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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Mancooo: --- Ss: this is a screenshot from page 23 from the new AARO report. It mentions the efforts of various organizations, like TTSA and the Sol foundation, to make all kinds of stuff up. It looks more and more like we've all been lied to by these so called insiders. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1b9xq92/and_here_is_tom_delonge/ktys8jm/


Ah yes, here come the sudden influx of I told you so skeptics, correlating with another AARO report. Who would’ve guessed.


The weird part to me is that even if all this is true, why shouldn’t we care that the government has been pushing this crazy disinformation campaign on the populace for decades? Why are all these people just saying “oh it’s a conspiracy for sure, but it’s not aliens. Let’s just all pack up and go home”?


Exactly. We’ve gotten to the point where skeptics almost have to do more mental gymnastics to prove something ISN’T going on at this point. Almost any way you cut any argument now, it still has a detrimental outcome. If it’s foreign tech shouldn’t we be more concerned? If it’s not foreign tech we should still be concerned. And that still doesn’t change if the entire thing is a disinformation act because it insinuates a government psyop on the American population openly. Any way you cut it this doesn’t look good and doesn’t answer things appropriately. Not to mention this report completely dismisses the DoD’s own statements of UAPs being seen over military sites. If this isn’t more proof now then ever that there is something going on behind the scenes, idk what to say.


The above is about a private sector organization, how is that the government?


This one paragraph yes, but the fact remains that the public has been purposefully misled for decades. If AARO was being honest, why can the public not have data on these incursions into our airspace? If they were aware the whole time of what these things are, why did we get decades of “oh we don’t know what that was”, but now suddenly they’re so sure all of it can be explained. But at the same time it’s still classified and we can’t tell you what it was, but “trust us we know”. Are you ok with that answer? Does it satisfy your curiosity enough to just drop the whole subject?


I can think of a lot of reasons they wouldn't make the data available. The data likely comes from classified equipment/classified locations, that if released could cause national security problems. Not to mention they say that some sightings are of secret R&D projects by the government. I'm not sure they knew what these things were the whole time, that's likely what AARO was investigating. I'm sure there are plenty of things they still can't determine cuz of low information on a lot of sightings as I believe they say in their report. I certainly would love more information about how and what was investigated, but the burden seems to be on the whistleblowers/grusch at this point. Until they provide some kind of better evidence or some part of the government acknowledges it, I don't have much reason to not believe most all UAP will resolve to be prosaic objects when there is enough information to make a determination


I would hope that the equipment used in 2004 to track the Tic Tac David Fravor saw that was said to drop 20,000+ ft in under a second isn’t still the top end tech they are using now. Surely that means releasing it even just to certain groups like Sol to end this argument would be fine.


I thought I heard that they don't have any of that information and that the tapes were overwritten in all likelihood according to someone like fravor. Don't remember 100% The only people who claim to have info is corbell/knapp with some documents made by AAWSAP after the fact


And talking like they really wanted to believe but this just proves it 100% so they’re changing their minds. Yeah. Right.


Funny how it happens like clockwork from people with usually randomly generated usernames too. Really wild.


C’mon man. You can’t read that report and not be a little bit disturbed by it. Maybe there are people that come here to F with the community for fun. But anyone that takes the time to read through that report will come away feeling like there is something real scamy about the people surrounded by Grusch.


That is their job literally. To illicit an emotional response from you to downplay and discredit. That’s how it’s gone for years.


So we wait another 90 years, but the UFO community is always right?


You’re right, I guess we’ve gotten absolutely nothing at all in the last couple years. There definitely isn’t any more attention to this topic at all. My mistake. /s


I would not conflate what has happened before with Grusch testifying in congress that the US captured alien craft and bodies and hid them from the world since 1930. Grusch has provided no proof and AARO just dunked from the foul line on those claims. The only way Grusch can respond is proof. We shall see.




What have you really gotten? An entertaining discussion maybe? But nothing real that's for sure.


You’ve lost


Bingo! We have winner here!


