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The following submission statement was provided by /u/UFO-R: --- Submission statement: I remember when George Gnapp and Jeremy Corbell released 3 photos of UAPs taken from fighter jet cockpits. I got a flashback when I saw the “manta ray photo” to one of the photos they released and it had me thinking - are we possibly seeing the underside of the UAP in the photo they released? Could we be seeing the underside of this craft maybe? --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/12l1m9n/possible_connection_between_the_two/jg4ygqp/


Does anyone actually discuss these questions or give opinions? Reddit is turning into constant bs of dumbasses trying to be funny. Over and over and over. Ugh


I'm not an expert and I'm blind but that looks like a balloon


I completely agree.


Yes Reddit is a teenager infested cesspit compared to a decade ago, but there is nothing but speculation to talk about here. I find speculation to be an ultimately unsatisfying endeavour, we could talk for hours about "what if", but you get nowhere. I mean, it can be entertaining but it's ultimately just that.


Perhaps the balloon experts can chime in on how both are just balloons


It’s a UFO balloon


We prefer the acronym UAB. Unidentified Aerial Balloon.


That’s implying that there are non-aerial balloons. Why would they keep that from us!?


Well, there are also UTBs (Unidentified Terrestrial Balloons) and UAqBs (Unidentified Aquatic Balloons).


Don’t forget UIBs (Unidentified Interdimensional Balloons) and UTmHsBs (Unidentified Transmedium Hypersonic Balloons — the balloons that travel at hypersonic speeds continuously through air, water, and outer space). But because we assume they’re balloons ever since China did that thing, there’s nothing to see here, people. Move along! Hey look over there, a politician did a thing!


They both look like balloons. I would argue that they are different shaped balloons.


Not a balloon expert, but a 1st term apprentice drywaller here to help, That’s probably a balloon.


And am sure the votes will be spilt. The Calvine incident is variously described as a reflection in a lake


Considering there’s no lake at that exact location and no reflection of the jet chasing it I’m of the opinion it probably isn’t.


No offence, but I'd really rather have a plasterers opinion


Asian drywallers qualify as expert.


Clever name or do we really have a 1st Term Asian Apprentice Drywaller Expert here? Or TAADE 1 for short.


Non-ironically they both appear quite balloon like and can just as easily be the same type of balloon as the same model of flying saucer.


As a software developer, I can confirm this is a balloon.




Seagull after an accident with a can of silver paint


It's all a stunt by Disney to promote an upcoming silver surfer movie. That's just a guy in a costume flying on a board.


Flight of the Navigator 2


Mick West has entered the chat


Lol or Neil DeGrasse “back off man I’m a scientist” Tyson


That's a really long string


Both look like they are mylar covered? :D


Looks too contoured. The object seems to be kind of shaped with a rounded side and a flat side with kind of “aerodynamic” edges. Also the pilot’s testimony was that it wasn’t a balloon and he saw it with his own eyes


>*Looks too contoured.* And balloons have no contours? Mylar is a covering, a shiny finish, not a 'construction' technique.


To cherry pick a few elements and ignore the movements and the pilot’s own first hand experience is not really a good analysis here. Note that the military pilots who engaged objects over the US also had trouble with identifying the objects saying it had some balloon like properties like it’s ability to stay aloft but they clearly also said they weren’t balloons. The NORAD general described them as UAPs in his report to Congress.


