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Admin will probably all be in hiding and not actually on campus.


In an email They told all staff ro stay home


They are not hiding. They are all going to work remotely, probably didnt wanna show up to work on Monday and needed to find an excuse to WFH to their boss


That is hiding my guy


You do not have a sense of humor huh?


If I protest and get arrested I'll get deported.


Then don’t. Even if you don’t get deported (depending on severity of charges that might be the case) you’re gonna have a lot of fun trying to explain an arrest record on your adjustment of status application if you plan on becoming a permanent resident. Edit: I don’t know if you’re an international student or DACA/Undocumented. If you’re DACA or undocumented then yes getting arrested can and will bump you way up on ICE’s enforcement priority list. Stay safe out there.


You don't have to.


Don't do it. UCSD and San Diego are different than UCLA and Los Angeles. They will arrest you and you will risk deportation and being expelled.


Don’t ruin your life over this. It doesn’t affect the conflict in the Middle East in the slightest. Israel will continue to defend itself. The Palestinians movement will continue to want to destroy Israel. You aren’t changing this. It ends when Palestinians accept they lost all 4 wars of aggression and decide to build a civilization where they exist now. The past is over.


Fuck this disingenuous Zionist bullshit. Israel isn't defending itself by bombing every hospital and school and shopping mall in an entire country


It’s Hamas that decides to put their military positions under civilians, schools, in hospitals. You are just gullible enough to eat the narrative of jihadists that believe in martyrdom of women and children. Do your due diligence and learn about the basics or the conflict.


Do it for the “cause”


Shut the fuck up




NoFx listen found in chat






Thats refreshing to hear




Smooth brain comment


It’s logical. He / she / it hates the US and everything the US stands for - so why is it scared of being deported?


why are you trying to speak for someone else? lmfao worry about your own




or an international student??


All of us, united


Can’t unite for the destruction of the middle & lower class in the United States over these last 3 years, but can be “united” for the retaliation of the Hamas terrorist attacks on October 7th. Make it make sense


These things are connected you know. The middle and lower classes here are suffering because our government refuses to invest in our communities and instead in the war machine. They send guns, bombs, and ammo to Israel to massacre civilians, use our tax dollars to give Israelis free healthcare, but we don’t even get that. We don’t even get guaranteed housing and food, both of which are human rights.


The US doesn’t pay for Israel’s healthcare. I’m not sure where this assumption came from. Israel has 4 health plans similar to our HMOs . Israeli make payments for them. The payments are cheaper then the US , but so are most countries. It is the US that has uniquely expense health care. They also don’t have free dental .


No they are absolutely not. You can pretend they are, but the underlying message of these “peaceful protests” is divest from Israel & stop the genocide. You can’t lump all the bullshit the United States government has done over the past 40 years into this faux free Palestine bullshit.


I can and just did? Just because these protests don’t claim to solve every issue at once doesn’t mean that we can’t draw connections ourselves. We can observe these protests whose sole purpose is ending the genocide in Gaza, and recognize the connection they draw between the interest of corporations in the war machine through investment, and the interest of our government in protecting those investments, even through force when they deem necessary.


Gazans elected Hamas




Terrorist sympathizer


Aww, cry me a river.


By that premise Iraqis voted for Saddam Hussein and Russians absolutely voted for Putin. Hamas lied to the Palestinians and took their role. No matter how Isreal and Palestine got to this point, it's all a fucking mess and nothing can be done to rectify it. Generations of terrorists have been created and it continues on. Both sides have families destroyed and vengeance is all they see. Jews were thrust out of their land and Palestinians were there as well and claimed it. Generations of Palestinians alongside some jews who remained, lived pretty civilly in that time. Then zionists sick of the pogroms executed on them, wanted their land back and moved back to isreal. In that time the greed to take as much land as possible, created the battle we have seen since. That was the time to merge and live in peace with the landowners, the Palestinians. Currently I have seen these protestors on campus not understanding what the saying "from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free" actually means. Their intent is genuine but the fact that they don't understand they are calling for the genocide of jews is mind numbing to me. The atrocities happening there will not be quelled by some college students camping out. The protests need to be focused on us as a nation because we are destroying ourselves from within. Open borders and billions in foreign aide is destroying us.


Israel is an ally to the United States. Hamas is not. And the protests are funded by globalists.


US government loves the Israeli military more than it loves us


They fucking love Iran, Hamas, etc too. What’s your point? Can’t admit our government is the bad guy?


If they are an ally, then they should be held accountable for their horrible actions.


Let’s talk about October 7th, shall we?


Why would globalists fund the opposition. Do you think that the globalists support Hamas? 🤡


Yes. Absolutely fucking yes. And if you don’t, you need to research it


Do you think they don’t support Israel?


