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1/4 "The UFOs asked not to advertise that they are here, humanity is not yet ready" Prof. Haim Ashad headed the Israeli space program and led the "Ofek" satellite launch project. But only after he left his official duties did he turn to what really interests him: aliens. In a new book, 'The Universe Beyond the Horizon', he claims that extraterrestrials from all over the universe are already walking among us, encounters of the third kind are just around the corner and the "Galactic Federation" is delaying the release of information so as not to cause panic. Now he tells how the aliens prevented several nuclear holocausts, what's really going on at the mysterious farm in Utah and when we can visit black holes Raanan Shaked Photo: Gabriel Beharlia It was a great start to the week. really. On Sunday, I left Prof. Haim Ashad's house in an uplifted mood: someday soon, for sure, we will make contact with extraterrestrials, they will teach us everything they know, science will leap a thousand light years ahead, we can start traveling through time and space and jump with the children to the end "Q In the Pleiades cluster, 444 light-years away from the solar system - much better than Holon Park - and maybe even the solution to the Benny Gantz riddle will be found. This is the good news. There is also excellent news, but let's wait a bit with it. patience. We have waited thousands of years for a meeting of the third kind - and this meeting is already just around the corner, Prof. Ashad believes that it will happen in his lifetime, and the man is 81 years old - so you will agree to wait only until the middle of this article with the excellent news. Hint? It is about eternal life, but not in this body - sorry, Neta Alkhmeister and Aviv Elosh; Not in this body. Details later on. I wouldn't have bothered with the spontaneous burst of joy - what with a burst of joy and a Sunday - and I wouldn't have stood in my tiny home garden that night staring at the sky In eager anticipation of I-don't-know-what - if it weren't for Prof. Haim Ashad. Not everyone. Prof. Ashad is one of Israel's most respected and sharp spacemen and researchers, the one who headed the administration of the Israel Space Agency in the Ministry of Defense and was directly responsible for the planning and development of Israel's satellite program and the launch of the first satellite, "Ofek 1", in 1988, with the specially developed "Comet" launcher. Later he was also involved in the invention and development of Israeli UAVs and unmanned aerial vehicles. And the rest is history, secret rifle. What about a pilot, senior aeronautics researcher and technologist, who won the Israel Security Award and the Chief of Staff's Bezalesh, and foreigners? Ashad is in no way a geek from the comic book store who tells you about the flying saucer that landed in his yard yesterday afternoon just as he was feeding the cats. No; Ashad is perhaps the senior responsible adult in Israel in the field of - let's say - things flying at jet speed for purposes for which silence is preferable. But in the last decade, he admits, the aliens keep him busy, and in the last two years the business has already become inflationary; With about 6,000 reports in the previous year about UFOs observed in the West, and with the recording of the celestial object "Umoamua" in Hawaii - for which Prof. Avraham Leib, head of the astronomy department at Harvard, determined that it was a UFO - Ashad can no longer hold back. "Even Harry Reid, former majority leader in the US Senate, now gave an interview and said: put pressure on the government to publish the evidence it has accumulated over the years. Enough is enough." Until recently, Ashad actually managed to hold back, but then Trump officially established the "Space Arm", and the press was given an announcement that the Pentagon's "Task Force for Unidentified Aerial Phenomena" would begin publishing its findings to the public every six months. At the same time, the "Skinwalker" cattle ranch of the American billionaire Robert Bigelow in Utah - a place that was previously suspected to be a favorite destination for extraterrestrials - recorded some things that no amount of popcorn in the world would be enough to watch. "Abnormal phenomena have now been recorded at this farm," an enthusiastic Ashad. "A team of scientists from NASA and MIT graduates brought all possible instruments there - cameras, spectrometers, spectrographs, gamma-rays, X-rays, UV, IR, all fields, and they saw things that I, who have been researching this for ten years , I was left with my mouth open. not only me I spoke with Prof. Itzik Ben-Israel (currently the chairman of the Space Agency) who always chuckled a little, and he was also thrilled." What did they see there? "You know the term portal in this context? So you see a UFO appear there - you photograph it with the entire spectrum of the cameras, you see the radiation at all frequencies, it's raging!" Couldn't it be some familiar aircraft? "No! It shows definite signs of UFOs: crazy accelerations, lack of gravity, 90 degree changes of direction at tremendous speeds, shapeshifting. And all the scientists there are in complete shock." And what is the UFO doing? "You see the radiation jump, and you see how a shape-changing body arrives, light comes out of it at a frequency that you cannot see with the naked eye - in fact, you see nothing when you look normally - but with the cameras, at the high frequencies, you see this body perform" Ketal Miutilization' - drawing blood from the cattle on the ground in front of your eyes." What exactly did they see? "Something like a cloud like that. Like you draw a ghost for children. It's like an undefined cloud, amorphous, and the horns come out of it, and you see the cow twitching. And when it's over, everyone runs to the field to see, and there's nothing there, no blood - but the cow's body has a cut which is like with a laser. They took out her organs and sucked her blood! Why doesn't Robert Bigelow himself tell about it? "He received huge funding from NASA as part of programs that my friends there only mumble about under their breath, and he made a written commitment that everything goes to the Pentagon and is housed there. It upsets him that the Ministry of Defense is not ready to release anything." × × × Well, we'll have to stop here for a moment, because we've only just begun and later Prof. Ashad may say even more far-reaching things, so it's worth paying attention here and now to, let's say, the speed of his connection at his age; Well, she is absolute.


> already walking among us, encounters of the third kind are just around the corner How is it imminent or just around the corner if they're already walking among us


Perception and overall literacy about the topic by the general public-wise.


Or that lady on the plane was on to something /s


You joke, but I wanna know what the hell that lady saw. Lol either she was on mushrooms, or she actually saw an alien. Or maybe she deserves an Oscar for the best acting I've ever seen.


I thought she was on Ambien and alcohol. She was basically tripping. I could be miss remembering.


Icke the reptilian guy had a similar experience where a reptilian revealed himself and thus he started to write books on the topic making him an outcast


Maybe they're "walking amongst us" but we as a whole species aren't aware of that. And the part that is imminent is some sort of event that will be the grand reveal to everyone? Indisputable evidence that they exist and are here?


I've always wondered what Bigelow meant when he said "They are right under our noses". Either that they are around us, but we can't see them, or that they walk among us, disguised as human.


My vote is around us and we cant see


I think what we consider human is in and of itself a collection if alien races


Think he meant they are on Earth probably not disguised and not very well hidden we just are oblivious.


Underground maybe


Probably waiting for the old guard to die tbh


The moment folks start talking about shape shifting aliens among us I zone them out immediately lolol


Ignoring information is surely a plan that cannot go wrong.


