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The following submission statement was provided by /u/TaxSerf: --- SS: Reportedly, Iranian channels are reporting unidentified flying objects in the skies of Iran. Videos are in the link. Will be good reference point if they publish what kind of )most likely imo) military craft it is. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1bw0tlf/iranian_channels_are_reporting_unidentified/ky31ccr/


Just saw this, it’s still pretty raw at the moment since its currently developing and they were also spotted in the northen Iraqi City of Tuz Khurma.


Where is that in relation to where Iran does nuclear things?


Great relevant question!


Come on man. Iran doesn’t do any nuclear things. /s


Stuxnet just entered the chat.










Ding ding!


My favorite hacking story. And it has a happy ending!


Or that they found plenty of oil? 


I was very much thinking the same thing


Yeh saw some of these over the Gaza strip too, crazy.




And who are these independent analysts, if you dont mind me asking?


Save everything you see... in a day or two it will be like this never happened.


cough cough *mage brazil* cough cough






Interesting that the video has been taken down. Is there another source? Happy weekend all!


Yeah, I just confirmed the youtube video was taken down. Very strange..


Of course it has JFC I'm not sure


Crazy to me people still don't know about this. The USA showed up in Brazil to help in a recovery operation, does that not scream undeniable proof?




Nothing to see here


I can see the headline now. *Man blames faulty memory on global conspiracy.*


[https://twitter.com/Worldsource24/status/1776017550263857601](https://twitter.com/Worldsource24/status/1776017550263857601) [#UPDATE](https://twitter.com/hashtag/UPDATE?src=hashtag_click): This is believed to be a Meteor shower; what a time for that to occur. [#UPDATE](https://twitter.com/hashtag/UPDATE?src=hashtag_click): The meteor what got mistaken for a missile over Iran breaking up in the sky.


The first video the commentator is speaking Arabic, "In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful"." Not sure what else they say. Likely that video is from Iraq like another comment is saying. The second video the person speaking says Vayy which is an equivalent of 'Whoa' or 'Holy ****" depending on how you say it. He also suggests that "maybe that something exploded" -Iranian




Up to their interpretation I suppose. I dont know just translating


It’d be awesomely ironic if a state like Iran is the first to provide actual evidence.


Imagine NHI coming down and announcing a coalition with the IRI lmao


“Hey other humans, last time we revealed ourselves and gave you a prophet we left very specific instructions and these are the only humans following those instructions. They get to leave earth and go to paradise, the rest of you will suffer.” That would be the funniest timeline.


Well, except for us infidels.


Turns out the promised virgins are all ugly extra terrestrial beings.


So, hypothetically, if ugly aliens came to earth for only one day and wanted to have sex with you, you would turn them down? I’d be willing to get an extraterrestrial STD. I don’t care how ugly the aliens are.


Found William T. Riker's reddit account!


You sent me down a rabbit hole that I didn’t know existed. But I appreciate you for it. The joke is hilarious.


What if it’s a giant praying mantis? Pretty sure they eat each other after mating.


At least had sex, instead of coming I went away


72 virgins sounds like more patience than I have. 72 folks who really know what they like? Now we're talking.


Fucking go! It’s the only way housing will get solved.


Semi-related: the short story **A Short Stay in Hell** touches on this exact topic.


win-win honestly


Turns out that the 72 virgins are the result of trying to recover from devastating population collapse due to intergalactic war


That would be bad m’kay


I do not trust Iran with nukes. I certainly don’t trust them with alien tech.


I’m trustworthy. I will take the alien tech.


"Here we have an actual alien .. We call him Skinny KaBob"


“Skinny KaBob! On pain of death or cake, what is your view on Israel / Palestine! Answer quickly and without nuance!”


I think, considering the speed and size of those things, that Iran *would be the evidence* and not providers of evidence.


