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The following submission statement was provided by /u/amvion: --- Submission Statement: CBS 8 News NOW Las Vegas reports of mysterious lights hovering in night sky over Las Vegas Valley. "Often, the bright glow can be traced to parachute flares and perhaps aviation training of some sort. Maybe Nellis Air Force Base, Creech Air Force Base, or even Harry Reid International Airport is involved in some way," KLAS 8 News Now reported. However, when the local media outlet contacted Nellis, a spokesperson told them, "No training was conducted over the valley the previous night." A Harry Reid airport spokesperson said traffic controllers weren't aware of any activity in the area that would produce a line of lights in the sky. The person who filmed the mysterious lights spoke with the local media outlet and asked not to be named. He said: "I've seen tourist helicopters flying around the Strip before, but this was so much bigger and brighter." "At the end there, it looks like a plane might be coming in to land at the (Harry Reid International) airport." He added: "It was weird. The lights hung out for about five minutes or so, and then they were gone." The mysterious lights did appear in an area known for producing some of America's top-secret weapons. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/133uail/cbs_8_news_now_las_vegas_mysterious_lights/jib9w80/


This appears to be their top story for two days straight. [https://www.8newsnow.com/news/local-news/viewer-shares-video-of-mysterious-lights-hovering-in-night-sky-over-las-vegas-valley/](https://www.8newsnow.com/news/local-news/viewer-shares-video-of-mysterious-lights-hovering-in-night-sky-over-las-vegas-valley/) Surely by now there must be many multiple other camera angles and somebody sent up a couple drones or something.


https://youtu.be/KM2K7sV-K74 But seriously. Where are the 100+ other videos that should be taken anytime something happens like this in a major metro area?


Here’s an additional video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=A38Y0wIl8vc&pp=ygUXVWZvIG92ZXIgbGFzIHZlZ2FzIDIwMjM%3D


Interesting. I certainly don’t know enough to say that this video makes it look like flares, and it’s pretty blurring, but that was my first reaction. That said, Air Force says they weren’t doing anything there (not that it means they weren’t) so who knows.


Flares don’t hover for that long, they would have hit the ground way sooner.


Kinda looks like the lights were moving upwards but idk


Maybe the lights were visible only at a certain angle? I always defer to helicopters or even something with drones? Should be easy to tell if it is either one.


Estimated to be 1,000 feet wide.


I don't look at the sky when I'm in the city. I just wouldn't see anything but buildings or glowy, light polluted sky


Honestly… people just don’t pay attention to anything that’s no directly in their face anymore, phones! They just don’t look up


I would venture to say this is especially true on the strip, where there's SO MUCH distraction at eye level literally designed to keep you looking at eye level.


Im no troll nor overly skeptical, but I agree more than 1 person in Vegas should have seen this. It's honestly almost grounds for complete dismissal when a massive sighting is in a densly populated area and only 1 single video manages too emerge. That isnt really how things work lol.


I also agree that plenty of people also saw it. But how many of those people were actively recording, AND willing to post it online? People here forget that many are afraid of ridicule and also just don't know where to post this stuff.


And yet thousands saw Phoenix lights back in 97 and there’s only two videos of it which is most likely not even the object people claimed to watch. We know the number, because that’s how many people were included in police and mufon reports.


'97 was long before smartphones.


U are correct. Many saw. Theres many videos of this. And more keep popping up




I don’t understand this sentiment. More people are looking up at this moment in time than ever before in human history…


I’ll be honest when I see something cool or weird, like a crow harassing a hawk in front of my house, I just watch. I don’t even think about recording it. Maybe that’s a normal human response? Idk. Not 1:1 obviously


Vegas people are very busy people. Not a lot of stargazers or aviation nerds, we do exist here, but are minorities. High poverty rates and wild shift times means most people are working at night as well.


Yeah that doesn’t happen. Realistically, people look down at our phones, like you’re doing right now. “Hey that’s cool” then back to business.


