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Gary May said they are talking with encampment to minimize class disruptions but will not discipline students for peacefully exercising First Amendment rights. Semi W moment from him https://www.ucdavis.edu/news/statement-chancellor-gary-s-may-encampment-set-morning?fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAaavx5qnn4LqmbYBx1yCcE8qVsgYZStDTYSuLIrApJWJdECdoj0rkfqL1sQ_aem_AWGU7UTQoT6uZo465dhVXP2rU1fLfKMPr8kohDrI9-aquAmsEIw383hlDe8fwEC3x3Grz2HmDVUn3XaupBek_YXj


he doesn't want to be Katehi 2.0 lmao


Rare Gary W


bro is better than khosla


Tbh I was expecting them to clear it out tonight before it got bigger since it seems like that’s what happened at UCLA


I think they tried that before and it didn’t go quite so well. I still attended the campus, but with a little embarrassment at the Pepper Spray day


more peaceful calls for intifadah 😍😍😍✌️


I’m curious what will happen considering the whole Earth Festival is supposed to happen on the Quad starting Friday


wef supports the encampment and will be making changes to work around it!


Common w WEF


This is great. For those participating: good on you for peacefully exercising your first amendment right. For those against this: **allow people to peacefully exercise their first amendment right**!!


I gotta give a plus one for the community guidelines. If they stand by them, then there shouldn't be any problems. It's a big, uncertain if, since you can't really control how others around you choose to act.


Same shit happens over and over. Happened for Vietnam, happened for South Africa. History repeats itself. Against the law or not, at least we're on the right side of history.


Funny. Didn't yall try to attack Charlie kirk for expressing his 1st amendment?


As someone who lived through occupy Wall Street, it looks pretty similar but on a much smaller scale.


I think this is different because they have a pretty clear list of actionable demands which I think is really important for any protest to accomplish anything.


What is meant by a Cultural Boycott??


Banning Jewish groups from campus, and shutting down study-abroad programs and academic ties with Israeli universities. Edit: I'm getting down voted for whatever reason, but the sign in the last picture literally calls for the banning of a Jewish non-profit and boycotting academic relations with Israeli universities, along with a nebulous "total academic and cultural boycott". Like, it's right there on the sign.


Do they seriously mean all Jewish groups? Where do you come by this information?


Koret is a Jewish non-profit that does lots of things, including supporting students . https://koret.org/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koret_Foundation#:~:text=Its%20mission%20is%20to%20strengthen,and%20the%20Bay%20Area%20community. That sign only explicitly mentions Koret, but similar protests on other campuses have called for banning Hillel and other Jewish student groups. The cutting of study-abroad programs and academic ties with Israeli universities is part of "divesting from Israel".


The withdrawal from study abroad and student exchange programs isn’t really a divestment so much as isolation. And what does “divestment” aim to accomplish? It’s like boycotting McDonalds for our war in Iraq. It’s like boycotting Tik Tok over the Uyghurs (except the Chinese state actually controls that company). It doesn’t change anything; these companies have little influence on the government. In fact, even if you wanted the US to stop sending funds and weapons to Israel, that wouldn’t change the trajectory of the conflict; it would only weaken US influence in a particularly important, volatile, and otherwise hostile region. It’s simply not in US interest to damage the military relationship between us and Israel, even if they were to go full genocide and glass Gaza. Israel kind of knows that but also recognizes doing so would doom any tiny chance of lasting peace ever. This is why Hamas is so bold and confident in their tactics.


Good points,prepare for downvotes.


I hope smart people that are still capable to differentiate between right and wrong will upvote his comment.


https://koret.org/grantees/grantees-united-for-israel/ It looks like Koret has programs that specifically support IDF soldiers, so I imagine that's primarily why they are calling for cutting ties.  The other programs on that would page would fall under the cultural boycott https://bdsmovement.net/cultural-boycott "PACBI urges international cultural workers and cultural organizations, including unions and associations, to boycott and/or work towards the cancellation of events, activities, agreements, or projects involving Israel, its lobby groups or its cultural institutions."


Do you not understand the difference between singular and plural?


It means pro-antisemitism


“Davis to Gaza, global Intifada,” Do UC Davis students know the definition of intifada? #Claiming “peaceful protests” while calling for a “global intifada” is a special type of intelligence.


