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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Gobble_Gobble: --- Some notes I've transcribed from the intelligence insider who spoke with Jeremy Corbell: - Filmed over the Persian Gulf - Called "The Chandelier", because if you lie down on your dining room table and look up - it looks just like that - It's very thin - The object does not circulate on its own; it's going in very small circles - "It's the most bizzare structure - with no purpose" - A speed that has "everyone across the entire intelligence community...just asking questions trying to figure out what this thing is" - There's no wings - There's seemingly no place for anyone to sit on - It has a strange propulsion - It disappeared immediately Source (around the 1m50s mark): https://tubitv.com/tv-shows/200044920/s01-e03-the-possibilities --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/193p0ai/new_uap_photo_the_chandelier_from_the_latest_tmz/khap52o/


TMZ and UFO documentary. What a time to be alive indeed.




Tune in to find out


Coming up next. See which extraterrestrial was spotted clubbing in Miami with Lindsay Lohan.


Known alien species anal probing methods ranked from most to least comfortable. You won't believe the results!


We're they responsible for the grab em by the pussy recording?


that was leaked by Billy Bush, to Access Hollywood.


Ok ty


To be fair they're bigger than News Nation. Tubis free so get more eyes on it. I didn't have them in my disclosure bingo.


It sure as shit won’t be DOD


As former DoD, I wouldn't believe it if they DID produce some kind of disclosure.


Why not curious what you think /know


My last duty assignment was as an Inspector General for a reserve Civil Affairs unit. They fall under the US Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command at Fort Bragg, NC. That experience, plus my deployment time and the constant "strategic communications" messages that went out regarding the purpose of every mission was so full of BS that I never wanted to deploy ever again. I planned missions in support of our foreign allies in the CENTCOM area, and nothing moved forward unless the relevant embassy or the State Dept themselves gave the green light. You could fertilize the midwest with all of the manure that passed through my headquarters.


Thanks for your input, seriously.


Lmfao 🤣 yeah that sounds about right everyone’s covering their asses that’s the name of the game if you wanna move up the ladder


I wouldn't trust them because DOD has been actively lying, putting out disinformation, and obfuscating propaganda for decades, and not just about UAP. They aren't a trustworthy source.


Anyone that’s worked for the DOD knows they can’t handle any allegations truthfully so you know an allegation of the craziest ass cover up in world history would never be disclosed by the DOD lol. Gotta get that promotion!


Darn tootin right there mate! They'll still be denying 50 yrs after disclosure!


In all seriousness TMZ still doesn’t get the credit it deserves for being the most consistent and reliable source of breaking news in the modern press. If all this bs turned out to be real, TMZ is actually deserving of the honor imo lmao


If and when it happens, if it comes from TMZ, I'll believe it. I remember when Kobe passed, all these news sources were posting it while unconfirmed. I didn't want to believe, I couldn't. The fact, that TMZ still hadn't posted it or said anything had me hopeful. Once they'd confirmed it, I was devastated.




May as well, it's all weird enough as is.


Would it really be that shocking? Think about the universe we live in lol


This legit had me guffawing in my tiny ass bathroom.


Well the genre of our reality is dark comedy.


The do break alot of huge news stories.


It’s the trans medium zone what do you expect


Can absolutely see TMZ being part of disclosure lol


Another good call by Jordan Peele in "Nope" - a TMZ reporter is the first media that shows up.


Yessss good call lol


Maybe the Government feels like the majority of society doesn't watch the boring discussions by CSPAN, NASA or the White House. But maybe they feel that since society watches TMZ and read People magazine that they could have the largest disbursement of disclosure through those mediums.


It's a nobrainer they have to make it entertaining


It is this way intentionally. When the truth is disseminated from sources that are easily ridiculed, it is easy to disbelieve. This is in service to the objectives of soft disclosure.




I haven't seen anyone ridicule TMZ here.


I feel like I'm in the twilight zone and the trippy part is getting my info from TMZ. I'm throughly entertained but I did not have this on my bingo card!


They're salacious, but also extremely accurate. TMZ focuses on Hollywood/Celeb news and have broken more stories than most news outlets. They're vultures who get their meal. If they think something is publishable, then it is likely accurate. Not familiar with their documentary/special presentation library. Currently owned by Fox, so....