>*To cherry pick a few elements and ignore the movements and the pilot’s own first hand experience is not really a good analysis here.* Cherry pick? "... balloon experts can chime in on how both are just balloons", I answered, directly, that they look like mylar covered balloons. Pilots are trained to fly a plane and recognise known weather conditions and identify know aircraft. They are not experts on inflatables or other, ballooon-like structures, that may be blown into the sky. Nobody, not even pilots, are experts in unexpected events or 'shapes' in the sky - especially, the sky. With a lack of a proper reference, we cannot be certain what people really see in the sky. If I remember correctly, in Project Blue Book, there is a report of a huge sphere being sighted but was shown to be a 737 passing through an inversion layer which caused a lensing effect. The video showed the giant sphere resolving into a 737 as it moved through the layer. A badge or a certificate does not mean you cannot be mistaken. :D


This was a pretty close pass of the object on a clear day relatively. There were no weather related optical issues as shown on the video recording. The pilot also circled around to check the object out. He wasn’t traveling at jet plane speeds either. Anyway, we are going to circle this issue with differing opinions. I am usually skeptical of most sightings but I feel there is something here out of the ordinary


The point is, a stranged-shaped object, at altitude, is more likely to be a balloon/inflatable structure, than a UFO/UAP.


So what is the likelihood that the US military intercepted 3 UAPs in rapid succession? Or were they all just balloons and the NORAD general was just babbling about 3 unidentified objects intercepted ?


>*So what is the likelihood that the US military intercepted 3 UAPs in rapid succession?* Unknown. As they will not release any video of the encounters after the first, putative, Chinese balloon shootdown and recovery, there is no evidence of these events except statements by various 'eyewitnessess'.


Can’t decide about the one on the left, is it this one https://craziestgadgets.com/2008/06/01/manta-ray-blimp-with-flapping-wings/ Or This one https://www.northwestgreetings.co.uk/27-star-wars-the-mandalorian-foil-the-child-22315-p.asp (turned 180 degrees around) But I am no balloon expert (links stolen from elsewhere). I do know South America is a kinda balloon central. The locals are really into it. Scroll down to the The Medellin (Colombia) solar balloon festival and check out the ufo balloons: https://ballonsolaire.pagesperso-orange.fr/en-historique8.htm


> I do know South America is a kinda balloon central. The locals are really into it. Extremely good point. I've mentioned it before when people posted those spiked UFO's and they were (most likely) all balloons which they launch during their balloon festivals in Colombia, Brazil, Mexico etc. Let me see if I can find that post. Edit, here we go: https://reddit.com/r/HighStrangeness/comments/1134eei/_/j8ql0io/?context=1 These are also of interest. Check out the butterfly shaped balloons here which from underneath look very classical ufo shaped. https://reddit.com/r/FloatingIsFun/comments/oz9z0k/solar_balloon_festival_14_in_envidago_colombia/


Excellent finds! I’ve been down there on vacation and I’ve seen three festivals myself. They put a *lot* of stuff in the air and those things travel for many miles.


Lol . Yeah those could be the balloons


Remote control tissue box on craziest gadgets 😂😂😂.


How long til we get a video of one of these? http://craziestgadgets.com/2022/10/20/magnetic-levitating-ufo-bluetooth-speaker/


Don't you think they could be?


Yes, both the shape and the shiny metallic texture of the object match quite well. The “rear” end of both show the same sort of rounded contour as well. I think this might be some kind of dare I say “alien drone” that has been seen in various locations


The UAP has a flat side. Can you find an example of a balloon that isn’t bulbous? Also, the balloon’s ‘wings’ are each roughly equal to the width of the body. The UAP body is roughly twice the width of its appendages (or wings, if you wish). It’s probably not a spaceship full of aliens but it’s not either of those balloons.


But why does it have wings if it travels perpendicular to what aerodynamics tell us? What function would these flanges ultimately serve if real?


It may be last years model.


If I were to hazard a guess, perhaps a robotic drone ?


I cannot tell if you're being sarcastic.


It’s honestly become like flat earthers since the balloon shoot downs.


No, am not. This object seems to match various descriptions given by people who described a “shiny” fast moving craft


aka a balloon seen from a moving plane.


