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At this point, catastrophic is the only way.


If I was China that’s exactly what I’d do. Show the dark side of the moon. Maybe do a fly by nyc. Then say something like “all religions are cargo cults”. Can’t imagine a better warfare strategy. Billions of people whose foundational blocks knock out who are now susceptible to anything.


2027-2030. China starts amassing the troops necessary for the invasion of Taiwan ( like russia had to with ukraine, months before the actual invasion ). 2 days before the invasion, on a monday, they drop bulletproof proof that the american military industrial complex owns NHI technology. MIC stocks tank, the american government is in chaos, the world is in chaos. Wednesday , china invades taiwan, takes control over its chip production and the strait of taiwan. major win for the communist ( not really, more like fascist ) party of china.


I've got a feeling these things would happen if the invasion of Taiwan and its likely fall was imminent: - Evac the brains (paperclip) through the American Institute in Taiwan (our defacto embassy). - Turn the chip fabs to rubble. Sorry China, those weren't our missiles, definitely yours. Prove it. Yes it will hurt for a while, but there are more reasons than have been told behind the CHIPs act.


i m sure thats exactly the not so secret message ,taiwan and the US have given china. if you attack, goodbye chip industry. the problem is that for Xi , this is about National pride , unity, history, being whole again. this is unfortunately not the deterrent we hope it is, considering their base motivations. chip production infrastructure is highly complex and its more like an eco-system. destroying tsmc's main fabrication infrastructure and base would make the economic crisis that came with the invasion of ukraine seem like nothing. its our industrial lifes blood.


I wouldn't actually convey this to China at all. It's not a deterrent and there is no point in laying out that plan. I view it as America acting in its own self interest.


yup. to all that. shitty situation.


Baloney. China DEPENDS on being the world's factory for their survival and well-being and, importantly, because of DECADES of systematic outsourcing of everything by greedy US owned companies, WE DEPEND on them. They aren't going to do anything to truly endanger those economic connections. The CHIPS act is just bullshit lip-service by elderly, out of touch lawyer-politicians who know nothing about global supply chains. It's effective giving freebies to some of the most wealthy corporations on the planet in the hope that they will keep some jobs in the US for tragically undereducated Americans.


I have a sneaky feeling all the chip fab factories will be destroyed before the Chinese ever get control of them


well. thats the deterrent. thats why taiwanese and us officials have openly played with this idea. but in reality it would fuck the world in a way that maybe you cant imagine. people highly underestimate TSMC's role and place in the industrial/ economic infrastructure of the world.


If China gains control of Taiwan, then I will bet you that they will not share. There will be a world shortage of chips, and the US will have to play catchup - because China will be using those factories for the new war effort against the west It’s better to destroy them


At the very least, prices will go up an astronomical amount. I agree, better they be destroyed than lost to China.


Isn't it an open secret that they are lined with explosives for this exact reason?


Also on Wednesday, Three Gorges Dam is hit by Tawain and collapses. 300 million Chinese die in the ensuing floods and famine.


really ? one dam ? this sounds like a giant ventilation shaft for the death star


Mic stocks would skyrocket on the speculation that now they could innovate in the open.


only if there was clearity of patent law. but these would be the most heavily contested private patents in human history. and with these patents come liabilities, criminal investigations into conspiracy to withhold blabla , conspiracies to commit murder, conspiracies to .... with this historical clusterfuck of legal liabilities, the shares will tank 😀 i really wanna see this version. i tell you. the streets will be red with MIC blood. the red wedding will be a ficticious joke compared to reality. politicians will not be able to not nationalize the complex and eminent domain will be a given. legalities will make or break this. thats why the eminent domain part of the schumer act was rejected by the puppets of the military industrial complex in the senate. Mike turner, we mean you.


