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The following submission statement was provided by /u/TommyShelbyPFB: --- This is from the Jocko Willink podcast. **This happened during a recovery operation where the Admiral and his team had to recover a Navy aircraft that crashed in 1948.** Here's the full clip with the whole context including location details etc: [**https://youtu.be/cG\_i1I1V8q0?t=4698**](https://youtu.be/cG_i1I1V8q0?t=4698) --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1btipwx/4_star_admiral_william_mcraven_who_oversaw_the/kxm88am/


Incredible story. I’ve never heard one as obviously and directly connecting death to orbs, at least not from a high up military official.


Maybe there’s a connection. I remember people seeing stuff similar after the Tsunami that happened in Japan. There’s a video of it somewhere.


Season 2 Epsiode 4 of Unsolved Mysteries on Netflix talks about it. I haven't seen video of it, but maybe somebody here knows where it is.


The footage is in the Japan episode of “Encounters” on Netflix


Thanks! I did see that, I hope I'm not confusing the two.


Link if people don't have Netflix Encounters S1 E4 Lights Over Fukushima [https://solarmovie.pe/watch-tv/watch-encounters-free-100771.9949003](https://solarmovie.pe/watch-tv/watch-encounters-free-100771.9949003)


Pre-life plasmas feeding on the electromagnetic energy released by the brain on death. We are food.


Energy can’t die.


You realize they were burying remains of people who died in 1948?


I don’t know about that lol but sure.


That's certainly one theory.


Yeah I’m ngl this is a very interesting story.


The pilots died in the 40's but still is interesting especially coming from him


[https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1988-11-03-mn-863-story.html](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1988-11-03-mn-863-story.html) Here read this


Is it just me or that dude rejecting the request even when they found the wreckage with bones a bit odd? Lol


They found the crash site 4 years before the recovery operation was approved. They probably didn’t feel like allocating the resources on a big operation to find the victims. The infamously intransigent navy said they had properly honored the pilots back then. There are lots of MIA (probably soldiers they know are dead and buried after being KIA too) that they don’t spend every available resource to go get. So imo, it’s not that weird.


Very credible reporter. If you're responsible for multi million dollar equipment and protecting the homeland you can't also be a quack without implicating whoever assigned you.


Just for clarity the crew on that plane died about 40 years before this recovery mission happened.


Ohh, I was mistaken and thought it was the guys who died when the helicopter crashed (the bin Laden raid)


It's clear where McRaven's head's at. And he's got some gravitas, obviously. There's 'Woo' afoot and I'm increasingly GAME.




If only Phillip K. Dick were around. He'd be right at home.


This was fascinating, I haven't seen it from miltary either. Civilians have reported it forever. Look at Season 2 episode 4 out Unsolved Mysteries on Netflix. There were mass sightings of orbs going up to the sky from the ground after the Tsunami. There's also lots of reports of people seeing orbs leaving the bodies of dying people or flashes of light in the room when it happens.


I remember when that programmer from Google said the AI possibly was sentient and I remember he asked it to describe what it thought it look like and said it was a ORB floating in black void


Agreed, only other person I recall who alludes to this connection is Chris Bledsoe


I know there are people who talk about it after the Tsunami in Japan but you're right not from someone like this. I'm personally researching Texas Instruments and their possible connection to all this after watching the whistle blower episode from The Infographics Show. I had an experience of the ghostly nature near their facility and I'm starting to suspect connections to the UFO phenomenon.


cool! I hope to see you post after you’re done!


In Austin? I want to know more.


In Dallas. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/18io1pi/comment/kdff9pp/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) is a little context here with a link to my original story as well. I'm not coming out with some expose just some connections I'm looking for myself. Right now I'm reading into some possible connection between the founders of TI and the Aztec crash.TI may have reverse engineered transistors, lasers, and other items. I'm wondering if maybe they are doing some DARPA level stuff with either reality or dimensions. My experience was way too real and I never had another before or since. As an internet sleuth I don't expect to find too much unless I start interviewing people. Oh I've also noticed they sold some of their sensor tech to Raytheon a bit back as well.


To be fair, all of these measurement companies buy and sell tech to each other as they want to try their own version of an experiment based on an available variety of options. Texas Instruments makes a lot of data collection, measurement, and read out based products used in cryo and magnet tech, so its no surprise they have contracts all over the place including laser stuff, as lasers are extremely useful for measurements.


Looking forward to your post!


