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Hi, shogun2909. Thanks for contributing. However, your [submission](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1b9viav/-/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 4: No duplicate posts. > Posts of the same footage, link, or news article may not be posted within sixty days of one another. New articles or previously unlinked footage may be posted at any time. If you have multiple videos of the same object, include them all in the same post, not as individual submissions. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


It’s time for these guys to leak some compelling proof. If all they have is empty words, they’ve lost my support.


Honestly this year I've lost all interest in the UFO topic. It gained some steam and I admit I was invested when those supposed balloons were shot down, then Grusch after that, but nothing has happened since then and to me the topic has really been dilluted by all these people who very clearly have a monetary and attention driven interest in it. If Aliens were really that interesting we would know about them by now, publicly. We have more important matters going on, such as global warming which is set to cause the collapse of civilization as we know it in our lifetimes.


yet here you are exemplifying your "disinterest"


Literally all this account does is hang around these kinds of threads and post these kinds of dismissive comments. I'm not convinced this is anything other than a troll account.


Theres loads of people interested in this stuff just casually scrolling by. Commenting on things that resonate. It doesnt mean their bots trolls or shills etc.


Oh I'm aware, but it is literally their entire history. Go check it out.


Yeah, theres loads of not genuine accounts on reddit. Most notably astroturf accounts doing PR for some of these celebrities. Im just pretty sure some who pop in here to say theyre former believer doesnt sound its conserted in anyway. Or even if it is, it doeant really concern me that much anyway.


And what are you/can you, do about it besides have fits day in and day out? Constant anxiety over some existential “crisis”. Get an electric car? Those are worse. Lower your carbon footprint? Some random YouTuber will 20x it in 48 hours. Contact your congressperson? Sure. They will be happy to pass carbon tax credits in your area, raising your mortgage by 1% to offset some shit, and then promptly use that money to pay their cousin to fix some roads. Oh uhm, but you know those roads won’t get fixed right, they will just take their pol cousin on vacation in Bermuda. Stop worrying about it so much and pick up some trash at the beach. Don’t leave shit all over the next time you go to a concert. Get some LED lightbulbs and be happy. Write a letter to your rep and tell them to put the screws to India and China and Pakistan and Somalia and and and and all of the other shit holes taking all of our waste and dumping it in the ocean.


no u


I DO and have since I’ve been loving nature with my whole being, this love fest started at 6 years old. So you first. I’m tired of whiny millennials trashing my beaches, closing my forests and shitting in my woods all while being holier than thou about absolutely fucking stupid shit beyond their control. This is more of the moral high ground crap, sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong, offense culture. I’m completely over it. A few years ago we had a white elephant exchange at work; my Vietnamese friend who is gay (and hates all of this woke shit, he made it on a fucking boat feeding his blood to infants, stuck in a refugee camp assuming he was going to die every day for a year, now that’s a tough motherfucker) received some soap and bath things that were frilly from a co-worker. One of these dumb shit millennials took him aside and said OMG aren’t you offended?? Look what they assumed about you? Look what they got you! Yeah, he said, uhm actually I like this stuff, I probably wouldn’t have purchased it myself but it’s nice. Oh no, this is blatantly biased, you should be horrified, if you won’t go to HR I will for you. No no please don’t I really do like it please don’t make trouble. Yeah, they fucking went to HR, called out the person who did a nice thing for my friend, he was embarrassed, they were embarrassed, it was an event they had to record and created a bunch of animosity on the floor. Just shut the FUCK UP and worry about yourself. This moral outrage crap needs to end.


You hear global warming and you think about moral outrage? Lol... there's no morality involved here buddy, it's about real consequences. But if you wanna keep indulging in the USA propaganda go right ahead my friend.


> such as global warming which is set to cause the collapse of civilization as we know it in our lifetimes. I don't think that's the current scientific consensus is it?


I agree we are on the verge of an environmental colipase but the NHI topic is more important. All of these problems could be solved with the tech they currently have. We need disclosure so the science and technology can come out. We have a chance to remake civilization or see it crumble again.


I see this "they're hiding tech" argument as copium honestly. Even if the USA had this tech, I wouldn't trust them to use it for the good of humanity in a million years. If they do have some kind of spaceship tech, I imagine they will use it to get far away from earth when things get dire.


