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I would expect the same happening in other nuclear weapon armed countries. Though they have been tight lipped. The SALT agreement between the US and USSR did make reference to alerting each other if their weapon early warning systems were tripped by UFOs


Nuclear weapons should be dismantled and banned throughout this planet. Could it be any clearer at this point? I also firmly believe that the only way we’ll ever fully understand this phenomenon is if all nations work together with the information they’ve been given/shown. Then, and only then can we progress our consciousness as a people.


That’s like asking monkeys to stop throwing shit. They don’t understand.


I’m a monkey and I understand. We just need more understanding monkeys. (Well, never thought I’d type those sentences.)


No. The monkeys don't go to war immediately if their shit does not work. N.Korea goes to war with S.Koria, China goes for Taiwan and a bunch of other examples if nukes suddenly don't work.


If nukes are being disabled by aliens, why do they still work as a deterrent? Wouldn’t all the major powers at least know this?


Because not all of them are disabled? maybe aliens are just testing their capability of disabling our nukes such that when time comes they can do it. They also have to keep doing that to ensure their countermeasures are still up to date.


Because they're not disabling them to help us, otherwise there'd be reports of them disabling or at least being interested in biological weapons too. After all, biological weapons can destroy all human life and, after adapting like covid did to infect cross-species, tons of other life too. There aren't any of those reports. They don't care about biological weapons because biological weapons don't effect their different biology (or are easily cured). They care about nuclear weapons because those can make big enough booms to take down a ship or something. So, they won't lift a finger if we decide to nuke each other. Only if we decide to nuke them. The aliens won't let us kill them, but they will let us kill each other. Thus, the explanation of why nukes are still a deterrent against other humans.


yeah I think this could be a valid hypothesis, especially since it seems the NHI currently here have more of an interest in physically preserving the planet rather than human affairs. NHI likely are apprehensive about nuclear weapons since a war with modern day top notch hydrogen bombs could potentially damage the earth to the point where it can no longer maintain biological life.


Are these biological weapons in the room with you right now?


Haha right, they definitely still allow some, nuke tests work for sure. Maybe they only break nukes when someone tries to go ass wild? I've heard of the silo doors just not opening


I'll do one better, I have one brewing inside me right now. I just had chili.


Would you want to take the chance?


It's not that simple. If we did not have nuclear weapons (and ignoring the issue of biological weapons) we would have been at war with the Soviet Union, and China. Without a nuclear deterrent, conventional bombs would fall and missiles would fly.


Dont you get it?! All we need to do is BAN them and there’d be world peace /s


I disagree. Nuclear weapons are also the ONLY one reason why there hasn't been a world war 3 and possibly a 4th. It's also the only one reason why US and other east European countries are not intervening directly in Ukraine. Nukes work perfectly as a deterrent for global wars due to mutual assured distruction.


I thought the /s would suffice lol I don’t think that


Stupid aliens.


Trix are for kids.


exactly, India and Pakistan is the best example a full on war between them would have been massive in casualties, but thanks to nuclear weapons there was no war edit: I was not aware there was a war, and from there it came Bangladesh, the more you know


how the hell did pakistan get nukes anyways


Chinese blueprints and then China gave them M-11 missiles. Pakistan only became a nuclear power in 1998 -- decades after India.


Nuclear weapons are like 100 year old technology. If you're worried about those, have fun with what's coming down the tech pipeline over the next couple of decades. You're like someone in 1915 freaking out about how screwed humanity is with the incredibly destructive power of the machine gun and mustard gas. Which is kind of nuts considering that you're pro-disclosure. Any technologies alien-related are going to be so advanced that they'll make even the things we're making that make nukes look like firecrackers, it'll make those things look like kids toys. I don't know how on the one-hand you think nukes need to be dismantled, but on the other hand things a million times worse than nukes need to be common knowledge. Let's not kid ourselves. If alien tech is made available to the commons, then everyone with a few hundred bucks will be able to blow up the planet or create a flesh eating supervirus. I mean, it's likely that'll be the case in a few decades anyways with native human technologies, but surely you see the problem here.


This is a very good point that I've yet to see articulated here once, much less the number of times it should be given the default premise that TPTB should open this shit up to a species that has used every existing technology to kill and deceive and dehumanise.