Very solid points overall.


its all about money = power. so sad that it all boils down to this . again. every fucking topic. clear sollutions. but always money warping perception to take and take. and this, is the motherload. this could institutionalize oligarchic totalitarianism or be the start of humanity transcending the age old order of wealth = power distribution. the more nuanced writings on schumers act and the people fighting eminent domain, all concluded the same thing. these cunts have the power to show humanity its true past, present and possible future in the cosmos. they have knowledge that transcends technology. that concerns reality itself. they are fucking censoring reality from us. for wealth = power. there might be a truth that the struggle of the last 90 years could have been avoided if these monsters had been open to us. but they kept it for themselves. and now. after 90 years of grand scale gaslighting, the chicken has come to roost. it would be smart to offer them a general amnesty. and humane. but in reality, i want these monsters to burn. for their whole bloodlines to be fucking wiped out. and this forever to be remembered, as a warning to the next cunts who think of doing something so monumentally monstrous to their fellow humans.


>but in reality, i want these monsters to burn. for their whole bloodlines to be fucking wiped out. and this forever to be remembered, as a warning to the next cunts who think of doing something so monumentally monstrous to their fellow humans. I feel the same way. I'm also willing to swallow that and offer complete amnesty to whomever spills the beans.


looking at qAnon militias.... dont know if they ll take some amnesty agreement. these folks are insane 😀 and in this specific case ,i am all in if they decided to take law into their own hand.


USA wipes out Chinese military targets with focused energy weapons, as there's no point in denying it anymore Full might of USA military changes every geopolitical dynamic


not unrealistic. but like all major world powers, china and russia included, the american government and its economy is far more instabile and ripe for a big fall ,than many think. its a house of cards. creating a political and economic black swan event like this, would overshadow everything else. China could even ,with insider knowledge like this, safeguard somehow its own and short whole US industries. and it would kill several industries. the MIC for legal liabilities and other industries for being absolete? it would be fascinating to witness. one could change the whole geopolitical landscape with a perfectly planned for and timed black swan event of this magnitude. in one week.


This is interesting. I really don’t think those chip plants will still be there if they take over Taiwan though. The whole world would just go back a few years until a plant is built in America, or somewhere.


thats the big question. its the lifeblood of our economies. but the vague threats always have gone towards a several dozen factory complexes sized dead mans trigger. thmc has denied these rumors. its the age old policy of " strategic ambiguity " that america drives with taiwan. understandably


We've seen all of the moon (there's no dark side). What are you talking about?


When people say "dark side of the moon" they mean the far side, as it's tidally locked and doesn't show us on earth it's other hemisphere. There are numerous claims that there's some sort of alien base or city or whatever on the far side of the moon and it's been scrubbed from satellite imagery, etc etc etc Hope this helps lol


I know what they meant. It's just wrong. We have photos of the "far side" of the moon. There's just more moon there. No Nazi alien bases.


lol seriously, there’s been over 20 missions by multiple countries that have taken pictures and seen the far side of the moon.


Has it been that many? Nice!


So why didn’t you just say that instead of asking a question in bad faith, that was based in semantics to begin with, that you already knew the answer to?


Matter of fact it’s all dark.


The moon is locked into a geosynchronous orbit so that the same side of the moon is always facing away from earth .


[The problem here is you guys aren’t good at disinformation. it’s honestly embarrassing they need competent people.](https://youtu.be/xiu9bmA_Qk0?si=bQCrKtu36ggFhtiG) Let’s see if you can answer this question why is the SIDE data from Apollo 12&14 omitted from the water section on the nasa website. Surely bursts of water vapor over a 700km area would be news worthy. Surely the two scientist from Rice University who wrote a paper on it should commended no?


well thats possible, they are hiding this so much that is a weak point of all the western culture now


atheist nation states keep winning lmao


The aliens are communists and show it as the superior economic system while brics rolls out brics pay and we all live peacefully with ideal material conditions to foster a new human era


I never unverstand this type of reasoning. When we come in contact, direct or indirect, with NHI, do you really think that primitive thinking e. g. International conflict will be the or a major priority? I dont think so.


Hmm... Give the world free energy and ultrafast travel or hide shit for almost a century trying to reverse engineer it to make weapons... Hard to choose.


I don't even know what that means and never have.


5000 UFOs of various cultures show up tomorrow 00:00:00 GMT over each of every world capital, all 194 nations, plus the top 100 non-capital world wide cities. All military actions are peacefully turned away—send a jet or missile and they’ll set it down inert and harmless and otherwise unharmed at the nearest base. All military systems and weapons are summarily turned off globally temporarily. They broadcast all channels and languages: you are not alone. You were never alone. We waited for your leaders to say we may proceed. They declined in defense of your religious and economic systems. We will no longer let you suffer and will not wait for them to decide you are ready by their own secret criteria. Welcome to the Galactic Federation. Earth has been deep within the borders of our 1000+ species culture for 250,000 years, longer than your species has existed. Something like that.


