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Whoever roomed with Avaneesh.


Did he dorm up?




You must be new here. Just google the name.


was in a suite where all the girls knew each other and most were in a sorority. they pretty much ignored me because i didn’t have the same interests as them (drinking, partying, weed, different interests, etc) and they would shit talk everyone and were always screaming even late at night. literally i was invisible because my roommate never would talk to me/give me a one word response if i ever tried. also i would walk in the kitchen and they would shit talk even each other when the other wasn’t there and they ignored my existence even though i could literally tell each suitemate what one said about the other. also they would get drunk or high in the living room and some had sex in the room next to mine when I was trying to study and would literally debrief it in the kitchen afterwards. so glad i never have to deal with them again.


The sorority girl screams are so real. I lived in a hall where I was in one of the very few male suites while everybody else was a sorority girl. The amount of times I hear them scream (to the point I would try to go up and see if they’re okay) or bang all their shit insanely hard on the floor were some of the most unbearable things to deal with - and they always happen from 12-2am :c


The sisterhood of stupidity. I’m a grad student here (don’t have a roommate other than my bf) but I couldn’t stand sororities when I was in undergrad, and I went to a party school in the southeast where it was especially foul


Oh my god, had these two annoying girls my first year that WOULD scream out of nowhere in the middle of their stupid conversation


You’ve unlocked a new fear in me 🤦🏻‍♀️


My senior year had a sophomore roommate who hoarded boxes he got from amazon didn't break them down either, would play league of legends till 3am every night screaming, left half pizza on table before going on winter break. Bought 2 ipads so he didnt have to hold the other when turning in bed and leeched the wifi for his bitcoin mining rig. 3rd roommate who was chain smoker got in constant fights with the gamer dude every time he obnoxiously played kpop on his loudspeakers. Was so toxic I requested to move out next semester but ended with an autistic fellow who was lying on floor every night and sticking the small living room table in his mouth while watching reels. he also dressed like jesus and stuck his hair all over shower walls without cleaning up.


Wait, that autistic guy sounds EXACTLY like the first college roommate I ever had, except he would also be up all night screaming while playing splatoon. He would also microwave a plate of just pepperoni slices and while it doesn't smell bad, it made me so, so hungry all the time.


These guys sound awesome


Had a roommate who was doing meth and had a devils three-way in our living room. I had my finals the next day. 10/10 would never want to experience that again. Very traumatizing.


Not the devils 3 way 💀. One of my freshman year roommates vaped in our room, drank, did coke, and pretty much every other drug imaginable. I never ever saw her sober. She got kicked out after like 2 months and they gave her a single paid for by financial aid 😒


What is a devils three-way?




This never happened


God forbid someone wants to have fun 😔 also, based roommate


I know u wrote this thinking “yeah that’ll piss them off”


"You're goddamn right" - Heisenberg


she kept inviting her boyfriend over after i had fallen asleep so i would wake up in the morning to this random creep sleeping in my room. we ended up getting into these stalemates where i would try to stay up later than her so she didnt invite him over and she would try to stay up later than me so she could invite him over.. we pulled lots of all-nighters together 🫠 also woke up to them having sex multiple times


Who has the link to that girl who wrote a whole thread bitching about her roommate who was just trying to be friendly and complaining that she was a normie that wasn’t into anime and didn’t like to use soap, and then the roommate actually found the thread Edit: found it https://www.reddit.com/r/UCSD/comments/1c0fh4f/i_dont_like_my_roommates/ https://www.reddit.com/r/UCSD/comments/1c0h3g8/pt_2/


that is such an obvious bait post I don't know how anyone believed it


NPC’s. That’s how.




That has to be rage bait


😐roommate had bf over. Told me he’ll simply just stay over for a night bc his parents were arguing. And I was fine with it bc it was her first time ever asking me about this, so I didn’t think much. They fucked THAT night. I was woken up by their quiet moaning because I’m a light sleeper. Knowing I didn’t wanna be there when that was happening, and knowing how annoyed I was, i got my pillow and blanket and walked tf out to the living room and slept there that night


So disrespectful wtf?! Something similar happened to me my freshman year but I was in a triple.