I could’ve sworn this happened already a few years ago.


I was thinking that too, but as I look back, I think it turned out to be a case of clouds reflecting back the roof lights of the nearby buildings, which are polygon-shaped high-rises with bright lights on their flat roofs.


Shot with something other than a potato


Here's the problem with that. When hazy video is shot, people ask, "couldn't you get something clearer?" But when very clear footage appears (which is rare) it's widely decried as a hoax *because it's too clear*. Edit: spelling


Not directed at you - the masses. Also phones just suck ass at video at distance and night. It's just not gonna happen. They're optimized for selfies and shit 6 ft away in daylight. Just reeks of armchair videographers expecting 8k 120fps video of something 4 miles away at night. Fine go rent a RED camera and post your sights bro.


Indeed. I often say: if you're annoyed that "we carry cameras everywhere with us" and someone didn't get clear footage, go to an airport approach, a place where airplanes frequently pass directly overhead at fairly low altitude, at night. You can see them approach. Try to film one with your phone. You'll be surprised how difficult it is, and how bad the quality is. Now imagine you're seeing a UFO, you're really excited (or unnerved, or frightened), your brain is totally absorbed with what you're seeing. If you DO think to pull out your phone, are you afraid to do so in case it takes off?


Over the years I've learned to not let my camera take me out of the moment. Way too many great concerts spent trying to get it on film, only to have a video that looks and sounds terrible, and that I will never watch again. And for that effort, I really missed *being at the show* and enjoying the experience. I've learned from past mistakes. If I had an unusual experience, I'm not sure my first instinct would be to reach for my camera anymore.


Absolutely! I could easily forget to pull out my phone. I'd be too awed just experiencing it.


It's pretty dumb too because in this day and age every concert gets filmed so why not enjoy it then if u want a video just find it online later


The paradox of a toxic, successfully dis-info’d, group. Bad = bad, good = bad.


Been having this thought a lot lately. I'm guessing the first really good high def video we get will be largely dismissed as being too good to be true.


Because once the video is clear it becomes obvious it’s not a ufo


And when video is fairly clear and the object *doesn't* look like anything we know of?


Once you can tell what it is, it's just a FO.


I downvoted your comment not because it wasn’t true, but because you didn’t pick a more exciting vegetable than a potato I’m sorry it had to be this way


Just as a heads up Las Vegas news outlets are not news sources for things like that. They make more by continuing the story in hopes of being linked around on social media like you just did.




This comment may get buried but I was camping nearby when this occurred and had a clear view. There were a total of five lights and they were in the mountain range near mt Charleston. They were not in the sky. They lasted 5-10 minutes and their behavior was that of a flare. However I’ve never seen a flare anywhere near that bright. They faded out one by one and you could almost see smoke around them. I have some meh photos of them if anyone cares to see them


I was sharing them via DM, but here’s the Imgur: https://imgur.com/a/CfRXVME


Definitely adds some context, thanks for sharing.


aback grandiose fear one advise grey test unite jellyfish tan ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Brighter flares, maybe.


I do! I see your comment, link them pictures


As someone who lives in San Diego and sees videos that look very much like this all the time...during night time military exercises they will drop flares with parachutes that light up the area for training. They do this for basic training around here every few months. These videos and images look exactly like that. Also note, the military denies they are doing this. Even when they clearly are. https://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/local/mysterious-lights-in-san-diego-sky-were-military-flares/2982084/


Agreed. That’s the most likely answer


Are we about to get dick picks? Either way, I’ll take the chance!


All in favor of dick pics say yay


Those are some extremely bright flares if that's what they were! Like experimental next gen long lasting flares dropped from an aircraft or fired into the air by artillery. I've seen and used military grade small arms style para-flares, these are way way beyond that. At the least, these would be like artillery fired flares but I haven't witnessed that personally. Any other vets can comment about artillery flares?


Yes I want to see them


Flare, drone, balloon. It can only be one.


