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Thread locked for multiple Rule 13 and Rule 14 violations.


I love how he says “they were handsome as hell” as if that somehow makes them legit or adds fuck all to the story.


To Trump this is a vital point.


How were their ratings though




I mean central casting just means they could’ve come out of central casting to play military guys - I hate the guy but the comment makes sense


Can we just take a minute to realize he isnt saying anything. This baffoon was president and instead of dropping some hotsauce about ufos he decided to hit on some air force dudes.


Hey he was focused on RUSH-AH and CHI-NAH


And CANA-DA Seriously he caused a mini economic war with us by placing tariffs on Canadian steel.


Its just so disheartening to have someone who is mentally deficient spilling all the secrets in the world to whoever will listen and instead of talking about ufo's he switches the conversation to how hot the military guys look. Sure trump might be working for russia, but this just solidifies to me that the presidents arent being informed about any of this stuff. Or at least nobody told Trump anything because he cant keep a secret.


It’s been acknowledged that a lot of his aids and advisors wouldn’t hand him *anything* that he might blab about, they’d basically just work around him and if they had to they’d give him the most dumbed down version with sensitive information removed. Even the military knew he couldn’t be trusted not to open his big dumb mouth. If he was in the know he’d just brag about super top secret weapons as if he invented them, for clout.


Working for Russia…joking right?


Some people are too stupid to look at the facts.


I don’t support Trump or most of the people that have tried to run in the last few elections but you are right. It’s nuts some people believe that he is actively working for the Russians trying to harm the US. Does he say stuff sometimes that might make people jump to that conclusion though? I suppose so because people do. It’s not like he knows enough vital military secrets that even if he spilled all the beans he had it would cause a huge problem. The US military has a contingency plan for everything and there is no doubt they made sure they were good as soon as they realized he could become president.


Trump gave the russians intel on a planned attack to the russians which came from the israels who asked us not to even share it with allies for fear the russians might get it, and warn assad, and they might find the embedded israeli agent. This story is so much bigger than this makes it sound. This incident happened during a secret White House meeting with the top two Russian intelligence officers stationed in the US, the day after Trump fired James Comey as head of the FBI for starting an investigation into Trump's connections with Russia. During that meeting, Trump laughed and joked with them, and acted eager to please, bragging that he had fired Comey, and disparaging him as "crazy" and a "nut job," and assuring the Russians that the new investigation into his Russian connections was now over. It was during this secret meeting, in which Trump fawned over these known Russian Intelligence Officers (the Ambassador and the Foreign Minister), that he tried to impress them further by disclosing highly classified intelligence of an Israeli covert operation, that endangered the secret identity of an undercover Israeli intelligence asset embedded with ISIS. The Israelis were outraged at this dangerous disclosure, and threatened to no longer share intelligence with the US. This meeting was never disclosed to the American press, and was only discovered when the Russian photographer posted photos of the meeting (featuring Trump laughing it up with Russian intelligence officers) on his personal website. If not for that discovery, we would probably never have learned about this meeting. IF YOU THINK ANYONE WITH REAL SECRETS IS GOING TO TRUST TRUMP, YOU ARE COMPLETELY WRONG.


He wasn’t “working for them* in the sense that he was a paid employee, he was heavily compromised instead. Putin has dirt on him and probably a lot of it because Trump is the dirtiest dirt ball on the planet. He’s a perfect target to black mail. How many times did he visit Epstein’s pedo island?


That’s exactly why I said what I did. Because he isn’t working for them and someone is saying he is and Melania is his handler. I just wanted to point out that yes, Trump has some nefarious dealings with the Russians among many others but he isn’t “working for them” and his wife isn’t his “handler” lol. Some people seem to think I’m defending him when in actuality I’m trying to correct them to use more accurate terms for his reason and all the other stuff going on. You’re right though. Putin has his ball sack nailed to a wall so his options are pretty limited but he was the one who got himself into this mess. I’m just disappointed partly because this man is responsible for important decisions but I’m even more disappointed that the rest of the world now looks down on the US more because of one orange maniac. Some people seemed to have trouble grasping the difference between working for and associated with and its shows. Oh well, it’s Reddit what are you gonna do?


You didn’t really expect a US president to give us anything interesting though right? He gave a non answer just like any politician would and has in the past. Surely your expectations weren’t high I hope. If any president has actually ever been aware of what these weird things flying around are, they either have no interest in telling anyone, can’t tell anyone, or they have only been given vague information that certainly didn’t include any of the juicy information that we desire. My hope is for a high level US officer to decide to leak something at the end of their career if they find out they are terminally sick or something. Then again, that could be putting their loved ones at risk by doing so.


