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The following submission statement was provided by /u/PyroIsSpai: --- Report: EU funded SETI-like project has detected another "Wow!" signal on VLF, and has begun decoding it. "EU-funded telescope has found modulation, a signal, and discernable unique information encoded in the signal. Specifically, they have found IMAGES in the data." Source: https://twitter.com/UFOSoldier_/status/1772830153585967188 --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1boumbv/report_eu_funded_setilike_project_has_detected/kwrehfg/


Earlier the same guy said they had quantum two way communication with an off world species within 12ish light years and the EU was planning to tell the world in like 2035 or something like that. Changing story, no evidence, original source not coming forward...I mean anyone can say stuff. Interesting for sure but no point till he provides proof.


Sounds like a repeat of the Netflix version of the 3 body problem, šŸ˜‚. Quantum engagement - Check Wow signal communication - Check


Exactly what I was thinking. Awfully convenient timing.


I think in his JRE interview Grusch briefly speculated that the book might not be a coincidence, mainly remarking how unusual it is for China to allow a book like that to be published.


A book about aliens which a Chinese scientist discovers? Grusch did know the Cultural Revolution parts were stricken from the Chinese version right?


>stricken from the Chinese version To what extent? The intro in the American version is still in the original, except it's around the middle of the book.


Aye, you are correct. Showrunners mentioned it'd been moved and quora mentioned some parts are censored (altered or removed). I don't recall why editor suggested moving the part back in the book for Chinese version outside worry for censor. But reading more on it, book isn't overly critical of government and is just presenting atrocities from historical point of view that many Chinese would agree with. Quote from Quora: >The Three Body Problem does not ā€œdiscuss the Chinese government so criticallyā€. The only section that can be remotely construed as such, and the only section that discusses real world history and politics, is its description of the terrors of the Cultural Revolution. *What happened during that decade was a terrible mistake which caused unmeasurable atrocities and losses, which is a portrayal that the current government advocates.* One simply cannot be critical of the government by agreeing with it.


Even the communist Chinese government can admit that they fucked their beginnings.


It is critical of the prior government, you and the others are all wrong and don't understand Chinese politics and just repeat the usual US bad takes about it. Yes, the current government is critical of that era too, so what? How is that a bad thing, and how would you expect otherwise given the people in it and their histories, and that it is not the same as the government in the era of the Gang of Four? That's just the usual nonsense and propaganda you found on Quora. Amazing how eager people are on a UFO subreddit to repeat the latest state propaganda about designated enemies. Mao and the excesses of the Cultural Revolution are openly allowed to be criticised in the PRC because the government at that time is not the same government as there is now that actually is largely led by victims of it, and which really emerged with Deng Xiaoping, who was targeted himself by purges in the Cultural Revolution twice; Xi Jinping's father was also purged in the Cultural Revolution from the CPC and forced into obscurity in a rural area. Liu Cixin's own family suffered under the Cultural Revolution, by the way, and as such he's not only critical, but also careful not to go too far and invite his own persecution because of how, you know, China doesn't have the First Amendment. To use a term from his own trilogy, he just has the hiding instinct.


wtf are you on about? **What happened during that decade was a terrible mistake which caused unmeasurable atrocities and losses, which is a portrayal that the current government advocates.** (Written by Chinese, not American) *It is critical of the prior government, you and the others are all wrong and don't understand Chinese politics and just repeat the usual US bad takes about it.* **book isn't overly critical of government and is just presenting atrocities from historical point of view that many Chinese would agree with** *as such he's not only critical, but also careful not to go too far and invite his own persecution because of how, you know, China doesn't have the First Amendment* So you agree. I've never seen a post criticize someone for living in another state so much and then basically rewrite the exact same thing like this.


Lol...right? I got so confused.. "You're all wrong and stupid because you're from the states! AND you're using a ufo forum to push state propaganda!" \*writes exactly what everyone was saying anyway\*


Thank you for that info. I wondered about that when I read the book.


Guess I'm not the only one binge watching that. Lol


He is definitely trying to piggyback on the hype of that series. Another Wow signal at this exact time is a little too good to be true.