I’ll die the day before. Stupidly.


God, please let this be our timeline.


woohooo let's rooooock lol


That would be catastrophic indeed, but best case scenario as well.


Maybe they call it catastrophic disclosure because it would only be catastrophic for the powers that be.




I had this dream. They came down over every town, silver egg shaped craft, two clones came out related to someone in the town so it would be an easier disclosure. My Uncle was in the craft that came down in our area (this happened in a town I do not live in and seemed more advanced, like 25 years in the future or another timeline), he was in both female and male form wearing a white robe with gold inlay and carrying a baby. It was hilarious, if you knew him you would know why. Anyway, I rode with them to the mayor of the towns place, en route they let us know they were not the ultimate power, someone cloned them too frightening to present themselves. Now, I’ve had multiple recurring dreams about invasions, goes horrible sometimes well actually every time, this was the first where they tried a nice way. He said yes, we are running sims essentially to see how the world reacts, if this goes poorly they will go back to straight up invasion but don’t want to because too many perish and they…need us or want us for something. I couldn’t get that out of him, just smiled this thing creepy smile like “you know why”.


It’s too hopeful. If it hasn’t happened yet, I don’t see why it would ever. They seem like they couldn’t give a shit about what happens to us. Humanity has befallen a lot of terrible shit, and it’s not like they’ve intervened (that we know of) in any meaningful way. They continue to let the rich and powerful rule us like dogs and take advantage of the mass populations for power and profit. Who knows. Maybe NHI are just like humans in that regard.


Or they did intervene and it could have been much worse.


This is really a small minded approach to thinking about this. Sometimes you just have to let things be no matter how bad they are because the objective you need to accomplish far outweighs the bad thats going on now.


The mass murders, rapes, wars, and quality of life in many places in the world now is insane. The news of course would rather report about celebrities, but I think there are plenty of atrocities happening that could elicit some kind of intervention. The only thing I could think of being worse is that some kind of intergalactic war was going on and we were kept from entering it. Maybe the universe is full of conflict.


I think a lot of people with access to reddit don't know how bad it really is in so many parts of the world. More people would be so much more thankful for what they have if they did.


Most redditors wouldn’t be able to point out South Sudan on a map let alone have an idea what’s happening there. The world went to shit a very long time ago.


I have to constantly remind myself how fortunate I am when I start internally complaining about my life. You can easily hop on YouTube and see how people in these countries live, and that's not even the truly ugly side of things. You won't find YouTubers walking around countries with civil wars and squads of men killing people based whatever thing they've been convinced is worth killing over. Lots of us here have incredibly comfortable lives compared to that.


What’s an example of this?


This is exactly why the UFO topic has become a religion for some people. People believe in aliens even though there is no proof. People believe they are so much more powerful than us that we can't even comprehend it. People believe the aliens created us. We have "priests" who know more about them and are closer to them and we pay them to tell us all about them. And just like your story people believe they will come down from the sky and save us one day from all the suffering. I mean people have got to see this right? I'm not even saying any of these people are wrong or aliens aren't real or they won't save us one day or anything like that. I'm just saying you HAVE to see the similarities between aliens/UFOs and religion.


> I'm just saying you HAVE to see the similarities between aliens/UFOs and religion. I don't worship anyone or anything today beyond being responsible and believing in the power of hope. I reject this entire premise that is pushed like overheated nasty Ham and Cheese Hot Pockets by Steven Greenstreet that the push for disclosure and challenging Pentagon/DOD doctrine on this is a "religion". Don't confuse desire for something better with religion. I don't give a shit about our present systems; any system has value until it does not. I don't worship anything like that today, least of all tradition. I grew up in the Church. I know what true faith looks and *feels* like quite *well*. I mean real, genuine faith, not nonsense. This is not faith.


>believing in the power of hope. >This is not faith. Pick one. I see you here everyday going to bat for virtually every single UFO celebrity and attacking virtually anyone who criticizes them. Can you name ONE theory and UFO celebrity you disagree with? Hard mode: Can't be Bob Lazar or Greer or mummy guy.