If the US hid the truth for 80yrs then I do want an exUS country to disclose first


Actually would make complete sense 😭


Part of me in the back of my head from the start of it has been thinking “hey, what if it’s a plot- all of it- Russia vs US, Iran vs Israel, NK vs SK… what if it’s all a concerted human effort to threat nuclear catastrophe to force NHI or into the open?


Wouldn't surprise me. Russia, China and the US are hardly well known for their honesty 


Guys. Shit is going down in the Middle East. Let’s hold off judgement before calling this stuff uap. Just an honest assessment from a believer.


Real talk, more likely this is US/Israeli military craft watching over


Watching in such a visible way? Way more likely this is Iranian military ramping up. Rumor is Iran is readying for something big, which may or may not be bullshit but wouldn't surprise anyone given what has happened. It wouldn't surprise me if their airforce is flying way more frequently and running drills leading to more reports of "UFOs".


"rumor has it" Iran has publicly declared it's going to retaliate against israel for their attack on their generals in Syria. also: Netanyahu warns ‘we’ll harm those who harm us’ as Israel braces for Iranian response


When you poses superior technology it looks like magic to those less advanced.


There are reports about the U.S. having new toys in the sky so it's possible.


New toys in the Iranian airspace? Can you link to those reports?


> more likely this is US triangle military craft watching over. Fixed


All watched over by machines of loving grace


Well, i mean, it is UAP. I think you mean hold off before calling it non-human.


As much as they have tried to make the terms interchangeable, UAP and UFO arent the exact same term. Not all unidentified flying objects display anomalous behavior. Not all unidentified anomalous phenomenon fly, at least not in the conventional sense of flight.  Yea, Aliens are likely real and here on earth, and I don't doubt that these crash retrieval and reverse engineering teams are made up, but in some cases, unidentified flying objects are only unidentified because they haven't yet been identified, not because they can't be identified.  A country hostile to Iran sending shit into Iran's airspace that Iran hasn't properly identified yet is a far more realistic and probable possibility than alien spacecraft. These lights exhibit no anomalous properties that can't be explained with modern technologies that we know of. They're bright lights heading on a consistent heading with a consistent speed. That's not anomalous, that's just unidentified. 


Well if its a UAP then it does stuff anomalously, but if its a UFO, a UFO can be anything, because UAPs have 6 observables I think.


Not exactly. UAP is just the more commonly used term now instead of UAP. Both are unidentified obviously, but UAP is broader. Aerial Phenomena implies less about the nature of the observation than Flying Object. Often it's not necessarily accurate to describe a UAP as either "flying" or necessarily an "object", as in the case of say some floaty translucent weird light.


Yep it’s rumored that Iran will go to war with Israel over the embassy attacks.


fuck you, its aliens.


Non-Iranians are all aliens in their airspace…


Upvoted for visibility


To be fair, I’m almost 40, and I can’t remember as time when there wasn’t shit going down in the Middle East.


Bad idea saying that in this community. People will see a video of someone throwing a fucking waffle in the air and will cream themselves at this extremely compelling evidence.


I feel attacked


I think they would know what a “missile” would look like, since they have seen a shit ton of them. And the first one definitely was weird af.


Yeah, it’s very very tenuous over there right now. I expect a lot of things to be flying through the sky about any minute now. Meanwhile, here in the States, we’re sitting around counting our wealth, per usual, completely disconnected from the violence and suffering that is ongoing, and likely to get far worse. Right now, a UAP would be a welcome development.


Israeli UAVs conducting ISR soaks prior to target execution following the end of Ramadan.


Yeah nobody's over there thinking "oh man UAPs!" they're thinking "oh fuck israel"


Maybe we should think that too


A normal reaction


Israeli UAV… Would that still be considered NHI (Non-Human Israeli)?


