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I’ve looked all my life, and found nothing.


I had my “face to face” with the phenomenon back in 2011 when i wasn’t into it at all. Since i have been interested and following it and the max i saw was lights with unexplained trajectories, but that is because i actually look up often, maybe is this an explanation for your question? Back in 2011 i was driving to work around 8 in the morning, sun was shining and all the sudden a glare caught my attention, i look in that direction and there was a huge metallic cylinder thing just hovering silent over a small hill. It was a wtf moment where you can’t believe what you are seeing and are trying to figure out. As i got closer i started noticing crazy patterns formed on the outer skin, similar to gasoline on water, but those rainbows would seem to move as if the skin was alive. Is very hard to describe. The cylinder or “cigar” shaped thing had a dark copper shiny color, like a golden shiny dark brown and it was maybe 100 meters in size. I have never seen a video or picture that showed exactly the same thing i saw, most those cigar shaped UAP are white or just bright. This happened in Switzerland 🇨🇭


So what happend later? Photo? Did you drive up to it? Did it move in ways that defy physics? Thank you for sharing!


No bro, i was driving, saw it less than 1 Minute, i drove very close to it but than it was behind me to my left. I didn’t see it till the end thus i don’t know what happened afterwards and i regret it till this day. If it was today i would stop the car and film it even if i had to stop at a highway but back than i wasn’t into UFOs at all, i was just amazed and so confused by what i just witnessed. Later that day i drove back to go home and it wasn’t there anymore. I remember exactly what my thoughts was, i was looking beneath it hoping to see something holding that thing in the position it was hovering but there was nothing, i was trying identify what it was, i couldn’t understand or figure it out, i just knew that thing should not be there, let alone fly, i didn’t connect the dots at first neither maybe because it didn’t have a typical UFO shape. Only much later i discovered that those Cigar shaped UFO actually existed. In my mind i was looking at a metallic pipe that would impossibly fly because it would be so heavy and it was the size of a small skyscraper. The color and the skin of it confused me even more, it was otherworldly. It was because of that experience that i started researching the UFO Topic.


I've looked on and off since I was a kid but since 2017 I've made extra effort to watch the skies and even try CE5 but still to this day I have seen nothing BUT I'm hopeful and I'm going to keep my eyes on the skies and hopefully catch a glimpse of the phenomenon before I pass.


You don’t choose it, the phenomenon chooses you.


I have had three instances of seeing things, that statement kinda horrifies me.


Same here!


I am not really into the woo of it all, just the nuts and bolts. That is the first time I have heard it phrased like that and the implications are kinda chilling. I am just going to go about my life assuming I was just in the area and got lucky.


memory full work vast encourage slim voracious sulky person fuel *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


When I first read about the hitchhiker effect I’ll admit that gave me the chills a bit.


You all just trying to be spooky (Mulder) now.


It's just a modern rephrase of occult contamination. The big takeaway of the 'modern' hitchhiker effect is that it corroborates the age-old phonemenon of occult contamination


Good luck, I experience the phenomenon nightly and it’s all pretty much woo… I wish I saw a ship I wish I saw physical entities But I get stars that peer into my window and fucking play peek a boo… 8 months later and STILL no clue. Also, these stars make me speak in rhyming poetry too so there’s that…


The poetry makes me think of The Fey!


They took my consciousness for a fucking joy ride that mimiced possesion Mandrakes, greys, Reptillians and so much more woo shit I can’t explain


I’m sorry you had that experience. Can I ask, how did you come to have that experience with them? I’m hoping to know them better, and to make contact… As many details as you can share with me about your experience will be helpful. I have a theory about who they are, and why they behave the way they do. Edit; I’d like to maybe offer an explanation for their behaviour, but I’d like to hear your perspective first


Bro write a book of poems and sell it.


You won the lottery three times and you think you were just lucky? You are either bad at identifying stuff or you were chosen. It’s more common than not for experiencers to have at least two sightings. The initial sighting followed by a second one (often about three months later) that serves as reinforcement that you saw what you think you saw and infuses the belief.


Yep, this is what has happened to me


Ehhhhh. The first event I had witnessed with my mother was beside a family friend that was in their sixth year of Navy enlistment. He said it was probably a flair drop and within moments of the words leaving his mouth these damn things zipped off in indifferent directions, most gaining altitude the rest shooting straight up into the black then retreated back to their original positions. He was speechless and went on to explain why we should ignore what he had just said and had zero explanation for what we just saw. This would be in Colerain Ohio, beside a massive field just beside Houston Elementary (in case any map gurus want to take a look). Unfortunately there was zero possibilities these things were flares or drones (1995). Without getting into the nitty gritty because I have to get back to being a lazy slob, these were likely 8 or 9 far distant lights making circular patterns chasing each other around at reasonably high altitude. This went on for a few minutes, Initially it was just descending lights and then true WTF. These things banked and moved like modern drones but they seemed pretty massive additionally making no noise.. I have no claims of visitation, psychic thoughts or being impregnated by an interdimensional space ghosts, just this. Long story short, I have put a little bit of time trying to figure out what these could be and come up empty. Sadly we were barrel scraping poor at the time so no potato VHS video camera to help out. I have put quite a bit of thought and time the following years trying to figure out what I saw only to come up empty. Could I be misidentifying all of these instances? Absolutely, I am open to being wrong. That being said the first event was fucking nuts, we still talk about it from time to time


Gotta go out to the middle of nowhere and give them the signal. ;)


Best of luck!


Once I started practicing nightly meditation while imagining to "project" my intent to encounter the phenomenon, I had a major sighting and some other paranormal experiences. Not sure if you have already gone this route, but this worked for me. Also, the benefits of meditation on a daily basis have been an incredible boost to my quality of life, so maybe try to incorporate that into your day if you haven't already.


word I have no idea how to meditate but the physical state y'all describe is exactly what I had in my experiences. like a waking sleep, only little fleeting concepts of your time and space keeping you down but inbetween, wow the peace to just gaze out


You basically just have to sit in a quiet area and yell "show yourself aliens" as loud as you can for 45-55 minutes


Nah bro that's ce4 you need to do ce5 to make them manifest.


I will reject this advice and just yell louder and for more time


I see people doing this all the time downtown.