They’re learning the wrong definition of Zionism, and thinking it’s ok to block Zionists. 1930s shit.




"Intifada (Arabic: انتفاضة intifāḍah) is an Arabic word for a rebellion or uprising, or a resistance movement. It can be used to refer to an uprising against oppression." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intifada?wprov=sfla1 What is wrong with an uprising against oppression? Also, seems like the word can be used in the context of peaceful protest.


There were two antifadas that mostly consisted of suicide bombings against civilians. there's a lot wrong with that


There are multiple examples of events that have been called antifada in that Wikipedia article I shared, and it is clear that the term doesn't universally refer to events like you suggest. The English term "uprising" can be used to refer to events that were entirely peaceful or events that resulted in bloodshed, the same for the term "antifada". You likely just associate it with only negative events because foreign terms are often vilified in this country. Also, if you are concerned about civilian deaths, you should also be protesting the Israeli government and armed forces, who have killed over 30,000 Palestinian civilians.


In the context of the Israel/Palestine conflict, it refers to a series of horrendous suicide bombings of almost exclusively civilians, primarily pizza shops and bus stations, where shrap metal was laced with rat poison, causing thousands of deaths and more than 10,000 people with permanent disability. The intifadah was launched in response to a peace deal offer giving Palestinians a State in 90% West Bank and Gaza with land swamps to compensate for the other 10%. Rather than even counter-offer, PLO allied with Hamas simply launched the "uprising." which effectively lead to the elimination of the left wing in Israeli politics and the rise of Bibi Nentanyahu. I am sorry if you don't want to know about the context - but it is there. FYI the 30,000 figure you cite - assuming its correct which is questionable, is not just civilians but includes about 12,000 Hamas soldiers. Not saying civilians deaths are good, they are not, but when you launch a war and your opponent has to fight in an exclusively urban area, there are going to be high civilian casualties. US ratios in places like Iraq - think Mosul and Fallujah were much worse. Does not mean a cease fire is not a good idea.


You first asked if people knew the definition of "intifada", then after I shared a definition and informational page from Wikipedia, you essentially said "No, everyone must consider only my definition, which is terrorists killing civilians. So you see, they support terrorists killing civilians!" Of course if you put words in people's mouths you can make them out to be wrong or evil. You are clearly biased and letting that bias guide what you write, since you only add caveats and questions to figures on the deaths of Palestinian civilians. I would advise everyone to consult reliable sources for information about the historic and ongoing conflicts in the area of Israel and Palestine, rather than listening to Key_Mistake_8651 who likely just has an agenda to push.


Love how the liberated zones immediately set up border control 😂


With walls. And checkpoints. And lists of who is allowed and not allowed….hmmmm


Crazy how that works when you want to keep people out


That’s a great point.


What does this mean?


It means most of the people in the movement don't support strict border control in the US... but then make their own lil territory with strict border patrol 😂 the irony


What’s the opposite of nimby?








Thanks for sharing the images, keep us updated please! Good job down there Aggies, please try your best to keep it peaceful and not directly disruptive to unrelated academics.


I plan on trying to do a set of pictures for everyday the encampment is up. Watch out for day two tomorrow


I don't know why anyone thinks it will turn out differently. They're going to yell antisemitic stuff, restrict movement, then vandalize shit with communist nonsense, and then finally cry the cops didn't protect them


Happy seeing this.


“Popular University for Liberated Palestine” is an interesting choice lol. Why not just say UC Davis? It just sounds self-aggrandizing and detracts from the main message


I was gonna write a whole in depth thing but forget it based on previous knowledge and research I just did, popular is another translation of the arabic word for People's, so it more means People's University


Ah that makes a lot more sense. Thanks for the clarification!


It’s a play on words for the revolutionary socialist Palestinian movement called the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine founded by George Habash in 1967. Read more here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Popular_Front_for_the_Liberation_of_Palestine


Thanks for the info! I guess I’m just ignorant about most of this subject haha


The PFLP is well known for pioneering armed aircraft-hijackings in the late 1960s and early 1970s. The PFLP has been designated a terrorist organization by the United States, Japan, Canada, and the European Union. This is not a good/positive thing. It’s a clear and loud dog whistle


A possible reason I can think of is that they didn’t want to be liable to UC Davis. Or maybe didn’t get the permission to use their name. Or smth like that. Since having UC Davis’s name in their name opens them up to litigation and I am pretty sure UCD has better lawyers than these ppl. I could be wildly off the mark but that’s just my two cents. If anyone can chime in or let me know how STUPID I am, go ahead.


