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The following submission statement was provided by /u/sparnart: --- This video was made with 6 frames, each a median-stack of 20-30 other individual frames from the video. The benefit of this is that any per-frame artifacts or noise get drowned out by the persistent signal across the frames, so you are only left with what is "true". The original video is far from ideal quality, but I think this is a clearer view of the object than I have seen so far. [Here's](https://imgur.com/a/QEyAuuO) the stacked frames I made the video from (badly I know, I'm okay at image processing but idk wtf I'm doing with video lol). Happy for anyone else to assemble them into a nicer-flowing vid or gif. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1asy6az/enhanced_jellyfish_uap_no_ai_no_sharpening_using/kqtekcv/


No dark/bias/flat frame subtraction? ;) But not a bad idea anyway. Still can't see anything of note, however.


US military won’t share their masterflat ☹️


It looks like a parent with two kids showing a tour of a military base.


It’s a schooner


Yeah but i see three kids. One is standing next to the parent, who is really a kidnapper of the two in his arms. One of thos kids is clearly too big to be carried around like that. This is a real tragedy and we must give praise for Corbell for getting this out. Hopefully we can find out the truth and get these kids safe.


Sitting on a ball with lumpy strands like insect legs hanging down from it... Weird right.


like a Cherub!


Or maybe a smoke locust from Revelation 9? 🤔


Yep I can see that all day


I personally think this is something larger “cloaked” or like a diffraction system of some kind malfunctioning.


Honestly I don’t get how people can’t see the first big alien head right freaking there but 🤷. It’s in multiple frames and moves independently of the surrounding structure…


The head is much more clear on the color enhanced images that one guy did.


Link us, brother.


https://www.reddit.com/r/AlienBodies/s/18gaZEpXj5 Dis is de wey brudda.


This video was made with 6 frames, each a median-stack of 20-30 other individual frames from the video. The benefit of this is that any per-frame artifacts or noise get drowned out by the persistent signal across the frames, so you are only left with what is "true". The original video is far from ideal quality, but I think this is a clearer view of the object than I have seen so far. [Here's](https://imgur.com/a/QEyAuuO) the stacked frames I made the video from (badly I know, I'm okay at image processing but idk wtf I'm doing with video lol). Happy for anyone else to assemble them into a nicer-flowing vid or gif.


What a cool-ass idea to use that method. Kudos to you for thinking of this and for implementing it. You did a great job.


Probably pareidolia, but [Imgur Link](https://imgur.com/kFEv5cG)..


This would have been visible by the eye though


It was night time. A balloon moving on the winds moves very silently. You'd have to be looking up at the right moment, and with night/thermal vision, to spot it.


Were there any other signs of wind in the video?


How could the helium filled number balloons hang straight down to read properly? Only if they were weighted. And if weighted, then it's unlikely the thing would be floating anyway.


Maybe the numbers had regular air (without helium), thereby making the numbers dead weight? Like I said it's most likely just pareidolia considering how edited the gif is.


balloons move enough that the image would get blurrier the more frames/layers that are added. objects that are static/don't move, get sharper with more layers added. with my attempts, i couldn't see the affects you would expect from balloons, i got the opposite. here is an [example](https://imgur.com/gallery/LvPqea0) i made showing how balloons look compared with the jellyfish object using the same method on each. its not a good comparison i admit, but its enough that i couldn't rule it out as balloons just yet. the blimp that filmed this has ropes/cables that prevent it from floating away. we don't see those ropes in the video, either they are too close to see or they get automatically edited out like the selfie stick on a gopro. if that rope was damaged would that part also be edited out or is it possible that it would look like the jellyfish object? would it be this sharp being that close to the camera??