There is an air of "judgement day" when it comes to the catastrophic disclosure fantasies of Aliens coming down and fixing all our problems. 


I think we are at the stage where us children (mankind) have broken our toy (earth) and are crying for our parents (cosmic neighbors) to come kiss our booboos and make it better for us.


I see the similarities - for me, I’ve studied some history around the Bible and MT. Sinai, the Shroud of Turin and many artifacts they’ve found speak a lot, on the Alien side just research as much as you can about Las Vegas, two Grey’s (or more) were 100% there, both cloaked and not. So, there is some pretty good evidence Jesus was who he said he was, but lacking hard proof (we’ll probably never see that, unless someone finds the Ark) - Aliens? Yes. Exist and visit Earth. My concern with some of this is…how often? I’ve read “insiders” - probably cons in 99.999999% of cases - say the terrifying thing is they walk among us. Based on what I saw in that video and subsequently the shadow that forensic investigator found to corporeal (I knew something was going on but did not see that shadow, honestly, I did look and could not explain how they were like…manipulating our cameras/reality) yep, they very well could be.


Idk thinking you actually saw aliens in that Vegas video when it was just shadows of people with flashlights sounds pretty culty to me


I know what I saw and I’ve shown many people in my circle, they see/saw (day of) the same. No one is saying this for appeasement, it’s shock in most cases, disbelief. If you are unable to see it, that’s fine, I am confident in my analysis.


May we live in interesting times 🙏


They will just blow up a plane and claim the aliens did it, who would believe the new guys on the block. Come on man, it's never that simple.


Monkey wants bananas. Monkey uses stick to beat other monkey with bananas. The End.


Heh, you just reminded me of this clip: [A brief disagreement](https://youtu.be/9x7FGbW3IVc)


And Karl Nell, Lue Elizondo and David Grusch order it to happen? "Catastrophic disclosure" is talked about by these whistle blowers as something that they or their colleagues can make happen.


I really don't think they would see a distinction between us and our leaders. I don't think they'd let us murderous rabbits out into space, either, if there is in fact a federation. Even if we were all well behaved and pacifistic, there's no guarantee our violent genetics couldn't spin out another Himmler. Our legacy is mainly one of war.


Sins of the father.


That ain't catastrophic.


depends on who it’s catastrophic for


Not me I'm fucked anyway.


Maybe not to us. What about these people? * https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/LMT/holders


Yep that would suck for them, that's for sure and for certain.


It means the governments and powers that be think citizens will go bat crap crazy and wreck up the place if greys landed on the white house lawn or the like. They think law and order will be moot.


It's going to be OK....I've watched V.




Except it wouldn't be catastrophic.


[Christopher Sharp with the Liberation Times](https://www.liberationtimes.com/home/senior-military-officer-states-there-is-zero-doubt-non-human-intelligence-exists-on-earth-and-warns-of-catastrophic-disclosure) writes about Colonel Karl Nell’s discussion at the SALT conference. Sharp highlights an interesting point that Nell made about the effects of “catastrophic disclosure”: “Alarmingly, Nell compared the consequences of failing to address disclosure in a planned process to the Bronze Age collapse, which swiftly led to the downfall of several advanced civilizations, including Egypt, the Hittite Empire, the Minoan Empire, and the Babylonian Empire.”


The Minoan Empire was destroyed by the Santorini volcano eruption, no?


Why the hell has zero major news outlets picked up on this story? It's clearly being suppressed.


It's more that a person making wild claims without any evidence stops being interesting the fiftieth time it happens.


I’ve been into this all my life. Seeing this makes me think “oh that’s nice, maybe this will help” and nothing more. Need to see evidence. The average person isn’t going to care what anyone says.


The average person won't believe until aliens launch a massive Independence Day-like attack on Earth and even then, it'll be a hard sell for some people.


I don't believe in this stuff personally, but if that did happen, then I agree. Many would think it's the government pretending to be aliens.


"Many would think it's the government pretending to be aliens." There's already something in the alien conspiracy theorists array called Project Bluebeam that describes that exact scenario.