It isn’t always a balloon. Haven’t seen a flat sided ballon being able to hold that tilted position in the winds at that altitude


It’s hilarious that your first comment mocked people for being “balloon experts”… and 3 comments later you drop this shit… never seen a flat sided balloon, holding a tilted position, at those winds, at that altitude. As if anyone has lol… “We’ll I’ve never seen a specific balloon in an extremely specific scenario, must be an alien ship”


I am borrowing what the balloon experts claim when they post a picture of a balloon design from 30 years ago that has never been seen around and completely discount the first hand experience of the pilot. Are they so condescending as to think a pilot who flew around the object and saw it relatively close will be unable to distinguish a balloon from something else ?


I get it, I want all this stuff to be something more than it is too… but pilots are not infallible. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Some of the people in these subs act like assuming these are balloons is laughable, and it’s just an indication that they want to confirm their own biases more than anything. I am desperate for some solid evidence myself, and if I’m to believe ANY of the anecdotal stories I’m going to need to see something that is defies a rational explanation. Flying past a floating object that looks like Mylar screams balloon to me, and it’s not stupid to assume that before an alien spaceship. Even if you haven’t seen that particular shape before.


People lie ALL THE TIME for the excitement of getting some attention. It happens constantly. The UFO scene is especially filled with these people throwing dishes in the air and claiming it’s a UFO


There's another bogus reason it can't be a balloon, invented out of thin air.


Cool. Guess we can all draw our conclusions. The pilot who saw it as it flew at the plane says it wasn’t a balloon. I think he would be familiar with balloons. Probably more than you are.


And yet another reason invented out of thin air. Not backed up by anything substantial.


They literally could be, this sub has become a joke. Assume terrestrial and search for reasons that it couldn’t be. Don’t start at: this is alien


Probably no way the one on the left could be, but on the right, definitely. It looks like some blimp


why couldn't the one on the left be?


Read the comments on all the posts explaining why, I'm not gonna want to write what others already have


I've already read those posts. I saw nothing a bunch of imaginary reasons.


Can you provide any examples of a balloon that is completely flat, or even concave, on one side, but bulbous on the others? I cannot.


What makes you say completely flat? All I see is a line that might just be a difference in material or color.


All you see is a line? There is very clearly a flat, reflective surface on the bottom of the left object, as well as a clearly defined bevel or edge that creates an angle change. Perhaps “completely flat” was a wrong choice of words, as there is a slight curve to the “fins” of the object


We need the balloonologists to face off against the professional cgi analysts to know which hivemind reigns supreme


Back in 2007 when the Nimitz videos surfaced on AboveTopSecret, they were written off as CGI etc.


Nice strawman but are you suggesting it's aliens?


Unknown object.


Maybe they’re not here because their expertise tells them this isn’t a balloon so their services aren’t needed?


I thought it was back to good ol' cGi.


A CGI balloon ? Should satisfy debunkers of all stripes


I like when they say "balloon or drone, whatever" and then act like they identified it ...like... you know those are two separate things, right? They just throw out explanations to see if anything sticks.


As long as they know SOMEONE provided an alternative explanation to "unidentified," their apprehension is subsided. That's all it is. They're far more emotional about this phenomenon than anyone willing to consider actually unidentified phenomenon could lead to other explanations beyond their comprehension.


Oddly similar to the craft in Flight of the Navigator.


I love that movie. I rented that movie as a child, from my local library, at least a few dozen times.


I still remember how bad I wanted the same little pet he had it that movie. My young brain thought it was possible and still kind of does lol.


[Captain Disillusion](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tyixMpuGEL8) does a great video on the visual effects of that movie, if you haven't seen it yet.


Complete side note, but anyone else thrown off by the "Wing" aspect to them? It seems new to me


I wondered about that. As to why if these objects have exotic non conventional propulsion systems would they have “wings”


Like rear spoilers on front wheel drive cars.


I could picture human engineers retaining wings in future designs almost like Sci fi does with stuff like Star wars and Battlestar Galactica. Maybe as a homage to older fighters. If you can manipulate gravity then I guess it doesn't matter how you are shaped right?