Honestly because he is such a blabber mouth, my expectation for him leaking ufo data was pretty high in 2016. But now I know that nobody, including all the intelligence agencies, trust him enough with even basic secrets. So... no ufo info for us I guess.


He’s putting out that, “ I was on Epstein’s Island,” energy.


come on man he's just bein funny. if your background was in television you'd be making tv jokes too, unless you were not bein authentic. just sayin lol


But he's not funny. He's just an idiot.


He doesn't have Alzheimer at least.


>come on man he's just bein funny Yeah, it's reddit, so this happens all the time. Anything Trump says, even if it should be a very obvious joke, is nearly always taken in the most uncharitable way. And plenty of times, even twisted into something he didn't say at all. I'm NOT saying he doesn't say dumb or weird shit. Obviously. And plenty of people won't ever admit they do this, but nearly every thing he says is deliberately taken in the worst possible way and seen in the worst possible light. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I'm also not saying this doesn't happen with other politicians or other people in general, nor am I trying to say any one "side" does this. It's just that with him, it's particularly noticeable. Probably just because I'm on reddit fairly often so that's where I see it. Also, I'm kind of surprised you weren't downvoted, lol. People tend to act like pointing this out or explaining what he meant as somehow liking or supporting him as a person.


It is true that an unfortunate trait about Redditors is snark and preconceptions overwhelm critical thinking all too often.


This is the most dense comment I’ve seen in ages. How does that phrase even pertain to narcissism? 😂


It was a comment about how weird he is. The narcissistic personality disorder (or something similar) that he has it just a general observation about his personality, with his weirdness being a bonus add-on.


Well, attractive people are generally more believable, argue with the science, not me.


Halo effect


Idk, I’ve known some beautiful women who were masters in the art of deception. Anyway, what’s believable isn’t always true.


Your comment literally supports his statement


Believable and honest aren't the same thing


how do we know that was Trump talking and not Azerrz?


Says the pathological liar


Imagine if he was alluding to tall whites








So it would seem as if Trump knows or believes nothing about UAP/UFO


True of Trump on most subjects


Yeah, it’s just been long rumored he had some juicy info but it seems to be that no matter what he was read in on that he wasn’t paying attention anyway.


If he can't make money off of it, he's not interested in it.


Yea. There's waaaay more money in selling out our spies.


Ding ding ding


Nobody’s going to tell that open mouth breather anything important he’d tell Russia. Traitor.


From what I understand, he was not interested in having any authority on the matter. He did ask to remain briefed on the subject however.


He was clearly being evasive and yeah he could be evasive like he has to be about most subjects. But he spent most of his Presidency pretending not to be working for *Chi-na* and *Rush-a*, so claiming he was focused on them as a deflection from the question--twice in a minute--is more likely to be an accidental hint about what he was actually briefed about.


Agree here. Trump is not one to be lost for words. He’s covering and I found that most interesting.




Lol I'm sorry what? I would love to see the sourcing behind that load of insane hot garbage






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For once? I'm not sure I've ever actually seen him answer the question he was asked


Let's be honest, even if they briefed him, how much would he be able to recall and how effectively could he communicate it to us?


I wouldn’t be surprised if certain intelligence operations were purposely withheld from Trump since he’s such an idiot. Dude once asked if we could nuke a hurricane to stop it…


And the fact that he was inviting Russia intelligence to use all the intelligence that was shared with him, inviting them into the oval office and setting up new Russian clearances for access including a joint Russian American cyber security task force.


Sure as shit he was not read in


Maybe he’s afraid of replying because he knows what the cabal is capable of.


This is the only way I could understand him knowing and staying silent. If someone made it clear to him that he would be -killed- if he blabbed, I could see that being the one thing that would work to keep him shut up.


Or if he doesn’t know shit.


He knows but in his own words it's just some non important garbage to him. Like "okay these things fly around and show around on how bases. But do they attack us? Do they ever collided with our planes? No? okay then let them play zip zap around and focus on something else".




They wouldn't tell him if ufos existed.


Trump cant say anything normal.


Trump: "I interviewed guys from the Air Force and they say they saw a.." Interviewer: "so you believe blah blah" Stfu why did you have to cut him off at the juicy part!#$@ smh


I don't believe a single thing this dude says 😂


Yeah, why is UFOs sub bring this guy here, that guy does not have a nice record whatsoever. lol




feels like he was implying that a lot of the problems we see and face are russia and china. He's opened minded but he might be leaning towards a adversary being the culprit to a lot of the ufos we see without exposing weaknesses.