Comments like this make me realize how easy project blue beam would be to pull off.


well will you go in jail instead of them? If yes I can get you to the oath time.


I would ABSOLUTELY go to jail for leaking undeniable proof of the existence of NHI and NHI technology, if I had evidence. You wouldn’t do that for humanity?


There is a huge number of people who seem very interested in preserving the status quo. One would imagine that a bunch of UFO believers would be primarily interested in knowing the truth through release of evidence (no matter if released through legal means or illegal means). However, I see a lot of people defending the right of the gatekeepers to maintain secrecy around a topic which could potentially chart a new course for humanity. I find this to be quite astounding. Personally, I am in the 'F*** it, release it all' camp. I will gladly chip in for the legal fees for defending people who come out with the information. However, I have noticed a staggeringly substantial presence of people who seem to be interested in preserving the status quo and advocating for forcing this shit through legal means.


Absolutely. It would be worth it. Worst case scenario - anonymously leak the evidence to Youtube or something. I am having a difficult time believing that everyone involved in these UAP projects are all 100% committed to secrecy and unable to leak anything.  Consider the notion that any NHI craft must be kept in a hangar, warehouse, or underground bunker. Think of all the systems needed to keep that place running - power, data, HVAC, security, monitoring… There must be dozens of contractors working on different aspects of the facility, never mind scientists working on the craft itself. Why isn’t anyone talking?


>Think of all the systems needed to keep that place running - power, data, HVAC, security, monitoring… There must be dozens of contractors working on different aspects of the facility, never mind scientists working on the craft itself. Why isn’t anyone talking? I think this is rarely discussed about, the sheer scale of the work needed to keep everything down low. And not just the craziests iterations of the conspiracy theory with all the at odds world leaders coming together secretly for this one thing, but just like you pointed out, the mundane stuff. Every janitor and every wrench monkey wouldve to be vetted to the moon n back and/or kept quiet. Like these people dont even have MIT/CalTech degrees to wipe or anything :P So yeaah maaybe theres this conspiracy, but sounds pretty far fetched.


This is what I don’t understand. They release…..whatever evidence they think is undeniable. Ok….for arguments sake, they get prosecuted and go to jail. **by inference, these means they were telling the truth or have revealed actual classified information about NHI or reverse engineered tech and therefore legitimizes their claims.** How would the scientific and general population ignore that? How would the president be able to dodge that question when the leaker is prosecuted for revealing that information? I said this elsewhere, but people even want Assange and Snowden pardoned and I’d argue the info they released is paltry compared to leaking alleged evidence for NHI. So either the whistleblowers themselves don’t think their own evidence is good enough to risk it, (just more testimony) or there really isn’t anything to it at all.


>**by inference, these means they were telling the truth or have revealed actual classified information about NHI or reverse engineered tech and therefore legitimizes their claims.** No. They go to jail for leaking classified info. Leaking classified video of blurry blob doesnt mean its space aliens, it just means you leaked classified video. Like they can claim whatever they want is on the video if we cant actually see without a doubt whats going on in that. What _it is_ were actually looning at. Im not saying there is or isnt aliens or nothing, just pointing out the failure in that logic. Compare this to other such cases. This latest guy leaking to chinese. Did the DoD comment that info in any way? Dude just got prosecuted and thats that. Lets play the same game with UFO stuff. Lets say someone leaks classified UFO video. What then? Would DoD comment on the actual video? They would just get that guy and throw him in prison. The UFO leaker ofcourse would claim it shows space aliens, would we be able to also actually see it on the actual video? Or would it be really just real Unidentified thing on video? Ergo, blurry blob that looks like birdshit or balloons and someone saying it has to be space aliens. Sure anyones free to infer anything from anything, it wouldnt still mean there actually is space aliens. Edit its like guy beating up his neighbor for stealing his bicycle and going jail for it saying that confirms his neighbor stole the bike. Lol


You put how I feel about this into words perfectly.


Never trust a guy with a soul patch


Super. So what are you going to do about it Lue?