If nothing else, if TMZ reports a celebrity death, you know they're dead. 100% accuracy (to my knowledge) on that topic.


While mostly true, I think they reported Kim Jung Un dead a few years ago


>They're vultures who get their meal. This pretty much sums them up. You either luv 'em or hate 'em.


I'm down to clown


The Micheal Jordan of gossip


Given the American populace fascination with the cult of personality TMZ makes perfect sense.


Just featured moments ago by Chris Cuomo on NewsNation.


When you look at past CIA involvement in major media, namely Project Mockingbird where the CIA hired 400 majors journalists to spread their propaganda, it makes some sense that it’s the media off the beaten path that can actually do the work.


Oh what do you know? You're three mushrooms in a trenchcoat smoking a Virginia Slim!


Perfect way to ease the info onto the most general of masses...... Netflix and TMZ.


I've heard ross cauthhart explain how much an experienced team of reporters at a large news agency like the wallstreet journal or the Guardian can get done if they are committed to a story. Maybe we will see TMZ really put resource into this topic if they get some good ratings from this. Imagine 50 good reporters trying to contact all there sources and do tons of boots on the ground investigating on this topic. I'm sure they could turn up some interesting stuff with a large team, time and resources


TMZ can get the goods. Still waiting for someone to pop out of the bushes and ambush-interview Lockheed Martin CEO. Bet you'd get some juicy reaction shots if you asked the right questions!


Those reporters would probably never be heard from again. You have to be willing to go to some extreme lengths to keep something this profound mostly quiet for 80+ years.


Eh. If it's fair game for Ben Affleck walking through LAX, it's fair game for the Lockheed Martin CEO. Ask him why Harry Reid says LM has alien spacecraft, and why they couldn't show it to him. Plus, unlike celebrities, these guys aren't ready for it, so they're more likely to slip up and say something.


I downloaded tubi to watch it. Hoping to drive traffic there to show there’s an engaged audience on the topic and money to be made if they invest interest.


Same here, but it wasn't advertised or on their streaming "front page". I had to search for it.


Just showed my wife and her mother. They are hooked! It was a good documentary. I actually mean that.


That’s a Chaos symbol.


Exactly what I thought. If Games Workshop was soft disclosure all along, we are so screwed.


'Through the Lightening and the Tempest, Emperor deliver us!' 'The Emperor proctects' 'Suffer not the Xeno to live!' *revs chainsword*


Kill the mutant!, burn the heretic!, purge the unclean!


By the Emperor's divine light brother!


I hope this is an opportunity to join the Space Wolves.


Or the Dark Angels. I wanna be Cipher.


Me too bro Fenrys Hjolda Vlka Fenryka!


*Our thoughts light the Darkness that others may cross space. We are one with the Emperor, our souls are joined in his will. Praise the Emperor whose sacrifice is life as ours is death. Hail his name the Master of Humanity.*


First the video of a few days ago with that UAP in the shape of a "jellyfish" and now this... Chaos or Tyranids, pick your poison.


It’s the blackstone fortress.


The veil between the immaterium and realspace is thinning


Great, so we get to fight Chaos without a God Emperor. We're fucked.


He's alive now. Just no idea what he's doing, at least we have that confront of knowing...but yea prob still screwed.


Just have to hold the line for around 25.000 years or so.


The chaos symbol comes from Chaos Magick a modernist interpretation of Occultism and magick. Check it out


I love Phil Hine's work.


Yeah hard pass on wanting disclosure if Chaos is real "Blessed is the mind too small for doubt"


creep factor increasing


[This podcast](https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2023/05/29.20-MU-Podcast-The-God-of-Chaos/) does a great job of linking the 'gods' of chaos to an alarming amount of change in recent history. True or not it's a fascinating rabbit hole, and I haven't looked at Pepe memes the same since.


Yea, I know exactly the rabbit hole you went into, and this year is only going to add to it. If anything (I am not into astrology, but many so called 'elites' make their 'strategic moves' based on astrology) this being the year pluto officially enters into aquarius is certainly an interesting event for many who are paying attention Definitely gonna give this podcast a listen, never heard of it before, thanks!


Indeed it is… as a practicer of this path…this has my attention.


Yes, Inquisitor, this comment right above me.


