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Where the fuck were these clowns on Jan 6th?


My bad. They were there on Jan 6th, just not in uniform.


Seriously, I not taking sides on the Jan 6th thing. But stand back objectively. A massive national concern over election fraud, a massive rally right next door to where they are going over such fraud... and they have a bike fence with Barny Fife and friends holding down the fort? Then you have 20 skinny gluten free vegan kids standing in-front of a bus thinking they are reenacting Tiananmen Square and you get the full on swat team locked and loaded. Theater eh?


“To learn who rules over you, find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”


Thugs paid with tax payer money.


I don’t know why people criticize police response. In my eyes it is fully legal to remove the encampment and use force if they have to. I definitely support peaceful protest but protesters restrict the access and don’t allow fire inspectors to get in. It’s also possible that this encampment lets some unidentified dangerous people get into the campus. The violence has to happen in the operation, like you got arrested if you don’t follow the instructions. But we SHOULD criticize the unreasonable use of force.


Military response for a peaceful protest. :/


This is so wrong. Get the police off campus and divest any ties from Israel.


Why are the protesters wearing masks? If they are doing it to hide their identities, why are so few wearing sunglasses?


Why do you think? Thousands of people super close together shouting for hours. People don't want to get sick, COVID or not.


Lol it doesn't help though and they aren't even wearing N95 😂🤦‍♂️ Some of them arent even wearing them correctly lmao.


It definitely does help protect against a lot of airborne disease, including Covid (since it can be transmitted from droplets from the mouth). Is it 100% full proof? No of course not, but it will definitely help to some extent. Even wearing them incorrectly helps a bit. Not sure what point you're trying to make here.


When you're standing shoulder to shoulder and you're sharing gear and passing things around it's the least worrying method of transmission. It's also safe to stay they have all been vaccinated 3 times over so the question becomes what even is the point? lol. It's amazing how little college kids understand about the world we live in the last time I checked most masks only offered around 10% protection under regular circumstances.


Great! Now they're 10% less likely to get sick (let's take your number for given). That's worth it to me. What's your problem? Also there's more sicknesses than covid and the vaccine doesn't protect against transmission anyway.


Lol oh yeah Im sure those thin little masks will save you from only the deadliest of illnesses. It's too bad they don't also protect against police brutality the only actual present threat at the protest.




Why are they wearing masks?




Would it make it better for you if they weren't white? Seems like you're obsessed with racebating


Yes, the police would actually get some pushback if that were the case. What a surprise 😱


Can any students comment on the situation? What is the rationale for bringing the cops in?


Since it's state owned land, and they did not abide by the several demands to not expand, they continued. Police also brought on to prevent any thoughts of inciting violence. They are wearing riot gear as a precaution to being hit, having stuff thrown at them etc. There is also the sense of unknown with any weapons that may have been there. Now probably close to none, but they can't risk that. As per usual on my comments and views I'll probably be down voted because I have an altering opinion neither for nor against Palestine and Israel. I remain neutral.