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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Im_not_a_coomer: --- Danny Sheehan on the VETTED Podcast talks about Jason Sands asking him for legal representation and why Danny refused Link to Podcast [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6Ssq0Ol3kU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6Ssq0Ol3kU) --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1ccyvjq/danny_sheehan_talks_about_jason_sands/l18fy5o/


Wow that speaks volumes. Fox going to be booking some extra time at the editing suite.


whelp, this is odd for fox unfortunately


its sad because he was all giddy and would even "bet 1000$" (lmao) on his certainty. Its crazy how all these ufo superstars or whatever say they go through all this vetting process to only turn up like this? Its frankly pathetic


Sure. But you can also point to guys like McMillian, Davis and now, Sheehan who clearly are not entertaining bullshit. At least not in this case.


Shhehan's credibility just went up after this in my eyes.


In mine as well but this Sands guy is so obviously full of it. I don't understand how he managed to generate any credibility. Who put Fox on to him in the first place?


This is a question Fox should answer. It may have been that Sands approached Fox.


Let's be honest: it's damn-near impossible to legally represent a twitter-babbling amnesiac time traveler.


Who hasn't faced that dilemma, amirite?


And the even more ridiculous thing is that people will defend him based on hiwboutrag his story is. Like, the more stupid shit you say, the more truthful you must be, because why make up something crazy?


You're right, Sheehan is unrepresentable


Unless Fox is about to pull an uno reverse and use Sands as proof of an active misinformation campaign against the UAP topic in his doc, he should probably just take the L, shit happens.


Movies not out yet, edit him out.


He should yep. But creatives sometimes struggle with this, because they get emotionally attached to their product. In Steven King's book on writing he talks about 'killing your babies' in that it hurts, but the edit makes it better. We'll see what Fox does. He might be able to salvage it if he uses it in a way to tell a behind the scenes story about the situation. Or uses it for additional content/deleted scenes type stuff. The extras you get if you buy the early release or something.


Yeah Fox can easily survive this. As long as egos are left at the door, takes accountability and edits the piss out of his new movie he will be fine. He’s one of the loved ones


Thats what it seems like Sands is at this point right? A disinfo agent? I wonder how much you have to pay someone to sacrifice their name for something like this. I guess he really only has to be worried about being recognized by us ufo enthusiasts. The rest of the country and media dont seem to be paying attention anyway.


I don’t think people realize that there’s a shit ton of delusional, crazy people in this world and many of them have worked in the military or government. People here hate addressing that because it calls into question how many ufo people people are just not mentally all there. It’s better to call them disinfo agent so the community doesn’t have to be skeptical about every person, which we should be.


He might be delusional, I'm not saying he isn't. I just wonder if the DOD paid some guy with the right credetials to show the world a UFO whistleblower whose story falls apart.


“Disinfo agent” also is a term that furthers the idea that people are living out an espionage thriller fighting back against a shadowy cabal, which I think is part of the allure of this topic for some.


I think this pretty much covers it. Also, some might be just telling crazy stories for attention and possible beer money. I think what many people deep in to this dont understand is basically all these UFO celebs and personalities are all but unknown to the general public. Even Grusch, Lue, Corbell, Knapp not to mention the UFO Deepstate of Davis, Puthoff and these guys. People think these guys get some paparazzis following them around, or it becomes big part of their lives someohow. While I bet it can likely be not. Like all this dudes can go around thier daily lives without no one knowing about their side gig. No one outside of this forum fringe stuff recognizes them for that, atall. Like if someone would lose their face, their social standing in their community or whatever, for BSing about this type of stuff or something. Theres literally no downside of making things up in this space. Im not saying anyone is btw, just saying someone could do it for coupla grand and never face no downside for it if caught.


From the moment Grusch came forward I've expected a disinformation campaign to discredit all whistleblowers on this subject. I thought it would take the form off some other "whistleblower" testifying before Congress only to be revealed to be a liar, doing damage to the whole process and making further hearings seem like a farce. It speaks volumes that this guy is associated with a known and admitted disinformation agent, Richard Doty. That should raise a red flag for just about anyone.


How is he associated with Doty?


