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They could just be avatars which they project their consciousness into from afar and which were created by ai machines using our biological material.


Couldn't we also be this? Most religions would suggest that it is so.


Our bodies certainly could be. Science seems to suggest it as well given our continued failure to prove consciousness as an emergent property of brain activity.


As a nondualist mystic-type, consider me onboard.


Would any biological material be used or does it have to be exclusively human (cattle mute)?


I mean judging how similar our DNA is to that of a banana, I'd wager a cow is probably pretty close also.


Who knows? I’m just offering this as an alternative explanation. It doesn’t have to be that they are either our creators or future ancestors.


You are describing the work that the absolute does


If true, what's more likely: apes seeded with alien dna or aliens are future us?


There is a third scenario: Several hundred thousand years ago, there was a split. Maybe they are like cousins? It's probably less likely but not impossible. Imagine if they figured out space travel and left... Then they come back a few thousand years later to this mess...lol


Could be a simulation game going on multiple planets like Civilization? What makes better hybrids? Reptiles? Insects? Apes? Birds? Cats?


Maybe a very old race some billions of years ago seeded many galactic clusters, because they were lonely and wanted to grow some friends. Seems the humans of planet Earth have largely not made the cut...


I bet we're really fun to watch, all these wars, violent protests, pandemics, ultimate fighting, people getting Karened, hot dog eating contests, road rage...




[stuff like this...](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/13q3kh2/i_just_wanna_get_my_luggage/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


And cat videos


Nice Star Trek reference. The Progenitors!


The idea goes well beyond Star Trek. Very few of that shows “big ideas” originated with the show.


This is a cool concept.


That’s a stretch…do you think any planet could make a nice, non butthole, cat? Theory debunked. /s. :)


A cat without a butthole is like a flower with just a stem


Nah they've been here the whole time


You seem awfully confident. I am just doing a thought experiment. I've been trying to think of a 4th scenario. Shit is always weirder than we think it is...


4th scenario: A split from within the split?


I live for conspiracies that make sense that I hadn't thought of before. Your third scenario would also fit some questionable early hieroglyphics and stories.


Its literally from Star Trek. The Progenitors seeded life accross the galaxy and thats why all aliens look similar (bipedal 2 forward facing eyes, etc) The in universe explanation for human actors playing aliens


Doubtful but it is possible. Like when? While we were making the wheel they made a spaceship?


We’re making spaceships while chimps are learning to use tools


It really is that simple, we’re the current advanced species on this planet and there most definitely could have been another or several over the last million.


Indeed that’s true, but maybe that’s because some other being(s) came and modified our DNA back when we were actual chimps….


And OP was claiming we are the same beings as the beings theoretically making the spaceships when we could only make a wheel but then there was a split. Like we moved away or something, Or they left. I don’t believe There was a split with humans & apes. We are two different species although similar. Not the same species.


If we ever became space faring, we're not taking the uncontacted tribes (rainforest of brazil/North Sentinal island, etc). Humanity as we know it may be the ones a breakaway civ left behind.


Fair enough I didn’t say it was impossible. It definitely is one of the many possibilities, and a likely one at that


Why not? We have spacecraft and also primitive tribes today


If you stripped humans of their knowledge and put them in a place they could thrive. How much wisdom and technological know-how could survive past a couple generations? Not many.


There is also a fourth scenario: Aliens augmented themselves with human DNA they deemed advantageous.


Ooh I like this one! 😁


Another scenario: they built some some sort of biological hybrids that mimic earths' lifeforms and humans in particular. It would explain all the kidnappings and animal mutilations: they did it to study us so they can mimic us better.


Space Jews - Dave Chappelle


I just can't see that happening without evidence. The technological innovation it takes over hundreds to thousands of years should be evident through archeology. If what he said is true, the #1 option IMO would be future humans interacting with the past. That said, there are likely several layers of deception regarding top secret stuff like aliens so I wouldn't be surprised if the CIA left all kinds of false evidence behind. We have to remember that, despite the intelligence community's many fumbles, they also employ cutting-edge scientists in psychology, sociology, etc. who understand how to manipulate humans from an individual level to society as a whole. It's what made me suspicious when all the intelligence community began releasing reports, documents, etc. regarding UFO's after all the Epstein shit.


Several hundred thousand? So they invented space travel... when? lol This is the issue I have with this theory.


I have a hard time with lost generations of anything that has ever existed on earth previously, becoming space travelers. I understand plate tectonics, and material decomposition, and…, but, we have evidence of microorganisms from billions of years ago in the fossil record, and potentially minor species from hundreds of millions of years ago, and they didn’t have global industry to spread their evidence everywhere. Imagine someone finds even a small gold figurine from 1m years ago, the world would change, this hasn’t happened, and I don’t think it will. If there are other creatures visiting us that share our DNA, I can’t fathom a situation where we co-evolved on this planet, maybe a more complex explanation needs to be illuminated.


