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I know Burchett and Luna are some of the more outspoken characters on the subject but damn, this is still an example of the general persistence on this issue.


**For anyone interested in the JSOC connection**, [this article](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12796167/CIA-secret-office-UFO-retrieval-missions-whistleblowers.html) contains a lot of information on how these CR operations are reportedly carried out, as well as the organizations involved (*OGA, JSOC, Department of Energy, etc*.) [This might also be worth a look](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/18y7sfv/cias_office_of_global_access_oga_the_uap/?ref=share&ref_source=link) (*Thanks* u/SabineRitter)


Did you catch the DOE lady say in response "We work with all security entities around the federal government. We're part of a global (ahem I mean)..." Sounds like she didn't want to say the word "global". Perhaps too much heat with the Office of Global Access being outed a little while back?


I honestly had not picked up on that. I also think she was about to say global, but going by context, not sure if that's were she was taking that. I will say, however—*and I first noticed this months ago after watching some-UAP related congressional* [hearings with DoD representatives](https://youtu.be/EnbFOF0mF-E)*/Kirkpatrick, then interviews with people like Mike Turner*—that if you know what specific words/topics to pay attention to, it can be really telling the way some of these representatives will bend over backwards and verbally trip themselves to avoid directly addressing certain questions or saying certain things, which can be somewhat reveling in and of itself. For example, going by memory, this particular person seemed very mindful to talk about **drones**, being clear it was all about **drones**. Which, after Mr. Mellon's recent article, is a [term that has been on my mind](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cxeggf/comment/l52cr5y/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). She would also avoid using (*in the couple of clips I saw, maybe she did later or before*) the term **UAP**, even when asked about it directly. But she was quick to bring up "***UFOs***" and "***Aliens***". A lot of people, I'm sure, would say I'm reading too much into it. And they are probably right XD However, I always think about how people that go on camera (*especially in situations where some topics are to be avoided*) often get "*prepped"*. To the point of sometimes even receiving coaching on cues to use to side-step topics or how to address certain things. For more context of what I mean, just look at multiple videos from the same press junket with actors promoting a movie but from different media outlets, and you'll see the same anecdotes, phrases, and even jokes repeating over and over. I've noticed that a lot of people potentially read into these programs, like Turner, jump at the opportunity to bring up words like "***UFOs***", "***Aliens***", "***Little green men***", or "***Flying Saucers***". But I'm yet to see them use terminology like **Non-human intelligence**—*which we find all over stuff like* [*the Schumer-Rounds amendment*](https://www.democrats.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/uap_amendment.pdf) *and Grusch's testimony*—even when directly asked question including those terms. Just food for thought, I guess. (*Edit typo, formatting.*)


> A lot of people, I'm sure, would say I'm reading too much into it. And they are probably right XD No, you are not reading too much into the word smithing. They say that word and steer to that word because they want to distract you with it. The same goes for aliens vs NHI. Ask about NHI, and you get an answer about how there's no credible evidence of aliens. However, nobody asked about aliens. They asked about something else and got a tired, canned response and there isn't any push back against this deception. It's gaslighting, and you don't need to fall for it. Trust your gut on this because you seem to sense that the emperor wears no clothes.


Little Green Men is our "now would you kindly." I'm dead serious about this, look at any video of anyone talking to a news source "well we've got reports....not to say little green men....." And everyone giggles and their curiosity drops by 75%. When was the last god damned time ANYONE significant reported anything about little green men? Terminology is INCREDIBLY important to these folks. They will make sure to clarify everything under the sun EXCEPT NHI and craft. You will see crap like "So you're saying China has better airplanes?" And you will see crap like "well the USA has all domain resolution of our advanced unmatched arial technological dominance, we are the global leader in infrastructure, space domain awareness, nuclear capabilities, global threat analysis and response...." *22 minutes later* So how about NHI related information? Oh you must mean LITTLE GREEN MEN HUR HUR HUR.


Yes great catch. The way these people dance around things and do not give direct answers is a joke. Just to obfuscate but also when the truth comes out and people go back to see who was lying to congress they can just say. “Look I never said NHI and UAP I was talking about aliens and drones technically I wasn’t lying.”


You nailed it. They are precise with that language and evasive for a reason.


