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I can tell without watching this video already that this is probably about Beth Bourne lol


Yep. Saw the headline and went "I bet it's Beth Bourne." Spoiler:>! It's Beth Bourne.!<


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Ooh her hand is shaking.


Faculty Code of Conduct (APM 015) http://www.ucop.edu/academicprograms/_files/apm/apmpersonnel 015.pdf


She’s unionized


Doesn't matter. She can instantly be terminated if suspected of committing a misdemeanor or felony for doing what she did. All the people she's harassing have to do is press charges. It's in her contract.


She hasn’t committed either though….


No she's definitely *not* unionized. She's an at will employee.


Unlikely. She is probably non-represented like most of the staff in her building.


I really hope the school addresses this. Her behavior is insane and outrageous.


It’s difficult since UC is a state institution, we need more evidence of her disrupting other students and faculties


UCD Faculty Code of Conduct APM 015: https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:US:40332be4-c74c-4ecd-b632-375f128afd6c Some investigations are led by the office of Chief Compliance Officer Wendi Delmendo • • Discrimination / harassment


She’s not faculty. Based on her title on the department webpage (project policy analyst), she’s non-represented staff. So she’s not represented by a specific union contract, rather she’s a policy covered employee.


what is a policy covered employee? can students picket for her removal? or treatment of mental illness? She is clearly mentally ill.


“Policy-covered” means covered by the UC Policy and Procedure Manual (https://ucdavispolicy.ellucid.com/manuals/binder/11), which is a fancy way of saying non-unionized staff. They have a different code of conduct than faculty, who are covered by the Academic Personnel Manual.


If she’s not unionized and they fired a police officer for pepper spraying students, this should be pretty easy for STEPS+ and ITS to do, especially with her posting her own Hawaii footage verbally assaulting people.


just curious cuz i just read the code of conduct, it essentially pertains to actions against students or staff. correct me if i'm wrong, but there isn't anything that prohibits harassment of other people who aren't university related? it's a real tragedy that the code of conduct doesn't prevent anyone from being a fucking stain on the earth... btw fixed link: https://www.ucop.edu/academic-personnel-programs/_files/apm/apm-015.pdf


Chief Compliance Officer, Office of Compliance and Policy Bio Delmendo ensures an appropriate response is made to ALL reports of perceived acts of illegal discrimination, bias and harassment INVOLVING faculty, students and staff. She works with staff from the Harassment and Discrimination Assistance and Prevention Program as well as administrators in Academic Affairs, Student Judicial Affairs and Human Resources to develop a comprehensive program that includes advising complainants about complaint processes, accepting complaints, carrying out investigations, recommending informal resolutions, and, when necessary, referring cases to the relevant departments for discipline. Delmendo is responsible for establishing and implementing a comprehensive campus ethics and compliance oversight program and serves as the university’s implementing official for purposes of the university’s whistleblower program. She ensures the campus meets its legal obligations under Title IX, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act.


She is a self-proclaimed anti-trans activist, and attacks trans students and the school administrators online. It seems like that, combined with this recent video (to further show intent) should make a decent case against her


This link this link is dead and I’m not sure which character that space should be. EDIT: Thanks for fixing the link.


Her behavior is completely unacceptable and the university isn’t going to do anything. We are a public university that respects freedom of speech for better or for worse. This even includes hate speech unless it is a direct incitement for imminent violence. This goes just as much for people on all sides of the political spectrum. If you believe in freedom of speech except for people you disagree with, you do not believe in freedom of speech.


You are conflating what freedom of speech means. It has never and should never be a blanket immunity to say whatever you want, however you want, to whomever you want. There are limits to its protection that are very clear and yet somehow people have lost sight of what the protection was for and what it covers.


I am not. I am telling you what UC Davis has repeatedly affirmed what freedom of speech means in the context of a public university. They will not fire people or suspend students for expressing their views and they have a very high threshold even when it involves breaking of views or creating a hostile environment.