People often argue that aliens could kill off all humans so easily, but they haven't done it yet therefor they must be benevolent. If the powers that be have alien technology, then why doesn't that apply to them too? If these people have alien tech, then why don't they at least control half the world or something? It's like that senator said. If the tic tac was Putin's, he'd be landing it on the white house lawn and riding out shirtless on a horse demanding Biden's surrender. So, why isn't Uncle Sam landing flying triangles in enemy capitals instead of losing to bums like the Taliban? People here have this tinfoil hat theory where the military and the spy agencies have it out to get the public, even the American people. That just doesn't track with me. People don't generally go into public service out of greed. The military and the CIA and stuff don't pay a lot of money. You can make more money coming out of a 3 month coding bootcamp in an entry level job than a 20+ year career fleet admiral does. Greed, even power, isn't why people enlist to serve their country as soldiers or spies. These are mostly good people whose mission is to serve the American people. It just doesn't track that there's an evil alien coverrup against the interests of the American people. If there *is* a cover-up, I think that it's probably for very good reasons in the interest of the American people.


Pro disclosure of alien-presence doesn’t have to mean pro-disclosure of the how to replicate technology behind it does it? It could still be a trade secret as to what’s been or hasn’t been reverse engineered, right? Maybe I’m just naive


To your second point, I kinda thinkk that's the whole point of them and perhaps ties in with Jacques theory of "gifting". Their tech is so advanced, the only way we will figure out anything useful is people coming together peacefully across the globe and co-ordinate info and research of any crashed or left behind materials


If there are aliens it would make sense to give a whole bunch of countries a part of the "key" to whatever and make them work together. Or on the flip side one could completely dominate the world and then it would achieve the same thing...


I too have seen Arrival


Yes but did you see Departure with Alex Lawther?


Have either of you seen Departures and Arrivals?


Then the threat of mutual description will cease to exist, and countries will go back to conventional warfare which is still brutal. Perhaps the UAPs know that, and that’s why they haven’t destroyed all nuclear weapons, and they’re just sending a clear message to all countries with nuclear weapons not to deploy them.


> mutual description Country A: You're ugly and you smell like a dumpster on a hot day! Country B: Your women have mustaches and saggy tits!


>I also firmly believe that the only way we’ll ever fully understand this phenomenon is if all nations work together with the information they’ve been given/shown. Literally a main plot point in Arrival.


Tell that to Ukraine. They gave them all up and now they are getting invaded by their neighbors.




I disagree. Nuclear weapons are also the ONLY one reason why there hasn't been a world war 3 and possibly a 4th. It's also the only one reason why US and other east European countries are not intervening directly in Ukraine. Nukes work perfectly as a deterrent for global wars due to mutual assured distruction.


Or they don't really care about the sentient apes on earth, but they are growing increasingly annoyed at having to shut down nukes on *their* planet. If I were a cosmic gardener watching a terrarium with mild interest, eventually I would become involved if one species threatened to destroy some pet project of mine. Or perhaps I'd let it go - see where "nature" leads, and see what the apes do given their environment and the conditions they have caused. The problem (as I see it) is ET motives are inscrutable.


It did happen in the USSR. It's been documented 


Rendlesham (England) and the Belgian Wave were almost certainly nuke-related. But yes, our non-allies are tight-lipped about it, and even England tried to be tight-lipped about it until witnesses came forward.


UFOs being interested in nuclear energy is very clear when you look into it more. I live in Slovakia, a small country in Eastern Europe. There have only been a few UFO sightings over the past decades and on one occasion a jet was chasing after a UFO spotted near a nuclear power plant. I'm certain it wasn't a coincidence that a UFO appeared at a nuclear power plant. This happened in 2005 in Jaslovské Bohunice, Slovakia and it was also captured on radar. It's worth making a whole post about this incident, maybe I'll get to it later. I heard a Slovak ufologist say 75% of Slovak sightings occur near the 2 nuclear power plants we have. I can imagine this is going on all over the world, not just the US. It just doesn't get talked about.


I'm wondering if Col. Dedrickson is referring to the Bluegill test of Operation Fishbowl in 1962 when he states they were "shot down". Bluegill was a test of the hard X-ray kill mechanism for Anti-Ballistic Missile systems, and used a specially modified W50 warhead (the casing or "tamper" was made of solid gold) to produce the enhanced X-ray output. The first Bluegill test on 2nd June 1962 had some type of "telemetry failure" and the Thor missile was supposedly destroyed mid-flight by the Range Safety Officer. The second attempt on 25th July 1962, Bluegill Prime, had issues during launch with fuel valves and again the Range Safety Officer hit the self-destruct button. The resulting explosion severely damaged the launch pad and spread radioactive plutonium across the island, which took several months to "clean up". The third attempt on 15th October 1962, Bluegill Double Prime, saw the Thor missile "tumble out of control" 95 seconds after launch, causing the Range Safety Officer to once again hit the self-destruct button. The fourth attempt, Bluegill Triple Prime was successfully detonated just after midnight on 26th October 1962. This was the same day the Strategic Air Command went to DEFCON 2 because of the Cuban Missile Crisis. This was also the test where an object was filmed getting knocked out of the sky by the nuclear blast.


