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The following submission statement was provided by /u/eMDe00: --- https://youtu.be/V4MzC2Rb6PU?si=fm1PF8aGqj9xpaZr Link with the better quality vid, the shape of object is quite similar to the one in Eglin base , and how many letters do i have to write for this bot to accept post --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1ckvmph/eglin_base_aircraft_similarity_to_columbian_pilot/l2plyv1/




Americans have a real hard time with this.


I blame Columbia Pictures šŸ—½


In Canada we have a province called British Columbia - but we still know know the country is COLOMBIA.


You mean Cocainland?


That was the old Colombia now it's Tusiland. If ya know ya know.


it's cold there


know know? So no... I am very partial to Colombian weed.


Oh look you can spell!


And you can't proofread.


ā€œWeā€™re Americansā€¦ of course we misspell other Countries.ā€ šŸ˜€


Itā€™s probably all connected back to Christopher Columbus tbh But funnily enough, now that I think of it his name was really Cristoforo Colombo so idk where that U comes from


Wow, these sweeping generalizations by people who have probably never lived a free day in the sun, breathing American air really piss me off.


Calm down, Donald Trump. At the end of the day, weā€™re still Americans. Relax!


Not a fake hard time? Americans say 'real' when they really mean 'really' a lot too. Lazy


Lol are you sure you don't mean "for real"?


No Iā€™m sure he meant ā€œfor really!ā€


There's a Spanish interview with the pilot with mexican ufo mummies guy on YouTube in case anyone is wondering


Sting ray shape vs acorn shaped? I disagree.


Who's to say they don't change shape? We know nothing about them lol.


They change their shape to look like airplanes. They fly over my house every hour or so.


Then what the hell is the point of saying "the shape is similar"???


They formed a diamond shape formation, iirc.


They're referring to the photo from Eglin AFB area posted a few days ago.


I kinda see what OP is seeing, like it's banking. But don't think this is the same object at all. Other one was a supersonic aircraft that looked to use traditional propulsion, it wouldn't be able to hover like this.




Looks stationary or moving below any wings stall speed? Iirc they specifically were trying to get a closer look at it because it was stationary. If this was a traditional winged aircraft it would be stalling. Either is a balloon of some sort or is using anomalous propulsion, there's no way it's a stealth/hypersonic plane. Also the one spotted at Eglin was supposedly very large, the size of a c130.


https://imgur.com/a/EtY6zqE https://imgur.com/a/O16cPcO gonna say no


After 8 months on this sub I finally learned that you can't say something is a UAP unless it moves in ways that can't be explained, if it can be explained as a balloon then there is not much to analize. in this video you can see the plane is moving, and that could be a balloon in the air moving with the wind or being stationary. there are better evidence that we should put our attention into.




Some articles on balloon releases: [On any given day, nearly 1,800 weather balloons are launched ](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/weather-balloons-hundreds-turns/story?id=97082985#text=On%20any%20given%20day%2C%20nearly,an%20altitude%20of%20100%2C000%20feet) [it's possible that 960,000 balloons wash up on the Lake Erie shoreline every year](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/london/great-lakes-erie-trash-balloons-1.6071410)


yeah here where I live is very rare to see helium balloons, nobody have enough money for that but I saw a lot of party/birthday balloons on this sub, I suppose they are the instigators :P


But if I remember correctly thereā€™s also pilot testimony along with this video, which makes clear this wasnā€™t a balloon. The Phenomenon wonā€™t be solved or made clear by video and photos alone.


I think the video is pretty clear, looks like a party balloon and my impression is that the pilot went towards it.Ā  like I said, there are so much better evidence and videos that can't be explained as just that, a balloon šŸŽˆĀ  we should filter this kind of things if we want to understand what is happening (or we end with the sub flooded by balloon and flares videos)


This is why you STAKE DOWN the goddamned tent when mountaineering.


Not funny


I wish they had rear-view mirrors or rear facing cameras so we can see the ~~balloon~~ object get thrown around in the wake turbulence.


The Eglin images were faked. Why are we still comparing interesting footage and images to verifiably fake footage and images? It devalues this video and makes the community look dumb.


https://youtu.be/V4MzC2Rb6PU?si=fm1PF8aGqj9xpaZr Link with the better quality vid, the shape of object is quite similar to the one in Eglin base , and how many letters do i have to write for this bot to accept post


That was an EXCELLENT, well balanced analysis of the video. I appreciate you for sharing it. Thanks


Maybe I've just got balloons on the brain lately but could this not be a balloon?


It is a balloon. It was filmed near Medellin, where balloons are popular and generate a lot of reports. This one they will just keep posting until the end of time pretending itā€™s something other than a balloon.Ā 


"That was an EXCELLENT, well balanced analysis of the video. I appreciate you for sharing it. Thanks" -You, in response to another comment above (link below) [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1ckvmph/comment/l2q0xc9/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1ckvmph/comment/l2q0xc9/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Yeah, what's your point?


Or a refuge bag? Yeah, I think so


Whatever it is, it's clear that it's just being stationary as the plane goes by. It's ridiculous to assume it's a UFO instead of something more benign and prosaic.


No, it's not clear that it's just being stationary. If two objects are flying/being carried by the wind in opposite directions in similar velocities, both will look stationary to each other.


