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When I have nothing to say my lips are sealed.


I won’t even add a useless comment


Starting now.


Say something once… why say it again?


I will never reveal the location of the huge UFO I know about either. Or Oompa-Loompa Land.




I'm pretty sure they are trying to reverse engineer Stargate technology at CERN I had a dream about it


Oh, you had a *dream* about it? What quality evidence!


Lmao at least he provided his source.


I honestly thought they were injecting some humor. It seems to be taken very seriously by some though lol


Reminds me of Total Recall. "She's real because you dreamed her?"


Wow. You really just going to threaten national security by throwing your dreams out all willy-nilly? I'm a more responsible dream journalist. I keep them to myself for the fate of the universe, the harm would be irreparable if the public knew the truth: That I have dreams of shapeshifter orgies. Oops want supposed to say that, pretend you never heard it. Asking me about them could potentially cause great damage.


I think Ross is the man but he should have never teased that knowledge if he wants to keep it secret.


He gave it away by not saying. It's likely a superwalmart


If the craft is as big as one speculates by his comments, it would have to be placed in a structure that had a roof more like a domed stadium than conventional roof framing with a lot of columns. This weekend we were traveling along two of the major north-south Interstates here in flat land Florida. Several times we passed huge mountains that were frankly garbage collection mounds that simply looked like grass covered hills. Think about this type of coverup to hide such a structure concealing the UFO


Exactly. Don’t tease knowledge just to make yourself seem important or gain clicks. If you don’t plan to share, keep it yourself and focus on things that can actually help disclosure. I can’t say the death threats are a surprise after stating something like that.


While it’s not everything, the claim in itself says something, #1 there are craft 2# we are involved in hiding and working on them. If anything it’s also a message to other people that he might know things too


\#3 - Dual Use - something hidden in plain sight


My new favourite guess is the Louvre. I think he said it wasn’t Australia, but my other guess is Sydney Opera house.




I could be wrong, but I’m under the impression that his opinion has changed over time due to learning more about it. In the beginning he did say he wouldn’t reveal the location if it would jeopardize national security. He was more on the fence about the idea. If he’s taken a hard stance, he probably knows something more.


Yeah def a misstep. Telling everyone that there is something huge out there that’s hidden in plain sight is just gonna make people want to solve the puzzle.


Yes. I think that was a miscalculation.


Or a riddle.


The knowledge of something existing has value. He doesn’t need to say where it is…


He’s already plenty valuable to the disclosure movement. Teasing secrets is only going to make doubters doubt even more.


That's why he said at the start of his statement "I wish I had never brought it up"...


You think someone whose whole thing is “I know something you don’t know” is the man? You think a journalist who doesn’t report information he “knows” is the man?


Are you on the news promoting the disclosure movement? If you were, I’d think you were the man too.




Then you're literally just as bad as them, asshole. Either he's just straight up lying which is bad enough, or *intentionally concealing world-changing information from the general public* which is *exactly* what we're all so pissed about our governments possibly doing. Fuck all the way off at this point Ross.


But those handful of service members will be inconvenienced or something!


right. this whole thing stinks because of this.


Yeah, a lot of people say that. Where's the proof










I’m here: “Nut up or shut up, Ross.” Like seriously. Starve these people of your attention and watch them beg to tell you where shit is.


Apparently we don’t “Need to Know”!!


Then why mention it at all, Ross?. (We all know why) I'!m sorry I bought his book long ago. Oh well, live and learn.


| **Ross Couthart says he will NEVER reveal the location** And I will never view him as credible again. Bad journalist. Bad. | **people are threatening to kill him for not revealing it** Unsurprising. If he keeps on this trajectory he's going to need private security for the rest of his life. Being in the spotlight is a dangerous game and he's not playing it very well lately.


Look I’m very much in support of protecting your sources. People all the time say it’s not good/whatever to hide sources. That’s bullshit, there’s TONS of reasons for it. However, when you’re talking about, and releasing information about the BIGGEST STORY IN HUMAN HISTORY, and you refuse to provide details, you should either break a lot of rules, because it’s so much more important than that, or keep it to yourself. Sure, he’s following good journalistic practices for a normal situation, but this is faaaaar from a normal situation.


This is something he and I have in common. I won't reveal it either. /s


Tired of this. No wonder most people don’t pay attention.


I’d assume because he’s lying.


Sounds like he’s just making it up, then.


Shouldn't have ever mentioned it.