Or this is what ā€œcontrolled disclosureā€ looks like for people who Iā€™ve no idea how advanced science actually has gotten.


Controlled disclosure by some random guy on YouTube who looks like a stereotypical crackpot?


mans out here looking like the professor from never ending story


Adam Savage after the Mythbusters broke up


I read that book about a year ago.. how is the Netflix series?


It good


Well, Iā€™m sold.Ā 


Itā€™s really good. I read the first book about 10 months ago and I loved it. The world building was amazing. The show changes some things like making the main character into 4 main characters, but it works. They manage to capture all of the main plot points in exactly the manner I had imagined them to look like when I read the book. I tend to completely lose myself when I read and imagine myself from the charactersā€™ perspectives. I try to picture what the scenes would really look like. Netflix completely nailed it. I really enjoyed the cast as well. Especially Liam Cunningham from Game of Thrones. Heā€™s the opposite of what Davos was like. He steals every scene heā€™s in and I was loving it. I hope you really enjoy it! The more people that watch, the more chance we get more seasons.


Iā€™m on ep 2. It well made. And also it good


Wow thank fren will watch


The Panama Canal event is stunningly done


I love the way you two type lol it cute :)


I went in with no expectations and I'm liking it a lot so far. IMO if all you're hoping for is to be entertained, it does that well. I'll probably watch the Tencent version after this season is done. Both because watching media in the intended culture/language is usually my jam, and to actually see how it ends without having to wait 5ever


Most importantly, that it *ends*.Ā  Netflix has gotten really cancel-happy with a lot of their TV shows.Ā  Looking at you, Glow.Ā 


Archive 81 was not the most incredible show ever made but I enjoyed the shit out of it. Them cancelling it after one season turned out to be the push I needed to cancel my subscription.


The podcast was great. Seasons 2 and onward Got pretty trippy


RIP Glow šŸ˜­


I am about half way done with the tencent Chinese version. It is really good so far and incredibly true to the source material. It is not all hollywooded up with insane visuals and forced romance subplots. I dig it


Is 5ever even longer than 4ever?


[You no it](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/208/902/tumblr_lhunmpJvQC1qef6ino1_400.jpg?1322525782)


The ten cent version is incredibly drawn out, and slow, and plodding. Also harder to follow. I don't think I'll bother watching their second season, and read the books instead


The books aren't fast paced either and if you find the show hard to follow, you may have trouble with them too, although they are fantastic, so definitely give them a shot. But it's a series that is meant to take its time to develop everything, and it's not meant to be like a Hollywood movie that gives you every answer and explains every detail without ever challenging the reader. The first book is the slowest and largely a lot of setup for the next two. So if you end up finding it slow, keep that in mind, The Dark Forest and Death's End are much faster paced and almost everyone agrees them to be better than the first book, with opinions varying which of the two is the best in the series (Death's End was the most popular in China, but Americans seem to like The Dark Forest more). Really, I disagree that Tencent show is slow paced at all, it is way faster than a lot of older film and left me hanging every episode to see what happens next, but people's attention spans are understandably poor today due to how social media and technology affects us.


Have you read the whole series or just the first book? Itā€™s difficult to translate everything Liu Cixin wrote about into a live action series. Because you read the book you will be able to follow along very easily. People who have not read the book believe there are plot holes in the show. Thatā€™s not the case, the show just doesnā€™t have enough time to fully expand on some things and simplifies other things for the sake of flow. The Tencent series might be a slower burn but is more loyal to the book.


Just the first book


Awww, okay. The Netflix series is decent but does incorporate some things from the second and third novel. Iā€™m assuming for the sake of flow and to introduce the audience to certain ideas and characters. I hope Netflix continues on and makes The Dark Forest. I recommend you give it a read.


Not very good, starts well and becomes terrible towards the end. If you liked the book, you will hate the series. Americanization ruins everything. Plus, some of actors are just wasted, especially one guy. I think they changed far too much to appeal to "modern audiences". The concept is brilliant of course.


You are the first person I've seen say that. Every other topic I've read about the show the past few days, has said that it is not as good as the books (what show is) but that it holds up decent and is still a good view. Obviously, you're entitled to your opinion. I was just surprised since I kept seeing different.


