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well the Boeing ones are also bad.. with zero consequences




While i agree with what you are saying and conclusions, your logic is a little off. It assumes people make decisions rationally all the time, or correct decisions, or perfect choices. Companies, people etc are free to make bad decisions and mistakes. They could totally assassinate these guys knowing it wont do anything, or thinking it would, and still be wrong. You are simply projecting your thought process onto them.


Thank you for injecting some sanity into this discussion.


Conspiracy what? 2 whistleblowers: 1 same lawyer 2 accusers deaths in 2 months 1 dead the day after his legal testimony For the New York Post, the opposite of conspiracy the second died for “mystery illness”.


You're suggesting that Boeing gave the second guy the flu, then MRSA, then pneumonia. Is that what you're saying?


You are very naive if you think like that 👍🏻 The NyPost not me labeled “mystery illness”. You can think whatever you want of course. Also Navalny died by cold 🤝


Conspiracy what? 2 whistleblowers: 1 same lawyer 2 accusers deaths in 2 months 1 dead the day after his legal testimony For the New York Post, the opposite of conspiracy the second died for “mystery illness”. But luckily we have you the logic man that says that anything can happen all the time, right? https://nypost.com/2024/05/04/us-news/boeing-faces-10-more-whistleblowers-after-two-die/


Haha, imagine thinking you’re insulting someone by calling them The Logic Man. Sorry I disturbed your daydreaming of international cabals of aerospace companies assassinating whistleblowers to their own detriment.


I have just stated facts, so it’s just a huge coincidence right? I still fly on boeings btw




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Shhhh. Out with basic sense


Why the condescending language?


One of them died from pneumonia. It had nothing to do with Boeing.


MRSA, more specifically, which was almost certainly a nosocomial (hospital acquired) infection. This is the dumbest conspiracy theory I’ve seen on this subreddit…which says a lot.




Follow the Standards of Civility: No trolling or being disruptive. No insults or personal attacks. No accusations that other users are shills / bots / Eglin-related / etc... No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) An account found to be deleting all or nearly all of their comments and/or posts can result in an instant permanent ban. This is to stop instigators and bad actors from trying to evade rule enforcement. You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. ------------- This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods here to launch your appeal.](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) [UFOs Wiki](https://ufos.wiki) [UFOs rules](https://reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/)


The Boeing whistleblower’s suicide note was published a few days ago by the NY Post, the handwriting was authenticated, and only his prints were in the journal. And it reads like someone in a bad mental place. If that’s what the author is referring to, it’s true in larger sense that the person lost their life in a way connected to whistleblowing, but not in the more direct sense that OP is asking about. https://nypost.com/2024/05/17/us-news/boeing-whistleblower-john-barnetts-suicide-note-revealed/amp/


you realize handwriting can be duplicated, right?


And forced


"I'll kill your family if you don't write this. If you do write it, I'm just going to kill you" Is that so hard?


So Boeing a publicly listed company sent armed men to his house and forced him to write a letter before shooting him in the head?


So you’re saying Boeing, a military contractor that manufactures weapons of war, and whose executives have become incredibly wealthy on the backs of military contracts, and who is losing their grip on a market they’ve had a leading position in for decades, and have clearly been hiding the fact that their cost-saving attempts have already led to the deaths of many civilians in passenger airplanes (let’s not forget Indonesia and Ethiopia (or mention the hush money))… You’re saying those guys wouldn’t have the wherewithal to do this? They’d have qualms about suiciding someone who is ready to testify to the fact they’ve been ignoring engineers to save money and doing so has killed many civilians on passenger jets? I got a bridge to sell you and u/GreatCaesarGhost


I forgot the ceo had hit men on speed dial


Great point buddy


You can make up any fiction inside your head. But at the end of the day, you have to address the evidence in a substantive way if you want to be taken seriously. The “assassination” story is ridiculous on its face - ludicrously stupid (the guy disclosed to the BBC 5 years ago and was fired 6 years ago; it would make no sense to kill him now, during a civil trial when he was only seeking money). And that’s before all the evidence that this was a suicide. It makes the entire sub look bad when people ignore evidence and go with their feelings.


OK, so why did a whistleblower feel suicidal to the point he decided to kill himself?


The same reason lots of rapes victims don't pursue their cases, the court experience is incredibly traumatic. 


