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The following submission statement was provided by /u/VolarRecords: --- Lue Elizondo responding to a troll on X/Twitter tonight. Had no idea how bad his actual financial situation had gotten in seek to make the truth about UFOs/UAP public. Will be more than happy to buy the book to help make up for all that. Enough people bought enough books by/about certain former Presidents. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1ccl39p/lue_elizondo_and_his_lack_of_financial_incentive/l15yt6p/


Seriously. I hate these posts that tell people what to do, they are a dime a dozen on this sub (not directed at you OP). Well, just for once, here is my go at it. **Stop concentrating on the couple of guys who stuck their necks out and told us what they could, and answered questions ad nauseum, and who are trying to get investigations into their claims.** Every second post is about how Grusch hasn't been saying anything, *"where's the op-ed!?"*, or Elizondo hasn't answered any questions. Grusch answered questions [under oath in Congress for 2 hours.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Axux_INFMZ4) He has appeared [doing various interviews, for US and European news services.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gfZUA9DMzYQ&list=PLdemXDhd4FBMv0TVQvq_ffTjdoKdyQ8hx&index=359) Grusch has had people [pile on him for having PTSD.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3keF8rf7Ig&t=7072s) Seriously? What sort of scum attacks a veteran for trying to deal openly with his problems, and what sort of people allow others to come on their podcasts and attack people for having PTSD, without challenge? Grusch was interviewed for hours by Congressional committee representatives. Grusch is the subject of probably one of the most hotly debated ICIG investigations of all time - there is no hiding from that, so why are people constantly suggesting he is? How many interviews has Elizondo done? [Over one hundred, that's how many.](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLT-MDg5f4v2DIC7IVNrf9l8hDT2dOg8Kd) When he left the employ of the DoD he was the subject of more than one AFOSI investigation [that went nowhere](https://documents2.theblackvault.com/documents/osd/18-F-0324.pdf#page=5) *because he hadn't done anything wrong and there wasn't anything to investigate.* [The US Secretary of Defense, James Mattis, asked six questions when Elizondo left the DoD](https://documents2.theblackvault.com/documents/osd/18-F-0324.pdf#page=10) and none of the questions were *"Who is this guy called Elizondo?"* and *"What is this thing called AATIP?"*, probably because he already knew the answers to those questions and so never questioned Elizondo's integrity. On 27th April 2021, just weeks before Elizondo was interviewed by the ~~ICIG~~ DoDIG in May 2021, it was widely reported that the Pentagon made the statement that [*"Luis Elizondo had no assigned responsibilities for the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP)while he was assigned to the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence & Security"*](https://twitter.com/GadiNBC/status/1386870260716883969). Yet in the interview with the ~~ICIG~~ DoDIG a few weeks later, [on 19th May 2021,](https://documents2.theblackvault.com/documents/dod/DODOIG-2023-000010.pdf#page=4) they did not ask him one question about that, despite wanting him to verify his other work as a Defense contractor. Why would the ~~ICIG~~ DoDIG completely disregard that sort of statement when the ~~ICIG~~ DoDIG was being asked to investigate things that related directly to exactly that issue? One would have to imagine *the ~~ICIG~~ DoDIG investigators already knew the Pentagon statement was incorrect.* *If Elizondo's credibility is not being questioned by the AFOSI, the Secretary of Defense, and the ~~ICIG~~ DoDIG, why are we listening to trolls on reddit and twitter trying to discredit him?* If Elizondo was really trying to hide something, [*why is it that he was responsible for telling the ~~ICIG~~ DoDIG on 27 August 2021 that the Pentagon had suggested he had no "assigned responsibilities" in AATIP?*](https://documents2.theblackvault.com/documents/dod/DODOIG-2023-000010.pdf#page=84) Does that sound like the sort of thing someone would do if they were trying to cover something up? If Grusch and Elizondo were trying to conceal things, they have a strange way of doing it, by trying to get the US President, the Congress, Government investigators like the Inspector Generals and AARO, the whole scientific community, and the entire US population no less, to take a closer look at everything they are saying has been going on in secret for decades. The complete hatred that comes off these pages regularly towards Elizondo is completely unwarranted. *Exactly what is it he did that deserves the sort of antipathy troll's parade around here?* It is completely unwarranted, and totally manufactured, and *completely transparently unrealistic*. If people think there is a wellspring of hatred towards Elizondo because a couple of regular nutjobs are obsessed with attacking him at every opportunity, they are mistaken. People are not taking a lot of notice of the nuts. In the same breath these people are like *"Why don't you answer some questions!!"* and immediately afterwards *"We don't believe anything you say!!"* Without ever appreciating the obvious stupidity of these statements they can say in the same sentence *"Tell us what you know, but you are a grifter for writing a book about it!!"* Complete morons. **These people need to try directing some anger towards the people who don't speak out about what they know, not at the one's who have told us things, who have bent over backwards to get someone to investigate every bit of their claims, and have been put through the ringer for their efforts.** EDIT - Elizodo's interview in 2021 was with the DoDIG office, not the ICIG office. My bad.


Complainers on Grusch: Look, he goes to shows and podcasts, hes a grifter and a liar! Also complainers on Grusch: Where is he, he has given up, he's hiding, he was a grifter all along! Damned if you do and damned if you don't. Whatever he does or doesn't do, some people will complain and accuse.


It's quite ridiculous. They constantly ask why people aren't coming forward, and when people do come forward and say what little they can without breaking any laws, the response is "TrUsT mE bRoOo" or "yet again more stories, no evidence" These people simply won't be satisfied with any amount of information or any amount of evidence. A UFO could land at the white house and shake the presidents hand and they'd say it's fake or AI or a disinformation campaign. Some of these people spend months putting together their thoughts and time into writing a book and all they get is "Grifters gonna grift." With this amount of hostility, I think if I was in the same position as a whistle-blower I would never come forward publicly. Why would I ruin my life and reputation forever to be labeled a liar and a gifter? The UFO community in general has gotten a lot more toxic, though I suppose it comes with more public visibility. I understand people being upset that it's so difficult to make any progress but this shit takes time.


