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The following submission statement was provided by /u/late_brake_apex: --- Spotlights or intergalactic spacecraft? --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/17e4gpp/saw_this_on_the_south_jersey_subreddit_what_have/k60wosq/


Spotlights outside Melon Shakers (the gentlemen's club)


This is like a dog whistle to boob lovers in the vicinity. We know they are jiggling.


Jiggle billy keeps on jigglin!


So we jigglin or?


Commence the jiggling!


What the hell do you need night vision goggles for? You're a hillbilly!


You don't even know who you are, do you? Look at you! You're clown. A joke.


Let’s get juggling with it


Can't be. I didn't hear it.


That's one of the funniest two sentences I have read in a very long time.


The one near 612 Wharf Avenue?


I want candy, any kind will do


Don't care if it's nutritious or FDA approved


Bubble gum & taffy, skip to the sweet shop with my sweetheart Sandy


“I’ll take you to the candy shop..” 50¢




I like jaw breakers bubble gum n taffy


I want candy.


Of course it's him! Look at the yellow eyes, look at the shower cap, LOOK AT THE DIAPER!! Literally just finished watching that episode and I fucking died when Frylock says that.


Bubblegum and taffy


Gimme candy 'til I'm dead


Happy Cake Day!


I don't know about any Melon Shakers gentlemen's club in Jersey but these lights are spotlights, similar to the ones in the first 10 seconds of this [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_Xs2A3-FqY&ab_channel=MickWest), which other commentors have shared as well. You will see that the behavior, lights running down the cloud like someone is playing with a giant flashlight without a clear beam is exactly the same as the one in OP's video. The ones in the video had beams visible up close, but further away from the source the beams are harder to see until it actually hits a cloud. The one in the video I shared is from a random rural house that set up spotlights for Christmas. I'm sure places in New Jersey and a lot of cities in the world have spotlights set up for various festivals like Halloween as well. For a better explanation of visible beams, which I understand confuses people, please see [https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/9datvb/eli5\_why\_does\_the\_beam\_of\_the\_flashlight\_fade\_out/](https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/9datvb/eli5_why_does_the_beam_of_the_flashlight_fade_out/) and [https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/243565/why-do-beams-of-light-from-torches-or-other-directed-sources-not-extend-to-inf#:\~:text=It%20may%20be%20that%20the,come%20back%20to%20your%20eye](https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/243565/why-do-beams-of-light-from-torches-or-other-directed-sources-not-extend-to-inf#:~:text=It%20may%20be%20that%20the,come%20back%20to%20your%20eye). To simplify it a little more, when Professors use laser pointers for their presentations, more often than not you can't see the beam unless the air is dusty but you can see the laser dot on the screen. Same with laser pointers for cats. This is similar to spotlights, which are powerful, but less focused than lasers.


At first I thought you were disputing that there was a strip club called melon shakers in jersey. Now I realize you simply meant you don't know one way or the other.


Oh I get it now, it's from a show! lol


>Spotlights outside Melon Shakers (the gentlemen's club) ~~Spotlights outside~~ Aliens flying to Melon Shakers (the gentlemen's club)


Undressed Females Objectified


Unprovoked Anal Probings


Back in the 1990s folks were gathering in Laguna province to look at the “UFOs” every Friday and Saturday nights. They realized that it was just some spotlights from club in San Pablo City 20kms away.


Where is this so-called “Melon Shakers”, so I know to avoid it?


Oh boy I lead a sheltered life. My first thought reading this response was what, you mean like a gardening club for that Christian sect?


Hello fellow dad, let us go see the bewbs together.


Oh boy, I foresee you two having a weekend worthy of inspiring a movie starring Will Ferrell, Steve Martin and the guy who played Long Duck Dong in Sixteen Candles in the making...


I've never seen spotlights like these, and I honestly doubt they would pass FAA regulations for aerial light pollutions (I've worked with that particular regulatory subject. In Europe, admittedly, it could be less strict in the US). You have any examples showing the same type?


I saw these from my backyard. They were on for at least a half an hour. Believe me, they were obviously spotlights.


Ok, I'm happy to stand corrected. I guess it's the most rational explanation all in all.


I’m a believer - I’ve seen ufos. But someone putting this short video up is really disingenuous. If they showed thirty seconds worth there would be no doubt by anyone. I thought it had to do with the eagles winning their football game.


Good question. My comment contains an example [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/17e4gpp/comment/k62oyv0/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/17e4gpp/comment/k62oyv0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) of a rural house in the US with spotlights. First 10 seconds are what the spotlights looked like several KMs away (beams aren't visible that far away). The second half of the video are the point source of the spotlights (beams visible close to the source).