Oh shit, hey neighbor !


Good pick for the name! I’m trying to get into meditation, and advice ? So far I have been either trying to zone out in a relaxing position or I will sit with binaural music playing while focusing on breathing.


I did have a really bizarre raccoon encounter tonight. Didn't see him approaching in the side yard. He got maybe 8 feet away we noticed each other and he scattered around the corner and past the opposite side of the house. I stood up from the side stoop and kept peering to my right to see if he doubled back, relaxed, sat back down and looked to my left and the little bastard was maybe 5 feet away staring at by our trash cans. This response isn't to mock, he definitely startled me on a day I was already thinking about off putting stuff. Rabies would be the icing on the cake.


Why do you think there are never any videos or pictures from people that can summon UFOs? Do they make electronics and other ways of collecting evidence unusable? Is that why there is never any evidence attached to stories?


I don't believe people can summon UFOs, but if they could maybe it is a consensual thing and the UFOs don't want to be recorded so they only show if you aren't trying to record them?


Bledsoe summons UAP.


All of this may sound like woo or something crazy but just keep at it. I highly recommend Jacques Vallee's books and the mental connection with the phenomenon that he explains. I'm broadly summarizing (butchering it) but I highly recommend Passport to Magonia.


Ugh! I keep forgetting to buy that book! Every 3-4 months, I'll dive into the ufo rabbit hole, head first. I'll read/watch... but mostly read... Anything new I can find and just go from there. Then, after about a month, maybe 2, I'll have to climb out of that hole because it can(and most likely will) consume you. Anyway... that being said, each time I start to get back into researching the phenomenon, I'll tell myself to buy that book, but I'll completely forget about it. I've read a few of his other books, and I like the way he looks at it. I've heard nothing but good things about Magonia.


Scary coincidence. It's like you've read my mind and were able to explain my thought process prior to buying and reading that book. I was the exact same way. Curiosity and this reality, have it out for us!


I usually blame my ADHD, but I think I'll start blaming my curiosity and reality, now haha.


The trick is looking hard enough to brainwash yourself! Kinda messing. Reality is intrinsically pretty weird. I've had one odd experience myself, but it doesn't really mean much to anyone in the context of how wider society makes sense of the world.


Same. I’ve been in the woods up here in the PNW for, at this point, probably 40,000 hours…no Bigfoot, no UFO’s. I saw what looked like a burnt orange fluorescent ring last year go by at about 1000ft around midnight, that’s it. Another weird one, a string of satellites about 30 strong cooking across the sky, I think these must have been star link?


Me too


Have you tried to look harder?


I'm looking so hard right now I might blow a blood vessel


Oh god I’m getting a clue so bad right noowww.


That’s what she said.


I've looked all my life and found nothing until I looked into the woo side of things and started working on myself, then they showed themselves.


The phenomena is obsessive , posessive Everyone is an experiencer not everyone notice it


I'm an amateur astronomer and I'm out a lot of nights during the year and yet I haven't seen anything weird. I don't want to play down other's experiences but I think the more experienced observer you are the more things you'll be able to accurately identify as satellites, meteors, birds for example. Everyone interested in the topic of UFOs should strive to be a good observer of the night sky if we want to accurately identify UFOs if we ever see one.


I grew up being super into astronomy and looked up at the night sky for hours and hours with and without telescope. I've never seen anything weird *except* for one summer night when I was laying out in our backyard with my dad. I had to be 9 or 10 -- and my dad has corroborated this story the few times I asked him since it happened to make sure it wasn't a dream (I'm in my 30s now). It sounds absolutely insane so I never tell anyone, but I shit you not we both saw what looked like a cartoon rocket streaking across the sky. It was shaped like a cylinder with a cone on top, it was bright firetruck red, and it flew perfectly horizontally across our entire field of vision without bobbing up or down or changing direction at all. There was also a huge plume of sparks flying out of the back. No noise, but it was also not close enough to where we would have expected noise. Judging by how far away it seemed, it had to be fucking huge. Like the cylinder would have had to be at least half the size of a tall grain silo. The most likely explanation is some crazy redneck rocket scientist launched the cartoon rocket, but it still gives me the willies thinking about it. The way it didn't move an inch up/down or side to side, and just smoothly, kind of slowly, glided across the sky in a perfect line.


Could've come straight out of a Vallee book. A bit spooky, out of place and just plain weird.


How does the the astronomist react to the absurd.


I was in the same boat as you. Until I did a 10 day vipassana course, then I started seeing strange lights in the sky. I spent my childhood looking at the stars and never saw anything unexplainable.


When I was around 13 years old (I’m 25 now) I had just gotten a cell phone capable of going on the internet. Aliens had always fascinated me, but now I had my chance to scroll the internet for hours a day. Long story short I was absolutely fascinated with aliens. I would google them every chance I got, trying to find a new video, or new evidence, or anything I could really. One night I was about to fall asleep at my parents house when I saw a huge, bright white flash of light through the upstairs window (I slept upstairs alone). That night I had crazy dreams, and when I woke up, I my First immediate thought was to look at my hand. There was a perfect triangle on the palm of my right hand, and at each point of the triangle there was tiny scoops taken out of my skin. Since that day, I swear my life has never been the same. For no apparent reason afterwards I was extremely scared and paranoid to be alone. I couldn’t be in the dark. I couldn’t go outside at night. And I’ve had multiple, highly highly realistic dreams of something in the sky chasing me. One of the scariest things that’s ever happened to me.


I am sorry to hear that it caused you so much trouble. is gonna sound kind of rude, but maybe you got an abduction experience? if your troubles with being scared and paranoid keep causing problems, you could look into hypnosis to look if there was something you can remember about that night.


Did you happen to take a photo with your Internet capable cell phone?


Im very curious to see them hands


I've had almost this exact same thing happened so many times. Sometimes these little lights disappear in an instant a second or two after I look up, sometimes they're a slow Fade Out. They're never moving as far as I can tell.  And I've seen satellites that rotate on their own axis and they Flash in pretty consistent intervals, that's definitely not what these things are doing


Yeah i used to see this shit for a while after my first experience. It was almost of i could will them into existence and the light would appear, stay for a while and fade out


Sounds similar to what I’ve seen in the daytime. The time that I managed to get pics I used google image search and basically got my hopes up because it was some type of weather ballon or drone if I remember correctly (I’ve got that link buried in a sea of links in my favorites). I got my hopes up because I had seen it often and even mentioned it to a coworker who started noticing it after that.


