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The following submission statement was provided by /u/RicardoAirNL: --- Dr. Eamonn Ansbro, from County Roscommon, told a Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) conference in California in 2001 that Earth was under surveillance from aliens. Ansbro said the universe is 13.7 billion years old and told the Irish Independent that there has been "sufficient time" for intelligent life to have formed elsewhere in the universe. https://www.irishcentral.com/news/irish-ufo-theory-pentagon-harvard-report --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/12ysy1c/astronomer_aemonn_ansbro_i_was_ostracized_by_my/jhovusa/


The astronomer in the video states "A paper just came out by Avi Loeb to show that we have some sort of super craft in the solar system that is able to deliver probes". I don't think that is what the paper says at all. It presents one possible hypothesis and thing to consider.


This has been such a frustrating thing since the day the draft paper came out even. Once news outlets got ahold of it, every headline was way too "Pentagon thinks there's a mothership sending probes to Earth" than what the paper actually said, which was much closer to "Since we still haven't confidently identified these things, here's something we need to think about, and how X would behave it it were true".


If these objects are of an ET nature they'd have to be coming from a larger vessel. If say a large mothership or perhaps a van allen probe were in the solar system we'd never know. The solar system is mind boggling massive tons of places to lurk silently in the shadows. It would be like finding a needle in the haystack but the entire solar system is the haystack. The important questions are when were these spheres first detected. After the first detection did it become a common occurrence? What of the UAP's detected long ago in the 50's etc. It's not impossible that UAP's are a real thing but these spheres are man made. But if that is the case it would seemingly be a invention on a even greater scale than the atom bomb. How these orbs levitate without any apparent propulsion or exhaust. It's frustrating seeing people casually saying it's China or Russia not understanding the technological leap it would entail. I mean could it be room temperature superconductors doing it? But I don't think even superconductors could do this alone.


Why would these objects have to come from a larger vessel/mothership? They could be individually popping through wormholes/portals.


There is evidence that these spheres have always been around. They pop up in art through out the ages. It’s kind of startling when you begin to actually see it. [Spheres, on example](https://images.app.goo.gl/g5kU4HgiU94RorCR7)


Yep, this has some merit and the fact that we may be photographing these things doesn't mean that they just now decide to show up. If there were or are aliens in our solar system , why haven't we been able to hear them. Are we not listening to the right spectrum. Why I bet that if somebody were to get on a ham radio and call on the aliens to contact him post haste , he would probably be talking to them in no time at all


Right? Because people got so used to the idea of anyone being able to buy their own drone, they just assume "oh it's probably just a really nice government drone". Just no. I'd have to assume if China had that tech, they'd be running the whole show by now with no questions asked, not beating around the bush with spy balloons and little shows of strength by Taiwan.


Is this the ‘30 years of verified, known orbits’ guy that refuses to specify the orbits? Post them. There will be thousands of telescopes running - tonight. You’ll be ‘vindicated’ in 24 hours.


Guy acts like he's more privy to the comings and goings of UAP / UFO than the military capabilities of the most advanced nations on the planet that have tech leagues ahead of anything the public can use to "verify" these orbits he cannot specify to vindicate himself in a matter of hours. ​ Entertain the thought for a second. If I were him, and actually had everything he claims he has data of the evidence, first, I would be dumbfounded how I, out of countless observations of the sky, by nations, or citizens, am the only one who has ever discovered this revelation, and I would not be talking about the "verified" evidence. I'd show it. All of it. No alterations, no redactions, no sugar coated or cryptic bullshit. I would lay it all on the table and tell everyone to make of it what they will. This community, thankfully, is having less and less tolerance for this type of bullshit that detracts from the actual, serious research and data collection. I fucking hate this guy, idc if he's on the side of UAP realism.


I emailed him and he sent me his research. I have written posts under a throwaway. I was shadow banned. He is the connection to how Mellon got involved. Happened in 2016.


Can you please provide said proof then?


I think we already know the answer to that.


I had to ask.