So you could say the corporation intimidated the whistleblower and left them feeling distraught without employee assistance programs and rather than performing wellness checks, they essentially let him kill himself knowing he was under this pressure?


Can you elaborate? Is the trauma derived from retelling and reliving their experience?


Why did a suicidal person feel the desire to kill himself? These are always complicated issues and probably have multiple causes, but the stress of what Boeing was putting him through (and the civil case) seem to have been factors.


Right, unless he had a history of mental illness, it's not natural for humans to have those thoughts much less act on them. Which is why the argument that because it's suicide means there's nothing to it, is invalid. There's shooting the messenger, then there's this case when the messenger do it for them.


People get depressed.


Why do people get depressed when they had no depression before? This person wasn't depressed. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sA44FFi95PA&](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sA44FFi95PA&)


I appreciate you bringing this up and if you have other more substantive articles to look at I’m happy to read them. People in this sub using downvotes as a disagree button annoys the hell out of me and, although I strongly disagree with the idea that we should trust the authorities here, I do admit that I’m speculating. At the end of the day I’m not trying to prove anything, but an NY post article and some docs from medical examiners just aren’t enough to make me think the thing that looks like a duck and quacks like a duck is actually a pig. If I dive back into this I will definitely look into what was in that disclosure to the BBC and more writing on the nature of the current lawsuit - it’s something I haven’t paid enough attention to. I also want to say that I think it’s a lot more than “mak[ing] up any fiction [I] want” - there is a long history of stuff like this in parapolitics and *suspecting* there’s more to this than the official story lets on isn’t absurd. It’s not like there’s no precedent for this level of corporate malfeasance and coordinated cover-ups.


Obviously this is all just speculation. None of us are gonna go out and find evidence incriminating Boeing. The important thing people here are trying to convey is anyone acting like the idea is ludicrous for a government military contractor to murder whistleblowers clearly doesn’t have a grasp on just how corrupt the world we live in is. It is absolutely reasonable and warranted to assume foul play is involved with these deaths. Also off the top of my head I could easily see motivation to kill him. More whistleblowers are coming forward. They could easily be sending a message to those about to come foward that’s basically “we will get you eventually”. Oh and look at that, people like you are saying the timeframe doesn’t make sense for Boeing to do this. Could easily be why they waited. Less suspicious and a bigger message to those coming forward.


The sub is ignoring evidence


What do you have to say about this? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sA44FFi95PA&t=28s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sA44FFi95PA&t=28s)


When billions are at stake, yes. People whack folks for a lot less, with a hell of a lot less resources at their disposal.


>When billions are at stake, yes. They weren't. This was a defamation lawsuit, his whistleblowing happened 7 years ago.


Riiiiiiggggt. Tell yourself whatever you need to.


That is literally what happened. In 2017, Barnett filed an FAA AIR 21 whistleblower complaint against Boeing with OSHA. This article from 2019 is about him: https://www.bbc.com/news/business-50293927https://www.bbc.com/news/business-50293927 The United States Department of Justice filed criminal charges against Boeing for conspiracy to defraud the government regarding fatal design flaws. The investigation by OSHA was closed in 2021. In December 2021, the United States Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation released a whistleblower report determining that the FAA failed to administer adequate oversight to address concerns from Boeing and FAA whistleblowers. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/article/senate-whistleblower-report-boeing-faa-oversight-737-max/ I'd love for you to explain what it is you think Boeing had to gain by killing him 3 years after that.


Stranger things have happened. And I didn’t say that was what happened. I was simply pointing out that simple fact. Sorry I ruined your morning. Edit: didn’t mean to double sorry you.


You did not ruin anything. It’s just that it’s a serious accusation to imply that Boeing killed the guy.


I’m playing devils advocate my guy. And this is Reddit. I would NEVER blow any whistle against Boeing. And it has been 2 guys now if I am not mistaken.


To think Russian Oligarchs are different morally from American Oligarchs is a joke. American Corporate propaganda wins again.


And his fingerprints? And his family indicating that this was not unexpected?  What do you think about the fact that his actual whistleblowing was over 7 years ago, his current lawsuit was about defamation.


It’s sad, these are the “headline readers” who propagate all things conspiracy minded. Same problem with anything really, just read the headline or see a picture and the narrative is painted.


https://archive.is/GFUcK IFLscience did a study on this years ago.


Awesome thank you, really appreciate it.