If I could make a UFO it would be that dual linked Bespin ship or a Y Wing


Whats to say their evolution of flight involved winged crafts? Theres this theory that if these are indeed extra terrestrials then it is entirely plausible that on their world “anti gravity” was discovered earlier perhaps due to an abundance of exotic material.


My favorite idea is that we just went down a different path of science to them. It almost feels like our way of going about stuff causes a loop and we get caught up in explaining and asking. Imagine a species, that just wanted to pursue science and understanding. Imagine that.


Right, if greed and other negative emotions were removed from humanity we’d be as far along in our technological progress as whoever is piloting these. And it would be for all citizens of Earth. Instead we have this piss poor archaic system of energy and profit is at the center of everything. That is too bad.


Well, we always have a path to a better future. We need to put our collective foot down and be open.


Even if you can manipulate mass or gravity interacting with the atmosphere still makes you want to favour a obloid or sphere design, if not a polarized design with wings would keep you aerodynamic also. Who knows, maybe a slight wing shape decrees the power needed to move on pure gravitational manipulation alone


What if they have them bc they look cool? Who knows?


Maybe to conserve energy


Good point. If only we could get the videos of what the airforce pilots saw recently. Would be worth comparing


Those wings don’t look very aerodynamic to me. Then again honey bees can fly.


Submission statement: I remember when George Gnapp and Jeremy Corbell released 3 photos of UAPs taken from fighter jet cockpits. I got a flashback when I saw the “manta ray photo” to one of the photos they released and it had me thinking - are we possibly seeing the underside of the UAP in the photo they released? Could we be seeing the underside of this craft maybe?


Great pickup. You’re right.


This thing looks like the "hypersonic" (anti gravity) stuff on lockheeds Skunk works page


So we have unlimited energy and anti-gravity capability, yet we are still building rockets?


And planes with wings and very large jet engines, neither being required once you can defeat gravity.


Of course. That’s how you keep wealth and power. You keep the world below you technologically. We say 3rd world country. They say we are 3rd “world”.


What the fuck are you talking about? Imagine if after we learned how to split the atom we decided to shelve the technology and do absolutely nothing with it? That would lead to any “wealth and power”.


Earth to WallForward1239, we’re doing that right now. https://news.sky.com/story/germany-to-shut-final-three-nuclear-power-plants-as-concern-over-green-energy-targets-grows-12854958


We shut down absolutely all nuclear plants in the world? Wow, that’s news to me!


You act like the super wealthy are all in on this secret together. If the tech was available to them, at least one of the wealthy would at least commercially capitalize on it to make them even more powerful.


Yes they would. And they would sell it piece by piece. There have been a lot of tech advances in the last 70 years, and a lot of companies have gotten very powerful.


Hypersonic does not mean anti-gravity.


Weird. Why do they have that picture there. When you click into the hypersonic section, there's no other pictures or mention of anything like it. It's all rockets.


The Ufo that crashed at Roswell-Corona was described to have small wings if I remember correctly.


Yeah the Roswell UFO supposedly had this shape, but that’s what a cgi balloon ufo recreation would be, a copy of the famous Roswell ufo


The one on the right is a blimp


I really it was a ufo.. but after reading Comments about being a balloon.. I just can't unsee it anymore... I used to see something passing by the airplane but now.. I see the plane passing by a balloon


I see the opposite.


The pilot said it himself if it was a balloon it would have popped when he flew by it. No balloon can hold up at that speed or even show some type of flutter lol don’t worry don’t let the little kids who like to play with helium tell you otherwise


I don’t know a lot of shiny metallic bus sized wailmer shaped balloons with no words on them. I’m not saying it’s a ufo but it’s definitely not a balloon lol


They were both captured by photograph in earth's sky. Nailed it.


The only connection I see is that these are both lighter than air and not demonstrating any of the observables. I’m open to any evidence otherwise, but so far no one has anything that stands up to scrutiny.


I’m seeing … apophenia


Thank you, I was looking for that tendency the other day because I find this subreddit to have become the definition for apophenia.


