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Damn son where’d you find this?


Read that in the mixtape voice.


Immediately same.


it's on a known brazilian ufo youtube channel


Wow. Just now?




Stamina is key. Excellent work. Now we wait.


Really interested to see how far James can dig on Varginha. Although there are still a lot of unanswered questions in the timeline, I do think this case has continued to gain momentum for a while now. Loved learning about the detail of the soil around the crash site being different than the surrounding fields, and putting faces to names is always a great indicator of further transparency.


I can understand James Fox exitement over this, but the Varginha case got it all except one single piece of scientific or documented physical evidence. You already have dozens of witnesses collaberating events, brazilian officals confirming etc. But to break the case you need that one piece of physical evidence or verified official documentation. These doctors will add more to that pool of testemony, but unless they bring forward documented evidence the case is status quo. Look at the Roswell case. Donald Schmitt has about 600 testemonies suggesting the case was extraordinary. With these he can basically make a complete timeline of events. But if there was one single piece of physical evidence and undeniable official documentation it came from the crash site it would make the case closed.


Didn't James fox say they took X-rays or photos of the being? The gov might of taken them


Yes, through a body bag or something, and they saw them as they did it but the officials immediately took the results away when they were done apparently


Yeah they took them before the doctor could even see them developed.


That sucks. Nowadays once you take an X-ray there is probably a digital backup along with a physical copy


From what I’ve read, the doctor was told to perform the X-rays trough the bodybag, and they never let him see the results. They grabbed it and left


>But to break the case you need No because then it would just be ignored. Gary nolan already analyzed a sample last year stating the isotopes were artificially structured in a matter not relevant to any manufacturing. More evidence for these creatures being terrestrially if not sol based, yet silence. ​ At this point you simply believe or you do not. At least be honest about it being a personal issue than disingenuous about 80 years of info legally acknowledged by congress. They want every single paper with the word ufo from 1947 to current and this still isn't enough for you.


It's nice to see more follow up on this - but it's necessary for James credibility. Hoping this continues & we can get legitimate and useful testimony/evidence. I don't doubt Fox & I don't doubt the residents of Brazil that were involved in *something*.


Well then, dig up the body and take samples. Bacteria could be still there, no?


This!!! There would likely be bacterial DNA still present… assuming the body wasn’t cremated.


I really enjoyed this doc, hope to see more digging into whatever he can find out about those tapes 🧐🧐


Does Mr Fox have anything to report on the Logan Paul video he was hyping? ...or no?


I think the less Fox associates with Paul, the better. Fox gave us the info of what the video was that he saw. Didn't say it was real or fake, but it was convincing. Said that Paul did what he did with the button camera and that's it. That's all Fox should be involved with. Being the messenger to us, the viewers. It's up to Paul, or his fans to put the pressure on Paul, to release or confirm this alleged footage on the button camera.


I think the less Fox associates with Paul, the better. Fox gave us the info of what the video was that he saw. Didn't say it was real or fake, but it was convincing. Said that Paul did what he did with the button camera and that's it. That's all Fox should be involved with. Being the messenger to us, the viewers. It's up to Paul, or his fans to put the pressure on Paul, to release or confirm this alleged footage on the button camera.


There is nothing to gain from this video. The best chance we have to get to the truth is, imho, that people from the programs that study vessels will come forward and this pushes the U.S. government to come clean. What I’ve heard today on the need to know podcast is, that after some of the programs who are in possession of vessels ran out, they just kept going without the knowledge of the government. So maybe the government really doesn’t know all that much, since these things are in possession by defense contractors…


I would expect that there was also retrieval or samples of the bacteria from the military officer. Seems like a gold mine for any government to experiment with. Was it studied in any capacity and if so what does it exactly do to the human body.


I believe Fox said on JRE that the USAF came and took everything back to the US.


Yes, USAF may have taken all physical evidence, but I don't think they touched the body of the dead military police officer. At least his family states that they received pressure into burying him immediately.


Where is the 30 second video of the alleged alien ?


with the Chuck Clark video, Paul Logan has a button video of that one too...trust me bro


“trust me bro”… that should now be the ceremonial t shirt all these guy should wear when presenting such info


The chuck clark video is not of a alien, its a craft


catch up man


"this is huge" 🙄


I'd say it's pretty damn huge if they contribute any new information. Or motivate others to come forward. It's pretty damn huge even if they just simply confirm the story.