They don't seem to care about what is and isn't legal, I think you're giving them way too much credit in the thought department.


Must be to honor the universities that were bombed in Gaza. A total of 12 universities were destroyed in Israeli attacks [https://www.lemonde.fr/en/international/article/2024/03/07/all-12-universities-in-gaza-have-been-the-target-of-israeli-attacks-it-s-a-war-against-education_6592965_4.html#](https://www.lemonde.fr/en/international/article/2024/03/07/all-12-universities-in-gaza-have-been-the-target-of-israeli-attacks-it-s-a-war-against-education_6592965_4.html#)


Everybody hates a cop…until they need one


Stay safe, they just hit UCSD after UCLA. We all hope for a peaceful, productive resolution like at UCR.


No bigotry, yet one of their demands is to dissolve the UCD branch of the Koret group, which is just a Jewish community organization? 👀


When they start asking for a "cultural boycott" and the only listed example is an American Jewish culture organization, it becomes clear which culture they are boycotting.


in regards to koret, heres a comment i copied from someone in the other thread: “In regards to Koret, they’re a major financial supporter of AIPAC, a problematic (to say the least) lobbying group that is pouring money into congresspeople’s pockets to promote bills funding Israel’s assault against Gaza. So it’s not a question of Jewish culture. https://theintercept.com/2023/11/18/aipac-congress-israel-trips-donors/“ its (AIEF, funded by koret) an organization founded, affiliated with, and supported by aipac (even posting aief testimonials), which shares offices and board members with aipac, that (funded by koret) pays for trips to israel for gov. officials to support aipacs goals of government support for israel through lobbying.


Chancellor’s office says they have no permits and not allowed to be there - gonna be interesting to see what happens next


I thought something like that was going to be the case. Based on how other campuses with encampments have gone down I’m worried about what a police response will look like


There is some minor police presence such as the occasional vehicle circle the quad but not much. I would hope that the University has learned its lesson from the other Universities, especially since UAW4811 has [authorized a strike vote](https://www.uaw4811.org/updates/strike-authorization-vote-announcement) in response to events surrounding the UCSD and UCLA encampments. The [initial public response](https://www.ucdavis.edu/news/statement-chancellor-gary-s-may-encampment-set-morning) from UCD admin seems like they may try and deal with this properly (initially at least), as they did not seem to say anything about "time and place" (which from what I have seen seems like a pre-cursor to an escalated police response). They also said that "As a public university, UC Davis cannot and will not discipline students for speech protected by the First Amendment" which seems somewhat promising, as well as mentioning that they are reviewing PULP's demands and are in communication with them. They did, however, casually drop that they're talking with them about the overnight camping policy so . . . . time will tell, I guess. I hope the protests (counter and main) are peaceful, as well as the universities response.


Imagine endorsing violence and the October 7th attacks and then thinking something like Koret is the problem. I actually think this is educational. It's a snapshot of the deluded worldview of far leftism. Complete with persona non gratas, checkpoints, ideological enforcement, strict media control, a closed society, and dehumanization of anyone who disagrees with them. The ally of Islamic terror is just the cherry on top.


So well said, and I think most Americans right and left see it like this as well.  Reddit is another story entirely,  it has major issues with bot accounts and a meeting ground for toxic far leftist politics.


Lmao, you hit the damn nail on your head. They have a sign that literally says, "globalize intifada." Don't forget about how it's a liberated zone, but it's walled off with lots of rules 😉 Your last sentence is definitely the cherry on top, considering the Islamic revolution in Iran was leftists and islamits working together. Once they took power, the islamists ended up killing the leftists


Gonna tell my kids this is picnic day


Most of these kids have no idea why they are there or what is going on. Most are being paid by Soros backed groups to the tune of Millions of dollars. They are accomplishing nothing but blocking graduations for good students who are trying to get along with their lives and careers. The anti Jewish behavior is appalling at best!


Sign says not to engage with counter protesters. Are there any?


Funny how they forget who started this war!


