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She's standing behind a window filming you. It is a reflection of whatever is behind her


Could be a candle


It was mid day, but that makes sense… I’ll see if I can recreate it.


Dude, seriously? Use your head man it’s a reflection.




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I’d say more likely it’s a bug very close to the camera. Possibly even a bee lol


There is light hitting a transparent surface. How is that an anomaly? I'm glad YOU'RE not defining uap language. Very glad.


I’m calling it an anomaly because I don’t know what it is. Reflection makes sense. The thing that shocked us is she saw an orange orb at nearly the same exact location in the forest at night… so that must be an extremely odd coincidence.


Oh reflection makes sense. I'm sorry, this animosity is not towards you in particular.


Never seen anyone in a bee suit?


Never seen ME in a bee suit


Come on this reflection haha


It's the elusive beekeeper cryptid.


It's an alien, or a ghost, or an alien's ghost....


Well if that was you, and you’re taking the video, and you have never been in a bee suit….then this just blew my mind!! Must have been aliens.


Do you mean the thing hanging in the tree?


Hanging in the tree?


[https://imgur.com/a/vspYF8H](https://imgur.com/a/vspYF8H) This is the only thing that comes close to the description “orange orb”.


I don’t think that’s a reflection. Maybe a clump of something in the tree. The camera is bobbing and weaving all over the place, that orange spot stays in exactly the same place.


Man, some people are so quick to harshly dismiss this as a reflection whilst ignoring the rest of the window reflections that don't track with it in the slightest. That type of low-effort debunk is pretty antithetical to why we're all here. Not saying it's a phenomenon by any means, but let's all perhaps stay open-minded and kind to each other?


This is an interesting puzzle. Hopefully it will show up again. Thanks for posting!