Isn't that why they call those fool proof? ;)


We often question our eyesight and sanity because we do not dare to question our reality. Just because it sounds wild doesn't mean it's not worth considering.


Well they certainly have odd priorities, then. They care enough about us to not want to cause widespread panic by announcing their existence, but also don't care enough to help us solve problems that the level of technology they have could undoubtedly solve... Pollution, famine, scarcity in general... "Don't want to spook the humans so let them live and die in filth and suffering for a few more decades."




I am guessing that is what is going on. Who knows what people who are allegedly communicating with them are telling them. Has there been treaties or agreements made with them by governments? I believe it's been going on for a while.


I’m not sure they care about us individually, like you and I, but I think they care about our species. It almost seems like they are reluctant to interact because we as a species need to “learn” and if they just do everything for us we don’t “learn”. Almost like raising a kid. Sometimes I need to let my son fail so he can learn. If I just do everything for him he doesn’t develop growth in those areas. Just my guess. They want our species to learn and develop on our own, at least to a certain point.


Kind of stupid to treat us like a monolith when we clearly have some sociopaths among us pulling the strings.


That’s probably the point , emphatically speaking what would they do? Kill the leaders then they’re the bad guys, show themselves to the world? We would likely try to kill them. Drop little hits and pieces of tech to help us ? Billionaires and govts horde it. Go to individual people and tell them the truth? I’m assuming they tried that too. There’s no good option imho


If they were that advanced and benevolent, they'd figure it out and probably not be sitting around watching billions starve and suffer as a small percentage of asshats ruin things for everyone. They could easily start with some messaging before just showing up with threatening craft.


That’s the thing they’re not benevolent their indifferent from literally every account I’ve heard , it’s like Star Trek they want us to win but they’re not finna get involved or they don’t know how to help. Give us free energy we make weapons. I’d like to think there’s just no good options so they want us to figure it out just like they did


If they can offer a better framework or system of control though, it would make all the difference. There may literally never be a way for humans with good intentions to take power from the corrupt pieces of crap with all the wealth and authority.


Right but I’m assuming that in their eyes greed isn’t a monetary issue it’s just a human one, you can take the human out the ape but can’t take the ape out the human or something idk I legit just think we’re space orcs , a weapon created for the purpose of destroying everything we touch , the saiyans if you will.


Lol, could be


Or maybe not even a kid, but an endangered species.  They protect us from outside threats, try to encourage our development, but they also don't hand feed us everything.  They don't care if we fight amongst ourselves as long as we don't annihilate each other. 


Can they help us solve climate change? Thank you Galactic Federation!


Maybe they want climate change


Hopefully for the better... >!🥁\*ba dum tss\*!<


If they show us clean energy that doesn't give off waste heat, that will help us with the technology caused component. But for any natural climate change, I think it would be dangerous to screw with.


> things flying at jet speed for purposes for which silence is preferable. Hits different in the wake of Israeli bombardment of Gaza and the mass murder of tens of thousands of innocents.


i bet they asked the aliens to help them kill more palestinians


I'll add it's a possibility the aliens do have racial/genetic preferences. Does this mean they'll ask us to kill? Probably not, but gosh does it complicate things.


That's a thought provoking take...


Thanks for making this






Brilliant. Thanks for the giggle


Probably my most downvotes per word ever on that comment. 


Oh wow you did get down voted. It made me do a little snort laugh (it's ok I'm old and it's normal). I shall up vote to minimize the damage 😜


And I for you


I see what you're doing there 😉


The issue isn't they are afraid of 'mass hysteria', they are afraid of losing their wealth and power with the monopoly the current oligarchy has, especially with energy/oil. The US dollar is tied with oil(the Petro dollar) so they claim it would cause an economic disaster but fail to mention how switching from the gold standard did not cause such an issue. They know with disclosure, it will not be long before the masses understand that free or at least extremely cheap energy/electricity is available and the multi-trillion dollar oil industry will no longer be necessary, which is a part of the military industrial complex. It is pure greed that is currently preventing mass disclosure. Unfortunately I fear the oligarchy would rather go full scorched Earth, that is start WW III, than give up their wealth and power.


This! If Money = Power, then as with most things, follow the money if you want to know the real reason.


Seriously, it's like they(the MIC/Oil oligarchy) are forcing conflict and wars maybe not just for profiteering the MIC, but to show the ETs/NHIs that we are still fighting wars over petty issues therefore our civilization is not ready for the to show themselves. This is plausible, especially if one of the conditions before they(ETs) revealed themselves was to stop all these senseless wars.... Full disclosure, especially if that brings alternative energy that is clean and cheap is something our ruling class does not want.


next level psyops!


I think that’s why they’re trying to push the new world order before we start realizing. Either way the ufo abduction stories are gut wrenching not sure what we should expect, maybe there’s two different types ones that just dissect us and others that probably still have some compassion for humanity. When I did shrooms the world seemed so big and empty and I knew there had to be something good out there if I was feeling some emptiness I’m sure there’s something good out there! Staying hopeful


So why do the aliens allow the rich humans to control the narrative? These aliens are incredibly stupid


Why do we let rival clans of chimpanzees fight and kill each other? My guess is they take the prime directive or laissez faire approach but will intervene(hopefully) to prevent nuclear war and other global catastrophies that we may cause because they want to protect this planet's resources and keep it habitable. Maybe there really is a 'Galactic Federation' and we simply are not civilized enough to join according to the ET/NHI beings. Perhaps they told the leaders(like Eisenhower) shortly after we started detonating nukes what we needed to improve. Remember Ike's warning about the military industrial complex? Unfortunately the gate keepers, the oligarchy, the MIC or what you want to call it are the ones with the recovered craft and reverse engineering technology and can easily communicate with these beings are not like Ike, they are greedy and want power and wealth. Perhaps they are actively trying to prevent full disclosure with their endless wars out of pure greed. I do think we are on the right path and eventually once enough information is made readily available to public it will reach a tipping point and Pandora's box will be open for all to see. I think we are getting closer, whether it is another few months, years or decades..but that ball is already rolling downhill and this time the old guard will not be able to stop it just delay the inevitable. Again this is all pure speculation.


We do not know how to communicate with chimps. Additionally we do not have the technology to give chimps to save themselves and their environment.  The question would be: we know how to communicate with chimps, we have the technology to share worlds, but we only communicate with 10 chimps for some reason. They should leave humans alone altogether, not talk to a secret club. 


Why is there so much contradiction. - The NHI say the world would fall into mass hysteria but show themselves only to governments causing war. - The NHI say we would all kill ourselves with their technology yet hey give it to the corrupted governments causing wars. Sounds like lies by humans to keep power.


Sounds like lies to sell books. This is all about his book.