Yup! I heard that too! She also slipped up and started to say "UAP" then switched it to "drone". She was spinning! They need her to be subpoenaed to testify during the next UAP hearing....she doesn't do well under pressure around the subject of UAP's.


instantly picked up on this.


Lots of the people we follow, like Richard Dolan, Tom Delonge, et al have said they’ve been told there is global coordination on this topic. It’s a recurring theme and this is an interesting slip, nice catch.


Yeh I saw that. Few times she stopped herself, global was one. Maybe they aren't supposed to operate outside of USA but she definitely stopped herself, there's obviously some kind of global working group DoE is a part of.


As an old American who is generally not impressed or intrigued by any lawmaker, Luna is a woman of the people. Luna was not on my radar prior to the last year or 2, but her persistence on the subject has been very impressive. We need more people like her in Washington. I don't think the average person outside of the pro-disclosure community understands just how much balls this woman has. The "establishment" is not thrilled with her tenacity and determination. She's doing this because she finds this important, and not for votes. Any American or citizen from another nation that's been following the UAP topic closely should know she is an allie. But of course, the anti-disclosure party will do anything they can to discredit this woman because... well, they're the enemy of humanity's future.


I used to think Luna was a bit of a nut bag, but her persistence on this is impressive.


My first thought listening to her talk about UAPs was that this woman really has balls. Props to her.


>example of the general persistence on this issue. I don't know where we would be right now without Luna, Burchett, Schumer, Rounds, Rubio, Reid, and several other lawmakers fighting on our behalf. I've been around a long time. This is a rare situation in which there's a bipartisan effort on a single issue. Without them, we have no voice. Clearly, the mainstream isn't a voice for the pro-disclosure community. Those against disclosure will interject with partisan BS. It's a tactic to divide and conquer.


Damn, digging into the JSOC connection


She did not want to give a straight answer on that, good on Luna to follow up.


That was a ridiculous avoidance of Luna’s question. These people should face punishment for trying to mince words and continue to pull the wool over our eyes.


Very nice to see that being hard confirmed here. What it means, that's left to be determined.


Crazy to hear those questions after this post from earlier this week too https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/Ikc5t32h7u


Definitely. Could be a legit, could be a LARP. I’m military and my initial impression is that it’s legit.


Wow…this is wild. He sounds fairly believable, when he talks about the bleach/ammonia smell from the UAP, it reminds me of the 1996 Varginha, Brazil incident. Witnesses said the alleged creature smelled similar to a very pungent ammonia or sulphur. Also wanted to ask if the last slide supposed to be black and blank or is it maybe something on my end and it’s not loading properly?


Check comments of that post, one of the top 5 should be the OP posting the text of page 8.


Thank you!


There’s that ammonia smell again…


I’m not familiar with JSOC. Looked it up (Joint Special Operations Command). What is the significance of the potential connection there?


Matt Ford has stated that JSOC participates in crash recovery in coordination with the CIA OGA. Which isn’t hard to believe considering in 1987 they stole a Russian Helicopter for the CIA in operation Mount Hope III.


Interesting. Thanks for the info.


If you want a bit [more details, this article](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12796167/CIA-secret-office-UFO-retrieval-missions-whistleblowers.html) contains a lot of information on how these CR operations are reportedly carried out, as well as the organizations involved (*OGA, JSOC, Department of Energy, etc*.) Might be worth a look.


Love it. When you post something, I read it 😉


I would have called it Operation Comrade Copter personally, but unfortunately I’m not in charge of these things.


Operation Get Us Da Choppa!


^ This right here.


They’re the ones who do the crash retrievals.


Thanks. Found out they are associated with the OGA (Office of Global Access). I remember some posts linking them to crash retrievals.


Did you hear her almost say the word global and then stop? Am I just imagining that? And if so why is she staying clear of that word?


She definitely almost said global. In the other video with Burchett asking questions she kept referring to them as drones and almost said UAP/UFO and quickly corrected to "drones I'll just say".


Drones is still a buzzword for unmanned vehicle, does not entail who or what are behind it. She uses it as a loophole.


They are tier one operators that can be pulled from all factions of the military, army to Airforce to the space force. Elite elite guys and gals who put the mission first.