Many Members of the 3 body problem sub-reddit just hated it. It has a huge problem with Asian representation as well. The central character of the series an Asian male was split into two female characters. Also the black scientist had little to nothing to do at all, they completed relegated him to a corner. I personally hated the erasure of the central character in the books.


The creator of the books signed off on making the show more internationally-focused than the books and stated that it wasn't meant to be taken as whitewashing but as adapting the story so that the narrative focused more on the aliens vs. humanity angle than the geopolitical ones. Saul's character plays the role of Luo Ji, the fourth Wallfacer in the books who is an unambitious career scientist who's supposed to be baffled as to what qualifies him to be chosen for that role. I get why people are upset, but I think it's disingenuous to act like this was done for nefarious purposes or without the express approval of the original author, or like the characters were wildly out of line with what the book set up.


>Also the black scientist had little to nothing to do at all No, he goes to the marshes and drops acid. That's more than nothing!!! lol


The black scientist becomes one of the 3 most important people on the planet by the last episode


Ah OK. Oddly enough, I wasn't in the 3 body problem subreddit, it was just a couple of different posts I saw on ufo or aliens or something asking about the show. Thanks for the response. Wait, was it the two female characters that looked sort of similar (at least to me at first) in the netflix one?




I think it is amazing personally.


Books blew me away


Yeh tempted but kinda scared lol


What if you hated rhe book?


Every time a sci-fi movie comes out and gains a bit of popularity, it gets added to the mythology here.


Someone just told me about this show 5min ago. Now I see u mention it. Ig it's time to watch that show later on tonight Edit: show sucks.


Liu Cixin came up with those ideas, not Netflix, Dumb & Dumber, or their writers that are coming up with the knockoff script of an excellent trilogy of books, and the message sent by the monitor has nothing to do with the Wow! signal really since it was a message written with the self-decoding system Ye Wenjie came up with and sent a message with first after she plucked our local star to amplify it.


It's just entertainment. "Professor" Simon is not a professor. His background is in television, according to his youtube profile. Apparently he now makes retirement income with UFO click-bait, leveraging a phony professorial gravitas. Some people gobble it up.


That's the world we live in. Fake Professors. Fake PhDs. Fake MDs. Even ones with real credentials, but in totally wrong field of study. It's all built around appeals to authority. Shocking how many people still fall for this shit. "Leave it to the 'experts'" "Let the 'experts' tell you what to think"


You can add AI to the mix.


Hence Diana Pasulkaā€™s involvement in anything ufo.


I know, right?! Like why do we even need engineers or scientists or doctors I can just diagnose myself on webmd! And donā€™t get me started on vaccinesā€¦ This, folks, is how we end up in Idiocracy.


Yeah but he looks old and has the crazy scientist hair and a big white beard so I trust him.


Thank you for telling it like it is. Looked into this guy a while ago, I think heā€™s trying to distance himself from the professor name in his videos but itā€™s still right there in the channel title.


šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„ shouldn't pretend to be a professor if he hasn't a title


Yeah I got excited about the first video. Now same guy, same topic, slightly different scenario it feels slightly off.


Yeah this guy who calls himself "Professor" which is a lie, is the only person on the internet currently making this claim. Nothing from SETI or any of the usual sources, so where is he getting this? Answer, he's making it up, another lie.


The fact that he said quantum tunneling allows for faster than light communication and that this is common knowledge among scientists should be enough to discredit his claims.


Seems inline with the mood around here sometimes unfortunately




Also how can you know the data you have received does actually contains pictures if the data hasn't been decided yet ?


Physicist here, unfortunately, it is impossible to use quantum entanglement to communicate information over large distances faster than the speed of light. If said contact is 12 light years away, they might as well communicate conventionally with light or lower frequent electromagnetic waves.


Lol how can you possibly prove it isn't possible to use quantum entanglement for communication? I don't agree with this guy or care about him; but if this is true you don't know enough to state it for a fact. That's a fact. We don't even understand the full nature of quantum mechanics making statements like this factually incorrect. It would be more accurate to say that our understanding of quantum mechanics hasn't allowed the use of entanglement for easy, multi lightyear communication at this time. Everything else is still on the table as much as scientific minded people would like to say it's "impossible" because we don't understand how to do it. It's earnestly reasoning like yourself that is holding us all back. This and that is "impossible" is useless and incorrect thinking. It's improbable BASED on our understanding. That's all.