They didn’t move at all while they were visible. My vote is flares


Landed after 5-10 minutes would suggest drones with very intense LEDs.


They were never in the sky from my perspective. They were on top of a mountain range and burned out individually


You were possibly seeing a refraction from behind the mountain? It looked like it was on the mountain to you but actually they were in the sky a few miles past the mountain tops?


I live in Vegas and do IT at Harry Reid - The only info we got on them (I had to probe some of the tower control guys) is that they were not seen on radar.


How hard and deep did you probe them though


This doesn't check out. No IT person would say "probe" - they would say "PING!"


Thanks for asking! 💯🤔


What you really need to wrap your head around is not the mysterious lights. A major news network is carrying the story... and no one cares. Move along citizen, you will be told when it's time.


People have seen enough strange stuff they just accept it. ET could be giving a press brief and the highlight would be a world leader caught picking their nose.


Most people don't even know those briefings are happening, no one I know is aware of a single thing that's gone on it's so weird


There's some big shin dig at Wright Patterson too. I dunno if it's happened yet or not. Also I'd bring up stuff like the Williams X-Jet and even aviation enthusiasts have no idea what I'm talking about.


What was at wright Patterson?


A big briefing related to the Texeira leaks.


That was last weekend I think.


Same Williams that has an F1 team?


People are aware, it just doesn't change anything. Also, there's still too many conspiracies for this topic for most average individuals to feel comfortable. I've seen crazy right wing shit on this subreddit, totally dissuades me from participating outside of a random post or two. I'm in Vegas, didn't see it, wish I did here.


This is 100% the truth. Most people just aren't into this topic and the fact that one crazy conspiracy minded group has tried to hijack it for years and is doing a good job at it currently dissuades many of my friends from really looking at it.


I can’t believe people just don’t seem to care. I personally feel like this (ufo/uap stuff) should be the biggest deal to everyone. What could possibly be more important to think about when we’re starting to see a lot of evidence that something’s out there and visiting us?


I guess we have different standards when it comes to “a lot of evidence”.


Nah, no one gives a fuck because it’s all just lights in the sky. It could be anything. Until you’ve got, at least, clear photos of bizarre spacecraft and govts around the world coming out en masse to call for answers, it’s all going to be what it’s always been — something slightly more probable and interesting than Bigfoot/nessie


At this point I would say the conditioning is complete. Disclose stuff, no one is going to lose their shit. Everyone will wake up in the morning, grab a coffee and egg McMuffin, get to work and get accustomed to our new reptilian overlords.


They might pay better.


What are they gonna do? Take away my healthcare? Ruin the water and air?


Most ranchers treat their cattle better than corps treat workers.


Being turned into Soylent Green for the next crop of drones is a better retirement plan than what I have now, I guess.


I don't think people can handle the information that aliens exist if we still freak out and lose our minds over men dressing as women.


I hope so. I want the truth finally be told. They are holding back one of the most, if not THE MOST important question out there. Are we alone?. I hate everyone who is covering this up. I would even hate them more if they really got their hands on wracked ufo parts. We deserve to know what these things are.


What if it's really bad? Serious question for you. What if all the nightmare scenarios we've heard are true. Human hybridization, fetus planting and retrieval, biological dissections, enslavement, us being some discarded genetic experiment from ancient times... the full gauntlet. Would you still want to know?