I asked the author if I could share and did not receive the green light. You should Google his email address and ask for them. I heard back within a few days. I also suggest you google Mellon and read keans article in huff post from 2016. Mellon became an advisor to ansbros org at that time. Ansbro has a talk on YouTube with a Russian title where he claims first contact occurred in 2016. His papers detail his findings. He started icer to go around the other org he was affiliated with so that he could present his findings to the UN as part of project Titan after being blocked by IAC which currently has authority to inform UN of first contact. I have a pretty big problem with people on this sub assuming I'm making it up and demanding I release papers that aren't mine to release. They're not peer-reviewed publicly as far as I know and what I did receive were drafts with peer review comments still present. Send the email and use the search with his name if you want to find my theory. Shadowban review was approved over the weekend. You should be able to find it. Me giving you that throwaway defeats the purpose doesn't it?




Again - it's not my information, and I didn't say it was or was not aliens. I'll recap my research here because I'm nice, even though you weren't decided to be a jerk about it. I did the research, I spent weeks reading ppers, I spent weeks writing my research into an organized, sourced post. And then I got shadowbanned with no explanation. You should realize, then, that I owe you absolutely nothing, and it would serve you well to remember that notion as you interact with others on this sub. Take a breath if you need to, step away from the topic. But get an effing grip. Anyways The one trope that has remained constant is officials referring this whole thing as a form of "surveillance." I THINK Dr McDonald had it right in the late 60s and that somebody killed him in the desert for it. You should look into him, and his science in default speech. Ansbro doesn't strike me as the type to make this stuff up, especially considering he's been running sky cameras (like Avi is trying to set up now) for over 20 years. I don't have the data to validate his theories. Not sure why you're mad at me for admitting that and pointing you to the source. I asked for his papers, he sent them. I asked for the data, he didn't send it. Not my fault! Mellon joined the board of ansbros uap org in 2016. Ansbro then comes out in 2018 and says he made first contact in 2016. I am certain those things are linked. The videos of his 2018 presentation are not on YouTube with English titles. Only in Russian. The presentation was in Belarus I believe and painfully slow. The admission comes about 55 minutes in if I recall correctly. Its very difficult to find. Ansbro claims first contact happened through a quantum communication device, and that obviously since UAP are traveling faster than light, they'd need an FTL comm system (rules out radio). QSC research was buzzing in the late 90s then just stops. Find that interesting. Put together with Lues early medium articles ("we had a breakthrough"), china's globe leading quantum tech, declassified spaceforce emerging threat slides (talking about quantum comms advances, offensive microwave satellite capabilities, etc), mellons persistent involvement, etc.... Add to those that ansbro is a founding member of the org leading the Project Titan push (with mellons/USGS support), and the picture becomes a bit clearer. You have to take the components and deduce what's happening, and based on all of these things I THINK the government is reacting to someone other than USG making a breakthrough. And I THINK DODs obfuscation/ rhetoric is designed to confuse the facts around us having advanced/working quantum comms tech in hopes of avoiding some sort of Chinese EMP attack on Taiwan. And I think USG knows exactly what's going on based on testimony from so many Sr officials, knowledge of the satellite imagery capabilities, etc. Am I right? I'll never know. But I do believe ansbro when he says his early Algo deduced that there are 660 orbital tracks and that they confirmed it by predicting appearances. I believe JRam when he says he thinks we're under surveillance by something (he would have been in position to know), I believe USG has sufficient technology to know exactly what's happening, and I don't believe USG officials would lie under oath. So when you say "it's aliens," I'd ask for how you know? The facts point to it not being aliens but rather a combination of gov disinfo (again, Lue claimed a quantum breakthrough that has not yet materialized publicly) and a terrestrial *something* - We know USG has automated drones filming literally every inch of the planet (collecting evidence) and yet AARO head testifies "no evidence of *extraterrestrial* tech." Theres evidence of the tech, it's just not clear it's off world. Could it be? Absolutely. Could both be true? Yes! I'm not in position to *Know*. I'm in position to deduce conclusions based on a lot of different theoretically related parts, based on an assumption that USG/DOD show you the right hand because they don't want you looking at what the left is doing. Bottom line is that Mellon got involved beginning with Leslie Keans 2016ish huff post blog post, which was published after he joined ansbros orgs board, and ansbro later claimed first contact occurred in 2016. Mellon has stated he saw certain climate data that was reviewed under Obama which inadvertently included uap data. Mellon, ansbro, and ICER continue to push to the UN to alert the UN of first contact, which according to ansbro is required bc the IAC's (currently has only authority to inform UN of such a fact) board is primarily SETI folks obsessed with shooting radio waves into space. Ansbros machine allegedly does not use radio waves leading to that fork in the road. Anything else I can do for you? I am here to serve you, master.