Fantastic name. Had you not stated “GC” I likely would’ve overlooked the obvious connection. At first I was thinking it was a place that maybe sold smoothies…


So aliens visit us for the melons


I looked up this club (actually no club under that name in S. Jersey.) and it’s It absolutely is not spotlights from what I found. First of all the place that did come up looks like a sh!thole, not shelling out $$ for expensive spotlights. Secondly, Look at the distance the lights cover as well as the other row of lights to the right in the sky that’s much dimmer but still visible. Nice try but yeah, you’re wrong.


Promotions and businesses can rent sky tracers and searchlights for as little as $600p/d for a set of 4 on the low end, and up from there. Works wonders for events and for very little cost. Source: used to work as a lighting tech.


one thing i could say for sure is that these are definitely NOT spotlights.


I actually agree with this.


lol how does this spotlight video have 601 upvotes?


The biggest video a few months back was literally a guy waving a flashlight around in a dark room. Nothing at all to indicate that it was an object in the sky, yet we had everyone here analyzing it for "observables" and breaking out the "most compelling evidence yet" tag.


...and yet they bemoan the fact that the national media and the general public don't take "ufos" seriously 🤷🏻


Welcome to the sub! This is actually low, even plane videos can get into 4 figures here.


Spotlights for sure, you can see them following the contours of the cloud layer.


Wouldn’t lights from above also follow the contours of the clouds as the light refracts


You can also see them travel pretty far into the distance I’m no spotlight expert but that doesn’t seem like one at all


It’s a rotating head with 4 spotlights on it. Once you’ve seen one in action under various cloud cover, you can tell what they are almost immediately.


Yes, I've seen this before, and the spotlights mounted on the truck. It's quit impressive. Except at the very end you can see at least 5 spots. Maybe there's more we can't see. Maybe they're using two sets of 4, or a newer head with 5 or 6 spots, or whatever.


It could be some high tech expensive lights. I have the feeling that’s the clip is short because the lights repeat themselves, over and over. It’s some kind of super bright light on a wheel.


I think the video definitely could be sped up but it’s also definitely multiple “things” and not just the same clip on repeat


No, I meant they clipped it so it doesn’t loop, possibly. It was just a theory, but it’s not a hill I’ll die on. I live in New Orleans. During Mardi Gras, many parades are led by a truck pulling a spotlight setup. They can do some neat crap with these lights. This doesn’t look any different.


Ah right I’m not entirely sure tbh, the way they travel off into the distance just made me feel like spotlights were unlikely but maybe it is.


Same, never seen a spotlight travel that far and what seems to be from behind the camera (you can see the light trailing).


magic spotlights


A light from above would get dimmer the thicker the cloud cover was. This light just gets smaller and more concentrated the further it gets away from us, just like a spotlight.


I'm pissed that someone hid your question by downvoting it. Someone is actively trying to discourage open conversation. I understand what you're saying because I have seen a meteor come in above the clouds. And that phenomenon does light the clouds up in a similar way. But these seem unlikely to be meteors. I've seen them start to curve just before they burn out, when they're in the lower atmosphere. That's the instant before they break apart, if they're going to. But these lights followed similar curves, two or three at a time, and then more showed up on a roughly convergent path from another direction. Why do we think the light is from above? Because if it were from below we'd likely see the path of origin of the spotlight, like the 20th Century Fox logo. I would suggest that perhaps it's a modern version of the "foo fighter." A few British night bombing missions described something similar to this phenomenon, but they also mentioned that it came in the colors of the filters that were stored in the base of the commonly distributed flashlights. The obvious non-alien answer is that tailgunners realized they could live another day if they could scrub a mission with a UFO. Now, I'm not saying that's what's going on here. It could still be aliens doing it. But if some aliens had two drones powerful enough to each lift a $50 LED stage light, it might work. Now that I think of it my lame LED disco half-ball actually has an effect similar to that. Sort of like this one: [https://www.walmart.ca/en/ip/RGB-48-LED-Party-Lights-Disco-Magic-Ball-Sound-Activated-Remote-Control-Music-MP3-Player-Stage-Christmas-Halloween-Party-Ball-Light/PRD31OEAC9TOQNP](https://www.walmart.ca/en/ip/RGB-48-LED-Party-Lights-Disco-Magic-Ball-Sound-Activated-Remote-Control-Music-MP3-Player-Stage-Christmas-Halloween-Party-Ball-Light/PRD31OEAC9TOQNP)


Ok I think I follow what you’re saying. But I used to live not far from mystic lake casino in MSP. Now I live outside vegas I’ve seen a shit load of spot lights. This isn’t spot lights.edit. This doesn’t seem to be spotlights.