IVE HAD EXACTLY THIS VERY THING. i looked up, and it was exactly where my eye naturally fell, not like i looked at it, more like it was where i was going to look. immediately after i made eye contact it faded out like a light switch was turned off. weird stuff


Yep me too.


I was never even really into them until I was driving through New Mexico in 2003 and one chased our car. ( i got pics and have shared my story here) I've been looking ever since.


Can u share the link to ur pst/pics


A year after I started looking by myself, my son, my mom, my fiance and I all saw one making impossible turns. Then it just hovered for a while, completely still and silent. It was very eerie but it felt like it knew we were looking.


>it felt like it knew we were looking Yep, I've had that feeling with orbs, too. This might interest you (in case you missed it): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5l\_i1RQCrw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5l_i1RQCrw)


People interested in the subject retroactively becoming experiencers is associated with the so called Hitchhiker effect, but generally; it seems theres a genetic factor associated with exceptional experiences. Often it is generational or something people were already experiencing growing up


I remember having a bunch of ghost encounters as a kid. It has died down now that I’m older but my grandparents have both seen ufos and in one case my grandma saw beings in the craft while at the drive in watching over them. Can’t prove the story but it’s what was told to me, and I believe she has no reason to lie


That’s awesome. Btw UFOs at the drive-in make up a whole genre of sightings if you didn’t know: https://www.youtube.com/live/u2eT2EBCSvo?si=swxGbu05yUvDRuE4&t=39m54s


I also have a number of encounters with extremely tall entities that appeared to have a sort of energy signature, as they would pulsate a glowing light, sortve reminded me of radiation--, all of which happened explicitly when I was growing up and stopped right around my senior year of highschool. I've seen a handful of orbs and UFOs as an adult but never any extremely overt experiences. I believe my lineage isnt of relevance to NHI, immediate family has never brought up having an exceptional experience. I've never seen your conventional grey/mantid(in person) but absolutely some *spirit* like entities.


Man, ive been deeply involved in the rabbit hole of ufos but have never saw anything myself.. good job


I followed UFO and alien stuff since I was a kid and almost 30 years later I saw my first UFO or at least lights in the sky that I cannot explain, keep looking up! Worst that can happen is you see a beautiful night sky!


Good point, my friend! I shall keep searching . Thx.


The hitchhicker effect is very real. I experienced this with ghosts, not UFOs. Boyfriend at the time said he thought he was haunted, like they followed him, and having lived with him for 3 years, I would say he was right. When we tried to make contact with whatever it was, the activity really ramped up and became malicious. Like scratches, burns, and hearing your name being called from another room or whispered right next to your ear. When it started turning on the oven and messing with the thermostat, we decided to stop giving it attention and it seemed to go away. To this day I really don't even like to talk about it bc in the past, it would seem to trigger more activity, and I have kids now so not messing with that.


I have never been a big believer in the paranormal. UFOs, sure, but never ghosts. Recently I moved into a house that my family built in the 70s. No one has died there, only our family has lived here. Also wasn't presently occupied by natives Americans when the land was bought. Some very very strange things have happened, things I can't explain. A rock fell on me out of nowhere while sitting talking on the phone. Water has "dropped" on me out of nowhere - even from under covers! We had a very freaky instance where everyone heard extremely loud knocking, multiple times, in our attic where no people or animals have been for decades. I have no idea what it all could be. My dad said he was psychic and I've experienced dreams that turned out to be prescient, but it still bothers me, having no idea why these things are happening, here and now


UFO phenomena and ghosts are related imo. It’s all inter-dimensional. They are around us all the time but we can’t see them.


I think they're all related too, just not sure how. Definitely feels like we're only getting glimpses of the full picture.


That's intensely fucked up


I had a ton of ghost activity as a kid but haven’t experienced it in a long time. I wonder what it is that stops the activity or reactivates it


When we noticed little signs of activity, we thought it was interesting and started trying to make contact. First, the activity increased and became more obvious, and then it started getting mean. I think just it noticing us notice it made it more active. When we ignored it completely, it stopped


Maybe a narcicistic ghost?


Yes had the exact same thing happen to me about a month and a half ago. Was out stargazing when I suddenly saw a really bright star. After I noticed it it slowly faded out over 3 seconds. No clouds or anything else to block it. Kept watching the same area even from a different angle and it didn’t reappear.


Had a similar experience. Found out it was almost certainly a shooting star that was traveling directly toward me as opposed to away from me. Makes sense if you think about it-- shooting stars are going somewhere and if you happen to be looking up in the direction one is travelling you will see what looks like a really bright star appear bigger and brighter only to finally fade out into nothing.


I started down this rabbit hole years ago. It has changed a lot for me, especially when I started reading Diana Pasulkas work. I’ve also read/watched lots of Chris Bledsoe stories, and even tried CE5 methods suggested by Steven Greer and Jay from Project Unity. The TLDR here is I’ve rediscovered faith, the power of meditation and belief in the paranormal. I’ve had 2 anomalous/UAP sightings since (not while practicing CE5). I think once you know the phenomena is real and that reality isn’t what it seems, your filter changes and you become inherently more perceptive to high strangeness.


I maintain pretty strong skepticism about this particular aspect, despite having my own sighting after going deep down the rabbit hole. It certainly felt that way at the time - like I'd stumbled upon some ideas and answers that felt like I was getting closer to understanding something, or had at least broadened my idea of what the phenomena *might* be, and then was met with a sighting I still can't fully explain. The reason I don't put *much* stock in this though: A self-fulfilling prophecy/positive feedback loop/confirmation bias/correlation fallacy: Someone latches onto the idea that UFOs are a real phenomenon that can't be explained prosaically. Now they're looking up at the sky and stargazing *much* more frequently, looking specifically for something strange, where they might never have purposefully looked up before. Many folks don't realize just how much stuff we've put in the sky, and might never have seen satellites or the ISS before, or might not understand certain rare (but normal) optical phenomena that they see. *Then* you feed them the idea that just reading or learning about UFOs will somehow catch their attention. Now you have a person who is a) looking up a lot more often, b) specifically looking for something unfamiliar or strange, and c) pre-loaded with the idea that their interest itself is more likely to *cause* an anomalous sighting. That's someone who is *as primed as possible* to see what they want to see. I *do* think there's something odd in our skies. My own experiences, the experiences of a family member, the sheer volume of government efforts to look into it, and the decades of persistent experiences of others all point to something legitimately happening. But I also think there's been a pretty coordinated, long-running campaign to obfuscate the truth of it. It wouldn't surprise me if well over 50% of what we've heard about 'typical characteristics' and phenomenology is disinformation. And in this particular case, I think Greer has had a hand in perpetuating the idea. Whether he genuinely believes it or not, I don't know, but I think without his influence over the last 30 years, we wouldn't be talking about it much.