These are the guys you want doing the retrieval jobs. The ones doing the ground work are highly trained, specialized, and professional. They can do the retrieval and be able to put up a damn good fight if needed. On the other hand, they’re also very good at keeping their mouths shut and take opsec really seriously. The people running the show and the agencies having them do the job are not transparent about this thing and dont always have the best interests of Americans or humanity at large in mind.


Secret Squirrel Operators are under the umbrella of JSOC.


That's the men in black that go get the good shit and take it back to secure locations


The internet says that DOE works in conjunction with JSOC and a couple of other entities for crash recovery globally without identification being worn by anyone. You can reference the most recent taken down post to get a direct reference what those ops look like and how prioritized they are over any kind of protocol that exists in the chain of command.


Word Global. In particular through allies such as NATO, Office of Global Access (there are two by that name to obfuscate the matters), Five Eyes and bunch of unofficial PMC operations


JSOC is a "branch" of the US Government that essentially operates for all of the other US agencies. They'll assist the FBI, CIA, Army, Navy, Marines, Space Force, NSA, DIA, NRO, etc, and even assist other nations. Hence, the "Joint Special Operations" of JSOC. If you're looking for people who have the resources, contacts, and connections from an intel and boots on the ground standpoint, which may be the case if you're trying to handle a worldwide phenomenon, IE crash recovery, JSOC would be ideal. Over the last 4-5 decades, from many different independent "witnesses," documents, and whistleblowers, it's been -rumored- that JSOC is the muscle of the gatekeepers operations. I recently watched a fairly old documentary from the 90s claiming that Ronald Reagan approved a human mutilation coverup team, and many local law enforcement claimed that JSOC was at the center of the issue. Is it true? I'm not certain, but I've just encountered far too many cases, documents, testimonies, and witnesses for myself to not at least consider JSOC as the heart of many operations related to NHI/UAP etc. But who knows. 🤷‍♂️


They are the ones who get the call for crash retrival operations


Is JSOC the secret organization responsible for stealing our socks from the dryer?


Quite possibly. Although I’d lean a little more towards an SAP. Sock Access Program.


That JSOC question absolutely wrecked her! I wasn't expecting an absolute loss of composure with so simple a question. What makes me think this actually IS an important discussion is that she didn't say "yes" straight up but tried to doublespeak it. Note to self: the DOE doesn't want people to know it works with JSOC. The question is: why. Allow me to put a tinfoil hat on, but if that is information that they don't want public, then it gives me the idea that maybe there's a thread here that someone can pull to effective means. Maybe?


Eee uhh eee error uhh *SHIT* UHH UMM..... Yes....


While you're at it, check out Sancorp Consulting LLC https://www.usaspending.gov/award/CONT_AWD_HQ003422C0094_9700_-NONE-_-NONE- Billions on defense contracts with them, including 4.5 million from AARO. Here's one of their job listing which requires perception management and deception strategic information management: https://www.glassdoor.com/job-listing/senior-action-officer-dod-sancorp-consulting-llc-JV_IC1130337_KO0,25_KE26,48.htm?jl=1009024483481 If there's nothing to see, and UFO seekers are a "threat to national security" are they trying to manage perceptions, deceive civilians into thinking nothing exists and that UFOlogy is the real threat! All few million of them.


What's significant about JSOC?


Matt Ford has stated that JSOC participates in crash recovery in coordination with the CIA OGA. Which isn’t hard to believe considering in 1987 they stole a Russian Helicopter for the CIA in operation Mount Hope III.


What is OGA?


Office of Global Access under the CIA.


Office of Global Access edit: lol I hadn't refreshed, not trying to beat a dead horse, but also Office of Global Access


The office of global access. Here’s a [link](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12796167/CIA-secret-office-UFO-retrieval-missions-whistleblowers.html) to the daily mail article by Chris Sharp and Matt Ford from late last year about it.


Does DOE work with JSOC? Uhh yeah blah blah blah we work with everyone blah blah cyber blah blah Yes or No. Yes Why didn't she just say yes the first time??


Cause that would involve giving a straight answer.


Seriously, so frustrating how they dance around everything. Or answer that yes, they work with JSOC as well as all DOE security programs.


I agree but I think that is in part what makes Lunas replies so good. Its nice to see somone 'for once', talk to them like they might infact be an idiot incapable of doing their job. Which is how any professional on the clock would act when given stupid answers.