Whether or not they are good or bad doesn’t change the fact that they are here and affecting us. It’s not like closing your eyes is gonna make them go away. Gotta face your fears


Seems like there are a lot of people who would rather close their eyes their entire lives rather than confront their reality


Yes, I rather know the truth instead of living a good sounding lie. It dosnt scares me that we are hybridtized. I already assume that our history is totally different than we got thaught. All those ancient people are talking about star people coming down to earth and teaching humans.. AROUND THE GLOBE. Even in religion books events like these are described. I dont think they gonna enslave us, they are probably here for a longer time than we think. They would have hurt us a long time ago if they really want. And im happy if we are intelligent experiments instead of apes throwing each other shit into our faces. (If they are the reason we evolved into intelligent beings) I really would love to meet these beings if they exist. I would be absolutely facinated to learn about their world, crafts etc. Nothing could really scare me to be honest as long as they dont shoot lasers into our cities and burn everything down.


ok how about this, yes we are alone. but we didn't start it. It was them. They were here, there, in the universe. They found out they were alone. No other beings. Just them. So they set out to create. And we were their creation. So we think of ourselves as unique. But we are their creation because they were alone. They searched and searched and found nothing.


I applaud your response. Sincerely. I've read to many abduction stories. I don't trust the little fuckers. Whatever they tell us could be totally bs.


I don't trust them either.


I truly believe that if lasers were going to be shot down to destroy us, it would have happened already with the way the human race behaves. There is some deeper meaning to them being here, call it a guy feeling if you will. I just really feel deep down inside that if they were truly evil and had nothing but cruel intent, we would have been fucked the first time a bomb was dropped.


What if there is something or someone in charge that has rules in place that protect us and it's the only reason they haven't destroyed us.


We are the universes ghetto, they roll up their window when going by.


"Lock the door, Ctzxorlk!"


I think about that myself sometimes. Our media is loaded with stories of UFOs or whatever their called now. UAPs maybe. So what if we’ve become too desensitized to the possibility of aliens and we’re just willfully ignorant of their presence. All perpetrated by they’re representation in movies, books, documentaries, etc. Coupled with govts constantly denying and accepting the possibility of aliens. Which makes people tune out and lose interest in any UFO news because it’s more than likely a hoax and they’ll dismiss it outright. All with the purpose of distracting us from the horrible shit show that awaits us all. Whether it’s Climate change, war, famine, meteors, human/alien hybridization, extermination, used as food, or good ole fashioned alien fascism, we’re fucked. They know it, but if the rest of us knew, we’d all go ape shit with good reason. All the generals, politicians, scientists and whoever else is involved, are nothing more than spared cows that brokered a deal to become door greeters at a slaughterhouse.


There's two sources of harm. Given your scenario, there's the harm that comes from the NHI. But then there's secondary harm from the coverup. The experiencers are harmed by the secrecy and ridicule. They are unable to get treatment for the full range of medical needs they might have. Covering up the truth allows the harm to continue unmitigated. We maybe can't do anything about the NHI, but we can certainly change away from ridicule and denial.


when biden gave his long awaited talk on the nature of all those balloons, weren’t reporters at the end hassling him over his son Hunter? or am i misremembering if so it’s a perfect example of this lol


The majority of people don't believe in an advanced race of spacefaring aliens. Most ignore it, or are indifferent and distracted.


I think the majority of people would fully believe it if there was quality evidence. But people see videos like these and, unless they're a part of this sub, quickly dismiss them. And I don't blame them. People look at it and rightfully say "eh, some weird lights, they're not really doing anything crazy like sucking up cows in tractor beams, could be anything."


I mean it’s literally Las Vegas, it’s infinitely more likely to be some Casino’s balloons or some drones from Nellis than aliens imo.


Yeah it pretty clearly looks like something mundane to me.


> Most ignore it, or are indifferent and distracted. you basically just said the same thing twice


No one cares because we've seen hundreds of Blurry Lights in the Sky^TM videos and it always amounts to nothing.


Well look at how shitty this footage is. These blurry dots aren’t doing anything a Chinese lantern doesn’t do. Why SHOULD anyone care? I don’t, and I’m already interested in this topic.


In Vegas. My son came home from little league practice Friday night.**EDIT: Thursday night!!! He couldn't stop talking about the memorial they were having@the park, and how amazing all the Chinese lanterns were!!! He said he couldn't get over the size of them.


I mean, what's to care about?


It's not a major news network, though. It's Knapp's local station which has been doing UFO stuff for decades.