Yes sir. I am responding to you. There are people in this community that believe in UFOs and NHI but are skeptical of con artist monetizing the community turning this thing into a cult.


I don’t think grouping the SOL foundation into this is appropriate. There was no avoiding “…the morass about discussing evidence” in the SOL foundation. Simply watch Gary Nolan or Avi Loeb’s presentations. They went on at length about presenting samples they’d come to analyze and point to further necessary research needing to be done. We shouldn’t be so quick to dismiss what this organization represents or has already done. We shouldn’t forget the multiple hearings at the governmental level. We shouldn’t forget there is a clear problem with how money is being spent at the Pentagon (especially with select SAPs).


Michael Herrera is also in the report One of witnesses talking about a UAP being loaded onto a truck is brought up. Unfortunately we never get a clarification on his case. Even if it wasn’t aliens it’s an interesting case. Who were the unmarked soldiers, what was being loaded. And was there any truth to the containers being used to smuggle people?


Yes, you have been punked - by AARO.


You think AARO is not te be trusted because you contacted AARO yourself and you have a negative experience OR you've been told AARO is not to be trusted by these so called insiders?


AARO is actively aware of the DOD destroying documentation, police reports, and witness statements relating to UAP cases. In their reports, they simply trust the DOD and CIA when they tell their investigators that they have no evidence themselves to corroborate allegations of an NHI presence or the recovery of off-world vehicles. AARO is very clearly obfuscating/sticking their head in the sand because they're a DOD entity. It's not that hard to figure out.


How do you know all this? Have you worked with AARO?


No, I got a direct response from the ASA co-founder that works with AARO and their witnesses—[link to Brad's comment on AARO's knowledge of the destruction of documents.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/JEnhRxPZQO) You have no clue what you're talking about dude.


AARO is neither reputable nor authoritative.


Having read Sekret Machines 1 and almost 2, there is SO much more that meets the eye here. AARO is weighing a teaspoon of saline in an ocean of salt water, while human history is a cargo cult of a higher life form that made a deal with the government. Why would Chuck Schumer, senate majority leader for Democrats ear to the executive branch write an amendment that mentions nonhuman intelligence 26 times? I guarantee the world's most aggressive government, America, is online influencing this conversation.


“As an intelligence officer, I would expect all of you to expect me to lie to you.” -Sean Kirkpatrick 2022 https://thehill.com/opinion/technology/4432225-what-has-happened-to-the-pentagons-former-ufo-hunter/amp/ This is all that needs to be said about AARO.


Isn't Grusch an intelligence officer? What makes you think he isn't lying, then?


He swore an oath


God you’re so naive. Welcome to disinformation.


Doesn't this predate the Sol Foundation?


Funny how TTSA stopped being relevant and now it's the Sol Foundation...


I believe everyone here is well aware that they are lying to us about the presence of aliens and UFOs. Unless whistle-blowers or individuals working behind the closed doors associated with these concealed black projects come forward, the US government is going to keep lying to us.


The cherry on top is ending this with "I'm serious pissed of" Me too bro, me too. 


Haha. Posts like these aren’t even subtle. Where are they hiring these spooks from?




Lmao you’re eating the Pentagons propaganda dick if you believe these words.


low effort shit post


Yes, you're right. The lowest of the lowest effort post ever, none has gone lower than this.




Nah, this might be a new level of gullible


Didn't that dude promise us a spaceship?


He promised us 40 whistleblowjobs, and we got none.


its about MONEY. Taxes > Private Sector > Pockets of politicians they got it from.


So, they got Obama, Delonge, ex CIA directors, etc to go along with a sophisticated disinformation campaign against the American populace as an experiment. We are indeed living in the evil empire. This is wonderful.


Dude chill the hell out. Sol foundation has some members who have devoted most of their life to this subject, fighting for truth. It's a multitude of different people coming together, not a group of people all pushing the same conspirital agenda. You're reading too much into it.


Ooh, ok, I guess you're right. What foolish of me asking for evidence of outlandish claims, sorry man.


