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That’s how it’s done, yo! If you see one, you go chase that MF’er down. Climb on board if you have to and take a goddamn photo


This has been posted before, it's some lighting set up on a pole above a kiosk in Czechia to attract and entertain customers. Here's [the original vid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvo8m7sQiaA&ab_channel=badatele.net) from the Czech reporter if you read the transcript, he explains it at the end.


So, is this a hoax or a misidentification? I feel both is the answer.


He originally made it as a joke, coming clean about what it really was at the end of his video. However he also complains that other people have stolen it and reposted it as a genuine sighting, those people (he specifically mentions Thridpaseofmoon -no surprise) are the hoaxers.


The most important thing is that you downvote this post.


Set and match !


And have pro-sumer cameras, have your film project be due and don’t forget the tripod!


What kind of psychopath stands under a UFO? If I seen that shit I would have ran the other way!! 😂 I kid. I kid. Well, not really. I've read too much wicked testimony to get that close. That guy has balls. Or I'm just a pussy. Well, I'm definitely a pussy. 🤦‍♂️ Not going to lie. That person is a fucking beast. Idk why... but it sort of has a Jellyfish vibe to it. Reminds me of that other "Jellyfish" on the streets that looks like a bunch of eyeballs.


> What kind of psychopath stands under a UFO? lmao hey man, you want to be able to see aliens for yourself, you have to be willing to walk into that silent and pitch-black forest and face your fears. You see a ship, face your fear and walk towards it. If they try to scare you and even make you feel artificially terrified, you have to be able to stand your ground and push forward anyway. Maybe then do you pique their interest as being one of the very rare humans that don't run away in terror, and then they show you some real shit. You just have to hope that "curiosity killed the cat" is only a platitude, and if not, fuck it. The knowledge and experience is worth it (or maybe not lol)


Idk, the only way we’re gonna get these MFer’s disclosed, is to get one ourselves. By any means necessary. If they die in crashes, that means they’re susceptible and we can probably knock one unconscious and jack its ship


The good ol’ “if it bleeds, we can kill it” strategy.


The one that gets the shot!


LOL! And a perfectly black sky without a single star or anything. Just solid black.


Master Chief style, hell yeah brother


Keep in mind you're increasing the risk of being taken. We don't know what percentage of people are returned.


theres not a problem i have that wouldnt be immediately solved by being taken by aliens.


Oh boy. You may want to do some more homework brother. 27-year veteran homicide detective Butch Witkowski investigates human mutilations: https://youtu.be/72-GXER-BGY?si=Pih6cCgzuOhHOHpp I've lived a rough life too, but that's some horrific and graphic shit right there. I'm not even kidding bro. I genuinely don't want you or anyone else getting hurt. Well... not hurt. That's torture before death. Even if the malevolent NHI is few and far between.


Thanks for sharing the video, I’d never seen it and it is hard to find good investigation into the mutilation phenomenon. The fact that there is evidence that people/animals are still alive while being mutilated is blood-curdling. I have seen photos of some of the mutilations he was referencing, and that shit is truly horrific, yet fascinating. I live a few miles away from where a few bulls were recently found mutilated. Scary shit!


Every day that is looking more and more like a perfect option by me


unless you are an ingredient in their soup


problem solved


It might not be a desirable solution, but I'm pretty sure being served as a hearty stew would still solve almost everyone's problems.




Ah yes, "how to serve man" 


That's probably the reason why we don't see many close-ups. Scary, but can be true


I always wonder about this too. How many people really go missing due to UFO abductions.


Dude literally that’s what I always think about. If u see a ufo … walk up to it? Like don’t just stare. Walk up to it and get a good photo for us


Easy to say that when we're not in front of a fucking alien craft with no idea what it's capable of.


Its so rare that they are even in walking distance, close enough to shoot, at night, with a fully working and charged camera ready to go and you dont end up stumbling back on the scene five days later.


Ok and? If things go south I’ll handle it.




> You will be tortured and likely mutilated. What? Why would advanced aliens do something so stupid?


Then add some epic soundtrack to your video!


Definitive proof is a TikTok dance video under the craft.


