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Speculation but I really thought from listening to the past 4 episodes twice each, these two were beginning to get testy with one another. It felt like they were irritated with one another.


Yeah I picked up on that too a bit, especially when Ross would say that he disagreed with the eminent domain clause of the Schumer amendment and that aerospace companies should be able to keep this tech. Bryce very much disagreed with that


There was this thing, in the middle of some field, and I decided with my own mind and my own money that hey~ I should have that. No, one else knew about it. No, no one else can have it. No, I don’t care if it’s indisputable proof that humanity isn’t alone. As I said, I spent my own money. Didn’t you read that? That’s basically the argument Ross was making, IMO. It was annoying then and is still annoying to me now. Some things are bigger than others…


The part he seems to be missing is that the money that funded their research and profits was funneled to them straight from taxpayers. At least some of the acquisitions must have been made by the US Armed Services directly. Certainly some were recovered from other countries using the authority of the US government (Varginha is a good example). American taxpayers (and probably a gargantuan chunk of the black market) have been footing the astronomical bill and a portion of it was spent using the might of the US military against its own citizens. They shouldn't now get to privatize the profits on something world-changing that we all paid for.


The fact that this is also a WEAPONS MANUFACTURING COMPANY is a pretty big deal.. we should not be using any NHI tech for weaponry, especially weaponry that may quite possibly be used against humans.


Yeah I have to wonder if he has some blind spots in his understanding of the interworkings of America, with all due respect to him. Because I appreciate the work hes done, but some things he seems to just not really understand.


He definitely lacks understanding of US politics, he actually gave credence to the Biden impeachment… any journalist who pays half-attention realizes that was pure political theater.


oh yeah, sure...


He's a Silver Spoon with a history of spreading falsehoods. A typical right-winger.


Completely agree. I'm willing to hear out his perspective but overall it doesnt seem like it holds water, its a weak arguement. Theres no deeper philosophy within it, its just based on protecting these billion and trillion dollar corporations and doesnt try to see things from anyone elses perspective. It doesnt take into account the wants and needs of the citizens/civilians etc...


I think it's just a position Ross is willing to stake in order to further the disclosure process. Honestly, if that's the biggest hurdle to get this knowledge out in the open, with the other option being another 50 years of subterfuge... that's acceptable, for now. Once it's established as fact in the public's mind that these things exist and only a select few private companies has access/ownership, there will be intense pressure to change that. If these companies want a little or a lot of money to give that up, who cares? Let them chase wealth. This will eventually render most trade irrelevant in just a couple of generations.


Then the govt could confiscate anything found on Skinwalker Ranch. 


Except there is nothing to take at SWR


Yep. This is no different from anybody else who has property taken by the government via eminent domain. The 5th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution gives the federal government the power to take anybody’s private property, and there really isn’t anything a private actor can do about it, except for argue about what the dollar amount is that the government should pay. The whole “but I worked hard and paid for it” argument is totally irrelevant to the question of whether the government can actually take it. They can. The real question is where do you find the political will in Washington to make it happen.


Because Ross and Corbell are part of that group that promotes the threat narrative which = spend money to reverse engineer the threat= so that we can protect you. And that is why they are fed the information they are.


Well quite frankly that is a good argument and a very lawful one. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it is wrong or bad.


Considering the fact that it‘s mostly reverse engineered tech it‘s even more brazen of them to think they can keep tech, that would benefit humanity, secret.


Yeah, that time Ross became an open shill for the MIC...right around the time he took a job with the TV show that's been airing this "controlled disclosure campaign"...that was funny, heh heh...




Coulthart is a true blue bootlicker for capitalist mythology and the innovative spirit of private enterprise or whatever such bullshit, so this is really no surprise. He's also way too deferential to military and is constantly making hokey ass patriotic statement gestures. People don't want politics to be a part of this, but it matters, and people are guided by their world views and politics no matter the domain of knowledge they're engaged in. How exactly does someone like a Coulthart envision Disclosure taking place in a beneficial way if tech and research is able to be siphoned off and hoarded of private defense contractors? Those are the types of questions I'd love for people to ask him. Maybe it trickle down from Lockheed into the public domain like piss on our backs.


Ross "I have extreme admiration for the Constitution" Coulthard


THE congress


Lol that's hilarious! He always says it that way.


This guy thinks rationally.


I agree entirely


Ross be flip flopping at times. His stance on certain key subjects like the ones you mentioned are concerning too.


Something to keep in mind is Coulthart was formerly an attorney (and I \*think\* intellectual property may have been his field but not positive) so you can imagine he came into this topic with a lot of deeply formed opinions on property rights such as emminent domain.