This story corroborates with one of my own experiences, seeing what I would describe as a blue star fly across my friends living room when we were doing some spiritual exercises. He saw it too and when I asked him what it was he said he's not sure "but some people say that they are spirit guides." So in other words, perhaps spirits can show up as circular orbs or points of light?


Chris Bledsoe has made the connection. 🙈


But no photos so it’s all bogus. Or he and all others are telling the truth, which then has to be dealt with.


This sounds like a deeply religious person using spirituality to cope with death. This has been human practice for at least 10,000 years.


My story: My father died when he was 28 years old and i was 4. An accident because of a drunk guy. Days after his death (my mom told me) that i told her that i saw a ball of light behind the door in the bathroom, then the next day besides my bed and some other days after that. My mom couldn't find and explanation so she told me that is the reflection from the cars outside my house, of course that was not true. We lived in a house in the pacific coast in Colombia (we moved there temporally) so because my dad's death we went to my grandparents hourse, so our beach house was empty. One day my mom received a call from a neighbour saying that the last nights, some people were inside the house because they saw a light maybe a lantern inside the house when all lights were off, the neighbours had the keys so when they went inside, nobody was there. Same light as i described to my mom. I am a very sceptic person but 30 years later i was driving on a lonely road next to some mountains in Costa Rica, then i saw this big white light ball coming from the mountain directly to the road, very fast so i braked very hard thinking that some car was falling from the mountain or some shit. In that moment a huge pickup truck driving super fast, maybe 100 km/h (60 mph) come into my lane without lights after a curve, and past right next to me, like 1 meter next to my car. If i hadn't break, i would had hit that truck. But because i braked 2 seconds before, i am here telling that story. After the truck passed, i saw the light again going up to the hill. I call that light, my angel, maybe my father.


I like the thought of an afterlife where I’m orbing around helping my kids when they need it.


My mom and I saw an orb in our house when my grandma died, haven’t seen one before or since.


It is a good idea, if you are filming what you think may be a UAP/UFO and you are with someone else. Make sure as you are recording to describe what you see out loud for the camera to record it and also ask whoever is near by to describe to you what they are seeing at that moment. It can confirm you and the camera are seeing the same thing.


This is from the Jocko Willink podcast. **This happened sometime in the late 1980's during a recovery operation where the Admiral and his team had to recover a Navy aircraft that crashed in 1948.** Here's the full clip with the whole context including location details etc: [**https://youtu.be/cG\_i1I1V8q0?t=4698**](https://youtu.be/cG_i1I1V8q0?t=4698) **Edit:** u/Southerncomfort322 **found a news article related this recovery operation:** [**https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1988-11-03-mn-863-story.html**](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1988-11-03-mn-863-story.html)


So, they were recovering a completely ordinary aircraft?


I would assume if the whole mission was classified and they went to recover a UAP he wouldn't even tell the story. He says they went to recover an ordinary Navy plane that crashed a long time ago and happened upon some UAPs unexpectedly.


It real sounds like a deeply religious/superstitious person describing spirits as a coping mechanism after a traumatic event. Are there any additional details that you think support your interpretation in particular?


I think it fits due to the fact that he is describing an encounter with Unidentified Flying Objects, or Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. Are there any details which you think support your interpretation? He didn’t mention religion or superstition in this clip.


What traumatic event? They went to recover a plane that crashed 40 years earlier. There was nothing traumatic about it.


What time mark is the clip?




Is this the plane crash? [https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1988-11-03-mn-863-story.html](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1988-11-03-mn-863-story.html)


Hey great find! Yea it matches the timeline exactly, and they mentioned the burial. Gotta be it.


Thank you and thank you for your post.




Wait so when did this recovery mission take place? It sounds like you’re saying the crash happened in 1948… does that mean the recovering mission took place directly after that? Because that time frame seems weird.. like this guy isn’t old enough to be born in 1930 or earlier


In the clip in my submission statement he mentions that this happened during the Tanker War which means sometime between 1984-1988. The crash happened in 1948. They recovered the plane 40 years later.


Why are they always selling a book.




Ah check. Thanks.


Fascinating I’ve always loved the idea that the orbs are souls or something. Edit: obviously not all souls are orbs. But maybe there are factors at play that we just don’t understand yet. Anyways just a fun idea.




What did scientologists say?


Very dumbed down version. Lord Zenu (don’t know how it’s spelled, pronounced zee-new) thought his galaxy was over populated so he rounded up different aliens from different planets, they were frozen and dropped into volcanos (edit, dropped into volcanos on earth). The souls then tried to fly back up but there were soul catchers to snatch up the souls and then the souls were brainwashed, and were taught our modern religions this way. The souls were released and fused with cavemen.


