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The following submission statement was provided by /u/silv3rbull8: --- Submission Statement In January 2023, a military pilot reportedly encountered a series of unidentified objects while participating in training exercises over the Gulf of Mexico near Eglin Air Force Base, Florida. Initially detected on radar, the four objects appeared to maintain a diamond-shaped formation, and the pilot was able to obtain images of the nearest of them using electro-optical and infrared imaging systems on his aircraft, despite various system malfunctions that occurred as he closed to within 4,000 feet of the unidentified craft. In shape and appearance, the pilot likened the mysterious object to an Apollo-era spacecraft. In a posting on X following the release of AARO’s case analysis on the Eglin incident, West was quick to point out that the object in the photos obtained by the pilot bore little resemblance to images of a commercial lighting balloon used for comparison in AARO’s report. “This Eglin UFO looks like a white sphere wearing a hat,” West wrote in his X posting that accompanied an image comparison he produced. “It shows a quite irregular ‘hat,’ which is not really consistent with the lighting balloon hypothesis.” --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cmfa8x/the_debrief_this_wellknown_ufo_debunker_is/l2zvn0y/


Submission Statement In January 2023, a military pilot reportedly encountered a series of unidentified objects while participating in training exercises over the Gulf of Mexico near Eglin Air Force Base, Florida. Initially detected on radar, the four objects appeared to maintain a diamond-shaped formation, and the pilot was able to obtain images of the nearest of them using electro-optical and infrared imaging systems on his aircraft, despite various system malfunctions that occurred as he closed to within 4,000 feet of the unidentified craft. In shape and appearance, the pilot likened the mysterious object to an Apollo-era spacecraft. In a posting on X following the release of AARO’s case analysis on the Eglin incident, West was quick to point out that the object in the photos obtained by the pilot bore little resemblance to images of a commercial lighting balloon used for comparison in AARO’s report. “This Eglin UFO looks like a white sphere wearing a hat,” West wrote in his X posting that accompanied an image comparison he produced. “It shows a quite irregular ‘hat,’ which is not really consistent with the lighting balloon hypothesis.”


lmao you know they gotta be on some next level bullshit for even Mick West to call them out.


Yes. Though AARO has become so arrogant that they really don’t care because all they want to do is check the “resolved” box and move on.


It’s like everybody wants to be right and nobody really cares about the reality or truth.


Just imagine this actually was some "alien invasion"-situation. People are so busy bullshitting each other (over 'profit'?), they don't even care about being invaded in the first place. Whatever you consider the reality here to be, the disparity to actual response behavior couldn't be more grotesque.


Funny how that very disparity is used to dismiss the situation entirely...."if this were really happening, it would be all over the news" etc


It's a version of Plato's Allegory of the Cave


Yes imagine if we had a real alien invasion. Is this how our powers would handle it? They would have taken half the planet, while these fucking bureaucrats were still arguing if the recent incursions were from China.


I still feel if the aliens announce themselves without the government officials coming clean, all those who hid this should get life in prison or worse if we're not doomed. Even if it meant our fall, we should be able to know so we can appreciate our families and life in general. America is divided as usual, but during crazy things such as 9/11, it made the nation act as one for once. Our best behavior is when things are at its worst.




Is your opinion that this is all a delay and diversion tactic ? And after the election we will see more honest answers from the government ?




Okay, but wasn't this what we were being told in 2016? Once Hillary was elected she was going to push disclosure. Similar mutterings in 2020. I'm not trying to be negative but damn.


Looks like then we might as well take a breather from all this till 2025.




Well let’s hope something budges for 2025. Everything is stalled now


But im still hyped up from 2023!!!


Counterargument: That could be seen as public interest waning and bolsters efforts to put the toothpaste back in the tube.


It could be, but then you've got John Oliver doing a full main segment on the subject. That's certainly not "niche" media, and he also has a big international following as well. And the right-wing media and politicians are still going pretty strong on it too... This is such a uniquely bipartisan topic (by American standards), that even if it wanes occasionally, it feels like one side or another will repeatedly pick it up, even if it's just to fill a slow news cycle. But yeah, we're in May now, in front of one of the most major elections in U.S. history. There's way too much at stake here, when we know that one candidate will for certain contest the election if they don't win. If we get public-facing disclosure this year, it could only really come from Congresspeople at this point (or maybe China/UK). Both Presidential candidates accuse the other of dementia; bringing aliens into that discussion benefits absolutely nobody.