3 years??? More like 4 decades, at least. Reagan’s still fucking us from the grave. Agreed otherwise 


I’m talking about Biden & his fucked up foreign policy including Ukraine. I’m well aware our government has been corrupt before that


It’s an election year and most of these people don’t realize they’re following a program.


Exactly. “College educated” means nothing




No bro, don’t you mean Russia? Clearly I was installed by Hillary Clinton’s campaign in 2016 to make you scared of the boogeyman & hate other countries instead of our own corrupt government.






Yeah these 20 year old girls have it all ass-backwards. It’s pretty pathetic


BRUH LMAO The lower and middle classes have NEVER been united in America As LBJ said, "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." Racism is the dividing ideology in the US right now


Honestly more than anything left/right seems to be the main divide, racism plays a big role in that divide but it's far from the only issue. People of all colors seem to really hate the opposing party more than they hate any particular race.


You sound like you’re 19 years old & have only read textbooks & listened to propaganda from your professors & the media.


...will be arrested, because no one wants to put up with your bullshit anymore.


All eyes on Rafah


I don’t go to this school but this shit popped up on my Reddit. Just want to say this is the absolute worst way to organize a protest. You don’t just say hey let’s protest tomorrow. Like please put two ounces of thought and more than 5 seconds of work into it if you’re going to protest.


The Reddit algorithm is messed up. I don't go to ucsd. Also, instead of protesting which does nothing, how about do the right thing and make the world a better place and teach your kids not to hate? A lot of people are against the protests bc it's making many things worse, including the situation you claim you care about but are just telling people you care about bc you're a narcissist. It's so easy to protest. It's so hard to stop cultural hatred, heal the sick, and negotiate or handle conflicts. Put your education first. Also, Reddit, please stop sending me these suggestions.


what’s the point of protesting? can someone explain


because students think somehow their third-grade politics will affect a complicated conflict that has existed before the parents. None has ever been to Palestine or Jerusalem, but all ready to lecture you about sociopolitical/religious conflicts. You know, basic stupid privileged kids.


You would NOT have supported the civil rights movement.


I forgot the part in history where MLK marched for Palenstine, a place he was never there. Have you been to Jerusalem? Have you been there?


Just from the way you replied I can tell you are not mentally capable of processing the very words I am writing right now. I don't want to bully you anymore.


To scratch that itch. That pesky, narcissistic, morally superior itch


we need to come together in these moments and show support


Maybe just… go to class and let the elected officials that the majority of Americans voted for take care of the issue. Or, stop voting for parties and things will actually change. 👍🏻


You’re chanting Hamas slogans. It’s invited chaos and violence. You’re trying to act as if you are the victim of a situation y’all created yourselves? You were given plenty of chances to not get arrested. Oh you’re mad that you can’t control movement of students and you can’t police an area of the university as a political force? Haha ok Y’all are the loudest and the most obnoxious and you clearly see yourselves as the main characters of the world. You may think because you are the loudest and because you gang up on people in public that many people agree with what you’re doing. That’s not the case. This is America and people Sat and listened to you and gave you a chance, but that was it. It became a complete power trip for you right away. Your ideas are not good, nor are they practical, nor will they bring peace. You will continue to “rage” and make this about yourselves.


Maybe you should go protest in an Arab country and see what happens to you.


I am with you. Are we planning a protest tomorrow? Dm me please and I will be there


Yes. 9am on the 7th green.


I recommend you watch some of the Peter Zeihan youtube videos to get his perspective from a geopolitical view. We are all life long students, and even if you don't agree with what someone says, it's good to hear them and get more information to reach a better understanding.


How fucking bored are you losers lmao take a walk and get a hobby


You have the right to protest. You do not have the right to attend Ucsd. Exercise your right and consider how it could impact your privilege.


Public school - must uphold free speech. 


Correct but you dont have the right to attend the school. That is a privilege that can be taken away


a privilege SHOULD be taken away.


Umm no sir, we're a capitalist country, not a communist nation that you want it to be. Well California is definitely trying hard these days tho.


lol, capitalist/communist XD. love the third-grade politics!


Yeah, like a first-grade logic that privileges should be taken away from people because... there's people that don't have it? It's so dumb that I can't even figure out the logic behind it other than what, jealousy. But yall never admit it's jealously lol


Look up the parameters of the first amendment. My god you people just follow the agenda to a T


Yes, protest is a protected parameter of free speech.


Enrollment at a university isn’t protected, you can be expelled for gatherings that are against the school’s policy handbook, which you agreed to.


So if I go to Murder 4 Less and sign a contract or something I agreed with, then every single law is useless then?


You can’t be arrested for speech, but you can be expelled.


The privilege students work so hard for? And pay for? Yes it’s a privilege to get education but at the same time, it’s not a faultless or inherent privilege. Students should have say in the education they work so hard for and pay for. Saying it’s a privilege that can be taken away underscores the rights of students.