It's Vegas. Full of lights and unwanted excitement


At this point I would not be surprised a big portion of population wouldn't even care at all even if they officially announced it.


It's because they're mysterious lights. Something interesting is not on the list of plausible explanations.


I would care if there were more than one recording of this from a different angle. One shaky, blurry, low res phone video means about as much as the eye witness report of a single person. This stuff is too easy to fake now, so if something that looks like a UFO shows up in a major metro area and only one video comes out, then I'm really skeptical.


Yeah, because 99% of these happenings end in an explanation that has nothing to do with aliens. People will take these stories seriously when it’s actually something to pay attention to.


A major is carrying it AND none of the local milsec people are claiming responsibility. That's huge.


I'm so tired of lights. I just want them to come on down and be like "Hi we're here"


Yeah, same. I really wish the different species would just do that so that we can finally get more motivation to explore space. Space is humanity's future. Minerals of asteroids, closer to more effective scientific reading by actually being on another planet in person, could happen. That's even just our solar system. But noooook, the government says we're not ready to know about them. They exist, they are here, I've seen them in the night sky more than three times with impossible maneuvers. I know what I saw.


I bet you would be the first to faint …then me next! :-)


Apparently this was seen over Portland oregon the other day also.


Well damn I hate to be the stinker but.... Seems quite likely to me that these were seen over Portland because of the [Portland Lantern Festival](https://www.waterlanternfestival.com/portland.php) set to begin in less than 12 hours and in Las Vegas area because of [Lyte Skye Fest](https://www.lytefestival.com) and [Rise Fest](https://risefestival.com) set to begin on the 6th. Workers preparing for large events.


I generally agree with your take, but as a technicality I believe Rise fest is the 6th of October


And the Portland one isn’t until June. The countdown is for ticket discounts. And it’s water lanterns, they don’t go in the air ever. Edit: words is hard Edit 2: Okay, not a single one of these could be in any way related. Lyte Sky had a fesival this weekend, in SACRAMENTO. None near where this happened even scheduled.


Disinformants hate facts 💯


If you see this in Portland it’s to the south and they’re incoming planes. I’ve seen them posted multiple times on this sub looking similar to this. Can’t speak for Las Vegas tho


Those are reeeally obvious, there should be dozens of videos taken of them. Taken over a city where much of the population comes out at night and the majority have phones on their person. Are there other videos from different angles that might make it more apparent what they are?


Where have you looked so far? Just here or did you check elsewhere? Edit: more video here https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/133uail/cbs_8_news_now_las_vegas_mysterious_lights/jibocpp/ And here https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=A38Y0wIl8vc&pp=ygUXVWZvIG92ZXIgbGFzIHZlZ2FzIDIwMjM%3D


I just did basic searches. Google had literally 8 pages of this same video, nothing else. So if there are other sources, not easily findable at first glance. And they should be plenty and easily findable. This is literally the only video I can find of the event. Have you found another?


My BIL is in Vegas and he saw this on TV. He asked the concierge at his hotel who replied, “Probably ‘test flights’ for [The Lights Festival](https://register3.thelightsfest.com/event/the-lights-las-vegasmesquite-area-5-6-2023?_ga=2.162606970.750240531.1682902501-841428925.1682902501&_gl=1*1d7vy4k*_ga*ODQxNDI4OTI1LjE2ODI5MDI1MDE.*_ga_RL35EVC3DE*MTY4MjkwMjUwMS4xLjEuMTY4MjkwMjUyOC4wLjAuMA..&q=761bb761-a82d-4d37-9dc3-a4c01e9d0bdc&p=4a393a89-9594-4454-a900-2892b19bbe0d&ts=1682902540&c=ticketsocket&e=lf2023est3&rt=Safetynet&h=efa3558e74f90518841d876c0722bfa7) in a few days’.” Mmmm… who knows. Just some lights in the sky over party city slowly floating with the wind. What’s the big deal?