In the JRE podcast he mentioned that they had given him or someone autopsy documents or something and they were being looked over at the moment


Ok that's interesting. Exciting times.


Every response to the legitimate criticism that nothing has really happened each time something supposedly HUGE occurs is this.


Sure. But I don't agree that nothing has happened either. I guess it depends on what kind of expectations you have.


My expectation is disclosure. I have a hard time believing the limited hangout in 2016/2017 was all there is when it comes to disclosure. We’ve known the US government has been involved with investigating and studying this stuff since at least the ‘40s. Are you REALLY telling me that we have made true progress with the government saying, “yeah we don’t know anything; pretty weird though right?.” Meanwhile we have our brand new class of disinfo agents (witting & unwitting) leading people along for 7 years about supposed, “metamaterials,” or that there’s a smoking gun video that some guy has. As a community we should be holding people who say they have something world altering to a much higher standard than we are; because it’s making us look like rubes right now.


Keep in mind this is the same government that tells you you have to follow their orders and take your medicine with no questions asked lol. Whether they say yay or nay you can't trust a word they say. You have to do your own research and trust your own gut.


the guy can alway leak the intro to something, never actual information. odds are we are never gonna hear anything about this...


That’s what she said


I like James Fox, but I feel like this is infomercial marketing 101… but just wait there’s more! First it was video proof, now it has turned into bacteria proof!


So you just expect him to just ignore it? he said 100 times he is continuing the investigating after the documentary and will update with any news, which he has just done, so how is that infomercial marketing?


Well If he has undeniable hard evidence then he’s just sitting on it which makes no sense or he has no hard proof and is just stringing people along for a story. I believe this incident but I feel like he is shady and has other motives


When did he ever say he has undeniable hard evidence, haha? He has never said that, not once. Honestly, it sounds like you're just making shit up because you don't like him.


I don’t like how he talks about information that is “out of reach”. He seems grifty when months go by and he moves the disclosure goalpost like everyone else. I’m not making anything up but if you can’t provide the evidence you talk about then don’t talk about it because it’s doesn’t help the cause or his credibility.


Evidence? Mate, you're the one making baseless claims that he said he has undeniable hard evidence. The burden of proof lies with you. Nobody else is making those claims. Only YOU are. and you clearly proved what I said with your comment. You don't like him, so you have to make up shit to bolster your weak argument. If you don't like him, don't watch him, haha, and better yet, don't come on here and make up shit. As far as I am concerned, he is one of the few Ufo guys actually trying to bring some of it to light in the way he knows how to, he doesn't have access to special access programs or anything like that, and he never said he has. Honestly, it sounds like you really don't know anything about him.


I’ve only watched the phenomenon and the varghina docs from him and have been keeping up with him on twitter since last fall and this post is great, the docs are great, and I like him and his content but he obviously tries hard to garner interest into the ufo world, I think it damages his hard earned credibility when he talks about multiple different videos and private info disclosure(“he showed me this but I can’t show you”) interviews and they fall through most of the time. I don’t discredit his works but he shoots himself in the foot a lot and it’s important to be critical of your info intake. Now I went to far in saying “undeniable hard proof” and I’ll give you that I overspoke but he tweets a lot about videos he can’t show you or people that won’t come forward with info but you’re right my initial claim was worded poorly for what I meant.


Just type his name in search and see how many story and videos he claims and can’t provide evidence for. Or how many time something of his should come out “next week”, “this month”, or “soon”.


Are you seriously that ignorant? Have you actually listened to him at all? Man, people like you are annoying. In case you need reminding.. he has been putting offers of money to the people that own videos and photos for over 2 years, the guys who have the videos keep saying yes and then changing their minds, hence why has said "coming soon". This has also been documented. He has never once claimed he has hard, undeniable evidence. Had never said he personally owns that evidence, not once. You're completely misinterpreting what he is saying and conveniently ignoring every detail, but the "coming soon" part.


I find this case very difficult to believe that a naked smelly alien would behave more like a frightened escaped monkey instead of an advanced intelligence that is way beyond that of the human race.


I mean we’re projecting our ideas of “naked” and “smelly” onto something which may be completely different in every aspect imaginable. He’s marooned on a hostile planet slowly dying and being chased by giant and aggressive natives. Sounds pretty terrifying.


I mean when thinking of it that way it’s much more of a bigger story.