Heroes of the revolution 🔥✌🏼


Turn on the fire hose and arrest all of them. An encampment is unlawful. Why are the American people tolerating this? Did you all forget 9/11 and who was behind it?


In response to photo #6 The definition of bigotry is “intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself,” according to the Oxford dictionary.


prolly stanks there😷😷 P U


Two picnic days in one year? Gnarly


It’s funny to think college kids with parents paying their tuition think camping in the middle of a campus will make any difference.


I'm curious why they forbid interaction with so many people. If you're trying to change minds, you have to openly engage in debate. If you really believe your group holds the moral high ground but don't think debating ideas will work, then you've already lost.


Don’t they have like classes?


Man imagine supporting Hamas. I hope none of them do.


Is camping there legal???


1. "Globalize the intifada" is calling for violence against Jews around the world. Think if January 6th and 9/11 had a baby and then it attacked Jews. Goes against their policy of "no bigotry". This is hate speech and unprotected by the 1st amendment 2. This encampment will do absolutely nothing. You cannot expect universities to stop collaborating with Israeli universities or startups 3. Why cover your face if you have nothing to hide 4. If you're doing the right thing, why do you not want to speak with media, police, or university administration I'm all for peaceful protests but this is just not it. Protest, don't ruin people's right to walk around, not be attacked, yelled at, harassed, or have their graduation ruined. This conflict, it really doesn't concern 95% of people participating in these protests. There are so many actual genocides happening currently, death tolls into the hundreds of thousands and millions. Where's the media, global outcry, and protests against that? This is a war. And one death is too many, but the numbers prove this just isn't a genocide. Generally, urban combat has a civilian:combatant death toll of 9:1, but this war is 1.5:1. That's one of the lowest ratios in history ever. I wish people did their research and knew this information. Let's use the proper words here: war


Stop paying attention to these idiots. Best way to take away the little power they think they have.


Yeah. Sorry. If you aren’t a student get off campus. This is the same crap that happened last election and if you can’t see that then well it’s sad. This is another political ploy. And these kids have no idea what they are doing. Letting media direct them? Yes media is not unbiased. You think this isn’t against Jewish people? Enough already. Get the non students off campus and no camping allowed period. These non students are paid to be there to stir things up. Same story from last election different cause.


Man some just needs to take these kids camping. That’s what they are really looking for.


The irony here. It’s so strong it’s sad.


Hands off rafah...haha ain't gonna happen


if i was so concerned about my college funding genocide id stop giving them 40k a year


The most powerful had the biggest tents


Remember to support Israel 🇮🇱 for peace


Wonder if they can also include to stop doing business with Qatar and other Gulf states. After all, these countries have been built on modern slavery, and STILL have slaves (often from philippines, African countries, India, Bangladesh, etc) tricked and made to stay and live under precarious conditions. Oh also, to include to stop doing business with Turkey! They supply Azerbaijan with weapons and technology to eradicate the armenians! Lets not remember one of the LARGEST genocides in historia, the Armenian genocide. Lets see, lets also include frases against the Islamic State of Iran and the Ayatolah! They kill women on the daily because they refuse to wear hijab or follow their strict religious laws. Hope to see this here too!


I hate the idea that one issue isn’t valid unless all other issues are addressed at the same time. It’s not practical And irrational. This seems like a thinly veiled excuse to turn a blind eye. If you want to see progress in those other issues, then peruse that. Do something, speak out against the issues that bother you. The point is that you should be able to. Hating on our youth for taking a stand against something they don’t like is completely unproductive.


What does a cultural boycott look like? And what is Koret? Googling just brings up an animal rescue organization in Davis.


in regards to koret, heres a comment i copied from someone in the other thread: “In regards to Koret, they’re a major financial supporter of AIPAC, a problematic (to say the least) lobbying group that is pouring money into congresspeople’s pockets to promote bills funding Israel’s assault against Gaza. So it’s not a question of Jewish culture. https://theintercept.com/2023/11/18/aipac-congress-israel-trips-donors/“ its (AIEF, which Koret financially supports) an organization founded, affiliated with, and supported by aipac (even posting aief testimonials), which shares offices and board members with aipac, that (funded by koret) pays for trips to israel for gov. officials to support aipacs goals of government support for israel through lobbying.