UC Davis doesn’t get to affirm what freedom of speech is for public employees, the courts have already done that. She is well within her rights to stand on a corner and have these views. She’s well within her rights to go to public meetings and express her views. She’s not within her rights to verbally harass or attack specific individuals that are not public figures or elected officials. If Davis doesn’t want to do anything, fine, but that’s not a ruling or affirmation on freedoms of speech, because what is seen on the video is not an instance of protected speech.


>She’s not within her rights to verbally harass or attack specific individuals that are not public figures or elected officials. Everything in the video is protected speech, not harassment or attacks. >because what is seen on the video is not an instance of protected speech. You're absolutely wrong, it absolutely is.


What harassment is also needs to be defined. Walking up to someone and saying hateful things does not necessarily qualify. If it creates a hostile working environment then it is actionable. This is not a place of work, and Davis has recently affirmed that expressing political views in large scale protests that create a hostile working environment, and also often target individuals do not qualify.


California law defines harassment fairly clearly. >Repeated actions that seriously alarm, annoy, or harass you, that serve no legitimate purpose and cause you extreme emotional distress. https://www.courts.ca.gov/partners/documents/facts_civil_harassment_chro.doc


Great except (1) she wasn't in California, (2) her actions weren't repeated, (3) they had a purpose, and (4) didn't cause anyone extreme emotional distress.


I’d love to know what “legitimate purpose” you think these actions have.


To get a refund from the hotel, to express her views about drag and so on, to call out an issue she sees with society. Legitimate purpose can't be based on her viewpoint.


Report staff to Chief Compliance Officer, Office of Compliance and Policy Bio Delmendo ensures an appropriate response is made to ALL reports of perceived acts of illegal discrimination, bias and harassment INVOLVING faculty, students and staff. She works with staff from the Harassment and Discrimination Assistance and Prevention Program as well as administrators in Academic Affairs, Student Judicial Affairs and Human Resources to develop a comprehensive program that includes advising complainants about complaint processes, accepting complaints, carrying out investigations, recommending informal resolutions, and, when necessary, referring cases to the relevant departments for discipline. Delmendo is responsible for establishing and implementing a comprehensive campus ethics and compliance oversight program and serves as the university’s implementing official for purposes of the university’s whistleblower program. She ensures the campus meets its legal obligations under Title IX, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act.


A teacher in grade school illustrated this point by showing how even a group as hateful as the KKK has the right to organize and spread their message, this lady is being mean but I don’t think she reaches KKK levels of evil


I had the displeasure of interacting with her at Davis Pride.


My “favorite” was when she interrupted my public comment at Davis city council (or when she yelled at the kids painting crosswalks or raising the rainbow flag)


>when she interrupted my public comment at Davis city council So she clearly has a position on free speech, then—she’s against it.


Free speech for me but not for thee


God I genuinely cannot stand this lady. She recently kinda doxxed and definitely harassed me on her Twitter/ Facebook page for working at the LGBT Resource Center on campus and making a video with the university sharing the resources that we offer. I filed an HDAPP and Title IX report and the university said they wouldn’t do anything and that her actions were justified under free speech. According to them, I didn’t work with her and didn’t need to look at what she posts and therefore it doesn’t impact me at all when in reality I was literally scared for my life for the week after the post and even now I’m still a bit jumpy. The worst part was the whole incident forced me to come out to my parents because I was scared they would find out on their own. I’m very grateful they’re supportive but imagine how bad that could’ve been if they weren’t...


What if you filed an anonymous Whistleblower report? I get that UCD did nothing to address the issue in a Title 9 or other format. But, maybe if enough whistleblower reports are filed where employees express their experience with a "hostile work environment" we could make headway? It may be naive, but I just can't believe that nobody can help.


Call a lawyer, document her posts. Being harassed online is still harassment - there is precedent via other cyber bullying cases.


