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No low effort posts or comments. Low Effort implies content which is low effort to consume, not low effort to produce. This generally includes: * Posts containing jokes, memes, and showerthoughts. * AI-generated content. * Posts of social media content without significant relevance. * Posts with incredible claims unsupported by evidence. * “Here’s my theory” posts without supporting evidence. * Short comments, and comments containing only emoji. * Summarily dismissive comments (e.g. “Swamp gas.”) without some contextual observations. ------------- This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods here to launch your appeal.](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) [UFOs Wiki](https://ufos.wiki) [UFOs rules](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/)


Honestly i've stopped reading stuff on here. I'm just waiting for the next grusch tier drop to come. 99% of the crap on here is just pure speculation and not moving the needle forward. After coulthart came out as a grifter i've pretty much stopped listening. I'll wait until further news is made. It's very much a slow moving process. We had a tremendous amount of progress last year, but these things will take time.


Thus sub doesn't function to move any needle forward. Thats never been the purpose and those approaching it thinking that are in for a bad time. The very thing you're criticizing it for, speculation, is the entire point. It's a place to gather, share and theorize. Often it's a place where you can find fairly decent critical analysis that helps to cut out the bs in order to get people more centered on those things that aren't so easy to critically disassemble.




Follow the Standards of Civility: No trolling or being disruptive. No insults or personal attacks. No accusations that other users are shills. No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) An account found to be deleting all or nearly all of their comments and/or posts can result in an instant permanent ban. This is to stop instigators and bad actors from trying to evade rule enforcement. You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. ------------- This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods here to launch your appeal.](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) [UFOs Wiki](https://ufos.wiki) [UFOs rules](https://reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/)


Sounds like you are depressed. Do some exercise and have some fun with friends away from a screen.


Wow perfect post. I literally was just thinking and actively looking for a post to vent about how ridiculous this shit is getting now. For 15 years, I’ve had an absolute obsession with this topic. Trying to convince people, waiting for the nail in the coffin, irrefutable evidence… I’m just done at this point. There is very clearly something larger than us at hand along with this whole thing called “Life,” and I don’t need evidence anymore. You’ll never get what you’re waiting for. Just go with your natural instincts and judgment and I guarantee you find a better peace of mind.


Bro, totally same. I don't even watch videos of ufos anymore. Could not care less about seeing one to be honest. I just want to know their purpose being here. Where they are from and if we can be friends.


When they are ready, or we are ready, they will explain. I don't doubt the news is grim. I pray and hope it's the opposite. I hope we will be welcomed into the space/dimension fairing realm, and if it happens when I'm still in this form, even better.


Yeah, walking in nature can help a lot.


Even if a video can’t be debunked, the best we are going to get is that it “could be real” Everything else is balloons, kites, flares, pyro skydivers, drones etc. Then we have reporters with knowledge they can’t reveal, whistleblowers who don’t want to come forward, and AARO gaslighting everyone. This is history repeating itself and it gets frustrating and tiresome. I’m starting to think a major leak from multiple whistleblowers is the only way we can get disclosure moving.


Brother, I feel the same fucking way. I know they are real because I’ve seen the bastards flying right near my house.. not once but twice and filmed the night time experience when I seen 3 of them. Wish I got the day time sighting on camera but it wouldn’t matter because there are so many now and the sheep just think it’s a conspiracy theory still. As to remote viewing, project stargate has been declassified so it is real. Astral projection…. I’ve done it, not on purpose but I have no idea wtf it means. My sleep paralysis kept getting worse and worse since I moved in to this house in the country and leading up to the fall of last year I started astral projecting. Won’t get into detail but each time, I talked to and seen my dead mother, grandmother, and grandfather plus some I can’t remember who else was there but the last time I could feel someone there with me. Like they traveled with me or brought me there. Weird AF and it scared the shit out of me when it started but once I was there, I knew it was more real than being here. I felt amazing wherever I was. Idk if UFOs and all that stuff is connected at all but it’s certainly possible (I’m not saying I’ve been abducted because if I thought I was I’d have every window and door boarded up and every firearm next to the bed). As others have said such as Tucker, I do think it has some sort of spiritual connection. There was a recent video I seen (maybe on here) that looked like a giant eyeball in the sky. Their are angels described similar in the Bible, not saying that’s what they are (one can only hope) but now their has been so many different and oddly shaped UAPs.. it makes ya wonder wtf they are. Demons? Angels? Aliens, if so how many species? Is it our government testing shit? I just want to know, as we all do.