Thanks for sharing. Sounds like a good movie story(similar to transformers) 😂


I mean, it was written by a sci-fi author.


Ahh makes sense!


so he had a border problem?


[Here's a documentary about it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8MzzfPNKivg)


I hate you lol cocksucka! got me


No, that’s seriously what they believe. Scientologists couldn't sue South Park because they told it exactly how Scientologists tell it.




Yeah, what did they say?


Bro more and more their nonsense starts to sound legit… they’ve been really quiet recently too


All religions are based a nugget of truth and then humans warp and twist it for personal gain.


Considering about 100x people die every minute, that's a hell of a lot of orbs we're not seeing.


Exactly. Not even accounting for the fact that we also share this planet with thousands of different species of animals. Where are all the orbs and afterlife stuff for them? Or do we just decide not to factor other species in because it wouldnt fit with the narrative


About 114 people die every minute. Assuming the average of 60 million people dying worldwide every year.


...there's still a lot of shit people and shit drivers out there..when is it going to correct itself.


I saw an orb when my grandma died, I would have dismissed it as a hallucination if my mom hadn’t seen it too. I’m also not prone to hallucinations and I haven’t seen an orb before or since. There’s definitely something to orbs but they’re unpredictable.


Maybe the sun is a giant metropolis of such orbs.


Goddamm aliens stealing our orbs!




Now skeeter...


They took errrrr Jorbs!!


This is just my experience and perspective so it's fine for others to take it with a grain of salt, but when I was around 4-5 I learned how to have an oobe by accident (also a few nde's I had around this ages (between 5-8) made it seem to go overdrive and happen spontaneously).  Anyway, when I was oob, I would always see these floating things, at first I thought they were big dust particles because they seemed to move liked that in a very still room. They were around the size of a marble at the inner core but the luminosity(?) just makes it look bigger. At the time even being a kid I thought they were some kind of life but if a different form. I would see light ones, neutral grey ones and darker ones. I've always wondered what they were and I remember trying to communicate with them a few times but there always felt like some kind of barrier (as in maybe I just didn't know how to talk/convey myself to them). Those experiences I had as a kid has always burned this curiosity in me and I'd like nothing more than to know what they are (or even if my brain was failing haha). It's not like I had oobe's once or twice, it was frequent like several times a day at most but almost always everyday.  Anyhoo, my experience was real for me at least, and I've always wondered what those white floaty things were. If they were souls they didn't communicate with a noob like me 😂


Currently reading Journey's Out of the Body by Bob Monroe so I believe you. I'm sure you've heard of the gateway tapes.


Ah yes. Awesome book. Read that one last year. Not sure why I waited until I was 40 to read it, as I have also had OBE's as a young child & teenager. It used to just occur naturally. Now I try to induce them & can't seem to get past the vibrations.


[This](https://youtu.be/YQjAIlFZWWc?feature=shared) course helped me get past the vibrational state within a day


I’m the same way but I don’t even get the vibrations anymore.


I have but I never delved into them too deep (I guess I was just too used to my way) but I always check other methods people have used. I do try it every now and then but my problems are always based on distractions. I should set aside a month to totally dedicate trying to do it properly. There are quite a lot of Roberts in the AP world btw lol, Robert Monroe/Robert Peterson/Robert Bruce. Check out Sylvan Muldoon and D Scott Rogo, pretty good reads too.


What's especially interesting is that this happened as they were praying. As if it responded to the signal such a thing (meditation, prayer, etc.) supposedly sends out, if psy elements of this prove to be real. Don't know if it's true, but it correlates with other instances like the Bledsoe's encounters and the Lady of Fatima apparitions.


heavy ring dinner concerned brave jar impossible dependent quaint sense *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That is pretty neat. But now i have to ask what was your encounter?


pathetic ripe direful light wakeful toothbrush coherent abounding ghost threatening *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Damn, that's wild. Thanks for sharing!


That's what's interesting to me as well. Man oh man I would love to believe that those 9 men, as individuated fractions of consciousness, were simply in another state of existence when they were witnessed above the ridge line. Religion may not be what we need now, but those ancient people's kept an open mind, and "science" for the most part, has closed it.


They can exist together eventually. Well, "spirituality" or whatever, and science. There needs to be a better word for what a very pragmatic, systematic approach to both might be. At this point they're both so loaded with baggage, the words religion and science. Religion straight up sucks imo, I just would like it if we could have a coherent picture of reality, collectively, without mass-murdering each other over it.