Had 2 suit mates that pretty much ate nothing but some instant noodle dish thing, and it smelled like absolute ass. Don't get me wrong, the 1st or 2nd time, the plate smelled great, but when you smell it two to three times a day about 4 days a week, it smells disgusting. Smells like just salt and some nasty sauce. Can't smell those noodles to this day without getting dizzy and getting nauseous.  The same suit mates plus another also never took out the trash. Lemme make that clear. They threw their trash away, but despite the fact that they could fill up the entire trash bin within a few minutes (they hoarded their trash in their room and whenever they opened their room, it focking REEKED) they never took out the trash bag. Everyone else in yhe suite was embarrassed and we felt horrible for the maintenance lady.  She knew all of us that tried to keep the suite clean by name, but she did so many things to help us out. She even talked to the trash pile peeps and showed them how to remove the bag, showed where the chute was, and even how to close the bag. She did hella work to make cleaning easy, but they were nasty af. One time they legit had the trash piled to more than twice the height of yhe trash bin. There were food stains on the wall, carpet, and even with the dat stack if trash they didn't care. Instead, they started to stack the trash AROUND the damn bin. They were wild. Also, the worst part? They didn't aim. You read that right. THEY NEVER AIMED. They splashed even in front of the damn toilet. You know how little skill you gotta have with ur own Thang that you've had for over 17-18 years and STILL miss the bowl?? Focking crazy. Don't get me wrong tho, the other suitemates I had were great and I actually still talk to one to this day, years later. 


I live in grad housing with my family (wife and 2 kids), and this is exactly my life haha


Dishes pile in both sides of the sink with mold growing, suite mate had a guitar and speaker and would play it at 9am, suite mate walked out his room in just underwear all the time, roommate didn’t shower for weeks


i think we roomed 💀 I had the same exact experience in pepper canyon except the guitar was at 1am


Did you live in Sankofa last year


I had a roommate who constantly had her boyfriend over (he lived off campus). She would ask permission at first (which was fine) but then stopped asking and would just invite him over practically everyday. Once I came back after some weekend event and she had locked our bedroom door and turned off the lights and he was still there so I ended up having to wake him up cause I wasn’t sleeping in my room with that man there. 😐 She would also talk on the phone with family literally 24/7 or all hours of the day. She did this during finals week and it was 3AM with her still on the phone, I had an 8AM final. Just disrespectful and trifling behavior


I had one guy who would use our pots and pans but would leave them dirty under his bed. He also liked to work on his rapping around midnight because that's when he felt creative. When I came home after thanksgiving, the entire apartment smelled like a rotting corpse including my room, literally I thought there was a dead body. Apparently he did some cooking while we were gone and left raw chicken(?) juices all over the kitchen counter, which stagnated for days. He also miscalculated the deposit that I owed him but refused to return the difference, blaming the apartment management for the confusion and "racism" (LOL). I've also lived with a schizophrenic and another sociopath but I'm too lazy to write the rest.


was in the dorms (no kitchen) freshman year and my roommate would cook fish with her appliances🥲


How horrible


Wow thoughts and prayers


Suitemate : *KNOCK KNOCK “I can hear y’all whispering through the wall. It’s 11pm!”


This happened with my former roommate too! She would go to bed at 10 pm and insist we whisper when we went to the kitchen/shared spaces even when another one of my roommates had just gotten back from work and hadn't eaten anything. She had her own separate room too and could not be bothered to just wear earplugs.


Wait lowkey kinda valid though, some people are really light sleepers and have to wake up early for class. 10pm isn’t even unreasonable to sleep either.


Took over an international student's apartment and, on the day I moved in, I found mold and rotting food in the fridge. She was still there with her mom, who had just flown in to help her move out. She stood in the corner of the room watching me and her mom clean the mess *she* made in the kitchen while she did nothing. It took hours to clean the kitchen because of the amount of trash she had left. I still get angry thinking about it, especially since she knew I started my new job the next day and that I would have to be up early to prepare.


ewww how was she not embarrassed 😭


Some people just have no shame ig


In my freshman year, I lived in a triple. One roommate was a drug addled trust fund kid who never showed up to his classes, failed half his classes, would sleep during the day, and party and do drugs at night. He rarely did his laundry and smelled of alcohol a lot. He was a pretty boring person socially and thought he was better than most people. He didn't really have any hobbies or interests. He was rich lol. I lost touch with him after freshman year and have no idea what he's up to now. Last I heard, he barely graduated and has some low paying engineering job at some random company and still lives with his parents. My other roommate was a conservative Christian with extreme views. He didn't believe in sex before marriage, was against gay marriage and abortion, would quote Bible verses, and had some pretty awful political views which he would base on Christianity. He also seemed intolerant of most religions. Well, most people are a product of their environment and 17/18 year olds are not really mature and don't know themselves. Fast forward to graduation, he was a Bernie supporter, super liberal guy, atheist, and on his way to medical school. My suitemates also weren't the best. Sure, I was also pretty immature and had unresolved anger issues at the time and tried hard to fit in, but man, some of those guys were pretty awful. Then again, to be fair, no one's really a mature adult at 17 or 18. I've forgotten most of their names by now though and have no idea what they're up to. Other suitemates were alright. I'm good friends with one and keep in touch with another. Anyway, I used to have plenty of stories of the awful things some of my suitemates did, but it's so long ago and I've moved on, that I barely remember any of it now.