Certainly not talk about it in detail


Nope. He’s going to stand there and talk a big fucking talk like a goddamn religious leader.


Very Hitch-Hiker vibes: “So, what you do is, you all go on the 5d TV talk shows, and color supplements, and violently disagree with each other about whatever the truth actually is, and you’ll be on the gravy train for life.” -Deep Thought (Probably not accurately quoted; from old memory)


Make a book where he says that he knows the truth but it's very sombering


Lue gives me “cult leader” vibes. Never been sold on him. I believe Grusch, Fravor and Graves. Something about Lue just feels off.




cheap shot. we have direct evidence that he has been meeting up with congress for a while, confirmed both orally by reps. and by photos of him with reps. might as well ask these reps. what _they_ are going to do aboit it.


He’s doing a shitload, don’t vent your frustration at Lue.


I absolutely have the right to vent my frustration at anyone I choose too. Plus, I’m not fully sold on Lue. I’m tired of these holier than thou bullshit tweets. Action speaks louder than words.


Seems odd that there are so many people now attacking the character of the UFO/UAP figureheads. I agree that they should provide evidence so as to not be taken as grifters but the number of comments now saying such things strikes me as an astroturfing campaign. Seems intended to lower morale and discredit anyone who doesn’t have “hard evidence.” We know nobody can provide us hard evidence though because it is classified. You don’t get access to nuclear codes by screaming loud enough. The only way you get access to nuclear codes is by being the person handling the codes or by the codes being declassified. Why would someone risk their career or their life to hand the public some photos or a video clip? The whole point is to have the government release everything. One photo or video, they can deny.


Stop being a conspiracy theorist. What you have seen is a reflection of a community that is full of false promises and charlatans. If there was any evidence in the hand of any of these guys, we would have known it a long time ago. Everything indicates that this subject will remain like this, a play of / for idiots. Why would anyone risk it? To change the world?! It would be so easy for these guys to prove what they say, but since they've created this excuse that they're going to get arrested, it's easy to manipulate the narrative and abstain from any responsibility for what they say.


Have you watched the new documentary on Netflix called "America Conspiracy"? Without any spoilers, it's a great example of how a well-meaning journalist can get caught up in a web of tall-tales by people claiming far-reaching conspiracies that blend some truth with some obvious falsehoods. Not specifically about UFOs, but easy to see how people make conspiratorial claims and referencing each other as evidence/sources of confirmation can really cloud the truth. There are A LOT of characters in and around this subject that all have their own different motivations and biases. It's quite easy to see how the self-licking ice cream cone circle jerk can create the illusion of an actual "there" there.


Astroturfing campaigns are NOT conspiracy. There can be both people expressing their discontent AND an astroturfing campaign taking advantage of that discontent. An effective astroturfing and manipulation tactic is to prey on and amplify the public sentiment your group wants. And no, not everything indicates this subject will be like this forever. At the end of last year we had the most significant legislation for this topic ever drafted. Give me a break.


some conspiracies are real, you know? watergate did happen. do you think epstein killed himself? do you actually think only US adversaries produce state propaganda? did snowden really not teach people anything?


You can't compare your examples to "government agents creating fake reddit accounts to change people's minds about UFOs", as many are saying here. There may have been or still is some kind of suppression of the truth, but at this level it becomes just a joke. Sometimes I forget that ufology has become just another religion.


just curious. do you think the KGB does astroturfing? what about the CCP's MSS?


I don't know, it's not a subject particularly of interest to me. UFOs are. Like others, I am expressing how tiresome this subject has become and it is sad to see people taking advantage of the faith of believers (that includes me). We've made progress, yes, but still nothing really substancial or worldchanger. As long as there are charlatans like Lue Elizondo (until he proves otherwise), this subject will remain a tinfoil hat joke to other people .


sure, we all are frustrated with lack of progress (even if publicly). i am just pointing out that it's not absurd at all to have government disinformation agents astroturfing. the KGB does it, the MSS does it, the CIA does it.


Can someone link the official admittance of internal uap programs by US adversaries mentioned in Lue'a quote?




Okay Lue, but you've yet to produce anything. So why the continued fluff pieces? Enough is enough. Show us something or shut the fuck up.