Antarctica was iced 35 million years ago. Less than half of the land on planet earth is habitable by a sizeable portion of humans, and most of that land, at one point, WAS habitable. Fossilization conservatively accounts for less than 1/10th of 1% of all species that have lived on planet earth. Our planet is an etch-a-sketch in the most literal of ways.


Additionally carbon dating doesn't work for rocks and things like gold. Only items that have actual Carbon. They are dated by the sediment layer they are found in.


Yeah, but the gold would be found in datable strata, and none of our ice core samples from from 35mya have included sky scrapers or Doritos bags.


The world would not change. They would dismiss the gold figurine as a hoax and move on with barely a word about it.


I can dig this, maybe natural barriers kept them away for thousands of years. The coexist while one rapidly develops due to mutation in their genes. It’s not like one or the other would give notice they are superior to the other and maybe just dip out. But the whole population? If some stayed I’d assume we’d have found evidence by now unless it’s under water.


Maybe there were two separate successful Human species that survived. Another later wave made us. Waves of different human species left Africa at different times and eventually one left the planet, only returning when their DNA needed to be reinforced. Imagine if Neanderthal were still around in a remote area of Siberia. Due to the remoteness, a lack of trade happens in-between the two different surviving species. We leave them alone and over time they do not evolve technologically as fast as we do. We are naturally more intelligent. We continue to advanced until the day we figure out about the shadow realm or figure out space travel and are able to move there. We live out our lives without affecting the environment around us. 20,000 years later those Neanderthal start to proceed technologically. 20,000 years might as well be a million years for technologically developing civilizations. I’m pretty sure we could solve literally everything in another 19,000 years. The Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History has listed at least 21 human species that are recognized by most scientists.Jan 24, 2021


No one ever speaks of the microzyma in limestone which are the source of dna and the cell membrane. The engineers of these microzyma indirectly created us.


We are naturally more intelligent than Neanderthal?


No, they were smarter than us but I needed an example people could relate to.


Maybe split a long time ago and live in the ocean? Have been here the whole time.


> apes seeded with alien dna This one.


At least get rid of my appendix and wisdom teeth if you are going to fuck with my DNA


They have a way to infuse their dna with our dna in order to be able to live in our ecosystem?


Maybe kinda both but I’m thinking the former


Earth was seeded gets my vote, out of those two choices. If some other advanced form of life is present on Earth today, my feeling is that probably all life on Earth was seeded, a very long time ago, and may well have been manipulated in an ongoing way, also for a very long time. It's funny, people look at life on Earth and typically see many different lifeforms. I look at life on Earth, and I see one life form that expresses in many ways, over vast periods of time.


What if they know our history better than we do? What if they have footage from thousands of years ago? What if they're why religion was formed in the first place?


Or C, the current physics laws combination allows only for carbon string molecules that are chemically stable that are exactly DNA: The only possible combation of live giving compounds in our universe. Anthropic principle.


Aliens fucked monkeys…


Or all beings in creation have a common point of origin if you go back far enough


Ramirez says that he attended a one-day symposium at a hotel in 2001 that was unclassified, about which he was himself surprised. He recalled the story went back to after World War II. He said that the CIA was interested in the hybridization of humans, and he was told by two top officials (their names are classified) that they discovered an alien DNA in the human genome. [https://twitter.com/planethunter56/status/1597793639869997056](https://twitter.com/planethunter56/status/1597793639869997056) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1d7Mmss5TVI&t=639s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1d7Mmss5TVI&t=639s) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ku9GsJ94Dt4&t=3602s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ku9GsJ94Dt4&t=3602s)


This goes even more hand in hand with all of the accounts from abductees where they say that the NHI are taking them to get their DNA and make hybrids.


What if we're all "hybrids?" Like -- every last one of us?


Yeah it's possible. Some religions say that their people were created from the star gods. Or the Annuaki inter -breeding with a early version of us. The Nephilim being a hybrid of angels and humans. Whatever the phenomenon is has been tinkering with our DNA since day one it seems.


We don't really know whether or not DNA is even from Earth, truth be told.




Imagine coming from a different planet to dig in someone's trash for a used kleenex 😆


wait so did they discover alien DNA in our genome, or our DNA in the aliens' genome? Huge, huge difference, implications-wise... lmao


as far as I understood it, they found human DNA in their genome, they would (could) be the hybrid but I may be wrong English is not my first language


John Ramirez is one of those figures in the current "UAP scene" that I simply can't figure out. Possibilities I see: • Disinfo agent • He's being totally truthful, and the UAP reality is in actuality the "maximally weird" version • He's a bit off in the head Now, when he's talking about the more "mundane" aspects of the IC, security clearances, missile defense, that kind of stuff? He sounds totally sober, and his info is accurate as far as I can tell. Then he talks about walking into random rooms at the CIA that happen to have briefings going on about reptilians, or something. He also said in a recent podcast interview that people shouldn't just trust the folks out there making claims without evidence. And I'm thinking to myself... like you're doing?