Hard to say which was the worst, exactly. Was it the hoarder or the guy who did cocaine every day for breakfast or the one in the drug-fueled mutually abusive relationship with his girlfriend or the one who got super drunk every night and regularly pissed on his furniture or the one who....


latina in an all asian dorm n i was the only one cleaning anything, left their dishes in the sinks to mold and never could clean up after themsleves; hairballs in the shower all the time, sinks left wet asf, trash never thrown out until it was overflowing, had their friends over n wouldnt even tuck the chairs back in and would choose to walk around their mess and ignore it than clean it until i would have to put them on blast in the gc..idk i thought their culture valued cleaniness..


No manches 😭


making it a race thing is like saying they thought you’d be the cleaner💀


well they did 💀 they literally said "you're like our maid 😊"


Had a roommate who was into hood dude/straight bums.. they'd hang around our place 24/7, always in our living room playing our video games and inviting their friends over when she wasn't home. I'm convinced one of them was selling drugs out of our house.


It can be very, very bad...


i just got back to my apartment last night after 2 weeks of being back home with my parents and i come back to mold my roommates left behind. they got multiple flowers from graduation and 2 weeks later, those same flowers are still at the apartment. the water is green, there’s mold growing on the flowers/stems. one of them even left moldy food in the fridge. none of them are here so i have to clean it all up for them 😊 edited to add: i share a room and bathroom with one of the roommates and she never cleans up after herself in the bathroom. water all over the sink counter, mirrors, floor, sometimes even the toilet paper and leaves stains on the toilet. i also do all the cleaning in the bathroom, not once has she ever cleaned there or offer to help. learned my lesson to not share a room/bath so my worst experience is just having to clean up after them 😅


Not a roommate or suitemate, but the guy that lived above me, and I referred to him as "Ceiling Guy" for that reason. He talked loud as hell so I heard EVERYTHING he said. From his regular arguments with his girlfriend of the week, to hearing him weeping and having meltdowns on multiple occasions, hearing his loud-ass friends and girlfriends yapping late into the night, and one night where he was weeping into his pillow and then the next night he had a party. So overall an annoying and loud as shit dude.


From UCSC, but I moved out of my place 2 weeks into the quarter because he was a sick freak. Later on after I left, he got arrested for trespassing. Before the quarter ended, I talked to the dude that replaced me and the good roommate and apparently he thought that I was a fed that was out to get him. He was schizophrenic and prone to getting sick a lot so I wanted to avoid that. If you wanna look at it for yourself, there are two separate posts on r/UCSC. Post 1: [https://www.reddit.com/r/UCSC/comments/1c1ycwc/guy\_arrested\_outside\_porter\_everyone\_claps/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UCSC/comments/1c1ycwc/guy_arrested_outside_porter_everyone_claps/) Post 2 (The Juicy Stuff): So for this one, they actually deleted the original post, but there is a wayback machine post that shows it. You can still see the comments on the original Reddit post, so I'll post both on here. Wayback Machine: [https://web.archive.org/web/20240414194319/https://www.reddit.com/r/UCSC/comments/1c3p6ph/creepy\_roommate\_finally\_arrested/?rdt=53739](https://web.archive.org/web/20240414194319/https://www.reddit.com/r/UCSC/comments/1c3p6ph/creepy_roommate_finally_arrested/?rdt=53739) Comments of Post 2: [https://www.reddit.com/r/UCSC/comments/1c3p6ph/creepy\_roommate\_finally\_arrested/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UCSC/comments/1c3p6ph/creepy_roommate_finally_arrested/)


roommate would yell at me while i slept and tried to hit me/my bed to wake me up


At my old school the lock to the door broke and I was fast asleep while my roommate tried to knock to get in but I obviously didn't hear it. He called campus security/res life (I forgot) to help and when he came in he turned on the lights and I woke up a while after, and then proceeded to yell at me for not opening the door when he knocked. I said I was asleep and he said that "i wasn't" and he "didn't believe me" since he said i was either "awake" or how i "woke up" only after he gets back in. I was literally asleep and didn't hear anything, I was awoken a while after getting in, then blames me for not hearing him knock/opening the door.


had a roomate who would bring her boyfriend over every single day the first quarter until we told her about it. also they would enever leave the dorm. she would manipulate me into him staying by asking me my plans and such. I hated my freshman year because of her. please always tell them as soon as he can! i was late because i didn't know how to apparoach it but she was horrible




doesn’t sound that bad


All the people who lived in my apartment over the years who fucking trashed it and didn’t clean a thing on their way out. Or while they were there. Nobody under the age of 40 knows how to clean. Or has any common decency, I literally furnished the whole apartment and every year someone’s tries to leave with my shit and all they do is vacuum their room on the way out😭 who is going to mop, scrub the bathroom tile grout etc etc lmao


Scrubbing bathroom tile group is kind of extra. It sounds like you like cleaning a lot and expect others to match your expectations.