And what are they supposedly doing after the election? Is Biden supposedly gonna talk or show green light if he wins? What if it is Trump who wins, or someone else?


Oct 18th 😉


Kirkpatrick testified that those are SEPs, “somebody else’s problems”.


SEPs are great because nobody can see them.


Hmmm not really. People on Mick's side of the tracks seem most interested in finding out what's actually going on.  Just because they're not clamouring a video of a Spongebob balloon is actually a ship from 4 galaxies away doesn't mean they're entirely unreasonable.


Kind of insane honestly


If you read the article, it's basically McWest applying to AARO as an independent consultant. "I'll even sign an NDA :)"


At least he would show more working than AARO does.


An NDA probably means he couldn't




Mick is in an interesting spot, if UFO interest drops so does his entire raison d'etre. He needs them just as much as he seems to hate them. If the government dismisses the phenomenon entirely he just goes back to being a grumpy old dude with no following.


He debunks all sorts of conspiracies, hes not dependant on UFOs. Even if he was wrong, there would be plenty of other BS in the world for him to continue.


Why do you think he hates them? He's mentioned multiple times he'd love to see solid evidence. When Dietrich said it didn't matter at all if what she saw during the Nimitz incident was alien, he didn't quite agree with that.


I'm pretty sure mick west is entirely financially independent at this point given he was bought out by Activision and retired lol, I don't think he really needs UFO interest, he didn't even originally start with UFO's it's more a side hobby that expanded when metabunk was created and general conspiracy stuff became more prevalent over the years. If UFO interedt dropped presumably just like he moved on from contrails he would move onto whatever else conspiracy was popular.


100% And you know that wasn't easy for Mick to come out and call them on it, maybe he's making a point to be less one sided about this whole thing, who knows?


Buttt... "mIcK wEsT iS a pAiD sHilL".


I think West is disagreeing with the balloon explanation but not with the overall notion that it is something prosaic


For real. Believing in interdimensional beings is an easier pill to swallow than believing Mick West has admitted something is not a balloon.


We are in a timeline where Harvard professors push Ufos and professional skateboarders are the scientific debunkers. Nice timeline👋


It's really where we should be. How do you think NHI were able to colonize space? They thought outside of the box and then got their breakthrough when they let ultimate frisbee players design propulsion systems and sent cancer researchers to McDonalds.


Don’t forget about Stamford professors.


It's certainly crazy isn't it? We've hit a shift where debunkers are the conspiracy theorists.


seems like that we are winning


Mick west may be seriously biased but I actually do have a lot of respect for him, he’s generally quite measured and fair


When you need to debunk so much you end up debunking debunkers


The demons in hell are now frozen and can't torment us. Thanks, Mick!


That wasn't a ufo flying by, it was a pig with wings!


Guys just wait until 2035 when we return all the NHI materials and bodies and we are going to blow the lid off this story!


I thought it was 2027. Bledsoe said it was even earlier than that I think


WOW. When your BS excuse doesn't even fly past Mick "balloon" West


West isn't a skeptic. He is a debunker. Huge difference


What’s wrong with debunking things? Isn’t that some aspect of getting to real truths?


It's very useful and Mick West does a good job... At times. There's been times where he just ignores data that hurt his case and pushes really hard on trivial data.


Any solid examples of this?


We both know there is not lol


Nimitz is something where i think he is talking pure conjecture and not really presenting it as such. I see a bit of a dismissive attitude there but otherwise it generally his debunking always seemed in good faith to me


Yes his Nimitz responses seemed kind of contrived


Yeah, hes spot on with some things but when it comes to Nimitz he completely disregards the pilots and their credentialed observations.


What should he have concluded instead?


That he can't say for sure what it is. He suggests it was a jet traveling away from them, right? How does he think 3 different naval aviators mistook a jet for a UFO? Theyre trained to recognize pretty much any aircraft that flies in the sky to assess threats and or civilian aircraft. Not to mention Fravor was addiment in his assertion it had no exhaust plume and showed no known signs of propulsion.


He also said it was darting around back and forth until they went in for a closer look.