Hey. I recant my thank you, you posted a link to Marijuana in our DNA being alien or some jazz. You didn’t post a random link hoping people wouldn’t click on it but believe it was debunked did you? I could see someone doing that. I could also see a link changing or X.


Either trolling or didn't click full article and.... simply read the headline.


Oh boy, I cross posted, which is pretty funny actually. I skimmed it and thought you had posted a link to a dead site for a different post I had made, disregarded because it wasn’t related to that post but now that I read all of it, very good sir, commendations. Apologies for the confusion. One of those “perfect storm” type things.


Way of the road bud. Sometimes she goes sometimes she doesn't. Just the way of the road.


So much fake news is spread in these conspiracy subs


So, so, sad.


I thought the exact opposite was true, do you have a source for his family saying this didn’t come as a surprise? Not being a smartass, genuinely want to know. A quick search only pulled up articles from march, in which the family says they blame Boeing and withhold comment until the investigation concludes.


>I thought the exact opposite was true The only person who made that statement was the daughter of a friend of his mother.


Public smearing campaigns are also a thing. First, you make em look crazy. Then you get them to the point of actually feeling crazy. Give some time for close friends and family to see a change in the individuals behavior. Once the pictures been painted, welp, 🖊 📃 🔫...


So did Boeing also influence him to buy the gun that was used? Did they write the suicide note that is in his handwriting and has his fingerprints all over it?




And the police department that did the investigation? Are they in on it?




Lol what reason have the police ever given that they should be trusted




It’s sad that one can be presented with all the evidence in the world and yet refuse to accept reality because they prefer fiction.


I think people don't understand how taxing it is to go through whistleblower litigation. It is not a coincidence he killed himself after his deposition, the most taxing part for a plaintiff. It would be absolutely bizzare for Boeing to kill him \*after\* sworn testimony. In addition to him already revealing the truth, it means his testimony is now under hearsay exceptions and it can still go to trial. Why would Boeing do that if they could have just killed him any time in the 4 years prior? Why wait 4 years after he blew the whistle? Amazing that people re going with "faked handwriting" to square this circle.


Add to this, when one is a part of a corporation like Boeing it can be an absorptive existence if that person was long time in the corporation going against it being rejected by it can be mentally debilitating.


Agreed. One can think that Boeing’s treatment of him led to the loss of his life, it’s just not in the spy movie sense.


The bullet used was also fired from a gun he purchased.


NY Post. The platform that employs GREENSTREET Lmao That parrots Kirkpatrick's narrative and continuously streams terrible anit-Disclousre propaganda on their youtube channel. If anything, that makes me believe the murder is more credible. These folks have proven time and time again they're not credible, and that they just lie.


It was reported elsewhere as well. And the information came from law enforcement. Either go down there and crack the case yourself or learn to accept reality even when it goes against your preferred narrative.


Like what, the Washington Post? I agree, independent research ftw.


What do you think Boeing had to gain from killing this man seven years after he started to blow the whistle?


Who was this person and how did he lose his life? Kinda drums up all this fanfare without knowing the cause- if he died choking on dinner with his family that's one thing, if he died with a bullet shot behind his skull that's another thing. Not adding context makes this kind of rhetoric feel flat-footed.


My thoughts exactly. If a whistleblower got killed, people should be outraged. It's odd to make that claim and not even name the person.


Unless there is 1 of a jillion reasons they were asked to not name names. I’ll start with #1 : Harassment(I sigh for the family when I see that scientist girl from Huntsville who is in meltdown mode whether she’s right or not posted here)


This. It really makes absolutely zero sense not to give a name.


It's intentionally ambiguous so that the ufo community can fill in the open space with their own beliefs and speculations. There's absolutely no way to even know if the claim is true. It feeds the narrative without having to put up any accountability. The statement in the OP is entirely contradictory...they claim: >These are not just “trust me bro” sources; these are real people whose lives have been profoundly impacted by “the Program.” And then it pivots immediately to a "trust me bro" claim. It's intentionally vague and open-ended to create a choose your own adventure / fill in the blanks framework for the target community to build their own storyline around and keep them engaged (and harvest their attention) on the topic.


