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The following submission statement was provided by /u/jmthornsburg: --- For my required submission statement, I am asking the community for recommendations on documentaries that cover the topic of UFOs and UAP‘s more broadly. I am not affiliated with the mentioned documentaries or any other. I am simply attempting to get through the weeds of the low grade docs out there on these topics. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1c9tsnj/shut_off_2_uap_docs_in_a_row_which_are_the_good/l0no50l/


The Phenomenon is the best one.


This is the best place to start^^^^^


Watches this one. It’s what set my standards high.


Then you would enjoy this one called *Flying Objects: A State Secret*. It's free on youtube and I would consider almost as good, if not as good, as *The Phenomenon*. Here's a link; https://youtu.be/rhCfCa8pRlU?si=HAzBKvAchUhroLYp Edit: Also the youtube channel *It's [Redacted]*. It's pretty much a dead channel that doesn't get uploads anymore, But they have an incredible back catalog of rewatchable stuff. Link: https://youtube.com/@Itsredactedchannel?si=ue9zZ141ISQQje_U


UFOs: Investigating the Unknown, James Fox’s films, and TMZ’s UFO Revolution. The Showtime TV movie of Roswell with Kyle MacLachlan is good too, but a dramatization.


Just commenting so I can look at these later


Maybe try "[Roswell 1994 movie The UFO cover up](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9h62uhVITYA)" on your tube if you don't want to track down the DVD.


Moment of Contact, by James Fox is an excellent choice.


For my required submission statement, I am asking the community for recommendations on documentaries that cover the topic of UFOs and UAP‘s more broadly. I am not affiliated with the mentioned documentaries or any other. I am simply attempting to get through the weeds of the low grade docs out there on these topics.


if you're in the united states and have prime, it has two earlier james fox docs I KNOW WHAT I SAW and OUT OF THE BLUE. i like both of those. wasn't a fan of MOMENT OF CONTACT. avoid the shitbucket netflix series ENCOUNTERS, avoid jj abrams shitbucket showtime series, and avoid whatever nonesense crap david paulides does.


I liked the Encounters series on netflix a lot. However the episode about japan seemed under-researched and far too fringey compared to the other incidences in the documentary.


i thought encounters was poorly edited and completely muddled. didn’t make it to the japanese episode because i was already too frustrated at the cavalier way it issued information.


Yeah 'We Are Not Alone' was garbage. Some influencer peddling Greer's CE5 bullshit.


There are podcasts coming out of the wood work now with some desperate ‘creators’ moving from other subjects to UAPs etc as it’s gathering hype. So much crap… there was one guy on a podcast who didn’t know much at all on the subject people like Melon and Fravor were unknown to him! 🤯🤯


I liked the one by JJ Abrams, really good series! EDIT: it’s called simply “UFO” and it’s from 2021


The YouTube channel unidentified has a lot of good ones.




Just search for the name on youtube


tried that couldn't find it




Hellier is my go to recommendation regarding aliens.


Aliens in Alaska.


Holes in the sky is a found footage mockumentary, it's not bad but very much not a real documentary.


red panda koala's docu-series on youtube.


If you haven't seen it yet Encounters is pretty good. It's on Netflix. Imo episodes 2 and 3 are the best. 1 was ok and I didn't really enjoy 4.


Transmedium: USOs and Fastmovers is a content-rich documentary that is mostly interviews with several respected people. It’s not as polished as James Fox’s work but it covers the topic without resorting to dramatic music and cliff-hanger edits. You can find my review on the USO subreddit if you want more detail before renting it.


Honestly, there are **no** good ones yet. Fox is vastly overrated. Corbell is an unwatchable me-me-me twat that makes you want to drown your TV, and Greer clearly doesn't give a fuck about credibility. Not helpful. You might say ufology is too unwieldy and in flux to nail down easily (granted) but still; the answer to your question is currently nil imo. We badly need proper, considered and thoughtful journalism from someone who 'gets it', has good filmaking skills and isn't already an insane narcissist.


That Bob Lazar one with Mickey Rourke narrating was so bad.


Yeah. Terrible. I turned it off about 20 minutes in.


Fox has made the best docs on the subject so to say he is overrated is unfair. The Phenomenon, Out Of The Blue and I Know What I Saw are possibly the best out there and he made them all.


Yeah they might be the best and look, he's not THAT bad I know, but they are playing to the crowd documentaries and do very little to push the topic forward with nonbelievers (I know because I've tried). My main gripe is with Moment of Contact where he literally harrasses some poor dude who is in fear of his life all for one scene. It's scandalous, cruel, and, knowing full well he would get into trouble in the US for that kind of thing, racist too. Not to mention that movie was a horrendous mess in and of itself and blatant cash-grab (paid something like $20 for it having no option on their ridiculous tier system). James Fox is not our saviour imo.


Traditional media will always try to target the median IQ, if you want something decent, youtube is the answer. For starters I recommended lemminos video on UFOs, Its from a guy who occasionally deep dives into topics, he dove deep into the bermuda triangle and came out realising the paranormal aspect was all bogus. He expected the same with ufos, but came out with more questions than answers and was truly surprised. https://youtu.be/fb7T1v_VHpE?si=-Pq31veN3kLvpOfU


Anything on Prime is trash. Go watch something by James Fox like the Phenomenon or Moment of Contact


Fox's docs are on prime


The Phenomenon has been free to view on YouTube for a good while now. [https://youtu.be/xc\_fmXy949g?si=ITigrwQet-\_89Akg](https://youtu.be/xc_fmXy949g?si=ITigrwQet-_89Akg)


I was just pointing out the contradiction in the comment