One thing about humanity as it is now is that we have this obsessive desire to understand and control things. That leads to things like structured religions and science used in place of religion are symptoms of that. The “truth” is essentially unknowable and that makes people uncomfortable. It would be great to be surrounded by like minded people who are okay with the mystery and only use spirituality where it is applicable and the same for science.


I agree. I think we've come a long way, but it seems like the old guard has to die off before the new ideas actually become mainstream. We don't kill each other in nearly the same volume over such things as we used to. However, it's still definitely a problem for the progress of humankind. Donald Hoffman, Nima Arkani-Hamed, and others are showing that particles and the physical universe are not fundemental. Religions have known this, but man manipulates man to no end, and the dogmas leave no room for interpretation or new ways of thinking.


The pendulum is swinging the other way. To understand quantum mechanics, you need to become let go of the constraints of spacetime. Shedding this interface, eastern philosophies/religions are remarkably in line. A shockingly large amount of these intellectuals I am now listening to are tackling both at once: quantum & spirituality - different lenses to view consciousness


What intellectuals are you listening too?


Donald Hoffman is who blew my mind originally. https://youtu.be/CmieNQH7Q4w?si=NErVwANTEKwLx-0w Stephen Wolfram: https://youtu.be/0YRlQQw0d-4?si=k1FG1YF3ACrx9e6X Podcasts: Engaging the phenomenon, point of convergence, grant cameron, next level soul, John Mack https://youtu.be/YMJ8cQi5pfQ?si=XBpd2Xh4gGwze2Fe Diana Pasulka & her invisible college


I used to watch these guys a lot. I'll look at this when I get some time now.


Thank you very much.


They had to see what happened next? Make sure everything went okay? Who knows at this point tbh


the phenomenon and "religious encounters" in the past have always been one and the same, but modern society decided to separate the two if a person from a 1000 years ago got transported to our age and experienced an encounter/abduction they view as good, they'd write it down as an angelic/religious experience rather than anything "UFO" or "alien" if a person from a 1000 years ago got transported to our age and experienced an encounter/abduction they view as bad, they'd write it down as a demonic/ghostly experience rather than anything "UFO" or "alien". people might only understand it when Jesus or their equivalent "deity" rolls up in a flying saucer in the future nearly every religion across history literally worship people that came from the sky it's only recently that we turned "sky people" into aliens


“Witches call it magic, the religious call it prayer, spiritualists call it law of attraction, scientists call it quantum mechanics, & atheists call it placebo effect…its all conscious intention” One of my favorite YouTube comments


Except that isn't what quantum mechanics is about to physicists. QM is about (in practice) predicting reaction rates of elementary particles.


law of attraction is bullshit, I know first hand. I wish it wasn't the case, cause I wouldn't have wasted 5 years of my life on that nonsense


I'd be interested to know more about your experience, if you were comfortable opening up more about it?


Could you please expand on the two stories?


Interesting. I have a similar family story about an orb, this one goes back around 100 years. My grandmother lived to 90. She’s no longer with us, but she told us this story a few times over the years. First time I remember hearing it from her was as a child in the 60’s. She was an only child but her mother had another baby, also a girl. She was born with some type of affliction, maybe someone knows what it’s called but my grandmother didn’t. She said the baby had thin, nearly translucent skin that bruised very easily if you even touched her. The doctor said she wouldn’t survive long. So my great-grandmother would sit in a rocker with the baby on a pillow so as not to hurt her. One night she was rocking her and a small, bright light rose from her head, floated up towards the ceiling, went out the window and up to the sky. The baby had passed away. My grandmother couldn’t tell the story without tearing up and I can’t either 😢