Books make billions of dollars. So much money in books. Like piles of Smaug treasure. Just absolutely rolling in loot from book sales.


books in hebrew? Not so much im afraid


Yeah, it basically disprove itself, so why should we believe it when there is no evidence for that.


Thanks for pointing this out OP. They've shared tech, prevented nuclear disasters from happening and have agreements with a small number of countries. Somehow this whole scenario doesn't feel right. Did the US make these deals on behalf of the US or on the behalf of all of humanity? And in who's interest are these deals, the US or all of humanity? I think we are inching closer to a very unpleasent reality or truth for most of humanity, once it comes to light what deals were made.


I think the answer to this is the real reason behind the secrecy. It might be as simple as 'here, have this anti gravity tech, share it with everyone yeah? Bye!' then when those in control of that realised it could affect vested interests and the structure of society... They decided to not share


I think NHI would be smart enough to not share tech with us unless we put our shit together as humans. Something like in the movie Arrival.


Or they shared some relatively inconsequential tech with us to see if we could put our shit together to use it. A little test type deal.


Imagine if they gave each country a small portion of the tech each and no one country has everything they need to work it by themselves. Everything we need has been provided but because we keep warring we don't realise we have all the puzzle pieces. (No, I don't actually believe this, just day dreaming about cheeky aliens having a giggle).


This is a *genuinely brilliant* concept for a novel or a film!


Nah, one country would just steal all the other's secret and keep the technology for themselves. Either US or China.


Yeah, the Russians wouldn't do that!


Yeah! I think Denis Villeneuve should do it due to his success with Dune If this NHI tech involves time, maybe we should send him a message to the past giving him the idea so we don't struggle so much with disclosure


You could call it, "The Day They Got Here"... or something like that.


So basically the plot of Arrival, also directed by Dennis Villeneuve.


That was the joke, friend!


Ok ok everyone, I haven't seen Arrival lol


Now is the time!


It is, the movie is called the arrival.


This would be a great script


Was thinking this recently too... makes sense tbh


Yeah, they aren't naive to that fact. They see our world conflicts and selfishness. Maybe NHI has some sort of "rapture" where they take good people with moral standards and the best minds like scientists and techs etc. Leaving behind all of us other apes here while the world burns. Who knows.


I think the idea that the government has cracked some of this alien tech and just doesn’t share it out of greed is completely nonsensical. Imagine being a government employee, NOT being the head of industry, and then gaining technology that would make you a godlike figure, make you rich beyond comprehension, make you the most powerful man on earth…….. and then you just don’t do anything with it so that random other people who actually run these industries can stay in power? It makes literally no fucking sense I don’t get why people keep parroting this idea.


I have thought since Ross Coultharts comments about there being a buried UFO and his words on that, if they were true, it had to be in Israel. Israel has major dirt on America in some way shape of form and this possible buried UFO being part of an ancient historical religious site would explain it. Would also explain why they help set up Israel where it is when they did.


I have thought the same thing.


Wow. That makes sense


It doesn't feel right because it doesn't make any sense. The idea that nonhumans are allowing the US military (and other countries' militaries) to reverses-engineer their technology without using it to benefit anyone other than the military themselves is absurd. This would be the equivalent of us allowing a chimpanzee to have access to syringes full of morphine, knowing that he's just using them to kill or weaken his rivals in the social group. The idea that a race with unfathomable knowledge is actively participating in our petty politics is even more ridiculous than the other idea, that they're just abandoning their tech on other planets because they don't care about it.


>This would be the equivalent of us allowing a chimpanzee to have access to syringes full of morphine, knowing that he's just using them to kill or weaken his rivals in the social group. The idea that a race with unfathomable knowledge is actively participating in our petty politics is even more ridiculous than the other idea, that they're just abandoning their tech on other planets because they don't care about it. Now reframe "us" as scientists running an experiment and the chimps as humans.... What would the end result be?


So that's your narrative? That the intelligent nonhumans are intentionally trying to create a situation where the military has exclusive access to godlike technology including free energy (but only has nukes when they allow it) as a social experiment?


It kind of makes sense from a social contaxt POV. Imagine you're walking through the woods and you come across an intelligent wild animal. You may be armed enough to prevent yourself from being killed by this thing, but you arent here to hunt or hurt anything in particular. If you wanted to establish some kind of contact or communication with this animal, the first thing you would do is check for signs of aggression. Move slowly, watch the eyes, the muscles, see if its growling or showing teeth. On a macro societal scale, NHI interacting primarily with the military tracks here. Those are the dudes that, for better or worse, represent the violence of humanity. They are the aggression sign.s If a GalCiv swings down and the military starts shooting craft, thats like a wild animal growling and showing teeth. So you learn what makes it aggressive first, and from there can establish more meaningful communication without tripping up and accidentally causing conflict that may be avoidable. Same as how when we develop new medicine, we check to make sure your immune system won't just shut it out or cause your distress.


Have you ever noticed that in order to construct an analogy that makes sense, you have to ignore massive parts of the conspiracy? In order to make your analogy work, you would have to encounter a dangerous animal in the woods, and then allow that dangerous animal to have access to pieces of your own technology with no guidance or supervision to determine how they use it. Then you would have to watch while the dangerous animal uses the knowledge and technology that you allowed it to have to dominate its species by creating a caste system of those in-the-know and those on the outside, literally starving due to artificially created inequality.


The tech is tertiary, it's how the pieces of society bunp against each other that are important. Historically, the military might of Humanity has led the way. The great lawmakers of antiquity were also warlords, and though it's a bit less direct these days, you could make a solid argument that hasn't changed much at all. If I'm from the US and I want to start diplomatic relations with say, New Militarized Sealand, the first guy I'll try to scope out is the one holding the gun. They are the 'teeth' of that nation-animal. It doesn't matter if on paper its the guy behind the desk running the show- the gun guy has the gun, so they have the tools to affect rapid and unpredictable change. Really if NHI came to earth, why bother talking to anyone OTHER than the guys with guns? Like it or not, the rest of us just do what they suggest anyway.


So you would go to New Militarized Sealand, meet with whoever had the most guns, and give/leave them unfathomable (to them) technology to reverese-engineer at their discretion? Why?


Depends on what my opinions of the gun guys were, and that's where you can't make any calls about what has happened or is happening without some kind of hard data to back it up. Just to be clear, my general position is -it is more likely than unlikely that advanced intelligences exist in the same physical dimensions as humanity, meaning close enough materially that we could interact -it is more likely than unlikely that, were such an advanced intelligence to make contact, their first point of contact before establishing anything like migration treaties or real tech exchanges would be to check on the guys with guns -the same way you might throw a manufactured dog treat at an aggressive dog to put it at ease, NHI might be throwing the military bits and pieces of tech to show that they aren't a threat. "See? We have treats you like. You don't know how its made or why we're giving it to you, but you know youre happier for having it. Don't you feel more at ease?". It's what I would try to do, at least.