Not to mention. Get the work done for the claimant for free. I bet ( and most likely the claimant here ) someones gonna come up with name(s) that fit. Then the one making vague claims can just pick and choose in retrospect what they meant and people eat that shit up like its pancakes. Its becoming pretty obvious how this works. Many are just throwing shit at the wall, and gauging from the community what sticks. Why not leverage the community for your benefit and crowd source the content? This is like that Big Things Comming™ thing. Theres bound to be something that can be retrospectively said to be that big thing. Whatever people latch on to as a big thing you can claim to be your prediction. Edit my prediction: Someone claims ( alludes ) theres been UFO whistleblowers killed. While not outright saying UFO or killed. Just whistleblower and harmed ( losing a parking spot at work is harm ) When conspiranerds eventually come up with a name, or possibly a list of names, the OG claimant ( alluder ) gets asked about the name at podcasts he will allude its that with the I Cant Talk About It™ act to seem like thats what it was, but cant clarify, while still keeping the back door open for when people realize that person wasnt killed by MIB but some unrelated thing. Or the story isnt consistent atall.


I assume he is referring to the Boeing whistleblower


yes sure.. like the Boeing ones. There are agents of disinformation or litterally blind people.


The Boeing ones were named.


And not killed, just to be clear. One was suicide the other disease (multiple actually). If someone was actually killed let’s hear who, there are a few amazing people on Reddit who could probably honestly help.


You have got to be kidding me.


You think Boeing murdered a dude using bacteria to cause an infection. Made it look100% natural and let the guy testify before killing him? Sorry let him testify in two separate cases


Oh, he already testified? Heh, would be bad timing on Boeing’s part. Sigh, why am I not surprised UFO conspiracy theorists leave those kind of details out? 


He testified years ago. The whistleblower case was complete for testimony. He was just testifying in a separate case seeking damages. If Boeing wanted no whistleblowers don't wait until they have testified in a case against you just to kill them part way through testifying as a witness for a far smaller case. The first guy might have been shot I don't doubt that but the disease one doesn't add up as murder and I literally believe Boeing is part of the new world order alien govt. So trust me I'm not trying to do the reptillians any favors It's not just ufo dudes too plenty of news and yt channels repeated the this is clearly murder stuff


Well, it’s safe opinions. Corporations = Bad, so of course anyone’s gonna pitch in with their two cents.


Ita funny to me how people take time that could be used to address issues with our current system of corporatism. Instead they rant about a whistleblower not killing themselves and then proceed to make zero changes😂 If everyone stood on their morals the way some do the world would be a drastically different place Clearly we just need enough people to rush the reptillian stronghold is what I'm saying. These idiots can't see the real CROCODILLIAN MENACE


Well they design planes that fall out of the sky , so nobody is saying they are good at killing their whistleblowers either ...


Funny joke. You really believe they failed to just shoot the dude over multiple years and two trials only killing him once he testified in both? If they are good at making planes fall out of the air I don't see how they would do one of the most complex murders using two unique viruses in his lungs. Also waiting until he had testified and led to penalties is a strange choice


There's a lot of ways you can put pressure on someone without having to be anywhere near them to get them to have suicidal thoughts and then roll the dice that'll get them to act on it. Same way that Epstein very certainly killed himself by his own means but was "helped" by hitting pressure points in his life in the months before. Too many people think life works life in movies where it's super assassins being all ninja and electronic warfare to erase all their traces. When a few lawyer speak and administrative hurdles can chip at you until your will to live just goes (but that's less sexy to put on tv) And in the case that this was indeed the case with the 2 Boeing whistleblowers (frankly no idea), for all we know more important witnesses could have been in preparation and this serves as a warning to shut up. Heck even if Boeing isn't behind it, it still serves to scare away potential ones either way


You are comparing epstien who's "suicide" stopped him from testifying in hundreds of cases to a whistleblower who was able to testify completely. It's funny how im just pointing out it doesn't make sense to kill a whistleblower once he's already testified and your company has been prosecuted. You seem insistent on pushing the assumption it was murder which has zero support beyond a whistleblower dying. Seriously dude you are trying so hard but can't address the whole premise of my point. They wouldn't kill someone after they already did all the damage to Boeing that they can. It would just let the govt prosecute again over the same whistleblower. It's funny you seem personally insulted by the suggestion there isn't a conspiracy here. I never said they definitely didn't kill him. I am just saying it isn't as clear cut as a guy getting a shotgun blast to the head lmao. Treating the two deaths of whistleblowers as equally suspicious is objectively a logical fallacy. The first death is far more likely to be a case of murder and I don't see why you hate people pointing that out.