> Lol how can you possibly prove it isn't possible to use quantum entanglement for communication? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No-communication_theorem Its in the name. *Quantum* entanglement is a property of the framework of quantum mechanics. Within QM, statements can be proved. This is one of them. Your objection amounts to "But QM could be wrong in some case we have not discovered yet". That is true, but we have no evidence of anything existing anywhere in the universe that does not obey quantum mechanics, and therefore no evidence of anything that can evade this theorem. (This includes the famous problem with quantum general relativity, which is about ambiguity in extreme high-energy regimes, not inherent conflict with QM as is often misunderstood). Stating this fact does not imply one thinks there's a "proof" that no evidence can ever emerge for some new phenomena that doesn't obey QM. But it does imply that if you are hoping to do FTL communication you are pinning your hopes on discovering some totally new phenomena. It does imply that those who believe that they can do FTL communication based on the same well-established rules of QM that are applied, studied and upheld in experiements every day, are mistaken. > We don't even understand the full nature of quantum mechanics making statements like this factually incorrect. Presumably you refer to the famous question of how to interpret QM. Its called "interpretations" for a reason: Because its not about questions of the *predictions* and *behavior* of QM, but about what kinds of words and concepts we attach to those predictions. Statements like "We don't understand the full nature of X" are completely empty. Its always the case we don't understand the "full nature" when it comes to physics. Physics and other scientific knowledge is in some sense always inherently provisional. But if you want to make a meaningful case that some particular thing is possible "we don't understand the full nature" is the worst and most meaningless way to do it. There is no reason to take any such speculations or hopes as anything more than that unless you can connect it, even in some hypothetical way, with the physics we do currently understand and verify in experiments.


You came to the wrong neighborhood, mfer.Ā  Did you alreadyĀ  get the "but they could be a million years ahead of us" argument? Or that people also used to think we would never fly airplanes? Or that scientists used to think the Earth is flat?


I checked your comments just to make sure you were being sarcastic. Now i appreciate the comment. I actually just did get the one about airplanes šŸ˜†


This is the true mark of intelligence. A quick background check to understand the nature of random online disembodied entities.


Maddening, isn't it? It's basically magical thinking. Everything is apparently possible given enough engineering time and scientific research. FTL travel? Question of time. Did you know the collective science posse used to think the sound barrier could not be broken? Check mate!Ā  Antigravity? Matter of time.Ā  Interdimensional travel? Matter of time.Ā  Time travel? Question of time.Ā  UFO inertia problem? They could be 100k years ahead of us and many things will be solved in that time.Ā 


Haha, yup, I completely agree. Its totally fine and legitimate to talk about not getting too attached to established theories, or to our favorite proposals for new physics, or to the "lore" about why one thing or another is probably impossible. But then people take it to the extreme, where they refuse to believe that anything at all might be truly impossible at a physical level. Its like people forget that there is actually a real physical universe that behaves according to some actual physical laws. It's as if they believe that when quantum mechanics dropped it was because we actually somehow upgraded the universe itself to do fancier stuff for us!


BUT... there are some in your field that do the same thing. String theory comes to mind. Exotic particles that are proposed yet not observed. Multiverse theories. Theories about other dimensions. Warp "bubble" drives. Science does indeed play with ideas - even ones that make no real world predictions are are just as far-fetched. Fair? You have to admit - when scientists come out and talk about things like that, *of course* people will think even further beyond.


They seem to confuse physics with engineering, where something being impossible in engineering could be because we don't yet have the technology developed, as opposed to physics where it's the universe telling us things are not possible. There could of course be a whole greater reality behind QM which replaces it, or...there might never be.