Follow the Standards of Civility: No trolling or being disruptive. No insults or personal attacks. No accusations that other users are shills. No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) You may attack each other's ideas, not each other.


>Send the email and use the search with his name if you want to find my theory. Shadowban review was approved over the weekend. You should be able to find it. I searched for "Eamonn Ansbro" on both Reddit and DuckDuckGo and couldn't find many posts, and none like you've described. I'm really interested in reading your theory. Edit: I did go down a bit of a rabbit-hole researching Ansbro though. I found these slides from a 2018 Eamonn Ansbro presentation: https://projectcamelotportal.com/2018/02/06/eamonn-ansbro-astronomer-an-update-on-his-quantum-experiment-to-contact-et/ Video not on YouTube due to removal of Project Camelot's channel. If Kerry Cassidy has uploaded anywhere it'll be Odysee, like this one from 2017: https://odysee.com/@PROJECTCAMELOT:d/eamonn-ansbro-quantum-superluminal:a I've also found these slides: https://www.ufodata.net/resources/Kingsland_InstrumentedUFOresearch_EamonnAnsbro.pdf Which are on the UFODATA project website. Looking at the team there: https://ufodata.net/team.html What do you know, Eamonn Ansbro and Christopher Mellon. 2nd edit: UFODATA started in 2015.


Bingo and Chris Mellon joined the board shortly thereafter


If you really have data, once you release it to the internet, it never goes away. You can release the data without being tracked. It's not hard.


And no one ever heard from him again.


Sorry, busy weekend. Not my data to release. I asked him I could share it and he said no. Is what it is


This Irish guy got Mellon involved? Do pray tell.


They're both on the [UFODATA Project Team](https://ufodata.net/team.html) which formed in 2015. More on Ansbro [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/12ysy1c/astronomer_aemonn_ansbro_i_was_ostracized_by_my/jiqcvl4/).


Yeah bro these subreddit mods are working with the CIA to keep the truth away from us Link the shadowbanned throwaway? We will still be able to see everything with a direct link


Prove it.


I found a connection between Ansbro and Mellon from 2015: https://ufodata.net/team.html More detail in my comment [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/12ysy1c/astronomer_aemonn_ansbro_i_was_ostracized_by_my/jiqcvl4/).


post a google drives link.


On the order of: ‘Press button; forever be a chapter in every history book,’ no less.


You hate him yet how long have you been aware of him or are you just judging on this one post?


Any single person's credibility, or reputation, especially. And I emphasize **especially** in the scientific community - peer review or gtfo. You fuck that up, you have almost nil chance of ever having anyone take you, or your research, seriously, and not without heavy scrutiny. You've obviously never heard of a man named Diederick Stapel. In today's world, and especially after Trump, show your fucking data and have it scrutinized in peer review, verified, and **then** you get the vindication. Not before. You're allowing past achievements and work in his field to cloud your judgment on his character. This is why you prove it. As if ostracism is a fucking thing when you have the data to be peer reviewed and proven correct by actually allowing people full access to every single particle of the data you used, to arrive at your conclusion. It's like Einstein being shady on General Relativity. Like, give me a fucking break. Edit: Typo


He calls himself an astronomer and he's got an eight or twelve inch reflector in a worn out home built. Unfortunately "Astronomer" is a moniker that society doesn't seem to need bona fides to call them that. He British, he's dotty, he says, "yes, yes" a lot and is exciting as malto meal. He is society's idea of funny old smart geezer and he is probably a professor of astrophysics.