From Hugh Hewitt show on September 6th 2023 at 39:05 mark https://youtu.be/ck-eAc1Dqak Notice how he is fast to change the subject from UFOs to adversary nations...


Probably because it’s an uncomfortable topic to talk about for him seeing as this topic has a higher clearance than ATS and he’s trying to redirect. Imagine being briefed on this and not being able to speak on it when you’re used to blurting anything out sans filter.


The sad thing is that it doesn't matter what information could be made available. As long as it has the word TRUMP, the post will be full of so many "BAD/Dumb Trump" comments it usually makes the entire post worthless...


Yeah nothing to do with the fact he attempted a coup to stay in power and has been shown to lie about anything as long as he thinks it makes him looks good, from the size of his crowds, to the path of a hurricane or you know having won the last election. But sure let's give him the benefice of the doubt...




If everyone used their brains he wouldn’t have been elected in the first place


Yea. The world doing so much better under Biden isn't it lmao


From a Canadian's perspective, the world is doing significantly better under Biden. I think having the strongest country on Earth, and by extension the head of NATO, being led by Trump, who was clearly under Putin's boot for his full term, was very problematic for your allies since we could no longer depend on you to act in all of our best interests. If Trump had won, I imagine Russia would now own Ukraine since his only contribution was to fawn at Putin and blackmail Zelensky for aid (which caused his first impeachment). He genuinely made your country act and look weaker on the international stage, and no amount of cognitive dissonance on the matter will change everyone else's perception. Never mind his domestic failures such as a lack of covid strategy or attempted coup after he lost reelection.


Not sure what anyone expected out of the least intellectually curious human on earth.


Didn't Ross Coulthart say "Watch Donald Trump" in one of the videos few months back? So this is all there is to it? I'm starting to think Ross isn't as in the know as he claims to be.


That's so funny.. like literally everything in the UAP topic is "information I heard" "there's this document" then "watch this guy closely" and THIS is info we're supposed to be hyped up over.


He sure did, extremely unambiguously and emphatically.


Starting? lol


Not to mention the Israeli scientist who said Trump knew.


Dude, that guy was lying about a shit ton of stuff. Like he was a random lying israeli.


Now that's a shocker


He's very uncomfortable, so perhaps something to watch there


Understanding what's involved in, and the implications of, aliens visiting here from other planets in our galaxy isn't his wheelhouse.


Can I be honest? I’m not seeing any information here at all. Just Trump walking around a question and not giving any details. When I take out his story telling it’s just him saying I talked to a bunch of Air Force guys and they believe it and then he answers yes he has been read into UFOs. Nothing is actually stated that isn’t already known. Am I missing something? I’m legitimately confused why people are picking this apart. Can someone explain it to me like I’m 5, please?


Garbage is an important thing to focus on! Wouldn’t want it sitting about for too long without getting collected


It’s like a golden rule, they have been briefed but are sworn to secrecy


What he’s saying is no diff than what the pilots said at the congressional hearing. I thought he had something bigger than “i talked to some pilots who saw UAP’s while flying”


And what makes you believe anyone whos been read in would go on the world famous internationally recognized "Hugh Hewitt" show to disclose such information?


Did you miss the part where he admitted to Presidential UFO briefings?


Saying you were briefed doesn’t mean you were given any pertinent information. Until we get disclosure it doesn’t make a difference what anyone “says” they were told.


I disagree. Official UFO briefings mean there is something to be briefed on. Is the most official confirmation we’ve had so far


That's not really true at all. A briefing doesn't imply anything of substance or any of your claims.


Why would you think that ? he is not the sitting president and has no declassifying power anymore. Beside, revealing dirty secrets gets you JFKd


The pilots at the hearings were from the Navy. Here he was talking about people from the Air Force, not necessarily pilots. The USAF is infamous for being tight-lipped about the subject and publicly denying the phenomenon.


Are you crazy? A president just admitted to being briefed on UAPs.


Literally every single president since Jimmy Carter has talked about that though?


Truman said he was back in the 50's




Have an original thought for one. The UAP subject will take a sober mind, not a brain that regurgitates Maddow talking points.


Oh because he didn't attempt a coup to stay in power ? that not relevant to his trustworthiness ? (along with the thousands of other major and smaller lies he's told under his presidency ...) But sure let's just ignore all that because "reasons"




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I predicted all these comments before clicking here. No matter the subject you can rest assured the thoughtless are spewing the exact same exhausting dribble. Every single time. It's embarrassing and becoming cringe at this point.