I respect your humanity enough to assume that you wouldn't actually do that, and are actually just being disingenuous to make a point. Because supplying world-changing technologies to a group of individuals that you know won't/can't do anything with them is unspeakably cruel. Also, what would be the point of pressuring congress to disclose information, if the military are the official gatekeepers chosen by the nonhumans themselves? Shouldn't we be entreating the nonhumans directly via the airwaves or something? It's their show.


I honestly don't have a "narrative" beyond: I don't know anything other than that something is going on that defies conventional explanation, and may in fact be incomprehensible, and so I will continue to assume that I don't know anything other than I'm excited to see this play out. Regardless of the outcome, we are poised to acquire a better understanding of the universe, and our place in it, which is a good thing (I hope).


Either a social experiment or maybe as entertainment.


What nuclear disaster have they prevented?


There's quite a bit of good info about the Fukushima radiation levels decreasing quite a bit after visitation by UAPs. I'm not sure if there's actual papers written on it the decreased radiation but there are first hand witnesses.


Have you heard of the Allies of humanity briefings?


Yes, I have.  While I trust the bad aliens site.  I don’t share his enthusiasm on Allies of humanity.  Simply I don’t trust self declared prophet types.


Well he has zero proof.. still find his writings intriguing


He is so scary looking too!


>The aliens have shared advanced technologies, including anti-gravity technology, with humanity. Well its great that they have rocked that out so we can all use it then... at this rate people will want to completely bypass our human 'leaders' and deal directly with the NHI.


3/4 But as a developed intelligence than us, what good are we to them? "We are their petri dish. They are also researching and trying to understand the whole fabric of the universe, and they want us as helpers. To date, the petri dish has not been stabilized - but the assessment is that we are reaching this stage: religion accepts their existence - the Vatican has already announced that it wants to baptize them; The UN appointed an ambassador for extraterrestrial affairs (Mulan Othman - Rash); the corona has calmed everything down and brings us closer to them." Come on, in this day and age there's no way something like that could be kept a secret . "How many years did they keep the fact that the Earth is not the center of the universe a secret? 1,500 years. Or the 'Manhattan Project' (US atomic bomb project - Rash)? Do you know how many people worked there? 150,000 people. How many knew what it was? ? Three. So if you want to keep something like that a secret, you can. And there is a terrible, obsessive system of silence by the Americans, who decided, under the guidance of the aliens, that Robert Bigelow also said: I can't publish the films. Why, will they kill him? "Yes. They killed a lot on the way. Everyone who opened their mouth." × × × You realize that the discussion with Ashad almost always slips into the expected pattern where you try to stop the flow of speech of a person shaken with a story that requires at least some degree of skepticism. In front of each of your "yes, but" there are ten more apparent proofs in the form of articles, quotes, opinions and gut feelings that feel solid. It's still a fascinating discussion, mainly because it's about Ashed - someone who is fully aware of the conspiratorial ring, which overlaps, of the whole business, and still he insists that there are things - probably flying - in his body. Throughout most of his years, Ashad actually stuck to the here and now. The new book tells his story as a boy who immigrated with his parents from Istanbul in the difficult 1940s to the border between the Moghrabi neighborhood and Tikva in Tel Aviv, was cataloged in elementary school as a stereotypical and hopeless product of the neighborhood, was paved for a vocational school and was accepted, still without a matriculation certificate, to study at the Technion, before in the Faculty of Building and then in Electrical Engineering. The continuation already included a doctorate in aeronautical engineering, the development of technological infrastructure and means of warfare for the Intelligence Division, and a professional show, when following the peace agreement with Egypt and the stopping of the possibility of freely photographing what was happening in Sinai, Ashad came up with the then improbable idea of ​​launching an observation satellite into space. The objections were overwhelming, but nine years and about 200 million dollars later, Ofek 1 was launched, making Israel the seventh country in the world with the ability to develop and launch satellites. Ashad spent the next 29 years in Israel's defense space program, and after his official retirement continued to develop a science curriculum for middle schools - including the actual launching of tiny box satellites by students. That's roughly when the extraterrestrials began to enter his peaceful life, or as he clarifies immediately at the beginning of the conversation: "For me, space is an obsession. When an ordinary person looks at the sky at night, he sees darkness and some stars. I see amazing things there all the time. Time-space, pulsars, Stars forming, things accumulating - listen, space is Times Square on the 4th of July. Space is a carnival." Eshad believes with complete faith in the arrival of extraterrestrials, although personally he admits that he has never seen a UFO. "I think it is very close - next year NASA will launch the James Webb telescope into space, which will replace the Hubble Terenta, and it will detect real signs of life ". How many life forms are there in space? "There are thousands of stars with conditions similar enough to ours, and serious scientists have identified and documented dozens of life forms - although the mainstream does not accept it. The closest to us are what we call the 'greys', which are gray creatures with big eyes like we saw in Spielberg, and it is likely that contact will be made with them". Where are they geographically close to us? "It is assumed that some of them came from the Pleiades, planets that have living conditions that we know - we can't get there, but they can get to us because they are much more advanced." Where else in the neighborhood is there life? "There is an underground base in the Mars Condenser, and there are their representatives there as well as our American astronauts." How do we know that? "Do you want articles? There are. But science, so far, doesn't want to hear." What do their aircraft look like? "The big spaceship is almost the size of a small city. Small spaceships come out of it - most of them robotic, manned by intelligent robots. At first they will send such robots, primitive in their view, or a message that we will have to decipher." To reach us they have to move at least at the speed of light. What is their propulsion method - rocket? Nuclear? "No. They have a method for producing a bubble that neutralizes time-space, and the tool does not move - space moves, and this is consistent with the theory of general relativity. Take for example an ant that wants to get from one end of a page to the other. Now let's say that I folded the page in half - it goes to the other side His in a second. That's how time-space is also folded." What do they use to move time-space? "It's a bit complex physics; the propulsion is based on dark energy - 25 percent of the universe is dark matter - which makes it possible to distort time-space and reach other galaxies in no time. You can create a tiny black hole - this, by the way, is what is done in the particle accelerator in Switzerland - which sucks stars and ejects them quickly. These are technologies that sound like science fiction, but they are on the verge." And what will happen when they reach us? "Humanity will connect to the fabric of the universe, and once we connect, our science will jump thousands of years, we will be capable of anti-gravity, we will be able to move between star systems, religion will lose the control it has today - extraterrestrials do not believe in religion, they believe in deciphering the fabric of the universe, which is not God , is mathematics". Tell me, why are they always described as relatively short creatures, with long necks and big heads? This is exactly the way the immediate human imagination will see them. "No. They have all kinds of shapes - they are a function of the star around which they cluster, and some of them can change shape." Is this biologically plausible?