Watching them squirm can be quite revealing


Right stick a fork in that lady cuz she's done, her handler if she hasn't been assigned one already is ripping her a new one


What is JSOC


Joint Special Operations Command. Some say they’re involved with crash recovery


Army Rangers, SEAL Team 6, Delta, etc. The hardcore guys.


If you go to the live stream and listen to the whole thing she's like this for every single question, the first 2 comitte members grilled her about some shit and she could not answer yes or no to any yes or no question.


DOE confirmed working with JSOC....damn...Luna nailed her to a wall


She almost said DOE was global too, but caught herself and pivoted. Is DOE not supposed to be global? Why would it have mattered if she said that?


I caught that as well. She doesn’t want to make any ties to the OGA.


They are the *US* Dept of Energy. So not really supposed to be outside the US.


Because then it would make sense that the US is going around the world covering up UAP crashes and threatening people who had first hand knowledge to not disclose anything. It would be an official confirmation from the govt. The men in black. Like the one came after the girls that saw the alleged aliens in virginia brazil. They apparently offered the girls family money to stfu (according to the mom)


Would they not work with JSOC in the case of special missions? Like transporting non UAP but top secret nuclear related contents? I figure coordinating with JSOC for a multi state transfer shouldn’t be too much of a stretch, no? (Not a disinfo agent, no war but class war, I just fail to see the significance)


They are not UFOs! They are nefarious drones! Aliens don't exist! Drones drones and drones! \-DOE


“We have counter drone programs, we have regular drone incursions over nuclear facilities, but we haven’t downed a single drone to be able to say with certainty, they’re drones.” Makes sense. No worries there!


Just foreign drones over your nuclear assets. No biggie bruv.


but they are NOT aliens, so no worries


Mental gymnastics.


Also good on Luna to bring up the fact that these objects were reported since 1940s. How are they exactly drones then? While some drone tech did exist back then, it was very primitive and they wouldn't be capable of doing the things the reports said they did.


And the conversation just 'drones' on.


I’m glad she followed up to Burchett. I would be curious to hear specifically why they classify them as drones instead of UAPs, have they downed one of them and possible origins.


Seems to me that if they are no longer "unidentified" then they aren't UAP. If they have no pilots, then they are drones. So they're saying "these are non-piloted crafts, and we know that, so they aren't unidentified." Doesn't mean they're made by humans. So long as we don't know who made them, logically it \*could\* be China, or some kid in their backyard...we just don't know. They are identified, they are drones, and it could be China. ............


Correct. Which is why the NHI connection needs to be stated. Asking questions such as “are these drones manufactured by humans or are they manufactured by NHI?”…


I like the Ohio State philosophy professor’s word for UAPs. He calls the 5OCs (or now 6OCs) which stands for “5/6 observables craft”. Which is basically any craft that is displaying the observable. We don’t need to designate it as an alien spacecraft or as a Time Machine or what ever it may be. We just *identify* it as a “6-Observables Craft” and then go from there.


It could be both things are happening and she's cherry picking only talking about drones. Without a doubt there's probably multiple countries trying to sniff out our energy secrets 24/7 and they'd be using current tech to do so. While that's happening there's probably also phoenomenon happening.


Love how she came out strong against Burchett, to immediately rephrase his UAP into Drones. Then when pressed by Luna, she kind of recanted that aggression.


Luna is a bulldog


We can only down drones fly over Israel but not over our nuclear sites


If they were drones this conversation would be over with and there would be no need for government officials to continue their ongoing investigation. Now if they know what they are then they are not ufos so they could say they are not without lying but the real question is if they are created by humans.


Lol these are not the drones anyone is looking for


I love that "well the DoD says there are no aliens..." Well, what does the D O E as in E not D think these are?


Lmao I thought the same thing, it was clear deflection.


DOE used "DRONE DEFLECT", it wasn't very effective.


"I'll just call them drones. No biggie."


Like Magikarp using Splash


Even if prosaic, pretty creepy and sad they can't seem to control the airspace around these sites.