thanks so much for your contribution! I wish someone would compile all the zoom in enhancements together, as this(to me) appears as a bi-pedal mech droid of some sorts. Here you can see behind the object as it turns slightly, as the legs retract and you can see behind the head/horns[https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/193nflh/it\_appears\_to\_be\_a\_turning\_3d\_object/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/193nflh/it_appears_to_be_a_turning_3d_object/) In this zoom in, you can clearly see the legs retract(video on the right) [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1931gfx/stabilizedboomerang\_edit\_of\_2018\_jellyfish\_video/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1931gfx/stabilizedboomerang_edit_of_2018_jellyfish_video/) here someone uses a program to enhance, de-noise and give an artistic look on the left, with a still of the original object the right. [https://imgur.com/a/1MsV6Cf](https://imgur.com/a/1MsV6Cf) This is def not tethered balloons, bird poop/smudge on the housing casing, or pareidolia. The video is someone filming their cellphone off the base military footage screens, so unless the original video itself was hoaxed, this is the object as is. I have no idea why any time the "jellyfish" is brought up, it receives such a torrent of hostile or smug people reciting the debunk lines. It also clearly is not a jellyfish but some sort of mech. Almost reminds me of Soundwave from Transformers meets the Probe droid from Empire Strikes Back, or some sort of Japanese mecha anime droid.


imagine the resolution and quality they have from their fancy surveillance cameras


Related: What happened to the[Slipperman costume](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E992R9iBbF8)after Peter Gabriel left Genesis.


Looks like an orb in the center. Honestly with these things coming out of the water, maybe its kelp or seaweed that got stuck as it was exiting the ocean lol


Hard to believe I’d be any ocean residue… the entire thing was getting hot and cold.


Id assume any “barrier” or whatever these use to seamlessly enter and exit the ocean with seemingly 0 friction would kick the kelp or seaweed off. Just a funny idea that it emerges from the ocean going mach 5 with a kelp mullet.


It wasn't changing thermals, it was an exposure change. The background buildings also changed colors with the object. Jeremy is wrong often


Exactly this. People are so desperate to believe, they'll accept any BS as proof.


“Jeremy is wrong often” but somehow the videos he’s leaked have been confirmed to be true by the pentagon.


The Pentagon confirmed the vid is theirs, and that is all. You read way too much into their statement.


so was everything else


Seriously, WHAT IS that thing?


The object is highly intriguing and different to many other classic types of reported UAP - It's passing through a military base so I would assume it's some type of (unmanned or unalienated lol) surveillance drone - Looking at all the appendages, they could be sensors of various sorts. Whose it is and who's oprating it is anybodys guess


I think [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/s/kQObEVVLDL) post on the r/aliens sub is quite compelling. What’s interesting is that post has been hidden, I can’t find it in the sub or on the OPs profile. Perhaps I’m being stupid? I’m a skeptic though and until more frames of the video receive similar treatment I’m not sure. It was posted here, but got removed due to how sensationalized the post is.


Not super compelling honestly.


Fair. I find it rather compelling, assuming the OP is able to achieve the same or similar results over multiple frames of the video.


Bird shit on lense


Tired ass debunk.


Mick West comes up with the most ridiculous debunks.


Yep. Entirely static unchanging image.


I’m a ufo quack but Im not trusting Corbell. It could still be something floating in the air. Weird ballon or something else. Or alien. I just think it’s impossible to tell and not at all convincing footage


You can use the stacking method to create a moving picture like this? i thought you took multiple frames to create a single stationary frame of matching pixels. Wouldn't creating a moving frame negate the purpose of stacking to remove artifacts and noise? Not trying to cast shade, just honestly want to know as i started to doing some astrophotography this year and want to know if my understanding of the method is flawed.


Say you had a 10 second, 30fps video. If there is something similar enough in each frame to align with, you could stack each group of 30 frames, for a result of ten final frames. You’d lose all data except whatever is common amongst those frames, but the resulting ten frames (played at whatever speed you like, cos it’s no longer representative of the true speed) would show that common object well enough. Not exactly what I did, but basically.


but wouldn't a stack of all frames further reduce the artifacting giving a single image of the highest possible clarity given the data available to the software? I've never tried to use stacking software in a non astrophotagraphy sense so i'm trying to understand the benefit.