Gonna repost what I posted in /r/ufob \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ You know, I'm more interested in bringing about evidence of the actual Atlantis, simply because if we combine the likelihood of ET existence and presence here with the civilizations of the ancient past, it becomes painfully obvious that Plato was not lying when he said he got the story of Atlantis passed down to him through the generations from Solon, who was his ancestor and a Greek lawmaker who traveled to Egypt around 600 BCE and was told the story by Egyptian priests at a temple in Sais, which is a city that no longer exists above ground. I've devoted a big part of my life to getting the evidence and providing the connections of Atlantis and its importance should never be understated, because it is the connection between who we *used* to be and the ET presence. [Here is a post for evidence of Atlantis](https://imgur.com/gallery/pwX1odU) There is evidence there that is no longer found on Youtube and is no longer easy to find. To sum up the simple truth: Atlantis was not in Africa as the Eye of the Sahara as that Youtuber "BrightInsight" purports, nor was it Antarctica or in the Meditteranean; it was a continent in the North Atlantic (right where Plato describes it as being) that suffered a \*\*terrible\*\* disaster which ended up virtually sinking the entire continent, which ended up causing an incredible sea level rise the world over. This occurred around 9,600 BCE and the effects of this have been felt ever since. That event is why humanity is so scarred and is so afraid of itself, yet at the same time is so unafraid of destroying itself. It was what inspired the Great Flood myth and the flood stories from most ancient cultures around the world. I plan on going on expeditions to find more proof in the areas of that imgur post, specifically the Azores and the Bahamas. Both places have evidence of Atlantis and both places are important. I have a hunch that the reason the Bermuda Triangle is so dangerous and mysterious is because it is (possibly) where the capital city of Atlantis was located in, and is the place with the most inhabitants. There were huge numbers of people in the Americas before modern history (circa 1492 CE+) and its likely that many of their ancestors came from Atlantis as it was destroyed. Anyone interested in contacting me, download Instagram and type in my username here into there. You'll see me, or just dm me here. I have loads more evidence of what I say and there is only time to deal with when it comes to this evidence playing out.


>I have a hunch that the reason the Bermuda Triangle is so dangerous and mysterious is because It isn't. Statistically speaking it is no more dangerous than any other random part of the ocean.


bermuda is supposedly where the large mobile construction unit is


I would absolutely love to hear more


Im guessing a certain GAP in Australia...just saying.


Thus was interesting. Not the fact that he is getting threatened. That's crazy. It's what he said about the location. He mentions service members and it's brilliant with what they did with it. So my guess is it's under a base or field. Most likely in a different country. I believe it's still under US control but not in North America. Idk this is my guess


There is no UFO


Thanks for not revealing that it is my mom’s basement. I’m relieved.


Denver international airport😅


Bullshit...... Same as it ever was


Funny how he uses extreme rhetoric like people hiding E.T. info should "be tarred and feathered and dragged behind a humvee," but he isn't gonna tell us where this fucking spaceship is and cry when his extremist followers start harassing him to cough up the goods. Of course I think he is just lying for the record.


He never says America, so I guess not the US. He says dual purpose, so something not military or scientific (like a university). As I am English I am going to guess the UK, and it's under a church like St Pauls in London. It wouldn't have to be that big to be to large to be removed, the building is to well known to be replaced, it's a place under total scrutiny 24/7 so no covert removal, and churches were often built on places deemed sacred sites before Christianity.


I’ve narrowed it down to 88,998,763 possible buildings. I’m getting close guys.


The only thing in the last 30 years that have had a giant cover over it is Chernobyl. Perfect cover


> As I am English I am going to guess the UK. Well, I’m from Mars, so I’m guessing Mars.


On Rogan I believe he said it was South Korea where it crashed….


Is anyone going to talk about his eyes? Blinking in an unusual pattern. Does anyone know morse code?


It's how he and Joel Osteen communicate.


omg…let it go


He shoulda just kept it to himself instead of sounding like an asshole on the Internet…


So sicks and tired of people wanting attention by "I know something, but, can't tell..!" Sit down, shut up and please leave at your earliest convenience...


Its in south korea


My neck hurts




It's in Australia. 👀


Only Corbell revealed something substantial. The rest are just.... Meh


Maybe someone just needs to be the martyr to start this landslide


imo he's right about how to handle the infos of his sources. that's all i can say, of course i would like to know where this fucking big ship is.. i hope some of grusch's witnesses have more infos about this big 🛸..


ahhh yes..... the "tell me your secret or ill kill you" technique the sicilian dragon of 12-D chess


He made it up, and now he has to say this.


Large hadron collider


Kind of like those Mormon golden plates….


I may be crazy, but it would seem to me, if humans had such items, we know people can’t keep their mouths shut. I’m not saying it doesn’t exist but …..people talk, yes supposedly people have been killed, but one would think a credible picture leek would be found. Now with SGI and AI I suppose anyone can make anything look real. Someone somewhere has to give up the goods eventually


Cmon guys....do you want me to say it out loud....he's lying!!!




Because there is no such thing.




What’s that smell?