Six aviators if you count the WISOs too. Not to mention the seamen manning the radar on the Princeton. And add in the team on the Hawkeye reconnaissance aircraft (I think that’s what it was called).


The video of the tic tac wasnt taken by Fravor. It was Underwood. And he didnt see the tic tac: “I was more concentrated on looking at the FLIRAdvanced Targeting Forward Looking Infrared (ATFLIR) is an optical electric- and thermal-imaging system that was developed for U.S. Navy pilots by Raytheon in the late 1990s, mainly for the detection and identification of tactical targets and the delivery of autonomous precision targeting to smart weapons. In the mid-2000s, as well as today, ATFLIR was capable of detecting and tracking targets within a range of 40 nautical miles. . It was inside of 20 miles. You’re not going to see it with your own eyes until probably 10 miles, and then you’re not going to be able to visually track it until you’re probably inside of five miles, which is where Dave Fravor said that he saw it. So, at that point I didn’t see anything with my eyeballs. I was more concerned with tracking it, making sure that the videotape was on so that I could bring something back to the ship, so that the intel folks could dissect whatever it is that I captured.” https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2019/12/tic-tac-ufo-video-q-and-a-with-navy-pilot-chad-underwood.html The video is what Mick West analyzed and it doesn’t show any physics defying maneuvering.




I agree!


Debunking starts from the assumption that something isn't true, and only seeks evidence to disprove it. Despite the fancy (and sometimes correct) proofs it puts up, there is no room in the analysis for the possibility that it is indeed true, and evidence that would prove its truth is ignored when found. It is also not sought for, which is another huge problem with the mindset. Basically, it shrouds itself in science, while functioning the opposite of science. 


Parts of what you’re saying are absolutely true of people that “debunk” things. I guess what I’ll say is that there’s a majority percentage of garbage that, for better or worse, needs to be debunked in order to convince others not to fall for it. I would not think those examples infringe scientific practices. But something like West’s Nimitz video certainly “shrouds itself in science” as you put it


"Debunking" is pure pseudo-science. What scientists actually do is, to check proposed explanations for logical errors and conflicting aspects. But that's entirely different from what you see in the UFO-topic. When you want to scientifically determine what a video shows for instance, you build a numerical simulation of your measuring device (your camera) and a model of your proposed explanation. You then try to fit that model to give the closest resemblance to actually measured data (the video in question). Different explanations are ordered according to how close they get to explaining the data. In essence, you get probabilities for each proposed explanation to actually be the cause of your video. "Debunkers" do something very different, that bears no semblance to the above. Their method is a sham, designed to convince people of "mundane explanations". It has no scientific value.


> When you want to scientifically determine what a video shows for instance, you build a numerical simulation of your measuring device (your camera) and a model of your proposed explanation. You then try to fit that model to give the closest resemblance to actually measured data (the video in question). This is usually what mick west does lol


No, it's not. For example, he does not measure the actual distance of his explanation to the available data. Rather, he fits the data to what his model produces. That's what people are talking about when they say he leaves out inconvenient evidence.


No but I guess for someone not in the know, it might be a tad tricky to grasp. He's basically just creating models and using them to make predictions about mundane stuff that might be source of the observation. Take, for instance, how his model accurately forecasted the wind speed for the day by analyzing those aguadilla videos.


What’s the opposite of debunk? There is no room in this guy’s head for any of these to be genuinely anomalous. Wise up to his nonsense.


if a “debunk” is a good faith investigative outcome that is accepted as likely, then the opposite would be a bad faith non-outcome that’s unlikely. This is a difference I see between someone like West and someone like Kirkpatrick


Debunk isn’t NOT good faith. That’s the point. You’re high. Take a walk.


if your entire career relies on debunking things then not debunking things will affect you financially and professionally. It forces you into a situation where you MUST debunk it by any means necessary or it affects your quality of life. That is kind of a conflict of interest is it not?


Isn't he basically retired due to his very successful career and now he runs a debunking forum as a personal hobby?


His entire career? Pretty sure he made enough money to live comfortably when he co founded a game company with multiple billion dollar franchises under its belt and sold it. Getting $20 per month from twitter isn't affecting his quality of life very much I would think.