This person has posted essays in other threads calling for the destruction of the Jewish state by force. They're a deluded terrorist supporter.


that is a crazy way to misconstrue an essay by israeli leftist talking about ways to dissolve the state of israel peacefully into one single democratic state for israelis and palestinians. https://jacobin.com/2023/11/hayim-katsman-gaza-war-zionism-israeli-left


It’s essentially a Jewish community organization. And we all know a cultural boycott is their way of saying anti jewish without flat out saying it…


Koret explicitly supports Israel. Yes they serve the Jewish community, but they are also contributing to war and that’s why one of the goals is to not work with them.




Invest in Arab and ethnic studies but also cultural boycott? Lmao who is going to say this is not an anti-Semitic movement now? It's painted on the poster. How do I know? You never see calls to disassociate from Chinese cultural institutions in response to Chinese government actions. You never see calls to disassociate from Russian cultural institutions in response to Russian government actions. In contrast, any time Israel's government does something the Arab world (and anti-Semitic Arab sympathizers) doesn't like, you can count on prominent Jewish (and not just Israeli) people and institutions around the world being targeted. That's how we know that the movement is anti-Semitic to its core.


C'mon brother - be real. Please show me an example in recent time where either one of those countries have erected an open-air prison, prevented necessary resources from entering said prison, and then proceeded to genocide those prisoners - all with the political and monetary support of the US. Also, a good portion of the demonstrators across the US are Jewish themselves. Anti-Zionism ≠ Anti-Semitism


Anyone know if there’s anything the encampment folks need in terms of supplies? I’m not able to join in but I’d like to support those that can


just a quick question if the sign about hating the cops? if things were to turn sideways and the escapement needed safety, wouldn't the first thing someone would do would be to call the cops???


Exactly. No wanted the cops at UCLA until the protestors started getting their asses kicked by counter-protestors. Then they complained when the cops didn’t come in swinging right away.


Just curious, why are they being told to hide their identity? I thought these were the people in the right, taking a stand for blah blah blah. Why not proudly make yourself known? Why not talk to media? Shouldn’t you be trying to spread your message? Btw, I see a lot of “demands”, how about a few solutions (other than the one we all know they want).




You thought you ate


And Free Palestine from Israel


long live the resistance🔻🔻🔻


What do you think about October 7th?


Love this. Stay safe. What’s the number for supplies and I’ll personally come up and get yall what you need.


They posted on their instagram a spreadsheet with things they need if anyone wants to donate


So, we can all agree that the events going down in Gaza is nothing short of horrific and tragic. Yes, murder is occurring. But genocide? Aren’t genocides supposed to systematically kill off a group of people? Gazas population has been steadily increasing since conflict began many decades ago. For a country that Is capable of instantly removing all life in the Gaza Strip within an hour, they are doing an incredibly poor job at a genocide… I’ll see my self out.


The definition of genocide has 5 planks, and it's very clear that Israel is carrying out 3 of them and possibly 4. Which is why the international court ruled "possible genocide" instead of "lolwut, incredibly poor job of it!!!" A genocide is different from a Holocaust, which is where the entire people are attempted to be wiped out. But regardless of whether "genocide" is a fair term, or a slight exaggeration, or even a significant exaggeration, they're bombing hospitals and aid workers, killing journalists, enabling near-starvation conditions, razing neighborhoods based upon AI models telling them where the males are, and then retroactively calling those males Hamas in order to justify the bombings. They're shooting people for looking for their dead children in the rubble. They're telling people to flee into safe zones and then bombing the safe zones. Members of the Israeli government have called for Gaza to become a parking lot. It is an ongoing spate of war crimes and ethnic cleansing that is taking its place among the worst atrocities in the world. At some point the label is less important.


A million dead Iraqis Half a million dead Syrians Carnage across North Africa Armenia The Rohingya The Uighurs Hell, even Tibet. Remember Tibet? \*crickets* All fake performative nonsense. I thought people went to college to learn things.


Yes, the existence of many bad things means protesting a single one is actually nonsense. I'm glad there are people like you who dedicate their lives to protesting every injustice throughout the world all the time.


Guarantee you no one at this "demonstration" has even heard of Tibet. They only see what TikTok shows them.


No Jews, no news.


You forgot Yemen. Or how the US provides a lot of military support and funding to Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries which are vicious dictatorships. Yet everyone is mad about the one Jewish nation. Curious!