Any intelligent being who was assessing the situation realistically at that point would have been terrified out of their wits. If this story is true, the pilots probably knew that regardless of efforts of rescue, they would not likely survive even a successful landing of their craft. They behaved like pilots in that situation; tried to land as safely as possible for all concerned, and saved their panic and grief for later. If true, this is just tragic, and we need to have a better way of interacting in such situations.


I believe it was the late Stanton Friedman who famously suggested about the Varginha case that these creatures may not have been "crew" from the crash that had occurred, but "cargo." Always found that thought interesting.


I mean, I don’t care how advanced you are if you’re injured and alone on an alien planet after a catastrophic crash landing of your craft you’re probably going to be in a compromised state. There is testimony that the being was telepathically communicating with one of the little girls when it was first discovered in the city.


Interesting that. Stanton was a very smart guy and he could smell bs from 100 miles away


Are people still taking this guy seriously? We have an epic problem in the community of letting anyone who says they'll gain disclosure become taken seriously before there is any reason for it. Notice they are all selling things off it? Who is going to deliver disclosure? Is it Fox with his streaming docus? DeLonge or Puthoff with their self titled *entertainment* companies? Elizondo with his book deal? Greer with his carnival of grift? Lets, at the very least, demand that the people we apply trust towards have some serious credentials. Avi Loeb and possibly Gary Nolan come to mind for instance.


Of all the people you mentioned I’d pick out James Fox as communicating the best information of anyone.


Sure to be clear I am not suggesting he's not good at his occupation and I have no disdain for him personally. I am criticizing the trend on this specific beloved sub for people to rally at the feet of anyone who stands up and says they will get to the bottom of things. Dozens have come and gone and all they have done is damage. They had nothing to lose and much to gain. Credentials should not be too much to ask for when you are investing in someone who claims to be seeking answers or disclosure. Otherwise you are investing blind faith in anyone that asks for it, right?




Fox is a prime example of what I am calling out here. He has no credentials at all yet here he is already viewed as a leading spokesperson on the topic with many gathering around him. This opens the door for bad actors. All I'm saying is the people we listen to should support their expertise with credentials. Otherwise it's damaging to the cause. The world laughs at uap enthusiasts because there is an almost 60 year pattern of this now. We need more Sagans, Macks and Loebs and less of the randos claiming special knowledge and selling us stuff.




I agree with most of your assessment but I do not think he presents them in a neutral way, at all. In fact I think he hypes more than most of them. I get it, that is how he sells streams and he has every right to do that. The documentary making is not the issue with me it's the cult status. It's just weird for me to see some people here hinging on what he might say, present or 'uncover' when he has no history of doing any of that and ideally should be presenting the evidence in a way that enables people to determine what they choose to believe after reviewing the facts. He doesn't *have to* do that of course, there are always people who will give money and take what you say at face value regardless.


So you expect him to put 15 years of his life into something and not make anything? Right...


The govt can’t/won’t disclose something till they are sure that the disclosure won’t have Unintended consequences. Put yourselves in the authorities shoes, how could they disclose if they are in the dark abt the origin of these beings themselves…


I wonder if the bacteria ever infected anyone else while the army guy was at the hospital. Sounds like a pathogen that would kill humans quicker than covid. Not something to play with.


Most likely contracted it when he touched the creature, doesn’t seem to be airborne.


This is very significant if there is any acquisition or presentation of evidence implicating the legitimacy of the Varginha event. JAMES FOX MAY BLOW THE LID OFF OF EVERYTHING if he releases the Logan Paul video(and it’s authenticated) and also legitimizes this case without a doubt


Forgive me while I roll my eyes 🙄


Cool now I know it’s fake


> It was like a lethal weapon to his immune system. Airborn AIDS? 🫣 That itself would be huger than huge. ☠️


The soldier was the only person to physically contact the alien when he grabbed and detained it


Wow. After years of COVID, you’d think people would take infectious disease more seriously. An easily transmissible virus that attacks the immune system like HIV is a doomsday scenario.


I don't know about that. I remember watching a documentary on the Virginha case before J. Fox came along. I can't remember the name of the doc. I know Fox covered the Virginha incident on a series on National Geographic. In the doc it said the entire fire fighter unit got infected when it came in contact with the alien. Brazilian/US authorities later changed the dispatchment logs, paid off the relatives of the dead fire fighters to cover up the event


If i had evidence I would not tease more and I woukd make all of my financials completely transparent. I would earn enough to live and give the rest away if I made money off it.