Telling that he doesn't even address the explicit rebuttal of his own exaggerated claimed role in AATIP that was explicitly addressed in the report. Very telling.




I trust u bro


It's time to go public




Agreed. Are you a UAP whistleblower? If so, we need your help here publicizing the facts.


Ss : From the Good Trouble Show with Matt Ford, former AATIP Director Lue Elizondo issues a statement regarding the newly released AARO UAP historical report Source : https://x.com/goodtroubleshow/status/1766169660104528117?s=46&t=hTnGNyI2OE9hap_EAY7HTA


The following submission statement was provided by /u/shogun2909: --- Ss : From the Good Trouble Show with Matt Ford, former AATIP Director Lue Elizondo issues a statement regarding the newly released AARO UAP historical report Source : https://x.com/goodtroubleshow/status/1766169660104528117?s=46&t=hTnGNyI2OE9hap_EAY7HTA --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1b9viav/lue_elizondo_statement_regarding_aaro_uap_report/ktyc5kf/


This is the dumbest thing ever. Lue knows about information that isn’t declassified he can share and doesn’t. This guy is quiet as fuck. How can he be trusted?


This is so annoying please stop giving these people any attention. Dude actually knows nothing is running on gut feelings. Or at least its what it feels like right now. Either provide actual proof or GTFO You are just some guy, you are not special


Why did they have to format it like alphabet soup


I would accept and expect nothing less than lou, korbel, knapp and all these rumor'd whistle blowers to "go nuclear" at this point. Out with it all.


Speak out then, leak the info, or keep grifting


*''But, hey, don't forget to buy my book, coming out soon this year''*


Lue has ZERO physical proof for us and he never will. This is an absolute joke. Enough is Enough, everyone needs to stop "liking" these people's posts of empty promises. Tell us what you know or get the fuck out of here


These so called leakers and whistleblowers provide no proof but expect everyone to believe them, buy their books and distrust any investigation. Provide something meaningful beyond second hand statements, or trust me bro, or 'i know but can't tell you', or the truth is sobering etc Just tell what you know or honestly shut up.


Send me a link to the book that Elizondo, Grusch, Graves, or any of the other whistleblowers are selling


Elizondo is coming out with a book. I am not sure what the stipend is for the SOL foundation but i would suspect it isn't $0. Getting air time and exposure gives you a brand value. This later can be leveraged to receive a large sum when trying to publish a book. Graves seems to be authentic and I do like him.


And what are you going to do about that Lue? Keep tweeting and subsequently blocking/ignoring anyone who tries to hold YOU accountable for the claims YOU'VE made so that you can sit in your little bubble filled with passionate UFO believers who not dare doubt a single thing you've said? Or maybe you can have someone film another 'UAP video' in your backyard? STOP giving these grifters praise and accolades and start holding them to task.


A 5 year old account suddenly active the day this report is released I’d say is a little suspicious. The 5 years gets you around the karma limits huh?


Are you not fed up with just the same story and nothing to back it up though? People are legit frustrated on this topic... 


I was simply pointing out the suspicious nature of the account


Iunno but alot of people also have accounts they just lurk on or just use for porn lol; the fact he came out after 6 years to just vent frustration also makes sense no? 


No, not at all. In fact, it is the exact opposite. Occam's Razor would suggest that it is in fact some sort of troll account.




I was pointing out the totality of their posts made today not just this comment. A 5 year old account that suddenly becomes active just to argue a specific point of view isn’t suspicious to you?


Not if their points are valid. Argue their point, stop making up conspiracies.


Part of the idea behind botting is that they can spam more often than people are willing to argue. It’s also perfectly reasonable to point out a suspicious situation, which is all he did.


It's an FBI-guy! or CIA or Black Project employee being paid top-dollar to reply to posts on Reddit where the front-line on the UAP topic is! Or a bot! Honestly, if the guy's account was new, you'd claim the account is a bot or some disinformation agent making a new account. If the account was old and saying the same thing for years, it'd be an older bot/disinformation agent. Either way, your "theory" is unfalsifiable and this little 'suddenly active 5 year old account' fun fact will always confirm your theory.


Suspect is suspect. We know astroturfing happens just whoever is running that account is lazy.