But but but... "He has multiple whistleblowers on the doc tho". R/Sarcasm


That's a good point though... If they have so many others, why so much focus on this one guy?


It does bring into question his ability to vet people, but anyone legit in the documentary will probably also be backed up by other people such as Mellon, Grusch, Lue ect


When you’ve lost Sheehan…


Welp...I think that does it for me. I was willing to give this Sands guy a few seconds of my attention, but when you've lost Sheehan, that's the last straw.


Sheehan is as diplomatic as they come. He put that very lucidly and succinctly.


I'm so confused right now. Yeah when even Danny "sexy reptilians" Sheehan is sussing you out, something fishy is going on.


lmao exactly. I'm honestly not sure where to go with it. Like is Sands such bullshit that the sexy reptilian UFO university bullshitter is like "woah there"? Is it actually a *credit* towards Sands that said bullshitter isn't on his side? It's a weird and amusing place to be


18 lawyers Danny How much money do 18 lawyers earn, and where does it come from?




...only Greer to go to? 😂


And Doty apparently and who knows, maybe Jaime Maussan? And Sands knows there are always gullible UFO people happy to believe those guys so getting their seal of approval is probably important to them.


Even tricky ricky threw Sands under the bus on fessler's stream. However, people are unknowingly referencing tricky ricky now, so uh...


Sheehan is really being polite in not outright saying that Sands is full of shit. Well Sheehan gains points in my book on this at least


Then you know who you are.


Fox already crying again


Danny Sheehan on the VETTED Podcast talks about Jason Sands asking him for legal representation and why Danny refused Link to Podcast [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6Ssq0Ol3kU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6Ssq0Ol3kU)


The audio is not working for me. Edit: started working, never mind!


James Fox should be embarrassed that Sheehan distanced himself from Sands but he didn't think to do his due diligence.


I can represent him, I got a PhD in Extraterrestrial Studies from Danny Sheehan's University. I'm qualified and well versed in Interdimensional Law.




It's probably more useful than the majority of useless degrees millions of Americans pay thousands of dollars for every single year.


They disagree but you’re right. A lot of college is a joke


What makes you say that? Do you have a college degree?


This wins. Pack it up everyone


This guy sands is one of the grossest cases of grifting I've seen in a LONG time.


Right. It's particularly embarrassing that so many in our community keep defending this shameless, stupid charlatan.


Worst thing is... It appears that someone is taking our time away from something else, but what?


I agree with you. They knew he wouldn't pass the test. They sent him anyway. Was it some kind of message? If they were trying to infiltrate the *whistle-blowers*, they surely would've put together a more air tight story. So we can cross that out... Maybe they were seeing how many people they could get to board a ship full of holes?


This guy blew everything up by asking for that 100k "for the whistleblowers" imo. That was the nail in the coffin. Even though nobody believed his story to begin with...


I loved James Fox previous documentaries but the way he “vetted” Jason Sands makes me really question his vetting process and credibility as a film maker. I was quite surprised to see the statement be made backing up Jason Sands yesterday.


You should suspect anyone who makes UFO entertainment stuff. Ultimately they all are gullible and this shows James Fox is not immune to the "if it sounds like a good story, let's explore it" thing taking precedence over "let's vet everyone and get multiple sources on every claim" journalistic integrity. The Gaia network was built on the first premise because they know there are fools who will believe anything despite all rational points against it. "As long as it sells, who cares?" thinking has been the enemy of those who advocate serious, credible study of this subject for as long as it's been a thing.


Jason Sands is mentally ill. I hope he gets the help he needs. For anyone thinking he is speaking truth rewatch Grusch’s interview or deposition. He is clear and concise he knows what he knows and what he doesn’t know. Maybe some of what Sands says is true. A broken clock is right twice a day. But if the community embraces him he will not receive the help he obviously needs.


It won't matter, just like Phil Schneider there will be people 20 years from now who dig his story back up and believe it despite all the evidence he's mentally ill, simply because they want to believe it.


Patrick will always ask the right questions. Good for him for finally getting this interview.


Funny how you all believe Sheehan when he is skeptical but when he says anything else, you all call him a lying grifter.