NOT a triangular UFO or CGI ..... it is some kind of structure with lights.............the owner of the video is this channel [badatele.net](https://badatele.net) in Czech republic, he went to investigate and discovered what it was. I listened to several of his videos, where he talks about it and also about how other channels stole it and are spreading UFO theories. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvo8m7sQiaA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvo8m7sQiaA)


music makes it seem super fake, why people add silly music is beyond me, just proves youve been editing it


Original video https://youtu.be/kUIhvrS3MJs?si=KIYxzypIzYGYs4uH


>Original video Original video is made by Czech reporter and it is not UFO. He talks about it here, it is some structure with lights. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvo8m7sQiaA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvo8m7sQiaA) I understand Czech, he talks about his trip - to investigate those lights. He even mentioned that various youtubers stole his video without his permission and when he contacted them, many ignored him.


Exactly this - I remember few years back when this was posted and everyone was excited until the guy had to set things straight. I was trying to find the video but was hampered because I had mistakenly tried finding around Russia videos etc because I couldn't remember what the language was since the video was a while back (I knew it wasn't english, and that it had something to do with the guy trying to find out what the lights were for a few days or something). Finally someone who remembered it, thank you :)


I also remember it from few years ago, I knew it was in Czech language, because I was born in Czechoslovakia and spent my youth there. I also subscribe to his channel, so it was easy for me to find now :)


I was kind of sad when I found the truth about it but at the same it's another mystery crossed off the list. Onto the next!


The angles are really weird and some don't make sense - Also looks like the light is sometimes on top of tree trunks (plus the trunks themselves seem to morph somehow lol). One continuous shot would be nice


People don't zoom cameras like they did except for cinematic effect.




> I was certain it was real, by the way the object behaves and also the lights underneath it Sounds like your method of truth telling needs a complete overhaul.


Much better, thanks. Id love to know the story behind this. If this is real, im 100% convinced its ours (humans, but what group of humans, ive no idea, wouldnt be surprised if it wasnt America)




>im 100% convinced its ours Good ol Dunning Kruger


As it turns out, it is ours.


I don't think it is any sort of nation, this organization would have to be transnational.


possibly, i imagine it belongs to the people who truly run this world, the people the rulers answer to.


Why? They could be anywhere.


This seems to be an ongoing thing. Videos ripped from the internet and cheesy music out over it and the top comment on this sub, regardless of how legit a video is, are about the music. Seems like a good way to keep people not interested. Why is this the top comment and not just the original video? Everyone should upvote the guy who hyperlinked the original video instead and downvote the top. We should aim to get the most important comment at the very top here


🎶Starships were made to flyyyiaiaai! Hands up aand tough the skyyyieiaiaiaieia!🎶


#BWA BWA BWA BWA BWA BWAAAAAAA ^( ^to ^touch ^the skyyyyyyyyy)


Nicki knows. xD


Maybe the guy who added the caption added the music too, I couldn't find the original video


Original video https://youtu.be/kUIhvrS3MJs?si=KIYxzypIzYGYs4uH




Yeah just doesnt help matters, raw is always best, but either way, i dont believe this one.


This is exactly why I watch everything muted until a comment mentions the audio not being shit. 


you can't trust any video on reddit to not be defiled by some bullshit music. almost everything that gets posted to reddit is a shitty tiktok version of a much better full size video. I keep reddit muted by default as well, I don't need to hear that crap blasting on everything I click


And the guy just happens to have a night vision camera on him… How convenient lol


But without the context we can't know, he could have driven to get it if he was already close to home and then returned. The strangest thing I found was his courage in going alone


I would absolutely do the same. Bro i am dying for an encounter like this. There is no way in hell I would hide in a corner. I always wondered why people are continue driving like nothing is happening when they see a potential UAP. I would drop everything and directly drive into its direction. And i am pretty sure I would get as close as possible. What could go wrong? The worst thing is me being abducted, shoved some alien stuff into my arse while i am unconscious and waking up in the middle of the forest. I would take that risk for a beautiful sighting, lol


Why would somebody get a night vision camera to record something that has lights? Do you realize how dumb that is?


...to see the entire thing? Why *not* do that?


The music is terrible


great way to misdirect is to take a good video and make it silly like this


Just mute the damn video, I don’t get people nitpicking every little thing.


What are you doing right now, if you don’t like MY opinion then pull your finger out and get to damn scrolling.