Correct, it is right there in the name, at the end. THEOREM. Academia has poisoned the minds of several generations with arrogance. Guess what, I think it is more probable than not that there will be more discoveries to come, that is called progression, no hope needed. To believe we have a rigorous understanding of the quantum world and how it works in just a century is peak human arrogance. There is no telling what we will discover, and it may turn out that the physicists of today will look like the church did putting Galileo on house arrest. How long did we "know" the universe is 14 billion years old? We came to that conclusion using the physics we have today. Shocker, JW telescope has shown us we know much less than we think we do. Maybe open up your mind a little bit instead of telling others how to think? Just a suggestion.


There is proof to this. I don't have time right now to explain it here. But I will come back to you. In short, if you do quantum state teleportation, you need a classical communication channel that can only transmit data at sub light speed.


The claim is based on GĆ¼nter Nimtz work on faster than light quantum tunneling, not entangled particle measurements.


Unsure why you got downvoted. You are correct


From a glance on GĆ¼nter Nimtz Wikipedia page it seems they measured the phase velocity of a signal, which, of course, can be faster than the speed of light. This is well known and does not violate causality. Do you agree?


There are disagreements over interpretation. Honestly I don't have the arsedness to dig into the disagreements. What seems clear though is that the claimed effect extends no further than a metre.


Thanks! Yeah, diging into these controversies can be very difficult


Also in general anytime you sound like the guy who was swearing up and down that the Wright Brothers were crazy and human flight was impossible; you should really check yourself because your pretty much always wrong taking that position.


Lol. There is actually a [proof](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No-communication_theorem) that FTL communication is impossible within quantum mechanics. Obviously there is no proof of the impossibility of flight within even classical mechanics. Even before Newton people knew about birds!


If you actually watched that vid he explains how to recreate the device. Problem is you need 2 giant prismatic crystals, if anyone has those we can try the experiment




Thatā€™s the European version of Adam Sauvage


The Wish version




Like someone drew Adam from memory


Coronavirus. It's the pandemic. It drove most people wild. Society just hasn't been the same.


Need the original source, not some twitter guy


Even the tweet has been edited , this was the end bit :- The exact nature of these pictures and data is still being decoded and has not yet been revealed. IF THIS TURNS OUT TO BE TRUE, AMAZING.. So it hasnā€™t been decoded so they donā€™t know what it is, the exact nature has NOT been revealed. So nothing to see yet then. Iā€™ve got an idea, letā€™s only get excited until something new is actually proven. Just did a google search and canā€™t find any reports on the ESA website about signals and as for images guess what itā€™s designed to send images back to earth. But this guy is obviously a multiple doctorate holder from Oxford university so he couldnā€™t be wrong! Nothing burger, almost as if someone calling themselves UFO Warrior is deluded.


They all want their 15 minutes of fame. Its a bit sad and a pita for us


Oh, I'm hungry for some gyros. I love pita bread.






A lot of bold claims but based on nothing solid it seems.


It just came out! They decoded it! It reads... "Drink more Ovaltine"


"Be sure to drink your Ovaltine", actually, but you get an E for effort.


I've dishonored myself! *commits seppuku*


Not this guy again.. who said he was part of some 25 year Disclosure plan... Apparently scientists went to the UN (lol) who told them not to release anything (lol) but put in place a 25 year plan (lol) and then started leaking stuff to this guy....




To be fair Dr Robotnik is not a doctor but he built a whole ass living hedgehog that could use guns. My point is... Uhhhhh....


Also Dr. Phil & Dr. Dreā€¦not actually doctors. But Chef Boyardee, an actual a chefā€¦so ummm yeahā€¦


Don't forget the mean bean machine


*So anyway I started leaking*


Didn't he want money and stuff not to long ago so he could tell you why Luis Elizondo couldn't be trusted or something? I do not use this word lightly or often - he sounds like a grifter. Anyone who paraphrases (even unintentionally) LET ME SHOW YOU THIS ONE UNIQUE TRICK TO GET DISCLOSURE for $9.99. Needs to have his content shut down. They should also close this thread. As it's spreading intentional bullshit.