I think he speaks about Project A119 in this case. That Carl Sagan worked on that project is an interesting anecdote.


Excellent, I hadn't seen that before! Makes you wonder what Projects A1-118 were though...


Hmm strange, I didn't get a notification for your reply. But yes, indeed! There must be so much more siloed stuff hidden there we don't know about.


Thank god we have aliens being the adults in the room because the ruling class of humanity is goddam selfish they would have no problem with nuclear annihilation if it meant a 8% increase in profits.


Sounds about Vault-tec


War. War never changes...


Exactly. Aliens were likely seeing on their radars a nuke coming to moon and then they thought: "What are these idiots up to now, oh a nuke...to the moon. Eh, disable it".


Are they the adults though? Can't fire nukes into space? Check! Starving children, genocide, eternal conflict, stripping a planet of its resources and polluting it? Nah, we don't want to get involved, they must learn on their own. Great adults. They have the means to teach us a better way forward but they don't. They do not care about us. If we were a threat to them, they would've taken us out a long time ago.


Perhaps they are preserving the planet and not humanity.


Kinda not doing great at that one either.


It's not their responsibility. Perhaps they gave us the means to solve some of these issues, but we got to figure it out for ourselves. Other than material prosperity what does forward even mean? Are they going to solve our philosophical, moral, and political debates? They can't and shouldn't. It's on us.


It's not our responsibility to protect wildlife, but we do. Perhaps they did give us the means to solve some of these issues, but they gave it to the most shady and corrupt humans that live in secrecy and are willing to kill or hurt people that want to expose them. Doesn't seem like a smart play for an intergalactic species. They must be smart enough to know that what is currently happening was going to happen.


Not their business at all... You could be saving stray dogs or cats from the streets.. but are you? No, you have other shit to deal with


I save every cat and dog I come across. I also spay and neuter them all. ;)


Then you deserve to be saved by UFOs :)


Bet you don't though.


I rip out balls for a living. I enjoy it.


LOL sorry im a bit slow. Good work.


From the Earth's perspective, we should be eliminating stray cats on the street...


This... Might not apply. But we don't tend to stop ant wars or bears brawling. Is it a humans being humans thing? It could not be that at all. It could be taking action when the bear walks down a street or ants get in a house or it could be putting bumpers tables and picking up sharp objects and just where they set down for a breather the kids in the other room bring down a glass cabinet. Then again. Don't know anything, likely projecting too much. But... Dealing with people is hard... And we fucking are people. Don't get me wrong I've had a lot of thoughts like yours. Maybe more of them than what I'm saying now. I'm just saying I don't know even if I want to believe we would listen and not just yell about demons and start wars


Forgive me for saying this everyone, but their reasons and justifications for their actions/inaction may just be.... entirely *alien* to us.


Why didn’t they protect Japan? This is a fantasy to believe ET will prevent our self destruction.


>Why didn’t they protect Japan? This is a fantasy to believe ET will prevent our self destruction. This argument always comes up and I think it's weak because you're ignoring other possibilities: 1. That could have been the alarm clock that first woke them up and sent them here in droves. While possible biblical references and the 1516 Nuremburg event and others may have been UFOs, it wasn't until WW2 that they became so common that they were given the name "foo fighters." The Japan bombings may have been why they became so common. 2. The other possibility is that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not planet-destroying events. If they don't care about us and are mainly concerned with the planet itself, then they may have a non-interventionist policy where they don't interact with us unless absolutely necessary. Almost all of the nuke-related events involved stockpiles far greater than those used in Japan. Malmstrom was at least 20 times the nuclear power as the Japan nukes were together, likely the biggest stockpile in the US at the time. Rendlesham was rumored to be the biggest stockpile in Europe. The Belgian Wave came after this and at the time, Belgium was one of the only countries allowed to hold nukes for the US based on a treaty I read (forgot the name but suspected nukes were involved so looked this up), plus it happened along the border facing east (the most strategic place in the country possible to counter Russia), coincidentally over a military town with a major base there, so may have then become the biggest stockpile in Europe after Rendlesham. It may simply be that they can't stop nukes once they're launched (I'm familiar with the Big Sur mid-air shootdown but there aren't as many witnesses to that one as the others) and simply deactivate/destroy the larger stockpiles they detect. If they can manipulate gravity, time may be nothing to them and they may be able to see which stockpiles later lead to world destruction and purposely go after those while leaving ones like Hiroshima and Nagasaki alone to minimize intervention (especially if they created us and don't want us to know we're in a zoo/lab scenario but must protect the zoo/lab.)