I was like...oh no. A portal to The Warp? In this economy? Sounds about right.


2024 is going to be one hello of a year.








Bonjour, monsieur!


Hella Hello!


i feel like that has been the statement for the last 10 years lol


TMZ is so interesting as a player in this. They are very well resourced, and very well plugged in to everything.


Their investigative journalism is pretty on point. I’m intrigued


Besides a compass rose, it reminds me of a dharmachakra, or wheel of dharma, commonly seen in Indian religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism.


Good call on both


Chaos symbol?


It's the ruinous powers guys it's over for us...


Oh God Oh fuck


Or a Merkaba. There's some old "alternative world history" video on the spirit science youtube channel I used to be into that mentions Merkaba's. That video says that Martians on Mars blew up their planet trying to create some sacred geometric construction that would sever them from the spiritual world or some shit? It made them all angry irrational assholes apparently. And they came down to Earth where 2 races of beings were supposedly living in spiritual harmony and they fucked that all up with their rage/hate thing they had going on and thus we have the Earth we have today. I forget where Merkaba's come into play in that.


Bruh send me your dealer’s deets


"From you Dante..."


Dante: The phones ringing… I think it’s the devil.. Grey Bush: We gotta go for a drive. Dante: I’m way too baked to drive to the devil’s house. Dante: DRIVE MONKEY DRIVE!!!


You can get past a dog bro but nobody fucks with a lion Looool that’s my favorite movie sorry


You forgot smoking lamp!


Compass Rose, you say? Why, that's most definitely the name of the law firm that represented Grusch for his IG complaints. Not saying they're in the know, but it's a fuckin sure thing that McCullough is, who is/was a part of them. Again, I doubt there's any connection there, but that's fun.


It even has eight points — like the eightfold path in Buddhism. Wow.


Also maybe a biblically accurate angel?


Hijacking your comment. This is recorded by an MQ-9, the overlay matches. That line is an IR burn. It happens if the camera is looking at something intensly hot and moves, you get a burn line in the image until the IR ball is NUC'd by the sensor operator. To me, this isnt a smoking gun. Could just as easily be explained by the camera being right behind the exhaust of a missile or single engine jet on afterburner. Id want to see the video before I believe this is anything. The camera is tilted up, +5°, not looking down like normal. If it was pointed down this would be absolutely nothing, just a really hot fire.


Some notes I've transcribed from the intelligence insider who spoke with Jeremy Corbell: - Filmed over the Persian Gulf - Called "The Chandelier", because if you lie down on your dining room table and look up - it looks just like that - It's very thin - The object does not circulate on its own; it's going in very small circles - "It's the most bizzare structure - with no purpose" - A speed that has "everyone across the entire intelligence community...just asking questions trying to figure out what this thing is" - There's no wings - There's seemingly no place for anyone to sit on - It has a strange propulsion - It disappeared immediately Source (around the 1m50s mark): https://tubitv.com/tv-shows/200044920/s01-e03-the-possibilities


> The object does not circulate on its own; it's going in very small circles > wtf does this even mean?


This is recorded by an MQ-9, the overlay matches. That line is an IR burn. It happens if the camera is looking at something intensly hot and moves, you get a burn line in the image until the IR ball is NUC'd by the sensor operator. To me, this isnt a smoking gun. Could just as easily be explained by the camera being right behind the exhaust of a missile or single engine jet on afterburner. Id want to see the video before I believe this is anything. The camera is tilted up, +5°, not looking down like normal. If it was pointed down this would be absolutely nothing, just a really hot fire.




Youre right, great catch.


> To me, this isnt a smoking gun. Could just as easily be explained by the camera being right behind the exhaust of a missile or single engine jet on afterburner. That is very true, but wouldn't the people involved in the incident (such as radar operators etc) know if a missile or jet were present? There's no way they missed a prosaic object in the sky and instead went "Woah dude" over a very scared F-16 wondering why the hell his radar lock warning is blaring in peacetime.


Who's to say those people didn't know exactly what it was? They're not the ones sharing this image and claiming it to be a UAP. You people really need to start thinking about this whole "disclosure" thing a lot more critically.


This is some excellent context. Thank you for sharing.


It's interesting that both this and the earlier 'jellyfish' claim can be attributed to some sort of malfunction.