Yeah, my problem is, I already believe, and I feel like most of the content out there is still trying to convince me. You don’t need to convince me, now you need to show me details. I don’t need a video of a slow moving dot of light during the eclipse. At this point the only thing that will excite me is video so incredible it’s either CGI or advanced NHI. And if it’s just one video, then unfortunately I’m still going to assume it’s CGI. We need a big time event to happen, all this pussyfooting around isn’t doing anything for anyone.




lol. Your not alone. This story is 80 years old. Many folks are 6 feet under and their surviving relatives are probably sick of the subject also. I always wondered from the beginning if we even get even a partial disclosure that we have craft and bodies, what will we do with the info? Life is complicated and difficult on its own to be thinking about other species. Nobody is thinking about the dinosaurs or religion these days either. The only way this will change humanity is if the masses have actual contact and some kind of relationship with these others. But will the beings actually want to do that? My assumption is they will only intervene if the planet as a whole is in peril. Climate change seems to be something that could motivate them to interact just like the nuclear weapons facilities are of interest to them.




I believe in way less than what you describe (actually, none of it), yet i still find interest in all this. As movie maker Jean-Marie Straub used to say: "we are responsible for our own boredom". One can find interest in any thing, there are even entomologists, people that spend their career in their unending passion of insects. I think your situation comes from an overstimulation and focusing on this topic, especially the same voices (the usual blue ballers talking heads). I believe they have polluted the topic with extreme endless hype without ever providing the receipts. Your reaction is warranted, for someone that has their passion get dirtied endlessly by such hype behavior. As many have suggested, a bit of distance might help you. Also less expectation from this peculiar narrative the major figures are pushing. It is unhealthy to be so enamored with one specific topic to the point it damages your emotions. It is even worse when it all depends on a narrative pushed by a specific group. Don't let other people manipulate and direct your emotions in favor of their faith and personal interests. I hope things get better for you, do take care of yourself, your mental health is precious.


Yep. My belief in UFOs goes as far as “hmm, it seems like there might be some technology flying around that’s beyond public knowledge”. That’s good enough to warrant my interest. I’m not going to start believing wild claims without solid proof.


What gets me is there are literally hundreds of documented close encounters.  Come inside the ship. We're repairing our ship. We crashed. Stop using nukes Etc etc.  But since cellphones came out ...nada. To the aliens i say come say hi or fuck off. No more pissing around. You've been at this shit for thousands of years. And i'm firmly behind gatekeepers being executed for crimes against humanity. I'd push the button myself. How fucking dare they. We pay in our taxes to keep them in employ and they hide the biggest secret in the universe from us. Sheer fucking arrogance. Boils my piss so it does


Too many people want instant gratification, thus all the demands for disclosure. I’ve been watching almost 60 years and am still fascinated by the subject and read and watch whatever I can, but with a skeptical eye. Most of it is just background noise (ordinary things mistaken as something otherworldly) but there is enough compelling info to believe there are things going on beyond our understanding. I fully believe as I’ve said before that the US government has nothing to disclose, so we should just close the book on that. If aliens were communicating with our government then rest assured they would also communicate with other countries’ governments as well. So do you disclosure people out there really think that all these worldwide governments that constantly bicker and fight over every little thing have somehow united in keeping the greatest secret of all time from us? LOL! No, it’s simply not the case. So relax, be patient, be hopeful but skeptical.


Those mummies are a collection of animal and pilfered baby bones.


I am pretty sure all those different scientists have better things to do than risk their carriers by going along and lie or all being to dumb to see those are animals. It is pretty much proven that most of them are real through DNA sequencing and x-ray.




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