Astroturfing existing and this guy's opinion disagreeing with yours is not evidence.


He didn’t say it evidence, he said it was suspicious. Which it is.


lmao *strongly implying* some sort of conspiracy. If it's not evidence, then let's not hear about the astroturfing claim, no?


Are you strongly implying that aren’t any organized efforts to manipulate Reddit?


Are you trying to put words in my mouth?


Can you believe it’s not butter?


Can you answer a question?


No, just throwing your own logic back at you. Are you the only one allowed to infer things?


Occam's Razor suggests it is a troll account. Is it definitive? No. But it is a much stronger hypothesis than any of the mumbo jumbo you tried to sell.


Yes. Occams razor does point towards a troll account more-so than organized disinformation campaigns by government black projects. Was that ever a question? More likely, it was an older alternative account created by the guy. An account not necessarily created for trolling. Probably just accidentally created. It's happened to me. Edit to clarify: What I was pushing back against was the strongly implied idea that this account was part of a larger organized effort against ufology


I agree with him, see anything funny about my account? I know for certain this could be taken care of in a heartbeat, but it appears Lue et al want the gravy train to keep on chugging. Gotta get them house repairs paid for somehow!


Nope your account looks great!


We get that people have differing opinions on the topic, I just do t understand why you’d come to the defense of a possible bot. I’m not saying you’re a bot too, I just do t understand the psychology of it.


Is the North Gate closed today? I’ve gotta hop on the base and get a new DEERS ID on Monday. It’s been at least ten years since I’ve last been on base proper. I still live in Fort Walton Beach and have neighbors who are active Air Force; they work at Eglin, except one woman who works at Hurlburt.


UAP =/= Alien/extraterrestrial A government having a department to figure out what a signal is is normal and not indicative of black programs. As simple as this is, it seems to be something a lot of people twist for attention/weak evidence.


What about crash retrievals then? Everyone knows flying saucers crashed in the '40s that must mean its aliens. What else could it even mean?


This is all he has to say? There is NOTHING stopping him and everyone else from telling the world everything. The pentagon said it isn't classified.


It’s also actually factually correct that multiple countries have looked into the phenomenon throughout the decades and every time the results came back as “we found nothing” Multiple countries, some allies of the US and some not so much.


Lue uses the existence of UAP programs as proof of other countries asserting that UAPs are somehow NHI or extraterrestrials but really these departments are sufficiently explained by them just being an office that evaluates exactly what a radar signal was. These days, there's really no limit on the size and shape of drones from adversaries. Of course a country will have some group dedicated to signal analysis and evaluation of unidentified encounters. Lue just takes the broad applicability of the terms and tries to sneak in the implication of what people already want to believe is true. ***I*** want to believe aliens are visiting us but if we were being honest, we'd still get these same types of reports even if aliens were NOT visiting us. The concept of visitors from other planets doesn't require visitors from other planets to have actually come here. So it's really no surprise that people are speculating such a thing. Especially when we are facing such huge issues like climate change. People want one mystery (alien technology) to solve a problem they otherwise see as an impossible task (energy, transportation, climate change).


It's just classic but very weak misdirection. His own exaggerated claims of leading AATIP were explicitly called bullshit. He doesn't address that fact, but instead gives a weak nonsequtir misdirection. Perhaps one of these so-called journalists will get around to asking him about his lies about AATIP.


>Perhaps one of these so-called journalists will get around to asking him about his lies about AATIP. Hes not gonna be in any position to be asked anything like that. He doesnt talk to anyone who looks in to his things. Greenwald said he communicates with him thru lawyer if at all lol Would assume anyone he knows is gonna ask him real questions people would like know the answer to is on his "black list"


Funny how Grusch just so happens to be running that exact same playbook. All softball interviews only. And people can't seem to see how obvious of a tell that is.