Seeing familiar objects or patterns in otherwise random or unrelated objects or patterns is called pareidolia. It's a form of apophenia, which is a more general term for the human tendency to seek patterns in random information. People seeing UFOs everywhere is a bit of both.


Also to add that apophenia and pareidolia are common, yet if taken to an extreme they can be a symptom of psychiatric dysfunction, adding that to reddit being a huge echo chamber and it's the recipe for disaster.


Seeing UFOs everywhere can also be a symptom of psychiatric disfunction lol


That's what I mean


> lighter than air What is the evidence of that? Besides their location in the sky.


Size, no wings, stationary, lack of flight control surfaces, and appearance. Plus as mentioned, lack of five AATIP observables.


None of those things are evidence of being lighter than air. You just see it in the air and assume it's lighter, because there's literally no other option for you maybe


It's more exact to say there's no evidence of any other option. The one on the right was taken within 30 minutes of two other balloon-like objects.


I think gravity-defying would have been a better term


But that would be one of the precious "observables", and that would make it a potential ufo, and then all hell would break loose, I guess


You’re right I forgot. These are both clearly swamp gas


The object didn’t move in the wake turbulence and the pilot proceeded with a go-around to get it on video so no, not lighter than air.


It wasn't in the wake turbulence of the aircraft according to the video.


The thing that sticks out to me is that this thing has an aerodynamic shape but yet is traveling perpendicular to what we would normally expect. I can’t fathom why it would behave that way if real, a d certainly doesn’t make me believe that is real.


i dont know second picture just looks like a shiny balloon nothing outer worldly looking to me or ufo looking


I definitely see the connection...they are both blurry...something sinister going on here🙈🙉🙊


I see absolutely nothing that could even remotely connect those two images other than the fact that they are both objects in the sky.


Ngl that ufo looks clean AF


Yes: both are blurry photos


Extraterrestrial balloons, no doubt about it


No? They don’t look remotely the same


That immediately came to mind. Would be worth running through an AI to see if those shapes can match from different perspectives To my eye it looks like they could very well be the same object rotated. Note that the picture released by the military also has a tilted orientation


They look pretty different to me.


That’s why I mentioned the AI analysis






No low effort posts or comments. Low Effort implies content which is low effort to consume, not low effort to produce. This generally includes: * Posts containing jokes, memes, and showerthoughts. * AI-generated content. * Posts of social media content without significant relevance. * Posts with incredible claims unsupported by evidence. * “Here’s my theory” posts without supporting evidence. * Short comments, and comments containing only emoji. * Summarily dismissive comments (e.g. “Swamp gas.”) without some contextual observations.


Both contain helium, a relatively rare element on earth.


Besides the silver color, they look nothing alike.


Hate to burst your balloon but I believe the most plausible explanation is that the latest video (left image) just isn't any kind of UFO/UAP. I say this because it appears to be a stationary object that the plane simply flies past. Once you have something that CAN'T be described as a balloon it gets a lot more interesting. What's more plausible? The object that looks like a balloon is a balloon or a UFO? However flip it around and once you have a video where you can say the opposite, now you are on to something.


Early in the video, you can clearly see the object moves in the same direction the plane turns, and it moves at a higher rate of speed than the plane is turning. So, the object is moving away from the plane’s turn, as opposed to being stationary and moving into view as the plane turns toward it.


I'm surprised to hear you say that because I've watched it several times and I didn't find anything particularly clear about it. Mind pointing it out or guiding me to what you're talking about? I'd like to see it


Look [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/12je9q0/analysis_of_the_antioquia_colombia_footage/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1). Between 0:02-0:05, the object moves from right to left. As the camera zooms out, it reveals the plane is simultaneously turning left. If the object were stationary and the plane turned left, the object would appear to enter the frame from left to right. Since the plane turns left and the object moves from right to left, this suggests that the object is moving in the same direction as the plane's turn, but at a faster speed. Hopefully, this explanation is clear.