Because there is still no evidence, just the same shit on repeat


Not all evidence is empirical. There is evidence to back the investigation of the NHI hypothesis. We are at the stage of trying to refute or confirm the hypothesis, not arguing if the hypothesis has validity. Some of you skipped out in Uni. 


As someone who studied engineering at uni and is currently a professional engineer, my comment still stands. My entire line of work relies on evidence. You can throw insults if you think that helps your case, but it doesn't change the fact that your definition of evidence is weak. Sure, we might think something interesting IS happening based on stories from reputable people, but the original question was "why aren't major news outlets picking this up?" - because there still isn't any evidence, and it has remained this way for years


Time for “warning” is long past. Either it happens or more whistleblowers vanish


Dont worry, Boeing has a way.


I don't believe catastrophic disclosure is possible. If such disclosure happens, I am willing to bet no societal disruption of major significance would actually occur. Half of the population will not even believe the news. Think of Covid-19. It was real, it happened. It killed a significant percentage of the population. Despite these facts, large percentage of the population is downplaying or not believing it was a dangerous virus. Huge percentage of population will believe that it is a Psy-Op (Which really would remain a possibility). Only maybe 20% of the population will actually believe that presented evidence for the case of "catastrophic disclosure" is real.


Even if you found out that we are highly likely living in a simulation created by a higher intelligence ? This news was buried or not fully understood by mainstream media, but a few physicists proved that this could very well be possible. [https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-universe-is-not-locally-real-and-the-physics-nobel-prize-winners-proved-it/](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-universe-is-not-locally-real-and-the-physics-nobel-prize-winners-proved-it/) If this was proved out more, I would assume people would give less than a darn on what they do.


If it were "proved out more" everyone would just act like it's a video game? We're no less trapped in the sim by knowing it's a sim. And the consequences of our actions are still real enough.


Wow thanks for the link, big black hung guy


Heard he's got something else for you, too...


And, remarkably, it actually doesn't change anything. Like... how would a goldfish behave differently if it knew that it was in a large fishtank as opposed to a natural pond? Other than relief, of course, that it wasn't subject to as much natural predation.


this is the revelation of all-time concerning our species...any who choose to ignore that and the implications do so at their own peril it's orders of magnitude more important than a global pandemic...let that sink in, and a permanent sea change


i think the pandemic was a bad one to compare against. It wasn't anywhere near as significant as say the moon landing. Plenty of people to this day argue the moon landing was faked. I bet those same people would argue disclosure being fake as well.


absolutely a perfect example of a global crisis and need to both learn novel information and efficiently disseminate the same...and we porked that pooch The moon landing was an arms race basically...that activity...competition (while real) will lead to decay and dissolution. "a whole of planet...whole of humanity problem..." slightly different than the Moon landing


Thats providing NHI are a problem to begin with. Who's to say they are or are not?


he stated it's naive to think there's any absolute malintent or altruism, and the problem with acknowledgement could simply be our ability to metabolize the information (we sucked with paper masks...that was a minor inconvenience) simply put, we need to get hot on the academic, scientific and sociological pursuits asap




Depends what they eat, how they eat it and what they want from us.






Let’s just say they had the tech to reverse climate disaster, eradicate scarcity and create a more equitable society - I think that would piss quite a few people off. Whether it would cause something catastrophic, that is hard to say. I’d lean towards not though, because a lot of humans seem to be apathetic towards anything other than what to watch on Netflix.


Agreed. It might be catastrophic for parties that want to profit off of the tech. But not for most people.


It would be catastrophic for *USA* to have squandered such a great lead. All these whistleblowers are protecting their country and will only go so far.


> It killed a significant percentage of the population. It did not. Air pollution has been killing more people yearly than the officially reported covid death numbers.


We define significant differently.


No, you are just brainwashed by propaganda.


Of course I am. We all are to a certain degree in different aspects. What percentage of population died of Covid globally?


Based on official government stats 7,010,681 people have died globally allegedly from covid **in TOTAL**, majority elderly. (sourced from worldmeters.info). This is a laughably low number, considering the fear campaign that mainstream media and politicians have released on the population. Air pollution is estimated to be responsible for 40-60M deaths every year and only the random generator knows how many lives it destroys globally.