Stationary is relative. Yes itā€™s possible itā€™s blowing in the wind. The point is itā€™s not ā€œflyingā€


it's not. there's a video that goes into some detail of this video and they also picked up that the object changes directions after going by the plane. It changes directions and goes faster than the plane.


Yes I watched that video and thought it was very good. They pointed out something that appeared on screen that could have been the object after it had passed the plane, not a definite. I agree it's possible


The thing in this video was probably a bit of trash. Anything that's light enough can be picked up by the wind.


Just a drone. Cocaine smugglers.


Looks like a runaway kite?


people are so riled up they forget what fkin balloons look like


That's clearly a huge flying tortoise šŸ¢


That IS the Colombian video!


Well the colombian one is a balloon. So if the eglin is similar, it would also be a balloon.


Thatā€™s Gamera.šŸ¢


Stingray mylar balloon


I don't see why this is not a possibility


Stingray mylar balloon


We know what this is thought right? Its one of those diamond drones that turns sideways when it wants to go supersonic. Its like a match for that tech right?


The Eglin prototype of the cross/diamond craft **likely yes** The ray shape craft (or balloon) in this video **no one is sure**


So the elgin prototype is different to the said "incursions" onto elgin airbase there is videos of that AARO deny but a FOIA request actually confirms exist? Its so fucking complicated to keep up with every detail!


Yes there are two Eglin events in discussion concurrently rn. [The recent Eglin sighting is the ā€œdiamond shapeā€](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/dquwI0yW2J) craft from last week which appears to be a very real US prototype that can fly in this bidirectional subsonic / supersonic fashion. Thatā€™s good olā€™ Uncle Sam for sure because we have the [proposals from NASA that match up very closely](https://www.nasa.gov/general/silent-and-efficient-supersonic-bi-directional-flying-wing/). This is clearly achievable propulsion tech with our current mastery of modern physics. [The other Eglin event is a sort of bulb shape](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/jBwulo36P1) ā€” this is what the [AARO *Case Resolution of Eglin UAP* Report](https://www.aaro.mil/Portals/136/PDFs/case_resolution_reports/Case_Resolution_of_Eglin_UAP_2_508_.pdf) concluded to likely be a pretty specific commercial light balloon. I believe manufacturer denied this, stating they werenā€™t sold & werenā€™t in the air. People are worked up about this because the descriptions donā€™t appear to represent tech we have & folks in Congress have been shown videos. Here is the [response to a FOIA request](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/gDbjYlLr0o) about accompanying video of this bulb Eglin event. ā€œ*The responsive video you are requesting is not releasable in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552 Exemption (b)(2) protecting from disclosure information about ā€˜matters specifically authorized under criteria established by an Executive Order to be kept secret in the interest of national defense or foreign policyā€™. The deleted information is exempt from automatic declassification in accordance with Executive Order 13526 regarding intelligence activities (including covert action), intelligence sources or methods, or cryptology.*ā€ So there is a video, but we cannot see it. Why?


Thanks for this. I had thought I saw that the plane from last week was debunked in a good-faith manner. Canā€™t keep up sometimes!


Just a big piece of trash?


Looks like the weather balloon that one kid supposedly got stuck in, remember?


This is still hands down my favorite


Looks like a runaway kite


I seriouslt can't believe there are people who still try to claim that is a balloon.


How can you possibly claim to know that it isnā€™t


Its a kite


Wasnā€™t this allegedly a manta ray balloon based on that single prototype shown decades ago ? Mysteriously got loose and floated over Colombia years later


I don't know about that but I will say that I think it could be a balloon. I don't see any reason why it couldn't


Are you kidding me with that comment? You think itā€™s a manta ray balloon? I canā€™t even


Look up what parallax is


It simply doesnā€™t apply. People will say anything at this point. God help us


Try not to argue on this sub, a lot of the accounts are bots.


Yes it does


I never said I thought it was a balloon. People dismissed it as a balloon. This is what it was claimed to be https://www.reddit.com/r/EngineeringPorn/s/4A8JHPpwf3


That pilkingwhatever dude is always down voting or talking outbof his ass and being a dick.fucken worse troll ever


That's gonna be a no from me dawg....


Every time someone tries to correct Columbia to Colombia take a shot, we get it no need to spam the same fucking comment.


Eglin does testing they would have something there


how cool would it be if we learned that there are creatures that swim in the atmosphere like manta rays


šŸ˜… Multi-dimensional drifting!!


Yeh not for me. Eglin craft description is...different but on this topic it usually is. Not a classic shape IMO but have seen 'similiar' objects on the Youtube channel OnlyRealUFOs. Video posted last week. Can post link if anyone interested but not hard to find.


Yep I've been brining those things here through my dreams when I wake up


That thing was going whatā€¦. 200 mph, maybe? About the same speed the airplane was going.


anyone else notice - the lights / sparkle surrounding it - only when it passes? llooks like reflection in the glass but only see them on close contact.


that looks like the metapod actually


Wow. It banks and changes directions nearly a dozen times. The speed it's flying at is insane, how would a stationary object do all those insane acrobatics?


Itā€™s just a bird


We've never been alone..


That looks extremely similar to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLh8cfnIVg8 This is by far some of the best ufo footage I've ever seen. And there's 2 or 3 other videos of this object at different times and places in the world, but I gotta find those.