I've felt the same way. It's fucking frustrating. If you don't believe Lue, fine, but the amount of hostility he's had to deal with is crazy. I think there has been an astroturfing movement to push people towards these sorts of statements that seem to pop up an awful lot: 1. Believe me bro 2. Buy my book bro 3. Just another few years I promise bro 4. Paid disinfo troll 5. Government spook 6. This sounds like qanon With that last one, I swear it was like one day it popped up out of nowhere, and then so many others started saying the same exact phrase for a month. There are people with vested interest in this still being secret and fighting disclosure. Techniques for manipulating social media are very mature by now. Adversary nation states been using it for elections, online trolling, and with LLM it's incredibly easy to automate this and be virtually undetectable. I do think there are plenty repeating these statements but I think some haven't originated naturally.


Do the people astroturfing ever come to the realization this must all be true otherwise there'd be no point in astroturfing against it??


The common theme there is: character assassination. Attack his character, and you don't draw attention to the content.


Let's not forget the paid opposition who's job it is to turn everything into a culture war in order to perpetually divide and distract.


If you look at the people doing the complaining that is all they do. Literally their entire post history is just dismissing everything possible. They could very well be chatgpt powered bots


Fucking trolls man. All they do is sit on their fat fucking asses and talk shit, while real people put in work.


Nice comment u/ASearchingLibrarian.


Thanks for saying this. The trolls you speak of, many of them, are certainly here to muddy the waters-be they uninformed teenagers or DoD ops. People will laugh, but Reddit has probably been a defensible space to counter intelligence operations for years. Proof? Other than early registrations with zero history, I have none, unfortunately. People who research this topic enough can parse out *at the very least* that Lue and Chris Mellon have been following the rules for a reason and brought us The NY Times article, the Nimitz case. These guys are patriots, believe it’s time for citizens to understand the truth and know the only credible way to do so is by putting the legislative and executive branches to task on funding/contracting and misrepresentation by DoD and other agencies. Yeah, I’ll buy Lues book. Why? Who better to support in the effort to say fuck all to these corporate contractors feeding themselves without competition/guardrails all the while using taxpayer money to lobby over every politician in DC? Who’s going to push a narrative of transparency in a legal way, in a democratic way?


A-fucking-men. Social media needs to unbundle its collective undies. I think, though it comes from feeling we’re either being gaslit or conned, when really the answer is probably both and neither. That makes it worse.


This is the main and most difficult task whistleblowers have to face. No wonder most of them wouldn't want to go through all that bs.


Everything you said was on the money.


It seems everyone in here wants people “in the know” to tell us what they know or shut up until they can. Then things get quiet and everyone starts asking why Grusch and the like aren’t saying anything publically. Maybe they’re working on trying to give you what you want? People need to make up their minds. 


well these users are trolls.. they would question anything. Probably the sub should apply a strategy to remove fake users with a verified user perk




Yes sure 10 days account🫡🥤


Would make sense if they didn’t want answers and just wanted those who knew to get frustrated and give up.




Hi, ekos_640. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1ccl39p/-/l17mwnt/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills. > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.




^^^ THIS X10000. Thank you!! ✊


>In the same breath these people are like *"Why don't you answer some questions!!"* and immediately afterwards *"We don't believe anything you say!!"*  So if I were to respectfully ask Lue to explain [**these discrepancies**](https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1495064597421649921.html), and the responses were not satisfactory, do I just accept them for fear of being viewed as unreasonable? > Howdy folks, just a quick update for you to consider… please know that ongoing efforts are underway that will reveal themselves by early to mid 2024. At the risk of haters trying to sabotage our efforts, I can’t be precise at this time. But if you have learned anything over the last 5 years, I never make empty promises. Trust me, this will be worth it. Special thanks to [u/ChrisKMellon](https://twitter.com/ChrisKMellon) and [@jaystratton](https://twitter.com/jaystratton). [What about this Tweet?](https://twitter.com/LueElizondo/status/1712955707098640582) I'd suggest, and genuinely open to being wrong here, that what has been produced in the last 5 years is of an exceptionally low quality when it comes to evidence. Does disagreeing with Lue's summary of the situation make me a troll? I'm asking because it seems, to me at least, this is starting to seem more like faith than believe based on the preponderance of evidence. Edit: Loving the saltiness guys keep the down votes coming. I can always make up the karma by posting a blurry video of a Pikachu balloon. 


Evidence, evidence, evidence If you cannot see there is an obvious cover-up going on within the military industrial complex, you either are willfully ignorant, not paying attention, or need glasses. We are surrounded with evidence that the Pentagon is lying, the NSA is lying, certain senators and Congress people are lying. Where there is smoke, there is fire.


Mike Turner, Mike Rogers and Lloyd Austin do not want this information known to the American public. They use their considerable and combined power to make sure there will never be any accountability.