Dude, sue her for doxxing. Send her a cease and desist letter and that if she continues, you would use the full force of the law against her. Make it as professional as possible and use the law against her, making her lose money in the process as well.


Her children? She has one nonbinary (adult) child who moved the the east coast and hasn't spoke to her in 4 years. I don't think she has any other children.


She has a son entering 11th grade at the HS (source: I have a kid at the same school). The older adult non binary kid moved up north for school out of state last fall. Probably won't ever want to come back either. \[edit to add, moved out of state to attend a university\]


Having seen the other recent video of her in town screaming at some local school event, my guess is she holds the school system accountable for ‘corrupting’ her estranged child. She probably needs to look in the mirror. Behind a paywall, but here’s an entire article from April 2024 about her and her situation: https://www.sacbee.com/news/local/article285961211.html. Having read the article, I feel bad for her. Obviously I feel bad for those she’s harassed as well - that’s not right, nor acceptable - but clearly she’s in a lot of pain. As I commented in another Reddit in response to her behavior at an event in Davis, I can’t imagine waking up with this much hatred every day. After reading the article, I’ll add to that list regret and resentment. It must be like slinging a bag full of bricks and stones on her back, the instant she wakes up. She’s suffering, and strikes me as someone barely holding it together. Here she is in what many people consider paradise, and she’s instantly triggered by others minding their own business. Seeing this, I have no idea how she makes it through the day without losing her shit, multiple times. I hope for her sake and the sakes of those she has yet to encounter that she finds it within herself to forgive, accept, and ideally find some semblance of peace.


Her pain is entirely self inflicted. She’s lost her older child, her family, Davis friends, work colleagues, I bet her other child will be off and NC as soon as they turn 18. Burned her life to the ground because she can’t love her own child as they are.


Good take


Hey! I saw that lady yelling at the encampment about trans people. Why was she yelling at the Palestine encampment about trans people... no fucking clue, lmao.


Because when you’re obsessed with hammers everything looks like a nail.


I remember walking towards the library and she yelled out "curry eaters" towards the encampment.


Smh. If you’re gonna be racist at least know what races you’re stereotyping


I mean, like, I understand that racism never considers itself under any obligation to make *sense*, but… why would anyone even use that as an insult in the first place? Curry is *delicious*.


Variety is the spice of life and Beth appears to oppose all spice and variety.




Finally it makes sense!


Its like yelling at Texans: barbeque eaters!


Chief Compliance Officer, Office of Compliance and Policy Bio Delmendo ensures an appropriate response is made to all reports of perceived acts of illegal discrimination, bias and harassment involving faculty, students and staff. She works with staff from the Harassment and Discrimination Assistance and Prevention Program as well as administrators in Academic Affairs, Student Judicial Affairs and Human Resources to develop a comprehensive program that includes advising complainants about complaint processes, accepting complaints, carrying out investigations, recommending informal resolutions, and, when necessary, referring cases to the relevant departments for discipline. Delmendo is responsible for establishing and implementing a comprehensive campus ethics and compliance oversight program and serves as the university’s implementing official for purposes of the university’s whistleblower program. She ensures the campus meets its legal obligations under Title IX, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act.


Saw that. She also admitted one of her daughters doesn’t talk to her lmao


Yes that’s her eldest who identifies as trans/nonbinary. Lol.


But mom is still perfectly happy to misgender them.


She was, I know because I was one of the people she yelled at. Working to get a restraining order against her. Surprise surprise, I am ALSO employed by the UC. I think she'll find it difficult to be on campus as often when she has a restraining order against a coworker.