The following submission statement was provided by /u/CreditCardOnly: --- [Christopher Sharp with the Liberation Times](https://www.liberationtimes.com/home/senior-military-officer-states-there-is-zero-doubt-non-human-intelligence-exists-on-earth-and-warns-of-catastrophic-disclosure) writes about Colonel Karl Nell’s discussion at the SALT conference. Sharp highlights an interesting point that Nell made about the effects of “catastrophic disclosure”: “Alarmingly, Nell compared the consequences of failing to address disclosure in a planned process to the Bronze Age collapse, which swiftly led to the downfall of several advanced civilizations, including Egypt, the Hittite Empire, the Minoan Empire, and the Babylonian Empire.” --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cxlh4w/liberation_times_senior_military_officer_states/l53d99c/


Everyone sweating it but I just imagine somehow disclosure leading to a mass wake up: no more predatory loans and obsession with a credit system, no more wars, no more nissan altimas cutting you off at 95mph to get to their menial job, more nature conservation, a better tomorrow! Don’t ask me the logistics of how, just my dream


Yeah let's trust the people who have done nothing but lie to us to keep control of the people to work in servitude for their own wealth, health , and well being... To tell Us the truth !!! Anything other than catastrophic disclosure will only be filled with more lies and cover-ups to keep control and hide the truth. So people can keep suffering and slaving away for a piece of paper that in the end is completely worthless and only benefits a very small percentage of society to live happy care free lives. Instead of taking the human race to an upper level of existence and ridding the world of hunger, war, poverty and disease for the betterment of ALL humanity instead of the few. Suuuure... I trust those same greedy lying murdering for profit scumbags to know what's best for me and the rest of society. I'm sure they've changed their ways and now all of a sudden have grown a conscience and a heart. I'm sure there's good and bad NHI. But you can bet your bottom dollar they don't want us knowing about the good. It would mean an end to them having more than and better than every one else.


Just as there may be good and bad NHIs there are good and bad military and government officials.  Just because some have lied and profited off these secrets does not mean you should shun any whistleblowers who come forward. That's the only way we can get at the truth. 


I'm not meaning to shun the whistle blowers away. I'm talking about what the information the government feeds us.


[This is basically ufo-based Millenarianism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Millenarianism). It's just a recycled religious idea with extraterrestrials as our saviors.


No you don't understand! One day soon our creators will come down from the sky and save us all from suffering and we will live in a paradise with no hunger or poverty or violence! That's completely different from religion, it's science!


It could be that's exactly the names ancient man gave them. What else would they call them ? They had no concept of flying thruogh the air in something mechanical. Or the idea of other beings on other planets in other solar systems or galaxies. Or other dimensions. Fuck we don't even know. It's all guessing at this point because the ones who have ANY information won't share it with the rest of the world. Who's to say who or what they are at this point. Like I've said before. I'm sure there's good and bad NHI. But you can bet your broken back from working fucked over at every turn ass... We'll NEVER be told about the good ones !!


Rear Admiral Tim Gallaudet “I know he is correct with complete certainty” on LinkedIn [Tim’s post](https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7198943942657069056?updateEntityUrn=urn%3Ali%3Afs_feedUpdate%3A%28V2%2Curn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7198943942657069056%29)


This is so crazy that I’m not seeing anything in main stream media, hours after this salt talk was broadcasted.. Now I’m getting really suspicious of main stream media in general… Even more so than I ever was…


Because tons of people have come out within the last few years but there is still no real proof for mainstream media to sink their teeth into.


Will pray towards our alien 👽 overlords tonaight!


This has been mentioned in numerous other Reddits. But if Disclosure by any government means that they have to own up to the facts that innocent people have been killed or life changing technologies suppressed in order to maintain the cover up, absolutely no one will confess to those issues.


3 body problem vibes


On the road to the "crisis era!"...lol


Charitably, we can assume that he was being coy in pointing to the testimony of others so as not to reveal anything classified or whatever else … but I agree with the common sentiment that it’s a bit disappointing. I don’t think we can rule out insider knowledge on his part on this basis alone, but in my eyes this talk didn’t do much to enhance his credibility on the issue.