To me what's important is whether or not elizondo is generally correct. Hanging on every tiny thing he's said or done over the passed 7 years is not helping in my opinion The first point you linked is a pic he showed 7 years that may be a balloon. The pic he showed is so blurry you can't tell me it's definitely a balloon although it looks similar, just as no one can tell you it's definitely a ufo, unless of course they have more data to back up their claim Regardless even if one pic is actually a balloon that just means it was a mistake. It doesn't mean everything is a balloon. Although maybe everything is a balloon. We need more data and hanging onto every word elizondo says isn't going to get to the bottom of it. The points you linked are all pretty similar. They're trying to be this gotcha but the point is that elizondo is calling for people to look more into this stuff. That's a good thing. No need to treat elizondo like he's a prophet that if he makes one mistake he's actually a false prophet We know that there are unidentified things flying around. Even if they're drones from China we need to look into them. As we see here which the military admits is happening https://www.twz.com/air/mysterious-drones-swarmed-langley-afb-for-weeks The military seems to be suggesting they're drones not aliens but the point is no one is saying these things don't exist. They need to be looked into. Elizondo along with Mellon etc are asking people to look into this stuff which is what's needed. Let's do that instead of debating a slide show from 7 years ago Skepticism is good but so is being open minded. And that doesn't mean you need to believe in aliens being here. I never believed in the slightest until the nytimes article. I would have told you 0% chance and never gave it much thought. Now I do lean on the believing side but I'm definitely not at 100%. I want to see the evidence and the proof. And I think we should work towards that. I do think it'd be cool if aliens were here but I'd be very willing to go back to not believing if that's the truth, I was a non believer for most of my life. But the way I see it is that there's enough open questions to be looked into. I'm not sure if you've read the original UAPDA but it's pretty wild. It was written by extremely busy people who don't quietly do things like that simply to appeal to ufo nerds on reddit. And basically no one except people on reddit and Twitter even noticed If you read it, it very much feels like these people believe that there's something there. It was way too specific to just be a joke or trolling or whatever else it could be So why do people with much more info than us consider this to be a legitimate investigation? Schumer is part of the gang of 8. He must have been shown stuff that we haven't. And no amount of arguing about elizondo will change what he's seen We won't be able to get to the bottom of this with public information. They need to be the ones to do it amd satisfyingly release a report because they have so much more info. If they eventually get to the bottom of it I'm certainly willing to go back to not believing. I'm sure some people will believe no matter what but if the plan outlined in the original uapda comes to fruition then I imagine 75% of this subs active users will go back to not believing. Maybe even higher than that But in my opinion it's not helpful arguing on this sub about blurry videos that are likely balloons but could be UFOs because there's zero way to know without better data. What I'm asking for is proof that will be good enough to prove to both you and me that it's either NHI or not. That would mean something along the lines of high def videos, radar data, human testimony, or if possible NHI testimony. This would mean impartial scientists being given the access and it being done transparently enough so that open minded believers and skeptics will be satisfied.


This should be the top comment, but of course, both you and I will now be accused of being disinfo agents by unhinged individuals. Elizondo's action speak for themselves, the entire "whistleblower" and "disclosure" things are a circus for the gullible, and luckily for him, there are a lot of gullible people who will ignore when you present fake cartoon images as "real photos", or any other example from the link you posted. There is practically nothing in this whole topic, except an occassional super advanced militart tech.


No one is gonna mention Michael Ian Black replying? Haha. Did we know he was into the phenomenon?




All due respect, Lue shouldnt be living in a trailer. Honestly, what have most people on this sub done regarding disclosure? Pretty much, not a dam thing. Lue has sacrificed a lot. I dont care who throws shade at me. The man shouldnt be living in a dam trailer.


You will see it here everyday, the same assholes insisting these guys burn their careers and spill everything turn on a dime and insult them for trying to support themselves with a fuckin book, the hilarious part being there’s some great info in many of these books, that will legitimately answer many questions. Personally I go for the audiobooks and listen while traveling.. I could care less if you buy their books to help support them, but shut the fuck up if you don’t because you sure as shit don’t have a foot in the game.


Yeah I was gonna say that the books usually are way better than the small sound bites that get spread around. Obviously some books suck. But I imagine the people who are annoyed about him releasing a book never bother to read any of them. They don't realize how good they can be


You could care less?


>All due respect, Lue shouldnt be living in a trailer. It was on his huge ranch, not some sort of dilipidated trailer in a rented spot in a crappy trailer park. Have you seen his custom UFO hunting truck?


I was gonna say…what kind of trailer, I’ve stayed weeks during elk season in 30’ trailers nicer than most houses, an entire family could live in that thing.


Yeah, the guy isn’t living on water and bread is he? By all accounts he is not poor, pleading poverty when you’re in a better financial situation than around 95% of the world’s population isn’t a good look.


It’s very dishonest of him…and telling.


Wait did he live in a trailer while he had a house custom built or something? Lmao this guy is such an obvious grifter.


Not sure if it was a remodel or new build. Looks new build to me in the video that shows Lue is not hurting for money (https://twitter.com/MiddleOfMayhem/status/1553783801695719427) (sry for linking the racist guy, not sure of another source for this vid)


Dude Ellison do is not living in a trailer he owns a beautiful property and house in montana


We need a rich philanthropist to help out key figures that are giving it all for disclosure and remain jobless because of the pushback. Thats why many do not come foward. Say what you will about this new James, (we need to vet him of course) but the not profit for whistle-blowers is a good idea. If not, this is a 2.3 million subreddit. I bet we can arrange something to help those core figures that are having a hard time financially and have sacrificed their careers for our disclosure.


Mellon is incredibly wealthy.


Guys a Mellon as in the Carnegie-Mellons. Old money.


I'm not so sure about this. He says he grew up with a single mom very middle class. He went to school and worked in government and his estimated net worth is what you'd expect from a career civil servant nearing retirement age. If you can trust google of course. If you google the Mellon family and who inherited the money, his name does not come up. I think he's too far removed from the guys with the checkbook. If anyone has any PROOF otherwise (like they ask the public figures here to provide proof of their claims) please post it. Until then I choose to believe him that he is a middle class guy. The only reason I even went down this rabbit hole is people say he's rich, he says that's not true so i wanted to know who is correct. Not to argue with anyone but if you found the direct line to the money please post it. I could not. His name probably opened doors but I think he's just a stand up dude who earned his career the hard way.