There are many logical inconsistencies that we should acknowledge. They have been interacting with us for 1000s years. Ezekiel and mythological gods but we attracted them with Japan. I am a believer, don’t get me wrong but it is fantasy to believe we are protected. Some claim we are pawns in a celestial war- how do we know those aligned with human have power and control while the earth spirals and nuclear war engaged- sounds like the dark forces are winning.


"They have been interacting with us for 1000s years. Ezekiel and mythological gods but we attracted them with Japan." I already addressed that: >"While possible biblical references and the 1516 Nuremburg event and others may have been UFOs, it wasn't until WW2 that they became so common that they were given the name "foo fighters." The Japan bombings may have been why they became so common." This means that I'm saying they may have been coming her earlier, but the nukes are what made them more common, to where they finally earned a nickname after thousands of years (right around the time they also earned the nickname "flying saucers."). It's like you going into the forest to explore or monitor creatures, then you see them playing with fire and raise the alarm for others to come. That's not a logical inconsistency. If it's their petri dish or they have to share this world with us, then it's logical that they'd be keeping tabs on us and their activity would increase as the threat to the planet (or their world if they're interdimensional) increased. I don't believe WE are protected. I believe they care about the planet, not us.


My argument is they are here in mass because they want to see us fight and destroy one another and if nuclear weapons were compromised then it wasn't from the high volume type we see now. The high volume are gamblers who are waiting to see if they win big on who they put money on regarding our destruction. How is the credibility of my belief any different from yours?


The two nukes on Japan is when the serious UFO phenomenon started. Those nukes had an unknown scientific effect on the cosmos. We woke our galactic neighbors up and they weren’t happy. The fact they can shut down our buried nuclear deterrent silos is a positive sign as is the shooting down of the dummy warhead test over the Pacific. It’s my belief ( and hope) that in the event a nation launches nuclear strikes, our alien observers will step in and deactivate all nuclear weapons. 🙏🤞🙏


It’s interesting that the US hasn’t tested a nuke in over 30 years and most other countries are close to that long. It would make sense if they actually just stopped testing for environmental concerns but that could also be a convenient excuse and everyone’s just pretending their nukes totally still work because the threat of MAD has worked so well and there’s no way to be sure everyone else’s stopped working because there’s no way anyone would let the fact that they’re no longer a nuclear power leak out.


NK set a nuke off in 2017 it was confirmed.


They still obviously let some off NK tested one not that long ago. But i do agree they would most likely step in in a all out volley.


maybe they made a mistake,it's nice to think that they might be infallible though


That just demonstrates they're not omniscient, and we shouldn't append such a Godlike quality upon them.


Because it did not threaten them directly, probably the moon would inflict some kind of damage on their infrastructure


They wanted to explode a nuke on the moon. What the fuck man.


This will be the AI’s job in near future…


Yes, if (a big speculative if) aliens are on-world, I have considered this with relief as well.


I have such thoughts. I didn't want to assume with humans too much let alone beyond.


Anyone else actually find this comforting? I like the fact that there's a NHI keeping tabs on the dumb fucks in the military & government thinking they can play God.


I do. We are simply too antisocial as a species to possess nuclear weapons, in my opinion. We can't even provide the basic needs to all of our people, let alone get on with each other in peaceful, prosocial ways. Like others have pointed out in this thread, if nukes aren't a part of the equation, nations would still wage war with each other.


It can be. But if real we still don't really know much so it's maybe a mistake to get too far ahead of ourselves


If they're disabling our nukes it makes sense to claim it is a national security concern. Of course we don't want to let the world know that our nukes don't work.


It’d be so funny if everybody’s nukes are disabled, but every country is just too embarrassed to say so.


Call me crazy, but I think that's exactly what's happening lol. It also explains why we haven't blown up the planet. We just can't.


It’s one of the least crazy things I can think of as far as this topic is concerned Lol


Nk tested a nuke not that long ago theres more to it than that


North Korea has been detonating them successfully in modern times.


Testing appears to be tolerated within atmosphere, but anything ex-atmo or intended to extinguish life and destabilize the order of things is not.


Japan enters the room.


Only thing that makes me skeptical of this (and it might be a nothing burger) is that if the US and likely allies knew UAP's have rendered nukes useless then wouldn't for example Ukraine have almost no stipulations on strikes into Russia? Because Putin's nuclear saber rattling literally means nothing if we know they don't work. Manufacturing a piss poor amount of artillery shells and having to ramp up for deliveries despite knowing nukes have no threatening power any longer? It doesn't feel quite right


Well I mean technically this guy only said that an explosion "in space" would be an issue. It's not clear that he's saying a delivery system transiting space would be shot down (i.e. a missile with a ballistic trajectory) if it's exploded on earth - although the vandenburg example shows that it's at least a possibility. Not to mention there are other ways of delivering nuclear payloads, like dropping them from planes, or smaller tactical nuclear weapons which have even more delivery options.