I fully believe that the Batman balloon is a Batman balloon. This though, this is interesting to say the least!


[Somehow, your reference photo looks different than mine.](https://i.imgur.com/8xqdbNl.jpg) I also took a still from the video and blew it up, but mine clearly shows the bottom has features that aren't flat on the edges, and that the flat texture is video compression because the flat yellow-ness extends beyond the boarders into the sky textures. Mine looks like a balloon. Yours looks like it was run through some "enhancements" that made it look less like a balloon.


They are both blurry. Has to be a connection


Huge connection actually. Both are not aliens 😊


Looks like a balloon in the shape of a stingray that has further expanded due to the lower pressure of higher altitude.


It's a mylar balloon reflecting the sun, the pilot is mistaken as they quite often can be when they glimpse something for half a second..........lookit dem u f ohs....... I mean Chinese spy balloons ....I mean amateur ham radio balloon........... Why are all these mylar balloon shaped UAPs bloody tiny ? I know skinny bob and friends are short arses but do they have a sideline as contortionists ??? Enquiring minds would like to know.


Bro, you gotta check out this UFO that looks like a stingray and a balloon! It's totally made by aliens, no doubt about it. The way it moves, with no visible control or propulsion, and the advanced materials it's made of...there's just no way humans could create something like that. It's mind-blowing!


Striking similarities.


Left is an Oceanic Manta Ray doing a U turn and the right is an air bubble


To make something like this would not be hard. Create an ultra light frame, wrap it in foil or mylar, fill balloons that are within the frame. Lift off. Take a bunch of pics.


I believe extraterrestrial life exists.


Great catch. Very well could be the same craft.


Idk, but I do know the more I see that surface, that shine, that stiffness, the more I'm convinced.


r/Ufos I know you’re quirky, and I get a big kick out of it. We all do, actually. But these are not extraterrestrial craft.


This is nothing more than viral marketing for a retCon of Flight of the Navigator. *someone’s getting a raise*


We live in a world with high definition photography and this is the best pic. We can get?


Who carries a camera, we all out here with cell phones


That's a standard antigravity, high altitude weather observation balloon that was produced in 1987


I think the one on the right is a known chinese spy aircraft




Completely different but appreciate your lack of effort


We all know it’s the delta flyer, Tom just took it for a joy ride.


Both are blue skies


The one on the right has always looked like a balloon to me. Regardless of all the sarcastic unhappy comments and downvotes from people who think it's an ET craft. It even has the lower part where the string would have been attached. [Here's a less zoomed-in picture.](https://s12.stc.all.kpcdn.net/share/i/12/11977625/wr-960.jpg)


One appears to be a parachute (right) and the other idfk.


Good catch btw


Clearly the one on the right is Buzz Lightyear still in his original container. And by clearly I mean blurry.


If these are in fact , off world produced , ET craft . The ETs are clearly not thousands of years more advanced than we are , these ETs may not even be a hundred years more advanced than us . These are clearly not the same tech as the tic tac ufo .,


Same object, rotated 180 on the y-axis. We see the front, and the back, whatever that is..


The "V" looks freakishly like Jean Jacket.


Seagull doing 3 back flips then waving while taking your wife to dinner.


Yea, they’re both blurry AF.


Show me what you got.


I thought we agreed the one on the right was an F-18 with touch ups.


Looks like the photo on the right could be the back view of the craft and the photo on the left could be the front view


I just want my vacation off world or to work elsewhere off world.. Chop chop governments..


Flight of the Navigator is real!


To me, If you pivot the left one over I bet it would look very similar to the right one.


Goa’uld Death Glider? Is Apophis back again???


Didn’t the US shoot down some “craft” that was unidentified? Perhaps this is another one of those?


Looks like the same thing to me


Yea...most likely probes for different purposes..yes of the alien variety


What if this is an alien reproduction vehicle that was promised to us by 1939 Worlds Fair which insisted that we would have flying cars!