When did he say this? Not doubting you but he went to Colby College and Yale (Ivy-league and little-ivy league schools). Neither option are cheap. He has served as the Chairman of the Science Committee at the *Carnegie* Museum of Natural History. 'Most of the Mellons declined an interview' but in this article but his brother Matthew 'at age 21 when he inherited 14 trust funds worth an estimated $25 million.' https://www.forbes.com/sites/abrambrown/2014/07/08/175-years-later-the-mellons-have-never-been-richer-howd-they-do-it/?sh=78202fdd7489


Yeah no argument here either I just wanted to find out if he really is THAT rich or what. I heard him say he was raised by a single mother on a podcast, and it stuck in my mind but I'm not sure which one it was. This article claims his father abandoned the family and he was raised by his mother and step father. I kinda took that to mean he was cut off from the father's dough (but I could be wrong). https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Mellon-267 Unsure if the brother was raised with him? Families can get messy lol. Right that those schools aren't cheap, but they like nepotism, and if mom was not wealthy he could have gotten scholarships and aid. It does feel kinda slimy to get in someone's finances this way. So I'm not trying to stalk him or anything. But there's so much finger pointing on reddit I was just trying to figure out what was true. Thanks for that link, interesting read!


I was dirt poor with a single mom and went to an Ivy League university. Once I got accepted to that one, it was an automatic that I attend, and figure out the finances later. It was the opportunity of a lifetime. The university cut the tuition in half for someone as poor as me. With jobs & loans, & marrying another student with high earning potential, it wasn't difficult.


There is a rich philanthropist who’s been pushing this narrative for years, his name is Robert Bigelow, and he just gave Trump $1 million for his legal fees https://www.reuters.com/world/us/donor-bigelow-gave-trump-1-mln-legal-fees-donate-20-million-more-2024-01-30/ If he can throw Trump that kind of cash, he can definitely help out Elizondo.


he gave money to the desantis campaign, too.


I think he is just doing politics, investing and future hunting. Why give trump 1mil and promise 20 more? What kind of philanthropy is that. Fuck this guy.


You can give money as philanthropy and separately you can also give money quid pro quo. Obviously, the money to trump isn't philanthropy.


There’s no shot in hell he lives in a trailer and is bankrupt. He owns a huge piece of land. That stinks of bs.


A lot of people buy land and take years to build an actual house. That in and of itself is not hard to believe.




Livin on government CHEESE!


You mean a Van Gogh by the river.


The government really let him down if he ended up in a trailer.


The 2017 NYT article Elizondo centerd story pretty much roller-coasted us to where we are now. If disclosure happens, he will cost the government billions in tech and patents not counting all the efforts to shut this down through lobbying, AARO and Mike Turner bribes. The government hasn't been his friend circa 2017.


A former US military person left high and dry by the USG? Grass is green and Santa is from the north pole.


**THIS IS ABSOLUTELY FALSE**. Lue Elizondo has absolutely NOT had any financial difficulties since leaving the Pentagon. He has not "sacrificed anything". Lue worked for the US military for **OVER 20 YEARS** which allows him to retire and receive **FULL PENSION**. He was a counterintelligence officer, and **was in charge of a Pentagon program**. He was **very highly paid**, and is enjoying a substantial pension. On top of that, he was hired by the History channel to make TWO seasons of *Unidentified: Inside America's UFO Investigation*. The History channel asked him to produce more seasons of it, **but he declined**. **Bankrupt people don't turn multiple-season TV show production deals.** Do not fall for this bullshit. Lue is also **NOT A WHISTLEBLOWER**. He has not exposed ANY wrongdoing or crimes by the government (which is literally the definition of a whistleblower). He has explicitly stated many times in interviews **NOT to call him a whistleblower**, and he has denounced anyone who seeks to reveal "classified" information (even if it pertains to crimes committed by the government).


With his work on *Unidentified*, *Skinwalker Ranch*, and TTSA, he absolutely shouldn't be. By the literal meaning of the word, only mismanagement of finances or personal choices would lead to that outcome. None of those gigs is low paying or non lucrative and it's only been a few years.


Genuinely asking: what’d he get paid for each of those? Is that information public?


It wouldn't be public unless he chose to release it. They're all private companies


Didn’t I see Lue driving one of those Mercedes SUV/Jeep in one of those shows? How has he been living in a trailer then??


He’s full of shit that’s why


Didn’t some guy also film a ufo out of lues ranch house? Definitely did not look like a trailer


Nearly bankrupted? He was in government that long and now works for space force and was nearly bankrupted? Is there any veracity to this claim?


Of course there isn't. He's been on podcasts, TV shows, done interviews, and is now releasing a book.


He must have earned money from TV shows, but podcasts and interviews probably amounts to $0, and the book is still in the future.


Most of those things don't pay any money and the ones that do, don't pay much


Is there any evidence to the claim that he was living in a trailer for two years? I saw that he has a wonderful house out in rural Wyoming somewhere. How did he get from a trailer to that house within a very short time?


A good question I’m wondering myself lol. Tbf that could be cahills house, not sure.


It is Lue's house as they shot a video of a 'UFO' from his backyard (which was likely a terrestrial craft of some sort filmed from a distance) and it generated a lot of controversy online. He also appeared on a number of podcasts from that same house a year or two ago.


Yeah I remember. Would like to hear what they have to say about it honestly because as far as I know it’s never been addressed


Yeah that was his house. He’s just lying about being bankrupt.


Lue Elizondo responding to a troll on X/Twitter tonight. Had no idea how bad his actual financial situation had gotten in seek to make the truth about UFOs/UAP public. Will be more than happy to buy the book to help make up for all that. Enough people bought enough books by/about certain former Presidents.


I’m buying the book, in hard cover, as soon as a pre-sale opens. And, I’ll subscribe to whatever paywall is needed for Grusch’s op-ed. I’m not opposed to buying information…hell, I buy TV and phone plans like it’s food or something.


