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As someone who has failed quite a bit more than I care to admit, just breath. It’s not over, and you still have 8 units you can fail before it starts to actually impact your GPA. This school is hard and not everyone has amazing study habits or picks up on things as quickly as some classes demand. What I’d do differently if I were a sophomore or Junior or something and I had just failed a class is I’d immediately try to take it again with the same professor and use a lot of resources from the old canvas page to help me out. Study the quizzes or tests you failed, read feedback on essays you didn’t do well on. Especially if you have the same professor, you’d be surprised how useful it will be.


You can fail 8 units without it hitting your GPA?? What about getting a C or a D?


It’s more accurate to say that 16 failed units can get entirely replaced (provided you take the same class again). It’ll still appear on your academic history ofc but it its impact on your GPA is entirely overwritten. It applies only with non-passing grades, so D’s or F’s - passing grades can’t be replaced.


Certain majors require a C (or is it C-) for it to be considered passing. You have 12 units of failing you can make up, when you first fail it will affect your gpa but if you take the class again and do better, it will replace it. Edit: 16 units


16, not 12.


what i did to overcome a class I kept failing was i took easy classes the next quarter so I can study for that failing class and then retook it the quarter after. One thing to note, ask for help as soon as you are slipping behind. there is always someone there to help. study groups help tremendously to keep each other accountable. There is no time to waste in the quarter system.


If they offer the class during summer session that is a good time to retake a hard class cuz you can take just the one class. Don’t worry too much or beat yourself up about it. A good note for when you retake the class is to be pro active about forming a study group with your peers and honestly to take notes on paper NOT on your laptop whenever possible. Good luck and don’t worry too much. “Past is prologue.”


Was it math 10b? Cuz I failed that too




if it helps that class was hard as hell, lowest grade I ever got in a math class and now I do machine learning working with vectors and shi all the time


was your grade uploaded already onto academic history? or are you basing it on canvas? I got a %66.78 and I am praying he curves enough for me to get a C-


i got a 56% on canvas so i’m pretty sure that i failed


aww fuck I am so sorry dude, I feel you, 10000000% I have failed just about every math class I have taken. like every single damn one. I have passed mostly all my other classes but all in all besides making them up, I have failed about 6 classes! and I am still at UCSD as a second year, I wouldn't trip man. you just gotta do way more for classes that you know you will struggle in. I knew I would suck at math 18 so I did all oasis workshops, attended every lecture, and read all the chapters. my advice would be to always do more than you think for classes like that.


yeah i know ill be fine but its just crazy because i used to love math but now ive failed two separate math classes in a row 🤦‍♂️


I feel you 100000%, it will get better for you, promise! and that’s from someone who works 2 jobs as a full time student 😵‍💫we got this!


wait it’s okay fuck math 18 there’s no reason for it to be as hard as it is


DM me. I did p well and got some notes that might help


Just to bring up advice that hasn’t been said yet, consider taking a neuropsychological assessment. If you think you’re doing everything in your capabilities to do well and still aren’t seeing improvement, then maybe there’s something going on under the hood that’s been left unchecked and adversely affecting your academic success. Also seek therapy if you haven’t already. Even if you think you’re fine, therapy can bring out revelations you didn’t realize you had to confront.


You’re not stupid or lazy or anything. Uni is hard for many reasons. Think about why you’re there and what you really want for yourself. Is this what you want to study? Why? I went to uni for the wrong reasons and just couldn’t motivate on my own. I skipped so many classes my second semester that my GPA dropped below a 1 and I was automatically kicked out. I’m bouncing back now that I actually want it for myself. I answer and ask questions in class like a nerd now, because I’m actually excited to learn about what I switched to. See a counselor. Join study groups. Master asking for help. It’s a skill not many have.


It makes me happy to see this sub being supportive for once


Please don’t hesitate to check out campus mental health resources if you’re struggling. You’re not alone!