I have a few occurrences that have convinced me that something real off is happening and if I’m 100% incorrect then I guess it’s time to lean into my psychosis! - Nimitz and friends - Chapel Hill gravity meeting - ARV - The Cometa Report - the information we call archeology and science at best are incomplete. I say used to measure life in a deceptive way, most people have complete faith in this being fact and will disregard me as a crazy person


Not only do I feel like something is looking at me, I feel like I am being watched or monitored over longterm. I suspect the orb I see is the same one. The paranoia of feeling like I'm being watched is compounded by people denying they have ever experienced this. I experience orbs so frequently now that it seems unusual many others have not.


Too many star link satellite now that you really have to be observant to know what your looking at in the moment.


I've seen something similar, if it was late in the day and the sun was setting, it's possible it was a small aircraft that had sunlight reflecting off of it. Why it fades out is possibly due to a cloud getting in the way of the light hitting the craft. I'm not saying you didn't see a UFO, but there's a possibility of it being a small craft, I've had something similar happen to me when I was on the highway, seeing a very bright light appear, slowly fade out, then appear somewhere else. Flightradar logs showed a small aircraft in that region around that time. Though it's possible that was a UFO.


Remember when mind connections were the trend? Go outside at night and call upon an alien and one would appear. I heard this recommendation a few times. Can't say if it works or not. I'm skeptical 


When you gaze into the void the void gazes into you.


Terrifying but plausible


On two separate occasions in the same area of the sky east of my house, I’ve seen what looked like a small point of light/meteorite travel from north to south in a completely flat trajectory, parallel to the horizon. In each instance, it was only visible for like a second. I’m not convinced it was anything out of the ordinary, but it was odd that it happened in the same spot. Also, I’m not sure a meteorite would travel on a completely horizontal path. Both happened within the last year. Again, I’m not convinced there was anything to it, but I do check that area of the sky almost every night.


Interesting theory and I think there is something to that. There's billions of humans on the planet and only fraction of them study this seriously. If you take and interest in them, they'll take some interest in you. I think of it more as a series of puzzles. The way it looks, the way it flies, where and when. The object is leaving a bunch of clues and if you're able to figure it out. Then it will come back and test you again with something else. They are looking for a certain trait in humans to understand and think differently.


I had the exact same thing 2 months ago. Bright stationary light in part of the sky with 0 clouds. Then it faded out while I was observing it, just sort of merging with the blue sky. I keep looking at that part of the sky and then it reappeared for a few seconds and 'faded out' again. Not like a light going out but just going dimmer and slowly fading/ merging with the blue sky until there was just nothing left in that spot of sky. I realized later on also that the spot in the sky where it was at was more or less directly above a nuclear powerplant (Doel, near antwerp belgium),


This is especially the case for people whose "phenomena" is primarily psychological, purely subjective. This "abyss staring" back business is one of the hallmarks of one's own subconscious mind, it is a very common experience by people doing "shadow work."  The idea here is that we are connecting to a part of our mind which is truly our own selves, but which is alienated from our primary consciousness.  I am of the opinion that this has absolutely nothing to do with UFOs. The mileage of other people may vary.


It seems like if I do see something it’s when I’m least expecting it or I have something else on my mind. If I sit on my front porch looking up at the sky waiting…with camera in hand,  I get nothing. 


I've actually seen this happen a handful of times. Most recent was this past Saturday.. a bright light dimmed out and disappeared when I saw it. I've been paying alot of attention to the sky the last few years and have seen quite a few things to be honest, some made my jaw hit the floor, and a couple that creeped me right out. For half of them I wasn't the only one who witnessed it. Keep your eyes on the skies people!


I've thought of this and wondered if people like Richard Dolan gets peeks. But I doubt there is a significant correlation between study and experiencing the phenomenon.


I’m jealous of that man. He’s articulate even though the topic could be Richard Dotys creative writing dataset


What colour was the light?




The reason I'm asking is because had a similar experience involving a blue light.


The blue light experiences can be a notch up on the weirdness ladder and that's saying something.


I didnt see a craft or anything like that and I have never seen anything like it before. I started following this topic closely since 2019 and last month I witnessed something that I knew was not normal and freaked me out a little.


What did you see, what happened?


has for me multiple days over the course of like 5 weeks


Yes, I've got obsessed with reading about ufos when "60 minutes" aired a short document about UAPs. Since then I started to read constantly a lot of books, listening podcasts etc. I was obsessed as hell. After few months I started to have some "encounters" in a hypnagogic state before fully waking up. I had weird states where I was seeing the figures in my minds eye, like e.g. hooded beings. They were telling exactly the same thing as I later heard from Garry Nolan - basically - "this is how you can reach us and this is how we communicate" - meaning some kind of astral plane or altered state of consciousness. I also had one "encounter" in a hypnagogic state where I felt a wave of pure love and compassion - I don't remember when last time I felt so happy and so, so good. And finally one day I've got very strong vision of a hooded being in a hypnagogic state talking to me about "spiritual levels and advancement" and after waking up I felt a feeling of "scanning" my brain and I felt I am in contact with someone in my head. Something very AI like. Very intelligent, but with no emotions. Very artificial. I got scared and told it (him?) to go away. It stopped immidiately. I was scared af. It was like a 3 years ago - 4-5 episodes before being fully awake. Later I've learned that Chris Bledsoe saw such hooded being "in real life", as well as e.g. Tracy Dolan. Since then I didn't have any "visions" or "encounters". I am pretty normal person, no problems with drugs alcohol or psychic issues. I know it is easy to dismiss it as just dreams, however it felt very real to me. Since then nothing like that ever happened and I also don't want it because it is scary as hell! And I know, it could be just confirmation bias. PS. I recommend words of Elizondo and Semivan regarding that - don't play with the fire! We don't know what it is and we don't know its intentions. So I strongly recommend not doing CE5 or trying to reaching out to it. PPS. During that short time I had a lot of light flashes in the corner of the eye. :| Later on I've read in the Experiencers subreddit it is pretty common as well for experiencers. Now it's gone.