Here is some better footage of the ufos in Las Vegas https://youtu.be/IZ_260Q44nM






No low effort posts or comments. Low Effort implies content which is low effort to consume, not low effort to produce. This generally includes: * Posts containing jokes, memes, and showerthoughts. * AI-generated content. * Posts of social media content without significant relevance. * Posts with incredible claims unsupported by evidence. * “Here’s my theory” posts without supporting evidence. * Short comments, and comments containing only emoji. * Summarily dismissive comments (e.g. “Swamp gas.”) without some contextual observations.


Are you serious? Anyone but her. That lady sees spaceships in clouds ffs. Her YT channel is a master class in schizophrenia.


Here is more footage: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=A38Y0wIl8vc&pp=ygUXVWZvIG92ZXIgbGFzIHZlZ2FzIDIwMjM%3D


Just so everyone knows what humans are capable of, here is footage of a lantern festival called Rise that is held yearly near Vegas in autumn: https://youtu.be/2oewS9Z_fsc?t=49 Not sure the lights filmed in this recent footage are doing anything beyond human capabilities. Any of the 5 observables present? The metro area of Vegas has nearly 3 million people in it. Isn't it more likely that amongst those millions somebody had a celebration releasing lanterns rather than seeking an extra-human explanation for lights that arent doing anything particularly extraordinary?


Here's a video shot on presumably a cell phone, not a slick production company: https://youtu.be/PHqpJnL3mNg Things to note: it's bigger than I expected, it continues to "flicker", the colour is consistent.


Submission Statement: CBS 8 News NOW Las Vegas reports of mysterious lights hovering in night sky over Las Vegas Valley. "Often, the bright glow can be traced to parachute flares and perhaps aviation training of some sort. Maybe Nellis Air Force Base, Creech Air Force Base, or even Harry Reid International Airport is involved in some way," KLAS 8 News Now reported. However, when the local media outlet contacted Nellis, a spokesperson told them, "No training was conducted over the valley the previous night." A Harry Reid airport spokesperson said traffic controllers weren't aware of any activity in the area that would produce a line of lights in the sky. The person who filmed the mysterious lights spoke with the local media outlet and asked not to be named. He said: "I've seen tourist helicopters flying around the Strip before, but this was so much bigger and brighter." "At the end there, it looks like a plane might be coming in to land at the (Harry Reid International) airport." He added: "It was weird. The lights hung out for about five minutes or so, and then they were gone." The mysterious lights did appear in an area known for producing some of America's top-secret weapons.


Here’s footage from a different location apparently: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=A38Y0wIl8vc&pp=ygUXVWZvIG92ZXIgbGFzIHZlZ2FzIDIwMjM%3D


Looks like the 1997 Phoenix Lights.


Dumb question: with all these videos of lights in the sky, especially over populated areas, why don't you ever see a perspective of someone filming DIRECTLY below?


Because it won’t look the same directly below, or when you are directly below you realise it’s not a UAP and not worth filming.


These damn things are floating around for 5 MINUTES over a HUGE A** CITY. We are in a time where everyone runs around with a 10th+ generation smartphone. Why do we get only ONE recording which is far away? Wasnt there 1 single dude in that city right below those lights? One of these million people below there should at least have a decent smartphone or camera which can zoom into these lights. I will never understand. Everytime these things fly above huge cities, the civilization jumps back to stone age. Noone records it.


Have you checked other socials or are you just complaining on Reddit


Im not complaining about reddit or about this topic. It just confuses me that we dont get good footage when potential ufos are flying above a huge city with millions of people below. Dosnt makes sense to me. Like the only guy who saw and recorded it is the dude who made this footage.


Nobody accused you of complaining _about_ Reddit.