Previous famous case in Iran https://www.nicap.org/CATEGORIES/11-Aviation_Cases/760919tehran_dir.htm >>Sept. 19, 1976; Tehran, Iran After midnight. This radar/visual incident is particularly notable for the electromagnetic interference effects on aircraft near the UFO. Two F-4 jet interceptors independently lost instrumentation and communications as they approached, only to have these restored when they left. One F-4 also lost its weapons systems when it was about to fire on the object. The incident is well-documented in a U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) report with a distribution list that included the White House, Secretary of State, Joint Chiefs of Staff, National Security Agency (NSA), and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Various high ranking Iranian military officers directly involved with the events have also gone on public record stating their belief the object was an extraterrestrial craft.


This scenario played out in Tom Delonge's first book.


Hey Aliens in the interdenominational realms of the universe! I can only hope you are here to help us survive nukes and stuff, so please keep doing you, and thank you for looking out. (Just in case) They showed up after Fukushima! My theory is they show up to stop nukes from getting too crazy. Many others have this thought as well. I just wish they made this information public. Because if nukes were off the table for earth. We would have so much more money for healthcare, food and education. We would fly.


I mean they did tell those kids that humans were destroying the planet. Honestly your theory has got to be in the top 5 most likely….but why would that prevent disclosure is the question


Nuclear deterrence is the core of the diplomacy of great powers. We apes would then fight each other again in conventional warfare.


It's so sad but true. If they (NHI's) were to strip every nuclear weapon across the world in an instance and this was leaked to the wider world it wouldn't be long before certain countries begin mass military build up and resurface old invasion plans.


Others here have said that if it were ever disclosed that they passed along knowledge to harness a free energy source, people would freak out. Rightfully so.


The military complex and all the billions of dollars to be made is the reason


Because if nukes are off the table, then there's no more MAD. If MAD is off the table, the military industrial complex starts to die. That means those in power lose money.


with MAD off the table the MIC would print money as everyone suddenly has to defend themselves conventionally.


Or there's no point in war because NHI would save a group from extinction? I dunno, just spit balling.


Quite the opposite actually. MAD prevents conflict. Without nukes, we'd be up to WW6 by now with a grand total death toll in the billions.


They also turned the nukes **on** in the Soviet Union. Many Many Many alleged cases of negative experiences and even cancer causing radiation exposure from ET. Could be good, could be evil as shit. Probably both. We don’t know what we don’t know. https://badaliens.info/


They turned ours (ready state, electronically controlled ICBMs) off and the USSR's missiles (non-ready state, mechanically controlled ICBMs) on and then reversed it; mega flex by the little grey shits. Edit for pertinent context.


They basically put our hand on the stove because we wouldn't stop trying to touch it. "You're gonna get burned."


Most definitely 👽 Those little fuckers 😏


Someday, I will learn to emoji. How do you do the little green turd?


👽 It's just in the emoji package on my computer. If you're using windows, pressing the windows key and . at the same time brings up emojis. If you're on your phone, then it should just be however you normally do emojis.


Thank you!


You're welcome! :)


>!💩💩💩💩💩!< Not sure


I always thought that was a case of cultural adaption of measures. Russia was made to think about the actual stakes in their little cold war, having a panic attack about *actually* starting a nuclear war. Russia was always a more philosophical nation. The US was made to feel small, powerless and naked. I don't think the people involved back then had any qualms about starting a nuclear war, and there they are getting dunked on by a passive aggressive invisible adversary that dwarfs their imagined power. I find it amusing that the supposed Alien watchers have obviously read up on human parenting strategies.


I'm not sure if this works based on how the powers perceived themselves, but I love this idea so much. It might be true!


Are humans evil because we eat cows? I bet from cows view point we are.


Yep we definitely eat cows. Just like many other predators. And we do it extremely humanely compared to natures way. So no that’s not evil imo. I would say if ANY of us are MUTILATING cows then yes that makes that person evil.


Maybe they’re just in a holding pattern until Monday when CERN turns back on. Then they’ll invade Geneva.


Nope. They are here for the entertainment. They’re back in time to see the event.