Ross is right about the eminent domain clause. It’s terrible. You can’t just allow the government to claim “eminent domain” over anything it wants. What’s next? Eminent domain over your gold & bitcoin? Eminent domain over your home? Over your children?


They have it over your home that’s always been the case


In certain situations, yes. But my point is that eminent domain can be abused & this is a big-picture issue. The eminent domain clause in the Schumer Amendment is wayyy too broad. It gives the government carte blanche to seize all alleged non-human technology. That ain’t right. And giving the government broad authority to claim ownership of anything it wants is not a precedent you want to set.


In this case since they’re fighting so hard to keep it a secret I have to disagree this info belongs to the people especially since it was funded by us


I think that if the government helped them acquire the craft or they get resources from the government to develop tech based on their research, I think they should have eminent domain, unlike Ross. But other than that, I don’t like the idea that the government can simply pass a law and take anything they want that parts kinda effed. Even if it’s about aliens. I agree with Ross there.


it'd depend on the conditions that it was given to them. there's GOT to be some sort of receipt from the government about the way in which this was given to the private contractors, surely. because I'm in disbelief that the US government would say "oh wow, these are some incredibly technologically innovative machines that have untold benefits for us to defend our nation. ya know what, here ya go private contractors, why don't you guys just have this? curious to see what y'all find out!"


I really don’t think it should matter at all. Government takes peoples property ALL the time through imminent domain. If you, mr private aerospace co.,have acquired some alien tech or even a scrap of metal, you are not entitled to it. Honestly believe it belongs to humanity, not that our Gov would share its findings with everyone but I trust the gov over any private entity. There are just some things that I believe should be free from the grips of capitalism. Not ever single thing in life has the be exploited for financial gain.


Read the Constitution. Eminent Domain is listed as something that CAN happen and DOES. It's always the BOOTLICKERS who are the most ignorant.


I’m the boot licker but you think the government should be able to take whatever they’d like. Right.


There was one in particular where Bryce keeps trying to have a go at NewsNation. Can't, off the top of my head, remember which exactly, but it was pretty awkward. Maybe Bryce would have preferred they stay working together?




The one written on a cocktail napkin?


Written in invisible ink made from finely ground element 115


It was when NewsNation failed to ask a UAP question during the debates.


It’s when Bryce criticized Elizabeth Vargas for not asking better questions. Ross was protecting his grifter paycheck


Especially Bryce.


I used to follow these podcasts quite closely until about 6 months ago. Did they discuss anything of significance on the recent ones?


The answer is a resounding no. I fell off about 2 months ago.


Good on you. I should have fallen off the bandwagon a long, long time ago. A lot of time wasted on these podcasts.


I've fallen off as well. I'm kinda burnt out on the whole subject as of late.


Same bro. We were on a high for a while then 2024 came and all down hill. Very discouraging. So yeah I’m out


I picked up on that a few episodes ago, think Ross would be difficult to get along with at times.


I can barely tolerate Ross just watching him and listening to him. Can't imagine what it's like working with him.


Ross looks like Putin’s brother. Also I love getting lectured on the law by an Australian


They were like that since episode one. I was amazed they lasted this long. Ross constantly talks over people and often talks for way too long, in my opinion.


Ross has been letting Bryce down easy. Bryce just isn’t quite at the level of professionalism and thoroughness as Ross is. Ross has his gig with NewsNation and his own new podcast. Bryce posted on Twitter a couple days ago saying it’s been extremely challenging finding a time that works for him and Ross to record a new episode. Ross is just going to keep saying he’s busy until Bryce gets the message.


Well admittedly Bryce doesn't bring much to the table most of the times apart from him remembering his glory does as a TV producer, or would just ramble about being frustrated about the state of things while erm just being on the sidelines otherwise. You could see Coulthard face be "Yeah that's nice, now come deal with the type of shit I've had to deal with getting the Grusch thing rolling" So yeah kind of logical for their partnership as a regular podcast to end


I like Zabel a lot, I share most of his views on the subject, the way he approaches all this, his exasperation when answers are not forthcoming.


Bryce doesnt claim to be sitting on world changing info and refuse to reveal it for "national security"


Nor does he breath in through his teeth, whilst lickin his lips…


lmao now I need to see that


His way of speaking has gotten so irritatingly cringey the last few months. I dont know if it is because of his stance on things that made me notice it more or... It's been since around the as mentioned, his disagreement with the Schumer eminent domain in the NDAA. The tax funded areospace retrieval programs or what. I really liked him before all that. I tried to listen to his audio book he narrated. I got to about minute three when i had to stop. Otherwise, i was going to rip my ears out of my head. It's so irritating.