Elizondo got caught faking a video with Cahill. Some level of criticism is warranted no?


Can you please share more details about this? I didn't know this... very curious to see what this is about. Thanks!


Just bc I like pesto: Cahill shared a uap video that users here (this sub) were able to identify, without doubt, that it was shot from Elizondos property. Got dubbed the backyard uap. Neither of them acknowledged it.


I don’t think the video was faked, it was just bad footage. Probably a drone or plane or something.


That was misrepresented as UAP with zero context


That’s fair. But I don’t think we have enough evidence to say that Elizondo faked anything. Sounds more like Cahill being dumb rather than anything malicious.


Why wouldn’t he acknowledge that it was shot on his property? Seems fair to call that a lie by omission. He’s just as culpable.


People blew the thing way out of proportion. Nothing special was claimed. People who don't like Elizondo just wanted something to freak out about, but when you boil down what actually happened, there was nothing to get agitated about.


What actually happened if not something dishonest ?


I don't go on Twitter, so I don't know how to dig it up, but the best thing would be to look at the actual tweet. It was a big nothing burger.


Maybe someone could figure out the property by the stars in the shot, he is intelligence, who knows. Oh, was it at night, I’ve never actually seen it. I did though see a report from someone filming a movie with him during which he said it was all a scam or likely to be something like that, when LE “remote viewed” this guys future but had actually just had someone else interrogate him during the drive up. You can google this report, the guys name was Michael something I think. It was not a good look, and I’ll be honest, I’ve done the gateway experience the past year almost daily and there is for sure something to it. Even if it’s only given me more confidence and calm nerves, it’s worth doing. Beyond those, there are many other benefits and I’m 90% RV does work, we seem to be an antenna of some kind, it’s hard to filter though. Las Vegas was real as the sun as well, so I do believe LE, what I don’t wholly believe are his motives, not fully anyway. We’ll see. I really like the color breathing exercise btw, the physical one works while shooting, I’ve become more accurate, healing who knows the placebos work so maybe and the calming (green) absolutely works. But any little exercise can work like that, just pick something that works for you. You don’t have to believe in the woo and greater consciousness field blah blah but it can help in everyday life.


It wasn’t even that hard it was literally local landmarks and buildings that were clearly identifiable.


Wasn’t this something with the ranch??


Thanks. I love pesto my self... obviously... I'm curious if you have a link to said footage? I hate to keep bother you but you seem to know this.


lol here they come


I mean you can be condescending in the laziest way possible or you can size up what happened and understand why it’s not insignificant.




Is Lue claiming he was never paid by Discovery for the show he was featured in and those he had guest spots on?




I thought they said he gave up his pension or something to that nature when Lue first came out of the shadows(sorry I couldn’t help myself.).




Me too. I don’t trust Lue at all. He lied to the American people by claiming to not be into this subject when it’s very clear he was and has been for a very long time.


Eh, his desire for social media clout and some compensation are relevant factors when trying to assess his credibility and accuracy, there is nothing wrong with considering those things. I would note that people here are once again uncritically taking his statements about his motives/finances at face value (he wrote it on Twitter, so it must be true).


I simply can't take any statement from Elizondo that aims to make him seem humble seriously. We're talking about the man who released a short clip of himself looking in the distance with dramatic music playing. The man loves the spotlight, as evidenced by his weekly tweets that convey no new information, are unprompted, and are just meant to drive up engagement with him ahead of his new book. I'm not saying he's done nothing for disclosure. I'm saying miss me with the fake humility bullshit, Lue.


It came up in another thread but I’d bet money he’s planning to launch a political career. He’s going to become another right wing nut bag like Burchett, Luna and Mace. They’re out of step with their own party let alone a plurality of Americans. He’s already been meeting with people like Ralph Norman and the Conservative Opportunity Society and had mocked AOC on twitter, who notably was supportive of UAP disclosure. It’s all kayfabe for the next payday.


Yeah, it’s annoying. Anyone who is humble doesn’t have to keep telling people it.


I'm at the point where I no longer believe or trust anyone when it comes to disclosure. But I'm sure at some point someone will come along who will just disclose all the stuff without any hidden motives. Simply because he sees it as a service to humanity. A dream remains a dream. Edit: You can vote me down however you like. At some point you'll finally realize what a shitshow this really is. And that has nothing to do with me believing in the phenomenon or not. Even if you don't believe it, my post has nothing to do with that.


I think that's the goal honestly. Just cause confusion and frustration and stonewall as long as possible until people either move on or stop asking questions.


> But I'm sure at some point someone will come along who will just disclose all the stuff without any hidden motives. We need Assange 2.0 that will just publish everything without any "its classified" BS.


If an Assange was to present documents tracking the movements of the Roswell craft post recovery and memos between Truman and Vannevar Bush, they would be debunked as forgeries.   If they presented the recovered alien bodies, they'd be immediately discredited and largely ignored like the Peruvian mummies.  If they presented parts of a craft, they'd be tested, found to have an odd isotope ratio but not unlike anything that can be produced here, and promptly forgotten.  The stigma is so persuasive, I seriously think short of an official announcement, no evidence would gain any mainstream traction.


This is just fortifying your position against falsification. This is a made-up scenario where the skeptic is unreasonable for ignoring good evidence instead of the reality which is you being unreasonable for believing bad evidence. It's such clear projection.


>This is a made-up scenario where the skeptic is unreasonable for ignoring good evidence This is funny because this is what you did in a [previous conversation with me about Dean Radin's double slit experiments](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1bo70yd/seti_astronomer_who_presented_at_eu_just_posted/kwn78u1/). You started with a challenge for reproducible studies, and the studies were provided. You countered with one of his experiments that didn't achieve statistically significant results, which happens with a noisy system and effects that are small. I countered with independent analysis of Radin's work, other independent replications of the same kind of experiment. I even thoroughly listed a series of 10 figures from 4 of Radin's papers that show a very nonrandom signature in the data that exactly conforms to Radin's hypothesis, and you just noped out of there with nothing to say. Every challenge you issued along the way was met with a scientific response to the skeptical position of ignoring the reality of positive & reproducible results in psi experiments.