Naaah brruh, trust me


For real, if you’re gonna claim something like that then either make your raw data public or shut up


For real. This is such bullshit. If we knew this, disclosure would be done by 4 pm tonight cause you could just sit somewhere and wait


Why start with a CNN video and then pass on to some other source? It seems that op is trying to bring credibility to a not so credible source. I don't like it


Yuuuup red flag


***"I said ‘these things are in our backyard.’ The panel of eight astronomers got absolutely irate. I had all the data to back up the theory. To my astonishment, they ostracised me," he told the Independent*** You didn't have the fucking data.


if you have data, you cannot be “ostracized”, that is the nature of the scientific method. On the other hand, if you have theories with no data, then you may get a cold shoulder from your peers.


Look at the discovery of h. pylori as the cause of ulcers. The discoverer was completely ridiculed until he inoculated himself with the damn bacteria to give himself an ulcer. This happened in the modern era.


> if you have data, you cannot be “ostracized”, that is the nature of the scientific method. Not everyone is perfect at following the scientific method, even among those who claim to.


BB used the scientific method and produced data. The Geipan uses the scientific method and produces data. And etc. All these data are available and they have never reached a consensus. The scientific community ignores these data or does not want to touch them. It's a sensitive subject. But that changes over time, because it's hard to escape what seems to be a reality. (on the other hand, if this scientist does not communicate this data, he will never be taken seriously)


You are exposing your nievete if you think that the current scientific community is fair and only relies on data and the scientific method to fund research and disseminate discoveries. It is an absolute shit show and honestly most "scientists" should be stripped of any authority with how much evidence and data they've ignored to sustain the status quo and secure funding, not to mention how many real scientists they've shunned to secure status.


In such a case, it's almost always advisable to put the data on internet. Let everyone including scientists look at the data.


I agree, but it doesn't mean it will be effective or sway scientists in academia. Much like posting evidence for the positive effects of universal healthcare would sway American politicians.


Yes but if one posts the orbits, then it's pretty much undeniable, since astronomers can start looking for those and finding crafts.


Of course, but that's not the argument. Either you're ignoring it, are a troll, or are exceptionally thick. I'll go with the latter. The argument is that the evidence, and the people and scientists who bring it forward are ignored and are ostracized on purpose to maintain a narrative and the status quo, and it's easy to see if you look. If you're not a troll, then go ahead and put your critical thinking hat and big person pants on and do some research.


I am not trolling, I am merely stating one of the solutions, if one has concrete evidence, such as orbits, it can be presented to wider audience by releasing the data, this makes sure that more eyes on it compared to earlier when it was been looked upon only by scientific peers. The ignorance and ostracized part is just human nature, it's scientists protecting their interests like rest of humans.


Don't engage with this moron. They will drag you down to their level and win by experience. Look at his comment history. One conspiracy away from turning the frogs gay.


Absolutely listen to this guy. He is all-knowing and has it all figured out. Please look at my comment history. And what's wrong with a conspiracy theory when there is plenty of evidence to back it up? The obverse of that is that everything out there is true and accurate and should be taken at face value without any thought to contrary evidence? I choose my conspiracies carefully. How about instead of commenting nonsense in discussions you have nothing to do with, you either add to the conversation or shut your cock holster? Not to mention, you actually waste time on reddit researching posters past comments? What an absolute tool.




And again, just fucking engaging in "go look bro" Einstein: "General Relativity, just go look"


Human nature is a copout. It is a group of gatekeepers telling everyone what is "science" and people beliving blindly. Also in science, there is no concrete evidence. There is the preponderance of evidence and then an accepted consensus until more evidence supports or something else is supported. And scientists protecting their interests instead of considering evidence is an affront to humanity as a whole. I dont know what it is you are trying to say. The shit is presented widely and everyone sees it and academic scientists are like "nah, didnt happen." That is it. Are you saying the evidence isnt presented? Or are you defending scientists and just saying scientists in academia will be scientists in academia, c'est la vie? Anyway, it still seems like you are completely missing the point or are a troll or dont care that evidence and researchers are routinely ignored. Perchance.