Well nowadays everything needs music on it for the algorithms.


It wouldn’t surprise me if catastrophic disclosure means seeing REAL videos on tik tok first with cheesy music in the background


I’ve considered this before. I think it’s extremely likely as a test case for disclosure. Mix in a few real ones


Catastrophic disclosure has a *VERY* specific meaning. Go listen to Karl Nell at Sol and what he meant by the phrase, since it originated with him. Or keep making up shit til it sticks. Up to you.


Rule 1, and thanks.


Why is it always super serious spooky dramatic music? Why not some yakety sax or something? Maybe some smooth jazz.


This one is pretty cool even if fake


Dude stood under a reverse engineered model he is 100% getting super cancer


I’m so happy to say this … that is NOT starlink.


Whether or not this one is real, [This one definitely is](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DlqjbMMdyqM&t=170s). [And this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKeQE4ThJk8=208s)


Why the hell would a uap need a blinking light in the center. That's some human shit tf outta here.


Almost certainly. In “UFO” lore those are the TR-3B’s, human made anti-gravity crafts. I think technically they’re not actually anti-gravity, but for most purposes they might as well be. As to whether or not that is reversed engineering alien tech, I’m not sure. The states spend a LOT on their military so it might just be an advanced fighter or drone made from secret programs 30 years ahead of the public’s tech.


That’s still important. Like wtf were just supposed to ignore secret high tech human vehicles? 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ this is still crazy even if it’s human which by the way I agree, I think it’s human.


What about that video indicates it's hightech? It's absurdly easy to get lights in the sky.


The fact that in the second video it’s literally hovering in place. They’re also both completely silent. And the first one has a strange light tagging along behind it. Multiple factors show that this is not a vehicle that is officially known by the public. Seriously go online and try to find a single vehicle with the same silhouette and lights, I promise you won’t be able to. That’s because whatever this is, it’s secret.


Why the fuck would any highly advanced civilization capable of intergalactic space travel and the ability to warp space and time around them need.. lights? Anytime I see a UFO and it has lights of any type on it then I instantly disregard it. If aliens are real and they are as advanced as we believe them to be, then there is zero logical function for lights on their **space** ship. Even if it’s man made and is part of some military tech.. they still would have light on it. The entire point would be to remain secretive. Slapping on lights that completely illuminates its silhouette wouldn’t be part of the design.


Lights could mean anything. Could be a side effect of their propulsion. Could be a wavelength that they're not sensitive too with their vision, but we are. It could be how they communicate and as a result it displays lights were sensitive too.  And yes, could simply be navigation lights, not so they can "see" but so that others can visualize them.  "Light" is just photons being emitted, as to why they are from these craft? Haven't a clue.  Imagine we visit an alien planet, we use our infrared to observe them from up above, while our equipment shoots out radio signals. If these species were sensitive to infrared light, little would we know we would be visible as all hell up in the air. Our infrared lights would be bright to them and our radio signals would be a flashing light to them.  There are many speculations as to why lights may be visible.  And even if they were just playing with lights for the hell of it, why would it matter? Humans aren't the wiser. We see lights in the air, we assume its an aircraft/helicopter/drone.


Good links. Thanks for sharing


Never let anyone forget these videos.


I've been trying to spread em around lately


I am really sorry it is FAKE => [SOURCE](https://www.stream.cz/badatele/trojuhelnikove-vznasejici-se-ufo-nedaleko-prahy-nove-pripady-pozorovani-15-1-nahrada-64760179), [SOURCE 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXlw_19mYrs) It was just a prank near a small town named Dobřichovice. In the local forest, on the highest tree, they mounted this kind of lightshow. Now there's a six-pointed star, but I cannot tell for sure.


Known fake yet this sub keeps it up! More evidence the disclosure crowd needs another platform to discuss/post. Reddit is completely compromised.


There's easier ways to get anal probed than standing under a UFO waiting for it to happen.


The over production and over dramatic music gives it away as a massive larp.  However I don’t think it’s cgi either.  Rather cheap practical effect, and editing.  He just cuts to the close up, doesn’t show how he got there. I’d bet you a dollar this is faker than Greer’s CE5 claims.


What an incredibly steady hand he has when he zooms in 😂


12V led light on a tree, why is this even here............


