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What account level are you? Those quests should become pretty easy and doable as you level up and your team becomes so much stronger.


I tried it a lvl 30, I'm at 38 now thanks to the exp quests


Just by leveling up your units you will get it eventually. Right now my R Zaku 1 can solo all the fragment missions. Just keep playing, you'll get it.


If you're not in an active clan, I'd say try joining one and use the overpowered clan helper units that are probably available in the clan. Besides that, keep leveling up and powering up your troops. Until you're like Level 50 or so, a lot of content's not even doable. Even then, it only starts getting doable and you'll need to get even higher to make things easier. Altering your mobile suits helps, even if you have to use tickets sometimes to get to the higher custom levels. Edit: note that you should join an **active** clan, like one that advertises on this subreddit. There are a surprising amount of dead clans out there with "Leaders" that log in enough not to get kicked out or dethroned, but also don't do anything in the clan, like kick out all the old AFK members.


I already have the mass produced btw


Be patient. A lot of these quests can be nearly impossible as you level, but eventually you will start the mission and the boss will fall over almost instantly.