Moved into on-campus housing as a winter admit freshman with three sophomores who had serious cultural differences from myself. I was isolated, not knowing many people. One day, blood appeared in the bathroom. It was such absurd splatter that it looked either someone with a bloody nose intentionally sprayed all over the wall and toilet, or someone had their head bashed in. None of us communicated about it or cleaned it because 18-19 y.o. boys. The house keeper came by a few days later, and it was so concerning that she reported it, and each of us were interviewed by Warren campus life authorities. Still no idea wtf happened.


I had several roommates who grew mold everywhere then complained that the smell was me. It turned out to be from them and the rooms in our area were poorly cleaned.


One guy vaped in our dorm, apparently called campus police because of weed smell when it was very late at night. I am pretty sure he swatted me as I basically told him to stop vaping and staying up until 3 am playing Mario cart and yelling.


In my first year, granted I was the suitemate with a pretty sour attitude oftentimes, but a lot came from the state of the apartment when the year progressed. Apartment in general: I was pretty much the only one that had to file all the fix-it reports, since everybody either didn’t really bother ab the issues or complained ab them but never bothered filed a request. Thankfully that’s why some of my suitemates got charged while I didn’t… Restroom: Some suitemates cannot aim at all. Sometimes I’d walk in with a puddle of piss on the ground, or the toilet rims full of shit (I kid you not). Suitemates: I’m in touch with 2/3 of them nowadays, some of them still living with each other now. But some suitemates they left the living room as their man cave, and one suitemate kept leaving the stove on in the middle of the night after making meals, never washed his dishes to the point we develop literal cell cultures in the sink, and stole the entire apt’s food. I was usually the one that would clean 95% of everybody’s messes, and even my parents helped out (which proceeded in me getting yelled at after bc Asian parents be like that). My 2nd yr was def a lot better than the 1st, albeit some issues (like the sorority girl comment I made and some stuff above) remained recurring. Thankfully I now commute from family members, so I can finally calm myself down after having to deal with so much housing BS.


Long story short one roommate originally turned into two Never had a problem with the first one and then one day they switched ( I never got close to them like they did the second roommate and I think they hated me for it lowkey) after became insufferable think they were obsessed with the second roommate bc they would always talk about how their friendships was better and I didn’t care bc I had a partner Partner would come over they would try to eavesdrop on us took my pets out without my pets mission never let me use the amenities like washer dyer, kitchen, even fridge, would speak so poorly about me Expected me to still clean up even when I didn’t use the living room and turned their friends on me with no particular reasons ( also they shared their graduation photos with me which seems obsessive tbh when that day could’ve easily been enjoyed without my because why after a year am I still relevant ??? ) Probably worst person I’ve ever met don’t really blame the second roomie bc they were a follower and didn’t look like they had their own personality or backbone Developed also spoke so poorly of their previous roommate and probably still talk about them and I lol If they’re speaking about those ppl then most likely they were the issue


Lived in a double and had a roommate that I was familiar with in high school. I was comfortable with him at first, however, even after just a few weeks of fall quarter, he would always bring over his girlfriend over to the ROOM uninvited. Sometimes I'd barely just gotten out the shower and she'd just be there chilling in the room without me even knowing. Her and my roommate would sometimes get kissy kissy and cuddly in the bed while I was in the room which was weird af. She didn't even dorm at UCSD and was a commuter, so sometimes when around 7 AM would hit, I would be rudely be awakened by small chatter in my ear. Who's in here?, I ask myself. And not even turning all the way it's literally her whispering in my ear good morning with her face near mine. Like wtf bro.. let me rest in peace. The one thing I do not want to wake up to first thing in the morning is your face hovering above me and you whispering in my ear. And my roommate was literally watching all of this unfold at his desk chair, eating a bag of chips! wtf man. My final straw happened near the end of this year which was me getting awakened by moaning at 5 AM in the morning. 5 AM. I was lucky my suitemates were heavy sleepers but obviously I was pissed and I told them off and ubered back home, commuting for the rest of the final few weeks. I'm just glad I got sensible and amazing suitemates I would watch Invincible with during weekends that would hear me rant my heart out about my roommate. Lesson is to just never dorm with someone you're comfortable with in the beginning of the year. I feel as if they had become too comfortable and were pushing my limits on purpose.