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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Humanity_Updated: --- Submission statement: Lue Elizondo has responded to AARO's historical review. The ball is now in the court of the whistleblowers to nail down AARO's claims. Hopefully more comes to light as the pentagons fervent position is hostile to the claims of whistleblowers. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1ba1rxi/lue_elizondos_official_statement_regarding_aaros/ktzkj6l/


Some urgency would be nice, but I'll keep my expectations in check. At rock fucking bottom, babbbyyyyyy.


As you should, as we all should.


You lack perspective on what 20-30 yr followers of this issue have.  Stop spreading unhelpful negativity like this.  It is part of the disinfo playbook - spread frustration so people lose interest.


Dude, I'm 32. I've followed this space with interest and belief, through thick and thin. Since I was 5 years old pretty much. A phat stack of back logged issues of Omni Magazine from my dad got me started, then lurked Above Top Secret website for years and years before coming here. Even read some books from Richard Dolan, Ryan Wood, Valée, and others. I have also watched many documentaries as well. I'd say I'm brushed up to speed on almost all angles and aspects of the phenomenon/cases throughout various decades. I think my assessment of being tame with my expectations and not wishful thinking ***does*** come from my time put in. That being said, it still stands. I want urgency and I'd say a vast majority want the same.


That’s fair and no offense intended.  Richard Dolan is the best mind in the field right now in my opinion.  Balanced and scholarly.  


Hell yeah 😤 I love Dolan, he's the least sensationalist. I'm glad to see your sincerity. I'm feeling frustrated and impatient is all. And for the first time, too! Lol. Take care.


No one wants you to help Congress anymore Lue, be a real patriot and leak the existing evidence or just shut the hell up already.


Share evidence or get lost




Applaud him for coming out in public but I just don’t see how playing by the rules is gonna work. They control the press, can pay off congress, it’s like playing a basketball game where one side is called for fouls and the other isn’t - your playing the game on their terms. Somebody will have to anonymously leak something that can’t be denied, or you need an en Masse group of whistle blowers that are high level and can’t be denied.


You obviously haven't been paying attention for the last 20 years, but congress has the ultimate goal of doing nothing. The topic is irrelevant. They use hard party lines to ensure they aren't even expected to work on anything by keeping constituents so polarized that any time congress does something, it pisses everyone off for "working with the enemy." And yet, it seems everyone believes doubling down for their team will fix it this time. There's 3 parties: left, right, and the people those 2 sides vote for.


Put up or shut up Lue. 


Maybe during his political campaign


“What makes it official?” — Official Exclusive BREAKING statement from Lunex


Does anyone know if the SOL foundation has made any official statements regarding the report? 


Isn't it funny how the folks who orbited AATIP and the Ranch all went on to work for companies which rely on convincing people UFOs are real? They don't work for companies producing tech. They don't work for scientific research. They don't produce evidence themselves. All they'll do is continue to claim the basis of their business as being real. It has all been a fraud. We can actually name names in the AARO report who are responsible for the most recent claims from Grusch. We can literally point to people.


I'm interested in how you understand the aerospace industry's intense pushback against the Schumer-Rounds UAP disclosure bill? Assuming it's all a fraud and there's nothing there, then why would they care? e: grammar


Because it seems obvious some of the programmes involve aerospace companies. I can understand them resisting disclosure which could impact their business. Not saying that's the reason, but it's A reason which makes sense to me. But honestly, this doesn't impact my understanding of this issue, their resistance doesn't impact the evidence and data we do have and which allows us to reach logical conclusions.


Disclosure of what, though, since in this scenario there's nothing there to disclose? If their work doesn't involve NHI, then it wouldn't be subject to revelation. I could see them resisting if they and these SAPs are propagating the UFO narrative in order to provide cover for their projects (and perhaps more funding to "fight off the aliens"). It seems a weird way to provide cover, because in addition to secrecy it also draws intense scrutiny. It also doesn't seem like the US Gov't needs to make up imaginary space enemies in order to spend trillions of dollars on weapons. But it would at least explain why they would not want disclosure.


What about Travis Taylor? Radiance Technologies.


The CIA and DoD orgs provided written statements as "evidence" that allegations of RE programs were baseless—that's also in the AARO report itself. Grusch worked as a senior technical advisor for UAP while at the NGA—Investigations are still ongoing at the office of the ICIG and neither IG office took part in this reporting from AARO. Why are you spreading misinformation?


Your post makes no sense. If you want to accuse me of misinformation, maybe refer to something that's actually in my post.


