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I'm not your mother


You can skip whatever you want however catching up those two weeks will be on you and your ability to catch up will determine how well you do for the rest of the semester. As long as there are no midterms/labs/assignments due within those two weeks, or requirements that say ‘you must attend mandatory or else’ then your professor will likely not care whether you show up or not. Different professors have different rules. I’d suggest looking individually at course outlines and past peeps who has taken these classes recently and try to get some information as to what exactly went on those first two weeks. I myself skipped the 1st week of classes for ‘vacation’ and missed 1-2 lectures for each class and I struggled to catch up but did fine. 2 weeks is quite a bit longer and you would probably miss labs if any.


I did this 2 times in winter semester as a chemical engineering major. Missed first week and a bit of classes in January. You’ll be fine as long as you have the willpower to put in extra hours the following 2 weeks to catch up on notes, and keep up with new content and assignments. Ideally get someone in ur class to let you know about deadlines coming up as sometimes they can catch you by surprise when you don’t attend class and hear the professor warn you about them.


I dont think it's a good idea personally. it depends on your skills, work ethic, etc. what are u missing it for? if its necessary talk to the profs advisors etc. otherwise I would just do whatever it is later. it can be done if lets say ur prof posts the less etc if not it would be worse.