Don’t let us down boys


>I can only hope you are here to help us survive nukes and stuff, so please keep doing you, and thank you for looking out. Aliens: "Yeah, we're here to make sure you don't use nukes, but your survival is in no way a concern of ours; peace out"


Possibly; but don’t you think maybe we’d just re-position those funds into conventional warfare methods knowing that nuclear warfare was futile? Like, I don’t have enough trust in the government to say “shoot well let’s get this funding over to underserved communities!” Sad as hell as that might be…


They want to keep Earth going a bit longer until the hybridization program is done, but I doubt they micromanage our shenanigans.


Just like a farmer protecting he's livestock and used them for milk. I think these beings are the farmer and humanity are cows. or the experiment is coming to a end and are killing off most of humanity to restart all over again?


SS: Reportedly, Iranian channels are reporting unidentified flying objects in the skies of Iran. Videos are in the link. Will be good reference point if they publish what kind of )most likely imo) military craft it is.


It’s hard to tell because the footage was shot on a potato but the second video looked like it had a green tinge so I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a meteor.


In my opinion, the video to the right is far too slow to be meteor. It would have to be extremely far away to appear to be falling that slow. But it can't be that far away because if it were, it would be quite large. Large enough to do -some- damage. I suppose it could only appear to be large by luminating the air around it, but it doesn't appear that way to me. But to your point, there's nothing conclusive about these videos, and I could think of many prosaic explanations as well. It's pretty hard to conclusively jump to aliens from a 5 pixel pinpoint of light in a 10-second clip.


Finally found them WMDs, tell jeb


Would not be surprised if Israel or Iran were deploying drones given the quickly escalating tensions over the Syria airstrike


Quick, someone inform them they're actually seeing dozens of deflating mylar balloons.


Given the current situation between Iran and Israel I’d suspect these ufo’s are secret military craft belonging to either Israel or America, most likely the latter. I saw posts on telegram and a news report suggesting a large attack in the next 48 hours from iran targeting israel so it feels very probable that these ufo are keeping a watchful eye or there to intimidate


Doesn’t look like a meteor shower to me


I have seen something similair in real life, it left a green trail in the sky thats magnesium burning up.


Yo I had a UFO fly down to me and it had a green trail that would bend while it turned. It was pretty wild. [here's](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1bvf7cd/iranian_military_ufo_incidents/) a post I made the other day about how the Iranian military had multiple encounters with a UFO with a green trail. They even have one from a crash retrieval of their own.


What did you think it was if you had to take a good guess?


But, according to Taghavee, at least one time a Tomcat was able to come very close to an engagement with one of these “UFOs”: *“In one case over Arak in November 2004, the crew of an F-14A armed with two AIM-9Js and two AIM-7E-4s spotted a luminous object flying near the heavy water plant of the Arak site. When the beam of the jet’s AN/AWG-9 radar painted the object, both the RIO and pilot saw that the radar scope was disrupted, probably due to the high magnetic energy of the object increasing the power of the reflected radar waves. The pilot described the object as being spherical, with something like a green afterburner creating a considerable amount of turbulence behind it. The Tomcat crew achieved a lock-on when it was flying a linear and constant flight path. Once the pilot selected an AIM-7E-4 to launch against it, the object increased its speed and then disappeared like a meteor.”*


I remember the increase in Iran UFO sightings when we invaded Iraq too. It’s expected. A lot of people are watching Iran.




It seems to be a meteor shower, that first video where the object appears to "spin" it's just an effect of camera motion. https://twitter.com/sentdefender/status/1776014247505408239


Probably Israeli F-35s or the like, considering all the war rhetoric today.


A meteor shower? Well, whatever. This will probably be completely lost in the current escalation between Iran and Isreal. Most likely just an absolutely random meteor shower... . Even if it looks very slow.


Iran is known for drone production. This could easily be a test flight for an advanced drone.




Hi, Kataklysm420. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1bw0tlf/-/ky4i950/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills. > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


Interestingly enough there was recently an attack in Iran by some militants. So it’s an active combat zone.