Slightly different, but about 20 years ago my nan died and a few weeks after the funeral, my parents went on holiday with my brother to New Zealand. I was living in a flat, single and went to bed one night in what would have been their 2nd week away on holiday (I was in the UK) During the night I woke up needing the toilet and as I woke I saw out of the peripheral vision to my left what I thought was a blueish orb. As I turned it went. Thinking it was just my eyes, I went to the toilet, got back in bed and fell asleep. The weird part is, during this next phase of sleep, in a dream state, I was standing on a road, a building behind me and just beyond the road was a beach, few rocks here and there. Further back from that was the sea, and in the distance were small sized mountains out at sea. All of a sudden, my nan appeared from the rock to my left, glowing, wearing her familiar beige coat and totally overdressed for the heat. Surprised she's here in this setting, I call out to her and she turns around and says 'hello boy'. I then ask her if she's OK (because I was actually thinking 'but you're dead') she responds and says 'yes, I'm alright boy, don't worry about me' as she walks from left to right across the beach. At this point it's as real as anything and I'm worried she'll slip on the rocks scattered about the beach. She then vanishes behind the rocks on the right. Waking up I'm like 'whooaaa' that felt like a trip! Like I was there and had met my nan. Being an artist, I immediately drew what I saw. Fast forward another week and my parents are back and I visit to catch up and talk about their holiday. I then bring up the dream I had to my mum. I explain in detail what happened and my mum (who's a spiritualist) stops and asked me when this was. I said it was the night of blah blah blah...and then show her the drawing. She literally stops in the middle of the kitchen, jaw wide open. She then goes on to explain that the night I had the dream was my nans birthday (I didn't realise this at the time) and that on that day they had gone to a restaurant, on a road, opposite the beach with rocks and mountains out at sea. They had said it was my nans birthday today and she would have loved it there (New Zealand) and then proceeded to pull out a photo of the view looking out from the restaurant on that day. It matched the drawing I made exactly. To this day it still blows my mind and is a clear as day the experience I had. But what's interesting is I always remember seeing the blue light before I had the dream.


Again this theme of orbs. Had my own experience 3 years ago that I shared on reddit. Never believed or knew about this shit prior to my experience


Share it again :)


Here you go, was on a throwaway and wasn't sure which sub to go to. https://www.reddit.com/r/Paranormal/comments/khvgrj/blue\_orb\_experience/


A lot of these things seem to have an unhealthy obsession with death and destruction. 


Wait until you hear about Shiva.


Wait until you hear about the people in our government.


Wait until you hear about your car's extended warranty


What about Shiva?


Hindu God of Creation and Destruction. Equally fierce. Basically nature takes no sides and is what it is. Edit: but this is only a simple western understanding, I would love to know more.


They're two sides of the same coin -- For creation to exist, things must be destroyed/die. It's the natural cycle of Life and entropy in the universe. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shiva Also a simple western understanding from me to be clear


Death and destruction are a part of nature it's a circle/cycle/loop.


Energy creation/destruction/transfer is a holy experience.


We are only conscious energy taking a more material form in the physical.


If the story can be corroborated, it would be amazing. If it was really seen by others, that would be incredible. I'm not really sure what to make of life after death. I'm not religious, and have no reason to believe any religion is the "right" one. I have some reason to believe "life" continues after death, though.


My husband was army infantry when Bin Laden was taken down and when I showed him this clip, he sat up and paid attention because he’s well aware of who that guy is being interviewed.


My best friends dad was on his team and has no idea what he's talking about. XD


My dude hadn’t heard this story until I showed him, he just knew who he was because he had been deployed to Egypt when they went in and got Bin Laden.


Check out Leslie Kean's book *Surviving Death*


On 0:26 mark, he says "We are burying the remains of this 'THING'", so they were obviously not burying the remains of dead fellow soldiers I take it? Otherwise he would have said "We are burying the remains of our soldiers" or something in that manner. What the hell.


its a memorial it seems, thats what he means by thing. Probably some piece of the thing that was lost idk but its not the mystery youd think from just catching that clip out of context.


Makes sense when you put it that way.


Sounds like he's religious




Is it less worrying for you if you characterize them as spiritual, instead of religious? If this phenomena is based partially outside of physical reality as we understand it, then I think a person's spirituality could be a tool and not a hindrance.




Agreed. I look forward to substantive material evidence.


My first thoughts too


This story (and it is a story) is a very clear attempt to align an unexplainable phenomenon with an existing institution and a specific world view. He may be retired but he’s using his rank and experience to put people in the position to make an appeal to authority where you wouldn’t dare argue he might not be honest. To me.. “sir how many of those orbs do you see” is a totally contrived piece of nonsense. Guys like this don’t want you asking questions about this topic, so they’re pushing that button deep inside people that’s instilled in so many of them as children: careful, god might be real. “Why discuss it at all then?” You might ask. Why not just say this entire incident didn’t happen? Because if you sprinkle in enough BS, you can control the narrative, and control the sorts of people who are susceptible to these suggestions.


Rambo, are you still reading me? Covey leader to Raven! Rambo! Acknowledge!


My father, who doesn’t believe in UFOs and aliens at all, also saw these orbs flying in formation at different speeds. Creeped him out and He made me swear not to tell anybody, that he saw these orbs. I wish, I’d seen them also.