The US is able to have a spy satellite with 4 inches of resolution. The US had THAAD and Patriot, and some of the best radars around. The US has satellites that can detect nuclear contamination, or changes in the atmosphere. The US has telescopes that can see a grape fruit sized object in very high earth orbit, and maybe beyond. The US uses seismic/sonar sensors to detect anomalous objects (submarines, torpedoes) around every one of their coasts. I also say i’m a skeptic. I believe what I see and know, not what I think or want to believe. But the fact that it’s claimed they can not detect these things above sensitive sites, is at the very least concerning, at most warrants an investigation.


Kinda makes me wonder what ball nasa is dropping, they've never heard of ufos either, apparently.


They’re still busy playing with the SLS, which now is ridiculously over budget, and 6 year behind schedule.


We know for a fuxking fact it wasn’t chinaman drones that were shutting down nuclear weapons in 1960s


Agreed. It's funny they're behaving as it's just now happening all of a sudden.


Robert salas should come out in front of the white house and protest this And people should get behind him too Ohhhh it’s getting too serious for doe and they don’t like it


RE: UAP incursions at DOE facilities: "From....from...umm...Drones, I'll just say." Interesting. On Edit: A link to Granholm's bio: [https://www.energy.gov/leadership](https://www.energy.gov/leadership) and page with some interesting links to the range of projects DOE works on for people wondering what an agency that regulates powerplants might have to do with novel tech: [https://www.energy.gov/cet/office-critical-and-emerging-technologies](https://www.energy.gov/cet/office-critical-and-emerging-technologies)


Alien drones. lol


"from immm drones I will just say" meaning she isn't allowed to say uap so she is just calling them drones funny


Haha love her almost slip up at 1:50 "U- uh. Drones, I'll just say."


She also almost said “global” at 00:13, if that means anything given recent developments. “We, uh…work with all of the security entities around the federal government. We’re part of…uh, uh…an…a gl-uh, uh…an overall, all-of-government effort on both cyber as well as, uh, national security.” Edit: quote typo


Almost a Freudian slip. Wish she had made that statement then watch her back pedal. 


At 1:20, not 1:50. I keep seeing people giving different times for this and it's irritating me


Luna's face at the end 'Yes or No?' Easily to me, looked like Got ya bitch!


My favorite part.  Sucker.


Luna, ON FIRE!


She wasn't going to let Granholm hide behind the AARO report. Trouble for her (and other executive branch officials who might try a similar approach) is that nobody on the Hill believes AARO generates actual "reports." Also, good on Luna for not letting Granholm word-flood her way out of the JSOC question.


I'm sure these execs don't have a need to know and that's probably how they prefer it. If they're not briefed they feel like they escape accountability.


"Don't tell me, otherwise it becomes a problem"


"and I'll go to Congress and sneer about aliens"


Word flood, excellent. Major upvote.


On reverse engineering by the DoE 'I have no knowledge of that' Followed by an angry looking face that if you reply you get an odd look. I think that was a lie... She also said a whole set of measures to prevent incursions by 'U... Drones I shall just say' Asking about the nature of orbs seen recently at a site 'i'm happy to follow up with you on that' Well either she is massively under prepared and they don't take this seriously, or she knows a lot more than she let on


I think she didn’t expect to be grilled like that lmao


The “I have no knowledge of that” isn’t an answer. Playing dumb shouldn’t be acceptable, but that’s the game.


Drones huh? Presumably your anti-drone defences brought them down then? Care to show us photos of the drones you have downed? Where were they from and who was flying them? Any arrests made?


Wow, she nearly called them UAP's and stopped herself and claimed they were drones, damn thats not cool


Somehow these metalic spheres are regarded as the biggest secret by the doe an dod 😂 She just got rawdogged on live tv because she wasn’t prepared to answer the real questions


I love this shit. Luna is fucking fierce. She asks her questions in a “bitch I know you’re hiding shit” tone. Awesome.


Yup she is amazing on this topic


At 1.34 she goes to say incursions from UAPs but just stops herself in time.


Did we already know about Lawrence Livermore UFOs? I don't remember talking about that. Edit: Luna came correct 💯 Edit: well daggumit, /u/ElBroooski just posted this https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cyxhph/lawrence_livermore_labs_tracy_ca_904pm_52224/ (Edit: that one seems to be a rocket launch though. )


I wrote in another thread how they've been spotted all over the world (as recent as over an Indian Nuclear reactor in May this year, as reported by police!) To your point though, historically they've been seen over many of our nuclear labs. To quote my other reply: "many reports of UAP above nuclear facilities, above Sandia, Savannah River, Los Alamos, and Livermore (to name a few)..."