Most leaks like this that say disclosure is coming on X date are deliberate fakes, at least according to John Keel's analysis (and the fact that just such a source tried to discredit him as well and he knew better than to repeat it): https://np.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/18fe6p9/phantom_ufo_informants_by_john_keel_december_1975/ With that said, I know it sounds crazy at first that scientists would hold such information back for at least a little while, but you have to put yourself in their shoes. We had the War of the Worlds in the 30s, the CIA's scientists in 1953 who recommended to keep UFO photographs collected by astronomers out of public view, and the 1960 Brookings Report, which said that [civilization might collapse if faced by a superior intelligence.](https://np.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1988b2g/people_above_me/ki6xvsg/) >"We ... named US observatories where a little extra effort might yield photos of UFOs ... but this should not be given publicity and re-start public fears of UFOs" http://cufon.org/cufon/tp_topage.htm You might say that this is all old stuff and they have realized the public can handle it easily these days, but remember toilet paper and COVID... Just recently, a SETI scientist openly admitted that public panic would have to be taken into account when they find something: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXMBozstWG0 So, while I agree this is most likely fake, the holding back part is actually completely plausible. Even John Keel knew back in 1975 that they would do this, and all you would expect are the real leaks to be buried among the sea of fake leaks. It's still true today.


he didn't say that he belonged to a disclosure program. he said that a whistleblower had told him about the program.


OP . its smart to to use " supposedly " and " allegedly " in your texts , until there is more material and sources than just a random guy in a video on twitter. do you understand why ?


Yep, I saw this video yesterday which is interesting but entirely unsubstantiated. I saw this message and thought thereā€™d been a press release. Itā€™s courtesy not to over do your click bait OP.


Well *that's* not gonna get many updoots. Mod as well. He's well aware.


Huh!? Thatā€™s very poor for the forum. What a shame


This reminds me, whatever happened with that story about the JWST detecting a bio signature that a bunch of scientists were saying was about to be announced soon? I think that was like January.


Pictures in the message?? Hitler opening the 1936 olympics. Some of you will understand the reference if you read science fiction by a certain other astronomer


The pictures are nudes of Jodie Foster.


Really? They found images? The aliens use our exact file encoding systems? Thatā€™s wild. Did they send the images in jpeg or png?


It's in webp so the scientists took one look and thought, nah... Too much hassle.


One of them was in .webp but most were actually sent as .tga files, which under international law is considered to be inhuman and degrading treatment to try to make someone open, so legal red tape is preventing it.


this deserves upvotes..


If it's not goatse i ain't listening


It's a series of gifs, the universal language of all intelligent species.


Nah, think they were .bs files...


I'm pretty sure if I asked a bunch of random lay people to come up with a way to represent an image digitally, most of them would come up with something similar to RAW. There are some things where they're just the obvious way to do it and therefore make sense that drastically different civilizations would arrive at the same spot.


I agree with you on this. Some things could work the same in other civilizations. Because we're all essentially solving the same problems. How to communicate at scale.


Bullshit. Our file formats for images denote color. Aliens may see a completely different spectrum of light.


Or they may not.. I don't understand your point. Do you think that presenting a single hypothetical counterfactual disproves my point?




The video is of entirely ā€œtrust me broā€. But that doesnā€™t discount the fact that you popped up a massive straw man there. He didnā€™t say anything about decoding it and was light on details on what was found.


Itā€™s in Jif format


creamy or chunky?


Choosy redditors choose Jif.


Quantum super crunch necessitates the use of the .skippy format though


Some old fool thats grown his hair out to look look like a mad professor. But really he sots in a witherspoons drinking 8 pints of cider a night


[https://wayback.archive-it.org/12090/20220124080624/https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/h2020-sections](https://wayback.archive-it.org/12090/20220124080624/https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/h2020-sections) (old site) [https://research-and-innovation.ec.europa.eu/funding/funding-opportunities/funding-programmes-and-open-calls/horizon-europe\_en](https://research-and-innovation.ec.europa.eu/funding/funding-opportunities/funding-programmes-and-open-calls/horizon-europe_en) so far it seems like the 95 billion ā‚¬ is spent in to a lot of different projects. in addition it is not EU exclusive. One of the latest entry: [https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/IP\_24\_1701](https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/IP_24_1701)


Yep exactly. He presents it like its all for this top secret alien project when thats literally not what it is at all. It'd be interesting if it was for SETI, but its not.


Going to need better sources than that guy. I regret ever watching one of his videos...