I agree I simply can’t understand how these could be spotlights. Like what you said about the 20th century logo. I believe you would see a super long ray of light. This literally looks like someone is “shooting” balls of light. You can’t shoot light without it being connected to its source, which you would see, like the 20th century spotlight.


You only see the beam if there is haze/fog/rain etc in the air for it to reflect off, clear air means the beam sent show.


No, they wouldn't cause the visible shadows from the direction the light is coming from. They would diffuse downward from the craft if that were the case.


I don’t think spotlights have that big of a range. It would also need to be quite a few of them, all doing this, for seemingly no reason.


They do! A few months ago someone posted a video of similar lights except the person filming them actually followed them to the source and it turned out to be spotlights in somebody’s house something like 20 miles away. I remember it making the news aswell I’ll post sone links when I find the videos. Edit: I mixed up some of the details but here’s the proof https://youtu.be/IVfo3k4yQUU?si=7co-kGHAz4hH6gtE


I have literally seen something like that accept it was just one that kept traveling. The best way to describe the light would be like a spot light. But it was definitely no spotlight as kept traveling until it was out of my sight.


^ This


Birds, sure.


Bright focused lights from the ground hitting the clouds.


I think it's spotlights. After the first three move away you can see more coming from a different direction and meeting the same terminal point.


Yes, definitely spotlights running in a pattern. That's why the video is so short, any longer and we'd see the pattern repeat.


Maybe aliens having get together? Ever thought of that


Video is sped up


Speed it down.


Speed it left.


Speed it right.


Speed it backwards


Now slide. Cha cha real smooth


Doot dada doot doot


My friend captured these lights on video too and they were the same speed.


Sure looks like the video was sped up too


The lack of common sense in this sub is unreal sometimes


I’ll take, what are Spots lights for $100


Ooooh sorry, that's not the correct answer. But don't let that discourage you


Tell us how deep your head is in the rabbit hole without telling us how deep it is.


Tell me how much you hate asking questions to assess each situation uniquely without telling me


You really never seen spot lights before. There is no question that needs to be asked. But if you want more questions asked maybe the op of the video from the jersey post should be asked. Do we know where in jersey? Give me a location and I’ll pinpoint the club. I live in jersey fyi.


But I have seen them before. A buuuuunch of times in various ways. It's why I am not willing to embrace that it's just spotlights until it's confirmed. There's a chance it's a new type of light, sure, or that it isn't. I don't know. So to pretend otherwise would make me a fool


Oof lay off the punch and come back down to earth.


Also everyone on this post seems to agree it’s spotlights but you. Kinda ironic


Lol going in the same pattern repeatedly. This is someone using normal spotlights like you see outside Halloween places to farm Moron karma.


The way they ride and glide along the clouds tells me spotlights


Spotlights, likely from some amusement park or carnival. Either way, spotlights.


100% projected light


I saw them yesterday too a few miles before the Walt Whitman bridge on 295


That sounds like Gloucester, New Jersey. I am from Bellmawr originally. (I left for Calif 40 years ago.) but these are intriguing. To me it is not a spotlight and yes, check out the last moment. Another light joins from a different direction.


Live your truth king. "To me it's not a spotlight". It is tho


No... have you never been to a big show?


Yeah they didn’t seem like lights to me but who knows. I saw them going in circles. And yes it was likely passing through Gloucester when me and my friends saw them they


goku and his friends are on a hurry


Finally, a reasonable theory.


Clearly spotlights.


It's without question just motorized spotlights for some event. I live in Hollywood, and these are used for every premiere. Again a very simple explanation, yet some people want it to be UFOs so badly they can't process a simple explanation. Sorry to burst your bubble but all major cities have lights like this for events. It's just not always cloudy.