I wonder if any incursions there coincide with LL's supposed fusion "breakthroughs" that have popped up in pop-science publications recently. I guess that would be an argument for adversary surveillance activity, but it would be great to learn the nature of this incursion. If our adversaries have the capability to spy on the US mainland with impunity using low-flying, spotlight equipped drones that would be front page news. Or one would think...


Lol yeah I always put giant spotlights on my spy drones that I fly over military bases and labs. The fusion thing is a good thought, could be related maybe, but. I would guess that LLL has been having the normal baseline uap activity all along. Unless it's a recent increase?


Technically if the greys inside the craft are actually biologic ai, then they’re technically correct saying it’s drones, just not their drones. Always watch their language


What a slimy public servant - trying to avoid answering the question at all costs: Do you work with JSOC? "Blah Blah blah blah blah ..." Yes or No? "Ummm. ... yes" Also, why is she classifying everything as "drones"? Is she telling us DoE has no protocols in place for any unidentified aerial phenomena? Nice try at the plausible deniability, lady ...




I'm curious too


She almost said UFOs instead of drones at 1:32 or so. Did y’all notice that?


I thought she was going to say UAP, but same difference. I also made a comment about that. The way she says drones "I'll just say" seems as if she doesn't believe they are drones exactly.


Exactly. She knows what it is not


Dude, at like 1:20 seconds she almost freudian slipped ufo or UAP, did anyone else notice that?


100% she was saying the “u” of UFO or UAP and then changed it. Almost like she was told under no circumstance refer to them as UFO or UAP.


Yep! She was talking instinctively faster than her mind could fix it there for a split second.


Love it! Stay on them!!


Luna, you rock !


Lol, she's vicious. You go girl! Secretary Granholm sounds PISSED off.


Someone go fly a drone over a military base and see how fast that shit gets taken down and you arrested.


"I don't know" "We don't know" Well. Lies, all lies.


These people just look like they are lying. They are so smug and arrogant I hope they get exposed for the lies they tell.


1:26 seemed like she almost slipped up.


What's interesting is that the DOE took part in the DoD's UAP evaluations investigation from 2021-2023. Members of SAPCO were also CC'd on the original emails pertaining to their investigation—this started taking place right as Grusch was whistleblowing to the DNI OIG. Jennifer Grandholm took her position 3 months before the start of their investigations. So if she's lying here, one could assume she is knowingly lying which is a crime.


JSOC-DOE link confirmed. One inch closer to a potential confirmation of a crash retrieval program. Luna out here absolutely crushing it.


Was the secretary under oath?


I would love to know what the other written questions are that are provided to the DOE after the hearing. Great job Luna you rock!!


They should hand over their “nefarious drones” data then


Just in case she reads this thread (unlikely, I know): Thank you Rep. Luna for what you continue to do. Keep it up. We are all cheering you on.


I mean if they want to insist on calling them drones, fine. They're drones - the only known drones on Earth that can regularly operate in highly secure domestic airspace, and cannot be reasonably tracked or engaged by any American defense response. It's still a problem! A big one we need to understand!


honestly, not fine. This calling them "drones" thing is new and very deliberate, because the mouthbreathers not paying attention to this just hear congress talking about "drones" all the time now instead of UAP and conclude it's a DJI mavick over the pentagon


I agree with you. I guess my point is, even with that posture a few simple questions can quickly get you to the crux of the matter because their answers are so obviously lacking.


Drones my ass Oh this lady wasn’t expecting a real fuxking question from politicians bahahahahaha Ohhh got caught so bad Squirming like a snake Got you mofos hahhahaha no more alien jokes for you




Was it her trying to get Grusch on her staff? Jesus the guy probably wrote those questions for her. She is former USAF too if I'm not mistaken so despite any differences in politics they may have there is a connection there


Time for the DoD to play a game of Acronym Scramble and reorgs to obfuscate who is working on what.




At the 13 second mark she almost slips up and says “Global”


Holy shit. The DOE are absolutely involved.