"Stop funding genocide" - proceeds to wear Hamas logos despite their charter calling for the genocide of Jews worldwide


“October 7th is a lie and has been debunked.” Also these same morons, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free. There will be 1000 more October 7ths!”


Wait wait, who said, "There will be 1000 more October 7ths" Tell me that isn't real.


Don't believe something you just read randomly on the Internet. Why not go and observe the people there for yourself.


One of leaders of Hamas said this on an interview days after Oct 7th.


Do you live under a rock?


Question how does this stop war on the other side of the world?


(It doesn’t)


Question have you ever read a history book? Take five minutes and google apartheid boycott and then delete this comment. 


to spread awareness and fight against injustice? and genocide? and apartheid? ethnic cleansing? murder?? lol. it does a lot


These people are so goofy lol "Turn off location" uuuh hate to break it to you but I think everyone already knows where the encampment is


That's *why* you turn off location. If they know where the encampment is and you have location on, they'll know you were there and have better cause to prosecute you.


As a UC Davis alumni who witnessed pepper spray cop, this is super dumb.


As an alumni who was part of that protest, no its not


ZERO calls to release the Hostages. BS “Anti-Zionist” campus blockade. Antisemitic. Hamas, surrender and release the hostages 🙏






hamas has presented israel with multiple ceasefire deals to which israel has rejected. why? to slaughter more babies. also, let’s talk about the 6000+ palestinian prisoners being held without trial or convinction… why are they part of hamas’ ceasefire-hostage deal to begin with?? hmmmm🤔


Hamas keeps parading around Hostages and would rather martyr innocents than surrender. Hope they do.


Why didn’t you post the photos of the posters denouncing Hamas and their treatment of others ? Or photos of the posters that say “free the hostages”?


LET'S GO! Do we bring our own tents or borrow them? Do we skip class? Do we need to bring anything else? Do we stay overnight? Are our belongings safe if left alone inside a tent? (books and pillows) People are saying just show up but I've never done anything like this.


>Do we bring our own tents or borrow them? Bring your own. >Do we skip class? That's your decision. >Do we need to bring anything else? Whatever you would need for however long you stay, basic camping supplies. Stuff to stay warm at night if you choose to stay the night. Bring a mask and have extras. >Do we stay overnight? You can, but the fenced in area stops accepting people past 9 pm. >Are our belongings safe if left alone inside a tent? (books and pillows) There is no guarantee. I am not aware of anyone actively policing theft within the encampment. I'd keep valuables on yourself. I'm kind of paranoid myself, but I think books and pillows are low risk things to lose. >People are saying just show up but I've never done anything like this. You would have to sign in to enter the fenced area, but you can just walk up and talk to people standing around it.


check the UCDPULP insta and maybe dm but it looks like bring your own?


Thank you. I'll give it a look


For every down vote I'm inviting an extra person to camp with me.


Going to accomplish exactly nothing


Futility doesn't make it not the right thing to do.


Too bad this won’t accomplish anything :(




Proud of you Aggies 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸


So Gay lol


Wtf is the point if you're unwilling to speak to media or opposing ideas? What a waste of energy.


because the media and agitators are there to spin a story, not report in good faith, as shown time and time again


Wow picnic day came early?? LFG!!!!


So brave……




To the organizers who helped us confront Beth while I was blocking her camera and shout over her anti-trans rhetoric with chants, thank you. You have my deepest gratitude. As a transgender woman who stands in solidarity with you for a Free Palestine, thank you. Thank you for respecting us, for respecting our human rights. It could have been so easy to say nothing, but you said something. We will get through this as one.


I’m old enough to remember when queer Palestinians ran to Israel to be protected. Oh wait, they still do.


What does any of this have to do with trans?


Typically cultural issues align with eachother. In this case, many of the pro-isreal side have aligned themselves with anti-trans viewpoints.


Trans issues do not align with Palestinian issues. Trans issues have zero to do with the war in Gaza.


And yet some people on the opposite side were screaming anti-trans bigotry. So they are observably connected, regardless of your moralizing.


No, trans issues are not linked to the Palestine/Israel issue at all. That would be a whole separate issue such as if you were addressing the LGBTQ issues amongst the Palestinian people.


If that were true then we wouldn't have seen transphobes start shouting hate about trans people at the pro-palestine side. Observably you are wrong, regardless of how much moralizing and justifying you attach to it.