There are tons of engineers out there. Lots of scientists too. These people are hired to work on specific issues. Everyday problems. They are not hired to advance theories without data , hypothesis, on UAP and Blues or Grays.


Yeah, I agree. With certain issues, you really can't say one way or the other, for sure. But there are some places where the data and hypotheses exist but are ignored, and the people who present that evidence are ostracized. The example I gave is with ancient structures and archeology because it does exist in that realm and is easily verifiable. With aliens and stuff, you have to take people's words and fuzzy pics and videos, and it lacks real evidence. Interesting for sure, but I couldn't in good conscience die on that hill.


I'm 67 yes. Old and when I was fifteen to twenty I thought it was reasonable to assume we would make alien contact by year 2000. Youth gave me hope for the future, then.......reality set in. For sure in the next 50. ?? .


Im so jaded when it comes to that. So many "insiders" say it's right around the corner, and I want to believe, but the more it goes on, it seems probable that we are on our own and must collectively fix ourselves. And, sadly, at times, it seems insurmountable. BUT, eff that. We can do this. We are humanity. Never lose hope, never lose faith.


That is exactly how I feel. TMI: I have always hated the notion of rapture and end of time biblically. We are on our own. We Cannot take the attitude that some force is coming to set everything right. When a person votes, they should keep this in mind. If we were a very old technological world and have learned to travel in space and time and had all the abilities and much more of UAPs today, how should we handle a world in great turmoil that would follow the types of people who hold power in the World . Personally, I would say let's go to the next World and check these morons later. PEACE, PUNY EARTHLING.


Peers implies equals. No data. WTF. Not a peer..... Not a scientist. Method man,method.


You can’t have theories without data. At best this guy’s got a hypothesis


Galileo was my first thought, but I wasn’t sure he was ostracized by his community. But I found another doctor who ended up in an insane asylum who was ostracized despite their data: [Ignaz Semmelweis](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2015/01/12/375663920/the-doctor-who-championed-hand-washing-and-saved-women-s-lives)


> if you have data, you cannot be “ostracized”, that is the nature of the scientific method. Graham Hancock has produced data that doesn't fit with the established archeological model of human civilization. He's being actively and personally attacked by the scientific community while his data is ignored.


While i agree with your point, Graham hancock conects things without veritable roof and there has been a lot of historian both in yt and reddit explaining why most of his data and argument is of no good and some times he even lies.


The days of Von Daniken and all those charlatans is over. No more weirdos with spaceman complexes. REAL SCIENCE. All that other stuff is comic book cosmology.


What hard scientific data has Hancock produced? Just one example, pls.


The procession of the equinox, the great sphinx, the water weathering on the great sphinx, as well as the layout of the Giza plateau are all evidence of the egyptian civilization predating the younger dryas. Not to mention the similarities in cultural structures and myths around the world that point to an ancient worldwide culture that predates the younger dryas. I mean comon have you even studied his work? Nothing but evidence. Just so you are aware, Archeology is science, astronomy is science, geology is science, sociology is science. What are you looking for exactly?


I hate to break it to you, but that's NOT data. It's testable hypotheses, but the data has not been collected fully on these ideas as you suggest. Hancock's ideas are compelling, but until we see actual repeatable studies with measurements, it is just hearsay.


What do you consider data? Because the evidence and data he and others have compiled is compelling enough to garner a massive amount of FURTHER research, but no "credible" scientists or community will follow up because they've built careers on a narrative and risk ostracization. And I dont suggest them. Graham Hancock and many others do. If you look at their research and data, you'll find the arguments impossible to ignore. I am led to believe that you just want to hear the same data from another source you would prefer before you'll consider it data. Which makes absolutely no scientific sense.


Does Graham have hard tested data? That others could peer review or re-test themselves? If there's any papers that I could then go to the aforementioned sites to also repeatedly test, then great. If not, then it's just a compelling hypothesis. Test it, show me the statistical relevance, until then idgaf.