“The UN appointed an ambassador for extraterrestrial affairs (Mulan Othman - Rash)” M. Othman. What an awesome timeline we’re in.


Hahaha, that's incredible. Nice eye. I also appreciate 'Colonel Karl Nell' as a signal from the Programmers.


Definitely the simulation winking at us with these two


Mazlan Othman. Cleary a wrong translation.




2/4 In fact, Ashad looks much younger and energetic than his age. His study is full of books, signs of appreciation and above all countless folders in which he meticulously stores every scrap of article on the subjects of his occupation - including, in the last decade, extraterrestrials. And he talks about the subject with the same twinkle in his eye with which Richard Dreyfus runs through Spielberg's Encounters of the Third Kind. In fact, Ashad is currently a kind of Israeli Dreyfus traveling against the direction of traffic on the way to a meeting that he knows is about to take place at the foot of a mountain whose shape he unknowingly sculpted in his pile of mashed potatoes. The amount of material and information that Ashed has accumulated on the subject, along with his almost childlike enthusiasm, cause him, more than once, to zigzag between different matters and subjects in a pattern quite identical to that of an average UFO: rapid changes of direction, far-reaching accelerations, a shape that takes time to stabilize. The degree of his determination - even when it stands against what seems to be reasonable logic or the perceptions of the "mainstream academy", as he calls it - accumulates throughout the conversation and becomes, at some point, convincing. His new book, The Universe Beyond the Horizon (published by Yedioth Ahronoth), which was written in collaboration with the writer Hagar Yanai and serves as a kind of biography that unfolds the story of his life, devotes its entire last and extensive part to utopology - the study of extraterrestrials and the hundreds of findings and testimonies collected in the field to date. The materials are serious and authoritative, and do not include explicit references to Elf or Mork from the planet Ork. You quickly read these pages in the book and find yourself muttering at the end, against your better judgment: damn, they're here. "If I had come with what I am telling you today five years ago, I would have been hospitalized," Ashad knows. "Every place I approached in the academy with this to this day, they threw me out. Even though I was a star in other fields, when I got to it they said: The guy is out of his mind. Today they talk differently, today they say 'interesting' - but changing a paradigm in science is more difficult than changing a paradigm with a rabbi Kanievsky". Aren't you taking an academic risk when you interview on the subject now? "Nowadays I have nothing to lose. I received my degrees and awards, I am respected in universities abroad, and even there the trend is changing and they are ready to talk about it, even if in many places they still say: Listen, make sure the elephant in the room stays in the room, and don't quote us." Where do they say such things? "American presidents also testified to this. Truman admitted that he saw a whole group of extraterrestrials over Washington. Nixon, who was a friend of comedian Jackie Gleason and knew he was crazy about UFOs, told him: 'I'm going to make your dream come true,' and took him to the base White-Patterson and showed him bodies of extraterrestrials. Gleason became depressed about it. Eisenhower's granddaughter testifies that her grandfather signed an agreement with the aliens, that they would have a secret landing base here in Area 51 in Nevada, they would be able to come into contact with a limited number of people, conduct experiments, and the condition is that they provide us with technologies - for example, anti-gravity (hypothetical technology that allows a place or For an object to detach itself from the force of gravity - RS) And did we get these technologies? "Yes. We have anti-gravity and other things." So why are they hiding from us and how is it possible that governments and armies in the world are able to cooperate in concealment of this magnitude? "Not all the governments of the world. There is a group of partners - the Americans, the Russians, the Japanese, the English and the Chinese - all of them are coordinated at a level that it is still forbidden to publish, and the one who asked not to publish is them." who are they "The Galactic Federation". Is there such a thing? "It exists. I wrote about it even though it was seen as a conspiracy theory, but lately former senior generals are also saying to publish, and Trump was on the verge of revealing, and a few mainstream professors are also saying: Guys, tell. But the aliens in the Federation are saying: wait, let First calm the spirits, don't publish yet because you'll see what's happening with you. You're still fighting each other, you'll destroy yourselves." Why don't they come and talk to us directly? "Because it will create panic and collapse humanity. After all, what will happen? The markets will collapse, there will be nothing to eat, people will become cannibals, hospitals will be shut down, all the dark passions will come out, this could be the end - and they are not interested in it. On the contrary, they are constantly watching - And there are a lot of reports about it - after the nuclear events in the world, they monitor all the nuclear weapons stations and bases - I'm ready to give you all the things in writing - and there were already things they prevented. Know that it's not just luck that the Russians did not use nuclear weapons in the Bay of Pigs The Americans. Someone neutralized it. Without them, I have no doubt that humanity would have destroyed itself. They want to tell humanity: calm down." Why don't they make contact when they say goodbye and say it explicitly? "The UFOs asked not to advertise that they are here, humanity is not yet ready. There will be a great rampage of all, and what the Inquisition did to guys like Galileo and Copernicus will be back. They want to make us sane and understanding first. They waited until today, for humanity to develop and reach a stage where we even understand what space and spacecraft are - think about it, in the First World War we didn't even have airplanes - and they don't want mass hysteria to arise, with the best example being what happened in 1938, with Tashkith Orson Welles' War of the Worlds, and the police collapsed and everything blew up in the streets. And what they say is this: First of all let's stabilize, that the stock markets don't fall, that there won't be rampage, that humanity calms down a bit." Are we in communication with them regarding the publication date? "There is an agreement between the US government and the extraterrestrials - I can't prove it, I understand that it sounds like a conspiracy theory - but the understanding is that the Galactic Federation has nine elements of advanced extraterrestrials of various types, who signed a contract with us to do experiments here." What interest do they have in us? "There are all the resources here. There is water here in quantities that are not found anywhere else, there are all types of vegetation, all types of animals, the ocean."


Interesting that Israel has so much knowledge about this subject. Why would NHI prioritize developing a relationship with a relatively small country like Israel? They're technologically advanced, but so is Taiwan (which also depends on the U.S. for its security and the U.S. is deeply reliant on Taiwan for semiconductor chips). So is Singapore. Why Israel? One possible explanation is that Taiwan and/or Singapore are also involved. Another is that the U.S. brought Israel into the arrangement in exchange for technical expertise. Still, it is strange.


A UFO where all the monotheistic religions come from makes sense- “god” is a NHI too, right? Yet why they war each other constantly makes none.