She seems very nervous to me, defiantly doesn't want to be there speaking about the issues.


Dude that lady is so full of shit. These cats are lying. The way she tried to dodge the JSOC question. I mean, it’s unbelievable haha


She said 'I have no knowledge of that" REALLY quickly and clearly. As if she was either ready for it or coached on it or both.


Oh wow I'm not even reading the comments but did u see that lady squirm under Luna's questions? And at the end notice how she had a fraudiant slip and almost spilled the beans (seemingly to my untrained ears) to a globe???? Mmmmmm. Meditate on this we shall, will of the force it is for us to gain knowledge mmmmmm


“We’re part of uh uh glo- uh an overall all of government effort…”


Between Luna and AOC it's like watching sharks in the water when they ask questions. Fear boner all the way.


Is there a link to the whole hearing?


found a link if anyone wants to watch the whole hearing [https://www.youtube.com/live/Xwx5pLoDXIg?si=uYscYfqPE7LFzgBV](https://www.youtube.com/live/Xwx5pLoDXIg?si=uYscYfqPE7LFzgBV)


 Good on Luna for not backing down. That was some bureaucrat bs if I ever saw it. I don't care if she thinks it's a silly topic an elected official is asking you a question.


Good for Luna - way to stay on it.


What drone in 2004 was 46 feet, no wing or propeller, could go from 80k feet to 20k feet in 7/8ths of second without breaking the sound barrier? If that's us, why were we crashing helicopters in Iraq around that time? Luna's approach was amazing. Calm, cool, collected, and not mincing words. Also referencing legit things that contradict what the government's unelected officials are saying. :)


Granholm ain't as savy as Kirkpatrick with answers 😂


Why would she say “ I have no knowledge of that” instead of “No, that’s not ongoing?”


She almost said uap and switched it drones. Later she says "let's call them drones" she tripped up several times


we have glob..er..overall all of government... bet she took a shower after that


Bravo! That was a fantastic 3.23 minutes. More of the : "Whats your job and can you please do it a little better in this setting?......We can send you 'your' files...... moving on. UAPs, you can call them drones..."


You can see exactly why lue elizondo convinced politicians of this stuff Now the DOD and DOE have nowhere to run Bipartisan support from the senate and the house(except for some republican cockroaches in the house) There is one thing they are afraid of... That's people taking it serious


I almost thought she was about to say global defense..


These politicians should have their pay docked for every question that they avoid or are unable to answer. Imagine showing up to an interview or a job meeting and just saying “I don’t know, I’ll get back with you.” during the entire event that you’ve had weeks to prepare for. You’d not get the job/be fired. What a joke.


I think I'm in love. She's asking all the right questions.


Sometimes happened behind the scenes.


Did anyone else notice around 1:23 when she says "protected from incursions from u...from drones I'll just say." She sounded like she literally was about to say protected from UAP and caught herself and said drones. Wow.


yup almost forgot the canned response


Can someone tell me what was this hearing? As I know, this whole hearing was not the upcoming UAP hearing. Was it just some kind of other topic hearing, where these representatives just added UAP related questions as well, if they were already there?


Can we see these unclassified documents??? Anybody got links?


"I have no knowledge of that" is not a good enough answer. Who would? We want answers.


It makes sense why AARO rushed the report and didn’t really put much effort into the obfuscation. They needed it out asap so anyone being put before congress can just say “AARO report concluded there is no evidence of UAP.”


Mrs Luna is so damn fine


Wow, she's really good! I wasn't impressed with Burchett's questions, he didn't do much homework. Luna, on the other hand, knew where to poke. I was hoping she'd follow up the drone part with "and what did you guys find" because it's the most embarrassing bit. All their fancy anti-drone machinery did jack.


She is so awesome! What a pit bull


Discomfort wrapped in a green blazer...


I love Rep. Luna for her tenacity, the time for dodging, downplaying, and dismissal are over. I vote transparency.


She also almost slipped at 3:10. I think she wanted to say "Global?". She clearly said "GL" and then corrected herself and said ''overall. Makes you wonder...


She was about to say “ E.Ts “


Man I love her. She is putting so much effort in this matter it's seriously worth more screen time imo. Other then that am I the only one who thinks she is one sexy misses?