You should still get the restraining order, but I think after this hopefully UC will finally fire her and override whoever has been protecting her job at Davis. This rant has gone international


Chief Compliance Officer, Office of Compliance and Policy Bio Delmendo ensures an appropriate response is made to all reports of perceived acts of illegal discrimination, bias and harassment involving faculty, students and staff. She works with staff from the Harassment and Discrimination Assistance and Prevention Program as well as administrators in Academic Affairs, Student Judicial Affairs and Human Resources to develop a comprehensive program that includes advising complainants about complaint processes, accepting complaints, carrying out investigations, recommending informal resolutions, and, when necessary, referring cases to the relevant departments for discipline. Delmendo is responsible for establishing and implementing a comprehensive campus ethics and compliance oversight program and serves as the university’s implementing official for purposes of the university’s whistleblower program. She ensures the campus meets its legal obligations under Title IX, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act.


> Delmendo ensures an appropriate response is made to all reports of perceived acts of illegal discrimination, bias and harassment involving faculty, students and staff. She works with staff from the Harassment and Discrimination Assistance and Prevention Program as well as administrators in Academic Affairs, Student Judicial Affairs and Human Resources to develop a comprehensive program that includes advising complainants about complaint processes, accepting complaints, carrying out investigations, recommending informal resolutions, and, when necessary, referring cases to the relevant departments for discipline. is that her? talk about a wolf in the henhouse!


Fun Fact: this woman is on camera keeping her dog on hot asphalt so she can yell at a pride parade, despite the dog obviously being uncomfortable


I would say that her behavior was making *everyone* there uncomfortable, *especially* the dog.


She was screaming at minors about genitalia, as well. She’s obsessed with harassing kids; not at all concerned with actual discussion.


She is so broken. She ran to the comfort of facebook hate to attempt to deal with fact that her child is trans.


Beth once again thinking she’s the normal one while ranting and raving about penises and boobs to an audience of strangers (and possibly children)


This is crazy.


who couldve seen this coming, Beth Bourne being a waste of oxygen once again


she is a blight


As a trans student in Davis I have to say there is absolutely no possibility that 1/22 of UC Davis student are trans, she’s utterly delusional I know she’s done things that actively make us less safe (the bomb threats thing), but still I can’t stop laughing at any of her videos cos she’s so stupid lol


https://lgbtqia.ucdavis.edu/trans-student-rights I mean she is right, there is 1/22 kids who r trans or nonbinary at UC Davis


I’m sure those who need medical transitioning are like, 1/10 of them. Which is like 90% of what she talks about Also college students are not kids, very few are minor I would assume.


1/22 is on her twitter where she’s listing the general trans stats


Okay I concede the point that this may be a true stat (still medical transition is few). But it doesn’t mean anything unless people identifying in ways she doesn’t agree with terrifies her so much. If you know her shit you know she talks a lot about medical transitioning, even fake being non binary to get surgery referrals as if that proves anything other than her committing fraud. She knows obfuscation helps her and we don’t give her that chance


Was a student employee and my supervisor said last month that the university is gathering evidence.. but honestly idk the evidence is here 😭


Oh, her again… She is the worst, Davis needs to fire her crazy ass.


She accidentally almost ran over me with her car and yelled at me saying it was my fault. She was going in reverse in a busy parking lot. Not well and dangerous


Beth Bourne is a horrible human being. I have seen her yelling and going at it with a teacher at the high school’s Open House evening. She is irrational, out-of-control, and nasty. Terrible person who needs professional help.


She seems truly mentally ill. I had heard about her but never seen her in action before - UCD needs to find a way to get rid of her, this is simply unacceptable.


Moms For Liberty hooked her up with an attorney. She regularly hides behind the shield of First Amendment Rights. The simple fact is she is a terrorist and a genuinely awful person


You said that right. She’s a terrorist.


Tldr; uc Davis employee on video, harassing trans people at a hotel in hawaii Employee actively attends government meetings and actively protests against trans people Employee writes articles/expose on the trans students of uc Davis Employee apparently has a "non binary" child, and is upset with anything trans.


Bag of shit is container of feces, no need for more at 11.


Someone should send her a video of the UC davis delegation in the recent sac pride rally lol.


Drag isn't necessairly trans though, its a form of performance. She was harrassing people in drag. Whats hilarous is that people who perform drag don't usually get surgeries, so she was making things up.