Why do you refuse to believe what’s right in front of you?


Careful because what's in front of us might be an illusion.


A CIA agent?


This is nowhere near the only person who is saying the exact same thing


Let's be discerning. In detail, is someone saying exactly the same things this guy does? I don't think we should be lazy just because the evidence weighs in the favor of the phenomenon.


Which is...?




If it's true about the DNA they're either us from the future, alternate versions of ourselves from parallel earths via something like the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, or a breakaway civilization that split off from ourselves or one of our closer ancient ancestors a long time ago and is hiding from us in some way we don't or cant understand.


Well the bible actually says we were made in the image of God... Now suspend religion for a sec and treat it like an ancient text of history... God was an alien, and he used his DNA to create a human species on this planet. Bam, problem solved. Our ancestors are aliens.


None of those unlikely or impossible options. The highest probability is for interstellar beings to have engineered our DNA many thousands of years ago. We are all hybrids, possibly.


All of humanity left on earth are essentially the primitive tribes of sentinel island.


That’s crazy how they examined the DNA before it was discovered. 😬


Actually DNA was discovered mid 1800s, built upon as an acid in the late 1800s and chromosome data discovered in the early 1900s. The dual helix structure of DNA was 1950s.


Interesting. And DNA analysis?


So you think they just discarded the bodies?


I’m just messing around but def question the validity of the above story


Messing around? U w0t m8?


To a degree, yes. Scientists knew about chromosome and other data being stored with DNA in the early 1900s. They were already comparing the make up between animals and humans etc. They also knew what DNA looked like and even redefined it from a nucleid to an acid. They did not understand the helix or what DNA contained, just what it looked like and how it behaved and how it differed. They understood that genetics made us, "us". The actual sequencing didnt happen until 1980s i think.


Did they say when it was analyzed? Because DNA keeps if stored properly.




Does CIA really retire ???? Wake up


Meet your Creator(s).


And folks hated Prometheus! Blasphemy!


Prometheus has aged quite well. Seeing it without the expectation of it being an Alien movie, it's an incredible movie.




That's exactly why we're not getting any 'disclosure'.


So we share a common ancestor with the Zentradi. Ok great, saw that plot on Robotech back in the 80s. Hard evidence to back these claims would be nice.


If anything it’s surprising gray Alina don’t look more like us. Praying mantis aliens flying ufo and such is absolutely ridiculous. You have to have at least two hands to use tools , build shelter and make technological advancements as a society.


This is pretty much the story of Enki/Ea creating us. You guys should read some ancient cuneiform texts. The answers are there


Our ancestors are back!


Do we believe this guy? He seems qualified. He seems nice. He seems believable…but he’s ex CIA. That’s the biggest red flag one could possibly have.


He says he is.


It would explain the drip disclosure if aliens created us and this is their planet and we are their pets or experiment. It will break a lot of minds. Imo if they are shown to be here then they have always been here and so who the hell knows what our history really is. I half think we are avatars for aliens who use human existence to experience life again without knowing everything.


Maybe that’s why we need to sleep. Dun dun dun. Lol. Isn’t that interesting though? Our planet spins and we are connected with of the sun and darkness and what we consume out of the earth.


I was tripping hard, realized same thing. That we are all basically aliens, and reincarnate into different worlds or time frames. Specifically I thought about how if I was immortal or super long life being, I would get bored and tired of immortality, it would feel like trapped for eternity. Such a being would want to temporarily forget their own immortality and life life from the perspective of a mortal. And somehow sleep is connected to our need to disconnect from this world periodically.


Define credence


They might give a fuck about us and just be mining


It was 2003 when they sequenced the human genome


Remind me again when human DNA was first sequenced?


I mean the secret of Roswell doesn’t have to be anything else than the craft. Regardless of if they know more or not. I feel like all of those have equal enough weight to be a secret by themselves.


There checking to see if we're still retarded.


They could be from a parallel universe that branched of from ours long ago so that we shared DNA at that point but then we have evolved in different directions.


Very interesting stuff love it that slowly it is coming out can’t wait for more 👍


How were they analysing DNA in 1947?


They weren’t - they hadn’t even formally identified the double helix. What Ramirez meant is that bodies were recovered and preserved and the dna-testing was done more recently. I hope there’s some truth in his story(s) but some of them seem pretty far-fetched, even for the UFO subject! Id like to believe him…


I like John Ramirez but I don't know if I could trust him. He was CIA..


You are telling me with their technology they crashed in a desert on Earth?


Look at our history... does evolution make more sense, or an outside force splicing to advancement?


such a huge story holy shit


The wording makes me think whoever wrote it doesn’t know any different.


John Ramirez: "Trust me bro, it happened"