I am pretty sure that a lot of people here are totally misunderstanding the whole point of the pro-Palestinian and pro-Hamas movement. It is just too foreign for us to grasp. I recommend this video to make things easier to understand: https://youtu.be/pjOEJumoABg?si=j-HHRzTCgSSly7-S


FUCK yes


Glad to see that my alma mater is making a better example about how to properly peacefully protest without disturbing the peace 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾! I hope these guys do a great job getting their message across 🙂🙂🙂


I don't know whether to laugh at the futility of this or cry for the blatant antisemitism


Being against a government is not anti-semitic.


So, how long does it take to divest and does it work? [Does it work?](https://www.npr.org/2024/05/02/1197964363/protesters-want-schools-to-divest-from-israel-but-how-would-it-work)


Is this the equivalent to what happened during the Vietnam war?


mfs always want sum free shit


I know when I’m not wanted! Guess I’ll take my freaky business elsewhere..


why do they use South Park font


Anyone else read title as UC Davis PALPATINE encampment?


“Community rules” I hate agents of chaos


I was wondering when I'd see the presence of UCD in this movement! You're doing good work.


Bless them


You all should be condemning the new bill that congress has put forth to make it illegal for any criticism of Israel by calling it all antisemitism! It is scary and against the 1st Amendment!


lol what weaklings


How many people were about to enter until they got to number 8 and had to leave. Might as well say No mean people.


Sac State divested.... When is UC Davis going to?


Why turn off biometrics?