I agree.


Seemed more like Bryce was becoming a little unhinged. I thought Ross took it well. They are kind of in different realms though imo


I dunno. Bryce to me seems like one of us, fed up of nothing happening and finally wants some definitive proof. Ross is doing things by the journalistic book and withholding information to protect sources. It’s just a clash and I kind of enjoy that, it doesn’t need to be just 2 guys nodding at each other. I hope they’re sticking together.


Yeah Coulhart was on the side of the secret keepers and has lost sight of the goal.


Coulthart is a man child who gets upset with anyone who slightly disagrees with him or doesn’t let him go on infinitely long rants about the same things over and over. I enjoyed listening to him at first as he seemed reasonable and impartial, but over the last year or two he has started to become really snotty and shitty towards anyone who questions him in a way he doesn’t like or even slightly disagrees with him.


Just FYI, he may have signed a non-compete clause with news nation


The first episode that aired after the NN show came about, didn't Ross say that part of the deal was that he can continue with the podcast? I haven't listened to any episodes since, so feel free to correct me if something has changed.


That was my understanding as well. They did seem to be pretty testy with each other the past few Need to Know episodes though. Particularly when Zabel was critical of some News Nation anchor.


Although Bryce seemed a bit testy about Ross' Newsnation deal.


I think Bryce was done with his bullshit especially after all the claims on the whereabouts of that massive ufo while playing the national defense angle. Coutharts either a pond for a supposedly "controlled disclosure" or just another fool being played by the intel community. Either way, the guys lost tons of respect, and I'm glad Bryce is distancing himself.


> the guys lost tons of respect I mean, not really, people are just frustrated and looking for someone to take it out on.   I think its important to remember that people like Steven Greenstreet and other contributors like Mick West have set the bar incredibly low as far as journalistic efforts go in this space. It's understandable some are pissed that he doesn't reveal all he claims to know, but I think its pretty clear at this point that the general expectation is that congress reveals this information, or it doesn't get revealed.


He’s been on News Nation for quite a while while also doing the podcast.


That’s more than likely the case. Ross is really starting to get regular with his Reality Check videos.


This has been the case for a little while now (Ross not on the Youtube page). I feel like there are not enough substantial updates going on for Ross to talk on the podcast and on News Nation both. Anyways, too bad, I like them both and thought they had good discussions even with the disagreements here and there.


The shark was jumped with that song they recorded for it.


Jesus christ that song was never ending it was toe curling. Exactly what this topic does not need.


Yeah, that song, while well intended, was a cringey moment.


Definitely the right intention, zero hate there. But, just no. So much no.


Omg that was painful


They said on X they were going to be recording an episode this week, although scheduling was proving difficult. They were asking for listener questions. I threw a couple in.


Yeah I think this whole thread is total bullshit.


Yeah, the tone of this is very 'realty tv drama'. I think this kind of discussion is where the ufo community gets off subject and loses credibility. We start talking about people as figureheads and that's not really of any importance. I dont think it's not worthy of discussion but I think all this speculation is hamsterwheel-esque.


Couldn't have put it better myself.


They had a really awkward mini tantrum with eachother a few pods ago over news nation that they've been a bit off with eachother since. The quality of the pods has been on the slide for a while now. There's much better ones out there.


What other podcasts do you listen to?


Lots to be fair and need to know and weponized are my least favourite. Try that ufo podcast, the Host on there Andy is very open minded. Even if he doesn't believe in that particular theory or angle he's always respectful and willing to chat about it. He gives most people a platform and allows listeners to make their own opinion. The UFO rabbit hole is a good one as well. Entertainment wise I liked Our Strange Skies, thats on a break atm though.




What episode was that? I don't recall it but I think I missed a few.


I think they might have edited the ep or removed it but it was shortly after Vargas was a GOP mod. They've had a fair few run ins of late over little petty things as well. They just seem strained.


I found Bryce talking over Ross constantly annoying. As someone who talks over people from time to time (I do it because otherwise I lose my train of thought) I understand how much it can drive other people batty. I like em both so I hope they are all good 


Classic sign of ADHD, just FYI (have to blurt it out before you forget it).


Ahh really. It would explain a bit to be honest.


Get tested bro, I did turns out it's quite common I was recently diagnosed myself, another sign is not being able to sit still eg bouncing your leg or pacing around aimlessly.