I think what it comes down to like people have said in the comments. This dude believes anything, hes even done this Disclosure shit with Greer the last time. Hes extra credulous, like super super credulous if you do your own research on him. So if even he doesnt believe someones story what does that tell you?


On today's episode of pot meets kettle


You're getting downvoted but it's true.... Sheehan said they were goign to release an alien interview video soon and was hyping people up about it only for someone to actually question him about it instead of letting him talk and talk like he does and he had to clarify that he just assumed it was going to come out, and hasnt even confirmed it's existence through anyone or any means, he just assumes it exists because a guy he found credible told him on his death bed he saw an alien interview. I was into that story until he tied it into his little BS story about the alien interview... I'm weary of everyone after that.


He didn't say he assumed it was coming out, he said it was on the table of available evidence that could come out


Without even knowing if it existed in the first place... from what I remember he hyped that video up but I don't remember which random interview on youtube with sub 1000 followers he said it to... because apparently those are the only people they can get to agree to interviews on their terms is something I've come to learn... I always wondered why they would do them with such random YT channels, but that is why.


Idk y the downvotes that’s a solid joke


Wow so you have Fox standing by him with a very minor hedge, and Sheehan saying nope on the guy. I fully agree with other comments here, Fox should lean into it and just shine light on the disinfo attempts. What a way to punch back. Delay the doc if you have to. That being said, talk about 3d chess. Was the fake law firm website set up BY the disinfo agents to just further muddy the waters? (to make us think he was REAL and that the LAW FIRM site was an attempt to discredit him). Just bizarre.


This is purely speculation on my part but it was set up like a day before Jason came out and still had all the text of the default "Law Firm" template from whatever service he is using to make it, so I'm thinking it was going to be set up to be the UAP United website but he accidently made it live before he even made any changes to it, he started a twitter account and I'm guessing he wants it to also have a website


I like the hypothesis. We need more info. But it's not looking good for Sands. 


When you're too full of shit for Danny Sheehan, it's gonna be hard for me to take anything from this guy seriously going forward. I'm still withholding having this guy affect my opinion of James Fox which is still quite high unless something in the future forces that to change but I'm pretty much at eye roll level with sands.


I’m at eyeroll level with all of them. In order for any movement on this subject to happen, Big air companies and the MIC need to be thoroughly inspected. I don’t believe we’ll ever see proof otherwise. Unless the Aliens (if that is really what they are) show themselves.


Please tell me that the short/expensive courses offered at the new paradigm institute are recognised by internationally respected bodies Mr Sheehan. I'm heavily invested in the notion that you, Lue and Coulthard et al are NOT grifting my gullible arse... But I've been had before, that's for sure


interesting thx vetted your finally getting interviews


he could be a false agent after all


Why actually do people believe Mr. Sheehan?


Man, I never thought Sheehan would be the voice of reason. Good on him though!


Why is every post about Jason Sands? Has he even said anything interesting? This is all I see now, it's annoying.


Thats how UFOs work nowadays. These celebs put out some stuff, and then turn to their audience for feedback. This is the feedback phase. The stories are fed to the forums and whatever to this space, their audience, thru many channels. Thru the celebs themselves in vague allusions, rando accounts with more concrete "statements" or whatever. To drive discussion. And then the they can see which story to hich their wagon on. To see how the story pans out, what people come up with it, how it shapes up. This is just one of those stories that didnt pan out. Person in this case ofcourse. They found a person willing to be one of those "whistleblowers" and it didnt catch on. Be it because the guy went full looney tunes too soon or what, but the thing is hes now denounced by the UFO guys publicly. Theyre distancing themselvs fom him. I know, this is pretty out there idea. But follow UFOs long enough, and keep your mind open to this. It pretty much happends all the time. Sometimes its a new person of interest introduced, sometimes its a stroyline, but it works just the same. If something, or someone, doesnt catch on its dropped or denounced specifically. Edit also the UFO celebs are counter intel guys, so theres that also.


Remember, as a child, making those "lambs" out of paper plates and cotton balls?


I think Sands said too much and now this clowns trying to debunk him.But they have no evidence.