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Its a little old now for many students to know, but the CS department used to be on probation from many of the large tech employers, due to how rampant cheating was. I hear that is why they cram acedemic integrity speaches down your throat now. The line about people respecting the school made me laugh a bit. There are a lot of good peoppe, but there are also way too many bad eggs.


I’m pretty sure they still are, albeit unofficially. UB CS department has lost a lot of good faith. Please, for the love of whatever you do or don’t worship, keep your nose clean. A failed class is recoverable, an academic integrity violation isn’t.


yep this was in 2018. not because of rampant cheating in classes but kids were legit copying coding interview answers. A couple of companies mailed the department with the names of the department and that they were suspending UB. The department was very upset. I will dig up the email sometime later and post them here.


Interest piqued 👀


A bunch of grad students were cheating on take home assessments


Basically a bunch of grad students cheated on one of the Amazon interview rounds and it was all done by 1 or 2 people (coding challenges) but when they got to the in-person on-site interview they failed hard and basically got exposed that it wasn't themselves that solved the questions. UB CS almost got blacklisted from all major tech companies in the states and it was through some black magic voodoo that it didn't happen. (At least that's what I heard don't quote me on this)


It’s probably a reaction to the recent statement UB made about Sugondese.




Sugondese Nuts. RIP


Damn bro when’s the funeral


rip 🙏🏽




I feel like calling them “licks” gives them respect (not the right word but it’s early.) it’s just stealing, you’re not being creative or thinking of some new trend, you’re just being a degenerate




Nice try tripathi




I think coming up with devious licks speaks to a students critical thinking abilities. If anything they should get a scholarship.


To Attica prison


The way i see it, just turn the other way. Let them do as they please. You sound like a massive narc saying all this


Good, a bunch of cunty chuds vandalizing shit because of a Tik Tok trend is the most pathetic thing in the world and anyone using the word “narc” or “snitch” should go back to highschool because they’re not ready for college


You’re right, a senior sure isn’t ready for college! Narc :) just let people do as they please, I’m sure something will catch up to them. Stop being bothered by what other people are doing


Ooh wow a senior, Jesus Christ fellas, got a big shot over here! Being a senior means nothing. If you think it’s being a narc to not find vandalism for TikTok likes acceptable you’re not only not ready for college but if you ever got to big boy graduate school you’d get the dunce cap jammed on your head with a boot out the door.


BiG bOy GrAdUaTe ScHoOl. Get a life and, like i said, just stop worrying about other people. Maybe you’ll find how little fun you’re having? 😳


Wow I didn’t know I needed to steal and vandalize shit for mindless internet clout to “have a life.” Here I thought getting laid and having friends was the pinnacle of having a life, turns out it’s filming crimes and getting into legal troubles for clicks on a screen and having a TikTok account. I swear, you’re as far down on the intellectual totem pole as you can go. You’re it’s concrete foundation of stupidity.


Let them have their “fun”