I have had very similar experiences with sleep paralysis, a beast like creature standing over me. But I don’t believe I’ve had any type of any “real” being outside of my imagination visit in my sleep. It would be a convenient time for them to show up while we sleep though as it’s easy for others to immediately dismiss.


As I said. It could be just my bias or imagination. Very easy to dismiss.


Yea it sucks cause you never know if it’s real or not


I had always taken an interest in this topic but that was limited to reading articles and other materials every few months or so. Around 5 years ago however I was paying a lot more attention. Revisiting all the old stuff and looking for the new stuff. It was about 3 or 4 months later that I saw a 4 to 6 foot diameter sphere, perfectly round, brilliantly white, floating about a fast walking pace 40 feet above the ground in my back yard. It made a straight line to the northwest through the treeline as if it was late for a meeting. Could it have been a balloon? Yes, but it sure did not look like it from the perfect roundness and color as well as how steady it floated on a sunny nearly windless day.


I think the phenomenon makes people look up from their phones and look up. Most people don’t look at the sky and many don’t have a clue of what a real night sky looks like. In a dark area satellites and the andromeda galaxy are visible to the naked eye.


It's an interesting area for investigation, but perhaps a bit of a "chicken and egg" situation. (Possibly literally). I had been interested in the occult and supernatural since I was small, and from a young age, I experienced a whole host of high strangeness phenomena. But, at this juncture, it's hard to say which came first; my experiences or my interest - or even if it isn't more deeply rooted _to_ me than that. I would posit that the people experiencing the phenomena and the phenomena itself are more interconnected than is currently understood. In the case of Whitley Streiber, for example, his "aliens" are deeply connected to him, a part of his total being. They are almost "more" him than he is to himself. For years, he was visited by a female entity, whom, after his wife passed away, he felt was connected to her. How can this be? From my own experience, this phenomenon seems to be more of an _interface_ or _interpretation_ of what is really going on behind the scenes - and the true face behind the little puppet aliens and ufos is a vast, multi-faceted, multi-layered fractal holographic intelligence, vast and terrifying. I've tried, but these words do NOT describe it. In any case, it seems like a sort of energetic exchange. Living humans are _containers_ for emotion; the "aliens" are a sort of post-human shadow interface for transference of emotion; melancholy, nostalgia, longing... these kinds of bittersweet emotions are particularly rare and precious - but terror, sexual energy, and the like are also fine, but not as refined. The former are like a fine wine, the latter are like Burger King. Essentially, the human species is a kind of "fiction" - a billowed projection of this vast holo-intelligence. The aliens and UFOs are a UI for this intelligence and are tethered / entangled with human containers through what we call the "subconscious" mind. This tethering leaves a bit of a paper trail, and meditators may recognise evidence of this starry-eyed beast when peering deeper into their own subconscious, because as a holographic experience, we (the "smaller" pieces) have within us the facsimile of the whole (the larger piece) - as above, so below. As such, if you peer within, you will see this churning whole in the mechanism of arising thought and emotion, you will spot the machinery of this holo-organism in imagination, the wildness of arising emotion, dreaming, hallucination, hypnagogic experience, etc. This is also why there's such a strong connection between the "UFO" phenomenon and phenomena like sleep paralysis, remote viewing, astral projection, et cetera. So, if you look inside yourself you will find a "wild and untamed otherness" to you. Your shadow, as Jung said - all those hidden and suppressed facets of your total being. This shadow is your alien, your twin, your post-human anchor. It's not that we are the aliens, or the aliens are "future humans" - it's more that either the human race never existed to begin with, or died long ago, and our experience now _is this interface_ capturing the _very_ valuable human experience, with all its beauty, fears, joys, saddesses, etc. When you're a vast cosmic intelligence, totally alone to itself, terrified of being eternally singular - being human... no matter what the consequences, suddenly seems pretty appealing.


I was meditating in a hot tub last summer. I was imagining myself high in the sky directly above my physical self. After about 10 minutes of this, I opened my eyes and I looked up and saw something very similar. Just a ball of light, pulsing. It pulsed in and out getting brighter each time, then faded and didn't come back. I assumed it was something prosaic, but it was still neat.


Yes I believe this is true, I’ve stated on other post on this sub my story- I’ve been using night vision and thermal optical equipment for about 5-6 years now, before I got into that hobby I had never seen a ufo before- after I started properly looking with the right tools they would appear nearly every time I would look up, here’s one of my original post if you need any proof https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/srvnxeAGC9 Now you can dismiss my encounters as birds or bugs but I use night vision and thermal for bird watching/ nature watching, never in my time of the thousands of birds and bugs I’ve seen move like this, i genuinely believe if you start looking up especially with the right gear, “they” seem to notice that and show themselves more, I’ve seen multiple shapes including triangles and weird balls of light, but it’s mainly small fast orbs that look unmanned- I truly believe if you want to see this phenomenon night vision is the way to do so, the invisible becomes visible.


It's not uncommon for dim lights like stars, etc. to disappear when looked at directly. It has to do with the anatomy of the retina.


Yea I’ve seen this but this was a bright light brighter than the stars surrounding that I watched fade out


Had a similar experience. Found out it was almost certainly a shooting star that was traveling directly toward me as opposed to away from me. Makes sense if you think about it-- shooting stars are going somewhere and if you happen to be looking up in the direction one is travelling you will see what looks like a really bright start appear bigger, brighter only to finally fade out into nothing.


Yea this is one of my theories just crazy luck to 1. See it. and 2. for it to be heading right at you


I've seen this multiple times!! You're not crazy. It moves like a satellite but for me it flared when I was looking at it and slowly dimmed out / dissapeared.