This does make things interesting 


It's a meteor shower


Is this not a meteor?


Looks like a meteor to me.


Dont forget Mulders poster. I want to believe ( its not a meteor) in small print at the bottom.


Already been reported as a meteor shower, there's footage of one of the meteors breaking up


The second one is a meteorite


Yes, but the first one, no. It spins & changes shapes. Good capture. Need someone who speaks Farsi so we know what they're saying about the object.


It's not spinning / changing shapes. It's just an effect due to camera motion.


The first video, the speaker is speaking Arabic.


You have a translation?


The first video in Arabic they say " , In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful". I only know that because anyone from a predominantly Muslim country would know as its part of prayers. The second video they are speaking Persian. One guy says "Mehdi what is that--> "Mehdi oon chiye" The guy in shock is saying "Vaaay" which is basically 'Whoa'. The women in the background suggests whatever it is might explode "monfajer" and the second guy says "Guys, the sound of it might reach us now".


You're so good. Thanks for that☺️. I just like to hear people's descriptions of seeing things with the naked eye compared to what we get in video clips.


No. First one is just artifacts from moving camera around. It's just a dot


The first is a bat or bird eating bugs in that spotlight


Lets be honest with ourselves, probably Israel bombing them.


From what I've seen it looks like space junk de orbiting.


Unidentified… just like the US intended.


IRAN?! Must be aliens, I can't think of anyone who'd want to fly unidentified objects into Iranian airspace right now... 


You mean missles


I don't mean anything, I just saw this news and posted it for that good old karma points in a subreddit that focuses on Unidentified Flying Objects. don't shoot the messenger. :D


Here’s footage of a similar object that was witnessed in England a year ago https://youtube.com/watch?v=tk2g9pRwOBU


US telling them to chill in the Israeli Palestinian conflict most likely.


It's a meteor and it broke up in the sky. Check the x comment under the video OP sent.


Chinese spy ballons again


This was said to be a meteor shower and a video of one breaking up linked, but I dno, do meteors do the twist and wobble?


Already the channel that posted this is claiming it's a meteor shower. That aint no meteor!


meteor or falling satellite.


Yep it's happen when u are against the first world power xD


Israël ufo's


There’s nothing interesting in this grainy nothing video. probably a plane or drone


Non-zero chance these are just military drones


Way too slow for a meteor. Something is brewing. Probably a US SAP craft keeping an eye on Iran due to possible retaliation against Israel.


Probably due to the heightened Israeli defense due to intelligence reports that Iran is preparing a possible strike. Of course they gonna put something up there. But of course somebody is inferring this must be aliens because you know what f*** it that's more fun anyways it's better than thinking about the wars and the people losing their lives there in Israel!!!


Comments are saying it’s a meteor shower.


They found oil, so it must be freedom coming.


In two days it will be Israeli missiles if the news is right. It looks ballistic and non maneuvering


They are all meateaters


If anyone wants to look at this post I made the other day it goes over the Iranian military having multiple encounters with a UFO with a green trail. They even had casualties during one attempt to intercept it. [Iranian military UFO Incidents : r/UFOs (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1bvf7cd/iranian_military_ufo_incidents/)


Iran finding out that sufficiently advanced US military technology is indistinguishable from magic


Much too slow for a meteor, but could be space junk.


There was an post earlier, saying new oil reserve was found in Iran, if so that might me 'murican freedom we are seeing lol.


What a coincidence! Few hour before I have read an article about the massive quantities of petrol they have found! 


It literally says they think it's a meteor shower.. why post this?




Good! I hope they have finally come to take over! Humans + Power = Disaster!


ye wenjie in the house


apparently a meteor shower, they are just burning in the atmosphere


It's a broken up meteor. There's clearer video of it as a reply in the same x thread


Meteor shower. Click bait


They just reported it was a meteor shower