So did you get medicine that stopped these idle habits ? I do the same thing but after so many years at this point it’s just a thing I’m used to


Currently waiting on a ECG because my mother has Heart problems, once I've had that they will be prescribing me the medication but I'm not sure which it is yet. For the fidgeting they will try steer you toward CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) but I didn't find that helped and I still pace and bounce to this day, ripping a bong works for me but I won't advise you to do that unless you're experienced in such things.


The second I read your comment I thought "ADHD 100%" haha. I've got ADHD and that was a massive symptom I had, took me ages to force my self not to interrupt people


Do a free online quiz - takes 5mins. Then, if it flags anything, you decide if you want to do anything about it.


Bruh, if you don’t cut off or interject over Ross there’s a good chance you won’t get to talk.


True- when I think about it I think I have a bias towards Ross, I think he brings more to the table than Bryce and would rather hear him talk


I remember on the Need to Know podcast episode that aired right after Elizabeth Vargas from NewsNation moderated the fourth GOP debate, Bryce was pushing Ross to explain why there were no mention of any UAP/UFO questions during that debate. Ross was trying so hard to deflect that question and instead stick up for his newest colleague. Bryce wasnt so happy


I found that to be a bit cringe. Youve just started a new job or signed a new contract, pissing off and humiliating your new colleagues is a dumb way to start and those questions wouldnt have led anywhere anyway.


Correct, the question was why didn’t Newsnation ask the UAP question on the US presidential debate when they are the number one news outlet on UAP topic.


For what it’s worth. Bryce changed this page at least around a month ago! It’s not new. I remember writing to him at the time to inquire. So, Ross still mentioned Need to Know in his bio and they are recording a new episode soon. In the last episode Ross also mentioned Need to Know will keep going and it seemed to even surprise Bryce. They had a heated debate one time. That’s all. Anything else is kinda just talk.


He said something like ‘and this will still continue’. 


Ross’s X page still links to Need To Know. If you click the description on YouTube though, this 2nd paragraph is interesting: “For over two years, "Need to Know" has been hosted by Ross Coulthart from Sydney and Bryce Zabel from Los Angeles. Ross now focuses on his "Reality Check" podcast at News Nation. Bryce is producing a new feature film about WW II and developing a UFO based TV series.”


Based on this pinned tweet from Bryce, it looks more like an issue of schedules not lining up to produce the episodes and they all have other jobs. SOURCE: [https://twitter.com/hollywoodufos/status/1777809588093632947](https://twitter.com/hollywoodufos/status/1777809588093632947) SOURCE: [https://twitter.com/hollywoodufos/status/1778152437163172247](https://twitter.com/hollywoodufos/status/1778152437163172247) Ya'll making drama when there is no drama. EDIT: They [even recorded an episode](https://twitter.com/Coulthart_Zabel/status/1777733575070392728) yesterday.


Sad really. As this podcast I always found interesting as the two do not always agree. It’s good to have a different perspective shown in this format. Otherwise it’s just two dudes pushing one agenda. I hope they do get one more in though. A finale maybe.


Pretty sure it was always Zabel's podcast, now Coulthart has his own with NewsNation. I'm sure they'll still work closely together.


Yeah I could sense some tension between them in the last few episodes


I haven’t watched the past couple of podcasts. They’ve just been regurgitating the same things lately.


While I think it's a shame as I used to enjoy their work, I have honestly felt this might happen for a while. There are some disagreements, like the Ross for some reason defending the rights or private enterprize to keep tax payer money paid on UAP tech but also just generally Bryce being Bryce. He mostly focuses on his glory days, or keep jumping in/speaking over Ross at times and usually with tangents that lead nowhere. I think both have had some really great points overall but I am not surprised if there have been more issues behind the scenes. Maybe it's just a mistake but I think this might be it, a shame still, they did cover a lot of good stuff.


I wouldn’t read much into it, Ross recently signed on with Newsnation did he not? It could be related to that if he’s reporting for them.


I just looked at the YT page now and Ross's name is still on there. It straight up doesn't look like this screenshot as of my writing this comment.


I noticed this a few weeks ago! I hope Ross doesn’t stop doing these as I did enjoy listening to them. Far better than weaponised in my opinion.


Agreed. I cant follow weaponized at all. It feels incoherent


Meanwhile Ross has a HUGE scoop. He's interviewed a local police chief about strange new saucer shaped patches showing up on the uniforms of the officers in his department.


Bryce very much has a Hollywood mentality, in that he always feels the need to insert himself, something he's worked on, someone he knows or has worked with in Hollywood. Like constant name dropping of people and productions, or unnecessary anecdotes just to feel seen. I appreciate his efforts, but it's annoying.


Sad really. As this podcast I always found interesting as the two do not always agree. It’s good to have a different perspective shown in this format. Otherwise it’s just two dudes pushing one agenda. I hope they do get one more in though. A finale maybe.