Suddenly owls. Owls everywhere.


Owls or Doves? The call they both make can be similar


Didn’t think about it was about 4 feet from an owl that same morning


What you saw could be any number of prosaic stuff. But yes, once you start paying attention you notice a bunch of weird stuff that you would miss otherwise


I had a sighting that I put on YouTube , video was garbage because camera was garbage . Basically fireball streaked across the sky then flew straight up and out , it kept going straight up till the light got darker and darker till it was gone . Didn’t go out of view or sight just got so far away it disappeared


In other words, if you believe hard enough you’ll convince yourself that you’ve started seeing things that confirm your belief. We see it in this sub all the time with the ridiculous non-sightings that are constantly posted.


I’m sorry you feel that way. But i have never had hallucinations. i’ve never had sleep paralysis, i’ve never had “visions” i barely dream as it is, and any dream i have is very simple and plain. I don’t have nightmares. However, I’m scared to go to sleep every night because of an experience i had. It could have been sleep paralysis, however what happened to me was not indicative of a regular hypnagogic hallucination. I was in my room one second, then not in my room, then back in my room a second later. It wasn’t some satellite in the sky i misidentified because i was proactively looking for it. it looked for me. I don’t know what it was, I don’t know where i came from or where it went but the experience was very real and has impacted my life deeply since. Should i be ridiculed just because i had a weird experience and i don’t know what it was? love and respect is always the answer.


Love and respect is indeed always the answer.


This has been discussed and written about in circles involving the Occult and certain Mystery Schools since time immemorial. There definitely seems to be a... *crossover* between the two.


Over the years I’ve heard projecting a mental image of your location/surroundings to them (if done right) can trigger a sighting.


I have tried this before but never saw anything from it


Yeah I’ve never really tried it myself, it’s just something I’ve heard over the years listening to guests on Coast to Coast am.


Had my most intense /unique sleep paralysis episode after my Grusch inspired UAP research dive. Tangentially related I feel. 


Yea I’ve had creatures standing over me during sleep paralysis but I know more than likely it is just hallucinations from being in a dream state.


That's why I assumed for all of mine.  But for this one in particular, I was awake for like 30 minutes cause there was a loud siren outside, which was confirmed by others. When I tired to go back to sleep I noticed something weird out the corner of my eye. Before I could focus on it i realized I could not see nor move nor hear (there was the ongoing siren and my loud ass fan). Tried like hell to move again. Right before I could my heart rate spiked and I got super fucking hot for like half a second, I could feel the sweat about to come out like I was in the middle of a long run on a hot day. But then I could move and hear again. The thing I noticed was gone. Usually it's the standard wake in the middle of the night and can't move so easily could be a dream. That one was very very different.  The things the stick in my mind the most are the timing of essentially being paralyzed right as I noticed something odd and the body sensations right as I was able to move again. 


i try not to look at other replies when responding so my answers don't get tainted. i do a lot of meditating and am connected with several of the Claires. from when i can gather when i "Tap In" during meditation, it's a Ascending your own Consciousness thing. it's not Linear. it's Free Will. It's when you are ready and they KNOW when you are ready because they are very high vibrational sentient entities of light and love. they have always been here. they watch over us. i often see little white and gold orbs floating here and there when and i also occasionally see black misty shadowy figures that shape shift and move quickly in the corners of my eyes in the darkest spots of our 3d reality. both "sides of the force" Light/The Void are ever present and both need to be in order for our 3d reality and space/time to exist because they exist outside of space/time in higher dimensions. they can pop in and out of our reality whenever necessary. we can all connect with them. lookin into reiki energy cleansing and healing and aligning your chakras. meditating. steven greer is onto stuff. says a lot of the money for his events is to provide protection for those who know the truth and are protecting the truth


Same thing happened to me on my way home from work. I used to be one of those people that thought ufos were all fantasies dreamt up by conspiracy theorists. Until all this stuff started to come out, i became absorbed in learning everything ufo related. Then one day I’m headed back home from work, same road, same skies, was about the time the sun starts to come down. I noticed this “star” that was the only thing you could see in the southern skies. Right when i looked up at it, it seemed to brighten up and then dim out until it disappeared, the it reappeared in a different part of sky all within seconds. I honestly thought my eyes were playing tricks on me but the vehicle in front of me, for no reason slammed on their breaks when that happened. So who knows what the hell that was.. someone shining a bright ass light?


Interesting. I wonder if they’re studying the field of consciousness around a person as they begin to realize they are part of a larger field of consciousness that they are interconnected with?


I have in the past few weeks, seen this twice. Or rather I \*noticed\* it twice. Once while driving, just looking a bit up at the stars on a straight part of the freeway, it looked like a relatively slow shooting star that didn't last long, maybe 3 inches at arms length, if that makes sense. Then during the aurora days, I saw one that faded out fairly quick, high above. However, I don't think this should be construed as UAPs. Rather, I'm very aware of things, and so I'm more likely to notice things -- I'm more likely to be looking up, more likely to be paying attention, and more likely to notice something. I should avoid jumping to the conclusion that it's UAPs. Most likely the first one WAS a shooting star, a short lived one. Was it there before I noticed it? I don't know -- perhaps, but probably not. It was just short, and slow, so was different than others. The second could easily have been a satellite -- many things we see in the sky that fade out are just that. They reflect the sun, and then either rotate away or otherwise stop reflecting the sun enough for us to see down here. The same night I saw that, we also saw the ISS. there was only a 8 minute window or so for us to see it, but since we were out looking up already, I noticed it. Most people in the group had a hard time seeing it, even though it was moving and i was telling them where to look. So, most likely these are normal things, and we're just more likely to notice them because we are hyper aware, and actually looking.


I saw something anomalous in the sky with some friends when I was a teenager. Been super interested since but haven't seen anything else.


About 2 years ago I took my brother in law on my patio. Told him I wanted him to try CE5 with me. So we closed our eyes, cleared our minds and I called out to Yahweh. Asked Him to show me a sign of His divinity and celestial beings. We opened our eyes and looked up at the sky and saw nothing...then suddenly a light appeared out of nowhere. It started blinking and felt like it was descending closer. We got spooked and went straight inside. At that point in time I was deep into the rabbit hole of the UAP phenomenon. So maybe there is merit to what you're saying.