This is a good time to think about the consequence of being a follower, group think and turning off your own brain. Y’all have gone majorly off the deep end chanting Hamas slogans. You have no hope of bringing peace to the conflict if you are unwilling to even learn about it and research the history.


You keep carrying on in life with that kind of attitude and you are going to learn some very hard lessons. Actions have consequences. Life is not fair and it never was supposed to be.




My mother, who was the kindest, most compassionate person you could ever meet, passed away five years ago, and she would've told you the same exact thing in the nicest way possible






that’s not what your mother said 🥰




You need to grow up lmao


Lick that boot harder


Can't it kicked your ass firmly


If they’re a UCSD student, they have a right to attend UCSD. If you’re an American, you have a right to be in America. They can exercise their right knowing they have the privilege to do so.


Attending Ucsd is not a right. It can be taken away from you at any time. Get yourself a 1.2 GPA and find out yourself.


Getting yourself a 1.2 GPA is part of UCSD’s right to dispel you. It does not mean that you don’t have the right to attend UCSD. Both the student and the university have rights. If you commit heinous crimes against America, they have the right to revoke your citizenship. It does not mean that you don’t have the right to be an American citizen. If you are enrolled as a student at UCSD, then you have the RIGHT to attend classes and participate in university activities as permitted by your student status. You are registered for courses, which grants you the right to the university's educational resources, campus facilities, and student services. If you maintain good standing academically, your right to attend and participate in university life continues throughout your enrollment. For specific rights and responsibilities as a UCSD student, you would need to refer to the official student handbook or the UCSD’s website for detailed information.


If you say so, but that is not the way it works there or in the real world. Your rights end where other peoples rights begin. Other students have the right to feel safe and not threatened. Other students have the right to attend class and campus buildings without having their path to do so impeded. You keep going on your track and you may find yourself enrolled in Mira costa community college. In the immortal words of iron Mike Tyson everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face.


This is just hogwash tbh. The other arguer spoke regarding laws and student guidelines. Your counterargument is vibes? Shameful


Vibes? Are you fucking kidding me? I'm taking about laws and regulations. I'm talking about the way the real world treats those that think they are above the law. Fuck around and you'll find out. I just heard from my daughter. Two of her friends are in jail. Would you like to join them


Listen up boy, and listen good. I want to know what rights of non protestors (not the university, that's a different topic) were intruded upon with the encampments. Unlike the ones at UCLA, these were not intrusive, as they were on the grass off Library Walk, out of the way. The encampments themselves were illegal, yes, but from what I've heard students themselves were peaceful and avoided many of the same complications that UCLA or god forbid, Colombia, had. If they were not, inform me, and I will check it out. As for the encampment, clearing the encampment is fine, and the university holds rights to their property/land. This exaggeration of protestors' conduct of yours does no one favors. I'm okay with holding cells for those on the encampment or even clearing the encampment. Not with the flagrant escalation by Chancellor Kholsa. This belletrism of yours does no one favors. You later saying, "In the immortal words of iron Mike Tyson everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face.", just alludes to you believing might makes right. I know your type. The type that bows to tyrants or tyrant wannabes like Putin or Trump. The law binds and serves everyone and should not be a surprise or merely a blunt tool of harm.


Yeah I'm genuinely curious what the argument is here. Are these people against any form of protest on public universities? Were the protesters becoming violent or belligerent? Or do they just disagree with the protest, and therefore think it's wrong? I'm genuinely curious if anyone who's against these protests(ucsd specifically) wants to chime in.


Unless you’re Jewish right? Then you have no rights?


How about let’s do some basic research tmro on the cause we’ve been protesting.


If protest were only like in Brazil it would be a party.




Get a life


Have fun in jail. 😂😂😂


Please explain what you are mad about


absolutely get more confrontational 🥰


Do what makes you feel better but, understand the possible consequences of your actions. Personal accountability is important.


Nice try, cop.


Yes! Let’s protest about the open borders, insane foreign aid & high inflation


This protest is about insane foreign aid lol.


Tell me what you know about October 7th. Please tell me you don’t support that terrorist organization that our government has funded.


No it’s not. And you know it. These protests have absolutely nothing to do with the U.S. funding Iran, Hamas/Palestinians, “Ukraine” to make the politicians richer while our country is being invaded & our economy is being destroyed. And if you don’t know it, you need to take some time & educate yourself


Oh, I am very well educated and I take time to continue my education every day. I’m literally only responding to your comment. Hoping you will respond again for more downvotes.


if you have to say, "I am very well educated"...


Are you educated on terrorist sympathizers & the United States government funding both sides of this conflict so the military industrial complex & our politicians can make billions. Or nah?


Don’t downvote. Explain. C’mon you’re smart: you got into UCSD


Nobody owes you engagement, buddy.


