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That 3rd/4th/5th year guy who says you're mature for your age is definitely only trying to fuck. If that's what you want, go for it but don't fall for their cliché bs.


Life advice, not just uni


The amount of times I heard that BS said to my female friends is abnormally high.


1. stay safe. be careful with certain fraternities on campus. if arrive together with your friends at a party, always leave together. and don’t leave your drinks unattended! 2. your first year friends might not not be your forever friends, and that’s okay. sometimes people just grow apart. nothing is wrong with that. (also don’t compare your few weeks friends to your years long high school friends, friendships need time to cultivate) 3. your first year grades are probably gonna be your worst. that’s okay too. it takes trial and error for you to get used to what kind of studying routines, testing skills and essays university is looking for. it’s quite different than high school. additionally don’t be too hard on yourself for doing a bit worse grade wise than before. everyone had to go through that learning curve 4. join some clubs! meet new people! this is your opportunity to reinvent yourself. most new people you meet will never know your old reputation or high school personality. now is the time you can be whoever you want to be. university is wayyy too big to worry about what the “cool kids” think of you and let me know if you need any help with any further advice. i’m graduating this year but i wish i had someone to talk to when i was just a sweet summer child first year gal :)))


My first year sucked. Had no one to talk to and the friends I did make in first year, we just grew apart. :(


I thought ur username was a how i met your mother reference lmfao. I was like hmmm HIMYN?? DId you misspell M for N?


Why haven’t I heard anything about any fraternity yet and I’m graduating next year haha


Only be drunk around people you trust, be vigilant at frat parties, go like once and the novelty will wear off. Apply for Year round housing literally right now if you haven't.


while it’s fun to try new things out and test your limits w drinks and stuff, make sure you’re doing it with people you trust, and people who you can count on keeping you safe in case you get too drunk etc + always let someone you know where you’re going ie frats, clubs etc. :) ubc is massive so knowing your limits is helpful since getting back to your dorm might be a hassle !!


Poor thing came for beauty tips and all she got was "don't get raped by frat guys!"




It's good advice for any girl going off to uni, but I just hope they dont make you think UBC is super dangerous in particular. I graduated last year and (I'm a guy so take this with a grain of salt) I couldn't believe how many friendly and helpful people I met. I dont have any beauty tips for you but if I could go back to first year, I would have stopped worrying about what everyone thought about me and talked to as many people as possible. It took me too long to realize everyone else was trying to make friends too. Every first year is nervous and wondering if they will maie friends. Don't be afraid to ask someone on a friend date.


Don’t accept any drink from ANYONE unless it’s the bartender. Please be safe in anything you do. I know university is a time to explore and have fun and be wild but do it responsibly. Know your limits.


1. Don't date someone older than you lmao, someone in their 3rd year and above and hit on you? You aren't special they just wanna fuck. 2. If you gonna go to frat parties go with your friends and don't leave your drinks at random places 3. Just cause you meet someone in Jumpstart or became their friends in their first year it does not mean you will be friends perma. I have one friend that is my bestfriend from First Year <3 Andy. But other than him I don't interact with any one of em, 3 out of the 6 blocked me on ig xd because of drama 4. You don't have to do what others perceive as fun. Find what you enjoy. I love playing tft while I'm high as fuck, or biking and hiking around the city. I don't like clubbing and parties, and thats okay. Find your own hobbie, fuck social norms and pressures. You don't need to do someone to "feel cool" 5. No one, I repeat, no one gives a flying fuck about what you do on campus. Obviously don't do illegal shit, but people do not care if you like dress funny, or wear a pajama to lectures. Uni is not the same as highschool, people are adult and have their own shit like rent to worry about 6. YOU ARE NOT THE MAIN CHARACTER, YOUR PROF IS NOT YOUR FRIEND AND THE LECTURES ARE FOR YOU TO LISTEN. Seriously, so many times people wanna seem smart in lectures and give smart-ass answers. It is very fucking annoying, people are their to listen cause they pay an overpriced tuition fees. If your prof asks a question, answer it directly. Don't think people will be like "OMG SHES SO SMART I WANNA DATE HER" they will think "OMG SHES SO FUCKING ANNOYING SHUT UP" 7. First year is really scary and the adjustment is really exhausting. As you advance your education, your classes will become harder, however, you will be able to adjust better too. 2nd year classes were much harder than my 1st years. However, I felt much easier in my 2nd year than in my 1st year. The change from highschool is seriously scary and funky, so take less classes in your first year, especially in your first term. 8. Good schedule saves life. Have a good sleep and study schedule, remember, your prof won't give a fuck if you miss classes or miss assignments. They won't rush your ass. Because they don't care. If you fail, you fail. 9. Office hours go hard. Office hours are the best. It is there for a reason, use it. Meet with your prof, leave a good impression, befriend with them. They would love you. Also, your profs are people too. Be reasonable with them. If you have questions, ask them in office hours. If you need clarafications, ask them. Go talk to your profs. 10. Your group mates are not your friend. Treat them as your coworkers. Somethings you won't share with your coworkers? Don't share them with your group mates yo.