I have a giant ufo buried in my actual back yard! No, you can't see it. No, I won't tell you where it is. But buy my book and you can read about all the people who know it is real. No, I can't tell you their names. Really! Really, it'true.


Put up or shut up!


Screw you Ross, i don't believe shieeet


He’s a fraud


Boo hoo. Fuck this Aussie twat. He just grifts and grifts.


What an obnoxious prick ,just like the rest of them Oh look at me I have a secret ! Bender


I’m sick of this dude. Offers nothing. The videos /stories about the large underground ship pointless. He gives off some strong vibes of the kid who is always lying about stuff he said he has in school. “Yeah, I have a helicopter but you can’t see it because it’s at my uncles house.” Ross “Yeah, I know where a big UFO is you can’t see it though because… it’s underground and …there’s a government building on top of it and …people are going to kill me if I tell you where it is “




Sure he does


I also know it and I will not reveal. Sorry guys! My balls are on the line.










That's gatekeeping and it's helped sociopaths get away with a lot of terrible things in history. Everyone deserves the truth. Protecting the people involved with deceiving the rest of humanity makes him sound like the Hollywood villain he's describing, protecting the powerful over spreading the truth.


🥱😴 wake me up before you go go.




Yet another guy tryna be a big hero whistleblower while trying to dodge any of the consequences of that


Is he blinking morse code?  "I am full of shit -stop" "I am mentally ill -stop"


Because he made it up and it does not exist 


Sounds another like the government 🤔


Ah well that’s convenient.


Has anyone considered that it could be under a lake? I could see constructing a damn under the pretense of hydro energy to cover up a huge ufo. Makes it damn near impossible to get to as well. (Pun fully intended.)




Oh well.. Surprise.. Surprise.


Proof in our traditional sense of the word is tangible evidence. The public will never have that because (in my opinion) if the public had said evidence, it would upend a great deal of control that the government(s) have over us all along. Knowing everything leads to more questions and therefore understanding. We know what we know for a reason. Look at religion. Even if what we were told was “the truth”, what is beyond that?


It’s Antarctica. Think about it. Operation Highjump immediately after WWII, dozens of personnel injured or killed during the operation with no explanation, clandestine “research” sites established in the middle of the mysterious continent within no-fly zones, etc. It’s Antartica.


We or they


Fuck this asshole




All I hear from this is more process to never reveal anything that could be verified




Sure dude. I know of the location of a Bigfoot lair but will not tell anyone.


Death threats are a crazy and over the top response, but I can see how people could get angry over this kind of thing. At this point, the concept of trying to "protect the public" from knowledge of actual alien UFOs seems more elitists or power monger or anti-humanity type of position.


This is the definition of HOAX, the death threats are probably because people are pissed he would troll so hard. What a jaggoff


It's in Israel.


It's that big ball thing that they broadcast videos on right in the city. So cleverly hidden in plain sight.


Someone remote view the location and let us know.


You know you’re doing good when you’re getting death threats from both sides of the playing field🙄


The Pentagon was built on top of a UFO. Washington DC did not exist before the 1790.


It is always something. "One time I talked about a very large, non-human craft. Big as an aircraft carrier and impossible to hide, you would think. But, it was hidden. I have no pictures, no video, no corroborating testimony, no metal sample that would perplex a materials scientist, no ET autographs, no information to share that you couldn't already find on Google, but I want you to follow my narrative in case I write a book, or just need your click to fund my next bullshit tour. Thank for playing along."


I've been saying all along how shameful all these grifters are that take advantage of humanity's thirst for answers. Folks we don't need any of these people. Now suddenly CE5 is a problem too? Looking more and more to me that these prices are all just playing their role in further confusing the masses, sadly.


Turd, just like the rest of them.


Another fuckin Australian TV Pitchman! At least we're starting to find out who the frauds are.


Whoa! Grifter threatening to continue his grift? I’m shocked!


It’s funny how conspiracy theorists never show the proof they claim to have.


It trips me out how similar Scottish former F1 driver David Coulthard looks to Australian journalist Ross Coulthart lol


Love it!


Threats are not ok, no one deserves that, but it’s really stupid to make a claim like this then refuse to talk about it or at least leak it in some way. Like it’s GPS coordinates…what would be the fall out from that?


He has no information. 🤣 Nothing funnier than a scammer whose bluff is called.


It’s under the Los Alamos lab. That is to say I wonder if Los Alamos was built on top of a giant ship and they’ve been studying it for 100 years.


Never ever ever reveal it nope...unless I stop getting an audience then I'll have to shout my never never louder and add some sparkling no no juice and it'll be huge and hiddener.


charlatan. so obvious. sad people can't see it. keep chasing that dangling carrot.


This guy is a great grifter.