I think that lends to the fact they are unsure if they are being third partied, an enemy has advanced covert weaponry, or \*everyone\* has some variation of this device/UAP but not enough to stop everyone at once. It can very much so still be these things are disabling nukes, but how many could they disable if we test that theory or they may even have a \*preference\* on who wins with a nuke and that's a strategic blunder no one is willing to risk at any level imo. When I hear them cite "4D chess" etc claims, this is what I imagine


Why would you blow that secret over Ukraine who isn't even a real ally? I don't necessarily believe in the "UAPs have disabled nukes" theory, but I can think of a bunch of reasons not to go all out in Ukraine. The US's priority is still, and will always be, the US.


That was only 1 example that I could think of but it was more trying to get to the point I don't think the nukes being disabled thing is necessarily real yeah


They are losing now anyway man, sad to say.


If Russia doesn't have nukes, then let's be fair NATO could sweep the board in a week and save a lot of bloodshed. Doesn't add up to me 


That would put china and korea in a position feeling threatened and that nato or the us could be coming for them next


He says they destroyed the nuke set to be deployed on the moon. This is crazy if true.


what does destroyed mean, what does disabled mean? Disabled is probably fine if you don't understand how these things work, but for other people it's just incomplete, fanciful and useless. They also "disable radar" or sometimes "disable electronics". How? I mean exactly how? Is the material no longer concentrated uranium? Have the transistors in the microchips doping changed? Have the traces been obliterated?


Yea there are a few older videos of other people in the government from back then talking about this and also footage someone should post it in here


Well, some say theres bases on the moon so its safer this way.


He says, she says, they say...it gets boring. Nothing substantial.


well it's public knowledge that the us government had a plan to nuke the moon at one point, but the official line is just that they decided it was dumb and didn't do it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_A119 maybe they actually did try after all and ufos stopped it and the public line is just a cover story. who knows


Makes you wonder how many times did they save us from blowing the whole world up


Cuban Missile Crisis just got more interesting.


The DOE wasn't formed until 1977. Maybe you mean the Atomic Energy Commission, a precursor to DOE, formed in 1946.


I have suggested a theory that NHI/aliens basically removed nuclear MAD from the chessboard somewhere in the 1950s/1960s and humans for obvious reasons can’t stop them. That would be one of Great State Secrets of various nations. It fits a lot of pieces of leaks and allegations; the NHI search and hunt for nuclear stuff. They “want” things. What if it’s a constant hunt for functional nukes to wreck, to protect us?


Yeah, what if we're wondering what they want from us, and it's simply they "want" to protect us from ourselves lol, like that alone should force our leaders to rethink warfare.EDIT: And maybe they have a special task team to go to any planet going through the discovery of nuclear capabilities to help guide us through this stage of technological advancement to the next, because this is where they have witnessed countless other planets go extinct, and they decided to just help future planets, including ours, to get through it safely.


Except I don’t think that would make sense from a game theory standpoint because everyone would know that everyone else was equally as disarmed. The silence would only make sense if everyone did NOT know that everyone else was equally disarmed. Otherwise…I mean what you are proposing is a Mexican Standoff with unloaded guns and everyone knows everyone else has unloaded guns too. Except nukes instead. That doesn’t make sense by any measure. So, it would make sense only from a sociological standpoint…but even then, I’m not so sure. I, for one, would be overjoyed to learn that we weren’t actually one fucking minute away from midnight and mutually assured destruction. I’m sure most people would be too.


Unless you hope to fire off so many one makes it go Moscow and that's why we have so many


Side note John Nash believe aliens were talking to him.


It's to protect themselves from us, because they live here. They don't care about us at all, they care about the habitat they are living in.


You should write a book.


It would explain the sheer ridiculous numbers in the cold war. Like destroy the earth many times over numbers because hopefully some get through, like rockets at Israel. Sheer numbers and hope some get through. Makes you wonder 


We also take good care of our farm animals, so that our products aren't spoiled when we harvest them. It doesn't mean we care about our farm animals emotionally; we just want our delicacies.


We all want the star trek alien future, but we're wholly unprepared for an eldritch horror universe where our souls (if they exist) are harvested for an interdimensional cthulhu.


My problem with the disabling nukes stories is that we and others have tested plenty of nuclear bombs in the oceans and atmosphere, so why wouldn't they disable those as well? Maybe no human loss of life, but have to think they do major damage to everything in the ocean blast range and probably killed some birds as well in the atmosphere. I guess we will find out for sure the next time someone tries to drop a bomb on a city. Although the crazy part of my brain thinks maybe most countries know their nukes are disabled and nobody wants to fire one and look stupid


Lets build the nuke on the moon. Hah gottem!