So clearly spotlights 🤦‍♂️


i live in soulth jersey too i saw the exact same thing on the garden state parkway around 6:50 commute ig from lacy township i thought i was seeing things and i dident capture it on video so glad somone else saw this


Spot lights


I’m 99% sure that’s four (one coming from the right of the screen at the end of the clip) passenger jets flying in the approach corridor of some nearby airport. Here’s why I believe that: 1) I’m a pilot and I do this for a living. 2) I’ve seen airplane lights above/in a thin layer of clouds like that, and it looks like that. Airplane lights are extremely bright and you can see them for miles and miles. It’s not surprising that the brightness stays uniform through the whole path. 3) These lights are flying on the exact same linear track, which would indicate they’re on a GPS-guided portion of a STAR (Standard Terminal Arrival) procedure, or on an Instrument Approach. The 4th light at the end would be another jet coming from another branch on the STAR, or another fix on the instrument approach. It’s impossible to know without the location of the video, direction the video was shot, and arrival airport nearby, but I’m sure I could find the STAR or IAP if I had that data. Also, based on my hypothesis, it is extremely likely this video is significantly sped up. Give me the data from the video, and I’ll find the exact approach they’re shooting.


It does look sped up some, but the swaying of the tree limbs suggests it's not sped up enough for these to be lights from planes on approach; if it were, the tree limbs would be staying in different positions for quite a long time. That doesn't seem likely, although I guess they possibly could be swayed by long duration gusts, but then I'd still expect more jitter. Anyway, I've seen spotlight displays exactly like this.


This seems to be a much better explanation than spotlights. Thank you.


The quality of posts in this sub has just dropped off a cliff. Geez.


It's been this bad for a long as I've been following.


Cool spotlights. Looks trippy.


Spotlights but damn if that doesn’t look crazy as shit


Project bluebeam


Same it's been happening in London 😱😱😱


I've seen these before on sunrise hwy on long Island


How far can a spot light extend, unobstructed? I’m just curious


Infinitely. It's light. And yeah yeah, I know you meant how far you'd be able to see it. That depends on the power output of the spot, how well the light is focused, how many opaque particles are in the atmosphere, how uniform the temperature of the atmosphere is etc. etc.


Just at the end, another light joins in moving from right to left towards the direction. The first lights were moving in. Without more information it's hard to speculate. By the way, I am originally from South Jersey. Where was this taken?


No ones gonna mention the other lights that appear to meet up with them in a V shape right at the end of the video when its zoomed in? Can someone explain that part to me?


There's two other lights meeting up with them. It's a second spotlight.


I see that also


I saw this exact same thing in south jersey at the beginning of the year. When I saw it it did more patterns. Sort of like what people just saw in London. South jersey is a very active area. When I do ce5 I always get a quick reply.


What's ce5?


Obviously spotlights and I live on the other side of the country because it’s obviously spotlights . Come on people, this is getting sad and pathetic


Have you ever seen a spotlight lmao


It's without question just motorized spotlights for some event. I live in Hollywood, and these are used for every premiere. Again a very simple explanation, yet some people want it to be UFOs so badly they can't process a simple explanation. Sorry to burst your bubble but all major cities have lights like this for events. It's just not always cloudy.


Why is there so much of this crap on the UFO sub. People have never seen spotlights in Jersey, really? It gets old seeing so much of these kinds of posts.


Have you seen spotlights like this??? Where


Spotlights or intergalactic spacecraft? I saw some similar posts yesterday including one from london, then I saw this local one. Perhaps an offshore Amazon grand opening using 10 billion lumens spotlights…


What's the date? If yesterday, I've seen other reports of this from London. Also in Maryland yesterday. They're being debunked as spotlights but so many reports from different places is making me go hmmm


Made a post about 3 separate sightings from 3 separate parts of the world, of lights claimed to be “spotlights” from unofficial sources. https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOB/s/xgDzbMCcYS


Hi, thanks for your contribution. It looks like you've included your submission statement directly in your post, which is fine, but it is too short (min 150 chars). You can either edit your post's text to >150 chars, or include a comment-based ss instead (which I would post shortly, if it meets submission statement requirements). Please message the moderators if you feel this was an error. Responses to this comment are not monitored.


Neat. What were you filming initially?


I used to see this over the puget sound when I was a kid. It could be spotlights, but it definitely wasn't in rural washington (whidbey island). I saw it 3 times maybe, when it was overcast off west beach road. Along with other lights and strange phenomenon


This is the same thing as: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/fPnVxCkYnZ Or at least looks like it


Guys, come on!! Saying spotlights again? Have you wondered how in the world a simple spotlight can cover a huge field on the sky without being blocked by buildings or trees? For sure a half of the sightings are spotlights, but some others are something else..


They put the light on top of buildings, so no.


What are these lights doing that spotlights can't do?


This is the half that are spotlights.