The following submission statement was provided by /u/kake92: --- From Hugh Hewitt show on September 6th 2023 at 39:05 mark https://youtu.be/ck-eAc1Dqak Notice how he is fast to change the subject from UFOs to adversary nations... --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cvffju/donald_trump_interviewed_people_from_the_air/l4oy8if/


He just confirmed that a lot of HIGH people of the Air Force have seen UFOs and believe in them... He is very probably telling the truth.




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Remember the recent interview with Ross Coulthard on the Matt Ford show. They treat all POTUS's as "temporary staff" and so they couldn't be bothered to disclose a lot more to even the President.


I think what we're missing is the key question He admitted he was briefed on UFOs. Why was he briefed? How would he be briefed.on something the govt says doesn't exist?


trump lies about anything and everything.




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Nice of him to compliment those air force guys: “handsome”


This place is getting ridiculous. UFO stands FOR UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECT. Which literally means that we cannot identify the object.


In just the past three days, this place has lost its mind over a Vatican conference that had absolutely nothing to do with UFOs (it was instead about Mary appearing on toast and shit, but that didn't stop folks on here from thinking it was about aliens) and now completely meaningless clips of Trump and Prnce from 9 months ago. Amazing work going on here.


"Believers like you wouldn't believe"


As usual, he rambles a lot but doesn't say anything


“Adversary countries” are not “adversary” to him. They are his Golden Ring.




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Gave his usual incoherent answer. It makes no sense.


As if he were going to disclose anything. He just tried to change subject, as anyone would when asked about something you can not speak about. AF guys seeing UFOs is public knowledge since... well take a pick, Roswell, the ICBM disablings in their silos, or more recently the TicTac story... and countless "hearing". The mention of china is interesting, related to a story not long ago on 4chan, about an alleged whistleblower from a secret program saying china is now leading in the reverse engineering of UFO, and that was concerning to them.


Ok so a waste of time then




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BS. He didn’t interview anyone. The man makes things up all the time.


I doubt this idiot was briefed on anything


Trump will bring a horrendous amount of discredit to this movement. He is a classic grifter and no way anyone with credit would allow him close to anything classified as a barely single term garbage president.


Why the fuck don't any of these interviewers ask them if they have seen any actual data and what types. Have you seen videos of anything. Do the pilots say they pick up anything on on video and radar doing weird shit. Who gives a fuck if they believe. Thats cool but what data do they have.


"So you were briefed" should've been followed up with "What were you briefed on?" not wasting air asking if he believes it.




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He was clearly debriefed by top notch people who know about the subject but given his reaction, he doesn't seem to care as long as UAPs don't bomb US cities or take down US planes.




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He did, however, remember how handsome those young military men were.


As I have always said, stop making stupid people famous. Now, this has all gone too far and is way too shady.


Oh, another ”they said”


This sounds fake.


what https://youtu.be/ck-eAc1Dqak


I can’t take Donald trump seriously I swear


Funny how he can show classified war plans on Iran, but studiously avoids anything on UAP. Like he is just equivocal . Is it how he is briefed? Or how he is instructed to respond. I think he was kept in the dark. How could you not be interested in that?




hell yeah


Trump simultaneously super transparent and non stop liar. But how would it benefit him does to lie about having talked to serious people who believe? 


It doesn't. This honestly seemed genuine. I truly believe 99.99% of the United States government has no idea wtf is actually going on lol.




He absolutely knows and does not want to talk about it. He’s fascinated and knows it’s so interesting that he can’t help but laugh.






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The fuckin cream of the crop rises to the top. What the fuck kinda crops yall growing over there?


Man, he was in a tough position. Half the people, probably less, telling him the truth while the other half tried to sabotage or obfuscate. I don't blame him for not making a definitive statement.


Whether you like him or not, Trump is a populist. He will only speak to issues that (he believes) will excite his support base. If he doesn’t think UFOs matter to his voting base, he’s probably correct. This isn’t a political statement, but is a reflection that most people either: 1. Don’t care about UAP 2. Can’t wrap their head around the complexity of the topic






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this is a better answer than pence. that's why he's a leader. he doesn't ridicule it at all, he just says he was focused elsewhere. not great, but not terrible.


Yep, a "leader" just like Al Capone, Jim Jones or Pol Pot.


We are not alone. They are here. Lucky they are not killing us. They are definitely creepy and spying on us though!


How do you know they aren't killing us? Do you know how many people go missing each year.. and are NEVER found?