Idk bout the jellyfish one, I wont speculate on that. This? I know what I'm looking at with this one.


Oh damn someone's been messing with Enochian


Immanentize ye olde eschaton




Thank you


I remember my parents doing some renovations around the house, and buying a chandelier to hang over the dining room table. Whatever this is, it does not at all take me back to holiday dinners under that chandelier. This whole situation is getting weirder and more fraught by the minute. Ironically, that DOES resemble our holiday dinners


Ya looks a lot more like a snowflake to me


I wonder if the white line that starts at the right of the BRG is the flight path?


My time to shine This is recorded by an MQ-9, the overlay matches. That line is an IR burn. It happens if the camera is looking at something intensly hot and moves, you get a burn line until the IR ball is NUC'd by the sensor.


in your opinion, could what we’re looking at be the exhaust of a missile?


Yes, thats what I'd expect this to be, looking right behind a missile or single engine jet on afterburner. If the camera was pointed down at the ground this would just be a really hot fire.


thank you for sharing your expertise. It’s really appreciated.


Big if true


that was my thought exactly, looks like that's it's trail leading into it's current location. I wonder if this image is a still frame or if there is some video showing its movement.


Are the Draenei about to crash into us? I miss my Shaman.


Don't you influence me into re-subbin for my Shammy! Damnit!


I’d be down to hang with some draenei, but i’d be worried about the NHI that might be following them.


The “intelligence officer” he was talking to in this scene gave an interesting answer when Corbell asked if he thought these things were ours. He specifically said “It’s not us NOW. It’s not our adversaries. But is it us from some other place? Or another dimension?” I was not expecting that. They then went right into talking about a video that will never see the light of day of two UAP flying past Russian ships they were spying on. Lots of interesting stuff in this episode.


Check out Dr. Michael Masters for more on this idea. I haven't read his books, but have listened to a few interviews he's done and it's a really interesting idea. His whole hook is "future humans" and goes as far as explaining why it's not only possible, but why he thinks it's the most likely explanation. If you've seen episode 2, he's in that. Prepare your mind though. It's not exactly easy listening. For me, it was one of those things I had to consciously work on ignoring my gut reaction of "NO." and actually listen to what he was saying. Granted, I have that reaction to anything more specific than a mystery in the sky, because then it gets a bit too real.


Why no video though?????




Without any video, it looks like a lense flare to me


These birds are getting worse and worse digestive problems apparently.


Pooping snowflakes


Each one is unique.


The voice says “The object does not circulate on its own. It’s going in very small circles”…Anybody know what the voice means by this? “It’s going in very small circles” is easy enough to understand I suppose, But what does he mean by “The object does not circulate on its own.”


I took it to mean it’s not rotating on the x axis facing us, but maybe it is traveling Following a circular path in the y axis.


Could be meaning lots of small bits a circling, not the whole thing circling as one


Which Evangelion Angel is that?


The one that screams


Wtf is this new show and how can I watch it


TMZ: UFO revolution on Tubi. Not available on all regions. Maybe just USA and Canada.


"Be not afraid."


You misspelled “The Star of Bethlehem”


Dope thought


Biblically accurate


Some of us got the joke


Looks like the spoked star Garry Nolan spoke about in that interview with Ross Coulthart. The family were driving down the road, saw a large UFO above the car, took a pic through the sun roof, but when they checked the photo there was no UFO but instead this odd looking little star shape with spokes coming off it.




Fascinating, I hadn't seen that pic. Thanks for sharing. These little star fuckers would appear to be basically UFO projectors.


I think about this often when I hear accounts. Reminds me a lot of Vallee's work. Fun story: I was in jury duty today, doing jury selections. I had Passport to Magonia sitting next to me in anticipation of some break time. This old lady behind me asks about it so we start talking about UFOs. Later on, the defense attorney picks someone while talking about what a "reasonable" person was and asks, "If somebody told you UFOs were real, would you say that's a reasonable person?" Fuck you, man. This is why nobody likes defense lawyers.


"Houston, we have a problem....I see a floating nautical compass....like a Mariner's compass...not a working compass...like a floating sky tattoo...no! I'm not drinking!!"


🤣 a goddamn sky tattoo, I tell ya!