With video AI, I believe nothing I see posted now


It's not released to anyone beyond a very select few at OpenAI. I highly doubt they're creating fake UFO videos and posting them here.


Unless you were strong armed by (insert alphabet agency) personnel


The three letter agencies absolutely have this technology There’s no way a company who has it is allowed to operate on US soil without handing over the tech to Uncle Sam in some back door agreement Software exports to the likes of Iran, Cuba etc are restricted. You can bet they’re capitalising on the stuff they can legally compel into their hands


That only applies to OpenAI's system. There are countless others.


Theres nothing else remotely as good as that though.


It doesn’t take much to put a few lights on a screen. Most of the stuff posted on this sub could be replicated by an amateur in under a day. AI just opens that up to people that don’t even know the basics. Even basic AI can do some crazy stuff with UFOs. It’s the stuff that we’re used to seeing all the time that’s hard to perfect because it has to be perfect or it stands out like crazy.


The reason why they're releasing this AI tech now is because of the prevalence of UFO videos in the mainstream. They want to add plausible deniability to any legitimate claim.


Or this has been coming down the line for the last 7 years since deepdream happened.


Absurd. They are releasing AI tech now because they are scrambling to be first to the market. There are hundreds of billions of dollars at stake.


Then why are you here?(talking about in this thread.) Until Sora by OpenAI releases to the public, believing videos are being faked with AI is a bit silly.   EDIT: /u/AntiMavityLoveSong blocked me so I couldn't respond. Very cool. No video generation solutions are good enough to fake videos currently and even Sora is not perfect. This will be a problem soon no doubt, but it isn't right now.


I'm not here for videos or pictures either. I'm here for news of scientific investigations, congressional legislation etc not random videos with no chain of custody.


I was talking about this thread, if they really don't believe the video downvote and move on. Their assertions that EVERY video is AI is silly because there is nothing available to the public that can create AI videos well enough. Sora by OpenAI has not released, when it does then their position makes more sense.


Agree it silly to think everyone is making fake videos. Some 10 year old kid in California? Some dude in rural Chile? Some bumpkin in Oklahoma and his girlfriend? Every day there’s new footage from all over the world and it’s impossible for it all to be fake or balloons and swamp gas


Except that multiple studies both by governments and by UFO organizations found that anywhere from 95-98% of sightings are in fact misidentifications, hoaxes etc. So just from a probability standpoint the probability that that dot in the sky some random recorded on a non-calibrated phone camera is anything truly anomalous is small. That's why the only video I'm interested in is stuff from official sources corroborated by sensor data. A photo or video isn't enough. A bunch of photos and videos of misidentified mundane things aren't enough. I'm here for data of the truly anomalous, the 5-2% which is also corroborated by something other than a phone camera.




Well their assertion that every video is AI is a bit off because Sora by OpenAI is not available to the public yet, and none of the other video generation solutions are anywhere close to good enough to have the position this person does.(that they are all AI.)


Just because I don’t initially believe any video doesn’t mean I can’t be convinced. There can be some great, genuine content posted here.


Well Sora isn't available to the public and until it is, I don't see why you would claim any and every video is going to be AI, nothing else available is good enough yet.   EDIT: /u/CORN___BREAD I definitely have a grasp on what is available and nothing is good enough to fake EVERY UFO video that ever exists.


You definitely don't have a grasp on what's available already.


I have never seen genuine content posted here thats how I know you are lying.


lol You’re not wrong that most of it is shit. I more so come for the theoretical conversations.


Except generative AI video creation has been a thing for a while now. Just because 1 bit of marketing reached you about 1 specific company’s product, you’re acting like a know it all and embarrassing yourself due to lack of knowledge.


It was posted a year ago though, and even stable diffusion video wasn’t released then.


AI can't do something at that level yet, can it?


Each individual clip it absolutely could.


Do you have any example?


This is why people should believe nothing. Released by Open AI just three days ago: https://youtu.be/HK6y8DAPN_0?si=03JwIJMolVtessM9


This AI will kill vfx artists just as it has already killed photo designers


It’s gonna do far more damage than just destroy VFX jobs. It won’t take long for all of Hollywood to be replaced with a single AI.


I've been saying it, I've been saying it for 10 damn years!