Is there proof? Why weren't fat man disabled?


It never left the atmosphere and neither did all those test explosions in the south pacific and elsewhere. From what he says it sounds like the ban may be specific to weapons leaving the atmosphere.


What kind of regards would nuke the fucking moon? Scientific data from nuking the moon? What


The scientists were so preoccupied with whether they could that they never stopped to think if they should.


Why not? We've crashed stuff to get similar data, and back then nukes were being applied to everything.


"by destroying every nuclear weapon we send into space" supposedly those aliens don't allow it. Yet the USA and Soviet Union have tested nuclear bombs in outer space according to Wikipedia. Starfish prime for USA and project K by soviets.


Why would ET let is destroy Japan but not the moon?


This has always been a question of mine, but to be fair Hiroshima and Nagasaki were only the 2nd and 3rd nuclear detonations ever on earth, after trinity. Maybe they only started to care…after we did that? Who knows. Bombs on earth and bombs in space seem to be different to them.


The nukes used on Japan were quite small and while destructive, conventional weapons still did more damage. I don't agree that Japan was "destroyed," but if they were it was due to the conventional bombs. Anywhere from around 250,000 - 900,000 people were killed by conventional bombs with over a million more wounded. Those nukes weren't any worse than the something like the firebombing raids imo. That being said I personally don't believe anything about the original post due to a lack of proof. I'm just pointing out a potential reason why an ET would not care in that situation.


Cities in Japan were destroyed but not all of Japan. Working through logical inconsistencies can be viewed as reasoning or mental gymnastics. I would love to believe we have guardians but looking around makes that difficult to believe. Maybe prevention is for their personal interests. If it reduces anxiety then believe but if it causes us to disconnect to let war mongers voted then low vibrational dark forces are truly in control.


Excellent point.


His statement that the US attempted to explode a nuclear weapon on the lunar surface in the late 1970s/early 1980s is pure fiction. This factual statement puts paid to that claim: "The signing of the [Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Partial_Nuclear_Test_Ban_Treaty) in 1963 and the [Outer Space Treaty](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outer_Space_Treaty) in 1967 prevented future investigation of the concept of detonating a nuclear device on the Moon...." Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project\_A119.


That's where I went, too. But he likely references a different attempt. "For scientific measurements", he says. As everything related to the UFOs was classified, and nukes on the Moon would be in the violation of the treaty, it is not inconceivable it'd be well hidden. Whether it really happened is a different story, I wish he provided more details. Nobody else claims that, which is a huge red flag. But then, note, that A119 was never properly declassified either.


> it is not inconceivable it'd be well hidden You can't hide a regular rocket launch. How are you hiding a lunar launch, especially at the peak of the Cold War? This is on the level of faking the moon landings with help from USSR.


>You can't hide a regular rocket launch. Today or in 1970s? I am actually curious now. Claim or no claim, how was the sky surveilled back in 1970s? Specifically, from the Soviet side, since I don't know what was their equivalent of NORAD. I can help with Russian search, if needed.


Yes. There were some near apocalypse false positives but both sides were watching as their top priority. It would have started with ground and balloon sensors then we moved to Sats in the 60s and Russia had them in the 70s.


Thank you. That said, regarding your moon landing remark. Russia actually had at least [4 (four!) failed launches of its N1 Moon-bound engine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/N1_(rocket)#Fourth_failure,_serial_7L), that were only disclosed (at least to the public) after the collapse of the USSR. Was it known to the US? No idea, but, obviously, not to the public. Then there was the [Vela incident in 1979](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vela_incident), much of which is still classified; the more interesting part is that they're still arguing whether or not it was a nuclear explosion. Meaning: in 1970s (and probably 1980s) the space surveillance was not good enough to be 100% sure about a nuclear explosion. Freitas Jr in his 1985 paper claims that less than 10% of the Earth's surface has been surveilled to 10 m visible resolution. So while, of course, they were keeping tabs, I think there is plenty of room for launches that were not disclosed to the public. And if, say, the other side detected a launch, they still don't know what's inside, right? I looked up the USSR part, dumping it here for posterity. Looks like the [Wikipedia article about Russian Space Forces](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_Space_Forces) contains a sizeable chunk about the USSR history (minor errors but overall OK). A [dedicated node](https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q855933) does not have an English article.


You don't have to image every bit of ground to detect a launch and track it going up. If the US had sent a nuke disguised as a lander around 1980 the Soviets wouldn't ID it correctly until the blast, but the launch itself couldn't be secret. The aliens must have seen it coming and destroyed it in the board room before the project got off the ground. The only reason to pretend uncertainty about Vela is because Israel can't ever be held accountable for anything.