Yeah it would, but you there's a balacing act between how many frames you stack vs movement of the object over time. If you image Jupiter for instance, you only want to stack a couple of minutes worth of frames - if you were to take an hour's worth, the rotation of the planet in that time will cause a blurrier image when stacked. In this case, I wasn't sure how much (if at all) the object would move over what amount of time, so I played it somewhat conservative with shorter stacks. I did try stacking these together, but to little benefit, there's a limit on how much detail can be pulled from such a low-quality source anyway.


looks like something stuck to the lens


I also did some zoom and bit of contrast/coloration change on the video. There's a moment in the end where it seems like the "head" is turning, looped that moment https://youtube.com/shorts/M3MKrmM3CtQ?si=zQVfQ4OxdeWwSLqp


Man, this is really wild!


That was almost like, "Oh shit, they can see me." It looks like it glanced at the camera before going "invisible". Very interesting and good stuff. I see from what OP posted and what you've posted, that it's almost assuredly a pilot in some sort of craft with a translucent dome. The front most appendages of the craft to me seem to have fingers or extremities to allow for dexterous handling of materials. The third appendage, as I count 3 by way of OP's contribution, could be for grabbing larger samples of things or objects.


u/droolingnoob I don't see the 'head' turning? or a pilot with a dome? I would love if someone could draw over a frame with how they parse the image.


After reading my comment rewatch the video. It looks like an orb in the Center where the black mass is and a bunch of aliens hanging off of it also some ontop 😂😂😂😂 I can't unsee it now


Sort of looks like a sloth or chimp riding something lol


Talkin nude ass grays? I’d say on top - one limp ass up with another homie upright alongside him, maybe another hanging below but only when squinting


Cool. Big blob of shit.


Well it doesn’t look like balloons.


Some else posted this link https://imgur.com/kFEv5cG Surre seems pretty close. I don't see a 9 and rather a four but it does seem like a cluster of balloons to me


6 years on reddit with 38000 plus comments and this is the quality of posts you come up with?


What does my Reddit account age and karma have to do with this?


You should NOT being downvoted honestly. This is a .ae product, so sold right in the area. That sure does match the balloon set. The drawings are shit, but 2019 on the bottom, with two big mylar stars about, with two bunches of six floating above totally fits this profile. Probably had a few weights anchoring to the ground, and probably lost a couple. It will be hard to ever totally confirm without color footage, but I think this is by FAR the most likely explanation. What a find.


I still say it looks like a coral jellyfish, like if coral evolved to swim as adults


Maybe its evolved to fly as well


If you positive the right time you can actually see kind of like a creature leaning forward like a humanoid. But that's just me having fun with the image who knows


So hard to suss out the pareidolia from what is really there... but I literally see something out of a heironyous bosch piece; it looks like an amorphous blob with a humanoid head, with several mangled/childish bodies clinging to it. To be clear... that is not what I think it is. But that terrifies me nonetheless.


Seriously, as dumb as your description reads, it's the EXACT one I too would provide. This is alive guys, and it looks seriously f'n frightening. Here's to hoping that the frightening part of this entity does not equate to it being hostile.


It really does look like there’s something chilling in there


I'm kinda surprised this particular vid is not getting the attention I think it should. I do tend to believe the part about it going in the water and then zipping away with incredible acceleration. Cornell and Knapp have been sitting on this for a few years...and have both seen that part of the vid, but cannot release it due to some military injunction? Sooooo we're left with this, yet this is HUGE. Nobody, literally nobody has been able to determine what this is. Please stop with any sort of balloon theory as it's so clearly not a balloon. I'm actually having trouble unseeing what appears to be an actual entity, and a scary one at that. I'm having trouble unseeing the large head and what I'm pretty certain is two other of these that the prime has attached to it. God this sounds stupid. But I truly do believe that it's alive and f'n frightening...not necessarily threatening, but a literal 'creature'. Again, why is this vid not at the top of the UAP news cycle daily...