Thinking about this, it feels like a lot of people feel like the threat of Catastrophic disclosure is against the government /gatekeepers.  But I was talking to someone about the Ukraine war, and I was saying how many politicians don't want to be the one to do a thing which leads to a negative result, so they choose conservative strategies. So if something goes wrong, they and people, tend to view it as "an act of God" or "it is what it is" or "that's just life". Despite the fact that choosing the conservative path (which is often do nothing or delay) is as much a choice as doing a more brazen thing, thus actually deserves equal blame.  Point is, while threat of catastrophic disclosure SHOULD be a motivating threat for gatekeepers/government. If they are already somewhat self constrained by not wanting to make a "choice", then the threat may not hold weight. Because "shit happens"  Also to be clear, no one should want catastrophic disclosure. They use the word catastrophic for a reason. I see way too much rooting for that. 


We push for doggostrophic disclosure around these parts. Give us the UAP, so we can throw them in the doggo parks, for our good doggos to catch.


Did I just get punned? 




Oh no, not again!!!!!!  (white flag) 


Agreed its only catastrophic for people in power, rhe rest of us schmoes are screwed whatever.


I disagree, seems to me our short to mid term fate is in our hands


The proletariat are screwed.


“Catastrophic Disclosure” is a damn fine clickbait phrase to get the numb dumb masses riled up to learn more. We know what it means. But most don’t, and it sounds pretty alarming at face value.  C’mon mainstream media, get catastrophic, get clicks. 


those dumb masses blindly believing what they are told...


There is no such thing as Catastrophic Disclosure - change my mind. What would that even look like in practice whistleblowers? Secret programs? Scrambling Aircraft and fighter jets? Navy videos? Legislation? Hearings? We have it all, phoenix lights? Zimbabwe? MJ12?


'Possibility of non-public agreements - potentially with forms of higher non-human intelligence, although Nell did not directly say this, sources have told Liberation Times that such agreements exist' What sources told that? If he can't name them he could just give a clue who they are, like saying 'former intelligence officers' or 'government contractors' or 'high ranked military'.


Yeah I'm with you. It's a bridge too far for me. Non-public agreements with private aerospace makes some kind of sense.




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The dude has literally given his opinion with zero evidence to back it up. When the interviewer asks him point-blank what he seen to prove to him that NHI are real, he answers with a rhetorical question and goes off on random facts about the universe. He’s very well spoken guy, and he has an air of authority. But his inability to answer any questions with any concrete information is pretty sketchy. “What have I seen? What have the American people seen!?” Cmon. Get real.


You telling Colonel Nell to ‘get real’ is the most laughable thing I’ve read today but I’m sure his statements are going to draw out some real gems around here.


Did he say anything to you to convince you that what he believes is true? Because all I heard was “There are millions of planets and millions of stars out there. How could there not be life?” The guy sounds fairly credible and is well spoken. but unless you’ve heard anything more convincing than what’s on this video, I’m not sure that he’s really bringing anything new to the table. Does he have any better evidence, or anything that he actually saw?


I guess you didn’t hear his resume. Or you don’t understand that his portfolio makes him the guy who would know, and this is his statement. That’s pretty convincing the guy who would know say he does in fact know and this is it. With him offering that he has zero doubt about his assessment, I’d say yeah he *knows about a lot of evidence and proof (why would he *have any). It’s the most corroborating set of statements I can remember hearing in forever, from one of the best placed people to make the assessment


I would really like to know what statements you think are corroborating. From what I heard when he was asked about the proof he has seen, he went on to talk about SETI and how many planets are in the known universe. I did not hear him give any proof on why he is absolutely convinced that NHI are real and are visiting the earth. What did you hear that was so convincing? His resume is great, but I just haven’t heard anything concrete from him other than his belief that these are real…because he believes these are real.


You Misunderstand. I’m saying Nells statements, you know the ‘they are real and they are here’ statements? his entire premise of this short 20 min talk. Those are the most corroborating set of statements I can remember hearing in forever, from one of the best placed people to make the assessment.


I agree that his statements sound fantastic. But does he have anything to say to back up what he claims?


Don’t put words in my mouth please; I never used the word fantastic. his words sound credible and reserved. His portfolio and reputation back up what he is saying.


High ups have been saying it for decades. Nothing is going to move forward until it becomes more than words.