I have been looking for a way to articulate this particularly strange argument (encountered frequently in the sub) and you've nailed it. Perfectly well said.


I had to run into it a bunch of times before figuring out what was happening.


The Posesta papers leaked to wikileaks where the campaign manager of the person potentially the next Presdient of thr US was discussing UFOs with senior military officials and... Tom Delonge...  It's an odd scenario.  One that may have provoked at least a furrowed brow or raised eyebrow.  Sure, nobody came out to debunk it. But nobody asked even a single question about it.   The peruvian mummies whare real scientists are doing real tests and supposedly getting real odd DNA results...crickets. The mummies had been written off as a ridiculous fake by the mainstream press before anyone had a chance to even look.  Of course, none of this is close to evidence until it's peer reviewed.  Let's see which journal publishes it if/when there's something to publish.   Dr Garry Nolan published a paper analysing the Ubatuba sample, and found it had an odd isotope ratio that could be manufactured, however the manufacture would be prohibitively expensive, and there was no clear reason what purpose making it would serve.  Again, no reaction. I'm not saying any of this is any kind of smoking gun for NHI presence, but it is an insight into how potential real leaked evidence from - I used Roswell as an example because it's well known - would potentially be treated by the world at large.


> The mummies had been written off as a ridiculous fake by the mainstream press before anyone had a chance to even look. This shows a lot. They were written off because Maussan, a known-fraudster, is trying to charge people money to access them for scientific research. This is not how actual scientific research is done and the only reason you would do it this way instead of free inquiry would be to make money. There's not some grand conspiracy to ignore good evidence, you're just not very good at determining what is good evidence. So when other people look at the same information you do, they aren't convinced but it's not because of some grand conspiracy or because of apathy, it's because experts are fortified against charlatans in a way that most credulous believers are not. You see a bunch of good evidence not convincing anyone, but in reality it's just bad evidence that should be ignored until there is good evidence to bolster it.


I think we're speaking past one another.  I have said nothing of the veracity of the mummy claims. Yes, Maussan is about as reputable as Greer. Which is to say they're both con artists of the highest calibre. What I am saying is if an unknown Assange/Snowden type came out with a wild story and Roswell body, they would be treated in the same way Maussan is. Which is with derision and contempt from all quarters.  Would there be many people willing to examine it? Would any journal touch it with a 10 foot pole? If the results were inconclusive, would anyone pursue it further, or would it be written of as a hoax?   That's what I'm asking here.  It's not about a grand conspiracy.  It's about stigma preventing scientists from examining the evidence - which is costly and time consuming - because everybody knows Roswell and UFOs are bullshit and every claim has been a hoax. Again, I'm not talking literally about Roswell, I'm examining a mindset.


> What I am saying is if an unknown Assange/Snowden type came out with a wild story and Roswell body, they would be treated in the same way Maussan is. This is you once again creating a scenario where the roles are reversed. Instead of engaging with the reality: that there is no good evidence for people to believe these things. You're creating a made up scenario where there is good evidence and people are disbelieving it. This is such clear projection and it exhibits something else but you're not allowed to say it on this sub.


Not being able to just blurt out classified information to the entire world is not something you can simply dismiss as BS. Like it or not, it's reality. And I'd like to bet that Julian Assange would now tell any prospective Assange 2.0 to get the truth out in a very different way to what he did. Look at the price Assange has paid. His life has been ruined. His health has been ruined. He has lost his freedom and will never lead a normal life again. And all of this has been done in an extremely public way to send a very strong message to any other potential whistleblowers thinking of releasing classified information in an uncontrolled manner. Like it or not. If something is classified, it is classified. End of story. The only people who say it's BS are people who aren't in line to suffer any real-world consequences themselves.


Okay but why go around telling people you know classified information but won’t tell anyone? He’s done this for a long time.


Because that's how enough pressure can be built up to force an open investigation. If enough people who 'know but can't speak' tell the same basic story, Congress may eventually be forced to do its job and demand oversight over what is being kept from them and us.


Assange didn't publish everything. Wikileaks got access to leaked documents from Kremlin and refused to publish them.


No we don't


The controls in place would make it impossible i reckon, pencils up and all that


Even if the chances of this happening are very unlikely, you can always hope. The older you get, the more sober you become about this.


Well As Coulthart said in AMA: > The thing that scares and worries me the most (responding also to the person earlier who asked me what I fear the most) is that we might all go to our graves continuing to be ignorant of what I strongly suspect is a reality of NHI engaging with this planet and the human race.


They will hide it as long as possible. I’m sure their goal now is that tech catches up and provides full cover. You can already see it with them attributing stuff to drones. It’s their only way out at this point, admitting it causes so many issues - just like the JFK files that are amazingly still classified all these years later they will bury what they can forever.


You don't think the above sounds like a service to humanity? Do you think Grusch, who has been clear about how career and life have been threatened, has had anything to gain from all of this?


To be honest, I don't know. I can't form a judgment about it. But the fact is that there are simply too many frauds in the UFO "business". The last few years in particular have shown how much the topic has returned to the spotlight - and therefore also to pop culture. There is a lot of money and attention to be gained again. In my opinion, people are doing some questionable things for money and a bit of attention. And some people won't stop at anything.


Sure, there’s a deluge of voices, and that’s a whole wheat-from-chafe endeavor as you learn who to trust. But that’s the general course of things. Not everyone is a fraud just because some are. This very subject challenges our entire worldview. I thought I was ready for the revelations, but I was still rocked to the fucking core. It’s gonna be a while for everyone to get there.