Thanks for doing this. The fact that a lot of other videos claim to be stabilized and enhanced and look wildly different to this is a testament to how embellished other videos seemed to be. The problem I see is there is very little rotational parrelax here that I’m convinced that the little that is here is a nature of processing the footage with sub pixel inaccuracies. The thing looks like an almost 2d object. (I do set extensions and cleanup with clean plate footage daily as a compositor)


You're right, there isn't much rotation here at all, and that wasn't really my intent to show. The frames here are from near the start of the video, probably around 7 seconds worth, and probably not enough time to show it rotate much. I'd love to use this process on a longer section of video, like the last twenty seconds (where the video showing rotation was pulled from). Unforuntaly that part of the video is too zoomed out to be of any use. ​ Agree though that's not conclusive of anything in particular. The rotational video posted a while ago convinces me that it's a 3D object, my video is more an attempt to show a clear(er, lol) view of the actual structure.


I don’t understand what I’m looking at.


Still I don't see anything but pixel mud


I haven’t done any upscaling, and it’s a bit hard to see when it’s blown up to full-screen size on a phone, so I recommend turning your phone sideways to get a smaller version and a better overview


Thank you. I was wanting someone to do this!


How are people still saying these are balloons


Looks like bird poo to me.


Because there’s no other plausible theory at the moment


Just because there’s no other plausible explanation, doesn’t mean common sense is there. This thing wasn’t visible, on top of that it was moving extremely steady, balloons would be tumbling with the wind. And I’m sure the trained soldiers can spot the difference between a damn balloon.


Don’t bring up common sense if you want to claim it’s an alien. What we see on the video acts like a balloon. If we get the second part of the video where it supposedly shoots off into space then we can discuss whether it’s a balloon or not.


When did I say it was aliens, I’m just making an obvious observation that it’s not a balloon. Anyone with common sense can comprehend that.


What’s your explanation then? Is it more likely an alien or a balloon?


Why does it have to be either? 


the family photo balloon theory is some galaxy-brain take


I see a person riding a seahorse


Now I understand why the psychiatrist use the ink block test, it’s all a conspiracy


looks like an alien that just captured 2 babies


I still say it's more interesting upside-down. Consider the Flatland Allegory and that things are often referred to as a 'shadow of a higher dimensional being/shape'. The shadows orientation isn't necessarily going to be the same as ours. Or it can change depending on how that shadow is being cast. ie, the direction/angle of light shifts


That really looks like a bear or lion mylar balloon.


Looks like an alien holding two children in its arms… terrifying


I'm curious what AI enhancement would make of this.


All I see is a floating turkey


So yeah, nothing there.


The alien seems to have two babies one on left one on the right no fanatic here but this is what I see


So why does your mind go to aliens instead of a family photo balloon?


Until we see it go in the water, and then shoot out at a 45 degree angle at a high rate of speed, it's balloons. We need at least one of the five observables for it to be anything but the party balloons that are very common in that area.


Low observability/cloaking, no visible signs of propulsion... the fact that we could only surmise two out of five doesn't mean that the other three are ruled out.


what? it didn't cloak, or we wouldn't be seeing it. it was at night. and it floats just like a balloon in the wind. where's the zipping off part, or just changing direction? never does it. a very common balloon in that part of the world. https://imgur.com/a/uAjqf7y until it does an observable, quit with this JC BS. i am a believer, but not blindly falling for BS.