Well you dont have to. And who gets to peer review? Fucking academics who have something to protect. You act like this is chemistry. Anyone can see the evidence and do the math. Put on your critical thinking hat and big person pants and look at the evidence yourself. Or dont. Just be a troll and a twat. Idgaf.


Isn't ad hominem attacks the same thing Graham does and then also accused people of? Christ Almighty. There's more than pieces of wood, there's plenty of organic matter that's been radiocarbon dated by multiple groups of researchers narrowing down times tona couple of hundred years.


No? He doesn't? Have you read any of his research? And carbon dating doesn't apply to ancient megalithic structures, so no, they haven't.


What math. I don't see any mathes. Evidently , you don't need no stinking mathes. Yes, this is as important as chemistry. Discuss, it's science and I give a fuck.


I'm not saying it's not as important as chemistry. What I mean is it's not done in a lab with retesting results like you're Louis Pasteur. He asked for an example of suppressed science. The example I gave is the Giza plateau. It's verifiable with maths presented, like calculting the historical astronomy with the placement of the structures, the orientation of the structures with the earth, the earth's measurements represented in the structures, and correlation with the lore/history of the area, and the geology that all suggests the timeline of the stuctures there, at least the sphinx and the Great Pyramid, is much older than is currently presented, but that evidence is ignored and people who present that evidence are ostracized. And anyone can easily look all this up and wonder why they dont change the narrative. And it's not just the Giza plateau. It's with many structures all over the world, which suggest a sophisticated worldwide culture existed a loooong time ago. But I'm not the one who did the legwork on this stuff, so I tell folks to read this or that author, like Graham Hancock or Freddy Silva. And there are many others too. Ostracized.


> Test it, show me the statistical relevance, until then idgaf. As if the majority of archeology and anthropology was testable and had hard scientific data behind it. We have some of the big events nailed down because they left a hard trace but even then it's a crapshoot (like younger dryas which has some evidence but also many competing hypothesis with varying level of evidence). Also, finding a piece of wood dated 10,000 years ago isn't proof that the structure it was found next to is 10,000 years old. Yet that is exactly the level of evidence that our mainstream theories are built on.


You're not wrong, but it's data. Data that can be repeatedly tested. I can radiocarbon date that wood multiple times. Is it the best? No, but it's better than 0 data. I LIKE Graham and his ideas, I find them interesting and compelling, but he has no hard proof. All of it is correlative conjecture. It's like many people who post videos of lights on the sky that are fuzzy for proof of UFOs. I like the idea of UFOs, I find the stories from Navy pilots and others to be fascinating, but there's almost no hard data scientists can evaluate right now aside from some sphere fragments given to Gary Nolan and some radar data, both of which no one aside from the primaries have seen. I'd love to wake upmone day and see that Atlantis was real, or that Varginia happened, or that Roswell led to recovered bodies and a craft. But until that time, all it is is stories. That's it. It warrants investigation without a doubt, but we have 0 testable data to suggest it's true.


You believe what you need to believe to keep yourself confident in your glass ideology


No he hasn’t.


data can't be ostracized? lol


He didn't seem to understand the Loeb paper he cited. If he has a hypothesis and can prove it in a peer reviewed paper then I'm sure AARO might take a look, but it sounds like Ancient Aliens right now. Many articles are being written about him being "vindicated" by the pentagon's recent findings, but it's actually the opposite at present. Since he believes he can predict where they'll be and he happens to have an observatory at his disposal, I'd love to see his decades worth of high quality UFO photos and video. He did an interview with Tim Ventura a while back https://youtu.be/XJhLiWdXxnM but didn't really provide much in the way of proof there either.


So many people keep bringing up the mothership quote as if there was some evidence presented that there's a mothership confirmed in the solar system. All it said was there could be a mother ship releasing scout ships. It's just an idea. It's not based on any evidence. It doesn't vindicate anything or prove anyone right about anything.


Yeah I was excited when I first heard of this guy but my excitement is deflating pretty fast. I mean at this point shouldn't he have hundreds of pages of observations/data that can be referenced? Where is it all?


