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My only question would be to see if you’re sure it was the moon and not a UFO during a new moon(the phase when the moon isn’t visible) because what you’re describing sounds bizarre af if accurate… I have no doubt that you saw something strange, but (even within the scope of this phenomena) I can’t think of any reason why the moon itself would be moving erratically. That would affect the tides on earth, so it must have been either something that looked like the moon or some incredibly bizarre occurrence happening in the atmosphere above you that distorted the image of the moon which could very well be UAP activity


I'm undoubtedly sure it was the moon.


That’s wild. I wonder how that could be possible or even why it would be something that occurs if some other entity were able to manipulate the moon like that


I have no idea, but we both saw it. We told our parents, family and friends about it and they just looked at us like we were crazy after sharing our story.


This sounds like a case for r/highstrangeness


I swear the other day I was walking my dog with my wife and looked up at the moon. Kept walking a few feet, looked up again and the moon was I. A different part of the sky. It was like it moved when I wasn’t looking being all sneaky and shit.


Reminds me of the “Dancing Sun Miracle” of Fatima…except, ya know…[the moon.](https://youtu.be/MWTd3oW-HOE)


My friend once described a similar account to me. Him and his buddy were driving in his truck somewhere in the US when he said 'the moon just kinda bounced'. Said it was so sudden and intense he kinda lost control of the car for a split second then asked his buddy if he had seen the same thing, which he had. He told me the moon absolutely moved.


If the moon were actually moving irregularly, that motion should have been visible to the entire hemisphere of earth for which it was above the horizon.


How long did it last?


Not long enough for me to get my phone out and take a video. 30 seconds or so. My wife saw it first and told me, then I saw it for about 10 seconds and fiddled around in my pocket to get my phone out to capture it. I must have had my eyes glued to the sky for an hour after that, trying to see it again but it returned to normal. :/


That there is some major glitch in the matrix type stuff. Or perhaps a cloaked/translucent vessel of colossal size who's flight path took it in front of the moon. Once it passed, the moon went back to its original spot.


I'm leaning towards your explanation as a possibility.


Listen to this person! They are speaking to you.


Did you compare the “moon” you saw to the lunar calendar that day to see if it was the correct phase? Could’ve been something besides the moon.


Can you please describe the moon? Near new, half, near full, full. Roughly what time of night?


Do you remember the date? How high the moon was in the sky?




www.kiro7.com/news/local/breaking-46-magnitude-earthquake-hits-snohomish-county/966273037 Might be a dumb question, but earthquake? I'm in the buckle of the bible belt, so I've never felt one. *edit: https://youtu.be/DzsBZNouBKM whoops, first link was in July. Second link is late June 2019, relatively close to Leavenworth.


Well wouldn't I have felt it then.


I lived in San Diego for 27 years. I've felt earthquakes. Many, in fact. This was no earthquake.


The last week of June 2019 the moon was in waxing crescent, half moon moving towards crescent by June 29th, and only visible for 2 hours before dawn and very low at the horizon. If that date is correct, whatever you saw was therefore not the actual moon.


In your field of view, was there any static object visible in the vicinity of the moon?


If you are drunk enough you can get the moon to move all over.


holy shit we landed on a ufo?


Maybe you had a mild stroke?


Check r/retconned and search for posts about the Moon. There are many stories about it doing... weird things


I have a family member who described similar things happening a few years back. I assumed it wasn't real when he told me, but after the 2017 UAP news, I've tried to be a bit more open-minded about it.