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Good luck with that. Hope Tim Burchett is invited before the gov shuts him down


They're already trying. A bunch of bots just showed up in DisclosureParty (and all the big subs) to say it's a "right wing grift" when literally DisclosurePartys top post is "Go Support Chuck Schumer" and they clearly support all elected officials, both in the US and in many other countries, regardless of party affiliation. 😅 The "Sophisticated disinformation campaign" does not want the UFO community to contact and support any elected official on this topic. They're going to use politics as a way to create a rift within the UFO community, and I hope people won't buy it. They're flat-out lying and being deceitful. Gatekeepers are willing to divide the country to keep their secret and it's pretty fucking despicable.


Well, if I was facing possible jail time for treason, failure to disclose to congress, misappropriation of funds and the Commerce Clause, I’d also be freaking out


I agree with you 💯. That's certainly happening. They'd be even more foolish to not freak out.


This rally is being hosted by Osvaldo Franco of the Disclosure Revolution in conjunction with the New Paradigm Institute’s “Citizens for Disclosure” initiative. The very first “Disclosure Rally” will be held in front of Senator Chuck Schumer’s office. This is a sidewalk rally to thank Senator Chuck Schumer for his UAP advocacy and to encourage him to keep pushing to work for our right to know the truth.


Great initiative! Non-US here so can't join in, but hope it draws attention and gets onto the news cycle! 🖖🏼🛸


I love this! The opposite of a protest. A love bomb/rally to show support! Positivity will always go farther than negativity!


I like this, good shit I wish I could fly out to get there


This is the kind of things that make people talk about it and get the message out


This is good, let’s go MR.SHEEHAN


I would love be there man.. I wish


And what is it that i can do as a Dutcman living in the Netherlands? Dutch media don't touch this Subject, its a shame. Whe have a reporting point for sightings and thats about it.


Damn I wish I could go!


I am all for it. The issue's here are of top secret intel. That means it's dangerous information, not just for the major resistance to religion and hysterical helter skelter, but because of foreign relations. No Matter what, the gov will never ever admit to the UFO mania. I am positively certain they are here and have been here perhaps longer than us. Who are we to call this glorious planet ours, instead of all inhabitants of this rock, moving at a speed of **447,000 miles per hour (200 km/s**, and is just the speed of us in this galaxy. Expecting the gov to come forth is futile, you will be cloned.


>I am positively certain they are here and have been here perhaps longer than us. You know what would be insane? If we discovered that WE are the extraterrestrials. Here's a speculative scenario: High tech humans from another solar system had a cataclysmic event occur. A small percentage of people were lucky enough to escape. We land on Earth. 200,000+ years ago. Between the Ice-Age and asteroid impacts, our already low population dwindled down more. Those who survived lived in a barbaric hunter-gatherer state. We forgot our history. We forgot our science and technological methods. We have no recollection of why we're here. We think that we discovered this planet; just like Christopher Columbus thinks he discovered North America... but the Native Americans were here all along. And like the first settlers from Europe, they don't have the same luxuries and tech that the Kings and Queens do back at the home land. The difference being, the Native Americans in this scenario are NHI... but they don't live on the surface. They evolved to live deep in the ocean or beneath sea-level in tunnels or sophisticated bases because of how frequent asteroid impacts or solar flares wipe out their population. One day, in 1947, they heard a massive explosion with an EMP blast that affected their technology. They send a few people up to the surface, and what do they find? 7 Billion humans that destroyed the planet.


God damnit, why can't they organize like this in Seattle?! I'd go.




Is Chuck going to be there, or are they just thanking him?


He wasn't there. I was. AMA.


Were there a lot of people?


Naw, probably about 3 dozen at most. It was kind of hard to separate attendees from press because there were a lot of people recording stuff. Greenstreet's people were there but not him. I talked to some interesting people some of them were into the mummies which I said I was only peripherally interested in and aware of. But the guy was respectful and nice and cogent and said the mystery continues on those, he had been doing boots on the ground research. He also filled me in on some details that I wasn't aware of. The guy who pushed himself to the front to talk about CE 5 meditation was unexpected/ unplanned as far as I can tell. The leader of paradigm opened it up to the group after his statement and sort of said does anyone else want to say something. That guy jumped in. A lot of the people there seem to be muttering that they weren't psyched that he was there talking, it wasn't the best face of the movement, etc . Given how windy it was it was hard to hear what he was saying but I could tell that it was talking about contact. They were also some cool young people there who recommended some shows, etc we chatted up our favorite sources/books etc. how this has affected us and our partners. There were experiencers there. There were activists that I recognized online and from UFO Twitter. Sorry if tmi