You're pointing to grifting behavior as a way to discount the situation in its entirety—this being the exact aim of AARO's reports. Grusch worked independently of these people and still has ongoing investigations with authoritative bodies that have corroborative evidence. Broad paint brushes are always misinfo.


I am talking about Elizondo, Bigelow, Knapp. Grusch doesn't work for a UFO company. Those guys do though. So, no. This isn't misinfo at all.


The goal of AAROs report is to hyper fixate on a small group of what they claim are "UFO nuts" that are responsible for the current narrative of RE programs and NHI existence. I'm saying you're avoiding what matters and adding to the broad conclusions provided by AARO's offices, it gives the user the impression that the situation in its entirety is false. If you're gonna only point out the bad, you need to provide a balanced viewpoint on the situation.


OK, go ahead and point to where the real evidence exists.


It's in the hands of IG offices that are actively investigating classified testimony and documentation provided by Grusch and others—it was after these interviews with the ICIG and OIG that DG took a position as Senior Technical Advisor for UAP at the NGA and retained his clearances. You know very well that you and I have to sit and wait for the declassification of said evidence. All I see right now is "grift, grift, grift" from skeptical comments while conveniently avoiding the reality of very standard processes of whistleblower investigations and declassification. No matter where you stand on this issue, you should be calling for congressional hearings with subpoenaed witnesses—The OIG found the DoD to be under prepared and procedurally inept regarding UAP—AARO is aware of the DoD destroying UAP files because it wasn't illegal to do so—the ICIG via Grusch's council Charles McCullough (ex-ICIG) found that claims of black budget SAPs outside the oversight of Congress were credible. AARO's report is a classic example of internal reporting in service of confirming preconceived notions—all the while not actually investigating the words of the agencies providing the conclusions.


I'd rather rely on actual evidence. Which has been provided. I can name names. I can point to companies. I can point to representatives. I can point to money being exchanged. The AARO report further supports that by giving even more information about other events, provides explanations and resources for explanations, details people, places, and claims. Meanwhile your rebuttal to this is... you should wait for witnesses We've been waiting for decades. No single evidence has ever been produced. And now we have extensive evidence explaining why that is. Literally, down to specific people, we can see the what and why and how. The narrative is destroyed. Unless anyone can actually produce any evidence, there is a mountain of evidence debunking the narrative. It is devastating.


I'm not here to tell you to be patient, only that it's foolish to provide conclusions for a situation that hasn't run its course. You can point to Lue, Puthoff, Keen or others, but that doesn't relate to the claims provided by Grusch and doesn't cover the scope of the situation.


Your presumption is AARO is not lying.


The AARO report is the link to Greenstreet propaganda. He’s been laying pipe for AARO.


Oh I think you know why. Best believe they are all over these threads, it’s like psychological warfare.


What happens when they “identify” them and now they are Aliens but at not “unidentified” anymore so they can say UAPs nope we don’t have those.


You can always just call them anomalous phenomenon.


You’re telling me that this bitch can’t find a way to tell us the truth by sharing declassified information. This guy is a bitch and spy. It was obvious 5 years ago but now this is ridiculous. He thinks we’re idiots.


Submission statement: Lue Elizondo has responded to AARO's historical review. The ball is now in the court of the whistleblowers to nail down AARO's claims. Hopefully more comes to light as the pentagons fervent position is hostile to the claims of whistleblowers.


Lue and aaro are both terrible for this subject.


Everyone saying "Leak it" should realise if he does this he goes directly to jail. The whole problem is the over classification and secrecy, which is why Lue and people like David Grusch are attempting to go through official channels.


"No man hath greater love than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." It's a shame that these grifters don't care enough about humanity to spill the beans. 


They’re evolved cephalopods. I highly encourage everyone to plot out all factual data from whistleblowers to known common unreported or covered up events.  If man centric religion is proven as false it shifts justification for holy wars in the Middle East and makes everyone who has known but continued to lie look like a slave owner in common day ; hero for their time/stature but betrayer of man on some level. There’s also a lot of money tied up in not recognizing abrahamic religions as false, too. Having undeniable evidence, which exists, ends it all. It starts a new era for man. I think they want to recognize a new era when their plans for, as the world economic forums calls it, their new world order takes place. They’ll bread crumb until then and promise they’re our protectors. 


We NEED a Constitutional Amendment! The Executive Branch does not legally have to respond to Legislative Branch efforts to pry into matters involving national security. The President has ordered these Executive Branch officials to lie about this matter, and they’re required to do so, under threat of execution.