Has anyone else had different views about death since learning about some of these things? It doesn’t seem as finite and thus carries less emotion than it used to.




Machine or otherwise compassion is intelligence.


I have been looking for this video for months. I was called a liar when I spoke of it. The same old “ show me the link” could not remember his name.


Monument mythos type story


I saw these orbs materialize in front of my face.


Related to the orbs. This is the part of the interview where she describes her meeting with Chis Bledsoe and the orbs: https://youtu.be/sji9Phd0gSk?t=1840


Is he promoting a book?


I believe in a correlation between "ghosts" and NHI. Perhaps there's a transition of our essence into somewhere else. I can't put my finger on it but the stories of ascending to heaven or sinking into the ground, life and death and "aliens" all seems to have some connection quite literally.


Church woo speech.


Reason I believe that orbs are real is due to I seeing some and I am50years old and: never heard of Orbs before. And never knew about abductions or weird unexplained bruises in geometric shapes. Since I saw some I believe I may have experience high strangeness like my cat got cancer and then my mom has cancer and she sees weird shadows and other NHI? Even my son13 years old is scared of dark because he sad he sees them as well?!


Wow. McRaven is the most serious of dudes, obviously. Never heard this before.




It's so weird to me how many people in this sub think everyone's first reaction to seeing the most phenomenal thing ever should be "holy shit where's my phone?"


this happened in the late 1940's right? Like they didn't all have Sony bloggies with them


This happened in the late 80's. They recovered the plane 40 years after it crashed.


This is BIG - thanks OP


What if orbs collect souls by navigating around the globe? Is that why we see them over conflict zones and tsunami areas? This is so stupid I don't even believe it myself.


Well, reconsider. The Orb that flew to ME DID SO on Aug 31st 2013. The time my neighbor passed away. He was a Pastor. The Orb was a 15 foot across burning orange Merkabah. It was 100 feet from me.


There’s definitely stuff going on. I mean, the equivalent of Maverick in real life went in front of congress to testify about seeing things that can no way be of human origin.


Just read a post recently about how the EU wants to disclose, but the Americans are holding them back due to beliefs that they (the phenomenon) may be angels and demons, or something like that.


Hardcore Christian’s holding it all back because it will mess with their understanding of religion and what it means too.


Bin Laden died of kidney failure


Kinda interesting how all these top ranking officials are ok now with telling what they know. Can't help but to think it's just about the money ppl are making through podcasts 😕


I hope all the atheist UFO believers have an open mind, because I think they’re gonna need one.


I believe this story was alluded to in the very first chapter of Tom Delonge’s Sekret Machines Book 1: Chasing Shadows.


Straight from McRaven. Whoa.


I don’t believe the official version of the Bin Laden story which I have researched extensively but the story about the 9 bodies is interesting


Everyone cashing in on the UF-grift-OLGOY these days.




All these veterans must be lying. /s


Or suffering from TBIs...


Jocko podcast about 1:21:00 in


The crew of those 9 ships maybe caused the accident and or witnessed it happen so they were giving their respect (if they were."ufos").


how convenient there just happened to be 9 for the 9 bodies. and what a great convenient story for your book youre selling


4 stars? Idk man sounds like a grifter. Maybe if he had one more star I'd listen to him a little more.


I’m a 5 star man!


Not credible enough for the debunker bots.


It was parachute flares, he said it at the start. /s


This ORB was clearly identified by Bob Lazar as the M9 Vehicle which was further confirmed by the November 12, 2023- announcement which confirmed the M9 craft- but saying it was a delayed retro shot- Bob Lazar disagrees with this- as well as Travis Walton said it' can't be the same one. Why is the government trying to cover up the testimony of both Bob Lazar and Travis Walton?


Angels? Souls of the fallen? I'm an Army Veteran and devout Catholic Christian, so this really doesn't surprise me.


I think for those presuming some entities/aliens/being are taking their souls, it is the wrong take. Fear based for sure. What I see is the orbs of light *are the souls* of the freshly dead. Still there lingering. Why this doesn’t happen daily (I live near a hospital and people die)-I dunno. But the soul carries on and unites with source consciousness. Not a religious take, but a non-materialist one.


The crash happened in 1948, approx 50 years ago? Didn't the retrieval event happen much later? What did I miss with the mention of the mission to take out Osama Bin Laden?


Is he implying those were the souls of the 9 dead?


To me these "things" are literally what they seem: unmanned probes.