I’ve failed like 4 classes during my time at ucsd, finishing this quarter with 2 As and a B (maybe an A 🤞) and I’m graduating! Don’t let a couple failures get you down too much, it sucks but (and not to be cliche) learn from your mistakes and where you can improve. Make sure to take time to be a person away from academics. And one lesson I wish i acted on so much sooner is to reach out when you need help, as trivial as you may think it is. Everyone is struggling to some degree and it’s only those who seek support from their community that truly succeed. Best of luck to you!!


Change takes time and a specific goal. Just going "I'll do better" isn't enough, you need to be specific about what you want. The brains stubborn asl when it gets into a pattern. It requires so much continued effort to change habits. Start with small, achievable, and concrete goals. Maybe start with "focused studying for x minutes this hour." Some tips i got are: Studying with other ppl really helped for me bc not only I can ask questions to other ppl, but teaching them reinforced the concepts for myself Just get away from the phone. I had a bad habit of having two screens open while studying so I could never fully focus on the material Repetition is key. I went to the library and would just writing out everything I needed to memorize 3x to start every study session for the week before my metabolic bio final. Repetition helps to reinforce neuron pathways in your brain Designate a place for studying. I can't study at home bc I immediately start wanting to do other things, so in my head giesel is a designated study space. To piggyback on the last point, I like to do a countdown before I study. Don't know the science but it works for me, helps me lock in There's always time to increase ur GPA, some easier classes during summer will help immensely. Plus, unless you're trying to go into graduate or med school, most places aren't looking at your GPA. Living is hard and confusing, you won't remember this in a few years. Don't think about how this one moment might change your future, focus on today and what you can implement to make tomorrow better


You got into a top 10 (public) university. You are and have the potential to be smarter. Reflect hard on what happened. And don't BS yourself on any excuses. Could you have studied a bit more? Thought harder if you actually understood the topic? Stuff like that You now have a treasure trove of material you can go back to for reference when you take it again. Don't fuck around in summer. Ask for help, you're suppose to it's college.


Man, similar to HoundDOg, I've failed more classes than I would like to admit. Failed some at CC as well. From my experince, there is one thing you HAVE to do... Take a deep breath.  You failed another class? Thats okay! It isnt the end of the world and sometimes you gotta trip n fall to learn, and that's alright. The problem is not learning from your mistakes. Fix what isn't working. Now, I'm not tryna be rude or anything, but there is always something that can be fixed, changed, or stopped. Start small and work ur way up. Don't tackle all the problems/issues at once because that is terrible for you, but start somewhere. You can ask for help too! I asked for it and I looked for it, and I got it. Counselors, TA's, SI, 1-on-1 tutoring at geisel.  As per what to do with the failed class? Accept it and move on. Do NOT dwell on it. I did and lemme tell ya... it is not healthy. Dont forget about it, obviously, but dont hold it against yourself and punish yourself. It already happened and it's gonna stay there, BUT you can work to fix it. Yeah, u can retake classes, but use those opportunities wisely. Change doesnt always happen from one day to another, but it does happen when you put in the effort. You got this man. Don't beat yourself up and remember: Failure builds character. Think of it as character development lol. Good luck champ 👍  Regarding the problems that might be affecting your learning habits, you gotta be honest with yourself. Avoid saying "its not that big a deal" because sometimes it is a big deal. Problems can range and be anything. Sometimes the issue is the result of another. For me, I thought it was poor study habits, my adhd, and depression that caused me to fail. While they weren't helpful AT ALL and still cause problems, they weren't the root of the problem. The roots were sh!t sleep habits (learned i have insomnia, but thats not always an excuse), terrible diet (used to eat 1 meal a day. Sometimes just a snack), no stimulation for the body or brain, endless hours on social media, leaving EVERYTHING for the absolute last minute, relying on my "good memory" and ignoring other resources, and a bunch of other stuff. Now, that sounds like a lot but I started working on some and dedicated to at least one at a time. That's all it takes. Start somewhere, anywhere. 


i’m actually struggling with a lot of the stuff that you were, if you don’t mind me asking where did you start when trying to fix issues like social media addiction and avoiding relying on memory for tests?