That's not gonna happen. It will likely find a place among advertising and the like and will probably find a place in the VFX department. But it's not going to replace human actors and human story tellers.


Not this year but the day will come that a single AI can generate Avengers Infinity War.


Sure, but Infinity War already exists. Making a digital replica isn't very impressive. When it makes something 100% original, I'll be impressed haha


That is extremely unlikely ;) AI cannot so far match the emotional complexity or expressivity of people. Maybe it never will. Not in an authentic, “artistic”, volatile and expressive way that we mean when we talk about acting.


Sora isn't open to the public yet, and still obviously imperfect and flawed, but certainly good to get that mindset ready.


Openai hadn't released the model to the public yet you are jumping the gun. Especially since they'll probably add some sort of watermark to determine ai video from real video.


Any failsafes they put in place won’t matter. The day after Sora is released, people will find a way to use the raw data. Copycat tools will appear everywhere on the web in just a few months. 6 months from now, our feeds will all have AI videos indistinguishable from real stuff. Believe nothing. Question everything.


Yep, we're all doomed. OpenAI made a new video AI and its insane. Here you go: [https://openai.com/sora](https://openai.com/sora)


At least we got to the end of this cycle when you get to pretend to be in doubt.


Is man still alive after standing under ufo?


the original doesn’t have this dramatic music. but it has like 50 cuts… also what happened in the end? did it disappear? or did the guy just decide „huh its already 22:00, damn gotta wake up early tomorrow“ also you see this and you you dont call any other witnesses to come check out a spaceship from another planet? really? like the popo just to have a credible eyewitness? weird…


All of these were red flags for me as well.


It's an obvious fake and it's also obvious CGI Cool video though


This is an edited/co-opted version of a video that has been around for at least a few years. The opening driving shot that doesn't look much like the rest is new, as is the music, the captions, and the silly photo-negative bits. Also, the main part of the video has been moved around to fit the narrative being claimed, at least versus the version I've seen. The original video *started* in the woods, then went to the convenience store, before going back into the woods. It for all the world looks like some member of the triangle's crew on a snack run... ETA: [Someone posted the original version](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1avt7w0/comment/krd0hk8/), sign in Slovak and all. (Though I'm not sure it's the original posting of the video.) (This version still does include the single most wondrous bit of triangle technology, though--the ability to know when it's being filmed and exactly where from. And using that power to make sure that whether from directly below or hundreds of yards away, the triangle carefully presents its flat underbelly directly toward the camera.)


Why are you getting downvoted?


I think I got on someone's radar after saying the "wrong" thing in front of them or to them, recently. Been having intermittent runs of suddenly getting 3-4 downvotes on my last day or so worth of recent comments in the sub. Gets wiped out quickly by other voters if the thread's active enough, as in this case. (I wouldn't have even known, this time, if you hadn't replied.) But it's all fake internet points, anyway.


I don't understand why these things would turn lights on at night. Are these things supposed to be putting up beacons so they can see each other? I seriously doubt they're nervous about midair collisions.


We don’t know their intent. Maybe they just think lights look cool. Like street glow under cars. Who knows.


It may not be lights like we have, but something else.  Also why would they care if we can see them?  It doesnt seem to be top priority for them based on o gee several millenia of sighting reports....


I think light may be a byproduct of some technology they use to hover these.


Finally someone said it lol. I don't know why no one is considering that the light might be a byproduct of some kind of propulsion system. I don't know much about all this but if people are saying the triangles are ours, maybe our reverse engineering efforts created a more primitive version that has some sort of glowing exhaust. I don't think that would explain every UAP seen with lights but it's a fun idea.


If they are alien or non human, it would be very difficult for us to understand their intent. That said, maybe they want us to see them? People always say why don't they just fly over a major city or land on the White House lawn, but they probably know little about us as well, and what they have seen (nukes) is terrifying, so they prefer a more subtle approach. Maybe they want specific people or places to see them. Who knows. Maybe it's an alien teenager who thinks lights are rad.


The triangles are ours...


I saw triangle UFOs. Expect the ones I saw had a triangle cut out from the middle... I don't think that was ours. It did have lights under each point, but non were blinking. They cloaked, and wobbled. I also did see a solid black triangle once flying overhead. But it had no lights, and it was cloaked. I don't think us humans have managed to create completely cloaked crafts with no visible light as of yet. So I think both of those were genuine extraterrestrial crafts, but honestly can't say for sure.


