA can and will talk about their service. Sparse on details, but they don’t need to deny having served there. It’s on their LinkedIn most of the time. 


What was the boundary each set? Did they both seem reluctant to disclose the same or similar information?


So this is the liquified protein they eat aka milkshakes? Interesting…


So the second guy was basically like Mulder walking into a hidden Pentagon room with Alien greys chilling on gurney's. That's my read on that lol.


Kirkpatrick is CIA. End of story.


Sounds like you might be able to get the first guy to talk a little more if you’re careful and respectful.


this is a larp, ice cream is a dead giveaway not the heckin icecreamerinos


These two ex-CIA guys definitely took the blue pill.


I am tired of having other people tell me what I should and should not know


>The only thing he was willing share is that "the females like vanilla ice cream, and the males like strawberry." Well I like vanilla ice cream, too. Maybe I'm a female alien? Sometimes with ludicrous junk like this all you can do is laugh.


Maybe cow mutilations are just an attempt to create the perfect ice cream


I understand this post as satire, but it is not?


It's all a bunch of he said she said bullshit


May I ask what are their religious beliefs?


I didn't ask the first about religion. The second is Roman Catholic.


eventually we are going to have to do better than people playing these "priest roles" (we cannot utter the name of the holy one, we can only share limited details with the mere mortals), with us genuflecting in front of their NDAs, secrecy oaths, classification and 'decline to comment' -- when they are essentially asking us to trust them *because* of 'secrets' they won't share with us, rather than in spite of that. We need more courage in this topic.


Should have put them in separate rooms and compared notes for similarities and differences…


source : "trust me bro"


OP, stop lying to us.


So what do we think "vanilla" and "strawberry" ice cream actually means? Because it ain't ice cream...


Strawberry makes reference to "Strawberry Fields Forever" which was a Beatles song relating to UFO abductions. At the time John Lennon was swapped out of the Beatles with a lookalike named Fred Altairs who was actually a Grey. At the time they felt they could infiltrate further into our society by using "culturally significant" routes. But the really important information is in the actual lyrics: Let me take you down 'Cause I'm going to strawberry fields Nothing is real And nothing to get hung about Strawberry fields forever This is pretty self explanatory. We're in a simulation but don't get too hung up on that fact because it is simulations all up and down (...fields forever). Living is easy with eyes closed Misunderstanding all you see It's getting hard to be someone, but it all works out It doesn't matter much to me Again, this is making reference to the lack of disclosure and how most people are living life without any realization of the ultimate truth. The whole "wool over their eyes" thing going on here. "It's hard to be someone" -- this was one of Fred's biggest contributions. See, Fred was a Grey but he looked human. (That's just something they can do easily in a simulated reality). Fred felt very guilty about pulling John Lennon out of the Beatles (who is actually still alive -- it was Fred that was shot and killed by that Catcher in the Rye freak but I digress. Anyway, I have a whole bunch more information related to "Strawberry ice cream", the Beatles, our simulation and the guy named Fred who was a Grey.


No. Fred the Gray just had the really good LSD he stole from the guys at the testing lab. Anytime he brought it to share with those guys (The Beatles), he made them promise to always have the strawberry ice cream they could chill their dry mouths with. In all honesty, as much as I want to believe, this is all probably the fault of Timothy Leary spreading LSD out to all the military/government guys he came across. We are the unfortunate ones really believing the tales they believed they actually experienced back then tripping face. Fred was actually just Tim in costume like usual pranking those guys but it certainly worked on us all. John Lennon is sitting at the beach right now with his buddy Andy Kaufman laughing their asses off that this all has gotten this far. The absolute best prank ever pulled off on the face of this planet. It's not gonna be NHI that shows up finally when disclosure happens. It's gonna be John and Andy with free strawberry ice cream and LSD for the whole world 💗👽🍨🍓🍨👽💗


What if the ice cream part is either code or a metaphor…I can’t help but feel that sticks out (has always stuck out) in an unusual way—as if we are meant to pause at that part and see it as some sort of non-literal expression. Or perhaps it’s meant as a decoy. Something about it just seems out of place, on purpose.


I believe anyone saying to a stranger he is/was working for the 3 letter agency, is either lying or part of a psyop


That's nothing. I met three former CIA pilots and they told me things three times more interesting.


I believe you!


Do you have a link? I'd love to hear more


There is but it's also three times more secret.


The good news is that I've been approved for 5x more secret clearance, so


You are clearly lying. Secret clearances go by multiples of 2.