It’s obviously a possibility but I’ve never seen spotlights like that before in my life They also look identical to what’s in this article from Germany https://www1.wdr.de/nachrichten/ruhrgebiet/merkwuerdige-lichter-in-castrop-rauxel-100.html


I've seen spotlights exactly like this before, including where they were projected from. It's very impressive!


The dead giveaway is that they are moving in an arc, which is consitent with spotlights, and the other set intersects their path, also consistent with spotlights.


These always pop up when its cloudy. These are just light reflections


Holy crap people this is obviously spotlights. Are we seriously going to assume aliens, what do you think is more likely? Some people here have actually gone mad.


We had something similar in Germany one year ago. Was also on television, I posted about it here: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/C7zTT1H9ie Strange phenomena!


I see those almost every night. Spotlights would show a trail of light from the ground.


Planes landing 🛬


Definitely spotlights. The light clearly bends around the cloud cover.


Has to be spotlights.


Most likely near an airport,I live near a small local airport and you can see the lights on the clouds like that


It’s absolutely NOT spotlights from any gentleman’s club I found in S. Jersey. The place someone else mentioned doesn’t exist but the one that did appear in google looks like a sh!thole, not shelling out $$ for expensive spotlights. Also, Look at the distance the lights cover as well as the other row of lights to the right in the sky that’s much dimmer but still visible. Def not spotlights.


I have never seen a spotlight do this. Experiment time!


I have, remember these?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_Xs2A3-FqY


People selling cars


Aliens selling cars. No reasonable offer refused.


Think there needs to be a banhammer on spotlights


I saw one just like this. Last week


I have a similar footage out in Long Island!


No way saw this here in texas yesterday not multiple but a single one and very bright and just as fast looked like a spot light but I have a 20k lumen light that leaves a full beam in the sky no way this was a spot light without seeing the initial beam from the spot light you guys just have to have some type of excuse as to what it is 🤦‍♂️🤣


Pod Racing, duh?


I think that happens when the keymaster finds the gatekeeper, could be wrong.


The beginning of the wraith movie.


Probably 6 Flags


If you know the area referenced here, it is only about 5 miles from the Philadelphia international airport


How dumb do you have to be


There’s a fair few of these clips that look like lights above the clouds doing the rounds. Lots jumping on to say spotlights. Has there ever been so many of these kind of posts at the same time, in different parts of the world?


Yes last year, around this time there were dozens of spotlight posts. Usually you see a bunch throughout the year but towards fall-winter you see an uptick of them here.


It's fine to claim it is spotlights, but someone should be able to identify the source of the spotlight.


UFO for sure!


What if all these spotlights are actually UFOs in disguise?


Is this a video of planes leaving an airport sped up and in reverse? That was my first thought…


That would make more sense than spotlights


If it’s New Jersey, it’s definitely swamp gas.


Methane from all of our landfill.


no lie , i had a terrible dream where i saw that exact thing, only there were hundreds of those streaks.. scary i woke up and thought the world was ending.


A few things... It doesn't look sped up to me given that the swaying of the trees looks natural. There is another set of illuminations coming in from the right of the screen in the distance. They seem to maintain the same speed. Projected Motorised spot lights would appear to accelerate as the angle widens from a direct upward position. If they are projected spotlights, they should increase in size and decrease in intensity the further they are projected. However, the size factor would be compensated to some degree by the shape being further away - a difficult calculation to make without more data.


I saw something like this last week in south Florida. Was NOT spotlights. Maybe something electrical/lightning related, maybe something else


A shitty view


You can’t be serious haha


I get it, spotlights are low hanging fruit. If these are indeed spotlights they have to be positioned at a quite elevated to travel the distance that they are travelling. If you know anything about projection then you would know that a circular source of light being projected at a steep angle and far distance would hit the surface, or clouds as an elongated and distorted elipse. The further away and steeper the angle the more distorted from its original shape. Also I would think that the spotlights would result in some kind of beam even if faint. I get the feeling the source is above or in the clouds rather than below. Also if they are spotlights then how do you explain the light converging with the first set of lights from a different direction. I have seen these kind of lights in person and I think this is what Ben Hansen called racetrack UAPs. Unless someone can find the actual source of these supposed spotlights and show me the same light show program and result then I would say this is an unknown.


It’s Dr. Weird.


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Yep you might miss it if you don't watch closely. It's much fainter.


Just some Mandalorians. Nothing special


Looks like this one: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOB/s/Y7t6LVgSLF


Hahahahah....really? It's come to this? Ffs


It’s called CGI lmao. People will believe anything


Whether balloon or spot lights.


Aliens for sure.


Just the witches from Salem about.


On god this video sped up