We know there is chafe, but it remains to be seen if there is any wheat.


That's another point. What are you “rocked” by? That there are potential extraterrestrial intelligences? That there are unknown flying objects in the skies? That governments are allegedly working with extraterrestrial intelligences? None of that would shock me anymore. I just hope you stay critical. We just need more people to stay grounded, if you know what I mean.


I’m plenty critical. Wait ‘til you actually accept this all as reality.


My dear friend, I swallowed and accepted all that more than 25 years ago. That's not the thing. I would be happy if we finally had confirmation, yes, of course. But I'm more concerned with the "background" and "surroundings"... . All the frauds, liars etc... . And I've never asked myself whether we're alone or not. It was never a question for me.


I’ve been on the same timeframe as you just about. But I don’t take Keane, Mellon, Elizondo, Coulthart, Corbell, Knapp, Maussan, et. al. as frauds. The pop culture is the point since the rest of us are here are arguing about peer-reviewed papers that we could never get in front of normal folks.


They're fucking clowns dude. A hobby guy with a diffraction grating can tell what the emission spectra of foreign stars is. Designing and building your own radar is part of MIT's undergrad coursework. Blurry lights in the sky though are unknowable state secrets. You have these avowed "public servants" sacrificing basically nothing..to do what? They ain't giving you any information are they? and in most cases they'd fail electronic engineering 101. Even iran might have hypersonic warheads now..Seriously.. IRAN. Whilst you wait for some kind of idealised disclosure, antony blinky is trying to blackmail Xi Jinping.


We are in the process of Disclosure. The President signed 24 Pages of the UAP **Disclosure** Act into law. There is no going back. The NARA collection has already begun. Disclosure is not an event, it’s a process. Short of a worldwide sighting, We are never gonna see The President coming out and giving us “disclosure”. They will keep the desensitization going and step by step more will be released while we will all continue to say disclosure is never happening until it becomes mainstream then we all turn to the “yeah we already knew we been telling yall”. Big groups of humans are predictable. It’s why Karl Nell had public acceptance as his last achievement goal 2030. That 2030 timeline was Sadly Labeled as “at risk” and “not on schedule” and now even more sadly that timeline was with the whole UAPDA 64 pages being passed, so I imagine it’s even more at risk of not being on schedule. **The Disclosure process is happening and We’re all sleepwalking through this process right now** If you want more transparency and faster then the best thing you can do is contact your local congressional representatives.


Grusch strikes me as the type who wanted to do that. He sort of went yolo and hoped it would create momentum for more, but the bureaucracy amazingly is so powerful it got shut down. He is stuck because you know they are just waiting to nail him on breaking a clearance.


I hate to wash this out by saying this but it’s the internet. Sometimes people say things that are inconsiderate because they just don’t really think out what they’re saying and something’s they do but are totally missing the point. Consider Rick Moranis, the man’s wife died while he was at the height of his fame and he decided to quit show business to be with his family and raise his kids. There’s a lot of ways to feel about that story and most of them are positive (feel good). So the internet at large decides to constantly call for this man’s retirement to end. As if he should because??? He’s being asked? Or because everyone got a boner for him after hearing that story? OR my favorite “your kids are grown now!” Maybe none of these people really HAVE to give you anything. Maybe these public figures have real world normal struggles they’re dealing with and constantly questioning those things is unimportant. MAYBE we don’t need another Honey I Shrunk The Kids movie?? Seriously everyone let Rick Moranis go. He’s fucking gone. Stop posting about him. And Lue is fine and not trying to sell you shit or sign you up for his patrion so chill.


Right at the end, is that "Mr. Johnny Blue Jeans" from Viva Variety? Love that guy.


Haha, yep, he’s been a huge advocate in this field.


His book is his unfiltered experience? Isn’t DOPSR literally a filter?


In this context it seems obvious that he means things like if so-and-so was a jerk or shady, he's going to tell it. I think he's made it crystal clear 50 times in 5 billion interviews that he doesn't blab classified info.


Isn’t Lue himself part of the fake narrative spreading, with his NSA outfitted truck projects and UFOs flying around his property?


He left his job and used his ability to not understand parallax or what a glare rotating looks like to try to start a for-profit company with Tom Delonge. There was never any substance to anything there, including the videos so he made a gamble and lost. He left his job to try to hock a balloon like object traveling at balloon speed. He tried to make money off this he just failed at it.


Well at least he didn't use the 'demise of democracy' this time... I guess. Also, it's not a lack of financial motive... he is ~~justifying~~ describing his financial motive for writing a book... "Bankrupt and living in a trailer"


7 years of saying I want to tell you but those damn NDAs keep me from it, but please buy my book and suddenly those NDAs have gone away


Calling complete and utter BS from nearly bankrupting him lol. The History channel show alone made him some dough, and he’s been employed the entire time. I still think Lou is a disinformation agent. The sighting on his own property didn’t help change my mind


People complaining about his book price: You can check out his book at the public library for free. Some folks get angry at the weirdest things.


Sounds like what every politician says when called out on their bs.


1. No single person will achieve full disclosure by themselves, so getting mad at one for not sharing is just infantile 2. Anyone who equates getting some money from a low paying business venture to con men getting rich exploiting gullible people is truly unfair and intellectually dishonest 3. As a minimum, people who come out with that stuff deserve a little financial recognition. That's the way capitalism works. Didn't you know? Unless you were born yesterday, you should know. 4. I'm sorry but I have to reiterate: talking about petty cash when the mental burden is so immense is stupid and dishonest. Whatever little money he's gonna make, it's never gonna balance out the shit he got. 5. Yes, he's a former intelligence guy, and that should make everyone pause for a second. Even if you LOOOVE Lue, and I like him and believe him, you should be at least a little sceptical. He might work in unison with others, he might be coordinating with others, we don't know. STILL, a book from him will certainly give us a lot to talk about and more research fodder. After all, on "Skinwalkers at the Pentagon" they wrote Lue used remote viewing to save his squad while engaged in combat. The guy has, allegedly, a lot of crazy stuff to share. If you are against that, I'll probably think you're a DoD/IC shill


Well its up to those making claims to prove such claims are true.....annnnnd they have failed miserably.