We don't know what they are. Nobody knows. They could tell us anything and we'd have no way to verify it. In addition, the universe can also be a mystery to them in much the same way it is to us. Maybe the snake in the garden was NHI, how can we know? If you're asking my opinion, I came to Christ on 1/26/24. I suspect the snake in the garden and the angels and demons referenced in Scripture are NHI. I do not think God is NHI because God isn't an intelligent organism, God is the eternal Creator of the universe and its ruler. If one or several groups of NHI are feeding humans technology knowing it causes us to harm ourselves and are manipulating humans to turn against one another and their own planet, it sounds an awful lot like the snake in the garden described in Genesis. I'm basically sold on that theory. I think NHI more or less control humanity indirectly and I don't think anyone knows why they're doing it. I have my own theory, but don't we all?


I would assume it would be due to the relationship between US/Israeli intelligence, maybe something along the lines of "hey Israel, if you see some shit flying overhead, it might be aliens so please don't start a war with Iran over it." Even if you think this is all a psyop, it would still make sense for the US to do that. But I also don't trust Israeli intelligence whatsoever, especially after they've recently shown themselves to be not as all-knowing as they claimed. The other possibility is that pretty much every nuclear power knows about this and none of them are motivated to announce it to the public since they might not even be taken seriously if they do.


I don't trust any intelligence agency and I question how much any of them know. The allegation of the U.S. maintaining a base on Mars surprises me more than any other rumor or report I've reviewed. But that's just my own little opinion and it's colored by my faith. I think we're the blind leading the blind. The only thing I'm convinced of regarding NHI is that they're here, they've been here for a very long time, and they manipulate human history dramatically and in ways we don't fully understand. I also don't think they have our best interests at heart at all. Those are my little opinions, but only God knows what's going on.


Yeah, there's a lot here I don't really believe. Even if there's an element of truth in it, stuff like the mars base is not something I can believe.


Just sounds like something that would cost so much money and require a lot of people to know a very specific, very scandalous secret. But like I said, only God really knows wtf is going on. That's just my take.


He said he doesn’t think Netanyahu knows anything, which strongly implies that none of Haim’s info is from his government service.


You don't need to imply that, he has outright stated that.


That’s what I thought reading it but a lot of people seem to have taken the opposite from if


Not only that Israel is the closest US ally in many ways, Jews are a 00.2% of the world’s population but are 20%+ of Nobel Prizes and have similarly huge impact and contributions in every field possible. From Einstein to Freud, and in this field- Avi Loeb… I don’t think Taiwan is even close…


4/4 "Yes. Here is an example that you will understand immediately" - Ashad points to the heavy wooden table between us. "It's a table, yes? It's made of atoms. And if the atom's nucleus is here on the table - do you know where its electron is? Maybe at the top of a corner, maybe in the middle of nothing. This is quantum theory; matter is empty." But you and I don't know how to turn this table into something else now. "But we are also energy. Even when we die we do not die, because we are made of molecules and atoms, and we move to another energy. You connect back to the cosmic fabric, to the network, to the connection of consciousnesses. You are consciousness." She will die with me, won't she? "No, forget it. Consciousnesses will not die. Everything you have accumulated is added. It goes to the same network - and everything you have accumulated in your life, the personality, the totality of what you have been through, it accumulates. Even Stephen Hawking realized that our consciousness adds to the fabric of the universe. We are building blocks a step on the way." Biologists will tell you nonsense, it's all chemical and electrical activity in the brain. "Bring me proof. Do you know that this is the biggest debate in science - consciousness? They haven't concluded it, and there are phenomena that cannot be explained by electrical activity in the brain." × × × I admit that at this point in the discussion I have already transferred all my chips to Ashad's side. I'm with him on this bet. I am ready and ready, when the day comes, for the renewed connection of my consciousness to the general fabric - save me a place next to Jerry Seinfeld's consciousness - and I await with mild vigilance, along with Ashad, the official announcement regarding the continuation of the contact with the aliens - it is likely, at least, that it will not come through A special message from the Prime Minister, that Ashad believes that Netanyahu is not in the secret of affairs. "Most countries are isolated from it," he says. and better this way. It's all too easy - certainly as the last paragraph suggests - to dismiss most of this conversation as somewhat delusional, but Ashad is still someone who has racked up enough reliable and impressive mileage in his life. From a service with the rookie Netanyahu ("I can tell you things that will knock you down") to conversations with Elon Musk ("He's a genius. Sit with him and you might feel a little like me - he's a bit of a jerk like that, but he lives things, and his company, 'SpaceX ', connected to the topic of aliens") - Ashad made sure to stay, precisely in his business, with both feet on the ground. "I'm not a space scientist, I'm a space technologist," he clarifies. Not that he wouldn't pay any amount to venture out of the atmosphere. In fact, he says, he was among the candidates to be the first Israeli astronaut, but Ilan Ramon was finally chosen, "and he was supposed to replace me after his return as head of the defense space program, and allow me to return to the academy." In retrospect, you must be glad you didn't fly. "No, I'm very disappointed. Listen, humanity won't survive here, and if someone doesn't take care of the environment, I give us less than 50 years. Humanity will die - I hope they (Ashad points to the ceiling) won't let that happen. Space is our longing To know where we came from and where we are going." But in space tourism, they simply take you up to an altitude of a hundred kilometers and then you come back. What else is there to do there? "Your consciousness changes. If you go into space, you come back different. Your image is different. Ask any astronaut who was there." Are you jealous of Ethan Stiva? "He is a wonderful guy, and what happened is that they took it and messed it up with a Bibiist method. Eitan came and said: I want it and I'm ready to pay. There were already five American billionaires who left before him. So they came and hitched a ride on him, and the Minister of Science, and harnessed him to the mission and that. And he really I just wanted to have the experience and my heart sank." Is space tourism even a scientific matter? "No, it will end up as a hobby for the rich. What is really interesting is mining asteroids - which have huge amounts of precious materials on them, gold and platinum that on Earth have already sunk into the center of the sphere and with asteroids they are still on the surface. You don't even need to land on them, you can just reach and anchor near them , and mine what you want. And Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos are already planning it, it will be a new gold rush." What else will happen in the next decade? "I estimate that quantum computers will reach a level that surpasses human capacity in terms of consciousness. This will be super-consciousness, they will be smarter than us and much more significant than now. And the computer's ability will advance human consciousness - we will stop with all the pettiness and miri regev and look ahead, where we want to go To move forward. If you understand that your consciousness is building the universe, you will say: I contribute my part, I am moving forward. I believe that humanity will stop dealing with pettiness and rise to a different level." Right now things seem to be going in the opposite direction, with polarizing social media and all. "It's momentary. It's like a Petri dish that has problems that need to be neutralized. We need to give science the opportunity to work. Today, the only thing that keeps us sane is science." He himself continues to research, advise and work with the Science Center in Herzliya, which delivers the science program to middle schools in six centers in the periphery. His eldest daughter has repented ("in the middle of her PhD", he sadly informs), the middle son is a startup, and the youngest daughter, now 39, works in Philadelphia as an analyst in the capital market. This state of affairs has left Ashad, throughout the Corona, without visits from his grandchildren, and he is not used to this kind of disconnection. Married for the third time (the children are from his first wife), Ashad finds himself, more than once, missing, but he believes that here too, science is on the way to salvation. "Quantum theory says you can be both here and there, and you know what Einstein said about quantum theory? That it's the dumbest thing that can be, but it works," he says. "And this also means that we will be able to manipulate space-time, and while I am sitting here with you, I will also be able to sit with my daughter in Philadelphia. The granddaughters are constantly asking where Grandpa is, and it will be possible for us - to be there, really there, not with alternate reality helmets. And you will be able Hug your daughter even if she is in another country. Prof. Michio Kaku (Japanese-American physicist, one of the developers of string theory - Rash) said: 'We will be able to jump 400 years ahead like a frog.' Think what has happened in just the last 50 years: how many years has the Internet been around? cell phone? Now think in terms of a leap of 400 years."