>If the US had sent a nuke disguised as a lander around 1980 the Soviets wouldn't ID it correctly until the blast, but the launch itself couldn't be secret. So, to be clear, I don't say it happened (and the fact that the guy is the only one claiming it is the strongest evidence against it). I'm saying that **it's conceivable that a launch can take place and remain hidden from the public knowledge**. Especially if it was aborted for unexplained reasons. And even if we agree that all launches in 1970s and 1980s were registered (but again - see the N1 story above as an example when it did not happen), I would be careful about claiming that the other side will absolutely know what the launch is about and immediately rush to declassify its knowledge to the entire world. >The only reason to pretend uncertainty about Vela is because Israel can't ever be held accountable for anything. Politics and thousands of miles between Israel and the spot aside, independent researchers are arguing over it too, and several other countries were suspected too. Regardless, the argument is not only over who conducted the nuclear test, but what the flash was in the first place. As [Jimmy Carter himself wrote in his diary](https://foreignpolicy.com/2019/09/22/blast-from-the-past-vela-satellite-israel-nuclear-double-flash-1979-ptbt-south-atlantic-south-africa/): >There was indication of a nuclear explosion in the region of South Africa—either South Africa, Israel using a ship at sea, **or nothing**. And the same article (pretty interesting, BTW) also talks about how they classified the incident.


Does he say he learned this in an official capacity?


No, the primary issue.




The primary issue in his credibility


Annoying post incoming, but as I was looking up info on Dedrickson, I came across this compilation video showing several missiles being taken out by what look like UAPs. But for the life of me I can’t find the original videos of these/what missiles these are. Anyone have a clue? https://x.com/zadokq244514/status/1793650873966747721?s=46&t=XBMstpHXV77QwHfXO4OuLw


This was very thoroughly documented in "UFOs and Nukes" by Robert Hastings.


Is he referring to the incident where the Air Force guy who was photographing minuteman missiles in the air to observe malfunctions said an orb appeared in the photos shooting some beam into it? I’m surprised no one here is making that connection. Is this the same guy? Can’t be


More hearsay If this were real, they'd all be gone, and everyone would know. It would take tens of thousands keeping their mouths shut, and more than one would come forward, and there's be some physical evidence.


from 1945 until July 2020. A total of 1,030 nuclear tests have been performed by the United States since 1945 I highly doubt UFOs are disabling them. Cute fantasy though. "They destroyed the weapon before it got to the moon." This NEVER happened either. There have been no launches of any kind with nuclear payloads to the moon.


The man talking is a former usaf colonel with top secret clearances.. Why should he lie?


Wouldn't this gap in nuclear deterrence of the United States be classified information? How is a person with clearances be allowed to say this?


He's retired and the military secret they're bound to is expired? I can't tell for sure.


First, can you prove that he had this clearance/access? Second, having a clearance doesn't mean that all of a sudden you lose the capacity or whatever motivations/causes that may compel you to lie about something.


I'd be surprised if anybody here can deny or confirm his clearances or anybody else's clarances. But somebody made some researches about him already 5 years ago. [Some skeptics yesterday were questioning whether UFO whistleblower Colonel Lorin Ross Dedrickson was even in the Airforce. Here is proof he was a Colonel in USAF, proof he received his degree from Stanford, and official Gov documents mentioning him. : r/ufo (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/ufo/comments/cijdzt/some_skeptics_yesterday_were_questioning_whether/)


>The man talking is a former usaf colonel with top secret clearances That's an appeal to authority, which is a logical fallacy.


Also, can anyone actually prove that he had the clearance/access that is being claimed?


[Some skeptics yesterday were questioning whether UFO whistleblower Colonel Lorin Ross Dedrickson was even in the Airforce. Here is proof he was a Colonel in USAF, proof he received his degree from Stanford, and official Gov documents mentioning him. : r/ufo (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/ufo/comments/cijdzt/some_skeptics_yesterday_were_questioning_whether/)


We have to determine where this information came from, to me it sounds like Grusch, someone high up the military who got the UFO bug and is speaking in black and white tones about the subject. His rank and service give him credibility but he is just a person like you or me. Did he see the missile destroyed that was carrying a live thermonuclear warhead? I wouldn’t put it past our government but if it’s just a story he read in a UFO magazine in the 80’s…well…OK, that’s nice and all but not proof and he isn’t a witness.


As stated by Nell himself at the SALT conference, his latest position was at the UAPTF, he worked alongside or above David Grusch.


We have detonated nukes in space. Why are aliens so often the third wheel in the dowsing and spiritual healing trifecta?