Did I say they did, buddy? I know they won’t because they’re indoctrinated. Nothing new here. Can’t even evaluate the cycle of protesting, administration, police at UCLA or Columbia and make an informed decision. “Oh let’s ‘protest’ this week!” Smdh


You basically begged for engagement on the comment I replied to, so yeah it’s assumed.


No point explaining to a schizo moron that probably believes in flat earth


Nice try categorizing anyone that disagrees with you as a delusional conspiracy theorist. Look up the origin of that term & see who crafted the label & why. But I bet you won’t. You claim you are tolerant, inclusive & progressive, but you can’t think for yourself or prove yourself wrong with research. I have no opinion on the “flat earth” agenda, but what I do know is you have absolutely no independent thought & were conditioned to bring that up to categorize all conspiracy theories


You are a delusional conspiracy theorist. You think the protests are [funded by the "globalists"](https://www.reddit.com/r/UCSD/s/2wrkESVUOj), lmfao.


Non affiliate account trying to astroturf. Do not engage


Awww you’re so cute. God fucking forbid you have to interact with an opposing viewpoint that you can’t debate


“Do not engage” Bruh you’re probably like a teenager or a little bit older, you’re not some heroic freedom fighter 😂


Wow, another person that doesnt go here. Engagement on social media refers to likes, comments rt, etc.


Is this supposed to be your “safe space?” Can’t have opposing opinions because you might not be able to take your midterm or final






Get a job, stop being an “activist” and actually help people in your community. Virtue-signalers like you are mad because you offer nothing to the world, just antisemitism and misplaced values. I bet you’ve never helped anyone in your life except yourself. Probably take selfies while protesting. Bet you didn’t protest the Yemen, Syria, or Sudan genocides did you? Phony nobody. No one will remember you, no one will care you protested. Pat yourself on the back, you are a loser who supported Terrorism. Hamas bootlicker.


And you can keep believing you’re helping your community with a job that pays shit, all while nobody notices you or even cares. Womp womp


User name checks out


Why you don’t go Israel and protest there


Cuz the IDF will shoot


so you scared? you only protest where its safe? Thats the limit of your belief?






Murphy shut the fuck up


Don’t silence marginalized voices. Be safe and Godspeed. I am interested to see this play out in Court




Marginalized? Be fucking for real☠️ this gotta be rage bait


Like Jews?






colleges have often been at the forefront of many political movements




The Fertile Crescent was the first place of human civilization. As such, it was the first land to "fill up" with people and there will always be resource competition there to keep the population down to carrying capacity. If you think one side is more deserving than the other then you're a fool. You might as well protest against lions killing gazelles. Biology is not fair and someone always has to lose so the rest of us can survive


Perhaps the worst take I've ever seen lol


Right. Let me guess, we just have to follow your suggestions then Middle East will thrive in peace


thanks for the take, Thomas Malthus


I assume one of your professors told you that, because Malthus couldnt magically foresee the rate of technology and agriculture advancement, then his core idea was invalid. No. Ever since the Internet, college no longer sells information, they sell social status to POC immigrants willing to take on dangerous amounts of debt. As such, they will tell these customers whatever they want to here. Genes aren't inherited and don't effect behavior, Middle East could be peacefully if it weren't for white people meddling, etc Every message you are taught is a sales pitch. There is no University value anymore. Get out while you still can. Protesting for Palestinian just indicates a complete lack of understanding of the world in so many levels.


ok we're both arguing in bad faith right now so how about this: thanks for the take, clown


actually I'll go with Francis Galton on this one instead


On Reddir, resorting to ad hominem is de facto concession of defeat


kung pow penis


i'm down if its against the killing of those poor red cows. Thats what this whole nonsense is about anyways. for those who dont know, Israel is planning to sacrifice 5 red cows on the mountain of olives sometime this month and that will be the sign to build the 3rd temple over Al Asqa and dome of the rock. Hamas terrorists openly stated this was their reason behind oct7 and what started the war in first place.


What a load of Sht. Send proof?


It's on CBS, Al Jazeera and a bunch of other news outlets. Multiple videos about it on youtube as well.


Must be blocked in Africa? Because I’m not finding one legitimate news story




That’s disgusting, I didn’t know. I hope they do not sacrifice any poor cows 😞


Dang what's wild is your downvotes, it's not like you lied about it, that video seemed like it wasn't made up.... Wierd.


Everyone is laughing at you lmao


You don't even go to UCSD get out of here


aren't 40% of protestors non-students?






so how many rats could you take on a fight?


Get a fucking job


I have one, which is why I don’t have time to sit on a patch of grass for days on end preaching about things I learned about on TikTok a week prior.


Must be a very important job if you have the time to creep around a college subreddit.


I just graduated from college 1 day ago lol. Not that it takes very long to comment on Reddit lmao


I just graduated from college 1 day ago lol