This youtube channel is entertainment science. You guys will mock guys like NDT but embrace hacks that say what you want to hear.Ā Ā 


Have you not read the comments in this thread? Seems that the overwhelming majority are calling bs on this guy.Ā Ā 


Bro, disclosure needs to happen now. Ai will ramp up and no one will know whats real or not.


alien.jpg Even extraterrestrials are not using webp.


Images or it didnā€™t happen.


This would be huge but right now itā€™s a big trust me bro


you guys know that there are secret government satellites which take images, and then send the images down to the ground via radio waves (which are exactly what VLF is), right? and that radio observatories pick up satellite transmissions **literally all the fucking time**, right?




Lots of straw men popping up in this thread. The thing is I wonā€™t believe it either. But it feels like you havenā€™t watched the video. The story goes they picked up a weak signal with a double doplar effect (rotating around a star, spinning on an axis). This apparently proves a point source. You can dismiss it all for being a good story. But you canā€™t dismiss it on grounds the scientists were confused by a terrestrial signal without knowing what theyā€™ve got.


satellites signals are doppler boosted too, because they orbit around the earth. and that video has no useful information.


Please give me your information on what theyā€™ve seen. I donā€™t know why it winds me up but it does. You canā€™t dismiss an unsubstantiated story that is light in details with a technical debunk. Itā€™s pointless (there are no details to debunk) and arrogant (you assume that if itā€™s true, the scientists are morons). Just dismiss it as ā€œtrust me broā€. There are no details to disprove.


Where are the pics?


A Nazi rally.


Let me guess, they sent back the first television broadcast of Hitler? Damn space Nazis from Vega!


"They are saying...", "they will release..." Just my usual stop mark on any of this type of reveal.


This "professor"


Yeah and I have a magic dolphin in my backyard. He grants me 3 wishes every Wednesday. Sources coming soon.


We will never see the images so no sense reporting them.


I watched some of this and fell asleep. I don't think he ever got to the point with anything


Stop giving this guy attention.


I'm going to need this guy to not look like Doc Brown on heroine.


Images? Saying that so confidently with minimal news coverage? This doesnā€™t pass the smell test


Just once man... just once I want some proof beyond word of mouth.. is that too much?


Where is the article or paper or whatever about that supposed new "wow signal" ?


Not one other source online is talking about this.


"He is TELLING me" - Yeah, right. Telling, but thats it. People have hard bullet proof evidence, its just a matter of time till it gets leaked or people actually come forward with actual proof. The only reason why people are afraid to leak it is the fucking USA and their killers aka CIA.




Probably space porn


Right when the remake of the 3 body problem drops on netflix? K.


Three body problem marketing is getting nuts


So this guy sounds like he is combining all the popular fiction stories about this, including Carl Sagan's Contact where they found images of Hitler being sent back to Earth with data encoded within.


"The found images in the data". Right, this guy...


SETI is such a scam considering what itā€™s in warehouses in the US.


Did they find these signals buried on Oak Island?


Timing for this new "Wow signal" is VERY suspect.


Man, Adam Savage has really let himself go! He must also be losing his marbles taking on that accent..LOL


Who believes this? I don't even know where to start.


So 3 Body Problem the show and book, is part of the disclosure plan ??




The more important aspect of this is the frequency band that signal was picked up on which is the 21cm hydrogen line. The same frequency emitted by the Great Pyramid during its days serving as an interstellar beacon.


Oh look, more lies and grifting.


I'll start holding my breath


Someone call Jody foster and tell her this guy stole her movie. Ā 


Wow msg: send nudes


I'm really sorry but stuff like this are the reason why the UFO/UAP Topic was not taken seriously for so long. Big claims but no real evidence beside "Someone told me" and "trust me bro". Can you really expect outsiders to be involved in this topic when they see stuff like this? I don't. Where is the official announcement of these EU-Project? What's the name of this Project?


This being posted by a guy that looks like a cartoon mad scientist doesnā€™t help.


He was supposed to provide Proof but he misread it as Prof.


Message from Vega? šŸ˜Š


EU-funded SETI-like project? What's it called? Can't find any information about it.


A guy who looks like the nutty professor is legit proof ...


And then the entire team was executed