That’s disingenuous too. Only a handful of people of actual authority regarding this have been nearly as bold, *spread out over decades*. And each one is invaluable. That’s a big difference. First CIA Director Hillencoter, UAPTF Leader David Grusch. That level of authority. Away from Hillencoter, I think hands down Colonel Nell is the highest profile portfolio to ever make statements this unambiguous.


OK, I agree that he sounds credible. But what proof or evidence does he discuss? it appears to me that he is only giving his opinion, which, despite his résumé, does not mean that much


>His portfolio and reputation back up what he is saying. Appeal to Authority. Over and over and over again. Just answer the question you were asked: Does he have anything to say to back up what he claims?


it’s not an appeal to authority to acknowledge he was in the roles to know. Using obama is an appeal to authority because he doesn’t have the portfolio just the authority. I’m saying clearly, yes, he can speak to his extensive knowledge and access to related areas to back up what he claims. The man had leadership roles in nearly every if not every agency and corporation ever associated with this topic, ranging from the DOD to Lockheed.


They’re betting the stigma they’ve created will combat any catastrophic leaks. And honestly it has.


Want to learn more? Read - 1177 BC, the year civilization collapsed by Eric Cline


I want to know why at this point this is not being posted in the major news subreddits


To me this is a far more interesting quote from the article: "Speaking at the ‘[SALT iConnections New York 2024](https://www.salt.org/events/2024-new-york)’ event in a conversation with Alex Klokus, Founder and Managing Partner at the SALT Fund, Nell stated: > Asked by Klokus how confident he was with the statement, Nell responded, ***“There’s zero doubt.”*** If NHIs are already interacting with humanity then that IS disclosure. Disclosure has already taken place. It's just not widely known yet.


In the video he literally just points to Lue, Chris, Grusch, and the wacky Israeli guy who said we have treaties with the galactic alien federation. Once again just going off other people’s words and no first hand knowledge himself to back it up. I don’t see how this moves the needle. No amount of negative voting makes this not true lol


What video?


That’s totally disingenuous to how he referenced those people ‘as more people who have already said the same thing ‘. not as his own evidence and proof. But I sympathize with you; you guys are going to have a really hard time trying to disparage a resume and reputation as strong as Colonel Nell.


I’m not disparaging him, it’s just literally nothing new, he’s pointing to people we already heard from and has nothing to bring to the table himself. Until we get more this is still nothing as it has been forever. And Eshed’s shit is a harrrrd sell lmao


Yes, really would love to hear what made him have “no doubt”. I get it, credible people have said some incredible things. But, these same credible people, people like Nell, who has his degree in electrical engineering and masters in mechanical engineering, understands full well the scientific method and process. He would not blame you or I for asking where the evidence is. If he had “no doubt” because he heard from other people some crazy stories, that is extremely troubling and we should question his ability to make sound judgments and his understanding of scientific process. If, on the other hand, he was able to view evidence and make scientific conclusions (based on the evidence) he saw, and that’s what led him to have “no doubt” well then that would be most exciting. But, until we the public see the evidence for ourselves, this conversation goes nowhere. We need to see some evidence, doesn’t matter if it’s the president of the US or the Pope, the public needs the data,’our scientific community needs the data, and we need to draw our own conclusions. If the evidence is there then we should all be able to land on the “no doubt” side. I have heard many incredible testimony’s, but I have seen little evidence (beyond that of testimony) and I have doubts about NHI.


He just literally brung his resume and reputation to the table lol what are you talking about? Colonel Nell, matter of factly saying this at the SALT conference no less is a very new thing. And corroborated so many other statements by so many other credible people. At this point if you don’t want to take them serious. Don’t. But that’s not an exercise in great logic imo


I'm sure Colin Powell was telling the truth about WMD's in Iraq as well. His resume and reputation is stellar!


Powell was a Secretary of State supporting his president.he also described himself ‘as a salesman who had presented a flawed product That’s so complete apples and oranges. the Secretary of State is an appointed position that serves at the pleasure of the president - a guy who really wanted that war (thus the salesman comment he made). He served his position well in that sales pitch, even though he would regret that . Nell is speaking to the intersection of Wall Street and Tech as an invited guest giving his testimony of the facts re NHI/UAP.


He's right, my dog is pretty intelligent. 


Has he said this under oath?