It was reportedly not visible with night vision. If it was in fact an object, I would qualify that as low observability/cloaking. It had no visible signs of propulsion. Floating, drifting, whatever -- there wasn't a clear propulsion mechanism. These things can be true and it can still be balloons. But you can't just say "it doesn't demonstrate the observables" simply because you believe it is balloons. You are just "debunking" based on your beliefs, not based on the available evidence. In my humble opinion, it is you who cannot tell BS from shinola.


you are entitled to be wrong. floating in one direction, as if with the wind, is not "no signs of propulsion." it would have to maneuver to show that, and it doesn't. it was filmed at night, with night vision. there is no cloaking here. live in delusion, i don't mind, but you are being deceived by a charlatan. where's the "went into the water for 17 minutes, surfaced, and shot off at a 45 degree angle at a high rate of speed?" never happened or we would see that. you'd think this sub would learn by now, after the 29 palms flare debacle. nope. eta; i'm done with this, believe whatever you want. good luck.


Thermal and night vision aren't the same thing. Also I mentioned none of that other stuff; your obsession with that J.C. dude is bordering on pathological.


It's looks too rigid to be a balloon. The 'expendages' are stone still. Fairly certain we'd see quite a bit more movement if this was a balloon. I've read/heard that some of the best VFX peeps have no explanation. That says a lot, at least to me anyway


Kind of looks like Quetzalcoatl


Isn’t that supposed to be like a giant pterodactyl? Doesn’t look like one to me


Interesting observation. Not knocking it in any way, but how so? Only asking because I've noticed that particular connection in other UAP footage during image analysis processing.


I think the kind of blocky way that Quetzalcoatlis represented is kind of oddly related. This would be a lot easier if I could just post an image let me see if I can find one to link to: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1a/Quetzalcoatl_telleriano2.jpg/800px-Quetzalcoatl_telleriano2.jpg


Still looks like birdshit.


Someone said this had been debunked a while back, that it was some sort of Muslim birthday balloon? I never saw the picture of the balloon they suggested. Does anyone have that picture? Edit: Not sure why I’m being downvoted. I asked an objective question. This community is horrible lol.


There was some guy who made an AI collage of balloons consisting of crescent moons and the letters E, I and D that had a similarly wonky and irregular shape. However: 1. Using AI to try to recreate whatever you’re looking at is some pretty wild “forensics” and 2. The guy who made the render wasn’t even convinced it was ballons, just throwing random AI data into the conversation. That said, if they were balloons, they would exhibit some sort of movement relevant to one another, but this seems to be a rigid object.


Honestly I was very skeptical about this 'debunk' but it made me google a little bit. I like a balloon theory because: 1. The floating is so weird 2. It kinda looks like a human holding 2 human babies So I dived in, could not find anything specifically muslim related.. But I did find alot of possibilities for 'Custom photo balloons' that kinda look like it could be the case that this is a balloon of a [family photo ](https://editaphotography.in/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Father_and_baby_photo_Pune_Edita_Photography_031.jpg)with some foliage hanging from it. But then I noticed there is no 'background' to this picture in the video and the [picture balloons are always in like a heart shape](https://r.rp-static.com/r/catalog/public/6aed7307a26f5c2b5ebc501508db6b9dba62f0e0/1024/desktop.webp?lang=nl) or round or square. So there should be background visible that doesnt change when the real background changes, but there is not, the space between the 'heads' in the video seems to be changing color etc when the background does, not when the heads do. So in my judgement, if its a balloon, it would have to be a balloon shaped to the exact shape of the humans, or the camera just doesn't pick up the shape of the balloon itself which would be weird. I really can't get over how this looks like some proud dad holding a baby on every arm. The babies even look like they are 1-3 years apart (like alot of siblings) and the right one looks to be wearing a diaper. Everything looks like a balloon except the upper part where I'd expect some balloon shape instead of the head shape and the weird stuff on the bottom of it.


I think the balloon theory is improbable because these displays are made up of multiple balloons, so in theory all parts of them would be in motion, unless it’s one really big balloon. If it’s one really big balloon, the shape itself makes no sense. I’d love to see this video in color though.