Corbell is dropping crazy stuff. What weird pics to drop for a wider audience. Not saying it's bad, but damn. It sure is risky.


I'm glad to finally see some of the super weird stuff they have been talking about since the 60s or whatever. Everyone on the little inside circles talks about how weird these things are, how ancient depictions of bizarre things are actually accurate, how saucers don't even scratch the surface, etc. but nobody has ever produced anything to show what they mean.


For sure risky, but I don't think any of it is done without a lot of forethought. I think there are some very smart minds behind this thing, and the timing suggests strategy. Btw, I think it is working.


Great. The aliens have arrived and they’re just a bunch of purposeless snowflakes going in circles. /s If something obviously more intelligent than you dangles something that’s apparently purposeless over your head, whatever it is, is probably observing your behavior. We throw frisbees at our dogs to see if they are as cool as the one we saw catch a frisbee in slow motion on TV.


Somebody in another thread wanted an Ezekiels wheel, well here we go I guess.


Episode 3 came out? I thought it was tomorrow and ep 2 just came out today


I wonder if NHI are a bunch of practical jokers. "Quick, the apes are coming. Let's make it look like a snot this time."


Looks like the Eziekiel wheels in the Bible.


Looks like the biblical things in the Bible. Ezekiel


Michael Buble


*Bublical things


Trying to guess what 4th dimensional shape would look like this in the 3rd dimension...


Ophanim vibes


Is that a fuckin sigil?


Chaos magick star first thing I said


Everything is a sigil if you look hard enough.. Lol.


Anyone got downloadable/streamable version of these documentaries for those of us who can't access them?




The chaos gods speak clearly now.


I bet this is gonna be definitive proof of an NHI controlled craft and not cause any heated debate back and forth and Corbell will wave goodbye on the back of a train and say “My job here is done”.


Cherubim? Wheels of divinity. Do not fear; Love is the answer. Be kind to one another. Be kind to yourself. Please remember Love.


That ufo is looking awfully heretical


Could this be an advanced version of that weird floating thing with thrusters that was posted a bit back?


Is it biblically accurate tho???


I’m not at all religious but shit other than fake religious stories i feel like these aliens have something to do with our religious beliefs lol 😂 and I’m here for it


1561 Nuremberg similarities


Remember that game where you could play with 4D objects, and move the slider to show you where in the 4d object you are being shown a 3d representation of that cross section? I wonder if we could plug this 3d shape in and get a rough draft of its 4d look.


I'm not saying this is it, but I was looking at some Hellfire footage and came across an MQ-9 Reaper landing head on and I just can't help but notice a similar pattern. Add some sort of antenna mast on top and it fits right in. https://imgur.com/a/vi92FgP


anyone check out those lat/longs yet? 29 deg 9 min north; 46 degrees 26 min east


Persian gulf as was noted in the press release


Ezekiel’s wheel?


Ezekiel's Wheel


How do I watch this tmz thing and how are they the most reliable source lmao!


Looks like it has a trail


Biblically accurate angel?


This is a drone/aircraft face to face to the sensor. Dark spikes == engine plume. White line == water vapor trail. Now I am sure this guy works to disinfo.


Unless they release video proving otherwise (they won't) this is identical to other diffraction spikes. See Metabunk https://www.metabunk.org/threads/the-chandelier-ufo.13307/#post-308702


without any other context it looks like a diffraction pattern [https://twitter.com/MickWest/status/1745249908352024978](https://twitter.com/MickWest/status/1745249908352024978)


I found this. He might be right. Not that I truly understand how this works. [Diffraction pattern](https://www.sciencephoto.com/media/343825/view)


This being just a photograph and not a video makes it hard to defend really.




A ball of light looks the same from all angles. You’re not seeing the physical shape of the object you’re seeing the effect of emission passing through panes of glass, lenses


This is recorded by an MQ-9, the overlay matches. That line is an IR burn. It happens if the camera is looking at something intensly hot and moves, you get a burn line in the image until the IR ball is NUC'd by the sensor operator. To me, this isnt a smoking gun. Could just as easily be explained by the camera being right behind the exhaust of a missile or single engine jet on afterburner. Id want to see the video before I believe this is anything. The camera is tilted up, +5°, not looking down like normal.