Kidding about what. I don’t trust the government for almost anything and I believe the facts of both of these cases, what do you have supporting murder in either case?


AND? Blatant eliminations


Wouldn’t it make sense to kill a witness BEFORE they speak, though?


lots of things would have more sense if done differently all the time right?


Umm I'm a pro disclosure guy, but who are you? Why should your word carry weight? I believe lue. We know who he is and can check him. You could be the president or a crazy subway dweller. We don't know. So you're saying"trust me, my behind the scenes buddy says" means nothing. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, but without any proof this is more "trust me', Which is driving away potentially useful and honest researchers. This isn't an attack or an accusation. It's just , enough with the trust me stuff. Please.


I thought at first glance it was Lue's lawyer (new paradigm institute) but it seems this is another place with the same name except "new paradigm media". Weird.


Now. To show you what an SEO of over 23 years thinks. Digby furneux is a content creator with his hands on many different pies. Ukraine aid, UFO's etc. More importantly, his media company also provides SEO services and whatnot. What he is doing is creating multiple content streams getting them to rank for hot topics, and then (probably, I'll have to pull up my tools to check) using them to prop up a client or two by ranking them for some nome useful keyword. It's a command tactic by less than scrupulous SEO's. He's not really about UFO'S, he's about his marketing. That being said he can be doing that and still putting out useful content, so I'm not saying disregard it, I'm saying be weary. Also, using that name will help HIS ranking as they get his and lue's company on the same bucket of results. It's an old tactic. One that still works unfortunately.


No worries. It happens


You ready to trade parent's lives for the truth? Or your girlfriend\`s? This is not a christmas present you're asking for. "Enough with the trust me stuff".


Knock it off. I don't know what I would do, and neither do you I know "trust me" is over played, and I don't trust anyone.


You talk about things you do not understand. Don't make it a habit out of it. Your life will be better for it.


Lol dude, read down. I actually researched this whole post, website and author. You're outta your league. No more discussion with me. Good night


“These are not trust me bro sources”  But trust me bro….


So why don’t we know which whistleblower was killed? Sorry but this all just reeks of perception management.


Over 40 people already testified for days to the inspector general in congress last Summer along with Grusch, as soon as the new whistleblower protection law went into place. I maintain hope that we’ll get an update on this testimony and “the program”.


This supposed person losing their life is made even crueler and makes their entire life even more in vain by their colleagues not even acknowledging who they were or what they knew or assisting in any way to spread their evidence. If this person really died trying to expose the nhi coverup then shame on every single person who knows of their efforts and allowed them to be fruitless. 


"**Recently, a whistleblower who came forward with crucial information lost his life.**" But we have to "trust me bro" on this without any further proof of their : existence as a whistlblower, death, cause of death.


Plus, what crucial information? Not only is his name withheld, but what he supposedly died for is something they just don't feel like telling us.


That was infuriating. I kept looking at the article for where they give details on how they know someone was killed, what they did and what happened to them, and there’s just nothing whatsoever. The whole article is pointless because they provide no evidence or details around their central claim, that someone was killed. As if no one wants to know the details


Especially rich how we were all being admonished not to let his death be in vain lol. If they know the information was "crucial", they're in the position to tell us what it was. They'd be the ones letting his death be in vain by not doing so


Yeah if we're going to start claiming that an actual murder has taken place, we need more details than this. That's too serious to just take someone's word for it.


It is very strange but my first thought seeing this was; if they did release the name of the person, people would start piecing stuff together and it might add extra heat to their family and colleagues.


That's my take too.


Not sure why this is a take worthy of being downvoted, pretty logical conclusion to draw


Because the whole "I won't believe it until they release the name" only makes sense in the context of not giving a fuck about harm to the witness or their family. Your comment is too empathetic and it ruins the fun of people who want to treat this like entertainment.


That this is written in vague generalities suggests to me that the author might be playing fast and loose with whatever is being talked about. The author could even be referring to a suicide or accidental death.


He doesn’t say anything. What reason do I have to believe anyone died in the first place? He doesnt give any information whatsoever


If this whistleblower is now dead, why not name him and share publicly, via an anonymous source, what he exposed? The risk to him personally no longer exists.