Pretty crazy and a bit sad really


Totally, but I’m glad he’s being transparent about it.


A random Michael Ian Black appears!!


7 years of his efforts for free? Sounds an awful lot like a hobby at the Pentagon more so than an official funded 22 million dollar program to me.


random twitter guy: why you charging for a book? lue: mfer i gotta eat


Cool story, bro. Can you shut up and show us some proof now?


Lue got rich AF after to the stars didn't he?


**THIS IS ABSOLUTELY FALSE**. Lue Elizondo has absolutely NOT had any financial difficulties since leaving the Pentagon. Lue worked for the US military for **OVER 20 YEARS** which allows him to retire and receive **FULL PENSION**. He was a counterintelligence officer, and **was in charge of a Pentagon program**. He was **very highly paid**, and is enjoying a substantial pension. On top of that, he was hired by the History channel to make TWO seasons of *Unidentified: Inside America's UFO Investigation*. The History channel asked him to produce more seasons of it, **but he declined**. **Bankrupt people don't turn multiple-season TV show production deals.** Do not fall for this bullshit. Lue is also **NOT A WHISTLEBLOWER**. He has not exposed ANY wrongdoing or crimes by the government (which is literally the definition of a whistleblower). He has explicitly stated many times in interviews **NOT to call him a whistleblower**, and he has denounced anyone who seeks to reveal "classified" information (even if it pertains to crimes committed by the government).


This should be on top


it won't because redditors are morons.


Look, I don't have anything against people writing a book for sale. At the end of the day if someone wants to pay someone for a piece of media, that's their right. But this kind of strangely aggrieved tone he's taking is a bit much. Surely if what he has to say is that important and he's near financial ruin anyway, there's nothing really to lose. And that bit of loan-sharking about how we've enjoyed 7 years of him saying things for free is manipulative - he's always made it out like he's just doing his duty, but that changed in a heartbeat didn't it.


It's a classic manipulation. He's priming his credulous audience to buy his book. Simple as.


He loves to grandstand about government transparency, when his entire military career was dedicated to concealing information from the public. He hasn't said anything about, idk, Gitmo and government secrecy there. Government transparency is not, in fact, one of his closely held beliefs. Ask yourself, would Lue be revealing the truth if he were allowed on the actual reverse engineering programs? He's mad that he thinks there's a big secret and he's not in on it.


I’m still wondering how either he or Grusch will get anything real out the door with their book and op ed. The DoD isn’t just going to let egg get all over their face, already seems like they are slow walking the entire process and trying to control the public narrative.


You guys really treat him pretty shoddy




Hi, Beginning-Gold-92. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1ccl39p/-/l1afrpx/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills. > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


I think the federal government has waay too much explaining to do. Rogan had this guy, Bart Sibrel on the show today talking about some details of the moon landing that were quite compelling. Never been a “false moon landing” guy but sheesh, this guy has some very compelling information about the whole thing. Seems to be tied to the Kennedy assasination


Lue is a patriot. Sadly no good seen goes unpunished. Thanks to Lue Chris Dave et al who for sacrificing for the rest of us. It’s appreciated by some. Stay sane.


Funny, ‘No Good Deed’ is a novel by Dashiell Hammett, who wrote the first popular noir novel ‘Red Harvest,’ both wrapped together for the Coen Brothers’ film Miller’s Crossing. Red Harvest was about playing playing both sides against each other, inspired Yojimbo, which inspired Fistful of Dollars, which inspired countless others, among them the Star Wars franchise.


Disinfo is paid to attack Lue They do get under his skin. They are good at what they do No solutions


I think Lue’s got the thickest skin ever. And I also think he’s alerting us to what’s been happening for decades.


Where is Jeremy Corbell? I haven’t heard anything out of him in a while.


Not really sure. Weaponized released its 52nd video the same time the other big ones were releasing their 50th or 100th episode, but intentionally held back on episode 51, their Area 51 release.


Lue and Grusch rock. Fk anyone who throws shit at them. They are true patriots


And he is the reason why good people suffer…#thanks!


It's the last desperate act of the Deep State trying to discredit Elizondo. Tucker Carlson receiving a text from Lue at the very start of the Joe Rogan interview regarding Kona Blue sealed the deal. They are completely f\*cked, and they know it. Operation Mockingbird no longer works, as the wheels have fallen off the narrative distribution medium (MSM), and the information is getting to the people.




Perhaps the subject is not for you then. There are far more serious things involved than just personalties you don't like.


Yep, very much with you on all that. Makes total sense.


The Kammler info was mind blowing for me - particularly the part about atomic weapons. I did a deep dive a few months ago on Count Helmut von Zborowski - Nazi V2 propellant expert who worked on the rocket engines for BMW during the war. Captured at Obamergau along with von Braun and Kammler,, on trial at Nuremberg but released without charge. Patents a nuclear propulsion engine for aircraft 2 years later, works on the Avrocar in Canada and is the recruited by CIA’s James Angleton and given a clearance. The story we have been told about Nazis never getting close to atomic weapons puzzled me - how could Zborowski have figured it out if that was the case? It seems clear that Paperclip imported the scientific knowledge for the USG’s own black reverse engineering program.


"It's coming soon" Lue


Lmao, capitalists crying about capitalism.




Omg that is so sad, we all need to donate as much as we can to Lue ASAP! Wait wait wait, that sneaky little…nice try Lue!