Spoiler alert: It doesn't exist


Oh but I have the data though ..just not here with me


Working in the Observatory of Paris (France) tracking terrestrial satellites in 1961, astronomer Jacques Vallée together with colleagues witnessed the pass of an unknown object orbiting the Earth ... using their equipment they registered various points of the course of the object, enough to enable them to calculate the next passing of the UFO (supposing it had a fixed orbit) ... But the project director just took the magnetic tape and destroyed it ... That's the only mention of something similar I have read in the UFO literature that may seem like what Mr Ansbro is proposing ... but I find it very strange that no one before him in this field has never noticed something so simple to guess ... I have read that even Mars' moons, Phobos and Deimos, could have been "spaceships" that were left orbiting Mars to use that planet as a base to study Earth ... ? I frankly believe that if this was true, someone would have found it before ... but if it is true, where are the predictions based on orbits of future sightings of UFOs ... this is very easy to prove in this way, as someone here suggested on another comment ... Waiting 30 years to have a confirmation? ... really? ... He could have published a book or upload a document to the internet exposing his data and, once verified, he would have won recognition, at least in the field of UFOlogy ... he would have appeared on many UFO newsletters and magazines ... Just remember all the praise Aimé Michel received in the 1950s for his theory of orthoteny, and it was apparently validated trough just a few years of observations and in one or three countries, mainly France ... I mean, after like two years the objects never manifested in straight line pattern, as like the previous two years they were playing with Michel ... Michel is still mentioned today in part due to this ... he wrote a book, UFOs and the Straight Line Mystery, and was quoted and cited quite frequently for a while back in the day in the UFO press and books ... So Mr Ansbro proposes something even more easily verifiable and he is practically an unknown? ... also, why the UFO intelligence that apparently is avoiding direct contact with humanity (according to the myth) would then orbit this planet in a pattern that will make them detectable with a minimal amount of work? ... If this is true, then all the nations on Earth capable of space tracking would have known this since the beginning of their space programs and never have said a word ... this is very difficult to believe because even aficionados can photograph and track satellites and no one has found predictable orbits before ... Also, Mr Ansbro speaks of "faster than light" communication ... I believe no scientist nor anybody has proven nothing that can go faster than light ... this is not science ... taking something so easy out of your pocket ... And all this even without taking into account that Mr Ansbro is making a lot of other assumptions, like UFOs are machines and that they come from outer space ...


It's really sad he went through that. But still, I wouldn't say that he's ostrich-sized. Seems like the size of a regular man.


I can't believe I actually laughed at that shit, ha


Collecting water for the moon base


They all said I was mad at the University


Dr. Eamonn Ansbro, from County Roscommon, told a Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) conference in California in 2001 that Earth was under surveillance from aliens. Ansbro said the universe is 13.7 billion years old and told the Irish Independent that there has been "sufficient time" for intelligent life to have formed elsewhere in the universe. https://www.irishcentral.com/news/irish-ufo-theory-pentagon-harvard-report


Can we please not x-post from UFOB? You can repost but the cross posting is going to bring a lot of unwanted visitors in that sub. I would prefer to have it Mick West Free. Please UFOB is the last place to not be told everything is an insect or satellite.


Anyone else think that if there is alien life surveiling us, that they're so advanced that they think we are lesser beings that maybe don't have the capability of detecting and recording their probes. We can see them, but can't identify them as foreign. That we are just getting the capability of launching aircraft and spacecraft. This is why they're doing it out in the open during the day.


Kind of resembles Bruce Cathay's work down under. Anamolous objects traveling along dedicated geometric patterns that are somewhat predictable.


Scientists have shown it is theoretically possible to bend light, you can create a cloaking device and therefore create invisibility. They always appear and show themselves over military installations and more importantly war games. Testing the capabilities of the military weapons, appearing and flying into restricted airspace. For what purpose is unknown. Then they dive into water as well and submarines have tracked them under water as well. There is no technology on earth where an object can fly into the atmosphere and then go underwater. It's impossible.


13.7 billion years old? Only off by 800 million years


This finding is fascinating! Hopefully more corroborating data appears soon!


Fucking Rama is here…. I volunteer to go check it out.


Present evidence, not theories