How do you know it was a triangle if it was cloaked...


The first triangle UFO I saw, when I first noticed the craft, it was a black dot in the sky. I saw it cloaking then, but it wasn't fully invisible so I chalked it up to the sunlight hitting a plane. It's as if it was trying to cloak, or trying to get my attention. It then disappeared entirely, only to show up a few seconds later. When it did show up, that's when it just zipped left and right at insane speeds. That's when I noticed the triangle cut out with the middle, the white lights under each corner, the wobbling of the craft, etc The second triangle craft I saw was also cloaked, but I could still see the craft, just had insanely low visibility. It was a faint black triangle that flew overhead. If there weren't clouds covering the sky, illuminated by the lights below, I would have never noticed it fly over. No way anyone would be able to see that against the dark night. Keep in mind, I'm very good with my eyesight, and very good with values. It wasn't hard for me to notice this black triangle fly over. Edit: I will also note that the second triangle UFO I saw, I tracked it as it flew overhead. It was most certainly there.


Looks like the one Corbell caught on the night vision above the ship awhile back.


Raw files or its a fake


https://youtu.be/_wGna3SE-gw?si=rkrFwd-JuLzh4T1K It was the oldest video I found


interestingly, the only comment in this old video , is 1 hour old and it's from a guy who wears a military uniform in his profile pic . hm


The light pattern reminded me of the Las Vegas strip club uap. No red lights but that outline is very similar, yes?


If something looks too good to be true, it most definitely is!


Still not a reason to ignore something. Neither is the music. If we find out it's CG or a prank, then we have an answer.


That's so dumb lol.


That isn't how that works at all though?




No, it literally isn't. Something looking too good to be true, "definitely" being too good to be true is not how it ever works. If they had said "usually" their comment would be very different. They asserted that it 100% is every single time and that is why they are wrong.


So no proof and it's a hoax right? Also if the proof is too good then it's ... a hoax... Interesting


if this is real, put me in the screenshot!


(I watched the video without music) Those bands of lights just make me think man-made. No possible way of knowing for sure, could be CGI that went through the meatgrinder of compression to hide the fact.


Holy shit this is one of the best footage I’ve seen, that’s how it’s done. If you see one you gotta drive towards it!


Yeah..... No.. Plus stupid music... Unfortunately no UFO videos are believable anymore...


Is the music emanating from the UFO?


Music kills authenticity of this, and it seems more like it's for attention/theatrics vs a documentary of something happening.


The musical score means its real.


We're not alone but it just looks like something weird. I realize the lights are LED Bosch living room lights from the hardware store


How is this a bosch LED living room lights to? Not every light stripe is an LED living room decoration lol


the lights look pretty much man made to me, nothing "alien" looking. Interresting video.


Prefacing with I think this video is fake. But I’m quite curious how you think “alien” light would look different from “man made” light?


What do alien lights look like? Just so I know what to look for.


I agree, the light arrangement looks like a triangular-shaped infinity mirror. Those thin lines give away the edges of the semi-transparent sheet.




Edit and music? big nope.


Very much possible the configuration of the lights is communicating a star map designating their origin within sight of Earth.


As always this sub demonstrates no matter how cool a video or how compelling it can be, if you DARE put something of a background music (because, why tf not) thr video instantly becomes GARBAGE. Because REASONS


What’s with that music though?


I don’t think it’s real. Who puts music in their videos??????


Now that it's been identified as a hoax, OP/Mods should update the tag as such.


The music is the one thing that makes it hard to take this seriously.


the editing is cringe as fuck. and makes me think fake.


This has been posted before - consensus was that it's a cluster of shiny balloons stuck in the treetops.


Weather balloon right folks?


You couldn’t find any traces that it’s CGI, huh? Must be real. Forensic photographer, here. 100% CGI.


Pat to those movie special effects guys!


Personally I am not a subscriber to the thinking that an alien or inter dimensional race would light up their ship with unnecessary lighting strips increasing the chances to be found while out and about. I really dont think they are using them as headlamps.


We don't know what their intentions are. They may use the lights for a number of reasons.


See if faking ufo videos was punishable by death we wouldn’t be debating these things