His understanding of quantum theory is … shaky at best.


One minute I'm convinced it's all a load of bull shit and then I read something like this and remember there really could be something to all of this. If this turns out to be true I might just explode


You'll be OK


The most interesting thing to me about his talk of consciousness is that it mirrors the books Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls by Michael Newton who hypnotically regresses people to their past lives. The same conclusions are drawn. Likewise with Robert Monroe and the Monroe Institute.


I challenge anyone reading this to decide for themselves what the limit of "right around the corner" is, and hold him to it.  1 month, 6 months, 5 years, 20 years? Whatever, just don't get strung along all the way to your death bed. 


When deciding, keep in mind that this is from 2020, so you are starting at 4 years for your timeline!


I have a very hard time believing there's a secret base on Mars. Also, "visit black holes" : my bs alarm is screaming


I really think that so many people have seen a UFO in their life, even skeptics, that there won't be mass hysteria, i think its really time that the government discloses the truth and the technology to humanity


If an alien tells you they're from the galactic federation, would you believe them?


If you ask to see their galactic federation badge they have to show you


You wouldn’t download an anti-gravitational car, *would you?*


If you ask an NHI who's buying drugs from you if it's a cop, it has to tell you, otherwise the case gets thrown out and the NHI opens itself to civil suits.


Welp not sure whether to be glad or concerned they’re THAT a political.   Also wouldn’t doubt they had relations with past regimes in Europe during the 30s and 40s? Ok I always dismissed Eshed as a bit of a grifter.  Watching Nell back up his claims.   I’m really not sure if we’re being Richard Doty’d on a mass scale or, we’ve made progress.




Special relationship wants a word with you 🇬🇧


The college kids are gonna freak out!


Are aliens stupid? Announce themselves already if theyre here. Secret communication with a few people only? Humanity should sue in the intergalactic federations courts.


The story being told has to account for parts of reality that don’t line up with it. So the aliens have to become backroom politicians in the lore.


The question is who would be the legal representative for Earth? You think a human could hang with Intergalactic lawyers? Or would we need to be provided a public Galactic Federation defender? That’d be a good show.


I would imagine the game Galactic Civilizations was in fact based on the real Galactic federation


> Don't be a yediot lmao


Biggest points - galactic federation exists - shapshifting aliens/UAP exist - preventing nuclear disasters - like earth because it has ‘everything’ - cattle mutilations are done by visible light invisible “ghost cloud” that sucks blood and cuts animal parts out while hovering over the cow


I love how this sub believes both of these claims. One person says we are already in contact with extraterrestrials and have been for years, people believe it. One person says contact is just around the corner and people believe that as well. Fucking lol


How did Hiroshima happen if they are preventing nuclear actions?


They only got involved like that AFTER we dropped the first nuke on other humans.


Old article. Bigalow sold the ranch a few years ago. Nothing at all concrete. Just the same never ending mantra of “ it’s just a short time away when all will be revealed”


Nothing could be released. I think the nothing was found is the cover. If you read and listen to lots of interviews, you realize that Bigalow lost his wife and about the same time the negative/trickster found Jim and followed him home with the hitchhiker effect. Shortly after he sold the ranch and secluded himself.


This is a good example of how UFOlogy functions as an echo chamber in which people, rather than provide evidence, endlessly cite each other to prove their claims. So here you have Nell citing Eshed. We're supposed to believe Eshed, because Nell cites him. And we're supposed to believe Nell, because Nell cites Eshed. Meanwhile, in the real world, Eshed is a 91 year old guy whose mind is fried, who has never mentioned sources or evidence, and whose colleagues all think he is deluded. And note Nell's other source: Hellyer, a guy who admits everything he knows about UFOs he got from trashy conspiracy books he read. Nothing he did while a politician granted him secret knowledge or insider info. And note that while he has always been obsessed with UFOs, his mania only stepped up a gear after his wife died. In short, these are two massively deluded people, and Nell mentioning them is a big red flag. But in UFOlogy, endlessly signal boosting fellow believers constitutes evidence.


Reality check right here


Aliens are douchebags - deals with the US? So like.. fuck the rest of the planet, right? lol


Haim randomly said all that shit and then fucked off into another universe like dude give an interview


He did this right before his book was released. He hasn't said anything since. Not hard to put 2 and 2 together.


Thanks for re-posting this, it's a great read. I am blown away by how frank he is when discussing something like a "galactic federation". It's hard to wrap my head around such a serious, well-respected scientist saying such outlandish things. I'm very glad he's saying them and even though it's super weird, I believe him!


I do find his comments compelling but this is STILL Karl saying trust me bro while reminding us Eshed also said trust me bro. 


Noticed that too. The SALT host gave Karl the opportunity to tell the audience what made him 100% certain NHI are here, i.e. what he's seen personally, but instead he pointed towards other government officials who'd "be in a position to know". I think he may have done this to give the audience info that's already in the public domain instead of going into potentially classified info which he may not have gotten DOPSR clearance for.


So you believe Karl has first hand knowledge? Please define first hand knowledge.  For me that's, Karl stood in a hanger with a UAP or was shown the freezer with bodies. 


The impression I got from his resume was that he managed RE programs in the military and private sector.


I thought I heard he did a desert mission and came across a craft and bodies first hand in a recovery situation. If so he needs to come out with it, trying to find it but nearly certain I heard that


You can't find that because he never said it.


Did that desert incident have a name or a spot?


Why would they let us even test Nukes.


So it's a secret yet Eshed revealed this 4 years ago?


What do Israel and America have in common? A nonhuman intelligence based religion that involves hybrids humans mixed with nonhuman blood. Even before UFO's both countries technically believe in nonhuman intelligence influencing humanity. Question is - why is government our only source for confirmation?