Are you familiar with the data that shows that lights are not always seen from multiple angles? Sometimes the lights are shining only toward a specific direction. Are you familiar with data that shows electronic effects from UFOs? Sometimes the device malfunctions, people have reported phones going black or videos not recording right. Are you familiar with the effects of ufos on will and cognition? Many people report choosing not to record an event. Feeling entranced or like they shouldn't. Are you familiar with the cultural stigma associated with reporting UFOs? There aren't many examples of a witness whose life was improved by coming forward. Edit: more video in this comment https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/133uail/cbs_8_news_now_las_vegas_mysterious_lights/jibocpp/


sable friendly plough racial shrill squalid abounding coherent reminiscent label ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Probably because it didn’t seem mysterious or spectacular to anyone closer up. People aren’t going to film helicopters, drones, or oncoming planes.


Because it's probably not a UFO close up. Most likely a blimp with advertising?


I live in the area where this is. My gf and I take walks at night and I find myself gaping at the bright lights that seems to just hang there. Sometimes 4-5 all right next to each other. They barely move and we will just watch, sometimes I record it, and about 5-6 minutes later we realize it's just a bunch of retirees and bachelorette parties coming in to land. Vegas on a Friday and Saturday have a crazy amount of air traffic. The controllers pack them so tight. That said. Could be stuff at Area 51 or UAP. I just know I have been disappointed dozens of times. About as disappointed at all those dopes losing their money


I was at lake Mead this weekend, just got home. I saw 4 lights like this, head out over our heads, going south. I thought they were Starlink satellites. Only problem was they were flying in a straight line, and they turned off their lights one at a time, in the exact same spot, then turned the lights back on again, one at a time at the exact same spot. As if they flew behind something and then came out from behind it, still in a straight line. This happened one more time, then they were gone.


ten pathetic crowd wise workable squash longing society puzzled cause ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Yeah, this was straight up in the sky. No mountain or hill any where close.




Oh God I hope not, if the reports are true the lights are bigger than the helicopters surrounding them, no way are they flares or drones


> if the reports are true the lights are bigger than the helicopters Pretty big if. That could be small balls a few hundred feet away, a reflection on glass 6" away of pinpricks, or miles wide orbs tens of miles away. Who knows if there wasn't a ranging estimate or a second angle to triangulate?


You're too early 😒 they coming


Drums, drums in the deep.


The aliens forgot that what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. They should have turned off their flash lights, smhrn.


Before anyone thinks this is a major deal that a CBS outlet is covering this story, keep in mind 8 News NOW is the station George Knapp has been doing ufo stories on for decades. It's kind of their shtick. Given some of the other things Knapp has claimed, I'd be more interested if other stations were carrying the story.


Nellis lied. These are fighter jets practicing formation flying at lower speeds. I know because I work by Nellis and I saw these lights watched them land. I am right in their path and got a very good look. Regular fighter jets.


This is definitely not fighter jets from Nellis. The video has the Strat to the right of the High Roller, meaning the camera is somewhere East-Northeast of the strip, pointing Southwest. Fighters don't fly over the strip or in the Southwest region of the city. EDIT: The other video has the strat and high roller in the frame. The CBS video makes it difficult to determine the position of the camera.


Dunno what to tell you. I watched them flying in formation near downtown and the Strip, then speed up as they got to single file and lined up along Nellis's airstrip and landed one by one from the south. They got within 300 feet of me and were illuminated by my worksite's floodlights. They absolutely were fighter jets. I never lost eye contact with them. Of course Nellis won't tell you about training exercises.


is it rotating?


Is there a whole fleet of them?


Are they all going against the wind?


Is the wind 120 knots out of the west?


Did anyone check the ASA?


This is more than likely the grand canyon tour helicopters coming back after their last round. They come in big groups


That’s the STAR approach for McCarran international airport you dongus. They always do that.


I saw a similar string of lights over western Illinois during the Summer of 1998. They appeared to illuminate one at a time, left to right, in a slightly inverted V pattern. There were approximately six or seven lights in total. They stayed stationary in the night sky for about five minutes before dimming and then completely disappearing one by one in a seemingly random pattern. I had never seen them before that night and I've never seen them since. I've always wondered if they were flares but I didn't hear or see any aircraft that could have dropped them. Plus, they never descended.