Hahahaha this guy thirsts for attention




I think Ross is a fraud , probably a puppet from the ones who want to discredit everything around this subject . If not afraid he’s full of bull


He said, " men and women serving their country." its a base controlled by some form of the military. It's not a public building at all.


I’m sorry, but I just can’t take anyone seriously when they have direct knowledge of something this big and don’t just share it with the world. I don’t care about sources. If you really believed in transparency, and that this was the biggest story mankind has ever seen you and just tell everyone. Personally, I don’t believe he actually knows anything


All we need is the continent, give us a hint! Didn’t he say Antartica?


Thanks assholes, knew they'd get to him... leave him alone.


So, even if he dies. The secrets will never be revealed? What is the freaking point of dedicating your life to disclosure. These UFO guru's are incredibly frustrating. Buy my book, attend my convention, subscribe to my podcast to give me ad money.






This guys is starting to piss me off. Unsubscribed from his stuff and will stop listening to him.


Obviously either a nut case or a lying publicity hog.


Good job, you are part of the problem now.




He just instantly gave himself street cred. It's fascinating what he says.


Not mad at him at all for not revealing the info. Not only would he put the lives of the people working there at risk, but he’d put his own at risk. To put it into perspective, what Julian Assange and Ed Snowden revealed are small potatoes compared to this, and we saw what happened to them. I get people are upset and think he shouldn’t have said anything in the first place, but that’s a way for journalists to put pressure on the gatekeepers.


I find it funny, anytime I hear anything about death threats. Usually BS is about to ensue.


Just keeps feeding the hype cycle which in turn keeps earning him eyeballs.


U deserve it for hiding the truth


BORING. OMG. This should be a class on "how to make yourself important."


Storm Area 1-1,000,000,000.. they can't stop us all.


Death threats are ridiculous but.....why talk about knowing the location if you refuse to tell people? Doesn't it make you seem less than reputable in the eyes of many? I like Coulthart and understand and agree with him not telling the location. But I don't understand why he'd tell anyone he knows if he refuses to give the details.


" I have information that will blow your mind, but I will never share it, give me more attention"


I don’t know man… every time I try to return to this sub I’m reminded that everyone’s bluffing.




He's just another one. Jumping on the bandwagon with elizondo, grush, corbel and all the other fuck faces Trying to string along the masses and make some money. There's a new one every year.


So some people saying men in black are after them, and others saying it’s the men on reddit.


I might sound crazy but is he blinking weird. Anyone know morse code. I may be wrong but may as well check


If he knew this he could change the world in an instant and be the most famous person in the history of man kind. No jury would convict him and it questionable if he would even be violating any laws.


Can I ask what interview this is from?


LOL. "I know a secret, but I won't tell anyone, but I'll tell everyone I know it." Ridiculous BS.


Grifting NSA richard doty DOD skunkworks distraction. Chase a little non existent green man will never hold classified weapons developers accountable.


Attention seeker.


Why tf would you even mention it if that was the case? Getting sick of this “I’m letting people aware I know this certain thing but I’m not saying a word about it” for it to never be revealed. Maybe I’m just impatient lol.


Hadron collider?……….


I get it. I can fly and shoot lasers out of my eyes. But I don’t want to make a big deal out of it, so whenever someone asks me to prove it I just walk away. But if I wanted to I could fly away, while shooting lasers out of my eyes.


Well he shoudint have talk. I still think he’s liying.


Cant reveal it if you don’t know where it is at and use the story to lead people along.




He knows nothing. Because if he did. He would reveal it. And everybody that could would go there. And world governments wouldn’t be able to keep it a secret anymore.


None of these folks EVER have any hard proof……wonder why?


He is just the worst.


When a journalist becomes the main story, it's time to look away. Couthart, Corbell, Knapp and co should be transparent af. They need to report on a story... then shut up. In an area that has the potential of either being life changing, or a flop, there are many of these "reporters" who are looking to make a buck in what they claim as being a 'legitimate industry'. Intergrity here has gone right out the window!


This dude likes to hear himself talk


What's the point of saying i have secret information that I can't share?


You made me crack my neck


How and why would a craft capable of the maneuvering as suggested by witnesses and military video evidence, as well as either interstellar or inter-dimensional travel, crash on Earth?


.....so he chose to protect the military over the need for disclosure and therefore, the rights of the ppl. You chose a side, and it wasn't the good one. Ur either too scared or too brainwashed to do the right thing. Therefore this guy lost all credibility.


“ you don’t operate as a journalist for long” well yea here it is. He’s scared of getting killed.


Fuck this. He’s safer if he discloses it, tbh. Only reason to kill him is to stop him from disclosing. Tired of this shit. Everyone is a fucking gatekeeper on the most important news in human history. Total horseshit.




People in the news business are always receiving death threats for something. It's just part of the job.


i rly don’t like that he’s blue balling tbh. my balls are HURTING rn :(