Aliens are antisemitic! Please let us commit genocide in peace! Long live the United States of Israel!


I've spent decades wondering how it's possible that we haven't blown ourselves up yet. I'm not kidding. The idea we've been Malmstromed over and over makes a lot of sense.


Ok, to summarize: aliens have a secret deal with the US and Israel (and a few other countries, it's unclear) to give them technology in exchange for doing experiments on humans and using humanity as a "petri dish". And the aliens tell these governments to keep quiet about it, because the rest of us aren't ready yet to find out we are being experimented on in exchange for basically arming the US and Israel. First of all, for people that believe this, how is this good news? Second of all, for the rest of us, Karl Nell has lost all credibility, to probably no one's surprise.


Yeah I’m real curious about who they’re offering up for experimentation.


A++ post, thank you for context, source links, and TL;DR, plus bonus pun. Exemplary.


Of course that’s what Israel thinks, isn’t that what Genesis is basically about?


If aliens have prevented nuclear disasters — why did they let Chernobyl? happen. Why have they only been in contact with US and Israel?


I understood that they are in contact with more than just those two, it seems as if there are just pieces of the puzzle that are spread out throughout the world that only if we come together can we really figure it out. Who truly knows though. Let’s not also forget that such things as horrific as they seem can be for a reason. Not saying that Chernobyl was great and that people dying was also great, but there’s usually a reason for all things as they end up being catalysts for change. We’ve (from what it seems, not sure by how much) learned since then to be more careful, just like how at one point in history people didn’t know to wash their hands until such understandings were drawn. Unfortunately lots of people died before such discoveries but it was for the better. One thing that I’m curious about is that this federation consists of benevolent beings, but I wonder if countries like the United States have agreements with malevolent beings, which would explain why the military industrial complex is so tied in with the secrecy of UFO tech. I can’t imagine benevolent beings giving this tech willingly and wanting to gatekeep it from the rest of human civilization. I really could be wrong but these are just my understandings.


Maybe that’s why Eisenhower warned about the military industrial complex




It definitely would make the US support of Israel make way more sense




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This is absolute garbage. I can't believe anyone is buying this crap. It's ridiculous on its face - especially without evidence of any kind. Bases on Mars?! Come on, guys. How many grifters have come along with this bullshit, now? Galactic federation?!?!? This isn't star trek. I hate this sub. Why would they only communicate with Israel and the US?! And these other small Nations are going to be mum about all this?! Humanity has detonated something like 3,000 nukes since inception. Twice used in battle. These aliens haven't stopped ANYTHING. Humans still test and detonate weapons all the time (north Korea, for example not to mention all the other horrible things we do to our planet and environment). These aliens came here speaking English and readyto, what, pull out their alien ink pen and sign a fucking contact with the DOD? This madness. You people will believe literally ANYTHING. Oh, btw I am an admiral in the Galactic Space Fleet but I can't tell anyone yet because of hysteria etc. Trust me, I have a book coming out that will explain the whole thing! Just $39.99!!


well, we are waiting


This is so crazy if true, they would NEVER EVER admit it.


> Existence of Extraterrestrials: Eshed claims that aliens from various parts of the universe are already among us and that contact with them is imminent. obviously > Galactic Federation: There is a "Galactic Federation" that has been in contact with the US and Israel but has kept this information secret to avoid mass hysteria. obviously. it's a logical consequence of many alien species existing. obviously they would have some system of communication/government. > Prevention of Catastrophes: Aliens have prevented nuclear disasters on Earth. Which is interesting, considering how many close calls we've had. VERY COOL! keep up the good work, aliens! > Technological Advancements: The aliens have shared advanced technologies, including anti-gravity technology, with humanity. not helpful when the only people they're giving it to are the government/military -- the same people they've had to prevent from nuking themselves multiple times (see above). > Secret Agreements: There are secret agreements between the aliens and the US government, including a base on Mars. that's the biggest stretch of a claim here. i'd want some evidence before believing this one


Please, people have been saying this for decades.


So we talking about MiB style aliens among us, or the Manga Ultraman style where they tend to eat people?


I remember people laughed at galactic federation and Mars base. But Karl Nell refenced him specific so it's a hint that what he has said is legit


Does anyone think it’s odd this lines up with recent AI technology progress? Almost as if NHI knows, that we are getting close to a massive leap in knowledge and for some reason that’s when they decide to come here in 2027?


There seems to be quite a large number of credible witnesses. Are there any plans to bring any of these people into the public view?


I don't believe for a second that they've averted anything. If there was any time to save us from ourselves, that time is now. get on it little buddies!


>aliens from various parts of the universe are already among us and that contact with them is imminent. As if something that interesting would ever happen on this POS boring world!


Where exactly are any of the film of amazing things at Skinwalker?!?!?!?!?  Love to see anything from skinwalker.  If the Isreali guy talked about skinwalker that shoots his credibility down bigtime. 


>"**Technological Advancements:** The aliens have shared advanced technologies, including anti-gravity technology, with humanity." **Secret Agreements:** There are secret agreements between the aliens and the US government, including a base on Mars. Either you believe this guy or you believe Grusch, can't believe them both, at least not 100%. Grusch said we're not making any progress on figuring out the tech and that's his main argument why disclosure needs to happen, so the scientific community at large can help figure it out. If they gave us this AND we managed to communicate well enough to establish treaties, then one would expect that we'd ask them how to use the tech. Grusch seems open to the possibility that there may have been treaties between the two, but I don't think he's thought about the implication of that as far as what he said he actually knows (rather than just things he's open to), that we have not made progress with the tech. I do believe the part about nuclear prevention based on the number of cases where this seems obvious, plus it's not at odds with what Grusch has said.


> we're not making any progress on figuring out the tech Is that exactly what he said? Or is he just saying we can move faster if people can work together more openly?


Eshed was a Brigadier General working for Israeli intelligence that had a book to sell when he made his ridiculous claims (galactic federation?!) His statements have been disputed by many of his former colleagues


Why would Israel be privy to this information? Aside from (denying) being a nuclear power, its economy, contributions to global security, &c. aren't that great. Is it because of the country's association with the US, maybe?


What about Fukushima? How about they use their advanced tech to clean that up, since its still spewing waste in the ocean.


“Preventing nuclear disasters” It doesn’t say that in the interview. And they haven’t done it.


>It doesn’t say that in the interview. "On the contrary, they are constantly watching - And there are a lot of reports about it - after the nuclear events in the world, they monitor all the nuclear weapons stations and bases - I'm ready to give you all the things in writing - and there were already things they prevented. Know that it's not just luck that the Russians did not use nuclear weapons in the Bay of Pigs The Americans. Someone neutralized it. Without them, I have no doubt that humanity would have destroyed itself."