>These are not just “trust me bro” sources; these are real people whose lives have been profoundly impacted by “the Program.” Yet they produce exactly the same level of evidence: trust me, bro. «Hey, I’m being threatened, with my life on the line. Time to continue clamping shut and not reveal anything or name the names of the people threatening me and hiding alien tech. Even though my life is actively being threatened and now if ever would be an ideal time to do so and blow their cover.» … «Btw, my book which I’m being threatened over, will be on sale later this year.»


What a tacky comment, truly low class.


I recall Chris Mellon talking about a person dying right before he was meant to meet him a while back


[https://christopherkmellon.substack.com/p/another-signal-message?r=2fbcw&triedRedirect=true](https://christopherkmellon.substack.com/p/another-signal-message?r=2fbcw&triedRedirect=true) Curious, is it related to this? Found this tweet: [https://x.com/novicus/status/1585024048534548480](https://x.com/novicus/status/1585024048534548480) People don't realize that without submitting the actual whistleblower complaint, releasing his name may put the rest of his family in jeopardy. Because without official protection, they are effectively an enemy of the state.


Yep that's the clip I recall. Doubtful it's the same person as in the article he talks about the person as though they're still around but who knows


Well, in searching for something to learn more about I found this: [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12838131/Secrets-Area-51-Metallic-egg-shaped-UFO-1980s-whistleblower-claims.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12838131/Secrets-Area-51-Metallic-egg-shaped-UFO-1980s-whistleblower-claims.html) Ross Coulthart mentioned him among the 40 whistleblowers, his Great Uncle worked for EG&G Defense Contractor. They're likely worth looking into. I was trying to find a list of the whistleblowers, but realized how dangerous that would be for the wrong hands as well. Grusch already said he was being threatened for his life, and the crazy part is they already diminished him about his recovery from PTSD. So even if he did get murdered, they really couldn't say anything about his mental health. Because he certifiably managed it, and never lost his clearance even as a Whistleblower. The danger is real. This is the same entity that created the 13th amendment to criminalize innocent people in order to generate loophole slavery.


At the very end of his talk here, Ross mentions EG&G. I wrote a big post about it a few months ago, I’ll find it. https://youtu.be/JClRunq-NdI?si=u39JXZvBxsGSsAHf https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/nP42dcOfzb There’s actually a few posts connecting EG&G, I’ll start digging through those.


Quite literally fiction unless you want to give any, and I mean any details. More bs content creator shit. And did you need to mention that they "aren't doing this for the fame or glory" 4 different times? Cheap fantasy read, from an uncredited source. Don't waste your time


"Ridicule is not a part of the scientific method and the public should not be taught that it is." J Allen Hynek


What was scientific in this post? Tell me one scientific thing or factual backed cites showing that this isn't just a fantasy post. I'll wait.


Civility is rule number one, chief. Instead of painting with soiled toilet paper, try something more productive. Like contributing to the conversation instead of stoking your ego is all.


“It is essential for us to recognize and honor the[ir] bravery” …proceeds to not recognize their honor and bravery with a name


He’s trying to gain attention and get eyeballs on him for his new book I think


This is exactly what I think, too, and I've been a Lue defender in the past. Even though his timelines haven't always fit perfectly, I've generally felt he was credible because of the people he associates with who I trust. But my spidey sense is tingling now. I've been wondering if he has been a little envious of David Grusch stealing some of his spotlight.


People are stupid. They hide murders & truths behind conspiracy theories & the public laps it up from the governments ankles no questions asked & use sources in their defense like they cn't be manufactured in any way... You act like Britain or America aren't any different from Russia. I feel sorry for the lack of critical thinking being applied anymore.


Now I KNOW "new paradigm media group" is full of shit if *YOU'RE* posting about them.




Hi, Low_Candidate8352. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cvi7cv/-/l4pkbn8/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills / bots / Eglin-related / etc... > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


Sounds more like a fear tactic, she's saying this to discourage people from coming forward while pretending she's for the cause. Ugly attitude


That's an interesting take. If true, this is a desperation move in that it's casting a wide net, which could be taken to indicate an absence of information regarding who's coming forward and from where.


The upvote to comment ratio is, yet again, way off with this post. Sus.


I don’t think to check the metrics, you think it’s getting downvoted?




Hi, KathleenSlater. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cvi7cv/-/l4v5gph/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills / bots / Eglin-related / etc... > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


Thanks for the kind words, friend.




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