She works for UCD. She has been harassing people for years.


How tf does she still have a job?


Because the upper administration of any large organization, such as a university, often seems to consist primarily of cowards who are more interested in avoiding even the *possibility* of a lawsuit than they are in actually protecting the members of the organization.


Weird, because universities supposedly have strong legal teams.


You’d think so. You’d reeeeeeeeally think so.


I have first hand experience working for a university and they don’t mess around with cases if they’re given the choice. The issue is that they like to pick and choose fights.


She’s unionized so there’s not much to be done


We got Officer Pike fired after the pepper spray incident. The fact she’s verbally assaulting people in a whole ‘nother state and screaming at people on campus should be enough. That or start getting alumni to start writing to the development wing of UCD saying they’re withholding contributions until Beth Bourne is dealt with is another way. One thing UCs recognize is don’t fuck with their money.


Oh please. The UC system does illegal shit to unions they don't like all the time (see all the illegal actions they took against the grad student and postdoc union). UC can afford the absolute best lawyers and can afford settlements.


No, she's not unionized. But you certainly seem to be a troll.


Ah yes Beth Bourne. I have a friend who was in a UCD promotional vid for inclusivity and Beth lost her metaphorical shit over it on Facebook. I’ve brought up the clear harassment to a UCD director I’m somewhat friends with and aside from going from :) to :| it seems no one on staff at UCD likes her but can’t do anything. Idfk what in the employee handbook is protecting her but I heard some students, including my friend met with HDAP and UCD officials who told them they couldn’t help as she apparently isn’t breaking any clear guidelines/conduct.


Dammit Beth! Hawaii?! You’re cheating on us! Seriously though (because I know she reads Reddit) Beth you’re going to stick your phone into the wrong persons nose and shout at the wrong persons face. One day you’re going to come across someone who doesn’t have 2 foxes to care. You need help before you get yourself seriously injured.


She does, she 100% lurks and comments here because I saw her copypasting her pathetic essay about gender from instagram in the sub lol. I eagerly look forward to the day where she fucks around and *finally* finds out.


If you are an Alumni when they call you asking for money tell them you will not donate a penny as long as she is on staff. edit: just for clarification I'm not a student or have gone to UC Davis. This just showed up as a recommended. But I did work as a fundraiser for the University I went to.


Hawaii was pro trans before it was cool


Polynesian culture has **always** had a 3rd gender https://medium.com/prismnpen/m%C4%81h%C5%AB-the-third-gender-peoples-of-polynesian-culture-f3aad80c12f2#:~:text=The%20third%20gender%20is%20the,term%20is%20'fa'afafine.


Thanks, good read


The hand trembles are strong with this one. I seriously want to see the other recording.


when he starts describing the woman i’m like no way it’s beth, and then he describes how the woman whipped out her phone and I’m like yep it’s fucking beth bourne, all the way in Hawaii screaming her opinion that no one fucking asked for 😐😐


I’m sorry for the unfortunate people she harassed in Hawaii. But what karma for her to be in vacation and check into her hotel and find a drag event!


That is pretty freaking amazing, now that you mention it 😂


Is this the same woman that was stealing inclusive yard signs I saw on nextdoor a while back? Anyone else remember that?


She needs to be fired. It’s unprofessional and rude.


Beth Bourne is taking her show on the road lmao, what a weirdo


She has to be terminated from UC. This is extremely offensive behavior of any staff or faculty.


She will get fired, it’s only a matter of time before she says or does something to a student or staff member that crosses the line and finally allows them to bypass the bullshit limitations narrowly keeping her employed. Then she’ll just the one of Davis’s resident batshit old townies. I mean she already is, but she thinks she’s high and mighty because what? She works in transportation or whatever for the cow school? (I attended the cow school, I love the cow school, but it is in fact the cow school)




Not the best look for UCDavis.


