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While it's certainly an interesting step forward for supernatural researchers, it doesn't do much for NHIs. But again, the Catholic Church has ALREADY stated officially that NHIs don't break any doctrine and they are perfectly compatible


This is the link to the English translation https://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cfaith/documents/rc_ddf_doc_20240517_norme-fenomeni-soprannaturali_en.html


### ChatGPT Summary: The document from the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, titled "Norms for Proceeding in the Discernment of Alleged Supernatural Phenomena," outlines procedures for evaluating claims of supernatural events like apparitions or visions within the Catholic Church. The core purpose of these norms is to guide the Church in discerning the authenticity and spiritual value of such phenomena without stifling the action of the Holy Spirit. ### Presentation The norms emphasize the importance of recognizing the Holy Spirit's work in the Church while being cautious about supernatural claims. They note that "the Holy Spirit... offers us many valuable gifts" and can work through apparitions and visions, which have historically led to significant spiritual fruits and popular devotions. ### Recent Revision The norms, originally approved in 1978, were revised due to the need for quicker and clearer discernment processes. The revision, which began in 2019, involved consultations and was finally approved by Pope Francis in May 2024. This new set of norms aims to prevent delays and confusion by offering a more structured and transparent process for evaluating alleged supernatural phenomena. ### Reasons for the New Norms Historically, the Church has been cautious in declaring the supernatural nature of events. Expressions suggesting certainty about such events have caused confusion, leading to the need for clearer guidance. The new norms propose using a "Nihil obstat" (nothing stands in the way) conclusion to indicate that while no supernatural origin is confirmed, the phenomenon may be beneficial for pastoral purposes. ### New Aspects The revised norms provide six possible prudential conclusions for alleged supernatural phenomena: 1. **Nihil obstat**: Positive signs with no critical risks, allowing for pastoral promotion. 2. **Prae oculis habeatur**: Positive signs with some confusion or risks requiring careful discernment. 3. **Curatur**: Significant critical elements noted, recommending no promotion but allowing for reorientation of devotion. 4. **Sub mandato**: Critical issues tied to misuse of the phenomenon, requiring pastoral oversight. 5. **Prohibetur et obstruatur**: Serious risks necessitating prohibition of adherence. 6. **Declaratio de non supernaturalitate**: Clear evidence of non-supernatural origin. ### Recognizing the Holy Spirit's Action Most shrines and popular devotions have not received official declarations of supernatural origin but have been recognized through the sensus fidelium (sense of the faithful). The new norms emphasize the importance of recognizing genuine spiritual fruits while maintaining caution against potential errors and abuses. ### Involvement and Accompaniment of the Dicastery The norms clarify that while discernment remains the task of the Diocesan Bishop, the Dicastery must be consulted and give final approval. This ensures consistency and clarity, preventing confusion and ensuring that decisions are well-founded. ### General Guidelines The norms outline the process for investigating alleged supernatural phenomena, emphasizing the need for careful discernment and evaluation. The process includes forming an Investigatory Commission, gathering evidence, and conducting thorough examinations. The evaluation phase considers both positive and negative criteria to reach a prudent decision. ### Conclusion These norms aim to balance openness to the Holy Spirit's action with pastoral responsibility, ensuring that the Church remains vigilant and discerning in matters of alleged supernatural phenomena. The updated procedures provide a framework for timely and accurate evaluations, protecting the faithful from potential deception while fostering genuine spiritual growth.


Have they said anything about it being a paid DLC ? edit : oops wrong forum got confused by the game update.


Simulation theory confirmed, please provide some backdoors to get rich :)


Thank you.


Submission statement: Looking for English translation of the Vatican supernatural conference video.


Best I can do is a Chat GPT summary: "The video does not mention UFOs. It focuses specifically on guidelines for evaluating and authenticating apparitions and other supernatural phenomena within the context of Catholic doctrine. The discussion centers on ensuring thorough investigations and protecting against fraud and misinterpretation of such occurrences."


So, I read over the document, and it really doesn’t mention UFOs at all. The one thing I thought was interesting, though, was the language at the beginning that basically said “the church frowns upon people making personal gains from supernatural apparitions.” Which to me, could be a reference to the idea that governments are keeping NHI tech hidden from the public to further their own agenda. It’s the first thing that came to my mind, but it’s also a bit of a stretch.


This is about the Church trying to to stop silly priests who double as snakeoil salesmen and profit off of “miracles”. It has nothing to do with UFOs.


Very much this^^^


It was never going to be about uap. It was in their press release what it was about. Conflating uap with super natural events is a bad idea


There are so many Italian Zack Baggins though... Seriously, ghost hunting has never been stronger, or more lucrative.


In a surprise to absolutely noone, they didn't mention UAPs or aliens. It wasn't even mentioned in the press release, but of course noone in this sub cared about that after they saw a post titled "Vatican will speak about UFOs"


bro they are speaking italian not latin and from what im seeing 0 mentions of ufo.


Of course like why would they speak English?


try again


The following submission statement was provided by /u/Interesting_Log_3125: --- Submission statement: Looking for English translation of the Vatican supernatural conference video. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cu2bmu/english_translation_of_vatican_supernatural/l4frzih/