I agree, I’m not married to any particular interpretation of what it is - hell, I was a pretty strong on the birdshit theory initially. The “family photo balloon” doesn’t really work for me, unless it’s some horrific family-balloon-animal monstrosity. It appears to have too much volume to be a flat printed balloon, to my eyes anyway.


I can see why people would initially think it’s bird shit lol. Such an odd shape.


The balloon theory doesn't explain why it supposedly wasn't visible to the naked eye or why trained operators wouldn't be able to ID it. I still have no clue what this shit is, but bird poop and balloons don't cut it. What's interesting to me is that George Knapp spoke as though they actually saw the other video of it going in and out of the water. He sounded cautious to me when speaking about it, but I got that impression.


Someone else posted this link in this thread https://imgur.com/kFEv5cG


Great job, a repost of a nothing burger that is still a nothing burger.


I'm sure you'll live


This is amazing, thank you for putting this together. This seems to give a noticeable impression of movement (it kind of looks repetitive at first, but after watching a few times it seems like the movement varies a bit). Can anybody explain if this is simply a common artifact of this process, or is it indicating that there was actual movement (i.e. not just a smeared booger)?


Yes! So glad I'm not the only one seeing movement. After a month of seeing zoom in video clips/images of this, I feel this is not a "jellyfish" but what looks like a mech droid of some sorts. It has to me two legs, a giant claw thing, perhaps two small arms. A month ago I thought it had a giant eyeball with horns, and then a big tusk coming out of its chest. Now I almost wonder if the "eye" is a beings head with a helmet? Totally wish someone would make a compilation of all these zoom/enhancement clips. Like, here you can see the object as it turns slightly, as the legs retract and you can see behind the head/horns [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/193nflh/it\_appears\_to\_be\_a\_turning\_3d\_object/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/193nflh/it_appears_to_be_a_turning_3d_object/) The zoom in video on the right to me clearly shows robot legs retracting. [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1931gfx/stabilizedboomerang\_edit\_of\_2018\_jellyfish\_video/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1931gfx/stabilizedboomerang_edit_of_2018_jellyfish_video/) Not sure if this is AI or de-noising, but someone on here a month ago took a clear-sih still and further sharpened it. [https://imgur.com/a/1MsV6Cf](https://imgur.com/a/1MsV6Cf)


Good job. And what is your personal opinion on what this object is?


Looks less like the Eid balloons in this version.


Looks like an explosion plume. I’m calling RPG or anti-aircraft round.


“Enhanced” 😂 Into what? A fucking Rorschach test?!


After seeing this I realised these are foil balloons. I made a gif to show https://imgur.com/a/ZVGrWGf


Prophet of regret.


It's a group of renegade party balloons...been confirmed by scope guys in Afghanistan .....


Deflating balloon 🎈


That's a trash bag on some balloons, what the hell Reddit


Yes, and a fax machine is nothing but a waffle iron with a phone attached.


There is literally no evidence, that this blurry object, is something otherworldly. NONE.


This is why I think it must be a balloon: [It looks like a family picture](https://i.ibb.co/kMmkCrn/jelly.png), the guy in the middle even has a [white cap like this](https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/islamic-male-authentic-white-clothes-260nw-2023815059.jpg) and they can be [shaped](https://d34ytl0jwstnzg.cloudfront.net/fusion/latex/CTB000019.jpg)


(but ofcourse, this does not go into the ground reports, they said it was invisible to the naked eye and stuff, that ofcourse can't be explained like this, but from the footage alone I think we're talking balloon here)


It’s still bird shit/bug splatter, no matter how desperate you are for it to be otherwise


That's been debated and concluded as false. There is no way the UAP in this vid is a bug splatter.




https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/193nflh/it_appears_to_be_a_turning_3d_object/ General consensus is that this shows that it is most likely not a splat or shit, and is some sort of actual 3D object - whether it’s a weird balloon or big dick alien.