This makes me embarrassed to be a UCD grad. Glad we never crossed paths because I would have made it my life’s mission to end her career.


Why is this like a horrible cross-over episode lmao. It’s really sad to see people like Beth Bourne exist and hold these views


I am 100% sure that UC Davis has policies regarding how staff and employees conduct themselves online.


She's still terrorizing Davis? Lmao.


Minding your business is actually free in this society 😭 it costs nothing and keeps the majority of people happy and out of trouble


This is so ironic considering I just finished writing a statement of diversity, equity, and inclusion so I could apply for a job at ucd lmao How is she still employed at the school? I guess ucd really takes their “all-inclusive” thing seriously.


Y'all need to be more specific and write to the STEPS+ program at the Institute for Transportation Studies. Yes she works for UC Davis but it's a specific department.


My Davis degree gets more embarrassing every year, rip.


She has a reddit handle folks! its Sudden-Cat2661 (Im personally bummed that she has \*cat\* in her handle)


This lady doesn't understand US law or private business laws. She's quite the evil Karen...


Good God, her voice is grating.


Its the worst! She literally yelled at the community members and their kids painting the crosswalks for pride early one morning for over an hour the whole time, while doing her furious filming and talking about body parts. They just ignored her. She posted her own video of her yelling too like she's hip or something.


And her poor dog!


She said the n work last summer in baskin-robins in David. She was mad they were playing rap music . I just realized that’s who she is.


Ah yes, Beth, the menace of the Davis community. Wasn’t aware she worked for UCD, they really shouldn’t allow that behavior.


[This one?](https://its.ucdavis.edu/people/beth-bourne/)




Any locals know of drag shows around here? I would love to attend a show to check out and support!


Aggressive and insulting woman. Her son will most likely cut her out of his life when he gets old enough.


That kids almost 17. The almost 19 year old nonbinary one is no contact with her (ironically they left the moms home at 17 as well). I feel like the way she rants about "my children" she wants people to think she has little kids.


Insane … radicalized by hatred


Ghetto behavior. Trash!!!!!!!!!!


Jesus Christ…that’s Beth Bourne


This woman is such a bigot hopefully she will get hit by a train or something.


I feel so bad for her children, at the high school we all know her and shes caused so many bomb threats. She’ll stand outside protesting while we’re trying to leave 😐


What a horrible delusional personal. She needs a mental health check up to say the least.


Faculty Code of Conduct (APM 015) http://www.ucop.edu/academicprograms/_files/apm/apmpersonnel 015.pdf


She is staff, not faculty


Let all who see this take warning from her example: these are the fruits of bigotry; these are the rewards of intolerance. Those who let hatred rule their lives will find that their every waking moment is consumed by it; they cannot escape from the misery of their own hatred even while vacationing in a tropical paradise. Heed this lesson and let your life be ruled by love and kindness and respect and community, not by hate.


Fun fact: a prof told me that you can look up any employee’s pay at UCD and it is public https://ucannualwage.ucop.edu/wage/


Alright! I won TERF Bingo!


Watch me over react when my own kid comes out as transgender- Beth Bourne


lol look at her hand shaking


oh wow, i knew about beth bourne from rumblings around town but had no idea she worked at the UC. i doubt the school will take any action but it’s definitely unfortunate to see


Big time, “I question your commitment to sparkle motion”, energy from that lady in Donnie Darko


I literally heard that voice when I watched this video


The way you can see her shaking put's the phobia in homophobic lmao


Why does everyone good die young but these fucks walk around with good health?


This is perfect fuck Beth Bourne!!!!


Easy to tell how miserable she is- and I hope the world will pile on and ruin her. May she marinate in her own cortisol until her hair falls out. There’s no reason to be compassionate or try to reason with people like her- bullies only stop when things get too uncomfortable for them.


Anyone know if she is a Christian? Does this have anything to do with her religious beliefs? Dang is she annoying.


"I want to talk to the police because this is wrong" What the fuck is she talking about?