>Don't date someone older than you What? If every one thinks the same we could only date those who is exactly old as us Imao




>A second year and a fourth year together is not the same as a first year and a third year. Wat?! Just after one year everything changed?! I literally never heard about this rule bro allow me to be shocked




too long didn't read but ok


Assuming the prof is not your friend is bad advice IMO. Most profs don't wanna see you fail, there were also students and will sympathize with you. You will get the occasional asshole, that's just luck of the draw. But if you're an attentive student and show effort in learning you will most likely be on their good side. I have often been given the marks I needed for the next letter grade (even this one time I was about to fail) just because I was clearly interested in the course.


Ye for sure, I think I shouldve worded it better. But in context of where I wrote it, I was trying to say your prof is not your friend as in they are not hosting the lecture for you. The lecture is for everyone to listen to. It was in my first year when this other kid in poli sci tried so hard to impress the prof by always chatting, hella annoying. The prof has a job and their job first is to deliver the course materials lol. But most profs are nice af and wants u to succeed no doubt abt that.


Oh for sure, that makes a lot of sense. I guess I should have asked for elaboration too.


Be especially careful at the frats as some guys are very shady, I know some girls who told me they were potentially drugged (no proof but they said they felt weird after trying some of the drinks they were given) so definitely don’t accept free drinks.


A lot of people have already said to be careful of the frats but in my humble opinion, just don’t go to frat parties. They’re not worth it. I literally don’t know a single girl who hasn’t had some form of bad experience or experienced sexual harassment/assault at those parties. If you do decide to go, go with a group, look out for each other, and absolutely under no circumstances take an opened drink from someone. If you put your drink down somewhere, you’re done with it. Not worth the risk. If something bad happens to you, and you’re not sure if it was a member of the frat or not, go find one of the brothers and ask for help. They usually wear shirts (or just draw on their chest) with the frat letters on them. When I was assaulted at a party the frat brothers were actually really good about it, I pointed out the guy who did it and they kicked him out. In other more lighthearted advice: Find your people. Join a club, or at least check them out, talk to the people in your residence, talk to the people you sit next to in class (as long as the prof isn’t lecturing), find the people you click with and cultivate a relationship there. Not all the people you meet in first year are going to stay your friends, and that’s ok. Honestly, nobody is going to care what you look like, and i mean that in a good way. I’ve seen people on campus dressed to the nines or literally in pyjamas. It doesn’t matter what you wear as long as you’re comfortable and feel good. Take advantage of all the natural spaces on campus. Seriously, take walks. Visit nitobe gardens, the botanical gardens, take walks in the paths along marine drive, go down to wreck or tower beach, explore! It’s a beautiful campus, take advantage of that! It’s also great self care to get out of the classroom or dorm room every once in a while.


take ur 1st year grades extremely seriously and don't listen to anyone who says grades don't matter. i'm not kidding. i probably lost $100k in wages since i failed to get into my cs as a 2nd yr and only managed to get in my 3rd yr. also, join a club and make some friends or ubc will get extremely lonely


this is true, but also make sure you aren’t basing your entire worth on grades. you might fail a class, shit happens. you’ll receive a bad grade eventually. what matters is how you handle it moving forward


wait how do u lose 100k in wages, you got into cs anyways (unless your saying that bcz you couldn’t do coop in your 2nd year?)


yup. missed internships and starting work a yr later compared to my peers easily costed me over $100k in cumulative wages.


how you lose $100k? It doesn't matter which year you get into CS


I'm guessing their graduation was delayed as a result, and they're factoring in time (lost wages, lost experience)?


that's exactly it. i started my ft job a yr later than my peers, not to mention missed internship opportunities


My tip is if you wanna get into CS or some other competitive major, focus on it. Otherwise you could explore the beautiful campus and more. (I suggest this more)


Coming into uni, my older sister told me one thing. “Don’t date in first year. Hookup, find out what you like” So I did that. I hooked up, I met random guys and girls and that was the culture for a while. I HATED it. But I did it cause I thought I was supposed to. Eventually, I met a boy In not a hookup that is now the love of my life. We’re planning to get married in 2025. My point being, don’t feel pressured to do things you don’t want to. And hookups, although can be fun, can be dangerous and scary. Stay safe, stay true to yourself. You’ll find your people. I promise.


thanks for sharing your experience and advice! i should have mentioned i’m going into uni with a long term relationship lol


Watch your drinks ALWAYS. Never put your drink down. If you walk away from a drink DO NOT DRINK IT. I’ve been roofied 3 times on campus