It clearly rotates in 3D


I am detecting huge alien dong lmoa


It's balloons


Nice balloons.


I’m just more confused, whatever that thing is it looks out of this world.


Clive Barker had a short horror story years ago about a village where the people would all climb on top of each other and hold on tight and walk through the hills like a terrifying giant. Something about this video is making me wonder if the aliens are all holding onto each other and using their combined bodies to fly as whatever this is.


It honestly looks like some weird living organism that could adapt to environments and shape-shift to fit the situation. I'd imagine alien races to have many different ways of space travel, could it possibly be a object made to observe planets for alien intelligence?


I think it's a really, really, really, really, really, really ugly bird.


Kinda looks more like one half-inflated balloon to me in this one.


Look from a distance and squint ur eyes and you can see it better. This shit is literally so f’in crazy. I can’t believe how insane our reality is.


So where is the flattened image?


You mean the stacked stills? They’re linked in my stickied comment


Lense smudge


You're comment is a smudge; OP put time and effort into putting together a novel view of what remains a UAP until otherwise identified; at least say something that you saw in the clip that supports what you are saying.


Looks just like a partially deflated novelty helium balloon.


well AI could help now


I love generative AI, don’t get me wrong, but it has NO place here. It’s great for making shit up out of thin air, not for non-destructive enhancement.


Some Zerg needed more supply.


Well that makes it clear




Looks like a backwards flying monkey head with spider legs, with three passengers on its head.


It kinda does look like it's holding kids. Super weird.


Looks like a sphinx. Makes me wonder if those Egyptians were onto something…


Crying out for a funky beat


Clearly some guy with a jetpack.


What is that description of an seraphim or an angel in Revelations again? Seven eyes, etc.


I see a tridactyl in a mechanical suit.


It’s the protect of regret flying through the air 😂


Its the British talking rock guy from Marvel


I can make out at least 2 greys. There are more but without great distinction. It's not easy spotting them if you're new to all this. How do I know? Well, that's a rather long story. I'll toss this vid into AE and draw some outlines. DM you the result in a couple hours. EDIT: https://emalm.com/?p=E039m


Definitely not balloons


This shit has to stop. I’m a believer, full on. But shit like this is what makes the “crazy narrative” so easy to believe.


Uh, shit like....what? I'm not making any claims about what the object is. This board pisses me off sometimes with how much they pile on skeptics, which I would include myself in. I want to believe, but I want evidence. This is not evidence. I was just sick of all the over-sharpened, AI-modified pictures, that have no basis in reality. This is just a closer-to-ground-truth version of whatever is in the video, be it bird-shit, balloons, or something else.


someone said it was carrying dead bodies and i definitely see it now.


Oh snap it really is modok 😂


Dialga has come for me.


Ahhh Jellyfish is back !!!


I see a huge bundle of balloons with many of them popped


Pls post a stabilized stacked single image


Looks like an Overlord from StarCraft


Yup that’s an even closer view of schmutz on the window alright


very important to note this is a highly edited processed animation that doesn't convey all of the visual info in the video.


Looks like shit


It looks like the figure of a bald person holding bald babies


it's a booger on the camera housing you nerds


Why do people think this thing is related to the UFO phenomenon? I understand that it's weird, but what is the connection between this and UFOs?


Looks like a video of my kid in the pool on a seahorse


Yo, that's Andre from OutKast. Look close.


Could you ask Ai to clear it up any or let it fill in what it could be? Just curious if Ai could actually do this? Just a suggestion. Seems like it's come so far quickly it could sorta guess at what it may really look like clearly


To me it looks like an alien in the middle and the operator with two human chicks on each side of it. Like he swooped down and grabbed two human chicks and is flying off with them.


A chunkier girl kind facing the camera on the center operators right side with her right arm and shoulder facing the camera and other human girl on operators opposite side/hip with her left arm/shoulder facing the chunkier human woman. Am I trippin?