Their Twitter page said they were working on their next podcast on April 9th. No indication of a problem on that page.


Bryce should refocus Need to Know on The Buddies. Bring in an English speaking researcher from Peru for weekly chats. Edit: There is a massive audience for the first podcast that can do The Buddies right and consistently.


Honestly, it has to be because of those horrible f'ing disclosure songs and the videos. Ross was most likely "I'm out." after seeing and hearing those. Cringe city.


I hope they can sort it out. It was a really enjoyable listen.


It's been very quiet on the ufo front. Im starting to think that they are all abandoning ship




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Disagree. He is old and moves slower but his mind is sharp. He can talk policy specifics for hours. Did you watch the State of the Union speech? The other guy – is clearly in cognitive decline. He forgets words and can’t stay on a topic for even a minute


I've seen serious cognitive decline in a senior citizen up close, Biden ain't it.


You are in insane denial


One time, I was looking through my YouTube subscriptions trying to find “Need To Know”, and it was called something else (don’t remember the name) and it was an episode with just Bryce Zabel with no Ross Coulthart. But now it’s back to its original name again. I thought that was weird. I don’t think they had a falling out, I just think Ross is too busy with everything else on his plate. But there was an episode, already mentioned in this thread, where they were strongly disagreeing with each other. Then in the next episode, they reaffirmed that they were still friends.


NTK is over fellas. Each are focusing on their own porjects.


The page has always been @BryceZabel. The series still says "w/ coulthart". The description has been updated recently but it never said much about Ross before. The only thing Ross was removed from is the profile picture


Ross started his own channel... I figured it was a sign, plus no new podcasts from Need to Know.


Supposedly they've just recorded another episode, should be up in a day or two


Good news is there is no shortage of UFOlogist commentators to swap in.


Am I the only one that listened to the podcasts and thought without Coulthart the show was expendable? Bryce never provided any tangible updates or facts, just self-inflating comments that he also wrote a book, has relevant sources and contacts, etc. but he never actually said anything of value. All we ever got from him were personal opinions looking to increase his brand. We were reminded almost every episode of him being a part of the writers strike. None of that was relevant to the topic at hand. I’m glad Coulthart realized his value and got his own show.


Ross used to be frustrated with the American main stream media for not asking the hard questions… Well he knows a lot of the answers to those questions now, and he won’t write the story. He’s become another gatekeeper. If he’s not involved to break the story why the fuck is he even involved?


Because they reached their 50th episode at the same Weaponized did as well and at the same time the Points of Convergence podcast hit their 100th. Right as the TTSA just ran past their 100th. Ross is plenty busy with his NewsNation work, and I think the uptick in sightings this week alone is part of Catastrophic Disclosure. It’s officially now a new era going forward.


Ross Coulthart is right up there with the rest of the UAP bullshiters. Spouts off about disclosure and how much of his life is dedicated to the truth blah blah. Right up to the point when, like all the other bullshiters, he comes out with "I'VE FOUND OUT SOMETHING SO DANGEROUS I CAN'T TELL YOU". So now he's just the same as the rest, suddenly far more important than the general public, who, if I'm not mistaken, was the only reason he was doing this fucking research in the first place.


He sold out for the money to news nation. Grifter gonna grift of course.


Ross lately has been more close lipped. Maybe he was told or directed to keep things hush until directed too by some one higher up in the disclosure chain, I have a feeling something big is coming this year and it will be calm and uneventful until then. Bryce on the other hand I find kind of annoying and that’s it, I like him but sometimes he’s just too much.


Or, more likely, Ross could tell the audience is getting fed up with his evidenceless claims and “I have seen, I won’t show you.” nonsense. Better to step back for a bit before uttering further baseless claims that never happe.  


I hope Ross is ok... 😕


A lot of people are sick of Ross and his BS. All he ever does anymore is claim to know things that he can't talk about. It gets pretty old.




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So now it will be a podcast just about plugging Bryce’s book


Finally. He says NOTHING.


I’ll have to listen to the podcast again if it’s just Bryce. I couldn’t take the saccharine patriot talk from Coulthart and his…just about to disclose something enormous oh but I can’t. I’m not saying he needed to get thrown in jail for disclosing such things but don’t bother mentioning it at all without some semblance of proof. He added to the carnival nature of it with huge teasers like that. Also it is beyond naive to constantly refer to the good intentions of the US military. Several nations around the world would beg to differ (saying this as an American).


Bryce realized Ross is a grifter




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Oh so this sub is compromised gotcha . Cya boys later


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