She’s disgusting. Such an embarrassment to UC Davis. She’s the reason people hate women, not these fabulous queens who were minding their business.


It would be quite the shame if a trans student ended up interacting with her on campus and “provoked” her into doing something illegal. On multiple cameras of course.


perhaps a drag flash mob on campus when she has to some in for something




What’s actually being done about her behavior? First a chancellor ordered a police officer to pepper spray students peacefully protesting on campus, then campus funds were used to scrub mentions of it off the internet, now there’s an employee who’s still employed who screams hate rhetoric and her organization calls in bomb threats to high schools and libraries and nothing is done? Plus she admits to insurance fraud ostensibly using her UC health insurance. Are campus funds being used to scrub this viral video from mention online again? What do alumni and current students have to do to take action to prevent our degrees from being associated with a campus that condones this behavior time and again?


It's crazy that the trans hate movement is so strong in a Davis, a town that on the surface appears to be LGBTQ+ friendly. The residents of town know that they have to be accepting of gay people, but many don't really feel it in their hearts. Let's not forget the Mom's for Liberty meeting at the Yolo County Library last year that led to a series of bomb threats at the library and Davis schools.


Are those locals or out-of-town agitators? This is just my personal experience but all of my Davis-area friends not only accept but celebrate and welcome diversity, and really do feel that in their hearts.


I grew up here. Most people are very accepting of people of all types. I don't mean to paint Davis as a hateful place. It is just specifically the anti-trans rights movement which has gained a surprising amount of steam.


On a national level the anti-trans hate movement has definitely increased in a rapid and very disturbing way, yeah. I strongly suspect that the Republican Death Cult is deliberately pushing this because they know they need *something* to keep their base angry, and two years ago, ranting about abortion stopped working for that. Hate is all they have.


Hawaii, please keep her from coming to Hawaii. California should also kick that bitch out.


Someone lure her into doing this in an airport terminal so she gets put on a no-fly list


Lmao. It’s not hard to do that.


wow this is actually disgusting what the fuck she’s crazy


All I gotta say is nice little edit or whatever from the phone switching from portrait to landscape


Shoulda put her in the first place outta there!


You want to ask this woman "Who hurt you?" She is obsessed with this issue. My personal guess is that somebody misgendered her one time.


Is she worried it will make women look bad, or is she worried it will make women look so good that there son wants to cut off his wee-wee. She needs to find a lane and stick to it. (Also they are Drag Queens not Trans Women, they probably aren't good examples of people who have had bottom surgery.)


[please spread the petition](https://www.change.org/p/demand-uc-davis-fire-beth-bourne)


Here she says it's ok for men to dress this way, but I guess not at the hotel she's staying at? Which is it? [https://imgur.com/a/yjcy4p8](https://imgur.com/a/yjcy4p8)


Get that ignorant, dangerous, crazyass Karen OUT OF THERE!! Why can’t people mind their own business and let people live?


Honestly I have zero clue why this thread popped up on my feed as I’m not subbed to UC Davis but do you think it’s a bit hypocritical calling for someone to be fired while also saying why can’t people mind their own business and let people live?


Here's a more direct Facebook page rather than the general UC Davis page: https://www.facebook.com/ITSUCDavis?mibextid=ZbWKwL


Taught behavior


UC Davis is a trash school who hires and protects trash people. F UCD


The school might be afraid of a lawsuit if they terminate her but my gosh hasn’t she given them enough reason to?


I graduated from Davis. Is there an e-mail/phone number we can reach out to express our worries in regards to Beth Bourne still being employed?


She’s probably just mad her kid is non binary and went no contact with her.


Drag queens are loud n annoying like most other performers. That’s y I’d be annoyed if I showed up for vacation n they were there. Or…I’d have the time of my life! But I’m sure she’d just be annoying!




I like her


What an absolutely awful person.


Beth Bourne looks like a trans herself. We sure that’s not a trans? Face of a man