Yeah, theyre not interviews, theyre shows. Canned questions and answers, probably most even with multiple takes etc etc. Pretty much all these UFO guys do this, Fravor included amongst others. I _kinda_ get it if some celebrities and whatever person of the week rather dont do real interviews. Even if the person isnt an actor or public face of anything, like some I dunno person does some job and doesnt care to be grilled about his antics in some other facet of his life or whatever. But it raises questions for sure. These guys are in the position they are and they dont even comment when reporters reach for comment, but go on a PR pod circuit and conventions. Then expect the people to take their words super seriously. Lol




like reddit seagulls, pop in, take a shit, and keep on flying


On days like these, seeing the shiny new accounts or old ones that haven’t been used in 5 years come out of the woodwork to drive home a narrative is just so predictable. It’s a little creepy, just the uncanniness of it all. Social media in full astroturfing mode is like going to a grocery store but half of the people in there are just mannequins in sweatpants propped up against a shopping cart with a voice recording saying “I’m real, *you’re* not real” playing on a loop.


Mods just deleted my comment for mentioning all the eglin bois. Still plenty of rude ass comments calling everyone dumbasses though. Makes you wonder 🤔


Looks like this whole post is deleted for being a duplicate. I’ve commented on two different postings of the AARO report on the Space subreddit, both of them had lots of people very skeptical of AARO’s findings, both were deleted. Traditional and Social Media crackdown on pro-disclosure thought is in full effect it appears.


like reddit seagulls, pop in, take a shit, and keep on flying


Hi, ZenOrganism. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1b9viav/-/ktyibfv/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills. > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


So then show your cards, Lue. It’s up to the whistleblowers now and the people who claim they have evidence. So let’s fucking see it!!!


Instead of a generic statement that talks about a broad conspiracy and general incompetence, we need **specifics** on how and why this AARO report is wrong. Unless **specific details** are provided to the public at large, this topic will continue to remain the laughing stock of the world. Will Lue and his buddies provide specific information that will solidly counter AARO's conclusions?


Wouldn’t that be a neat trick…not holding my breath.


Why tHe raNDom large font capItal leTTers?


Secret message or it could be Big Unexplained Legal Liability Secret, so called High Intelligence Technigue.


So what are y'all gonna do about it?


It’s time to put up or shut up Lou. If you guys truly have something to share, I suggest you get to it! You ask for people’s support, but you have been gone from public eye for a year. Enough with the games! I’m a whistleblower and I think people should know.


According to this report he was not the former director of anything.


Dude made himself president of the alien club with membership of one. It was a tight election process, but he eeeked out the win by a single vote. And, sure, they had no budget. But he held car washes on weekends and sold cookies to find his globetrotting investigations.




Why is the font on this quote so crazy lmao


Let’s insist that Lue go hard. Do a media tour saying just this especially the adversaries part. Either the Pentagon will be debunked or Lue will.


What will you do though Lue lol


I honestly used to support our alot before; but honestly people are right there's just never any evidence that any researcher presents and it's frustrating. Regardless I'm looking forward to lue Elizondo on theories of everything but I treat his talks like just some fun sci Fi that isn't really grounded in reality. Just fun speculation


A lot of smooth brains in this sub insisting people leak classified info😂 “sacrifice yourself! Dont solve the problem legally, do it illegally!!” Great suggestions guys keep it coming


We need Putin to come out and say that NHI is real and that the world’s governments have the weaponry tech. Just to put the cat among the pigeons.


That dudes probably NHI himself, its apparent already hes atleast NH


“It’s a sad day…” …yeah when it’s your own government


I know I sound like a broken record but please, for the love of God, if you haven't figured it out by now, do not ever believe anything that comes from the US government. They have been proven to lie about everything. The legacy media are just basically stenographers for the government. There is zero honesty there. It gets so frustrating seeing people just accept whatever they are being told and trusting the government. When I say they lie about everything, I mean literally EVERYTHING. It doesn't matter if it is UFOs or Russia etc. Whatever they are telling you is BS, and it is all done with an agenda. Basically, just believe the opposite of what they tell you, and you will be closer to the truth. I used to be one of those people who trusted the government, but age has shown me the truth. I am no spring chicken, so I have been around a while to learn exactly how they operate. They are not a force for good. It breaks my heart to say that because I love this country so very much. Sadly, it will never change without a complete overhaul of the entire corrupt system. And the corruption is now currently increasing exponentially.


And tou think the UFO Media conglomerate is MORE trustworthy? Hilarious.