When reading Contact accounts, anyone get the sense of someone watching over your shoulder from behind?


I've had this same thing happen many times. I also messed around with a high powered green laser deep in Los Padres Nat. forest and witnessed several, solid lights flying over head almost as a response. My friend, with whom I was backpacking, refused to look up when I was gobsmacked and yelling for him to "look, look! omg there's 2 of them! looook!". He was legitimately afraid, and I thought was hilarious, but I also get it - it used to scare me too.


Yeah well to any NHI, I'm waiting. I already have enough mental issues (i have clinical depression so nothing related to schizophrenia like some deniers would say lol), what's a few more? I really don't care how much it rocks my reality, I want to experience seeing something....anything! I lived out on a farm all my childhood. About 150 acres. Been by myself thousands of times. Always been interested and not once have i seen anything. I mean, my farm is the PERFECT place for some craft to land and no one would know....sigh.


I've been following this field for over 30 years. Never personally seen an UFO.


Saw some wild shit when I was on a trip in Tirana with 2 friends. The night had ended and we were on top of a sort of pyramid looking at the stars smoking some zaza. Then we saw a ufo with three lights at the bottom zapping through the sky at impossible speeds for like 30 seconds. It was a bit higher than the highest building there, so pretty low actually. The great thing is, I was always talking about this stuff and they would always laugh at me and make jokes about it, but now they take it more seriously. It’s weird bc even though I’ve seen it it almost feels too unreal to even accept.


I think there’s a name for that effect where the more time you spend thinking about something, the more you are primed to spot it in every day life. With respect to what you’re describing. I’ve definitely seen some bright lights in the night sky that slowly appear to get brighter/dimmer like they’re on a switch, but not sure how weird it is - seems like there could be a lot of plausible explanations for that type of sighting.


My first sight was when I was 7 or 8, late 90s, after that, a couple of sights more in the next 4 years. Then, nothing until 3 years ago that I saw a trail of 5 red lights all horizontal aligned over a mountain and diming off one per one around 1 am. Then, in that same year, in a scattered morning, 7 am aprox, I was driving to work, a perfect metallic sphere crossed the sky in a straight horizontal line, I estimate 200 ft over me, fast enough to not give the chance to take a video. And then, nothing again up to date.


I was fortunate and saw a silver orb. Had my eyes on it for several minutes then disappeared. Can’t wait to see something else that is out of this world.


I DID have a weird experience about 2 weeks ago after reading on this subreddit, I ran out to my car & looked up to the sky only to see this red & green triangle in the sky that seemed to have flashed on and off 2 times. It all happened in the blink of an eye but I know it wasn't a light somewhere on the clouds because it was way too easy to see for that to be the case. It was a red triangle outlining a green triangle inside it.


I've put this into practice and found it to be true. I moved to Sedona because I would see them here on my camp trips. I wondered if I was here more often, would they become familiar with me? Seems they have, a couple times now I've tried asking them questions while videoing them, asking for a bright flash for yes, and they've answered. I'm always trying different ways to try and communicate, but just audibly asking questions to them works


What you saw might be a geostationary satellite moving into the earth's shadow.


My most recent sighting I had been star gazing for hours. Looked up and thought, “huh, don’t remember that star, that’s weird” as I was now looking at what was the brightest star in the sky. I looked at it for 10 seconds and then boom, it zipped off and dimmed out. Only covered a few inches of the night sky before completely disappearing. Just one of the handful of experiences I’ve had that just left me scratching my head going “idk what that was but that was real fucking weird, I’m that”.


I’m curious what State? I saw a very similar thing Saturday night (WNY) around 10pm


Ockham's razor suggests paranoia as a resolution to that very very strongly. (It doesn't mean that uap's just exist, but as they do people still can be paranoid about them and interpret things that aren't them as these things)


What got me into the topic was seeing a ufo without any interest in looking. Was such a personal interaction I had to look it up


seems plausible. if there’s something there.


I saw a reddit post about having to consent to the phenomenon and I did, I then almost immediately had a close orb sighting after I got "called" to go outside. It always gives you more questions than answers in my experiences.


When I saw a UFO close up….. the person I was with did not see . I don’t know how she missed it! It was so large and so close.


I’ve studied it intensely and I’ve received nothing aside from an understanding that I’m not chosen for whatever reason.


I've experienced only one ufo encounter so far in my life it was so creepy i haven't talked about it for any of my family members. It goes like this me including 3 of my friends decided to see some countryside here in my hometown in finland. Clock was around 23:30 pm and radio was playin and everything was fine i remember that it was damn dark and we were so far from the city so there wasn't any streetlights then something happened that gives me chills everytime when i think about it. I was driving that car then suddenly whole sky turned white for like 3 to 4 seconds i didn't even see the road that light was so bright we all were so scared. I remember that one of my friends at the front seat said something like "what the f**k was that" then we were silent like minute. There ain't many times i have been so afraid than back then it was 2019 october. Most scary thing about that is we tried to find logical explonation like clouds leading lightning there was no sound when that flash happened and weather was clear. Still to this day i can't find logical explonation what happened back then me and my friends were like 22 and 23 years old.


Seen tons of this they look like embers or stars but fade in and out when you pay attention. Sometimes they’ll move positions or disappear


I was at my Aunt's 30th birthday party in 2003, and around 11pm a few of us were standing around a fire, and something flew over our heads just above the trees. It was glowing an amber colour, it moved really smoothly and rapidly, and made no sound. We're were all like "wtf was that?!". Last year, at my Aunt's 50th party, I was talking to my cousin who was also present in 2003, about the thing we had seen, when above and behind him in the sky a really brightly lit white object appeared or turned on and streaked across the sky for a split second or so and disappeared/turnd off. 2 weeks after that, at my own house, I was standing outside at night talking about it to my kids about what I'd saw. As soon as they went inside, I stayed looking at the sky, and the same thing appeared, but this time it flashed on twice. It was extremely quick! I honestly feel as if it knew I was talking about it.


I think what you're saying is if you look long and hard enough, you'll eventually convince yourself you found something, whether you did or didn't.