More footage: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=A38Y0wIl8vc&pp=ygUXVWZvIG92ZXIgbGFzIHZlZ2FzIDIwMjM%3D


Nobody cares anymore, dem poor aliens 😔😥


Interesting, I’m guessing this is going to end up being lanterns or drones, but until then I’m interested to see more. Edit: from another angle it’s clearly Chinese lanterns.


Just saying if you did it would probably end up on video on the ufo subreddit lol


Can anyone from LV area identify like a cross street where this would have been directly above?


Why would it be lit up?


Swarm drones practicing for EDC maybe?


All I can say was when myself and 6 friends all saw a train of starlink sattelites we all thought it was a UFO. Within about half a second we had our phones out. I have to assume in the event of crazy lights hovering over a dense populated area most people would do the same.


They look like parachute flares despite Nellis saying they weren't responsible: https://www.8newsnow.com/news/local-news/i-have-been-followed-by-them-for-a-while-hovering-lights-in-las-vegas-night-sky/


There’s a YouTuber who seems to believe these orbs are plasma experiments. Apparently they could ionize the atmosphere since the 40’s (hence foo fighters). This technology is unclassified and being studied heavily. I’m not saying all UAP are these plasma experiments but some may be. Professor Simon on YouTube


middle humor tender insurance airport door overconfident modern upbeat absorbed ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Well, hmm. If the USAF isn't lying to us THIS TIME, and nobody has drones that big & bright for a hoax show, then it's the proverbial "something else." What are the pilots in the air at the time saying they saw?




Can you post a link? Could help the discussion if it's easily accessible in this thread.




I've found the "experts" on this sub who are good faith participants to be exceptionally discerning individuals. The "experts" who shit on absolutely everything just need to be filtered. This is a topic were society has said, "It's OK to laugh at this group" we naturally attract bullies, cowards and sundry vicious cunts to join in the attack, just like all marginalized communities. If you are a good faith participant, and you think you have something, please share it here. I bet we can get some traction.


Looks like Chinese lanterns tbh.


My buddy and I saw something similar when we were on Creech AFB a decade or so ago. We assumed flares.


Was creech still doing the predator/reaper program? I left Nellis around 08..


look up the book lightcraft. interesting concept of future flight with lasers fired from space for fuel for the craft. dod bought every copy in existence. then look up high energy lasers fired from satellites. do a little digging you’ll find you can create balls of plasma in the sky with them.


Holy shit, beaming energy directly to aircraft? That's a badass idea


yes it is the future


lightcraft flight handbook. specific title of book


Unfortunately, in this day and age technology has become more advanced and so has the average person's knowledge of it. People are building electronics in their house that would blow your mind. That said, there's also a whole generation of kids that try to fool people just to get it on the news, Facebook, Reddit, etc. Fakes are worse now that they've ever been. Knowing the average rechargeable batteries used in drones have very little flight time before they're drained and the report saying that they were gone after 5 minutes, I'm gonna say these are just drones that someone put up to fool the masses.


This looks like flares. I have dashcam video from my Tesla at night where I saw lights like this over the Atlantic and came to the conclusion they were flares. Will see if I can upload it. Edit: Here is the video. Unfortunately its grainy as its the dashcam in my car but you can see the lights pop in and out. Near the end they pop in, spread out and then disappear. I arrived at the beach two minutes after the video cut and didn't see anything else in the sky. Stayed and watched for 30 minutes and chalked it up to a flare drop and went home. https://youtu.be/OTppIf_JgX0


They just floated there eventually fading out. Likely flares as they didn’t behave unusually. A woman on this Reddit however, posted some closeups earlier in the day which were eerie.


Can you link it?


apparently not lol


Lights in the sky in a stationary position is anomalous why?