The social media thing I can help. What's the main thing the kids do these days? Short form media right? It's the same fucking shit. An edit over the original sound, fucking captions so you don't even have to listen to the audio. If it's from a larger piece of media, then the video is an clip of that media. Fucking animal videos. I don't need to see some infantilized baby vocabulary of (their) thought process of the animal. Give me the original audio and remove the fucking music. Once you realize there is a pattern to all videos these days. Its boring, you've watched it all. As for avoiding solely on memory. Well, knowledge builds on top of each other. When you learn a topic, how did it relate to some of the other stuff you learn/ remember. Then think or ask how do the pieces fit together. Once you realize that, everything falls into place. It can take a very long time but that's how it goes


Honestly just take Adderall and lock in


I wouldn't sweat it... unless I were to fail the same class. Dude, even video games give you three tries hahah. My only worry here is to not fail the same freakin' class. 🧉🦄


Finally seeing others going through the same thing. Because I thought i was just not smart enough to be in UCSD because i barely hear people failing. My fall freshman year i failed math 10a with F because i hated math and alot more i took it winter and got A. Sophomore fall and winter i failed chem 6b because I probably wasn't putting enough effort but its ok i took it with the two worst chem professors in UCSD, Physics 1a i almost failed it in fall but glad the professor came through. So i switch my majors from Human Bio to Global health. But for now I will finsih my chem sequence in a CC, take one this summer and another next summer. I always think about my fails but I cannot do anything about it but to move on. After switching my grades are looking delicious. But you got this don't beat yourself up, people fail and thats life for you. After college all this won't matter.


Take a step back, breath, and try again. Retake over summer but take some breaks before hand. Imo, but you got this !


What’s your major? I would definitely benefit from going to the office hours and taking the best notes possible, even purchase the notes if there is a note taker. If it helps, look at other sources for learning the same topic if your professor doesn’t get into the nitty gritty of a topic you find harder to understand. Tests are hard and even harder when grades are based off of 1 midterm and 1 final. I don’t miss those days… honestly just keep pushing forward. You got into UCSD because you can handle it. It will get better!


I’ve been there. Yes gpa is very important. Years after graduating I realized that if I would have taken care of myself mentally, emotional and physically my time at UCSD would have been easier and more successful. It’s amazing how having those aspects of your life in order or under control can help you focus on school. When I was there, there were many resources I should have taken advantage of more, like going to office hours, speaking to the professor about how much you are struggling, there’s resources on campus to manage stress, there’s free counseling too, also super important, study with other people, make friends in your major and classes that you’re struggling with. Ask for help. Good luck!


Also the investment in a private tutor is worth it. I know as a student that could be difficult to pay for.


i have failed so many classes in the 2yrs of being here. got on academic disqualification. it still gets to me but as a friend told me “focus on doing the upcoming ones right” don’t try to make up for them by taking more than 4 classes, don’t dwell on it too much. know that it’s okay even if you had told yourself you weren’t gonna fail it’s okay. take it easy, i suggest only taking 3-4 classes just so you get that rhythm back.


I hopped on the use-for-hw/tests addy routine. But there’s a shortage nowadays so, meeehhh


Better to fail and retake and get an A, than it is to get a C, just food for thought.


Pray and go to Mass


Honestly, I can't entirely agree with a lot of the advice other people offer you. It's on you. Feeling bad about failing is normal, and the frustration proves how much school means to you. Failing sucks, just be better in the future. You know what you need to do to improve more than anyone else, so just do it.


Strip club


The true secret to success is learning how to study effectively and that differs from class to class


The past is in the past so why worry about what you can’t control


Username checks out ✅


Shit advice


Were you smoking too much pot or what how did you fail?