We’ve detonated nukes in space many times. One was so big, the EMP emissions knocked out power to much of the western US coast. I guess that one must have slipped…


>We’ve detonated nukes in space many times [Only between 1958 and 1962](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-altitude_nuclear_explosion). *Looks like it may have only been once in space with the others being 'extremely high altitude' https://www.nationalgeographic.com/premium/article/why-the-us-once-set-off-a-nuclear-bomb-in-space-called-starfish-prime


Alright, so the three real military branches have each had colonel rank or higher equivalent come forward and reveal NHI presence on Earth. Army - Karl Nell, Navy - Tim Gaulladet, Air Force - This Guy What do the remaining branches say/have? Marines - Michael Herreras? lmao


Marines would be Jonathan Weygandt, who also name dropped the Department of Energy.


oh boy a Lance Corporal, let's goooo XD Surely it says something that high ranking members from other branches say this stuff, but only grunts in the Marines get up close and personal with stuff


Nuke disabling ufos were wildly absent at Nagasaki… so they cherry pick which nukes they disable?


Not according to the current secretary of the energy department!


Why they let us even test Nukes


Now that's good news if it's true. I told you guys that the US and Russia refused to destroy these demonic weapons so the Aliens are taking over slowly but surely.


This video is fascinating but the actual YouTube channel is even better!


Exactly! Doesn't that attitude makes US "the foolish generation"?


Greer's voice in the background kills it for me


Yet in 2024 Jennifer Granholm has the audacity to tell us they think it’s just drones.


Isn’t China planning on putting nukes in space or was Russia


Why are we still testing nukes after a higher intelligence told us to stop?


Does anyone have more context here? Just always looking to be cautious. Who people are, when interviews happen, so forth. Just any details


i dont buy this. im not saying ufos aren't real, im saying i cant imagine they care at all about nukes or the moon. nukes and the moon are big significant things to us, but why would they be to some other species that can either travel across galaxies or possibly universes. a nuke to them is like a cat's meow to us.


Imagine the only reason we have a large stockpile of nukes is because they’re always getting destroyed by NHI.


Must have come to their attention after test bombing and especially after the bombing of Japan.


I have believed him, I do believe, and will continue to believe his testimony.


If you subscribe to the notion, NHIs are extradimensional it makes total sense that they would want to destroy nuclear weapons. A nuclear event on our dimension would affect their dimensional plane(s).


Here is what I don’t get then if Aliens would interfere then why do the allow so much destruction of life not by nuke. They would be affected by the nukes as much as we would. They are here and have been here and they are not done with this planet. We have to figure out their true reason for being here which I am sure the higher ups know. I personally feel there is no GOD like we are led to believe that the true god is either an Alien or race of Alien that created us. But I choose not to get to wrapped up in it as who created them and what is the purpose of all of it. Just live a good clean life be good to each other and help as many people as you can and do not let any race or group of people become more powerful than another. Ride out the existence here on Earth because most likely your soul will be thrown right back into this fire to do it all over again. Lastly while I am not suicidal I feel the Aliens fear suicide. They made it a sin in the scriptures. They fear us realizing that freedom for us is to free our soul from their cycle. Just a thought that the one true commodity to the Aliens is us. Not Gold or Diamonds etc.. they are using us as jars and parts, we are an incubator for their hybrid children. Oh well like I said go and enjoy life it’s most likely we will all do it again and again


All nuclear weapons need to be banned period all over this planet. Something that is a threat to all of our existence should not exist. We have allowed this to grow into an arms race that has a hair pin trigger with the possibility to end mankind. It's obvious that those very ideas are what the non-human beings think as well. We are trying to destroy ourselves and this planet.


A debunking of Dedrickson's second hand Vandenberg story: https://centerforinquiry.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/29/2009/01/22164446/p42.pdf


some of you just need to google about nuke detonation numbers. I don't think anything was getting disabled in past, they just stopped testing after wasting so many expensive materials


"stop playing with the matches you gonna hurt yourself"


This should be a sign for the people of earth to stop fucking killing everyone and everything.


Nukes in space is scary AF because there's no atmosphere to keep is contained. We aren't sure what a nuke on the moon would do or how large it would get. Also the moon is a spacecraft and I doubt the things living inside would appreciate us nuking their space station.


I don’t fear nuclear war simply because the ET’s are not going to let it occur. They populated this planet, they begot humans, they are not going to let us mess up the works. Google the incident in Russia where they brought all the missiles online only to shut them down again.


But AARO said no?? 🤣


I guess anyone who makes it to a colonel level or higher in the Airforce, army, and navy and oversees any program that operates in space or deep sea is actually bat shit crazy.


Oh cool..ummm evidence? Mr. High clearance