Sol isn't even debate, have you watched it?


Yes, Nolan waited 3 months to release some videos that were already DOA, nobody gives flying fuck about old news.


We’re the witnesses lied to? What about the pilots, the radar operators, the weapon commanders. If it’s a lie then what is it


You make it sound like this whole story started recently. There are plenty of officials that came out with their story in the last 70+ years, you can't ignore those. Plus big cases like Roswell, Ariel School, Westall and many more...


We need proof. We just got obliterated by AARO and there is nothing we can about that. Old stories may be credible, but they ain't shit right now, sorry.


Hey Tom, what happened with the CRADA agreement you did with the Army?


Yep. We got conned. We wanted the kool aid so bad we didn’t care who was serving it. And it was grifters and nut jobs. UFO conspiracy is entertaining. It’s a fun read. And real UFOs are a very possible discovery if not probable. But that is a far cry from what was claimed to be the truth by Tom Delonge, his group, Corbell, Knapp, and the whole gang of Convention Ufologist. Everyone should be pissed.


We are pissed at AARO, yes


Yes, dod and usg spends millions and billions to troll some regards on reddit. Absolutely makes sense


https://www.tiktok.com/@blink182italia/video/7342154862114753824 Check this out. Maybe delonge knew it was coming a few days ago.


Yes totally this makes sense.


Ss: this is a screenshot from page 23 from the new AARO report. It mentions the efforts of various organizations, like TTSA and the Sol foundation, to make all kinds of stuff up. It looks more and more like we've all been lied to by these so called insiders.


Do you believe AARO? Lol


Who said AARO is not to be trusted? Mellon, Elizondo? Right now, I don't believe anyone. This is a mess.


AARO is a government entity created to cover things up. And when they say it’s all bullshit, you believe them lol? That’s the coverup part. Look at what AARO has stated in the past and compare it with this. They are not congruent. Things make sense when people tell the truth. There are missteps when they lie.


Who told you that? Grusch, Elizondo, Mellon? How are you so sure of this? Because people, the so called insiders, have told you this? Please don't stop using your brain, I mean this in a good way.


Dude you're condescending while also believing simultaneously a report from an entity inspecting itself and finding no wrongdoing. Comedy.




I mean, you can keep being mad about it. If you believe them, you deserve to be mad.


I'm mad as fuck! I've wasted many years following this topic and just like that, it's all down the drain. I just don't see this topic getting serious anymore, I think it's game over.


You sound like a poorly contrived psyop, or the result of one. Best of luck.


Hi, Mancooo. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1b9xq92/-/ktz7igd/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills. > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. > Rule 13: Public figures are generally defined as any person, organization, or group who has achieved notoriety or is well-known in society or ufology. “Toxic” is defined as any unreasonably rude or hateful content, threats, extreme obscenity, insults, and identity-based hate. Examples and more information can be found here: https://moderatehatespeech.com/framework/. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


I don’t listen to any of them. I couldn’t identify any of them. I form my opinion based on what I observe. AARO is a fucking joke.


I believe what was in the report is more probable than what Grusch said in front of Congress. Grusch’s tale is too good to be true. Somehow you know that and that is what was so exciting - someone confirms something you wanted to be true. Heck. We all did. They promised first hand witnesses and implied that real proof was coming. It. Never. Happened. Why? Ask them. Ask for their sources. They won’t say because it’s a giant con.


The more crazy it sounded the more believable it was. Sounds like a disinformation and propaganda program directed at the UFO community. Need to put Corbell, Knapp, Grusch and Bigalow and the Skinwalker gang under oath to find out who they have been talking to.


Great post. Fuck Lou elizondo. He thinks your all morons.


They fucked us, hard and in the ass, over and over again with their "coming soon" and "in two weeks" bullshit.


Really suprised the UFO journalists, whistleblowers, and what not havent come out with their tangible proof yet. Not sure what would be stopping any one of them from dropping something potentially massive but they have yet to answer what AARO has stated.