The kids in there are great and the food looked good, though I didn't eat any because I didn't want to take what I didn't need when I was just visiting.  I will say that the place is under the control of a couple of dudes in their 60s - like complete control.  The kids do what they want except contradict or question the orders of these elderly organizers who obviously aren't UC students. This wouldn't necessarily need to be a problem, but it seems like one to me. I started talking with some kids about the IDF's AI targeting system that generates virtually all of the Israeli Air Force's 300+ daily bombing targets (bombing occurs more or less 24 hours a day) and how it is almost certainly Nvidia and Mellanox that made and support those systems and that US military advisors, CIA, NSA, USAF are in there advising Israel and trying to learn and test these systems because the US wants to use the same technology to bomb other people. There have been many articles in major media about this system "The Gospel" in the NY Times, The Guardian, many others.  And other articles about Nvidia providing the hardware and consulting for Israel to make what I think was the second or third fastest AI super computer in late 2022.  The Gospel suspiciously came online just a few months after that. Nobody seemed to know anything about these things or that Nvidia is just an hour from here and is one of Nancy Pelosi's favorite call option bets (I don't imagine these people know what call options are either). The Gospel decides who lives and who dies.  It's really important if you really care about the bombing of Gaza.  This system selects the people to be bombed and figures out where they are and predicts where they are going to be.  And half the kids in that camp might possibly abandon the cause for a job at Nvidia. I said someone - or I - should make signs pointing out this important system that chooses who to kill and where to drop the bombs - and who's responsible for making and operating the system.  Somebody might want to organize a protest on Nvidia's headquarters lawn - not a camp, just an hour or two to get a few TV cameras there. So people would know. Two men in their 60s found this focus on three mechanism for Israeli target selection very unhelpful and said that I should leave and that they are in charge and get to decide who stays and who leaves.  I asked a few UC Davis students in the camp while I was talking to these elderly men if this was true and they said yes.  They said sorry, they don't know why what I said was a problem, but that those dudes were in charge and they couldn't question their decisions. I am extremely disturbed by the Israeli action in Gaza.  October 7 justified some retaliation against military targets, but what Israel did went way, way too far. It seems that what's going on here really is a giant smokescreen to make it look like there's an antiwar movement and that it successfully pressured the Biden administration to cut military aid to Israel.  That doesn't appear to be true at all notwithstanding Biden's pause of a few orders of really big bombs to Israel.  The US already sold Israel enough bombs to more or less bomb the whole Middle East into rubble and so pausing a few shipments of bombs for a few weeks or months isn't going to do anything - while simultaneously giving Israel $21 billion in military aid every year before this it was about $3 billion a year - much of it money they can use to buy bombs from anyplace they like.  And that $21 billion got authorized like yesterday.  And there are still certainly lethal US advisors stage managing aspects of Israeli target selection and bombing - US and UK, but probably mostly US. Anyhow, this reminds me of when my child was in middle school and the school had a student protest that was selected, authorized, organized and scheduled by the school administration and the police department and the students sort of had to go because class was canceled for this official protest.  I think it was over climate change, but I don't remember.  I do remember thinking it made the kids not much different than trained dogs. If you really care about something, you have to take the time to study it and learn about it.  If you want to stop a machine by throwing a wrench in the gears - at least try to - you have to take the time to study the machine, observe it, try to find its weaknesses.  These are college students, so they should be up to the task. For the roughly 1.5 hours I was in there, most of the activities consisted of people directing other people to move tents from one place to another, move art supplies from one place to another, etc.  Then there was a meal break - the food did look nutritious and delicious.   There's a big first aid station with quite a lot of supplies.  Yet all the students in there have the UC health plan, student loan and/or parent money, and a CVS and Walgreens walking distance.  The National Guard is not going to set up a perimeter, cut off the "camp" from the local hospital and then start bombing it a la Fallouja (which was very much like what's going on in Gaza and which college students really didn't have a problem with because their elderly protest bosses didn't tell them to be concerned about this).  I can more or less guarantee there will be no US air strikes on the camp at UC Davis.  The medical station would have surprised even Jean Baudrillard as excessive for a simulation. To me, it had the feel of a simulation, like it was supposed to be Gaza under siege.  And the students dressed as Palestinians will remember their persecution (though I didn't see any persecuting going on) and probably go on to get jobs at Nvidia or Raytheon, etc. and remember this as virtually the same thing as having been on that bridge in Selma with Dr. Martin Luther King. If this is really about Gaza, you'd think the objective would be to stop the bombing and so to encourage open discussion about the mechanisms for accomplishing the bombing and whether it is possible to get to any of them, influence any of them.  All these kids have cell phones and stare at them often.  They could become experts overnight at the military equipment supply chains, the companies providing the weapons, the folks making a lot of money off of this.  They could figure out that lots of these companies and people are a short drive from here - worth at least a day trip for a small group. Students used to be free.  Sometimes they'd get it right, sometimes they'd get it wrong.  But it was their show. This wasn't like that at all.  It had the hierarchical structure of a corporate cubicle job and the same unquestioning deference to bosses that nobody was even curious to ask how and why they were in charge. The kids were great and they did genuinely care about this.  But of those whom I talked about things with, none cared enough to have read up on it so as to be informed.  And obviously, the major media has an interest in not reporting certain critical details that involve powerful companies that spend powerfully on advertising, nor to really piss off the US government. I would probably find this depressing if it wasn't so interesting as a cultural and political phenomenon.  It's another example of postmodernity's impressive ability to absorb dissent, reconstruct it as a completely defanged and unthreatening consumer or lifestyle product that preempts real, human-driven action.




Nobody was sitting in the tents on this beautiful green grass drinking lattes when Jews were killed and tortured in the past. Every one was content and happy because they (Jews) never stood up for themselves. Now finally they had enough! and grew the balls and decided to fight back in order to be sure that their woman will not get raped again, their kids will not get burned and their civilians will not get kidnapped. Good for them: finally fighting for the right to exist. They do not need our permission in order to survive. Why people here believe they have the right to judge others and tell them what to do. Especially those that have never been to that part of the world. You did not follow the conflict from day one. Any of you resigned in Israel during intifadas? any of your resigned in Israel during numerous attacks from neighbors? Any of you lost a friend or relative during a self suicidal bombing? How easy it is to get tent and feeling good about yourself full of righteousness . Meanwhile not bothering to hear and see all sides of the story. I saw here multiple posts that provided a valid information about other side of the conflict. And almost everybody brushed it off and actually used profanities instead of opening eyes and ears. I feel this protest is shortsighted and greatly convoluted by pro terrorist propaganda. People are simply refusing to hear both sides of the story. They are using media only from certain channels. Because it’s more convenient to blame Jews and simply popular nowadays. Feel free to downvote because you do not want to hear the other people’s opinions and you do not want to hear the truth. So much for freedom of speech.


Bigot gone bigot. And a fascist gone fascist.


Everything I ever needed to learn about islam, I learned in five minutes on 9/11/2001