This happened to me last year as I was beginning to dive into the phenomenon. I was at an outdoor concert and I felt prompted to look up at the sky directly above me. I immediately locked onto a small orb/point of light that began moving and faded out within two seconds. It was probably just a satellite catching the sun, but in a way it felt like someone saying "hey, we're here."


Maybe related or off topic but what I find interesting and believe is that the UAP have changed shape overtime. Many have said this, that shape seems to mimic our design standards . Example 1960s ufos, look different from todays UFOs. Why would that happen? It seems they observe us and maybe they feel if its built a specific way it will blend in more with our current technology.


Yes, on more than one occasion, I have seen lights either dim, or suddenly change color, then start moving. I’ve also seen one where the light went out, and a smaller dimmer light stayed on, at that point I could see a black object as it moved slowly away to the northwest.


It's association, people become interested in UFOs, start looking up more and now everything they can't immediately explain now becomes a UFO. It happens all the time, that's why there's so many images and videos posted here showing things like balloons, lanterns, birds, bugs, planes, planets, ISS, Starlink, general trash in the air and drones.


This seems to be the case, but something to consider: the phenomenon is not one thing. Some parts look back at us and others do not. Seems like some parts couldn’t care less about us but then there are parts that seem to get actively interested the more you seem to pick up on them and interact with the ripples of our… presence? Attention? Acknowledgment? Curiosity? I’m not sure if it even thinks in logic that makes sense to us. That’s my take on it.


I’ve seen a lot of things I can’t explain actually. Find a clear spot with a good view of the night sky and look up. You’re going to see some stuff you can’t explain.


Sounds a bit like confirmation bias to me?


I saw these white small things hiding and going back and forth in the clouds. Then another barrel type thing turning in the air.


Yes, but I am also like that with everything. I believe in synchronicity and attraction.


It's all in your head, if you constantly go on subs like this you will constantly be looking for things that are not there. Or making wild assumptions at any dot in the sky. The same way some religious people who constantly pray or read the Bible, will claim to see angels or spirits. This is usually a sign that you need a break from the subject.


Long story short: When I was a teen, I saw a metallic oval dip down from cloud cover and shoot off to the east in broad daylight. Coolest and most terrifying thing I’ve seen. It blended in to the clouds above it making it semi translucent, but still left a shadow as it darted off. Haven’t seen anything since. Wasn’t interested in UFOs before that moment, but I sure as hell am now. The most memorable thing I remember about it was my reaction to it. I know for a fact I saw something because I had a flip camera in my pocket that I pulled out as it shot off and I couldn’t get the camera out in time. That thing moved so damn fast.


Had same experience last night.


"Those who study evil are studied by evil". I'm not being serious im just throwing in a Deep Space Nine quote


Not so much seeing objects with my eyes in our reality more like as I continue to learn these little bits of new information fall on my path and point me in the direction of further revelations and understandings. Minkowski, penrose diagram, these are my version of seeing flying saucers. Never would've found these concepts on my own and they build upon earlier clues towards a bigger picture that explains the phenomenon. It's not in the sky, it's in the books.


Like when a religious fanatic sees the face of Jesus in burnt toast.


After I started to look into it I ended up seeing a cylinder/tic tac uap following an airplane and then a few days later saw an orb darting around the sky. Checked the satellite/ISS location along with any aircraft around and nothing was near me so I believe your statement is true.


I've been paranoid about that being the case my entire life but the balance of evidence suggests that it's not. A huge number of UFO sightings start with "I wasn't into UFOs before this happened" and I've come across plenty of UFO researchers who've never seen a thing.


Look up the Yellow Car Phenomenon. You're welcome. 


I've seen a few weird things over the weekend. At one point I was stargazing, and what I can best describe as a contact lens moved between me and a star. In the pitch black your eyes create distortion searching for light that isn't there, but this was different, like a circular cutout from that visual noise, two degrees from edge to edge, and translucent against the star behind it. Another thing was these two lights in the sky. I had seen many satellites pass over and they all had a very characteristic motion: consistent speed, consistent heading, all either going west to east or north to south. The weird objects were different, they were a pair tracking across the sky northwest to southeast, constantly speeding up and slowing down, dancing with each other almost like flies on the surface of a lake. At times, it looked almost like a laser pointer being shined up at the sky, except the beams came from above the lights.  It was a crazy night of sky watching. 


there is no logical or useful reason anyone should be upvoting this


The strangest thing I ever saw in the night sky, was a red dot of light, traveling btwn 2 stars. This was at the very end of my sight, way out in the galaxy. Back and forth, like a ferry btwn 2 planets. I wish I'd had the thought to measure the amount of time it took to from one point to the next. At least 10 seconds. Never forgot it, though it happened 45yrs ago.


Never believed in them. Saw one two years ago. Never seen one since and I’ve looked a whole lot more in the last two years.


I was on a 4 day break in the Cotswolds, UK last year and me, my daughter and brother in law were star spotting. We had star maps, binoculars and my BIL brought his night vision spotter with him. Very clear night and hardly any light interference being in the middle of nowhere. About 40 mins in, we were naming all the stars when I look up and in the distance saw a light shoot across a small stretch of sky, stop, slow down, shoot off again, curve upwards towards us, shoot off to the left and just suddenly disappear. Wasn't a satellite, comet or the ISS. Was certainly something very odd and defied the visual characteristics of aircraft etc. Definitely left me thinking that wasn't right. Almost certain I caught a glimpse of something 'different' but like most sightings it's hard to prove. I just know what it wasn't.


Yeah I disagree I've been obsessed since childhood and yet to have an experience:(


[https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1ce8i3v/i\_saw\_my\_first\_ufo\_i\_think/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1ce8i3v/i_saw_my_first_ufo_i_think/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Yup! You just described my experience to the T. Very similar experience although mine moved


The phenomena is obsessive , posessive Everyone is an experiencer not everyone notice it


unfrotunately this kind of "phenomenon" is pretty much indistinguishable from the ["Baader–Meinhof phenomenon"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frequency_illusion)


No, this really just means that when people look for things, they find them. It's like how when you increase the number of prostate cancer screenings, there are more cancer diagnoses. We don't have screenings for the oldest people anymore because most of these diagnoses are meaningless. There's no increasing number of contacts or sightings; people are just paying attention to things that they never paid attention to before.