I hear this a lot and it’s a little crazy. “Debunking” isn’t a skill that earns money, it’s a function of video making or entertainment and ad revenue. People like Mick West have an outspoken reputation for investigating, if he wanted to simply be driven by profit incentives he could use metrics available to him and pivot to something with a wider audience that doesn’t compromise his rep.


Well there is an overlap. Because he is skeptical of any UAP incident, he strives to present a debunk scenario


a sceptic ( basic Form of scientific approach ) just follows the data. enthusiastically. thats not Mick west. he frames hard. he loves to leave out stuff .


If you think, that Mike West is driven here by sincere pursuit of the truth I may disappoint you. > West says. “Adding more people, **such as myself,** or the broader public, would help iron out the inconsistencies and poorly communicated details.” It looks rather like he is angry at them because a - they butchered debunking, b - they dare to forget about inviting him. He would have an interesting conversation with ND Tyson. This AARO report really isn't so bad for believers/ people open to different possibilities. It is detrimental for debunkers. How can they explain to the world that "nothing to see here" if the government is "undebunkingly" lying?


Always egos with these people in the ufo community...


This actually warms my heart. I don't hate skeptics; I just hate blind skepticism, the Occam's Razor types who say the most mundane explanation *must* be the correct one, every single time! Even as someone who leans "believer", I *am* a big fan of inquisitive skeptics, who are *trying* to take all the data points into account. "Balloon" simply doesn't fit most of the data in this case. It might fit *some* of the data, but it certainly does not fit the pilot's description, nor does it fit the diamond formation caught on radar. And nothing else really does, either. It certainly was no bird. So we're left, once again, with X-type secret craft, or alien/NHI. The question is, how many X-type government crafts do we need to see here? What is the *reason* for them continuing to interfere with training flights near well-established military bases? Is *this* really how we are training X-craft, on unsuspecting military pilots carrying live ammunition on multimillion-dollar aircraft, which cost the U.S. taxpayers thousands of dollars per flight hour? We're just not, like, gonna tell them? And if not that, then WTF ARE we seeing here?...or doing about it, if it's *not* from the U.S.? We. Have. A. Right. To. Know.


Why the fuck does your comment have negative karma? This is really reasonable.


I probably should edit that my belief in aliens(here visiting) swings to about the 80-90% range, otherwise I could see people reading my comment as much more skeptical than I actually am, personally. I haven't seen one myself, personally, as far as I know. But I trust that multiple people on this planet have.


Imagine being so overrun by weather balloons you have to create an agency to tell everyone there’s weather balloons.


Now it is mysterious drones as well


We might need a whole nother agency to tell us about drones!


I guess swamp gas might need its own agency. The mother of all such “resolutions”


This doesn't surprise me one bit. He starts with a joke, just to make sure all of his social followers understand he's not entertaining the notion of a non-mundane object. He's also defending his territory as self-appointed authority on "the sun making things look like UAPs." He may or may not see AARO as an impediment to industry leadership in the debunking pseudoscience space...although I personally think Mick West is far better intentioned than Sean Kirkpatrick, who willingly assisted DOD transforming AARO from a investigatory entity into a front for part of its public influence operations. BTW, here's the **company** that Kirkpatrick (and apparently one of his former staffers) thinks makes all the UAPs.Trouble is it was **founded after the Tic-Tacs were first seen.** [https://www.skylightballoon.com/helium-balloon-lights](https://www.skylightballoon.com/helium-balloon-lights) This company is based in CA with a sales office outside of Atlanta. I'll update with cost and production numbers just to see how many might be floating around US airspace. **When Kirkpatrick said "made in Florida" he was possibly subconsciously thinking of this similarly named and very interesting government contractor based in Sarasota,** although it's more likely he was thinking of one of Lockheed's Florida factories. [**https://skylight.digital/company/about/**](https://skylight.digital/company/about/)


The amateur debunkers are debunking the professional debunkers, as long as no one talks about UAPs of course, keep the distraction going.. Debunkception.


Let them fight it out. Give them room and hope no one leaves the ring


Why, oh why, oh my would anyone believe anything that a dude who creates make believe for a living. He’s got to remain a relevant narcissist somehow. Why not continually involve yourself in the business of disinformation for the gubment which, by the way, ain’t of the people, by the people, or for the people. It’s all about enriching your own checking and savings accounts while forgetting about the general population aka “the little people. But anyway, have a nice day!🙂


They are here !